The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-10-03, Page 4. . ............. .. . VAI,RY AND TAKE $ W C P. A L , . A , L W.. 4., V n 4 toy, 4 Ci Qauht, X i IR J14,04,4 Ug At, 4ohnston Age 4, Al;,_ -,III Pbund Vrints_X au'lit IV J': 4un. Us. A. 0 Pu. Vxgry� 'Thursa b 401inston, #n at I.4wknow, Ontario. I$am AUP'n- W19011 ,1$.e.e.4 p, 'b W J. DL T. Gard-` A. Q. MacKehz.e rllm. G6, �Iuntei. pm. W �Proprletor �40ced co ir rmHom mod Bread �" x geet Lockhart, flqur�l r 4 ilt, �ancy Rililij 9 -Mrs. Charle E:1. Q011ecti011' and 'Seeo- a -an d Editor. (boys and 4 -iris Gardner. w , s W 'Ia. apy other, -*Or hPille-mAdg Bread, -fr;m Maple dt� S. ace. Lockhart e, GaUnt. 'Colleetion Corn,' 1929,.. Grain and. Grasses w1wo9d 80104 �Grace'Lo�, onI purity in oil,, idt. TAJ§LE9 B -i -made Breaidi fr W'. ff. eira W, -Pervy. MrA.- A. ' IZOOTS -ANlP VLQE 0. Mrs. LW. Pinflelf'. .11 - ... . otatoQs, 2 Vol"I'e rOV1 P -,in th w P y- Bed Soe4d-g.r. A A t i1seful and deserving or G- Y 't is Wy 1161lie Made Brea P -e- oi7vn. in" Mrs�, - C. '14, 0, brids.' 6 Cainpb, Thoinpon..� n.9 wni. es Man's Work, i. b. te 11, . . zahon is the'BrItish- I Hame nifide Nut .-Bread-­11 -W Wa'rlome'and L enzie, XU.* Js. Geo.' Webster 1). C Lea$,ue. The of iegsi las. Porst Mrg. On. omit Hand, ni-ade' Cotton Gar; Win.. , Thom ps Leate Votato s. Wel,tar� Old Hilie made Brpadf aoil. - � ...: qrg S.' MacKenzi wh I B Heifer. .1e, Alf Hikynes ich haik'be�aaqu,a Schl�, C, or Gy A .2 yrp H. A. Gatutit., r-ters at Dirruthors Work A on�Mr.s. h'% id Are, roof T. J-� galkeld, -antq; is.,to.' in T .4 -lieen. to;lCil w.1th4%i n. �n, the $M0Cj* rigLi W, eers,r% t d w ej se ross" ra., 4 , . I . il to help h0r, Mrs, C. . -ld� theM. 11)ropill' dif.; Y6UL h h" M L. 7E. d' iMrs Pastry, deal Flbur� ',es. F, E OSi-dilek f$ 46m, the E Sv�r't��'fade a4lSand'gedi eri, X 119le, P"110 A. or W. Stanley- 'Ork Hu udidt Mrs th ing, C t. ie Pik n it aa in� W s of" getting a" -new. and -hatidsome. un or: Q., Mo. R ke6d tha d - J 4.11 . L .1, - Uri D V6getabl­,�alEtd_�f l'. I - , Mrs., J":. W 'fidultle land Knit -wool S&k.is P 0, new'ttb th6m, Thi i:SL beYon# es, W. -Y Xni-t ine�­ X,;aqD6ug6lt:,,F G Todd, f . Nis. ed,C Q b6indrrhade Sugar BectS Y'' YhL1.JiCik* W _J R+, avtin, 004M� - A. G a Mitsj,.double�-' r S. 'I 4WIIj' an hi" Xrs, �.CQ- onned.j h i renoe,.t eire F. t ­ - - i1v le�d llt.ust'-be--in, -the �exlj or T COM nd Xhit -Mi.ts, cQ n ry.L,o. u-rLho qil,:4r.ri y-al� :gr fi d Sweatir C n S L P C W a 'P I ita le JoLdg-�" elrd-V - �Irg deo.. Kennedy., , . I irienos g� .. - . oat; Knit br Webster, Mrs.. W. Pinnel inter 8qu6tsb- A-feMi'llan w An. direct',h to' sui b ..A., Ma od; J. T. S' J. S. - Mac nnPI jaR F t CaJU M.-A,Leiteh,r' K.en'� Home made. " ris _-_� Mrs'. t La-ge g "Lqfid a �X64 FpQr e -11�-A.' �n hoi.; to enA S6 ZW. Canipbqlj; kri. -A. Gaunt.. Large Punipkin-117.