The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-09-26, Page 5• ' • 4: " ellophone Accounts • •thted October 10, whigh[lOcal sidhsCribers will receive within • • a few days will be accompanied • by,notices sxplaining iniporWit • changes in futarc accounts. • To tipplify and expedite' our. work, We have'diVided :our, changes -into six groups., • -Ea • group will recelire ac - c. ta under Ong of six,-difu rent ,datem. ;In HIV waY.,th work Of preparing" thonsanda.", ,accounts.wilt: be spread„a evenly over .the.Whole niontn eeCountspf local ekibicriber, pill be dated the • asePO'fi".! 000 YoU will appreciate Ilie new form of *count we lie intro. ducing-at th#,Same time which will have all the figurea Clearly: • 'printed and accurately totalled by ,machines. In addition, charges Will be shown right up to the date �f theaccount. • '• The 'plan is eirplained more fully rn notices which accom- pany OttOber 1st: accounts: • Our Business Office' people Will be .pleated to give yoli ;any further infOratatim . • Aripl • BELL itELEPHnNIC OOMPANX • On cantina • ttt 11. • Ne • TR LUCKNOW ' THURgDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 ' • al t'T 71,40,--mvpmir • .PAGE r NOTICE TOCREDITORS • • In the iuntter •the Estate 0 Anthb •icK Vieti*Oht• "la.t,e of tee Town ship of APhne4,4 the t ‘OlintY • Huron, gpineter„ i„AegeaSed„ blotieel itereey given tii4 ,hersOns "bavin .any (dahlia or 'demands against th 45Le Annie 111(..Kenzte. who. died on o 'about the Ninth day Qf August, A. D 1929 at the township' of Aslifielcl the County of Huron are required t send by poet prepaid or to 'deliver t :the. undersigned Adininistra.toraiwit Will annexed, of the estate , of said Annie McKenzie. their name an addresses and full • particulars: i vriting of their claims and state ,4.hents :Of „their accounts and the •na :ture of ,the seeurities,if any,, held by 'them duly'verified' by•affidavit. • :! ....And. take nOtice that after the Fif thentb day of .0Ctober,,A; D. AP2,9 the •said Administrators Will preceed to -distribute. the; aseets of the. Skid .ceaseil •-among. the -, -persona entitled theff.40,- haying „regard • .bnlY to the et' which they Shall then rbaYe had notiee, .and that,the said stratarsvvill not be hab1 for the id assets‘Pit'011y ikart,thre.d.to any retaCiii of whose elaini they.shall not thew have received ,notice. This notice is given Pursuant:` to •the Statute in that b h If • Dated at 'Llicknoit, Ontario, ,this '17th daY Of September ,A. D. )2920. Finlay D: Miolennan: Luekhow, Ont. • John A. MacKeezie,' R. R. No, I nwannon Ont . •• Administrators • • f:1 --10-e.) • SCHOOL.FAIR AT COWIEY'S CO,IINEitS • 1'Th9'. Agfhfield Sehoel• Fair iteld at on. T.neSO4Y• was a er successful event, though the wegthe „was ,4'01nevirliat. inclement. A ,heavy n rain shower came On shortly after i; 'wen but Wile!' • this was, over, and it O did not last long, there waa no more !I trouble on that score, but the wind de' ,was cold and Standing round the n•breeze Soon chilled •the.