The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-10-03, Page 2III7 eW 0411k rig teg Mt: to N v f OF Iao%r!,t1le Alfirmit, e h T. h j, ni d e "e Ove 0,1640ue 0.9thov's is to follow )k tied by. Tjie. number of persons. e, pXatn Is o i, *.As p ter, very 4niAll.in comp4r no. !if I" gire 4,4 Ughtntrig 4 of p t-witk- th a 12. or.'repose. no, might Vovy.,Wel D it Aum�ok of fa liti Oup 'angiia -of lAppli6d to' h I I q 04h a T Int soh�eidpr Cup R elft, say$-. Vaa ligh ,evi*j efi -4) "To b.0 like Y—B rio, ve 9 Tat ifi,lild81tence Srervic tiplu 1� Gi o Feal;W n Why,to, Weathy?� (Waakin (% -P th ofted for e mp1q. the Litt, re"Go.. lain 0 true o P all � � 0 IU as. � * ff tiod.4 -one WwbLrd apther 4 . . 0 g(oo).' 1,, Tr Phy for UVid sensus reports �it L Goshow 'an. &RU aiar, :[S :'Ma 9go 'of (a 6 the who MA"al aParii. -Frefich aeronaOtleil' NOW i4spjrt.�A 4tedfasti,e , -and en o a, a6ut W ught.ain C0.0 sit p or ge g ta litif ha rith wN to epent'year- there Wor a r e 4 r it I;T, era 410 bet g urgedL CoAurn. their At-, e, ant you' , go f Qft Another; 'after -Ohilst . V I r uiii;,,.th.a-t tha-90,0" f4ta a of all tehtloh to .yoq:z.,m4y iin in �oi Markr A .cb(iriis: kinds te a'60 ti�k: xami4a, on - of tito ts�,o g ___1ory. to thoLGod and The 4vtlial danger from lightnift. recent Schneider Cup conieat' has 4 C 2:14-17 our Lord. J an Aa'ganer4l, very smalt., exeezit,(iii- prqf u 1pimwt Phil 2-f4 () , ad fil-'flyilig. "Wlcome -r: 6ne' �another n .0-rexthat'he of hMo," T' Chri's 6' rolcomell,'yours cles herok fo.rL.it -is admitted' that �XP grnzes, 040 which, Ali a ri le.'ea dooirs -b ,owe c a4ty nielt, avo: this brapoh: F�,�aqe tags phitid -A, th dt.'eonsig� leading:0oiintries.. g.ept. HL, 'h ood,w V� n -hpul4e.s. 11q,f was .sit for -pth aas�ie rou iknw4m of this feiAtug'. TALL V f -in nco. -go ed,., 661dilyi of 14;'Banle, o tub first T,hlr(ljin� expertell elid I orgi 9w m era- c vely. t or in, ary Jg4ta 'inattient wln6e -ill nncoij top ui S. war. rhoodoro In, 1AAA �are, ;,Tliey ire Imre 'frequent- within itati;as ,'-wb.fd -aekit' nkenir, In, -w-ii'ds apy a J w"'an Q.plogsians, 42441 Outy of fathft'an -f I trp,.trilent at e niqrs. wha-u4 'Out a�, if solated, on I1,11, c uc a ere.nqxsb, e- t-Viij. Were ,.unable to, . �: , a tua life." F ts edtleatt at' -a from, d� t4: air, an( b �gh&4adk #r, of br or ��va oVaT alth; dec1Aiirj itse even, t1kough bd' d ''' t f* ' ;e'thelke of James � -`14-17 h gate during, thLunder--sio come. a6vertheless. itte.,event- At "La r�, an set! o , uler pms� pFesen a considerable Azard,' urlprotettOd by, Ban en, There1l; 'n,>, �contradiction interest. ''or Pri P. -it ouped c asidenible, c -wise pro, ear of &ith -it, h le est, ophet, 3ion 0 is taught res- tor.Arath The'. Un ted gtatesi..Art dies have been appeaiing, In_ the, Old Ther eeri t1iiii stitemotit ind. that of 91�ao Ns : hka. - vu.bli h d hospitality for the bet.w !,Paul i fi - Rota. Bureau' .of a pp� fair dealing ­in the Market &6, fbr�'ejcainple, P preis,revlewiag �he.situatlbaaifd