The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-11-21, Page 441. 404 6?, 1.17CIENOW 417.:moviinta 21, 1,929 . .1 Tot, t 4 7-777 ..• re, 0 ar ains Galore All Over tikie Sto ese e Store ti - argain iveskYou smore.for the Money GRAINED LEATHER BOSTON ''BAGS hgh quality split Cowhide *tied Chintz lined bags. rgain Days LADIES' ;FANCY UMBRELLAS ; stree2V ribbed and cov- ered With good !work cloth, fancy handles With, cord, Regular $1.39 to $150. 'Bargain Days S' FLANNEL `SHIRTS ' Im''Per the cold days, ass'tit eels ' and stripes. All •sizes., Regular $1.98 Bargain Days .......$1.65 .` t' ABLE OIICLOTH SQUARES /2 y4,nquarein dainty, a terns, Easy to keep clean •"'• 'Regular., 98c. unng Bargain Days::754: BRocimst. Blooms" .A UNITED QVANTJTX OF, elYkil STRING CGRN, BROOMS. : 1- • •Regular 'ffie ! • . argon pairs Only •'40 In. FANCY TWEEDS Suitable for Dresses and Skirts. • Be sure, to see this., Reveler 98c.• -Bargain Day ..; '75c per yd: BOYS' JERSEYS Assorted Colors. Sizes 26 to 28 only, some with roll collar. Reg 1 25 •BARGAIN DAY LADIES' UNION DRAWERS In White and Create. AssIds sizes.. We offer you hig savings. Reg 85c BARGAIN bAYS --490 STRIPE- FLANNELETTE Good width stripe Flette. Reg. , Vieper id- Get this, on- 't • - BARGAIN DAYS, .. 4 yds for 50e- . RENS' HEAVY RIBBED 'WOOL , COMBINATIONS _Wool Combinations Here's a' tip- 'ely. bargain. All sizes in a *ivy All *Tool Conibination. Reg. $2.95, 'Duthie tBargain $2.69 MENS' FLEECE • CO11l3S.: Heres a' good quality fleece Hued Combinations in all ,siges. 'BARGAIN' -DAYS LADIES' FLANNELJITTE GOWNS Nice quality Flette GOWns• Reg $1.O0 to $1.25. " BARGAIN DAYS ...... ......79c. MENS' UMBRELLAS , With good strong frames and coverings Only a limited quality. During Bargain 'Days ......$1.19 LADIES' pitOcits • Chambray Smocks in all sizes Asserted Colors Some Hoover, Sty- les Reg., up to $1 33. , BARGAIN DAYS ..... ...98c. 54 inch BLANKET CLOTH - FOR WINTER COATS Plain Colors Reg. $1.65 for $1A5 •Fancy Checks. Reg. $2.45 for $2.19. GeLTIhis During Bargain Days ' CHINTZ „ Pretty :quilting, Chintz in variety of Pattern. Beg, 29e. Dtiring. DADGATN DAYS *FUlot Ogg., COMFORTER RATS..72 100% pure Cotton Fibre; We offer you q Bargain in these snow white Bat. BARGAIN DAYS o Illo ]LU KETTLES I' Slightly imperfect,. Hold , about 7 quarts. For large family or farm, use: 113ARG'AIN DAYS ,....,$1 39 •SILK 'LISLE ELASTIC %lath Silk Lisle Elastic. ,Very durable': at price for Bargain Days .".9:yd&, 24c. • - • SILK AND WOOL ROB In plain colors arid fancy checks Reg. $t ow ,& $1.19. Itrgain Days only.. ...790 , Iddies GLOVES k MITTS , In plain and fancy color= Ingo; Assorted' sizes. Reg OF to ignin Days 25c per pair :ALARM 'CLOCKS' eltrilk-er's' Beattie' reliable al= „ arnt clock Justwhatyouneed, to. , **ken You these ,dull - BARGAIN DAYS , . RUBBERIZED.APRONS -Artancy --patterned Apron with .. - picket and fancy trimmings. BARGAIN DAYS 2 for 53c. 7 PIECE CAKE SETS 7 Piece Cake Sets, beautifullY- deiRned. Good quality. During BARGAIN DAYS ...,.... , MENS' ,PYJAMAS In good quality Flannelette. All size& -Assorted stripes. Reg: $1.9S BARGAIN.DAYS HATS! \RATS! HATS! LADIES' FELT HATS IN ASSORTED SHADES: MOSTLY BLACK AND BROWNS. REG 4249 and $2.69. GET YOURS BARGAIN • • $1.89 WINTER CAPS Assorted Sizes qv Colors.. A well timed .Bargain. BARGAIN,: DAYS . . $1:49 UT' GLASS ,SHERBERTS - A fancy Cut Glass Sher- • bed 'made *on' string clear glass. , "• • ' IIARGAIN',DAYS, each 21c. " for $1.00 Your Favorite Shopping Centre' gcl, OWE , • evere Tirrselav'ticerairti ' 4tic1now, Onterio. IVIaeFerisie„ Preffieter. „ and td•rtor. : THIJEAVY,' cNtOVaittiE 21. 