- P1 '' 'en fi�r Shoulder 9h4wl:-LLMrs,. A - Millet, 0711, t 'for which he'is- fitted "d, r4i,6 &Son Likkn'04,. n rMrs.. . Hqnle� iiiide Bi9cuit's-Mr;-. -Pet& C. Wyld.,. C 7 2- lanipbell, Mrs.'V'C. M�clllovran., L,Argest 2, . the 6ne',who *at the on'. - his ending. on AosiL?4-rS.'L D,. C. " d ong-- -teous Lucknow, Ont, ow,� stor o ade Biscuits, bro-!v V1 e finds himself Rae' ted..0 heifer Leitcfi Hanle' m li-7-11rpj 'MaeMoran AL' Sebiliidt. JOU ono among i i I ? 010gal A G' Flbok *at�Mkti. Leitch, Mrs. J,,S 'E. G.1rdnei,,Mrs: Whi."Percy.. tan I .MacKenzie. Cittolli�Ws­ WIii. Percy. stialikerts in .,a strange lnd P Hmi made Scons,-Mrs..Jas.AV 'Six D. C ,'Mac�Mor_ �n tbe.eArl days,'Of. all d 'Weiltherh �Floor Afat.,' h6oked-No,ist,.Gra' acertai M dMfl. thi' rovince The Wetevri ­pi-Dvj aboutL.a cer,ain JL Lockbatt'_2nd. ster, Mrs. Wni�. Finnel. ran, A. Schinidt P inces, have �r a an or n coin. I U. aithq: new, ricou ep es 6 dr usiness. - y all-- d, Oatmeal Cooki ' 'Mrs. D. C, Me-' ,Ta a or Mat, other 'kind 'd 'Of thpite at 'c n being PliLl­�ilf, of'5__'_ 'b' R n grounds FJOL --Elwo fir st G. To Mrs. Leitm 0116- ha7,d lea Wrran, -Ethel Martin. mant, Mrs.' Will. Percy. 'I'd such, -other, eplicern l� sonie e jil j, . ' Wa's Ae6r t. reless�. Lbudy W -c . Mrs. J.'D. 'Harris 6tting SS-. AC�7�erL­ any age - G. - Todd, Cookies, 3 Tieties-�-Mrs. A. G'unt Table Carrots, a start4: iha ne ri �va I . fapp6ii bUt :when' Household- Ldbo'r Saving 'L . .: L . Oia h C.'I O' 6 Grace Lockhart. "I .,.Would' ther.e.is iIe av 0 d i-abor of, thelLn' UJI Mrs. H. t -the D tny,of Tiombly lid.property, d C 044i L Home made�M J. 111.116ekett. glAdly bave to their crowd- "ilfuli. the g and b the a, t La.ve�r C; rS. Wm. lty.,.per- thatt .g.. C, 'light' A . . Schmidt, t, d ui ave co.nae t, #1 aSt_F.­G T rs,'',J. S, .,ar-Kenzie, ake, Beets, long -L W.VM.. boillesin th 0 e6nelusion G. Todd,' L M Floral E kett. R�l I 11�c` . son ihOL1141 De P.-misheda, . e MacKenzie, , M-ts, -Win.' Thompsi e W Land if they had' nine put f and, nine out (if - M. .1 'ihe,ni6antjo do .S,6, : �, "' . . . . ilibiill6ry 'E., Lei- '" . on,,,, A -yearly has .dark-, Mrs. A. Gaunt, Beets, �-Aprt A. ' 11 * ' " I t6h. -Mrs. Alf. Haynis..'' Laye rCake, nl.iqt, W. ten do. ne or n s Llr,'�' 'Put OLIt of �usilles! h D. Mrs. Wm.- rest. fir". hi detectini-these,-the Miller, A 'vvarm w6leornti 6hd '13� dir- aeropla proved its.worth.'The, fo Conven-tionel Ernbr6idery-w.:Atra.'! J.� Percy, friend from V461h, 4nd, iW Ll:oflll witho ac ne olmny' -Cike-Mrs. r as: ut.. Geo. Winter Ra -�-A, LI 'T m rs - Leit. nlidt..L, e tion froni,, ll za n 'A. tare 4 ch.' Huiiti? Uoh. 3cll' Alton. 6 uhibia iliqptiiis carry adVer. certain. ts ha. to SusRi1kd_._.w1d ?? iio' ., as�,'British C G,ol s. e , -art Bread- Schlridt.' tisements �lhich tLlf .peorile th.at'lt a *p16.,sak,conipetfiio1Y was,, toogtroh.r he elfare, lip-ecessary eve 11 8 AcKenzie. make,quite a diff -- f6r beach' pUt jiL.oUt te A 4*1111111m P J permit 'i.