-- :However, - everYthing was caeried-hutias-arran- - ged. ; • , • 1,', the school parade there -were 'seven sehools PartkeipatiresentL. ing quite -el:de spec,- :71acie Green, orange yellow were th.e colors • :•060,e4,131.S. N4...0, ,Kintai.1,'"green caps •an,s1,791.e ouoihei on a .green Shield With .• • • orange betder.-tae!ii ,seliolar had -a •ohneli of crepe 'paper streamers at , Sehea to .0e shonider,.. :owl- the ban: net...depicted the .rising 'sun. S: S. No. 16. Crewe.. were natty in b-rtie and. white middies. or shirts , and blue skirts or trousers. The banner' . in blue and White and the head- , winds or • gaps were Of White with the figure 14 hi 'blue. Hemlock City School NO. "15, had an apptoPriate bdniier and the • various Pupils wore. sashes • NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS : . in the matter of the Estate 'of ,William James late of •the Village of 14ncknow, in the County Of Bruce, Ile-, tired. •Farmer, deeeitSed. Notiee, is hereby given: that all persons having any claims or deniarids' against the lath William who, about the Twenty-third day of July 'A. D. 1929 at the Village ...,."Lucktiow :n •the : COunty of_ Biliee-.6.re. required to. send pest prepaid or t� deliver to. the undersigned, Executors under !he VVill et the said IVilliam t.heir names and • addresses and full" oartlecilars in writing of 'their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of 'the securities, .if. any, held by them duly' verified. by. dfida- • ' • And take' notice. that after the VIT.: • Leenth day of, October A. D. „ 1929 the aid Exeeutors Will proeeed to distti., utetheassets Of the said. dePeased -imong the: persons ,entitled thereto, reoard orthi theMinis of iVhich they shill then have had notice. ind that the said E'vecutor •will •not liavoe for%the.' Said assets‘ or any nhrt theoof to any person of whese lon th,w Shall not then have recei- .ved •notice. • ' • This notice is given • trirsgarit to the Statute in that behalf. Dated at LrekneW; Onterio. thiP 17.th day 'of September A.:D. 1929. John R. Lane • Thomas , •Maleblin • R, R. No. 2, Holy rood, Ont. with the of sone, tree and the youngest members carried 4 .mptio, :.Save the Forests," etc: S. S.No. 5 were .veri, neat 'With their red, caps, Jed 'ties etc. Laurier gehool No. i 12 -tarried a picture of Sir Wilfred Latir - ter On :their Zenner and used yea,- • vhite and 'blue in deCoration. S. S. , ehert.4. steeD • blue et 'purple for then. deCoratiOn with silver, figure to display their •ituriber, and Lochalsh: S.:ebbe', • No. 4.adOpte.d 'the plan of !eiCh sehOl- • tat when they lined up • in proper or - 'wearing' a -large Mae letter, Ise • ;hat. when they lined upin Proper or - :ler ,fiho werdirig, Lochalsh:. No. 4,7 was ;1Tery. peotitinently' diaplayed.' The udges awarded first •place in'the par-. •', de,• judged .en. Marching deportment .cUlture to S. • , No 4, Which w1r4 the shield, and econd place t�, S. S. No. 15, a 0.00 , All 'the schools: were consitd ered yery 'creditable and the , compe- "ition as. close. The ,schoOls not re- ceiving, first or, secOnd prize were all a• prize o $ , • Ken Farrish led thepe:de