The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-09, Page 474" II.4 �A U4, w lC LU IIII, V .0 UH� �y U, USINE, S B LTINO N A� EFFORT IlBELOW*- ARE'%.CO_0P93� J _ANY LARQ: Al ALUES EQU .4 . I 1DITORIAL9 WIL% C TIONA-1 "Buy. 90V A ,,)L 1 Om. N BE EFIT U. Q! inn 'G TAK 'A' M UNIT -REA 1) JNT COM D TUE X t IANP ;11JO09T, IT R.,E TOWN YOV-.CALL 'h I,.m Ad ;tt,s; n S IA -411 'td r W t kR views'non. An &-y, '� _' L I., , DR -EP,' -P4JX -AT-HOMr..CAM PAION h- e,-w.a qiworkiip asV t, not, ge Is ppe -diA , K, . Clothing f ot al T e ,,q A! , 11 " A SUPPORT of: t1rinted. Foul C _0 ate er., , I tii, lit ti, tJ If AND -HE P' h uildin*9z a 6ths, Piq;u,qs.,,,. and' OU, nMu' re v 8 111!111k Nor I4 62— Dixd;i; Ieen w- *qs 3. E Prnff� Chij , "O't YO V 75 $1, 05- naion in the P d it It kep., going �"qpand 1). Hei�,di h a arinw fit ixeeze' Cloth, Reef" r Costs; el6i eel the vill4jo,w,, 'it j9sitI6 .57c. -0 cle.,!ring ht ing at g� W. e u I,R,e h lqr.gq..,p*penditre Inpor e a'paple d ny Wor0hull ver S,weatiBrs ifilt bi FtUrn" hiq Cups �Rq -,at iror, s- sefigin4jivol It'.eiiod: Ahe Small, Q antit Fleeced lb6mbinatidns, C 9 euese, Black,, cleiiiin at- do - t dieso W . ool Cashme . r Cups S x e W& fidt sayo, just 'theif 'Shai Tit ue;cpQw on Ism - % an . ounc�ii r ay vi4i1d­`-4ii r Our ''Cle-aring blofith.:- 69t'Yop 'report an 0 Rur ane e0h W L ALFRE_ 61E U nr.0 :appeared 'L.. The to','be'n' P i"'t d ''Vegaables -he 1'6x" 001I - although 0! -D, lad C Aces foroil the Sdh ;41m.. ary, Pd*, 01 IV K-KRZIE ir. kilo "Minoto(k1w he St. Ia t ibuld hoir_� ,ruk a an eali, Ralizalv-M id . �41. , . . . I - .11 IOro cc lad .1r4w $,TikeA four "Yemp 0, hi 'K oem'. wumf .M tD T�R AND M�E �"g READ V -to .-At rei HOL Of, QV E.- lj6i. e1, R J C ';GHTNING OREAD, mron -G,. HAND A .4 too A An Re if. V.. C. I i /0, of ar naloss tawns�ip� P�RONE'27 would like I e �14 fito TH!, E b Oehilemefi' H tion avm a plephon mediutuly D., C. 74y.lor, sece of ue. p6oni Is 1111'. W RL Mr. d se;V 'boraer ec� is dppq unAzy ot a lo�,qerdd- loy or le I mon. 5. it d',ijoke for. -a short ii�rtid, "C ito BIN)& b.y' in-, tioD5 I ipt')n py a mold tchenei At and' ifilluoince. If C it ki som S011110 r and, justify thq,;g rrui ,q;*.! omp� .. 1, - . a. pai 0 ad r;ice, and i�ackingi Chiaj�en'moi4ssq. Clothifig and Fu 11tes 1 twespoon-; ING. *04 be _040f thg - care.,, --O for, 1he'teachft.itAto- --aud: iL �.THR OLD,'WISH: alt for five. CLEAN a-tb * _n His quoted qai 01Y U ful �Iot gel�±ine iO �4, ME— 01 "jing- �'This�;- SAM TAAT,'YOU:JVlA'V HA %vitb the ' k to otato e th ken stock, ten dissolve' it in ? .:'. I . 