call- th.6,'fallowifi rules, for olding - dan- Venty .IN e e good life in HI E T AMIL OF -L 'Ing on; the Goveramerit- to. support a :for, the slave, j ustici for' insistence ti'lion' ill PRIVAYIVE'' M-ETHODS ON T STE'E 'go out4V drive for superior' Peach ni� n n a 6. The Typ�es 'of'bakb,qv . en used by work- . gangs a UIds9a B . ay rafoad eon- ift-this, cause: 'Dol,not, -6V I gee, fro achi evii4oer,, fair wages for �Roma a 12-and'alatians:.5 an H. doors 'or, remain out during a, thuride.jr-, 0,10yed, 'to service to the .11tuatration,tised by Jmnlake� his' ca e o ding.on water. in clear. st)rudtion to, FOtt C#ur.611411.: hascalso. . taken on a,,new 'h'of seventy! -hg,meriW',ho.4re,heildin,�,b6n,6 grgum stdfm aalei§ it is' necessary, Stay'. 04 *Oma r Spee inside of -a buildidig'w*here WeE not so o.ia, when ther I,. iieventi, Was OVO* men 111.1 Tfii it,, is dry,, meaning, Efforts are now under w�y Wh , KIND ctm4 "I .19 service to lyil"irdo that have'"en.ponfiried in fir,601a.eoli.: to draiw.,a' promise* from,J-he Gdv6rd, 'world w4s ki"fiderf' thiair . . prefetAbly, away. Paul exhorts the'� PhRiV40up aim, teb, s�matf quakt6rd� after :,having beeu'a& 'If teime minister, t�isna to;.hdrmony..and* loving 'fellow- M, o tll6r metal' ON not be thi mkwi stoveii�_ and, o acts fe,, the wise woman, raem!t that French craft Will roin starve fro range.. Twenty�-four there is an& cholc6 -.6f ifielte ose ama, I he !a 0 �ion,'thet ah!p. This Wmakehis own joy. An& cuAtbrued to .0 !r� .cio missing. fiom the next Shartut7l CUP. sweet gftnilin c law thi For Identificat ver. th Witrking: hogs Ion hours 6V fasting are �rocomnkend�d 'at In the tolldwing, order: L Lai -meet. This '.will entail the necessity ciLp iind shawt. e pride ir -them This, above �-,)udge..thei king the prop.lie to the 'After the birds h%ve,'I),e, �.r motalfrome u aW Unds and' 'more co';opera'!L-. and, boat of eouta� at is' the appeal' of Christ - - to them Where''hogs are r�d ia�j rge, herds ildihgs� 2. )D ellors)' I d adequ f -And forts. the through -his apoAle. The c, I Ort � of comeii abcustome , to eon U 111r[Z1k%J111g It a nepessari to f e 'it 'or Other. �Uild,iuks, 6r6t -than enced 'all sevedy. eqted against.' ma r 6UinuM6 And of sofig, the Iit fitted quarters tign in tudustry,,. wait, evid They **r liWise words of Patil's. eihoitatiolii 6 �iasing-: the - f46d... they thite'ha'tr. aqd,' are. tP v- lna�rktug for Idetitificatfoh'.. One moth- - y were Y, nci ag.' Large aprotected l,d-' when th6­start'.4'a's made to g9t_ They Iftad xLqs Ana .,w an. and. the, 5. M61tatt.'r6ndei nq vary -clea'rly,., eac er, th6`�'skilftyl artis I b6i ,of tfi ' '' L ", 'I ­ . I . - fed by some. is that should be -t 6 o R, L gQspe The Bible' 44 d followed thre.6.- tiih lags. C. Sinal j�priiteodted' buildings. m4clilads . . ........ . tong,..! delicate white. .t llt Treat one' anoth6r. with* the same 'Able � t ready for the -last Sth r� o�r a. As, eS p xi,ekdh litter -daY. all they _k, . emalping out -of oors: !is unav -444. to, _t t of intoi#st spirit as, you e0eiience -in�'�CL aO 0 e,..and'aftet brist .0. Iable, keep -a xalue7inr. tbe. Ii fie � tro 'g4, should,, b plans and ein -m&ilied on a'. similar i,�rt,'Of: eaeli.feed- t u thoy'help6d in. travalt; cured. a o�The, be tha way trom small sheds ickness meaping'Lseems t up,. to;. the.. dis, w O��Ougfttl CQrn4 'Water At at times is , , , I ..k. i- ''Plenty of she, -ted tMU15, 3n,.AW ion. I �F6W the. e gri se ceg" hillt6p'ai ana pilpt, wb977�Rnesged 'the Schadider The older :Jbey large num- a t�'f,6L b" a their -relations with- each 'the of marks quite a, other loafto4a ee Wire-felit t,#me`n6 re it -but L of min4', or ..Who,. that he ber of "different litter'sr" may be.,.ma*� times a, week is sdvise�,., Seek sliekter in 11 ised new spe4d.'etip, ligeame, wide-open, spaces. Mighf f,ifill yipg, has prom. -tre-6s a caie', t,tw' land planes, nd piedic6 �ihat. air- Storing k4owledg his mission of ga.-.vation ed,.� and-, subsequently, idenfifted---this There, are many-,whYs of Prepadqg de'nae WOWS, �'ero'ie Of e afid.,perfectifiq eY .10 Well. tu -�o the'utter- Methofl is faulty in that th AT. g may 6 feed',,' T 'is,BhIlet1n,* ob ainalyle a ep-resslon. in :K%0, ground, dee 'planes -wit be reachin 750 le�. 'an pert" Wi I ence.; most,,' humiliaion valley or canyon, OrAhe fOu ThW 4 .,eig to men himself e ears th h d ami iar stor' L b Depart wi bty or go., be torn and,"th.6 arks destroyed'.' It. f rom the Pit licationa t of a �to�p hou� thin '10 years hows —11atil'ould night at n I a it doe.� ment. of Agriculture at.'.Oilta.wa, 're'-. riging cliff.," 'Ilow , . . . , ton 61, -th"6 *411 of un hag anGdier weak ess Ili that or v�rfia gtegtly, the French- were Death, a g6atte hand -serve dorlji, I . I I comrfiend& that, ther -use of ontyL, ground bd- by.U6 -British and Italian el 1 litify -,the. indiVidual P -to dd pe�r- sleep. In, fed in a we itieer oses.' its. ifiter The' -gral t 'state of a consist- n e by -i� 11.4 pigs within, the littiatI. use' of fdrinahoes I'... ��aters and. a,ndL �reacliz en a t e 'e. ;On en�y, that may he p6ul:6d trom, the reg'et6d the Iin -he' mo hers -t6 -me r trwgi tags, is a geft6tal .1ira�ue t paints to a new Vreprft chaLIL eL for 'And t tA 11 i'fla ladle.L I �L .. builders were cons ate s.ta e dipped Out. l,'th. a, cl ver -mi6vlfe, migt h6t b(i bn' y's Butt'ermilk..:'"is re�comdiended as Me. 'A JA some:,,Ilog, faiing' Those p d 0ail or tir recor a.. Mal' h or. fi g'. T dXkri 116- p6ffit'g, Out And t e farmer. and'.1he. eumatic re- with. c6mbinations of"Iettets s e ph - in Ihe liquid with skim milk 1next of . tlint 4wr'9'L es an each �! *t .1 hat Italy .,ingt'eAd of F�a 'as o( xigh -b;est, in tis ntod as 'Ag�.fiaa.a. different ftce� �w d It"' se. jr.00ati, prega�lflk.ttie feed., When- sl�im'milk inbination it rea4y means, of identi- -And childre. 