ais bagpipes. • • ' ' • • Ashfield toWnittip hasa'very .fine ••Executors at of, yenng orators, , and there were entries •for the public speaking' •.'ontest, 'and' without extePtioh the • DREDGING TEESWATER RIVER • NOTICE TO CllEIHTORS the 'Matter of idle ,Estate of Edwin Jarvis late•of the Township or •• Ashfield in • the 'Cpiirity: of 'Huron; •l'',eonian, deceased. Notice- is hereby given that all persons •having any claims or -deniarels against the late EdWin Jarvis ..who .died. On or about tRie •Twelfth 'day . of. July A: D. 1029, it the Town of Winghain in the Colin- , ty Of Huron are required to Send 'by '.• post prepaid or to deliver 'to" the un- • dersigned,. 'Eltecutor-iiiider. the- Will of the. said Edwin •Jarils. their.names : • and addresses' and full Particillare hi ivriting or their claims and itate- • ments Of their accounts and the. niv • ture of the securities, if az_iy, held by• .them duly verified by affidavit. `-'• And take notice that afteethe Fif- teenth dayof October,' A.D. 1,929. the. I' said' Executor Will Preceed-lo distrib- ..utce the assets Of the said deceased • arnong the petal:ins entitled thereto, baying regard only to the claiins of :which be shall, then have had notice; • and. that the said Executor will riot be, liable for the, said assets or any hart • thereof to any person of whose claim. • shall not then have received no-. This notice id gfvennqrsuant to Ow - NOT YET COMI'LETED• ' • 'S'tatute that behalf. • ' . . - • a 17th day 'Of Sent:ember. ' 1929. Samuel Reid, R. R: No: 3.• • Lucknow. Ont. Executer. . When the contract fog dredging the •Teeswliter Rivet was commenced two. years ago, it was expected that 'the fob would be .competed .in :a 'year's •.ime. The l!contractors are still work- ing. away, and it is almoit certain • hat it cannot -be finished up this year. The bars to be removed are almost 11 sol•id • 1.6ck, and • the contractors ' hid it very. slow going. ' W4 G. •lleGeorg.e. of Chatham, the engineer sho compiled the drainage report in •rinnection with this work, was there ast week inspecting the contract. . _ 1Phone No..1.0 is at Your ServiCe • We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Store ' To the Ladies of 2Lucknow and Surrounding *Country ilife Invite'You to Our Cask and Carry Sale •.This Sale Means several lines of 9 Enamel 'Ware Irinevvare Kjtchen Utensils " at exceptiqually low prices. TO OUR FARMER CUSTOMERS WE HAVE IN JSTOCK THE FOLLOWING GOODS WHIC.It YOU . WILL REQUIRE • MACHINE OIL --the best qualiti. SAMSON HAY FORKS -these are Correct iti Shape, second gran th ° ash handle$ and every fork guaranteed. • ROPE -pay fork . rope the hest quality Sling Rope, and to.pe for • 'PARis, ORE:EN ' • ,, .---.. • ARSENATE of LEAD' • , • • and ARSENATE of LIME To get rld"if thi.iresktpOtato bag. SCREEN DOORS -We .have these in 3 sizes and 'different de;i-gns. : SOMER. WiiiIDOWS-4-1.6 fit any size WindoW. LAWN '1110WER• S,... -00r prices, 0,0* Poe. Ai• ' DiANTOolito HINDER TWINE--t"-THE BEST" ' FRESH LIME7 CEMENT • .GliPROC WALL WARD Oft- Heattit. ind Pectiic • toys and Oita did eitceptionally well. rhe first prize Was n warded t�' • Teeleaven,' S.11 -o. '16, with an address--eii-±I•Inunitrsttirm." Seeon(L. 