-, of rn, erentze 'of btisin6s9, The I ';': , . I I rtam-.. S;tran h Lunche6w: ta' and Sets, other hafio,�6rk_ ML fire. Th. 11 -children -light, firei; A't 1. he Other',nigbt a iOW V�� 0 didn! anie: Shearft didn! s 71 S. -G - "-acK-effz X a rs, Mae-- Goo. 6 ter. �Celery 'h D. 'a for alli d h'- ',,and- 'M Ram Al M M�r 0 g, at aw-Mig" �G. A. Apple Pie�- r s' -to. i6r .�-,�alk�ld,' 0 lost er OLT an t I Greir. Tea Cloth, hnd wokk��Mi�s A. S. m.. do.i usin 9s. C in British Columbia sat iip, to the -tit r Ila to do- C a IT] i f a w P wee' His Campo 0 "Age'd' d6iriihk, Mri. J. 'S. Ma�kenzie s noillin 'The'Leakue i,s' a� vol. smal , hours �w J. Me, S rt Pie -Mrs.,. A.' Ga'utit. '13..,C.. itratcVora qngram, �r carefully' wtching a. erviettes, handwork un ary organ�. with it. The :conc r fe pieces Pie--I-Ms, -A. izatitan �e lre,.Athat � the, VeLst.'Of e n 11 to, ' p n val�fitary Con- e oh C.' V7v1,J e e i would' not frdm, within and �nat :fi She i, Pet4-.1 'Canipillell. worry. ovek. !Her. k IoV19dge. of, tile aPut; pkin G4unt,,,M1r. Watern nd 91 we -16 At L , e a tributlob fdr its suppb g -J 'A Table D;ilies,. hand: wart- Mrs. J. 'M Olon­P n. Ft, A d,. it ap� hazar-&-of fl re' in a&' her. ca reful. :Churebeg are 'not, put, out m4d ftmb McWIlin G Collcetion oi Haney-' rs.'. T. J.- Quart.. -Vijite Be n 'S. Maelieniie, 'Mrs. Leitch-' rg., Win. pe"� _ -_ - ., __ V 'to the' Brit- , The::. Maritimes 'ion, have' the nhs_�_M ne. e are Jars' -of Cinned Fruit Mrs' -wh ave conie to thisi,.,countr ' troubles with re, m Wheh',con y d -Th y LADIES, WORK -FANCY 'Salkeld,� Mrs. W.. Pin I -Percy, Alton. iishers their b' tb Out si b,. 4uillin. Whi. Beans. n,v othe diii Irish. Crqchet-_�Mts- uart y t qns put OuL of bu,i.he-88 e rp Alf 'Ilayne%. r vaiietk- and who 'ri are 'favorabl - file divit. ii' Percy, Nrs�. Wj,-t. IV,. - .Mr§- C.. Wyld, S. Altozi. eciate, �he, kind' -w' e certan localiies are by App Sheaklifig, Ram' R. Mcquilli' Mrs-,J­",S­ Maelrorizie; elcome gme. of tb 101 )be . I I - -- n * * 'H. Aumphrey., Dlife.h. Sets':--M_i4.,.C. d �Pt -to have bad fo a I.. I rs n. the -inside. Rain La , onFilet -dehet'. e --Grace -L rest es. Fi�e did �mb-�-R not fin Ock- Jars. Pie wyld.� I.lot S 'to, t The 'kellow: - hb fails to, hold.-do3kn a OE Itled Frdi I To .0 -Ons�A. Sehinidt. lepin' rouble �he,ftw settler's, - w hikrt, Mrh zie. It -E SGIO- P III Ag'ed ihe e, they . sn�arte than. job ca),not' bii i J. S. MacKen nAon..' - 'Mrs. Jas, W bater'Mrs. W. H-.', Ntai;6 Oni E, I I' " , L11 . ; I . . . ' , man, Aiton,. r. *6 Ithe,lipokwofin - in s we art, or were -ayne Tatting Alf H 'ShOarlm it , Mis A I 11 � #, - i "h s ph thqy Just 1morf? -pare- Ahe­iysle - Of ,6 -amb R. J In-. me neiklIbit... It,!%' .Ewe L ohnstbu. fir P Jars Ciinned Tomatoes -L b� 0, J,ons, red -A. ;Schir'dt .ire.is one of o6r be'st'lriends Ae hookworm zin.fiis' a y r �'m put :4iin own syste� en� i� Johnston. Otbel'r, h iid,�Mide' Sololno,' Mrs..: nions;. y w ho listened . to -the ad r ss Ost dangerous m 'ithat W 110A lamiaccp 4 - . . e ene ies. , .... . . ... n , isn't, L'Stope(, I ..Y1. nstqii� Hand HeWsti hi Mrs. out-JIle muft ge litc Ing- 4rrie- �n the Un ited b'Mrs. - - Altonj Mrq, E�_ 'O i i 'S- W.