The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-10-31, Page 5, 1 • THE. LUCIi.140W SENTIVER., .igUPSDAV, 00,r,:i1MR" 31ed: 029 OF. ROMANCE W. hat , a visite.o delightfui recol. I lections• the ,,VerY rtie West, Indies , oPens up. From early YOuth:'we have read of them; Onethe pages •of Trews,. ' ore Ielanfie onthe pages Of history. Here. Bei:tato trade.her ,first great bid. foe EnSnire. Here:Doke and HaWe ;kips and the flueanneer Morgan hem, a bled the..bricie of haughty_ Spain • • Canada is now linked:with these • "lovely islands by a palatiaU fleet o• f yacht -like tropfe , Vessels.. • Two services are maintained: The , F,estern Group Serveee embeaces Bermuda; S. Kitts, Nevis, -Antigua, Montserrat,, Dorni.nica, ' St, ' Lueia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Greivtda....ind, GeorgetoWn, British' Guiana...„' • . Thei:,Western group ,serviOesalla, to Bermildi,.the Ralealime and leingsten, Jamaica whereecohneetieh made for , Full perticUleere ;,inay be „.,obtained. fraOtee AO Cep:ad:len iai1 r etearneffip eagent, • " NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE .0.F. FRANCES ANN BOWER, late of the Township of Ashfield' in the' Ceupey •of Haenle • • 'Wide*, Deceased.' • .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN stiant to the revised statutes of out- •-ario in that. -regard; that all persons. haling claims against the stateof • Frances Ann Bower, who died on or about the ' first, day of : September,: -A. • D'..1929;at the Township of. Ashfield, . are required .to send by Poet, prenaidi• • or deliver to the :undersigned, 'on. or. 'I•efoie• November. '2nd, A.D... 1929." • their: names and addresses With full: teirtioulari of their elainis :in writing, • verified ;by ;statutory declaration, and t•he eatere of the Securities; if any, 'held by them. ' • *: • • • . — AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE. that- after the said seeohd day. of ' November, AD. 1929, the assets of ' the:said estate will be distributed by the, Executors 'among the nartiee : enr • titled there• to, having :regard only to • claims of which they shall then have • netice and the estate will not he liable.. • for any claims telt • filed • at the thiTe. . of the said distriblition: • d DATED' at. Wintrharn.-411.1s•'twelfth , day of October, A.D. 1929.: Ja Ntr: BUSI-IFJELD. Wine:are; Ont. - Soficitor..fori the Executors. ' (31,40:eLej ' • 6 • WCICNOW and WINMIA114 Monumental Works • Licknow. Ont. the largest and most eemplete stack in the Most. beaUtiful designs • • to choose from, in: Marble. Stacie Swedish and Cane • 'dian eGirenlfes We make a specialty of • Fondly . . . Monuments and invite your imipeee taseriptioes Neatly, Carefully and .., Pre:nip:By Done. Bea us before pleeing your ordee. • Douglas .Bros. e. Plitine.74 • Warne*. . • i • R. A. Spotton Phone 256 ' Wnahar TIP ..14.1[..4111•00••••••••.. 44041• pifferent es in the Priee„of wheat et*eeliicego • ana Wit9elpeg, and re., tarding of the wbealt neoe`emeet In . : weetern. C1eneela•,1:8- .dueto :he *Lew of Canadieta wheat owners teat:ite justifiee holding it ;or higher, peiCes .while Britieti and Continental :buyers believe they can, Obtain their 'Present requirement:1' train , ehe A reef:tine end 1h.e • Cadted States. IS the ,esplanat,ten .of this , .condition given, out in a statement recentlyesSued over the" sicnatures of E. W. Ileattye. chairthen and. •. president , of the, ,e;anedieti Paeffte •Pal `PP 3r 'alld 'Sir Henry Thornton„. ..president of the Canadian :.N'a,tionel, Until the ,presentelme •passe betWeee, buyer •and selfeeia adjusted. there Will: be a '.praCtinal • etoepaee the, inoVentetit.