The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-12-12, Page 2I-1 ....... ... ... .... -rill I41, IIII.. .... . ... Idrew,, La -a .,,r .91. An .......... - en at IIon PIt H j.9 Inal, I Anldiews. Itt aIoe........... South AA apuld 71 b 4jug � B V w alt 9-4or V U)r, att.Ac" to A 1Wasi0Al4'Ot St, A4 Ith, would � ejlem�. ee4,40,040 moxe: he ierI late 44, ith Af, his illaggura Varl I 'art oops aho possesaeO. lik *jj­y" 'A -w h%0s f(p1l I hilualf its his r. VO4 is "10 0 took St,., Oe ara, oou of the SWILIA9 W 1190, t al -that The �"Pla ak*WtXl to no'. all be -faced be po and .14,041 thO*- nt� a -W.4-dlo 10e to tm 4114ate fated on t Sir W111 L a t opful way with what d' and dep 14 art of III$ t 4t) hey I7 INj be th basis of 0, 0-olAi-jers; qft4r th0'%VALr -Ana 0 aro R" R ut' liP til Is uatural wO dl,%tVjjt4jjued. Nm a must enou4b, �Iuot 'to ruU. -U hie has t1lati 3nust,,both'be .�b the, -world be� tm the'P ..... . .. ... wall is `�Ad be . llbut on' wh4t. Ojit,.he.co�bId do just thb",alaurd, Ilk - it' lite ftrt).� rull Iad, �- -�" d Altit htm4AI (-.JUL! t t two -The drpiuglit -is the esjways:Uiakei fouf?, All IOT'it in a r;ow, will- nu- At, t1vv ;3 lave bc all out. -, I_ he��Wha­fhe i§is .but tb�i boggy s Oanlinn -to hold' 0111,, he --A)- W, P states llic dead'! Dr 6me t ed that, there ght- be nnead if# ,ml ' ' latas did omust di OF TRANPORT.XTI(l, Minds I10 mrse. t If* 2" aouoy. us get dikouraged and inove 4% w O� itt�aln in tq 4a, a -o d( if there ort or Vartin Luth front. enaggr,ssaloli'� but the, 'pr .'Tra mi vLr. -p -tafl� ns cii IGrOm'. 'that. a�U, Was DO Qrst. from r - 'o,per aappears is Itit- point of vie. f a tie nitlons, ing of,,h coull-' rho -�Il: -T.bd 'world 1p slowly leA I'toy to.'IlO that'*Ilile th-ky. wouIa not drearn iinwillil` 1.) sa men -think differeub, b tw -h t of w t.Nr I Making, -war on, other at es *e ora ji . . g .,Q at y _4 -b elieed be wicked. armies 'to, Protect ernn nt �,anb� ��pg.0 n an niviolls RT yhfao pre ors -have; eX- r,e �nQ d , A P16URESEUg TOAGFE Dy qF THIE: NO HLAND and no thfo!IL k, t I.t %I tolled 'COuragel Independence.— d� Ph�tograp4...h4e allows ba -of desi"taken in. the U'V per, OttaNya' River Valey,. 'n ai, Peinbfoke, Ont All go i enemy! in Tile Sagre, r pa, \--faturo, All ,these . ..... qre pr 0--Witf-th The�rie are nd - njda�jjjjmp A. Is: gratifyW9,�'to fellows, no douht,' but- ji�,any' dI int.' d 1h, -the e atre -t , I ouOttiour I'Atr6a orally alli 6111 JIlie 11'ely TAO quired I, -,a, .1 mf4pte� that leading journals are' t60- -ads there, foi- oal jla� mo�e thaa,words.. For we, even 'jabi -:of peace'4nd aInd gp gureo th. tf a 'late �t4 4, ore�(Vto -walk 'seing.'asAp .ha. gieaj` p a -a d More, Maiiy Graduale Ift ling, t I dia.st 00 I S nOihjng,-'�en�,e their. abi St war, it more' direotnes Uettaureate spelling I ,ritat'Os aha jars 111pY too. a b itb,`�bt by.v.1910�' tdcordleg nPj te a SOUP, _E 1, bv expexibne -h -any tMe. u:Wstor7,, 'pepper jir a; 'A -h:-! nu Iis -each one shall,' Aii at ch,, f a ,an no reason why'a,Na -he -at -0 Dr, Bridges,' howeverd hat zechleved M uc16 .Of �[Jnlnilige.