'pt;ise to .Dora,tly Curran, of 5..S. No. whose topic was 'Pauline Johnston' third to Anna Treleaven, S. S. No. 16 on the subject 41teading" fourth to Jean Culbert Of S.' S. No. 9 on "Our Flag'! and, fifth to Keith Johnston, S. S..No. 9, on the "Eartlivve`iin." Colin Crozier had a good topic "Seeing our- selves as Other See Us," and it was very . nicely :given also. Mr. George Spotton, the, donor of•a 'spec- ial prize for the public speaking cOn-, ::test of $5. Nr. Spotton Was present at the fag showing the interest :he is taking in .the rising. generation.. , Asitneid Township seenis t� haVe'. a vita, nne lot of !spellers also, ' and tous. a. long time to. determine the Winners, by tire erobesS•oi elimination 'and inspector Beaeom Who sondireted he cOnceat; eame to the . conclusion' that tne last two in the contest Knew all the words. lowever,' Keith Johon of S. S. No. 9, at last suc-' climbed and got second, place, while Arst honors Went to Francis Crozier *oi S. S. No. 16. Third Place went to Dorothy Curran Of S. S. No l• 9, fourth w Ruby Reid, of S. S. hie. 5, fifth to ald IVicKey, Spring Wheat, slViarquis Sheak,Keith Je•husteni 'Donald Me - Ka?, ito,Airt Simpson,. Bensee Shack- • leton, ,Rom McKenzie.. Oats, O. A•;. C. • 144, lltl4rt--Arthur Elliott: Oats,' 0.' A. C. 144,!' Sheaf David McKenzie, Arthur :Elliot. Oats; O. A. C. 21, quart -4.arnea fattish, Alex Gauley, .Clit- ford Blake. Barley,' 0, A. C. 24 sheaf •-,.James Farrisb, Alex Gauley, Albert Sage,, Clifford. Blake; Louis McLean: • Sweet' Corn, ,golden 13antam-George McGregor, Bertram Curran, Andrew BarkWell, Harvey Robb, Ina Campbell Pe:7hn48:.,.. Io:ts`dVeetabeSl , . • ,Russelj , A 1- • to, :Jas. GardnethQ .. i!acrtiisi:beFretrg,rnliSi.enn.:, Frances Crozier, ir ips,•Carigclitia Vem.„,-4:Gerden .1.Rebbt,. .0Or4On McGreger, Ethel. JgeKenzie; Heets,' Detroit Dark 4(4('---4an Waria4, „Zerthaqn,Doothy Chrran, Eeggie OauWy, Murel Blake Violet -Ctilbei-t,,. ' CartetS,. Ma'rgaret Johnston, Alma, tuctaft,...Bliklisi...er Olive, Maim: ?Margaret.Hibbek, Rena Hunter;Pars • ribs; Hello* ,C•roWn--Edtin'BarkWell, Elmira' Alton,: Beatripe . Treleaven. 'Onions, YellOW Simpson„ Isabel.*Lean; Brown, Eileen Treleaven.: ” • Supplementary, 'Classes' ' ',Vvinter. Iiiintat,--Alary Glare, Eliedi 'fldnter, ;Benson Shackleton>. :•.3.:4.Yod Hunter, 'Jos. Co.urtney,- David Cowan, potatoes;•irish CO bler-•--tecelia ,Watt •Alma 'Caren, EtnilY Brown, Alex ,Usti;. ley, Jack MeKenzie,Keith Johnstbn. Potatoes, Green 'MountainAlex'Gau- leY, Rey McKenzie; 'Anna May- 'Ire - leaven, Eileen Campbell, Anna :May' :Culbert. School..Celiectien at Veget, .ables•R. L.. McKenzie. Pie Purripkin -Emily ,Beown, -Harvey.,Kilpatrick, Florence McKenzie, ,Itene. Ross. " Hub - .bard 1Vlartar- •-et• JohnstenT-Beirspir•Sira-ckletair,--EW.