„Of graist witfl COnSeent ,Aerintia 'effect"' .40A •calves '.and.' net 'e'arningiof bath the • water ,carriraa. • • ... e • a . •• • , licench of' the.,',NOrthein ..413erte. 'Railway .to 'Waterways, and Port' •• 'MeNiurray,.E. beetty, chairman and , president . Of the ••Uanadlan • Pacific IRailway, aedompanied by a number, of .directors of .ebe:.• talk• , way, .%inspected the '' salt wells ani.. tar' sand' depositsot' the • mewl., ,Experts of .the Canadian • Pacific, and . Canadian" N4tioria1 • Railways. • • are. at present esamining these de - pasha iv,hich Mr. Beatty Said he Was .• Satiated ,Would bee great asset to "Alberta. • • ': • ••• , • Delegates •from 'the- Cenadtand • Chambers �f Commerce whie have 'been travellingeitepeiVele in, the meet of • Canada, rnaihly Over Can- adian Pacific .lines, • have through' their netion.al ?committee 'reiterated • their stand hi fiver of a: 'continue ance •et'aseisteal immigration of at • lectee British settlers of a daiitab tyne, to. Canada, • Charles • Reid;• of 'the • . Banff Springs GolfClub, won the: Pilate, of Wales'golf trophy, famous and coveted prize cif goltdom, from? • a field. of 427 competitors• recently.' His score wail, 144 net, 'Ilia handi- cap ;being •e7. ;This -is the . 'first time, In the history of the'eempeti- • tion •thet •the e•uphas one- lei ": Banft player, Calgary golfer:V. hay- ing taken it to. that citeon each %cif -1 the four :former , competitions. , • • e„ • • 'Ciniaea's reindeerendusfry• takes a, big forward stipthis year with the trek of •3,000 ,'• northern ' animals from Alaska into the •lionitnion. .In November this 'herd,:. • secured 'by Canada.from the 'United States: herds in Alaska; will begin a trek . which will jake 18- months- • and will 'land ,the ateinals in .1931 an the ',Arctic :pest east ot: the Mac,' heniie fiver. Australians . are "fiercely loyal" so 'far as EmPire Trade is concern- ed, and bey, for example, 98 per cent. �f their antomobileit /ram Canadian manufacturers. Sir :lathes Murdoch, member -of the -Legislative Assembly of New South Walesi. told, the Vancouver Canadian Club re- • -743-eatly. ' Sir James • itnit • turned frotn dross -Canada tont. by • 'Canadian Pacific lines and was on • his way bask AO Australia. " • . Settlers in the Peace River coun- try, have it ' definite uniformity • of outlook regarding the prol:ress' .of :the country, as a wbole, mil Col. J. Dennis,8. Chief •Tomniissemer. of Colonization And Tmirierp.tiott ef • the Canadian Paeifie Pinky tywho has beeb inspietin the ,,ortherti .part of Alberta: over tee ::ortbern , Alberta Pelle:nes 1-1( •••• aston- 'ished at the readinrqR n? e • Boards ..of Trade and Gret,d,..e eusieles men to take a is v‘. -iv ever *here it reiree .1:0,k i .iporar,• hardship locally, ••• •. loimmisomammisr l'Plicine No. 10 is, at 'Your SerirWe We Sell for Cash -We Sell cheaper TLan The Credit Store The •Good Chget: Oven Heater' Some Outstaiidin Features OVX44. 20: in. 6teliAltE.,•-• DE*" 1.4/ItE MK" Fblf CO•fl3.' „,„ • .• , WOOD .1011ti -1401 WILL TAKE -A • ST1,CK '20 in...TONG. _ CAN CONVERT INTO' 'A 'SHALLOW. FIRE ll'OX:i144i ..141.INITTES LARGE COI'P.Ele RESERVOIR , • • , • A 'PERFECT .I1EA1ER2LA BEAUTitt.L RAKta- P,EARANCS CANNOT 88 SURPASSED. 