` allld to, ns 8. r W6rk Canad' owl' d9is, aa&,' I)i. propext� would &L,)i .1 an .&IL �at �faitli� Into kni e eague df Nai; lons and is t r sounds' at firs(Cfalir-' .-TA4 a. great worki Tbere'g:re lines, which 7- jb' S.L. let it Iv..'Atish 9way.' rel,u E Ise which�a en awage' an r a Ag re 1. 64 Will .90 11to any dictionarY. of quota-.. TechnlcA council Nl%�hitt� 'taught. -Me 113, 0,4" out ow OxamulatIOU -many. WiRes -7190'Pap� Poepi that the Afrii� a I'. NY elat w "Sang fils thobbing'pasbion'to -but - kisisda ,e e nge,, Reports UCC as tions. Bi Per ifthoay.'. , �S ess at Verior. That 1111i ajth� is notb 8.5th feet, tabou Frowu courAg Annul al Meeti 74 oun4, to .,E4gIan4 mAk- be,enjoylllg th6 lastl is 'any :efaje savagery iai- .Is: b , I! 'That'whet 'I�g` - W4 ;hel am e OhSh Clit'Id' there cd6vf ticed that wh n a e ther Humor ias.,It ther wJI-be ;w. Is lbqeriialy. Pen- 9' .-Toront,6—'Tht-be -hundr6d.-and e,�e �;hsi hiside:-ol,' in �a the cbiirag.q to fl� i!i ;wI 0 pleldn forty ]I is- of, her "Nets Laureatei or South:Afriea�ns 'n t - 1 5 8, Canadians, m -gra utkies. conirddes. he.' "The, Saida bill will Cibifte'rate'. the hat:'Mr. MacDonald will appoilW no 1. at 6 platitude. CIA' of them ' 'd will no :among his' mhe d, -T -he 5 Ilaya ey a Irk lUdia i B d6s,_51101114 IfHai'Dr Brid ea written 2I m ot.Canadlgn'unl�ersities,, wen;l placa 9 sue'Cessor to Rob,er A aster- 'gl'ued a:gretOL' �ssenijal, a orst"Of the Isl 9 ­camiot conlPiTe with yours� nave has br started 'a crus,ad au'adjaii. maild- It' �Ojp. mmin ��ance. IndW Ill's GO'Vernment outlive the p6et. Mr. piece is for' during the �edr 'witir C heaid'peoole, "'ke Wbi-eh it �needed. ti), mak oely . ­ 111. ed,t1cat'.011 ." I .. . . the eyes:v �' 't, I Od and D him'fo eiplainJ!'. otli�r bust- f all Cjv.jjjzs4-,jia,,' bridges, -haq.,f Vil as' arid, �0eepfrs. lhey art, 6 the 0 .ounA-4o ins ration I cer I. ., - r value t Iy6uli, 0i)e:6 & gr.eate of hnical h . e.kliew more curren 2 �4�4. wbe'y-oind, doubt, ad maria*gQ4. and. deaths d gL the' �irthg, 1,ne.ss estab ishplents'c.y the Tee t than if COM S&vice Council, aceording -to''reports . . partnienl:ait._ of 'nition of -Which-'-wat ruce and! nzis. than 11110.q men could -ever good In Sou,n A�.' -tea' 'by :vica. in Its' I the designed functlbm� OVA 1%lovourne rgus- I z at M i train. �jill cohie. a re- is standi '��ubnjit Pd1mer i InGlans. . .; I 1, Ot Is Of,..MaiMAkaj.!aAd Was, senijulously bVieryed. befdre,Australia beatep:nlau, leader .CbiaIrMa,1T,:6f, the, 1�,xe&itiite Commit- e, of a igort her a9pec -in. a c t -, I 4 vision 0 a. iae ie 4z 'go; ng kt �hq clos 'a rielpMantla' by � Alfred T6ify9ou. a —beaten by., om- iee, at the .. a,nnua. rileethig vt the -h b ra of 0'ex, least Dr, of: 4 four or. 