1429 E'STOCIC SI41)14P ' AND BusiNgss , Since tile suetession• . or 'great crashes on the ,Stack .elceharege there' ,P7ff_tobthne .getthe9°447.d4ie1ii ::speculatiOfl #1i. :Will have on legitimate bueihrese: . , It ce..zinat; help but have a. depress- ing '•effiefuPon" byeiness„:: 11.1m46.4s. of thoUegiele of people prosperous before ..the • shirep ;are new feeling peer: Many Of thege, are actually hard up. Men who a month ago, Were in the zrZil-• lionaire.,class are now without mens, and :mist seek employment to "earn .• : ' • - Theelement lliligisgreatly r is consider- able ..„ `.Scores ' of thousands who would have • bought new 'automobilel,,, radio Sets,: , snits, ,of.: clothing,, 'dresses, coats, and given expensive christiras , gifts, leave .these..luxeriSs unbotight. They. matt- .now curtail expenditure and will cut 'down living expenses wall around, even, to. what ithey will Sat. . This Curtailment' Of buying . will affect factories of every description - fewer automobiles Will be made - fewer radio sets -fewer phonographs elothirig,fewer fur coats. This will throw men and . office girls out of 'work, and these , in turn tnirst econoirize... These will buy less goods, cloie MorUfactoriet, and throw others idle, 'until the slump is felt in every walk Of life to the fur -trapper and the fArrner. . , But eVerytrung is 'wee days. Industry is• far .Morc, than it use to: be---:ondreeoVeryand-a, return to prosperity wilt be .fastet than: I. twat. .after, previous panic. • 00-•- TIIE ' CRINE-WAYE •' We haven't heard somuchin. the . INTERESTING iAltht NOTES , •S,onte interesting extracts front the. last reports of the agrieultUral representatives are presented here:,, Wellingten-.9. total of $20,000. in cash, Was : paid or geese at *tte Arthur Thatiltsgiving Fair. TIr.ptite ranged from 21 to 25 cents per pound. Wo expect,abOu.t 150tons a chicken in fine crate...fed . condition for the ' Christmas, market. Swift,. of this: should bring Ste a ponfid, subject of turkeys isnoweS,Oryvihete disettzied. *there: its We used to think 1.6..and 17 pounds good -weight for yout4ourin ,gobblers, .they now, 'run •20 and ;25 , pounds. • Local steres are offering Oc Per ° pound for ,dressed 'turkey! The bulk - of the croti however, will be shipped • alive. • Algoma -Good two-year-old; steers netted the fanners froni $go to $70 • per heAd according to size.' Lamir • for $9 to $10.50 per head.•. 'l3afit-Sinall quantities of red clover being (marketed at 88 per hushel. cleaned. . Dufferin--Diggips of turnips -.has•. been tompleted; The OrOP is below average in Yield and quality. bindav--,A. great' deal of ditching that been done and is being done. The dry. weather this fail has been particularly. adaptable for, drainage „ 4 • DUrif4Ittgolli 0 of. our • aqter poultry frins. are •getting 60c and -• better per dozen for their eggS: deeidea. drop _in AO Inviter of *Ole fed %appears • probabIo. Hay was A SPleidid ,13(trley• and Oats Were light ;and- -the g-ifigthr feih-lraletthrir ' it is rather. Speculative to feed *tie • lritese0 100 Prtees 6f: 01,111* . -13orobton..-Sugarl_beeia are Or • Woe site and More, free from dig. ease -then they have lieen"for the past tw() leafs; • HINTS FOR -HOMEBODIES -• By Jessie Allen ,Brown Feeding the Family • mother has -asked for help in feeding her ,family. ' I. am always glad, to de anything cin; We aim' to please! Ineidentaily it saves •rek- ing my brains (if any) trying .to decide what I can Write on this week. This mother's problem was how to feed :the several members of her family who each had different food,, requirements and tastes, without cooking :different foods for each one. There Are three children in the family. One likes Milk and meat and is not fond of butter or sweets. That • child is long and lean, which is quite natural as it is the fats and sugars and Starches which make fat. An- other child diilikes meat but is very fond of vegetables. swepts bitter. Another cage of Jock Sprat. and his Wife. The other child is • one of those rare individuals. • which eats ever/thing and -so is no particular problem. The teether is under -weight and the -4father considerably over. Weight. That family needs to be fed. with intelligence. However they cankbe fed the snme meals if a little .juggling is done *ith the. serving. 