4CCESEFETI, 'BRUCE "ROYAL" C.:),A1.1)TITION •Twenty-six, Brute Cotipty young • farmers, hetween' the ages of sixteen and twenteeone, ceeepeted in the Live :Welt and Seed ;Judging Coniest held in Walkerton, October 21st to seleet the ten „Wieners from the county to receive the free trips- to the Royal Winter Fair offered ,by„ the • Ontario Department of Agriculture. 500young men "pelected from • every c Minty and district in 'the Province by thees,sPec- ial .Judging ccrippetitions will Visit TerontO and .the Reyal Winter Fah, from Nov.19.th to the 22nd,Itic1uaire, as guestsofthe Ontario. Government.. At .WalkeVton in the mei/ming' Classes' orWheat, oats, barley, alfalfai pots.; • toes and pOultry.Wkre judged :i.o.the : Ageicultarel Offiee.'while in tbe, after-, poene.Dairy.Ce7ttle at Dippel Bros, Beet Cattle and Horses at Norman Brecklebenk's end „ Sheep and " Swine .at jai ,,TeitSrea' were. plaCed by the contestants,. •Pealtry: was • OPPlied‘ by Dippel Eros; Oral reasons were given • on all classes. • Rudolph 'Seigner, 2 Mildmety, Was • ,eieep the nigh inan ofl the competition winnpig the C.N.E.: shield given to 4lie boy standing highest. in the poni7 :Petition who had • never preeioasly • judged. The telt winners who get the Royal trips are in the order of their, ••standing. Rudolph' Seigner, Mildmayf • Eddie Howe, Paisley; Allister Murray Kineardine; Fred Hagedorn, Paisley; • Harold Sutherland, 'Port Elgin; • Alex • McIntyre, Cheeley; Alton Smeltime ';Kincardine; Wilfreci.Hotiston pinker-. • ton;, Donald '11lacKinrien,. paisley ,.and Andrew, McTavish, paisley. John Mc- Tavish Of PaisMy Tanked tenth iri•the coninetition but :was not eligible for •,the trip on acenteneeeef, 'being ts_..,o y7uFn.gFo:rsyth :and L • ., M. Kkrr, repre- sentatives of the Bruce Department of • Agricultufe, svere assisted in thetom- • petition by Geo. MclCague and Ian 11/1eLeed of Clinton, Huron County repe' tveSeistatiVes, T. 5. CdoPer end 'Frank Doneil of .1Vfariccialee Representatives .. trent Grey and P. Overholt of Harris:, ten, of; the Dominion Seed Btanch. e -„o -o -o -e-- e • • HINTS FOR.; HOMEBODIES By Jessie Allen*Brown Canadian Flag, , ' there has been a 'recent revival of "nterest in the question of a distinc- five:Cap:Wien • Flag. Tiie. members' of, The Canadian, Weekly Newspaper' Associatien started it at their Annual eonvention • An article :in itleteLean's 'by Hugh' Savage teethed the flame. I cannot See how dri-y-Aierson can object to a Canadian, Flag, If it were: suggested to give up the Union Jack that would e different question, for none of us would *ant to do that. At the present time We are using on land The Canadian Ensign 'svhich' is Canada's flag or her Merchant MarifieTand apparently it is not.good form. to use a sea-fing. on, land. Can- ada should h;ive her flag which tells that'sle is part of the British Env, - ire, bu,t, also shoves which pert of it she is: There ,was never' any objection .to .our Canadiansoldiers designating which part of the Empire they claim- er as hoine, by the use of the Maple Leaf just as well as her soldiers.. The suggestion his been made that Canada's new ilag have the Union Jack with a green Maple, Leaf on white held. That. Undoubtedly would • Make On attractive looking flag. The only objection Might be the house- wifely one, that it would • be difficult to have the White geld looking 'deft and fresh and not bedraggled. • 1. Canada has become a force Among the nation's of the, world, and as such • should have her flag to identify •bet in her 'ok'vn place in the British Em - There *mild he no more stilt - able' combination for- Canada's flag than the Maple Leif with the:Union Jack. " , •., • • • • :The Melancholy? Days .The melancholy 'days . have cOme, ard our .gOod friend; the eunappeare ev:ell less freipieneY. Scientists 'tell, us that the 'tees of the gun are . a' zeent help, in preventing disease. We keew this to be the case,because when' Fall comes so:de the sniffles. Theeelhildren are forever ,catching told ared there is more sickness gen, Part_of this is, due to the fact . ,thet we .get sum The'saiii- tie one Of the erturees. of •Vifartin '1) atid so is Cod-liver ell. In- atend of (teeing your eltildeen ." with cedgeeeentedieliiee *flier -thy 'have. eMaa IleYegieinge thein ,e few drops bf eect-livee oil as a preventIve. 13tield them up so that .they will Mit 'catele eel& *fettled efeteyinggeto-duree thene. ev-heiletheY ones lit'AV'S t Sounds "filet ,ge-akihke, eltietill trieltletifillIy the e6t17,1iv6r oil will help. eapely Mine deals Mid vitamins for ,the proviting Lborie.S,"-AvlIt,hein-te:',iiitake„,.fOlin4 teethe fged-lhe, •fterVel, and• the-, 1;.(iffi: gOnerUlly. abio-st ,'is Odd for • the growneins AP for. the children. Tire' cirdd under three shonld be sure tti= get it t� prevent- Rickets-, . When aterarthe ce&4ivev-61.1 ag_9004 Heating, Plurnbing and Electric Wiring pA fitspro ammt 5 51, "AT •• • t • • I ,fienshine, they are not fee OfitraPr Ginideee .,10f 4late t lud to take, eSia thy., haee e:tirted to take it when they are .4 feW•mentlur old.,. Yon will find that they edit rc. mind their. mother to, give it to them, If you find it- hard to take yourself, try a few grains of salt after, te Out the oilktasfe. Do net take emalsions oi tableWhen setting tha it ii3.4 good • plan to put the bottle of cod:liver oil On too, as a reminder. De be careful theugh as, it ..makes an, ebornipable brown stain after it is washed. If it is locilted: sifter at onee it mey be taken out by applying: carbon tetra- chieride freely, and them, tboroughlY washed in wareie4eaely, water. But it Must he &Me' while fe*.ele It is -a gond :plan to give it: to <baby Wbeti.ine. the bath; as 'Yea catinot-stain birth- day suit .1 1 Thanksgiving, Dinner; , • , Thiliikagiehig:. Day is zipprogehilig. so 1 erre going ,• to eiVe eente• reelpea that wilr be suitable for Thanksgiv- ing DInrier, This time thelast shalt be first, so we will startWith thedes- sett. 'Canned Pumpkin . Pie • • ,‘ • , can pumpkin, 2 clips' beeeen suar, 2 teaspoons cinnamoa, i 'teaspoon ginger, 1 • teaspoon • salt. 2 eggs, 2 cups milk. •. MIX ingredients in order given. Bake in hot oven, :ilea reduce ' heat, and bake till custard sets. • Cannel Squares • % ciip butter,'1% clips flour 1 egg, teaspdon , Baking powder; le cup' sugar.' Ceattni the bntier and inter, Add beaten egg. Stir in sifted flour and :baking Peivden Put -this in botiore df pen and spread with following inixe. ' egg, White beaten stiff; cuP chopped welnees, 1 cup brevvn sugar,, teespeon •' ! Bake in slow ovee. • Cut in. squares. A pan abppi, a" o 11" makes a good size, 2... '• Date Pudding , •- • 3 tablespoon: butter, 3 table- spoons lard, 1 cup masses, 1: cup milk, 1 teaspoon soda,. 