- ilk Brown, *Gtace .Canipbell,' Jas. Gii- ' • . • • • Botiquet of Asters-kathieen,ThOr-., hum,. iviargaret Johnston, .Isai5'e1 Lpan,. Keith 'Johnston, Bitty Colin:ion ,Robt.1 , Simpson. Bouquet Phlok= Donald,Sinrpson, Edna ksarkwell. Bou- quet, ,Zinnias-rteatrice Oulbert,„ lrl- • ma llnpkettr" eLane Gardner,' David McKenzie; Eileen Campbell, Gordon 'Anderion. Bouquet, African .Marigeld „-Albeit Sage, Muriel Theirbuin, His - sell Aittin,,••••'Ainfa Curtail. 'Bouquet Calendala,--Andkciw Gerald' • Culbert.' Bouquet Frenelf MarigoldST:-. • Marie FergaSen-, Culbert'D'oris Reid,: Helen Gilmore,: 'Andrew , McLennan. Bouquet Cosmos -Ethel NeKenzie,, Duncan ThorMirn, • Almira, Alton, ,a1arorie McDonald, Eileen -Treleaven, W,anada ',Ferguson. Bouquet $alpigloSsis -'111arion • .Mac- • Donald. Dining room -table botkmet' from •hdyne garden -..LIRobt. ''Simpson, Benson. Shackleton, Francs • Crozier, Emily . Brown Keith Johnston, OliVe. Blake. / • • • Fruit • • Northern Spies --Hilda Lane, Roy MeKenzie Benson • Shackletbn, Anna MaeCulbert. Basket Assorted Fruits -Ellecla Hunter, Anna May Trelea- ven, Keith. Johnston, It A. McKenzie, poodry . , , .•-tarred .Rock cockerel-7Rolit. Sin- pson, Olive' Blake, Clifford '.mak; Co lie, Crozier, Beeson Shackleton; ;Keith o ns On. ar g oe , ou et -0 lye Blake, Alex Gauley, Clifford Blake, Hilda Lane, Wanda Ferguson, Robert Si/boson. White Leghorn, cockerel - Mildred Pelee, Gorden Anderson, El- don Bradley, Hilda Lane, Roy McKen- zie Colin Crozier. • 'White Leghorn,. Felee, Eldon Bradley; Gordon Anderson, Galin Crozier, Alex Gauley, Roy McKenzie. • Any pet - William Watt, Harry Kilpatrick, Rus- sell Alten, Harold Robb, Charlie Bra- wn. Ilen'a Eggs-Elleda -Hunter, 'Mil da .1,ane, Alex Gauley, Muriel Blake, Dozen White Hen's :Egga-Mildred Pelee, Alex Gaiiley, Roy McKenzie, Anna ,TreledVezi; ,Hilda. Lane, Keith Johnston. •. • Live Stock: ••Agricultural Colt -Lloyd Hnnter. Beef - Calf -Clifford Blake; Gordon Anderson. Dairy Calf -Mildred Felice Market Lentil -Clifford Blake, 'Irene ' Ross, Gordon Anderson; Kenzie Rose. Halter Broken Colt -Lloyd • Hunter. Halter .113rokett CalfL-Ciffilird Blake, Gordon',• Anderkin, Mildresi Feke.:Pair Bacon Hogs -Clifford Blake, Gordon Anderson , „: • 4h3,mestic' Science • - School Lunch-'-keith Johnston, An- na. May Treleaven; Jean Jonnston, Behson. ,ShaCkleton, 'Jean Culuerti Alex Gadiey. Oatmeal •Cookiel---Lil- lien McLean, Eileen uampoeil, Beat- rice., Treleaven, Florence McKenzie. ,Layer •Cake, 'Vitt) • icing -.-.Anna . Mee. Fattish, Emily Lia.Own, Jean Johnston 'Grace ,. Courtney, Muriel • Thqrburn, .11,argaret ilinben: Lemon Tarts-E1- leda;flunter, Midred Felce, Vera Lit- tle, Marion McKenzie, Lillian McLean Jean •Johneton. Apple shuce-Marion McKenzie', Dorothy Curran, .H4tVey Root), Anria May Treleaven, '• Alex Gauley, Mildred 1..'elee.. Vegetable Sal- ad -Jean Johnston, Alex Gauley; Em- ily' Brown, Anna May: Treleaven, Kei- th . Johnston, , Margaret Johnston. Cream Fudge -Benson Shackleton; Violet Ritehie,.,keith Johnston, Wan - .da Fergaion, Elleda Hunter, Marg- aret . Johnston. Peanut Brittle-Erhily Brown, Margaret Johnston, ' jean • Johnston; Olive 'Blake, Keith John- ston. . • • • Sewing •, Ilithd-meder Holder -Florence- Mc- Lilliarr-Metean, Rena- Hunter Benson Shackleton, Ilejen, Gitiiinre; Hand -made Dusteah--E.mily Btown. 