13reale'rett-Orange. Wheat, Por- ridge, Ponched Egg and Bacon, Toast, Honey, C'oftc,p and Coma. The whole family should have fruit of some description for breakfast. . WARM WATER A BENEFIT . . If Iresh .not .tivailable, one can ahviiys. use .dried fruit: The child • who does not like butter should 1.ave cream on his porridge. So should the thin mother. The rest of the family are •better with milk on, their's. Give the thin one a little extra sugar and the sweet -eating .one a little less. The child who does not eat meat will eat eggs, so get protein into in the egg; Every small crisp''slice of bacon adds 25 calohies to the diet.' So it • would be wise for the mother and the thin child to add 'a couple • of thin slices of bacon. . The is4 man shouldn't, eat the en- . • tire breakfast, but should' • ,cho'ose either the -cereal or the_egg; tine Small ,cup of porridge is about 100 calories. If he adds % ,a glass of milk, he adds caloriesl.:more. he were content. with skim milk he Would only -get 40 'calori6s. A tea -- spoon of sugar adds About 50 cal- ories more'. So the cereal with milk. and sugar will give, about 230 cal- ories. 'Eggs are good food when ,te- dueing, as there is a grout danger of lesenintg the' proteids ,arid the minerals , too much. One average slice of toast or bread is about 1.00 colones. • 1 tablespoon Of butter is 100 calories and 1 butter ball (s serving) it about 120. •• Coffee itself will add he calories, but ,1 tablespoon of ',Cream will give 50 and , one teaspoon of sugar 50 mere. Cocoa rAkes• a 'good breakfast. drink for the children. The thin child Good feeders have itYrig recogittine' the value of 'liberal antintities of water to all classes of' live• steek. last yeat en! so about a crime waVe, as. heard for a year or so afeer the• •-visy. This is net because there is any less erime,•• but rather because the prevalence of crinie has basted se •long that "wave" no longer. suggests .a condition .vvIrich appeals to have he- corne .permanent.. •'• • in view of all the steAling that is, going :on, from large-seale hank rob- • bery down to shop -lifting and chicken stealing, and, the fraud which bitsi-- nese min try to put 'civet., one is airazed at the: large number eV per- sons therejare who am prepared in their miztels to appropriate 'what be- longs to other people; and one forced to the ,conclusion that in • re- cent years there has been a marked •_lowering • of the moral tone of the People genera/1y'. The ''accepited. rule With a great Munber seeme to be: "Get .money -honestly • if you can, but in some .way get: money." , It is astoeishing how little of the, money dropped on the street is -re- turned to the ownne, and how Many there :are- who pick :up lost money and make no attempt to find .the orivner,.thet the loss may' be restored. • There is. A great difference in people in this record. Some there are, who on finding money or an article of -value, appear to think only of. restoring it to the oWnet; ethers irnmediatirlay Alms to aPpropriate• • What they find, knowing though they do that they have no right' whatever to do so. There are people se 'Jew that they will tab, the widow, the orphan, or ati old •blind person. • Of course the world always has had. its robbers, 'thieves and, cheat', but to 'Whatever circuinetances itis due,' the. elerrent Appears to he at this .tinte•minsaally. large. •• • -o-6-6-- . SOLVING A CITY: PP.013 • Itt ell the large...eities or this con- tinent thuttorn is to have leases of aPartmenta , of the common ti.sort (vire on: the iirstday of May or the, Oret day .of• (kciber. At triirial expense Gyproc will convert space now wagted into one or mire extra, rooms. Fireviroof Wal board rer Sale 13y •-• •• • Nitirdie & Son* •=„ imeknow, Ont. 1 Wim Ittte,& Porteous :- - - :- LticknoW, Ont. cleaning as . is necessary. , FOSHAY• CO:. HAD ,BENN ' I PROCEEDS .' Bet • foe • apartnient .0/4 leasee c:,epiKed on "A% y 1St, or October . ist; a'l the moving had to be •done on one oen..ir,of Chose dates'. That .has its. own. iucteiveniences when there are lnardc.:ds ufthoushode. to -move, The transiArrt companies foued.them, seiVes ueinh,eti orders, and tho they %Noticed !night and elny they found it . ithpossildo to get all the movingdt e en ,Itine. The giiieters • and 'deceraiers too found' it litpostible to get their WOrk done, dnd there •..must be very eaSy time with the scrubbing of e.00dwork., , • •Aia way :out the laridierds . are adopting the Plan'tof having a,per-, centage of tbe. lesses•UNpire 'at •the end' of .each Menth ;Ind in this way they spread the. moving ,husiness thru out the year \instead-7*--having7i .done at tWo set periods. ciewding of people into great cities which is a feature of. tire. Pres- ent-A.4y civilization,'such as the world never Witnessed lief4e, has btooght with it many conditions by no means desirade. . -0 6.-h TUE GREAt'BRI,D,GE v leave the fat for the .thin ,child and the Mother. Celery' give 'the SoMething fresh at every maAl. A salad wouiu do just is well., Desserts are a fine way to add milk and eggs to the chilldren't diet. If the fat man would eat cante- loupe;.an Orange Or an apple or•fruit of any kind instedd of the pudding he might save. about 200 caiories; , After dinnet is the ,very best time to give' Cand$: if you could manage to slip the tlin child a few extra without starting a family feud, it would help. itailains figs or dates are a good Substitute. The calories- in that dinner are; 100 C in Medium potato; 150 C in an average helping of lean roast beef; .100 'C m three.tablespoong of gravy; 10 C in four stalks Of cererY; 25 C in a !helping - of squash (the butter used adds more eateries); a milk pudding is from 800 to 250 (your cream it extra). So it is not difficult to count Yew calories. If the children have candy, -•a chocolate .about 100 C. Bard candies are practically all sugar and can he estitroted at 1,00 C for 2 rounding teaspoons. Supper: -Vegetable ' Salad,". Per nut Butter Sandwiches. Wholewheat hr tad Cookies,Apple Sauce, Tea, Milk. Salawith letince,• and any"'de- sired vegetables, fresh or cooked, gives yeti the helessary minerrl mat- ters and vitateirit. if the ehildren have,: Sandwiches with a proteid . in them you are providing to.terial to replace the wear and tear of the day, luid•for growth. incidentollv you can gets 25 calories in one teaspoon of sneak in alittle extra•hutter for the cocoa ,and 50 Mere in a teaspoon of Child who does not Tike melt butter: sugar. glass of milk added to this There is TOO in 21/4 tablespoons of is another 160 calcifies. The 'child Peanut Butter. An , ,average mokie who is. not keen about milk will often has 50 " . tink -coves.- --ft.---'shotild- vIlWays be 00.4,4 ,. W*0 0 'rh-ede ef Milk for children. Children „ ustfAllY Postutn, which can be hon - Hogs do better And are more thrift theyadWeilT i*ellieblellskhotttaihniriegli•-°75. .11 'n -f---- ' - Cr 'ecrar " d b" Ill - an s un ou te y give ircti' Mlle If- • .1 .-,..., caieries.