1/2' teaspoon: salt, ½ teaspoon 'cloves, ½ teaspoon allspice, • ee teaspoon nutmeg, 1. /b. dates, 3S Cups flour. • • • Melt shortening, add molasses; milk, egg well beaten; sift dry iegredientse Steam in bateered Mould from' two to thew hours. FORMER LOCHALSH RESIDENT • ' 'BURIED AT 'CALGARY • The Calgary Daily Herald :had the following account At the funeral of Mrs. John Phalen, whe before her marfiage was, Miss &teen E: a sister of 'Mr. T, E. Smithof town: The funeral of Mrs. Sueen Ea Phal- en,. widow :of John Phalen, formerly of Shepard; Alberta, took place from -Shayer's funeral chapel ,on Thursday October 3. Rev. -Thonies T. Feichney, of Wesley United church officiated, as- sisted by Rev. W. E. MacNiven, Met- repOlitan church, Regina and Rev. A. C. Byran, Calgary, former pesters of the church attended by the late Mrs. Phalen. • • Rev. Mr., 13Yran read the obituary and briefly reviewed the: life et Mrs. Phalen, who was born in liurop town- ship, Countyof Bruce,. Ontario, in 1856: She was married to John Phalen in 1889, and with Mtn. came west the following. May to Shepard, Alberta, *here Mr. Phalen engaged in ranch- ing. Mr. Phalen died in 1910, and in 1919 her adopted daughter Helen also passed away: Mrs. 'Phalen continued at . Shepard until 1926, whin .she moved t� 516 Fouteenth avenue west Calgary. • • , "She was a beautiful ,christian • Character; known and loved" by all the Shepard _people, .given to hospitality to: 'friend and steanger alike," said Rev. A. C. Bryan, "and when stricken With the fitness whbh finally 'proved fatal, she bore up through it all with • great Christian fortitude and an an - Swerving faith." • .In the funeral address, Rev: W. E. MacIKliveri spoke of the, Christian hape "Through the triumph of Christ death is not the end of the believer, but said Mr. MacNiven, "and the -Message from the heart of God is 'Noting can separate you fromthe love of Christ -not' even depth itself." Mrs. H & Hinfon sang the solo 'n-Rocki of-A-ges," Inge number of fri'end' from Shepard' district w;:•re . present. ,• • - The eellhetiteree' *ere .0eren Wet, ea., J. e0f".:1--" Wine'eStitherlandi Martin .Andersonjeittiii-Siniffe: 'et • Shipittda end D. M. Stittori;„Caikary.' Ph:Were were., feceivecl an-d-fatur -MW wirL Mrs. ' WincSatherlatit tincl yrs. Watson ef'SliePhM'Mt; and Mrs. Perkins, of Red Deer; Meta FarriS'i, Mr g„,n(i -A1*. It'isO grid -family; Lilieneetitenetotei rielartrecla Film,' Mr. karat johestlm. mid Miss: Fred'. Mit." and Mrs, McRae; Miss Ada Mat-. tin; 'Mr. arid Mrs. Crewe; Ural A. Wa • PeCk; Mist' Iforjettiflitileal Mr. and at, C. Neilsen, all ef' Calgary; ,eriel Mr; and- Mrs. Albei t • 'S m ith and. family (loTolier -e51..e,..easeh) Detroit. • •Four' th,others .4re left to leolei".,'4 • the Ws ..ef the deceased, Thomas, E. land. S.Aeauel. of , Linknow,, tioti Al- bert E. et petroit, end, Wm. W..who :hes livetlewith Mrs.'.Pbalen .1011:1 19*0 in Shepard and aterin Calger.y. un- til the death of Mrs. ?}mien. . • - , is, . • • EDMONTON NEWSPAPER -e-e-tearee.....e.. • • . ON LATE • KENN,ET1,1 MaeligNZIE • • . We this Week reeeieed sleepy of tKe Edmonton j'J,,anal in ;Which ap- peared an acco eat of the :death Of ,Mr.' 'Kenneth MacKenzie?, 'whose Mal- den Passiee . *6 • reported et'we wee ago, As our' .ciqle of readers includes• : 6...nanther.o2 Mr. MacKenzie'e ‘seheole• . tMAatntieley'awn.;44:.•;a, .11riheer4i..111 r6070mdeunicehear telts,tre .PerageePhe: trope...ebe elentnel!a.e. WhiCkgOestLstpw"::,the. stand!' irig • Whieli the,: lete:,.:mr,..11fae.Kepele, had: in tie Alberta Canifela, The article' teads ip. pert ae, First:maydr of the 'dike K. W. MacKenzie, one of the i•eat Old-tiMera of the 'district, 'Mice A pioneer .scheal,- . mister, ...who: taught many', of the 'presehe Prominent, citizens during' his youth ' in. the old', building forinerly standing, on • the Mereerial Hoeleital 'site, tried. early Wednesday morning• '(Oct. 9th) it his honie' f0721, 108th. Street after a brief • ' :Mr. 