The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-09-19, Page 4--powdrect s'09Nv! per. Am,d Jip 49vex i_A; Aqp er E 'Alopps ptfer' a slide;, aild i:a THB N N T I A -ice e ;*t, I# t11L ti,,�# - -0 built 0 C�It -, 1 , - ,,, �4iry pa1VL al . . . ......... 40 e V 'ry. u�lsday utional it -is. qvioro that the e0c %�Vwo too' 1� ;0," " who ,ab rd 'Gre nick k aftrities -selected this s jite approxilma.e er coil tt lkas. a s� boo.gsulnod th jl�.. 9.xi,eis, ot thow of,,th iop, Wg the . 1, tp, have aXXd V� Orlu, sale oi- ,rat. year, t 4f ''the Story F 3/8 itsoilaot.h entertaining— eiuwe�` of linfo Wilted 54 IRV,41. Pent Tas, po4 'it didn't n�atter .4bout the Thiclams U A"IR, i9i - .. . . I .. . . .1 . . . . I 6-o,neiulam� With 1pc�'Qa§e� Ill - uw0A.Y, SPTE _ . .. ... . I - � 9 tb consumption 0 mewilig nickle, T. *�.s ense bei With. such moil!. ales ol. nicloeii I Ale t idre is lroou4s from' trita", , , I at th hobLIS Of Jintington wor DW09600 increasedL 36 r 0 -At inrmigrat�orn: iron . and rolled rt�Lkel lewonde e V Tile un- tes this. Aiarticle'under ler, It r Lt.,The Lompany attriou that country b e pansion ' not only to- the geriefal -enral CW 4 d6sikables' from, South arid C act klileh at._ I -ggply good businqss Li I d t� elltiy gur ed 11 Europe dida t rea niblief, tile Lo I dt'ions of'L . new applic., i P ;S -lull tarvujilout 'eLh,-. dE 1 thro,40'n' the ft t'' -E en- TME -PROOF and�, sales orianizatiorisi- Also" htnical a, v!Ast, amount niolkel steel scrap �,4ue ­ua MNO� TR - -K N( UC during e wor a W. -b ue-ti$ W its h:.v Seaa?" iliLp"'o iL �,e con6qque�tly intreaiing their di a ie2eyit; prpw & Accor Ing 10 and USeU up 1929' of the Iner- The? i CIS I .. , Iff tchases' df. mie aille VU )at�h �of" t -on .,Vision bf aripdilift. 'tlir.' the United, STjat6S,',r_J8 to, Vg. -h sulted ]EI o6k . . t .. - 311 N41c6l' Con' wi igh,'!.4kis b at both: te Budg.'et. -drid -be of th voikld' Asp a ct. W iiet a dist t'd ptiess levies are not going to -'de �V ng uria- xtensive e re I t -t, tnat' 44, 40i"a rodfinj "Ids prqpert 6omi er onk," Mntrol.' E, e con� Rib -Roll GW -a vifY For SaJAPL I&Y" fr aud &6,'Wo plans, for the "'increase "of' iOf , h II t , items, �nfy,, but put it4m, with lu is no s.&,tpn alone, $1,$i4,7 ions are, ',.Ill; 0� u i aj ing 'kideable list of the -articles n6w- in lighb2ing �oden,ro6fs "a O"Y . �oes. a grew, u�M being CkrX4�W, PRE:kr614 1. prey. In. 1927 in Ontario 100 wortn smelting : and 'refiyking operat �'oubc res&tnglle tur Wrli,. M%iri4je WS6n Iflpioperty was degtroyiiid ; b ush nd-the capa- roaght -fzOm, sau t i!.. ing 1) -4n.- a.iin qi,d't.ie.YOLkh_W women b Luckndwi -04-1-1 by. Iiie calusedb 4d. forward, 6 th 'of the;(internat- ri. na MiLe y tiiiAte ifear Sudbur, ioi I.-Voundary.... & ftrt4ous o4ebu.4 �cqmbbstion_ and' by embers. of, the' yo. . . . .. . ......... I g to this �$Veehdly'..kdsoted, to* infililiaiiable r6ofs. iii&fUl 0- ab90- and the hickil, refinery' Ut Port'(31017 0 itagoninew n firi. roof -and water.tigbt, If protects borne, Ontario are. -being ineresksv & they getJ .