- Zr6mblo, TVIrs. 1,. . a et one of -oil Alf, HOAes, 2ndi Gardner..� - �b d A 4 Ram -TL Y 14.' C Thw Makin by', the.'' brihiincy. LeS not Otherwise Me' - Church'la t ��ii of" his neighbors, Rain Lamb -44 Mrs. Tbre virietie& Marnia Three varfeif MacKenzie.. Congrani, Elwood lgolonlbi'.:* Y MurnIng, -and whi� n n s da Q stopped -b hi urdled' Eyelit "Embrdu* Mrs. Haynes' tioned-.A. SLhinidt. Aftil, Of the buifieA sea- y IS.. own C A ged. Ewe'�$L ,61iihston. varRities-Mrs, W., 'Colleetion Ga: nee. IeA6res- Osong iii: t S earl' iJrden'Prod ra e houseiieiper's Mrs. J.- &,.MacK� Jelll�, three reniewber h h" in EW nzie.. is one cal�nder, braini'tha f i� to shed light' a th Solid White Tremble, ElAood, Salomon. mij Mr�. Qr Wy1d., Pr�vlous prohibition c but it of tlle nio;st int6resoitig t a and - kod tEmbroi.dery-Mr§-, Harw MA UTP�Igns, wit right' time.: Alwityi ook itfiin pI6. Sy Alf rul? .Mrs. J. Mar -Millan: h e, bi r" 1`11116s;toa- It* is, iv -sat sfaC tidnL to. �h ti, for E*e Larab-_R; 4ohns Haynes, FROJT 9�v 0 se. ved -11 Marked dillerence' ip i ., % ;''L. I I AlexanL gl�egt, rConzram. see the' sheives u e o 6. flAll, -P with� jafs. rs. eron. jelly ork-�_N6 ist, --UP S. "Alt ildnner of attac Ing tho liquor 'of a ".'Table' 'Mats hand K. Cam- the I' peciat 2 oni Mrs. ki nd 3 M�iet Mrs.- J. S., M.acx�nzle ,2nd.. �'-R Jo'nnston. Harr*,,; BaldwinstV. t, traffic evil. 'Jellies, �en I s and, Best NrI, of 'She Tea Co��, hand. wpik-mrs. Alf.� r, T Joy,nia'-ing. pick e Opt any bret", a e. by Member, of�jj, ,kela. Sal- . r. 'Currit, whij is -d.� 6ffec-ti more than, Haynes, Mri. -J.';S -MacKenkie.� ve and �iiinning. elm, J. :8. tute--� Mprizpr�t Button,' Cook 136h. D The Spicy, aronia. of Lhe pickle� is so P 'rTray Cloth Y It isest ltam�!,anyagb, ior- bieed��.olm, i_�Xrs. ac7 I - . A_Sch" Platf-jrii sP4 4-kek, tells' h - is'. heAl"Ier's thit" in h L'' . . Ethe a'rtih,.. midt. Kenzie. . \ appetiz,ng, so ay be' one Le *hat sclence and lued of 4 tho matier�'of- t�' lection.'of BEik" I -profession the reasons for its, httrctiveness, lh� rs Go' A. ca he'. state' of ken E 'G Buffet s6t-M" I . ar e & l er� John' Irs. Ge.. Cu vert:: Wyld, .1 to.' hav� to say.about alcohol. There as uncertai Cayuga, Red 8�rc,a'4_j 1� Hackett its fifterett, S. 'MacKenzie. I.' n Ly of' jellYmixing d(fs to Township ot jobs, .A, the couilcy BAst gurkat Lamb shown, lij boy 1dr DoUghnuts-mrs.'Geo. ;Duchess' A. MeQu.een, Wln- And-' when brandy.'and "W'hi8ke for there is a'spirit :of 'of BrucV, kaI*AA,L,-, EL -Oom T6wel, embroiddred--,kisi D. C, XacAlorran. dVceased.' NoLice - A were*al.4,noc:t tLiri M. Carric:k, J. S. 