'MacKenzie Wei a tn eMber :Of . the staif. of the Victoria High SChenl. at. the... time of his death; and had 'enst 'eempleted ea. eacatiOn.: to his : old heme ein Brtiee County . when wai taken ill withs stroke 41 ,paralysis frorn:. the effecte.: •of. Which be :failed to .reedvera He leaVes-a- widew and ., family of three : and set!, etal ,.brothers are residing • in the. district. • • e ; • .. K. 'ttr.,„: .MacKenzie, •.first InaYer • of gdMonteri after its incorporation as a city' arrived in the city in 1895 and like, the .inejority : of neWeorneis-qin:. metilately'.• began to leek ealeoet :tor. teniploymept. Havitg taught school at• Lethbridge, kr...meeiceoze was able • to deeehre: the poeitidri: Of priiiCipel Of the famous Old school which: gives it liaMo to:. College: Ave., Itwas a Com- bined': public and high, Scheel and most: of the ,ftunilie: s .of the Etimon, eon "•old timers ...Were. 'educated there. and .•Passed. under Mr. MacKenzie's tuition. He is spoken. of with the greatest affection by :those "old hoys. and girls. • . . `SubsequentlY he went into busi- ness a stationer, and in later' years was made Dominion; Leeds Agent at Edmonton. Throughout his , career,* Mr; gacKenzie ,rnitecif'e-etia the greate,' itst: interest in •rininieipal- affairs and the development of the ,city and hi's' week in, these :directions Weight him to high office. , • • In • .Noveniber of' 1925 Mr: Mac.: Kenzie who had been the • city's ..first meyor, Under the 'Charter was able to participate' in the '21st birthday an- niversary celebration. • Mr. MacKenzie: has • four • brothers who have been residents .of the city and distinct throughout its develop- ment.; John 'MacKenzie; e an elder brother (ehou•Iti be twin brother)' has now been living 'retired in: Vancouver for seine -time. D. S. MacKenzie held • the important Mist oz deputy minis- ter of education in the government of the Northwest ...,Territories and later for the provipee„ of Alberta under the first premier, elle' •Hoti. A. 6.. Rutherford, and under -the minis- ' trieseof Hon. C. Mitchell and Hen. • J. R. poyfe. Another 'brother A. B.. MacKenzie is an Official in tkjeTpro- 'Alicia] department of municipal aff- airs. A D. MacKenzie isengaged in business in the city. "The Journal"' Of Oct: 14 :retelling to the funeral said: "Lasting tributes • to the honored memory .of one of the city's pioner Mayers- were ,Paid on °Satan:NY ,wheti hundreds of citizens attended the funeral of Kenhetti , W.. Mieleenkie whose 'death occured here on Wednesday. • •• Civicand provincial staffs; old tirners, school Officiate and many others thronged First Presbyter7an Church at 130 o'clock teeeifyjxg, to' the 'widespread • mourning OVer the pastint'of one who had made a vain - able eontribution to the, building, Of this. 'city. The : w id e range of Me., •MacKerizies activities since coming to Edinenten 34 yikere ago was -Shown liye the '.represeritatiVe : attendance ,at the fat:heel; . In the church were , amity dtizens Eitr 6-.111-Aftettekt:•7'aitattlEi•::_:-A-shiL161.1:4, tinder -,-.1.0.-1dOcKetiOie in- :Oe - 'days, when he was; itindipal 'here. -Service t4re clinteh bile:net :WIth tiergi,ttg..of theeleeteitteeteetteeT4Ve 01..