'tive, slee d,)' ' 'board the hospital'lIteam-' Man nd beatel� p, rty jes, 7 ere r on -dests 01011 lad" P L, 'O�L, 'I " L" 'b tly. .,do B,kevvz-se. a 11shor". dehil4hvde w1I;`hvb to be -replaced' I omissi6na''Lmay, however, -be, and, Coun.dil 'bere of �elf-C,pioonated fO14Y all the mer. fu'l A Skimk t%vent�. ive yeafs ago, _i;e;� oi. -his "Who breaks' , P' S,", 'Included among tlieSe �h rzy i'.. A . gtxqs,*. T4q _Q0114ted a minor offenselinview -interest. self !k- I ­h a afb-T 'leaving t'Allwdrall W e 'not xbr want, any 'medicine. WOq be go' eaYly inirriigff tIVIVY. inel has never been truer than it op-Iniah. the scti�d.friiliii t liniverls! le I ve 3-,q other Tbe d ',war In thp 'world Of of, those who crificd the plain atc wanted was' of 'which L he-, w�n� Mer#ly,Tv.#9tIn9.-tIme savager,Y ;�n avo sa era of Indlqla tes themselves fdr a 11ill Pi ry ouoChimera c0untrios� They were, back gly er Ili Ok '," says the obvic -D hd'none'wtatever. H40 would e don Daily'ExA of Ina facts to the' WK ON ER-FUt 1�0 'h 'less 4 fallen from to -Canada . and placed - �n -positions d o b ief eil i, press "and the. sfrtk� will, be elacour. of.hope . axpectatioiis. ntr'S witirk,-fot ds,;'o. �as, JEAth and 14eif influellice Is boun A . . . j iYoueh6j,els are w eu 16-ars a day 'ea"Pe , �i L t Forty. y a �L fields.", aj�d 'by.., none other thah Dr. obert -' here. on %U wiv'eS,' � 9, r.QUg 't th allL Cal ani, cul6x �I' Varlia- ng engiPd,ers, from grp4t positi no O -to day IIn: social' 06litit In ea outs N e O* ijid Oa 4g,3 Nvb opened.a large p aiiAge pena z- I'- Cntly,the Orthodox -Hill-. tirldje�, the Pqet Larreate,11le singer. m6lit jtseI4, Air.. Bruce' shines'. more the British 'Isles were. a, b I tathe4. tog the rooms. ing new P.P. brightly .�nd self.- hoipital, buillt Ol. regakd, -the. legislatldh*.rpa� with the �.Tra ist Ain For *ith- in his determined Canadian positions. If 1h d E 6uriged by "the sucoess attalu- s, Tavkr. who c"� an d sbe g If ere from, the , report th0,6utt benefit'ot col�mltte to support - less tollowing of the path of.4uty and steel.c.' tral. Imembers O'i ih� Technical n,bntj salld -.hat she ai�, ad Its E11413.110-1 he has r6open or A he, nat On 8 rUe*j th modern �'@, of. 6dAhequestion.of t� I t a6vlopinent' W4 ed to date 0 Mind 've, steh pretty andLevexy ilossi .qqu,.p- over Jt[e Country of those.W are now .4cele r 1 oheathler. hk d a 'P fi Service, Gou-nell - uUa-A-ImdWly decided wiied -the- Cara&a-ii 1 I wi Itr 11 Thegb: ref6i;;ie t any his I SL Its Cue to continue aad enl You ha '00" ;had orthodox drus'. malAtain that,ehild, The Daily.1pxpres. n wilfing jhe vittorY. Me. leaves, beh arg,� tb�, scope 7i2en* utwe one in the hz,�uime --re. fr0m a fine -laboatory with rdin . g to:'-o'ome. Indian 4'That �W­h ild, savagery, magnificent reco eff6As;i Ths'cciun6l,Was brg4n: ijoined -bytheir rdliglon. eive' thier is a r(I of.jeric eir i'maitlage Is in leis 'than two ears agq-f6 thelit is a luxury, niJ'thas� C_ ,an r�4ium, i -rays aild qolafiulm d6wnw rd. -beg njillig. S,� thsy,�egA d. e: W I , as !I -In- ther wil be Wal*.": , ter.0 u. T th no dw. i6letement, but rkoihwg in A t meazis'� the I re pay x -c -re a That - bo ' and'his Labrador assistants oi keepin-g-Canad-i4n univer� ftord. W y io The Purr.G.5e s6clal reform. 