'MacKenzie. rew, I versailY Teggarde;l, as, adventurelb'niusit.pf us that is never. L41;At'ULl IlArzons h.A�­� 9WI 4� XcWllin 9. Johnston# OL Cr2am'Pults�_,Mrs. :E.'0ardr('r,. Talm 9 completely q4elled. nfort' YL.reets-T.,-A. Cameron, G. A nlost,.,u M�d�cine' uhately too ing� Any c,ainjs oil -indeed —a J M quillin. Bedro6m'T wels, other- mbrk�-�Mrs. Le'hion 'Pie seful clehiailds, agamst us have to. t Out— 'in 'the late Benjahilin jua,es Uliesritit,wilo Leit6h., 1 _rS.-_`C, Wyld Mrs. Geo: A.,G -- ---- -man" take__i sow S A, Gaunt. Cranbei ry Pil-ping-T. . S . aike d. f cure-all',helpful. iii g 'Bath' Towel, 1rimmed'-.Mri. 'S. .' : , . . of sickness or Old - Neiii, Met iialm.. I , .. . - Mai sort any case such ha rm les's thi ngs as in di d on. ur!aouu& We 'illiriteenth day es Macxenzi-e. 41 derit lillei, T4 4 uffering. 16wilship I,, I hods So*, . farroie4 19.29­�.-Sdm. ",Alton -.A. � . I of June, A. D 192V at. the J. Salkeld. Thi- 4 JellY-inakin6 like a kood many oth- of Kmloss lin thes (,at1,,y1 tIst nF4ncy�:-Sheet, hand, made Asters, r,M�-ljrs. 1,.:(-ongram, rs. at was. theli, conclusion of ignor- G - thin,&s ha6'Aanged in the Yorkibires v6zisceins-W Yiu�r aneg ba'a a" er last. few are required, u -i bructi- q se]141 oy. 1ost� prepaid Ln 'Boar-' S. lton, Ist and .-2nd Boudoir Curtains-Mis. J. S.,Mac�. I. Con -1 -an 6A, and tells 'Us that or. deliver to ea, -Agent n, the (Certol bas. made.it in Alton st, ---�G.l 'A. Greer, T., J.' Possible for Thoni1i Kenzie. Mrs. -IJ Austo' Wealtk, ectin goai,'under 6 os.�S-.' I medicinal eld value of a!'oh6l'is 'very slight,: and mak r Dresseh Stand Covers -Mrs. J S Asters, pi' k �T.O, Isti"Elwood So:a-' e jellv. out 'Of'fruits that do unider:tbe will -6f tilet dhd 2nd., thet-in almot -all cases of si.dknoss jell by 'Jables -Chesndt th �aha' not contiiii.,sutheient, Brood Soiing-:96 -Alton. MacKen�je,, Mrs6 Mon 2nd' d'a,' -V,#' �31iller, A. -Sch- pectin to th eir names,and ad-' Ladie*! Night t midt. Mselves. 'Some house-keeperi stick dresses and full A .1 , ..'Robe, embroidered- it I ful U i0eille old vtrays�and othOr ing of thu,r'claims and itat'o-inents of Tit As ers,-blue­--,A, E. Buswell. Inv"t ators -*ho' were particulars in writ- 'aw D-hlilias-, . Kin- Olf, ToniO, ins -Count s -will use NO-1st,-Mrs.'C. Wyld, 2nd.- Afl-s: 0. W�ld. yt� W.' A not one w�y .'or the ny LadfeV ',*Night Robe; other work Gladiolat' A. E. liuswell,'Mrs..'J. f - J. R. Hackett.- e new. ''- Both' n their accounts and the -nature of' the :r V1i 1�1 go� Alton, Ist temperance or prohibition foun'd -.-antakes. Wthos �hiive -S XD. Harris,'' rs. J. S. MacKen- Harris. Peeiv ca- n `When ficit' that pecu'rities, J. , J. Slle'd DikW ' nd 2n Mrs D. theii. ad if,any, held by theinduly -Trenibl'6, El tbeih2ad.' alid 'Oleqtiful verified. Ly afiluavit.- tie. olds--- it is dheap r to us Brood Soi--S. Alton.'. rs.,* W. .L_is_4.u4", "b Tea ancy-_:-No '1st, Miss woo S016mbn. ug proiely' clssed with e t,he regular meth- And. take notice'that aftvr the iFif- Sow, under �A Alton., p1ron',' J, d- Mann Apples -TV. A. -M. Cartick; .2fid. Annual Phi [Ta6kett. naroo.ic dr od but if 'fruit does not jell"r6adily -or OX -Mrs. Tr teeilth'd.ii,y ol -October 'A. D.' �1929 the Specia emble, Rivei - . 