1 �aii -Irb A HA a NO ti&d mQuil gS, c�pfjjl of boi PE 61r"Milloss othe �.remier posit A HAPPY W -EW YEAR VOAU beaten 9-111y, Sea-. Y arid, PROS diiis. Qen:tl6tnbif:4HaVij� own fier I -d-s r b I lq� MOR W �i jy it. t, ain'. set asi(id to e- ill NEW YEAK �pe ra ei,, lk ft d the oirve4- you., fo d, hen tile, mixture WO �auee 1-plae?-t begins, to left f cm, the an 6h t trustee. Board V­nii I- d91VO e*ce ad I I cuPfill— heTeloplidnie 70, ethicken; bea lorlef,� he WO it with. the,;agg'be6ter. ,e h d c vege- . r6sp, ctiv�­ mue ,h influezige, ow Itnt'ser""i e scliqo!L The high, Ota reamed': ler6am that has. been beaten until it is friothy and, scliet y on V to border stiff -and , it fi and" VA I c6okeA chick' `tpe- i tc Season to ta ,am elm . H . ­ . I i - '14� d d stewith salt and pepper. t the`bdit igiii' 's -IV ject 1111111ty b% cold 'oat- iiiiiiiii r con ted ifised, with Nyal Drug S1 oFe Turn" into molds 84 Yours faithf6l1jr" Upon, .'Your,' teachbir n chill. Baking Poder blse4its, and, water, and ziaakd Elliott stak ,espequk bo eek'w warm make excbllen-t 'mol4s, for When ready un. 'd PAD, h 001 Ve N DR. A. if., SPENCE, ti0 4A;19A be I t r in &-hot fryin"'Pall o serve,.. ELECTRIC t1EAT1 T th LB " i I . . �4 11 hp* wetors o K I par men Js so.. large ''tTis - year that 'Wi ea. His r4any. Friends cut I' to onq�-lwch u n ''to I A fourth teachoi ss ithe reves�i# of r -should' �e. eiijaj�ed ke on lettlicI6 leaves. Ladles, nAd. ,6entI4mqu-._4j3tijg itg, are :40he'Drea," d the ulou $5 slices and a 3 ov d 11 �� ill 'Te one '66' A -HAPPY NEW'YEAR e� -Ahe ikan nd laY tl]P�m Oil a DOL ..on Ito. tske"this'means 6f, A s deiirtme te. tlie'medt� annaise drIessing And erve with Way �b oft, Kr.., Tayloy� Q,, g4rulnh stuff r yq�e andArifibence c h6At.. In. : ihe s,01 ed olives and 190 Day. -.1 assure if tA points out: ro ind Ek dash of -paprika in this recipb,, as Jg �ih�q� in the'fease e -d thi electid -slisill. giviif thqaffairg of the - 1925, lieford 14y ma,y b school 9 immefllat6l'y in alijiost ill others,- tux, ellerl L. HORNE bisenit A. T toyME!hip,:my Very best4 attenti, 1001 was tfie�, V . J. , of roe a . 15 nifift, -It You W. q 9 -there is not e11011911 �subjdtuteA to Te boiling ?4;w Kai —REST, AVRANT— j4 r I& 6q�Y rqllls'�and w u4rw hgte� e To"The to too jlleet�ors 'of Kin Agency, Ladles `d0d. entlemezi: . —Being care.4 iogieat­ddal Oat was UniteV C!*ilr Store A HAPPJ.,�,EWW C the offici of Council not called , fbi b6fbre� fin-� Rcit, you . r Pi ave THON d 19 lor � Just Rtokved Shipment Of PSON Ii"ou , 10D I 'papocidully: W ments were made. -We now -s R. H ALARM - CIVCKA & WATCHES rev] i tion Day' ,060Q... Choice F Groi�ries' 'P li,lions, Etc vote and I _qfiu4nce ;on , Elo -heating, due I to improved on Mk; ment Of b6'' sure. that the sYstient arid jroPer ventilatidii. 