'Daisy Ritchie?, Anna May Treleaven, Verna • Kilpatrick. . Helen Gilinore, Plain 'Aprofiniily.o0,3rdtivii; Jean „Johnston, ,.Anna...May„..Treleaven, Ina Campbell; : Margaret Johnston, Daisy Ritchie, )reser Scarf-gogaret "Ebben , Margaret Johnston. Emily Brown,' Violet Riteie, Anna Ma.y 'Pre - leaven.' •• Article made •from •School ClOth-L-Mary Clare,,-Ernitr-Brown, atgaret Johnston. Elleda Hunter; Johnston,an Anna .May Treleaven. &limed Linen Handkerelrief,-,!.Mar. Mckenzie, Lillian littLean‘ pnily Bullent S. S. No. 15, and sixth op Muriel Farrish of • S. S. No. 15. fliere were two month organ attistS to compete, Ben Bro,wp Of No, . 17, was deoided on as the first prize Win- ner 'and Reggie Campbell, NO: 12, as the second? but the judges liad-to ask fbn a second selection from each per- former 'hal:ire:they .were prepared to make Li &Vision,: The championship pupils, ' those winning the greatest number of poin- ts in the awards at the fair ,ere Emily Brown of $.: 5. No, j,5,. • who, Won the Eaton Silver Cup; 'a beauty; Heitb Johnston' of S. S. No. 6, • who Wok ,'secon'd, the book, `Three 'Cent- ▪ Ganadian Iliatdry;". mid*Alt-T- Gailey of S. S. No. IC: whO "rd prize the book,. "Flanous Can., dian Stories," clonai,e1 by the Eaton co. •• . — , • Toe; litetes-conaticted,,a,retresyrivent- _. booth and tfie men an lee efeain booth, In the eVening a einieert WaS given in the lioll by 'talent fretn kihearidine. The Winners in the various clasiel and fn he saiiii'Weki as f011oWsr, Griht and Corn ,. • . Spring ,Wheat, Maripris Rey Ifeltettaie, Keith Johnstent itob; ert Simpitoji, Benson ShiwokiOtOn, DOi • Je PttltiVII ,form Mechanics '' • . Foot Rnier--Benson' Shackleton, Alex Gauley, ihnicSn Thoiburn, ,Idek)anw41.1.47.1470441Al rtmliau•trc. illiootfcreArfitaaril;ree; Ritchie, Marion. '3,14.Ceuzie, •Aas. Oil - mere, Jahn Brown, Duncan Therhurri, Alvin ROI,. .Bread •Seard--,Jas. 'Gil- more. Any 'fflOcilel In Weed -Lane •gardn'er,"Voyd /..i0.11tet, Benson .Bro- • vv-m---Alvin,..Robb, Arthur. Elliot, Alex „,Oaure-y. Scrap Donh-Kerinith • Gauley Ellen :Andrew, 1,01s Mcbean, Donald Simpsen, Gorden Robb, IlariTy John- ston. ArtiACial' Flower-Etnily Brown • Anna ;May Treleaven. Nature 'Collections; • • Ten Worst Felee,, .Keith.,ffohnstop; Lloyd Hunter. • Ten .Nctive Woods-Elleda Hunter, %Yd. flardeer, . Mildred ''F•eice; .Kelth., John - sten. FarnrCiap,...Seeds---Mildred Fel- Ce,' 'BenScin Shackieten, Syd" Gardner,. Ren,' Hunter, 4colth RObt, Sim pson five ',Mooths,, 10 butte'rflies and. Keith .Johnatop..11obt.' Sinipson.. • -• , • .-Driwing, • Art and Writing . '•,10itirig•.,, "Morning Hymif'Sadie 'Farrish;'• .Denaltl'•Sitripsen, •Dew; •creaUit.;:.;lVfary Eiitabeth 1Var- tin, •Cyril O'Keefe. Writing the "Land of Nod", -Irene• Bagshaw, • Itima Ha- ckett, Lane Gardner, Marie Ferguson Lena Hunter, lielen"Martin. "A Wet ' Seet 'and a Flowing' Sea"--. -John Wilkinson,,' habella Fjrilayson, ,Frances Dalton; Mu'ried Thorburn, Margaret Hiblien.'s Harvey Robb. Wri,, ' ting ."Christrnas"---I abel MacLean, Dorothy Curran Ruby Reid; Ellecta Hunter, Margaret Farrish. Isabel Mc- Kendriek. Drawing Apple, Potato and, Carret--Elizabeth' Martin, Harvey Phillips. 