1Vm., plury an( cot -are a PoL-�Qn *hie ' h* Is epensive, onlas . ',M. Stewart will if Alton, st and W Wolf'�' 3 Bacon og" ri-st 'Bag, not Crochet-1irs. J fs.- W. 'MacKenzie.- Aldkew,* 0 tnen it is cheaper to use 'said. - Th Youn- hs no userul 1,Aa cin th -Certo becau I pro . ceed 2nd. - S.. MacXeiiid, -Miss Perenial Phlox c e,human o� se,none.of the fruit--juiee to istriLute the aiseis, of� t . 'A..M. C' -9. Soloillon, 11 rs I . I -b Best Berkshire ' 8 Handkerchiefs, hand trir arrick. De C. 81hcMorran,' Kii,g Pipp:1-is-J, It d y. is lo§t through. ev he 'said ow -S. .,Afton, Ist iimed-�-Mrs Hackett, T.. A. Poration and yqu deeased aniong -the persons entitled Alf Hayn Pansies-11rs. Tr 'b Cameron. r. ican make a from the thi;e, and 2nd, es, Mrs.'Leit�h. le, Elwood Sol He who' spea6* 'for the s to, havn.li regard - iinly to 'tho,, Bondoi , r Slippprs-Jean Lyons,, Oman. Blenh�hn' pippins -R. G.'."Vlartin, Ontario PI-6hil,,idon Union empbp$izea ame amount of fr�it. Of' which lie shall then h a-ve' Sofa-Piliow, on OW. Remen, bcr alwys thai -fivek-rille, tice, e -at 'edLcati tAnconas; eoek---- J. Johnston.,, work -Grace T POULTRY r. -.7 Win. And. - hand o onion, Mrs. Shapdrag had no 1;oqkhart,' iTs. J. D. Harri kemble. 'ibit n the n'cpsity on along tern. fruit will n,).t jell o livys nd that 'the said Thom -as Aneonas, Hn�J. Johriiton R � L-.- Ilippins-T. A, Can6ron. use frvii M."Stewart, will not be liable for the rio_�R. G. Martin perance-linos. Nothing. outh Rock;:. Cock- -47.' L Miller- 4ofa.Pillo*1' other,-kild-I StOcl;5­Mrs., IV. Trenible�, 1-1. Solo- fl Onta W. And- but an inte'll* thsitt.iis un6i� YOU. - Use'Certo said'assk�, a,. Anv thereof. to O_ follow thP direftins. vciry eX4ctjy to' Plym Its. J. S. st' and '2n'd. MKeMrs. WL�11. _Hend6rs6n. Mon. rew. gent "undertitlind ng. of tevils -If person of who Single Mrs. I, Co r Rhode ]an .Greenings. k Alcoho!ic insure s se claim'he -not Plniioutfi� Rock, Hen -W. L''Mille . r' -K�ftifting-grs. u then have re(eired notice., Jellied Plums. Aridre. -11-1-alze teltilerAnce gecuie.- Temperance: pursu piece fancy- n.ram, rs' -d -T, A. nsin lbeerages,. will ever' shall Mi 'E.' Litch, Mrs.. J.. 'S. MacKenzie. Tremble. Tlis'notice N' given ant t This r&iVe is -th' 't 0. Wiandotts,. Cock�"W. Single Piece, Croclfet­:� Carr, atiohs.4-4 Roxbro Rass-ets--S. Alto-. he' ' ' ill t1l't behaif. Mrs. Cohgran, E. Ou come of lazi- t%. L Miller. Grae.e Lack- atl�te Go16n.' is a sot ss. hirt, Rrs',"J. �S.- M'g�K Solomon. -htl Pnd. mral tt Wilitfidettli Hen -W. 1. Miller.' onne. RiIssets--T.. J. ba,x0d, problem ne, One eAr %%e had'a Pluin, tree ed at,'Luck�ow 'and -a..PGlitical quei. IiL-E.. SQ]omoni, W. 1, %I i!, Lot nece'ssarfly �vhicll!