'The (1, may And Lotp Assort ear"t1id t6 " ''hi'?, Mllfbve my 25c RRIAR PIPES, MIXING BOWL'and Remember To Rededifi lam attendance helps to keep -down 9, 4 -b attention. Wishing YU4,-- r1li-V 0 usoti, - i . . . .. : . . . of the se .1[ ardi cost.'. a M. of 75c. TEA Y UR.�,LIPTON'S ;TEA Tumer. s h6i 'For ...................... $1.00' COUPONS oes It layr,71 Dri Spence bore stated as. TH-EMARKET Very truly, T. A. Mq9re. edi er, he could. And '41nili in.. cal health offic 11�601-7Murdoch had 'Mr. -A*41 �rou, Store 82 Residence 109 to T Slifttors jot Kifil6sa -fault iAfttever with,the scho 1, i e plion s ind �Q,enttexnen:— 14'i -vin no n Ladie&4 ig g, . � We r, been ftnitnitted :for the office- of coun.; PECIAL BARGAINS, on A. making his report. $e tbought a, PROSP for, the, yeai 1,930, 1: hereby'ie- they refitef of 'the pupils, should :visit HAPPY aik"Up nue 0 'Cilt or a STEWART I,r. 0106tflillk iolicit. your 'Oote And' in- the school i)ftener than'they. -do lu'�SWEA!IIERS hildrejm: 1116h& 'I 'have -had f6ur-years ex-� A ... 0 r4q,910 930 Pe —6-6-6 and Tlainin'g Mills 'On' 'the doundil' board, and 164 centrai WA" UNDERWEA R. elected, I assure you that �Womeh's and kiss�e Ciotli Conts T..W. .S 41TH I-th t Every,'Copt Handt p -P�t - cut *he �In cknow, Hat At t It jove. es Everything In Taki in:-Ratteries or ng. Housf 'Chutch:-vill"be hold on TWSay .. ; Aii; i' to t�t bone. Buy no*,and-save at F.'T. ARMSTRONd BUILDEICS' SUP111JES Storage A' Winter gain ax oTr. Kirvg.ros.,, Wingbiam. in Also Charging Radio lfattj�es .0 All the 0 Jewditer'A Orpticiair Contraclina Iti .8 0 ! Ex pense. n. Ufa 16libone 148 Telephone To IGARS itAt 6*0- ADDRESS AND PRESE9TATIOX To The Eledors,of Kinloss. -our dAy, o . bied Radips.. All in goqd % . An inv vng IeE SH V0111 by. 16s. T. C. -accepted the iti No �v Tub bs ind Haitterfoa... ed 0,'- dpohn '' 'I RiatI06'r the-effice of Re;V6 for The 'Club If, cond on Wilkins Y i: eog coining yeay.. I take this �-.ppor- borne 6f Mrs. Chesnut last Pria y. P $45 tlp' The Jaup mebtlftg� f'the Wo- tAtefulIv licknoiiwledging aid �presefiied her -with an electric W. Luckno,*r Iiiie'. given me ethezu Ir Vote 66. percolator and the follow* LOUR Amije "ht jast and'Abilicit yo; co m g .0-1. and FORD GARAGE 0lueftee iti tho ss, Mrs. Chesnut, thugh�gteatly A�I.0 "gar Hollymad.- Establishe& 185% , a Comifik election, with addrl It *1 tl�6fit A `669d, that as I taken by surprise, thanked them for ey, 9 6 oftZe SALES & SERVIC WISH YOU *ZM tb past, their kindheiso. not only' to -day -but B Confectionery 1APPY' nd PftoSpEROUi. mp te A Calibdian.ol shall sevvi the tAtdrests of the aid 6ioceries �A 1111 �he patt months. 