4G o -.stixibw fOred, a 'section -Of the ­Sngland- the child-rea. And, g anu 01 6ae 4fid he r ii; used, it is Irecommended to allo it ­the!j 6ptori, 'the -long,, to*r the- :vacant li.alf "he][6 b6th fication: -ig � asadied� - The 'most sads- dja rou�-e iiedau�4e.'Frauce'was ot ke`-] ltnQurned Ithtly and to, mix one. teed e kind: dear face. and .thi, bows T ..iulOrs f�ac6ry type Is.' that- which, 'pared oyerseA -flying. 'and adds chair drid Menchin ahead. -A little salV-added to inash 4b'daliger. Be- arid hen inserted in tfi-6. thared the,'1466r 'and t -th.at it �Frah6d oc.4 not get, husier it' acoura. e U is', the - pqrmanefitl e go -6, a chickeas to it more of rn r. Nehem stood, ear, remains we Y un will nosed out.fit the competition A'Old woman .'of sevbntY! Peter rea4k his:, train to-sourid the in the feed. Pr4btlealty all o"t the,coarse less torn- out. hen -11iis hbippoq4i for Europe to South Aniekca ser- There was A. war: Iotant.alairm if the.:eneiny should; *h to. ma'y 11grains are, suitable. I, 66r�, 64fs, ba;r,-- ices. And there is hustle.' an nd tell is but rArely, a dapilea d. grasp The, whole jwegonp buckwheat,. and'tw eati etc.. 'may oidbinig. -to. avoid ton- toy,' h in r prder, 1ibld dnd tug;*: scene, of 'OrdL be se f�d courageous 'and.: -in any comli'luationhi l4yaV'activiTy ono co-ooeri ti ftusidn tile 440 �4quld fi.e insertled 'in be thlied ut, (hey, And, -0fe' to,- tile addled bid brain is U wer, -of' 'high the ear,at,or,b6fqre weaning time. sfi6utd.'�Iie, finly. ground and , the ti Yo Ans not worth sitting W 4, patriotic' setvice' i -Ca value-..' indee4.�:a 6rvico ngeesgary at,, .60 oafseir, hulls removed. .It 'water has .,.The minion- AnlMal Husbandman, What Is' Life? to be:4sed'thatead of' in ilk In preDar- wide -'tell 1, .;th- .'r ulight -she, mu min Ili the ildit'.. Wh al & ongei, exis_bQnc� of t Who as a experience'In ma k the Just y day. a thl�ig that day 7 "tol. ;0W f4rAdentillatiou call& atten-:.4p9:thi f6ed-trota SAo.10 per'cent. of I er till she dies. ing'hogs year?—A fortnig t. should f for .1928, published Wall oodi, such'as beef scrall' 6r ed in "tVs­6i,�t0V9:AND KINDIV168S, Xa�k tion in his repor Sons, were ' kill tile, war; 4114' b1b6d, meal 'should be added to the ..daughi�rs i faraway and,arei 1� - 28-34 om 15,- .1-7; 'Col. :by, t11e7'.vep4rtmeRt,of 4 Iture at What -is that which never ask ques- gricu. are Wed 2: .14-17. I . .� :, - I . 111 12, 4- i - Ji -Otta,wa, to;.,th: . se -of tKe tat iu% gra.ln,inikture. u too cold-hea�t6d. e a as w e r,?,, The Instriiet.1 packing., �.ionsl+tit oft' n gets An 'Vor Wallets,: to. 'the first of these rr�arking swine officially' recogAized by'- ons- for'killing and. front door.. ,Moi�y: is hard to get 1and everything atassiages, see- Matt. 22: ' 0440;ard litike, the ational Pig Breeder mark6t ire,included'in' the Bulel� so dear;.* ou�sa- tin.-71sgued by tho-, Direcior of' Pub-. Food. ind fire musi be skimped Add lfi 2548. One Ofthe kribes chme o Uon of Great'Britain. This method'of "NO)y Is a- giievance Ifte a b6lyy?m— Jisdii with a question, : 1b. wa Dom. Departm�lit Of. Agricul- s ilu'riinAg'' marking..;Ig undergoin tests at the. the.shriVellkng cold *arm ar F ,ma �g tljre.:Ottawa Qnt. Because the lonpi, you -tin se'them in which he rested AM r 4ft 16' A., -Ax. --mdth-- Lne erthey g�low.' 7 ...... oCdelermlniag its value as a ineand. )d coal fire a6rific6 *as alfeady dark upon. his - - - . — 1, Ili her atrnich'air by,the go 1dqntlfylqg swine - ris* dwel . t., warmth and% nourish- Cottint, C IIS I . 