'iDi-.` Bridges 'published iiecently, eliilmeiltar, - 4u'd �eer hag. More become hilly than his frin V rights' gj.ng the isit- -ry bit of it,without -aid'from: graduates in .CgLuada and td month for" the' built evc -talks effeet,;wd $ITO told,' -prIv l6ges of alarge sectidu o h1s.IM! 4'n his eighty4iftli bit 4y, 'The Tea- *bbe � t,L , cheerful an into closer house. soon Ild d tiilfaltering � courage 1j, �sitls bring the universities to being, anithe-, i6styiiV 'Indian aubje6ts:! -tament of Beauty,, (oxford University facin 'd presenting t4efii �to g facts an trial, filian- Inas 'tionAry. civilization touch with C!Vladjan Indus The 'dic iple. -who e diiii by eli ResolutionN CO24blaping th�. action of I filing. , "Hall wid. press a poem - 'of 190 pag a ears however unw wvh6re we are.,, re- �4 munity QgM, Leglaiati-vd'As�embly eated to the Kmg, aodUlnent 'Work jarewell," 10 all that-cai-Jaow be said ap: org Ial cial and , tinsIortation' conditJous. -heref are not kno-wn On- #- anized com X.G141VA4 AU the Indian ong organization . a . co;Obertting We ja5t, hw:e Pat i h means P daced, War I,.; the negation In W.h.1 AM are "Ith, rel% eust6ia- W-hilla -at a'lM' dting at Tlitu Iell are pas ages of grbai- Pow0r, -to bjm�, #e',Is down, but he is r jjjoeL�V. n 6 don slid p"elly P e with the council those reTirlesent- beqause we have'no u eens :0 kft- f real & -tion." 'r ebide4 atd s�eer- -beauty. The- a e b 61i. Is' A and being rii�t,. fie and his Cause southern'l it, which are. In turing. banking., trans- th�m. ouf," there not A suspicion .,,of,. Im- ndl t ining,� dep modsis Infallibility in our dubbing as "try don "'A '.#,Government of poetic revolution; the. f6undal1011 'Of it shall rise again. -Ing rn�kfiufact the artraental Dii. Taylor, admits he �oes r � I':, , , Madra�s HiOdn' portati6n, 1h, the t 'r fool or liar so eminent an ob- Iw a public --:Meeting' holds. .that' new -spelling which . experts.belleve �ineerillg coAcerns, -trlist the eountr; �O, *Tzpped r.�,� e tores. - eng ha samskara (Ob- may revolutlqWze literature. Square"'Deals at lRou'rid Tables i he prop�c,ses lse:�ver of. physical, facts:as Sir Oliver colInpanies and other Institutions. - in his�work s be, hi to! long, has retU d' 4 G' -for the D*ijas - 'IT e. Laureate," silent so, �Sfii brAlneAt"S aC­ ligaionorbStitUti Hong ICpng' We6kly oun I reported, hat,many rn for another eight years and wn- The C 19dge In- so exact a, gpjence as mathe- Cl tions e. 10M.a bomb; under 9nglish 1-iterg- Rob hag appbal6d , to employed, men enh's I#j" Jr 6iielhiaited �,t.the L twice -born. or the three higher exp ert Ho Tu Is q,� gj*jin . . , r paipot see -Antoit an outrage. on Caiiadian