1,Tddd arid Mrs. las. Duru%6 p in and learn aboui. `6 Nbui6ipalft to 64 4it ot'ni bil Ste NEW ViAlt ear Mrs, qUALITr kNAD '' Wish,1111t.; you and yurs- the very We the members of the Kairthae BUIT AT NEW.4930 VORD 'C' W. E. TREL19AM -N E.W Y.t, A Advocate Of ROME." best the New Ye4r,ean,brinr, I . anti Club'tske' this- opporturilty of; See PAGE, expreg-, KINLO111GIt tit Tejo bon N Malcolm Ros phion aiihg to yo.our lippreciation of your teady� service in all the activitt6# of Mizzie ai�d Grets, Hodgki- isses NOTES . B our Cl., k E Presbyterian Gul GR 'Ott of, London are holidaying Iat the' i . r sence and P,J, UT"TON'. H 1, , , - ' ghtrher We WJ$*fi our We WtIve missed your pre home ere. The closing meethig of the 'still bi one q% us�- aYou'will A metonj M11 be held at WhItd. tot - the Luckhow Presbyterian, lkhanl4ttg Y or Your -Pair Guild, t PRIEDS E -is �Wi6ek -for wits in th form, of. a qWsi.ch Xighto, a " least', 'Whenever; dppoftuni�y per.. To OUR C-VST_6,vtERS A TENDEK T-1119',, d C chqrth"6n,'TueAd&r, of 'th s minister edbd'and mitts' You to be,Vregek'At our:meet- Dqi�g Tli� Yiar That Is Almost the� plutp. of. solietifig service .4nd'wa# *ell att, A Ally dt&yed by all present. -GR A HAPPY NEW-:tAll f6 take 490ke 4'ptiuth Kinloss: and Gone, Ve Wish -th gro. V% Alu fe#T. 'by it is"M eful and kindly 40A PY,NEWI 'V_A b Miss ISO. A� s a token As a pi. ChOsu t lollowpd by pigyq 6 inis we, ask 3T4 4mlid of �91 'y tondud. be tsC n 'held SON' THI S N 04 --GV4W' 4ft RdW Thbb­f61T6Vid -a ta n ce in, proof f he dii" 'which u r DERSON. bmiia _k it A. R.! FINLAY _Cattl0­­Tfii1df 66k AOZO -ot /W1.411199 YOU HEALTH XIAPPI- Iva We I r6fid 94 A Wd I f3i; Ing in Du,6to Miss ififid''Pine, stiver, tit M W n, in to am., k " W., od Mary ft & no" A wti ; - - _ . -.- , _W VVt4 ift . Pr, VJTTY ZeVerut -seteetimis Henry k" mjfiffiJJj;s; f We Ur PUZID I ard V ri socutu *fill: its, htid tLlsoi ex -p tohiffido, returning, Mt itLainber 'Lath Shih J(HAPPY met t4 'Istdj- yi�jr Su - nday- iiltdii "B& k OUT YEAR Qilgt. t, conjAr-lb'dte"d. Prjerl)ny awin 04, &ii, Mr. tie 'OhAld Addioft� tb y6d Ilk, ots mide 0 lid' with's message for 10.1.6 ...... ... 0 T e/ u y -C ppingg healt itha, 01U! very b qt r d a- D ast troe. J. C. Muidodb Prosperity In this, betutiful, t door public� With, fjly�fl, to Which. You flaV6 96 new offic� -of, pUblic, n at. Gar -1 da�&, ALAotig CA diail- mild, gri�xtf p rl"Ishin you A� Anon d "m, t A at th, 96yisral cnensof "I'd otonko. Irw lit behiif of th ff� av�t .1 hot ohly up .1 rd zind a t 'live. Ne .d. 6 sat -and vvell It d of OW d *-Ith i '" to $p# A II& L