1, . who I Why is a'plece' o oap -on tile floor 'path. "On' Monday' and Taesday of The iever''ptach-ce can *till —Because it 1pakes that,Wtek -in 'pie and London Observer (Ind.):The mon FT was . t e teni Finishing Ma�ket Popittry. p PLY on the pidno," like the letter was meeting many. prverqaries- who oporlywhith Lancashire edJ9y4 folr a ali 1rhs Otte lives al'one%ail.d fru.dges� t`� The time would seem to -be past century is definitely ai an end. A& eiel , stirred to* activit by .hh� tn- jcollect"smalf rents and pay,.big It .1 I t 1. 1 I-wrop a , en. into the' city on 'Palm when finished' poultry can be far As the coara�r.counts are concern- Fou' letters t' name rate's4 r o my Sunday, 'an, "his' rdbake. R the dis- marke It profit. Indeed.' it' is Her tenants, 'call h6r a niiserabl old An Atigel in the teriiplo courts on .ed. '­'Uneasbire herself admitsi, thatl -a the' heart' of evi--ry, son I am -something eatqn fly all, hold by authoritieS,11tai 'putting the Deep I I ( - Cut o , -my, head, w woman: the follo*ing day. The Jewish scribe, ppremacy are, oyer. Of Inait, lies an angel,' but some havel if, and I Will ,be finishing touches -on Imarket 'poultry 'Just what you do' with in I. The bottom lip; that turns ove�-. drops, r appareutly, not before offering. it for., sale , ylel . da,the p ut, she. still, reckons on an nudist their 'wings -.foIded.'--OIiV6 Sehrein; Y at --Ip d ated mastery . of the - finer braliblies friendl ( b4t,: as U'litiliew puts 65 �great6st pi%oportlon'afe return of ank er. still more at the corners, , v�iii f1tempting him," that. is, trying of the trade. It Is. a. false 'reckoning. Why is the crocodile the most de-. Her skirts are long. and draggled, hini with- a further question, to see labot done. on the poutiry'farin. -W611 'the' nherited apti- I llShe cries ofton, and alteri w6epings, 650�81ip on dress, with 'diagonal It Is bitsed upon ceittul' itilmal?—Because 'e takes Col-, I I - hi. t are for hersi3 �Vhothef or -not he-'could'really trust cl6sing ot f finished broilers or r tude of the Lahca§hire.' Truth . - . , ront, attached sh.AWI worker com-! everyone in with s'open pun en- and honor him I i�a teacher, lar -and inset-vestee, long d edly qqst.jeas per 'pound to the., pro- e pe rculfar . humidity of Make truth, lovely 'and do not try ance­.