1Phylis Blake, Mary O'Neill,: • Edna Phillips. 'Elmira Alton: Draw- : 'Mg Three Fritits-itlinw Hackett, Jimmie' Reid, Lane. Gardner, ' Harvey • Ritchie, John Brown, . Lane Hunter: _Union „Jack in Color -Bette, Bissett,L Mich'ael J. Mar -tin, Ignatius Martini ••Catherrne-TMcKenzie, •David Cowan, Einlaysan_Xaleaideti. :.."Violet Ritchie, -Ruby Reid, Elleda 'Minter, Olive .131ake,•Chesr Tiirmley ,Jimmie Reid.-aterie Reiss, ,Marie Fer- guson. Map, North Ameriaa,-.:Cather, • ine'' 'McKenzie, Betty Bissett, Atvin Robb, 'Jean Culbert, David Cowan, • Helen' Gilnjore. Map, British Isles- Dal.iy. Ritchie, 'Syd Gardner, Frances' Crozier, 'Eileen .Treleaven: Ella Ho- gan, Therina Johnston. Essay -"My 'Pet' -Ina ' J. Campliel•f, jellies Far.: rish, Catherine ,McKenzie, Alvin 'Robb 'Frances Palton, 'Grace 'Courtney.. Es'7 ,sat gistorical • •Sketch Margaret Farrish. Georre Far- rish, Clara McKeirdriek, Verna • patric , Dorothy Ctirran. ' kv JudgIng--c.iircird Blake 4, t, v1111.'3,0,44. .4.4e1141.11, 1.4 re, it 1 C., • ..1;:t 4.41.tia EA1); eElla 1.;0.1i4 i.te 11.1.4i1/ • sneua tiuntok:. elahring ..:OuLest-olargatet, dennzLud, thaticii, Latin. crozier,' nAgth Johnson, • enieua :thila ireivaven., 'Awe- uu,4test-iien 1...eg. • •L;anipue,..t. , bpaiiing iviatt.h-r rancea c•rozier, borotny 'Cur- i•an; • Item, Buuen, Muriei arrisn. SpeaKing-rdigen, Porothy' curraq; it&• leaven, Jean (Lailbert; Keith J.Cainston; Uoiin crezier; school Paraae-s. S. •:hampleon. Pain! .-,11))),1111111i11111111.1\ ;.• , A .tire built .to' itandithestraina of ;1929'mOtot.4"- • ingT-,sudden 'braking," guick 'pick-up, highr ...speeds... • . • „ . • • Its superstrong .carcass • combines new ' neering„princiPles, new, ionstruCtiOn: • • Side-walls are .stronglY. birttresseCto resist rut • • and curb weer.'• • -•,• , . . , • • • .• . Tread. is thicker, with 'deep -cut :block; icili*te treater 'non -kid Mileage. ".. Tli,e•Neivloy.al,ciirdis.the.tire Ycifilsitrat:have to .get the, best froin your Car, '', • . • TosiOw ... Smith •••:, Dependable • Heating & Cooking Units FOR YOUR HONiE With Happy • Thought Furnaces and McClary's Coal and Wood and Electric Ranges, we can supply at a , very .moderate cost equipment that' we can guarantee and; which can be relied upon to always give entire' satisfaction. If in need of a 'new. range. or heater this fall, pay us a "visit, and we shall be glad to show you our aseortment of ranges and heaters., ' _Bindy Brown, Keith Johnston, A.,px • Gauley. ••••• • . Sperta • I • thrls. under 9 years --,-.Sadie Clar- idge, jlargety Bissett, 'Jean Neison, katgleen 'Aie:Kendrick, 'Phyllis Blake. •th:),ys- under .8: yeats-Aloert • Page, Thos. Culoert, Gordon 'Hebb, Arcnie McIntyre. , " • Gitis under ten -Hilda Lane, ,Anna Fart:tan Beatrice Treleatr,en, Permute McKencirick, V. Culbert, Jean Culbert , Boys Under tea---7Harvey Kiipatrick' Gordon