-My:Soula"4a116wedby the reading. va sir • McGillivray, ' pastor of • the t Cential -United Church, who led in prayer, 1ii4stie,fer the 'character and SiMi7k7iit beeiTcsedS,T-as en'regged Dr. D. G. Ata/trgii, if 'First.:, Presbyterian' church, who recalled the • joy thowit l,- Mr. Mr.:.Xertife *heti he arrtyed_es .a . yelpng. iron fresh 'frets the ttnivertity et Toronto au4. found a relative in tbe person of Mrs. McQueen. : • Mr, MacKeniie, in his w'oele, hAre. and in the southernepart of the pro. wince, had sought to use his influence in leelting after, the higher', and, better things of life, said the minister.'lle had :early: allied himself with the. Fine Prebyterien Church and hadbe- cored superintendent of the:'Stiiiclay School:: '. - • Referring to Mk. MacKenziesi ac- tive part in 'civic and religious lire. Dr. McQUeen said his work in' the aarly 'days would reniain an abiding influence en the lives of. these here, and also on those who passed, thiu. his hands whila,he- was a. teacher in the public 'and later the high Schoels. :The pallbearers efere all old friende of' the deceased,: ralkly,,., john T; Ross, depptymini:atm. of "education, Commissioner 'David 'Mitchell; A. E. lgeyer, McLeod, e. p. pits and .George • , remner. • ; Mani -Floral: Tributes Floral tributes :were numeteas, doming from mazy official bodies and: private citizens. :The fist included the :mayor and aldermen :of the city of •Ednionten, Edmonton public school beard, Northern Alberta Old Timers* .association, agent and staff of the dominion land_ offiee; Edmonton Hilh School Teiehers' alliance; Students', Union of Victoria High SchOol, monten Lodge No. 7, A. F, & A: 'M.: , At the, graveside in Ednionton ceme etery, 'a brief eervice was else con.. ducted by meMbers of the Edmonton lodge, No. 7, A.F. a* A.M., of which the deceased was a member: 'Many 'citizens were also present to pey, their last respects. The funeral: sti, rangernepts Were. handled by Howard and 'McBride. , It can't be true. If ignorance emere blissise.there would be. an overeupple of biy ..pee-Mentreal Starr • •**.PAPPP! Or1.1.1. eleplurtif AccOtants. We have now completed • he introduction of our neitv plan of rendering telephone accounts, „ Notices accompaa3r thS • special accountanow being. *nailed ,to local aubsenbers. They &plain the change' ' made and glie.full details of all charges. Our Business' Office people will be "pleased. to explain, more features of the plan. -• ' • THE BELITZLPHONnCOIP*11T • „OltriemeAriA: • " 'Very. few men wake usi ;to, find :themselves' farreina, They general dreamthe ' are famous,thenwake FRONT, RD Dependable Heating & CookintUnits FOR YODR ,HOME Wleb Happy thought -Furnaces and 1V1eClares Coil and Wood .and Electric Ranges,. we Call supply at a very moderate cost equipment that we can guarantee and which can be relied • upon to always' giveentire satisfaction: If in need of a tiew, or_heater thia_lalkpay_us a visit, and we shall be -glad to show you our assortment of ranges and heaters. PAINT FOR FALL A COMPLETE LINE or MARTIN SENOUR' 00% PURE ' PAINTS AND VARNISHES. FOR THE FALL HUNTING SEASON • , Dominion And Western Field Ammunition. Also good stock' . of Rifles and Shot Guns. • FRESH _CEMENT, LIME pARISTONEa& GYPROC ONLiND RAE- and -.11)..11TEGUS • PLUMBING; HEATIN.G • ELECTRIC' WIRING: AND CO:4.Le' !Phone ,66 •- Lucknovai , .Iiipco.r.mtpk-DeOlng • THIS mAcinAkv Is. MADE WITH TWO STEEL IlEATERS ro PULVERIZE THE MANURE AFTER ivnicn IT REgi[yEs A THIRD BEATING AND IS SPREAD OUT 'EVENLY ar,- •IroNo.T.11E WHEELS.'BY 'THE .SPREAD,SPIRAL. a IT HAS Ae-POLISHEre STEEL. RE4.1tr- A/Mike, It TTEDe. WITH. ROLLER BEARINGS. THAT CARRY • All THE' raic- TION OF • THE REAR 'WHEEL !AND ARE-e;ENCIeOSEDIN - *THE BEATER -SHAFTS AtSq RIM ZJ IfOLLErt INOS, IVIIICH HELPS TO MAIM A tfairr tailtAitr amt. SPREAD -ER, „AND FIND- 001,-- Witt•, IT la- qglt ' • .. A en Lucknow. A A IA