# art -fitted bitted with th �Her poor, old..4elf that, peQple,cheit di i-etli to the ducor t6kn those that are,podrly.ftesh- Joins! answier goes, tre —ma a aliihil will then fie And devkpise: lh�artof the fitaftei; Love is the high- 1eeves With applied 'cuffs, removiilbl�, n , are . muc ;the. Lancashire climate. -These Ad-: tQ harm her 7 :4st liw, love to Gkd Lnd to ones',fel- b8tt. For ladies and, fnissts,, 16118-M a d h more desirable to pSO61 against"tair less Inclined, to, 6ontend with her. 8he boards, combat,,, 'epensjeis, anif Id vantairds are no longer What is hundr,ids ant) hundreds of years, -.04, 36, 34,1' 40,42 inches bust. the assault. derman persev'emnee re -'I ti.mes hitier than. a football' "Sage first quoted is Is p, wbrries oVer,,days of -ten years low, men. Tho� The 4 -past methods of'fifilshing lioul- and Yet hence, Ift'Dwit. 6: 4, F o� the second, .see ORDER PATTERNS -parod 'to Acquire, the -.on6, Germad everyone.an -catch ft�eiren a, baby? 11OW TO -.19, th were.We;1 known escribed, b . Mr.. sciene to duplicate, the —A train. She.falls sometimes from'weaktiess in. Lev, 19. 34. Bo try for markiii; are it other, And eL -. Write yotir naniei,ptnd address plain. 1 Modest -he F. C. ..Elford, Dominion Poultry Has-, . y her room, to th Jews. first was repeate0 I , 'giving puffibef,and sive of irapiti is ready enough io ieltdrate a. A modesty in delivering our sentV dail� V devout 'Iews. Jesus puts the Y; sucli bandinan, In Bulletin Nor. .20 of the' Ger h� ty of ch ng, 6 For worries and stresiq , nu exaggerf%_ ma challenge.. Which W the beat butter I 'it tit two 'together and' makes them insep- Patterns as y�o;. want. Enclose 20d -in Department,of Agriculture a't.OtFAwft.;, ments' teaviis us a liber angi I t, world!=Tbe goat. lon Of worry sickens the old stamps or Oin (coin hem-'Wltho t binshing.—Bis'li'0j) 'Wit- arable. The supreme passkon of.thL pref�irod; Wrap Grate, feeding, es pecially for, cockerels aln: 4al. ioul Ili love t'6 "Ud, a t' of it' caf6fully) for e�ch number., aild' ls'hig'hly iecommetided,'but it IF; also 'Son. br' pringing on -rest love- �-,, us.' All the knowledge we possess of ex- Why is, next, Thurday like. a chick.. She Is..fio use Ili tile world at all for: ,Ahe, revelation of' his g Efddress.your oider'toVilson 'Pattern' claimed b.y.Mr. Elfordf.hat It.-Wll payl. en that cannot lift its h6ad the wotld has i . to. use for I her, �And this1ove of 'God bitids us to him Service, 13 West Adela-ide,St., To n terns[ objects In. founded upon' experi.� ft 11 . .-V I 1*0 to- to adq0t -this method with pullets'and' Nr Flowers 'But Ahi- holds'to tier iarthly pogsew, Reparable dnion �fltom. I efice, which. furnishes facts'; and the neck 8 We&k (fiftt, week)..'-. Patber�s ent 6y' an airly mail, and1becomes,the law of our life, XOv-. tiens when they iire.to be 'sold in li,� -fait flowers,, along,' a small.row of 11611hes drossed condit , lo�jl, qra�e. feed tcotaparlson of these est6bilshos God hith made many which induction That brjng her a pittance and kill tier 'ertiing all conduct 'aqd all, rel'atiohn - a ltg, "at relations,' the but -the falrest'-of them.all is hewit, I WIiiah two fisill 'would be- most h§e.' ' (lone hot Witli th6ge bolif uif. 66-furth�,r, h In ath craf6ff suitable for ROM- " GoodnessInd Mercy intuitive' belet, that, like .6auses will 13: 8-10; Gill. 5: 14;. James 2: 0. ' . . ad the flower of alfflow'ers in Christ,, (ul to'a ckrppn�e —The a6w,,fIqh and Jn body and.. mindi �small flods,;and, In, feeding batteries I prodoce like offects.lead a Samuel, -Ruther.b. rd,: 4mmer-fivaded ,jhark. In the story ag told in LT:e 10:' 25- Tlixi're Is d6W on one �flower, and, n6t for -those who buy in chickens to An- at ogetleril tile 11 Ws.