ludgetric cedes that he m Kshatily0i, and' turm- "K .9 beeause. our eye q Ill) Brahmaas,.. Chlang Rai Shk, Yen Hsi Shan, FeV 6 sti with speciallie4 ti�alning for the first out there. what his eye has seen, &Oukb we -Chang sAu I ation, 12 Hittell. Liang nindil AIZ thit it should, therefore, The poem lb startling." At times It �(u Hsiang' and" time Miring the- Year, and that.a very Speaking of the, poit: , IV ormed abcording.to, rivals Words*4*ffi in buga m to th6ir d4yerences at a round- small. I perc;Ataje c this 'year's gra-, he �belieives that, Herio -haa c iAto Must.. admit that his thinking.machine These dIs'66rdi;i VId*# eiebal nd Ve- Continue to be.pW I discuss I g Ut ry re h sen' many oth6r truths Which deho n toth'-Iftdianaedlted.. "4, British texts; that no,t.emporal, plicity sometimes It is ag abstiva�;� -'tab e conference). We fear" tl�e' 16 -In science ftom C the apfrituat duating classes all' the Dutch sappoeei;s of, Smuts for he ours 'Will never be able to discern?' edited journals. The enthusiasm of .'of the State Is coin- tortured -as Browning at his worst, little foundatibn for Sir Robert HO ave been o0ged legislativ6' body adian universities b seems to have many behind him who I 11 t4se d I The pea. got 6f s round- a to flud positiong.. "Surely revelation Is -not' a a eve Orin tie . n petent to -make Inno*jitIons In the said Again there are pasta 114 Imism concerning a I to leave Cithid in the old days were back of the E'(Aha7.",,�t) Tung's opt differences be-, t,Ltr th,th e -for alacknesi, 'either of thought "re)j whogiil -obaervgtfogs are ggmskara; that the Sarda marriage awes U . at the reader drAws table settlement of the Smrit� party. or of, iiroik d a y c6lidensed , bill to a direct Violation of the* �rellgl- breath. tween the Big Four, men, ho. appe g he to' -1. - w a Of Herzc �'-Wbat 'would the game of.1fte be in ''t , ous and thbk spiritual conception of "But 411 hrough the poem, as If his . to have nothing. in common but mutual ty. - and Prohibition r L ' a 1:6 South I. orm:1 'less say there were two -prierraer orld where all the sport was cont- tias reasolt io 1he ' I' db a (religion) of the pen were # lancet, 1W.. Blidges has dislik'is, and Jealousy. The alternative Calcutta Englishman.: Scarcely A X a V fetome'v av, age am -Jr" a—]4erzrg =01 he IIndfaii DV9j -the Opi Mercialized, and all the individuality. 6ratlft is'not,nec9spartly war—Mleft9t, not On. significant tban.the recent growth of talked to." jrejof&�- over, the *brk.'Of, the _;in that It phould,'ther6fore, placed thh language on AisemMy'"Just e6naluftd as, 6U� a - car ed at the spell. ous 'Cale. ' There Ire Illicit drinking In the UnItild States *xhlf.b saves,life from being a s6rdid be pposed' by .411 legitimite' and t4ble and, nd. v a 'really serf 119 field Of "Odrda b I t4 other.,waya of patching -u -P differences, to the change, le -an )LOPIlgh' 1!8." � - ffig. that has cbrine over the tragefiy instead of a glori' �eacqtil Mek _ 'Aul stialian Work in the -phonftic. sit. babits of England 'in the last gone put -Of it?": johli marriage it" pe�rha,pi I M9 "The MoM.