Boob, itegge• Campbell, • Girls under tweive---Bettv Bissett, Muriel. Fattish, Anna 'Parrish, 'Clara .,VIcKendrick, Anna May Treleaven, Critherin6 McKenzie. ; • .Boys Under t welve -Jos. Keefe,' Reggie Carnphell, Jes. McIntyre, Don - aid IiieGregor, John Finlayson.. • Girls any age -Betty Bissett,.Cath- brine Hogan, Hilda 'Lane, Muriel Far- ' rish. • •' • • . Boys any ageWilbert Robb:, Reg- gie Canipbell, JOs. Keefe, Joseph.. Mc Donald McGregor, Alex. ,Gate- ley. • • Girls three legged race, ,untkr, ten years÷:11 i Ida' Lane and' Anna .Fairish Kathleen McKenzie and Sadie •Fnr- rish, Jean Culbert and Muriel. Blake, .Beatrice Treleaven •and F. Culbert. Girls thyeelegged race under, twel- ve -Betty Bissett and Muriel Farris -1i Clara' McKendrick and Donelda Me - Kendrick, jean Nelson and 'Margaret. 13issett4. Sadie • 'Parrish' andKathleen McKendrick, ?J'earr Campbell and M- ina Curran. , • • Boys' three legged race any age- ' Harvey KlIpatrjek and Gordon' And:. • erson, Gordon Robb 'and Jack Elmer Roble -and gaff Blake. Wil - met,: Robb and N. Johnstaii, Albert Stift .and Archie'. McIptyle. • Wheelbarrew race -Reggie Caiap- bell and Joseph McIntyre, Albert Sage eli'd Norman McGregor, Morris Fowler and Morgan' McGregor. Relay -Race -Muriel Farrish, Betty, I3issett and Cathefine• McKenzie, '115j1 Wilkinson, Wilbert,'Robb and- Jos. Keefe; Albert 'Sage, Reggie tamp- and-Jes.---iMeInt.yret---Clift-Ski-ker IC Johnston and Elina Curran; 'S. S; No. 9:; GPtdon McGregor, Donald Mt - ••Gregor. anci_J1111-Y,..!.Catisleyx.:•ANTL • 3: Clara yfeiteridtia4, ispla MCKen-: drick ,and Jas. • McCrae. NEmr ..w91t1( voR EELL • • The bell on top of the Tars titoolt- •Sh11411S7V-IiiCh outithe bents, calling the umployeba ,.te) work,. whieb Since 101.i, ..‘Shen the fac1e•1:1, closed down, is how to be. -Used for ealling s..41.OriShillher5a to•r,Atirl4i,;,41-4.0.,ir.7.11entfr the owner of the Woollen- Mills has • kindlY derrated the 4/61:1 11 tire gretetiOrt of the new. 1.Yresbyteriat • thoreli. at Anhup,n„ The glit has b'eeri Made' ift memory -of her hither, the • tato rogtet.—Tiwa leatior. . • .PAINT. FOR FALL, ,tomiqtE LINE. OF MARTIN•, SENOUR ' 1004 PURE • rAnos AND VARNISHES. . FOR THE, FALL HUNTING SEASON , Dominion and Western Field Atnmunition, Also good stock f Rifles and • Shot Gun. FRESH CEMENT, 1.4ME.• PAR/STONE & GYPROC ON HAND • RAE and PORTEOIJS PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING AND COAL Phone 66 .Lucknow.. CO - • MeCcirmidDeeii.ipg • . THIS MACIIINE IS Al ADE WITH TWO STEEL REATERR. To PULVERIZE TOE MANURE AFTER i'VPICH IT RECEI'VES A THIREPEEATING AND IS SPREAD OUT ' EVENLY BE- • Y9Nt) THE WHEELS BY THE SPREAD SPIRAL. • IT HAS A rousRED STEL REAR AXLE, ' FITTED' ' wrirfr kpii.„Lgtt ItEARTh7G-S THAT CARIIYI-lTA-ZW-TRIC---- I . TION OF _.THE REAR WHEEL AND 'ARE ENCLOSED,. IN • , 1,1ST--PII5-(7 R011,5-SIIN-P- S';' , TIIE IIRATRR SilAi4TS ALSO ROI. IN . ROLLER • BEAR. ING$, Willett" IltLeg' rii MAKE A' LIGHT DER SER sEE TRIs SPREADER AND FIND - OUT „Wax IT ta ----.Sttfgk-ttttORE fltliINCi...,," : ' a._AND Agent k lett*POW ..4