` W�j. loaded Avi . th' fruit I 17th day 6�k Septen&r A.D, -1. Single Piece,. Em oidery_!Mrs. . . I , .and Ont. io, 'tbi Other 'istandard variety, Cock_W�. .7 , Collectio tion at all, althou used it -In ov6ry illIa er., AI)Ples-T. -J. Salkeid, T -A. race Lockh 111, - O. g S- MacXelfile, G art. gno�v gh educatioiii al n !, ginable way�-unti Canieron. oi . I JOSePh Agn 'low, iOnt.' Needle Vor PiWav, An�t;9ls_',NJr9. W. Tremb!e .1-1. . ten eran(!e lines' m'Uqt be sub§' -was sick the" siglif Of luclo Hen -W. L k :suitable for Christ�: E Woman. Noithei -.I .4� tituted other.,. standard ariety Miller. map, T-4, Salkeld, ,.Mrs. I 0 PY--'%r Greer,, 't There w�s q' IcettlTo Arent for tb)e -4s*afd I a rishk* 11 s arnig -Dbtiglad (larke. -Inv Pere Humphrey_ Ve 1011 --PC9ula,tihg or "pt bibit- of thol -t Thomas stided to . Illake Haynes. Pisp niiis-E. Solonion..M-9 .0 nie in the fave and I ivtL X. Stewart. ingAl, e.: nianuflietpring -and sale of more ivith th 'Nagners-S. Altoll, VV. A. i er. en" 'Out 1. Wialcened 'p Weks, P44fii--�-A. McQueen. linen DinnOr Set-,Xrs.�'J. S. �Ny&,A . c- Roses" Macintosh J Shfkeld; A. SPirittlOt'Is Iii and'decided' o e Ducks, nd - �tlriety-As' MdQueen. Kdnzie, Jean Lyons.. iquors. t xperinwilt -with, an sy Inethic,V. The regpt cva Geese, any variety, Gander­�& A-17 Card 'i�ble. Mr. Schmidt. The . Prohib�tion Union does not e. ii,� P. 'Chas. Wyld. 1A. W. -%­11puzie led pr4opi to put I' 'idates CE TO CREDIT6RS to J. MC&Milf 'MTS. Cover -Mrs.. J. S. ac- ny . s A jrlly� enziit, A 'Otner fall--varet-, nan li�e T. Botiuef hai, such a stl�ess th t, NOT! :M 9114 was orwdxd �and � oose-S. Alton.' P. J. MacMillan.- os1*11Acket., T. X. Salkeld. ninde my jill by" G Boudoir- Cushian�Joari L.Voiia. Mrs. cri XacKen- for thht ft"etfi4d T11 E, 111kriER Of tile Estate Tvrkeys, Cock -9, Johnston, J. D. lla-rris.� zie. Any o.tLe,. w-�nier v4r!ety. na,iied- Jt- -poli"ie lvir since. To it, eo��i, a] ctivideii a' pledge r and work6d-Mrs. J.' Hackett. are, cc, Qflneil.. to, 5z uring f PillOw tases, h' T. i. 0161118 wit], %Vafer-tf� about of jilei - of Colf' late a- jhi '1.wk il�' Three 'yarielies - 'fall. app�es_W depth. -Boil fdr 20 hip of Xin1O-9s In tile County of TUAVY ften-R. Jobliston,_p, -j. W. Phinel, -31m. i.. -S. acKenzi., Wy I d, In from cndidateq to 'support its PrOtw 4 for W. -A. 'Mit program is to equ'al Notice irilvereby acMillarl.. Cases; hand' dr, deceased. M Milt I 5. Bruce, Fa worked in N, hi G D. r Andrew elly, rped,mire_tp(l I' an..' W. , . . I' . T. J. Saikeld, lrs. 0has. 'y d : - - s-, Ontar") Log tit"' 'Uf�' tolen;ts son�'ha,%jng any clai,lis or'. demands te grain. T tGqese. Anlidbn­-Zarold Gre*ei, P. Macill' Five winter apple atuile PIq"; - bave t 9"Ven that all per� -I an. Begonia A. Miller, T. .J. Salkeld,* isl a la - Oro- hey'w�ill the J� Mae= Pill6w Cates, other work ' Mrs. W. u AIr of leORO)i the sLugar itt agailist the late- Coli'.McKinnn who Chiekens of 1029 Leit6h. Cra�e Lockhart. Begoi. Tlilieiropc! Best va ietY named hibiti a- ,14ded. r i coro.0% to - 's. D aol:iks -r.