-- e t you are ItVille' ti 00 011 tvoityli when they sit- watered freely. Ex- hreaktqst Wan 'do ' a t leit,:t o'we'Ver'..4 petimental station tests have eatab, ttaltrectileino•-, von 'neelli: to watch Itah-ed,ate." yririd..:..a-doulat_the_vabte-e- '''''''''orIc':ert!)'"otrito,-..if•liiR'' pi-a6alt,a".. eeilef17-'114'il.a.; tottl•th rater for stock during winter6 - 7, y, . Bread r Mil':, c el t,-- :Weather. In an actual- test- With fall Pudding. t, The child Who floes not eat *meat . pigs, the 'Use of atifOtnatie heated in .. feed a:problem, / would never-rtmk tlicoasttes7tA.4 emovwe'dott6r4uPetentPfifev tamt Child eat meat, It Is touch, better efolf a them to eat it het I would •never of milk a day will drink 20 gallon" force them ti ft't either.meat 0, r ergs, I of *titer. If she is compelled to drink • 61 co -urge -41m poor hVe blefiRet t1t0 *theft ieWaierf ItOr ehera ie tier, otfroit 4ftor4 to, have *tot* tititood tO htitt it tee 'heft- Ceinpeta., preakilOtint16 • , tUre and her productIon ottivere, Preteid ran be given to them in ot• foods. 'On the vother harid 1WOW' lnttist on * ehild eatiff.l. vegetables. The Man Who IS to fat 001)* the lean Pert Of Ote beef and .stinstiTukrE P$Ens. •Certain'hy-productS end iiitseellan, mot feeds are no W ,teceiving increae. ing attentiOri.in recideing the tost, of ntilk PtothletloO, Primphins-riffeid7..a.' eett-strprileirktir-tstfr-Ot. -earlr Winter feeding but "their initritiee'va-• lue is not neat:1y as high as e0;tht 140., it is sale nraet,ite to -feet Cull potatoes to 'COWS 'providing , they are riot fed too IttfitV•ili. Apple pomace silage; the itr-prOduct _of cider ,and.' vinegar manufacture, is' now' being prolitably used by niatii, dairymen:: •• AT W1NDSQR 'Much. has ,beezi spoken and •wrilten about the advaritsgek*hich the ing of the Anibassador bridge over • the fieitOit river 'will,bring thepeo-• ple • �neither side of the river. , • The .whole lidvantage. is in facilita- ting travel and transpertation. Ittets. the people in Michigan cloter_to' the '. people , ill Ontario and Oakes easier -the' exchanfre•of •products. • That is what all the, big bridges 4o, •and.tit is wifot. all the ships on the ocean: dr -they. get •people closer to- gether , and 'facilitates *trade. •That this is an ,advantage everybody sees at a gnerice,,because everybody ltnoWs that.people, who travel and •trade 'de so 'because they 'find it advantageous to de so. That is why the:rels so much :said about the advantage's of the •great, .new bridge. • 'Yet down in. Washington ' „body of men (ColryosS) Are juird. at evOrk . endeavoring to frame a. ,law 'which will in large measure prevent people from USiRg the bridge to advantage. They, are: fiviniing a Will to pte•Vent the petiole at 'one end. cif Ow bridgi from'trading with those 'at the other mid. The peel+. at d want. to hey things from the pco:lt ,aat theisa gObriii, atrit.(i)en e t h ti,rnret.•‘r.;:nssi them from. thiA.-1 his. is cal:ed the American Proteirtive Tariff sya- tem-keeping iteopic -••fro m dol'ng eichat:„thei want to do. and, find it • 'profitable t o• ,t nd. (..u:ritntsly enotigh even the people; whci want tOolr ,aeross. •t6 river 'approve of the laws that prevent limm. from c king se, although the Inos Pro 11.2 sooner made thcin they 'try hre-ilt them. In pric- tice they ore fir,.1,..01,rq la - theory they aro protreliniiiMsz • We RTC TM wi r An thtq 'Fide, 'for • Or STOCK SALES . 7 in :commenting- upon the failure . of „the W. B. 'Foshay gempriy, the' Mail and Empire .recently, said:', •"Phe three pareet Foshay compan- . ies, Chapman said, have more thtin, 20,000 stockholders.' From Jan,0 1 to: Sept 30 of this year, he said tfi`e- W. B. Foshay company ,sold $6,944,000 worth of ,searrities. , "Delving the .firgt nine rii7ontho•of tbis year," he .stated, atii,2, W. B. ' Foshay company paid a tbtal of $815,O53, in cenunissions: alone, to its , • sialismen in gMinnespllis and other offices which destribirted stoek. "In July the securities, :tales, of e Foshay 7 concerns started to de- • 'Phi§ cusitini had its itieption in the 'housekeepers llabit of having two an al' liousecleanin•-9,-- one in. the rierand-One-inttre falk TItose4wilp doriternplaited. a change of Apartmeata found it convenient tO Make the change .:at licuseclettning time„._.' rooms- triore .