-is'-psisjoo i ld' Ot reate The � Orthodox among'. the and China may—we'earnestlY hoPe social 6 an unwr- ent letters go'by' the ord. 'CaptLivial wil Afteen.yeirs, during wblCfi peribd Antakctic �,Inj Andrei� was man, all preViOuS 606141'] Alap regard the Mbasurea. 1 --be - sparqd another disruptive The passag f is 'Captiv" 'W .1 war. krue, such' a, there 'hifj een a decline of 50 a 0 0 tyanted "Intrusion the customal'Y' utbre, who re&m .19 'owl "Ibere"Is ak of- civil per Cape'Arg e -The tak.cf the*V- a. lovable, impulsive man" T� Tft 16 SulliPtI04,01! covery It; gatherizrg. know ledge wbl(,,h' the bilt by kxty�ieyen votei against ble the" .. ku orrjilbs ,will leaethe-.'rea-I cause Of Gent. In the national. con never knew when bo-wa lighte(l, and law I applica to. In th settlement.. The change may prevout the ex'temination 61 th� was alw' �.iourteen Inau gurites,-A. new epoch In on. the Sheriat, jislamic law) cried the trouble precisely where It was b6- beer and'spirits, ays loyal—to the last ditch; brought ta.,particularlSt fioticeable to & kng- *halt is of , wcrld-wide Importanef'.' a man strong in 00CIVO reform in this 0.0untry. [themselves hoarse, but Without ef- fore. Until the armles, are. 11 I dolt bill was i.f4d. Finding opp avail, W -hp un- Ti6ad, re- whalermon, ba. -;e Of- 'husim�'68'; Of controllp(l will a man 10 said Ili critics the osition of�no mpletely Wider civil control, t lishman who, after, years ab O new during .1,K -b6 -fflth all' oitr fear, Offi�Cllkl Od beT pasaeM fhb ad of Sir Abdul Qayum, A Dielil fiappy people Of Cbf�a appear doomed turns 'home'on - lea -v e; he is - at -'Once to -h ��eamed Int The fack Is It would of the'Indlan In4he hands oi struck with the almost COMPIstg ab-' their hOnte, dr-clare that the xat LQjqlatiVe Aasenitl�, t be helpless tpawns for vffoiring, mid for. fallurv, made 9uropeark votesi 0 baV6 bein' paasej, tnii�.,fi eiXTIer it 'that "Various discot.dant ilval War -Lords. B ,jared ut how'thoe with-! sence of drunkenness In tbe streets biropoan. and Official, votes Vad not, parties". In the'Legislature had cal- out power are to vv�ost'authorlty frbm which used. to be -a famillir Siturdiy rn�ny ­rhaios th'at noy fear Of all the ag(..q by his ,�I;hlhno ITO' obstructed Its pasaagqi On the pre. IgUorated -to secure Its passage. That those Who. have force at their com- night feature of 'Gd�strlal -towns In the Ir,stInfitr' .dylrg. their was a ma.n tbo lini"I't- 4a gone by. Recently tublIsh-, floating facytrrkii to jittle ;hootIng- a sent occasion the bill'..wduld certainly! rema)�k it taken as a text by the Bri. mand Is a problem as yet unsolved. the d an(p.of I, (� r,jog in flip whe(.], ml ,a ! r ,I ll.1 lhave'Ibbell accepted by 'the Asiembly tio'oivned.And British -edited Aladras. ed