-r the q Aft� Grac4''Lockli 1.4 st r);, Miller, T. .1. S c bever* a b it cook died on. oa, About tile tWefitY-sixt1T day Anconis, ' Nekeral-'Jarnei§ Jphiii- Stan, Slip-, hand made 96s in the. province- for 5 Ill -No ist, nRrt. me Iflutes and bottle -Ir- . !er. into el-Fect 0111Y hot, July A. D. 1,92% at the- Town. at.- Mrs.. C aile- of gton Wyld. A Crab A��les A. m ii aeXenzie, Aric Cut Work,�-Mrs. -J. W. Salkeld ahe'r k�.ing. 8ubniitfei ,4weet G ongs.. Johnston. Cuirillithers - I . '_ Oderich it, the COuntY of Huron, are Fall -plectors 4.y ,�ay. of required to send by Pbst Orepaiat'or 0.06rns, Wbit� Cock -ere !Pet�� .Nled- Hihilphrey, Mrs. o to - a vote i�f the 500 SMAII vinegr, -to delivet, 6 the undertigned, Agent L Im r $. C. yld Polnnvon,., Fine Singl(,. 11est' Exb1hit Stanley. a, ov s r '�iecei-Mrs. C; Pliib�srite or d Wyld, j),b,_ 2 Oz. Mixed hereiti Legh-orn, White Puliet-w. R., Mgr. hirs. . E. Ldit h,, Peaches, T. 1. S�nlkeld. ih Nfrs, S. f, approval, -of a t cue.4111bers i b Vilsias . I 1. miotity Pt, 11 Illade f& W fOr the Adiinistrators, w.ith Altm * To proportion of I C.i1t) satt to Bed'-Svi-ead,X1rs. C, Wyld ichard. 1.1 hr40n, of the olectors. ' . ., '11 of - the 9,'state of the -Plvmouth Rock. 2116ckhait. 2- tlurtg, said c6lifi Mekinlion, i , -NSPI GiAc lt6n. beiling watd-F- over. eir 9., r,. eb Htinter. Another meamto would �old addilessoo. r; I'st and Znd, ving-Apr -Jeiln Lyons, rs. nfid flill prt er Plurnk-, R,_� O'� T. J. Salk6ld, T. A. permit the vftlegAr, r pieL Plymouth Ro6k,'any, other, Cockerel yld, Oli� Vol— n�1�4' ;n P�I,�rj Cameron.* iranufa*c uri dd en- ",obolic beyizrage.o 'runibers and 0 .,�qlllall e of A11.11n, in t, F.tll.(, lir of al, Ntrs. T. wr"t'ng of their and H ,. ftefounts and the n,�, .'Is Otvel bv member or only rrider liecirlse., A Bring, to a !"Oil boil 0 ir Guist T Corfrar, ' ­ ' Tql -t�n. P -'J. Ra,2kett. Rich. 60 -sta te, Ge I , . . ttl* Or the M r, T . . it - But 111IStard Piehlei- - - PlyMouth, Ro9k, any, ton, them. ar- ite i i't I I �Viand6tt, White Xot6rel' Cor- if, ii skinned. olli,)n Altow., - __ __ - - ... , -, , J _t,,t _� SCHOOL C quattg 1-0- Oie rri.vi', �4 0111111 the 01)(T' A. D. d. Pd. White pron', Mqchin' tram, r. IX ITustgn. q salt v. I te mid, Vestir. T. er, hot. , at It Ad-mi-iiist, 1�_Tt le�hd` -d d quArt$ 1-0 of tho tafif ap. clill sa f. I flower, j­nZ.-ClIrr 0 On, A, tkero%rd 6111y4d thV f A alid 2ii t FO 2 S , ol r _ -,K 1. I _� , . cainis tthen b*- : ' . ;'f G f A t 6;V a.q n wiri�efi d� -nd Snd. le-� had notitt- 1d th, ri 13V AHerf Brp�vn liponha liltliqfl P1 A. jT1# 4iid Adinin. nt e i'd !Ile*, e, in .0 coo�j. er mr - I Id iw M -_ , "' p In tlteh, Emt 11 't I , , , -6w 'I bat 4V firt 06 z un-_ a ny - r, e rs alli of --,Ve Me I ot f-ric"fi Caw ereb-_ 0 a�6% r 6fitlt Rock A 0, A� Milton., rfibert, I)Ilr8baIxt to Vl-%�rloiith Rock, Pollo-Milldr; 11. Vall T agtr-folly Dre t ad V iVVI C-ariada, t AJ T 0 T 'OP iqu the Ile I , -Je�in Barjov fl,:ll b t e fear. f e 7 (rail %ild fniv we- -if-die -m 0 $4 404 i Li H . _ , dkil6w. Ott *r ab6u 6.r 0 ay on, We S fly t ....... . .......