-Conixertieatt elecenefi when empty... . This liAcl, a ciririOt4 effect net tin althetigh ;Ciptii-'taThili iiremugh,falikc 'in tin -and. thev don't constituteliofij ': tri; $temse occumintr readily moVe froni cate• to an'other. in fact so, little do they horotre : tacited Iheit place .e.f, abode thA,' -they Plove rather that houscriegn. kvir when the lease ig out they.Suat Thov leaving it to the 'landlord 'to•do such' , panttnpaper, hanging :;and. . ,tuelfel 4.. ' cline and by Oaober had' dwindled to practi011y npthieg. The entire op- eration Of all the Foshay Companies deeendid on Sales of Steck to the public. • So when the sales of stock stopped, Mr. Fosbny stopped." In view'. of this. it • is rather sur • - prising tio read also, that, "the con- .• cerns vatterixl ,throughout a seore „ states and in -A'aska, Canada --and Central,' America, were, in Sound con- dition." • . The plain truth -is that the Foshay business Wa% just a big sham. It wasn't raYing its way and • could go on only while high-pressure sales- men sold shares and. more shares, T the proceeds of vvhich Were wrong: - fully used to pay running expenses. TEESWATER ' • .11nisell Ferguson, third ton of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dougald Ferguson died at St. Themes on Thursday of last week, 'Nov: 6th. Death was due to , pneuinonia, and the deceased was ill for only a iew days. The remains were -broUght to Teesviater for in- terrnent in Teeswater cemetery, on Thursday efterrioon. The late .11r: FerguSon was born in Teeswater .42 years ago, and grew to Manhood there. He Wei rearried ' to a Teeswater girl, Miss' Ena Ballagh Who with two daughters survives; , There also survives, . one' brother, deorge of Seaforth and one sister, Zetter, nurs.e �f New York. , Mr. Ferguson was on the Bank of Montreal staff at St. Thomas when , . he died. • BUILDING IIIGHWAYS IS EX PENSIVE ' The .,e,itittitited cost of the six and . a 'half mites of f4tved -highway be- tween 'Walkerton and Mildrnay "is $t50,000 of which the Cathay of Bruce p.;ts up 20-% or $30,000. The cost of highway. in provernents be- tween Walkerton and Hanover this year is estin..ated at $15,000.,„ of which $4,0.)0 %Ain be; bewne the we too erect our ti.4.11* Walls to undo county taxi.ayet,s. Straightening the the ad var. t age,. of the great bride -Cr . road near Maple Hill is the Most ex- A.hich ,siv ., tiii, ri,..,,,., ,,nd the gr.eat pensive part. of the . eonstrtietien. shipssomw;idipoly tehroi.,51,s;7sht,,en,:ilic, Jnt.vrotevti4'..e work/ on the Walleerton-Ilitiover highway. Pared highwayS make very- • _Itivtaritarffstrzetwitiethm_noti.gm.17tly potTn:aptIroitifdlet. good roNt's and are permanent hut. cet-li o et Of VairrrS5,000 a*---:.thii-67-''-' end gro, t by. pr•evestine; trrde whith peopte, Warit earl, orr, he regurti"d the to:ot.'”re4Us.p,O.1.- V'Tt`ti't • invPir ' 'milt UP by matt SCOTCII they aro very exponseVe. A . paved , thilisnligh_Ggh•way. Wiartrin, -Park i-lesti and ilepworth, a.diStatice of 44 milos, Would Con, appf(rkr- inatelY, one 'ofwifrh 311270,000, T)'73't4gttle Brliiewater flighWaY .thr011g11.1tincardiney Tiverton, Under- - W4O4iPorFflgin gravel 'highway through Southatn`ptott . atid Allenferd to jtiin Witli the way on: the east Side, WOUld dost shout toto-rolllion dollars' fel, a :paved , hileigfohrwea:u. chlt wifl he rine YiettaurEindeet! tal;eni. - „- - • - A Srotel., ra n foond. it. pic.e5sary is;Wite that; h 41,1.4,40-11 boirie late :Hilt ovonirot, in- ...lrirh 'rise he y ohnne• her. l'hipt itt Vhilf. he told her . • 'PII ring ye at n otolock. When valtear the hell ye'll „know it's r -e, nittlia answer it gad get 'ina'