—MN. Somerville.,' �Iko ambulance takds Iter'to tile Ob. 'go Jesus i-aia-to thd*seribe "Thisdo on another, becaue 6" op�na "'a c" lati In a large. way.' GLORY How -may alf MW 2. paqs,too. ...and thou shalt five."- Evidently 'to to take it in, while the other closes, in servation ward., True glory consi4ta In doing what,-When-tht-re Is oft An ohey the law of love "A'a, in thcl�ind 'Itself aEn*d tho-4rdris,run off. 'So- Goa ptittin'. n a batch of chickens to �.EAIIOR d later -tile hearse takes tier to tile oil, an, ev, ning in V '0 said the attened it Is recornm6nded I of. J�sug,: true, li 'flig.'" S go6difeati gift'd Mercy as.WMe as'bq aid Tile labor of the body relieve4 us deserves, Ito be written,' in. writing cemetery; famous� rhiKsionary to the tile d6i ,lowf(bem to'niNg a meal 1104tions wito never cared- 'for tier w, an(), 11 we lack them, -It Is and th-en * to fr4m!1i tile tht1g6n o fthe nlind;-'and - what deserves to. lid read, - anif so I I v- Wit fell - it; tbe heavier the full Inooli mqn(I'Luti, "110 who lovess r14 I've.; because We will not 'open our beailtg this It is which forms We happine'as claim her houq0s, R�ty , 'f�4ed sparingly for several days. TbIs' Ing as to Make thd 'Wolld happier and or the new moun?—The now moon be- ?lot;, and ho who live. -i by �heefle' (of In. . I - better A41 moon, is Mu0i'llght And agree -that, it is a"'hattilk release," plan. Is neces§ary to avoid indigestion off the boor'.—Itbehefoucau ld.' ur love) C to receive the' c' se'the full an nevc�' er. The."ass.you oten, to -day— "R, ide ro m hhappy, halt-qrated old I BBUD FISHE -u MUTT, AND IEFF Br o Geevem Flashes Sorhe CaVe-man StUff. bese pooi,' women ^of, seventy.. Alny 01d people did'ht survive'the (we L, G C- G V G tA RAVL60 01�:F AevD =b.i MUT T b Ab 'f 0 V 'H (��C4CCDbl-NG WAS; tIC-Lb' rE YCVSr- IA42 A t,40M,C-AjT':,) Atk J -rk�q-_y w5ab (�Vco fit ljiS.breiba AM AWFUL Sorl-� 'ANb SoNvb'-,� war in Hilgland, but there were some, R 146-vm A -r i % ' 0, N . . L-Aw-N� A.Nb liv M. bl) YOU— VA-tCE". pt courso, such as The Qurtinly COULbN'T* OTTCfjb, 6VS cRC-Am oV:,Soc(ery 1 C G (t t- t,4 0 NY . AN V A c- p., M I S momc­&ur. -ti-ic- L%Kd A L06' tra".of the Poetry, Rev lew ' (Loird on) CVC �M'S. -tO014 9 ­AK AJN%tT4 50it. PF -b Twt so-b:OUT, be- WA esenEs ils,.M6 live on Ili a changed K A W G '04M , a�,WGLL AFFAIP.l L �ONOVKfCC I No. nlc- pp'lwc, C 01Z C WAs' ALL Aaoyl S �rc_ T14C- T,-cs,-r MArj".'- L L WRA tr C 01 The famot:�,; -ti.brtry 6t%la�v and other cizvc -twou it- ther, nvas6aveltdrg th4 .goflft -f-hto Iofit R ivso. [11 UNN .4 -7 ot in, fildment's t o�igbt, qhq aidqed.- "No, that not the itoo tleall - wite're -felt Out'"