statistics are illuminating. In this t)rxg:a in an �nejmoa forest keelatng tbre,ir all hn w, -to EVA resliect; whereas n 1913 'the nOrnbirr. wIlh gi�mp. -.8ir Douglas and "yr.t- hP r. even If officials hpLd kept aside. Mall for n edit.oX)al pointing 011t the en" "So your engagement n "The, threat bad been he t tba�, danger,of such tactics, To quota:. js off.. . And I th6jlg,�t' $he doted on of� conviction$ for , drunkennep4. .1 tipt5! d#5 not' ffhare. this s coded that jn� differ- you.,# "Yes, she did. But her-wfatber �Thra wayi of tbo whal ' e are so 1jjrnr,jl Prj,,,­ j it the agaembly Im'sied the -bill the 1 -,It� must be'con fi4d fallen'to 65.641 n -in Vir 0ld to be in antidate." England slid Wales was 1 t.definito, m., JlosI6�3 members Would walk� out 61ft'd6triftions the collaboratlan'which fig ure P a 7 tfia rotest. The threat was made: good, IIhas -Madt th' passage of Oe.'Sardi is IIbut rejP1ted- meTew in a to4bie de- bill �ossjb,16. May be- employed . to . .. ....... 4 - &4 the Drls-.' by no more than halt or' to VWPOSS wreck like measures ky, a gi�iolinr. ,Muisulinanl, The dozen At8embly I rules and methods of life skii'll ConillllCt a voted for the blrnod- tr, la�mhqr�of MOsIsMS wh ligion of important i t,&VUg11a'ftt tin the re htbill wAs much rommunitfes. Foytunat* the voting valkor's-odt, thOUgh not greater than 'the gafda bill reveal . ed no elass or IegIlip The Gift -Horse tboke'vottng agalhat It. t;oxilmanai blaq. eacb, 'i ,NOW thtre"an be Me doubt that. omunto bi� found In %each the paisA' Ofj�fie bill does hurt tne ailoug comniflnities '90 divislOn lobby t i 5igiling the Optioilal. Cliuse s,.,, 41'I! rellitollis of some pea- were repTeckpilted the In tly Or Wrongly tfieY under- Ole. Rgh and the to enjoin Ill,- Rligning 11 Ittand- Some- ancient tex.fs Ijemb acy is potorlowily IVMO, iiy�fct %t " � " I . 1. .. ­ . be _ebltd marrlagtr -ift- . to t 1�0 dr to, and . democracy needs Often b(T vow, ts-en Vf We 410 Ifh'0'br6kG--Cf cantloft. Sir Abdulo tound _gpingt every good fbit t,,a:merr9L$—ofte at r&pifal ifir , g, the of -There, must. M.2 a �4'47,-4 44 mmz . ey� --able-ta. L'#' _. ­ r-_ . t"Ot' Itt i:q thp ian not be III yr, - �4 I' Iit) I(, xi . , U... Vy, o-,jr in ho P -re V 'w� bF 8-fsktir! jhOrQ sactsd than the worst �iangqrs,.o' so, A Cnt �s"ftd tbat� VV#17 Utt -to" the Most pTq.! fomq and . social ba -bit sl�ilxly ITO fully Nome poople CiII191bg tr t.( as 61aboktoy dsd1im -ari9tipil f6 fhp_"i* P400,10 ad the kjjgfbg of the agbL Of a61169. But' Me natt'aft'c4A has, We May too, see al 'I V y be djpos#d to dy9g6tia, little l9ore khi�ly coaslderaftt vvt tb All 64M4 to for the liotl6fts a, aror.ka: elbeere in thir,ir -if ttlumoll, OIL thu foy it'll fliat i3M Aq d bilt Is to elt.abliab aw P P, Ir n I r, Pot, tror LAIJIV 1'91-tOR ARRIV�4, rim b6o aii liw.s are hot abb,vt 9poillif y yoll), place had an b ea at Cryt W Taylar arriv r io mflf) "0�1!" 1110 ,no* hugA the.p!yPel tb' I