-This, likely-, ko. by. way of - getting lately. p] ),:,.ntl:y' fo.i- the inlpl�ebsiv 11 a ofromi'dampiiess thAVid eonduoilva copper .1 . . . L C - - ' `In that.., way.'the E L N'D F R, ouni;k&es_T -ld even with''the United. St. to's �Ur,,.Lup your. crops. refineTy atlo. sulphuric acid oof the Woz dearest. ndivldual.:�SAL, A. 9 O.. 0 e;.pern plant'are ill. a IW -which gener- :)us ignition. Handsoii tan- being erected ile'ar S d present tariff tinkering,, �Aft]19ARS. OF. . TAXES seas, the' wa '!lot* ribs ose, tile" is upward: and' I It ' d, ts' the g iqa�tek,value'for his nioney 06ilitaneo illiely to retain evert Ul e iii" it I aiker- 6ni; easy to Jay on tiny roof., Has"s W,burY., The co of this nr rani.. I t6rde to $but we mpletion pr6iram tLiM andwater-iPir-oof t"o,ngii-,others givo 1696 secari'b t o re' ally, �'st 'easily the -thin s and secures: no g �4otice is .her6l�y jiven.-as,direeted §hOuld result in a further. inckease in ous %v, e ut: Canadian, produci� he. Canadiot� 1-927 swrnow op r, Uanr e t< by the �Asse & fo�'a fre Sam' What is beipg going Ioutput' "of inickel and �bou miming-mcoe = -Ri: i er, got . - . cus ",ent, Act R.S'O o washers; n Take t itec your ves C crolco dqne and t �ho de of s be- ss, -et Is of the platinum' Jd it .Is dul,cqI&'to say,, pei-napsfrom that a samp, a on re- d r L . I N copper an of a a 0 Roll a dome is'this: The govern lent 'of 'the: in. �ay tit. the end f a year. C ' hapLer �2db;_ Sou'. of Taxes" group.. �Ile siorie of eirly, ittiuson bay, iluds, itself - enriched ke- I Sale of. Lands for Ari�ear in.g law le �11 . 1 sti6n- operaiio=, 490 States is fraaf pre-' ttl' k Waiker� 'addition' to these., po esr app6a%r t9' )h b6eti t.he gre.ite�gt- will, t ni� (in . to ous Combu [ b. held.Lat e Town 0 pvospe#.�L-ir­ aaa ue in wur ii;' ave Om. * obtailled Iamb a WA 'uv` lic - Ill bAle outi�"IyAASkaAcE I) ion at a iiy re, ds- f6r. -the -1J.rodu cts. Ven ated ietivi) dilc Ac United StatLds fr use it has t6n;, on til ite ee�ent the, p6ple of ii4ay,.SeptenitiL y k1e totindati a 'value in guo ilty, Buildi -in did coil Warin, moist air an iinpro v6ptilfte + in barn pt6duced rn buying thi gs theY7,"'Want -from. lCam�' Ot I a t in 4 inuepenu t, ictea along %v ith these a Land --wealth, coil- at t;l 0'�Iock A.M.; Nvhen,-' %gwuon Prestow-Venti- ch mode' e di- _'mulidiAdive to i9on 06113 con uoq producer 1, -and-bea d '' f te by aroot uhtabIe side-walt vftdows sho 'doors uosL awuitg, witse ar $AILS di lot ev6ii in jhei;e -will be off chb yz �to elpin, cons OT. Ule x atconi. t"Prep leep,, I h bless tlle, Taxes and' - vmre�qsp e Write for wwg6 zokiex, .3. `gdv6rnme t is+ doink thi �,,the go� V elenienta out . ggeur Public Auctiol are, "pil - ed for. e4 the %exl*ce ,oinj to p:rdvqilt lut in value ernment of Canada is. souner 1*jd,, the ollow. -Charges are 0 �pl� iie . r for eXapple, is 'what, Ue as- pf large ami u ng- ol 1110 ities-Axenange rty, che oeoie:'of-,C�nal� front Y 11 d.. in:g describedi. litfids in: the. Township, b" -t ra �t ey w -A sl�(_)Ittim 8ta'f e, s :.o on' K-ini6s8l: p6ing cay it'a Ap erect - Do r Tiadks 'an, ld'RalngiW t9. a, ou ant e. aL e of'�] Barn, o �ion of a concentiator 4n(A" ;E� 200 -ton ht gs 19 geirs and bmledvroof Ba�rn'; 6: Of ilot Oanada �Olways . go straig, producers. e. Y.M.C.A i city of. o40� . Mcb9p4ld Sur, of t of oc 6 :St; -sslyani�ed tour.*iiiel barb doors. ard I �s lopluent, I,A� ai d, ';iere,' fixxeg' $Ad o Dobir.Zr&cknr6theb4 thardwarblue2exor,hotavy melLer. '- Dov,e. bo 'oeint nt( out. Tins ­ Klm�ng ... ! -Thia%�iger is adjustable up and do�vo; and in and ,xcd, on bv. the , street's ri "� �h"Ough '40ftsts" over 0&11 Thae it is ex� j-ttg%v hese v, or6 - "Wheii ',Pte ca* Consolidated all c l6us, but pear d t seems ridi i a a.p e COS easy that hundzeds,ofmbuilders'will u .. ts �4.35; Total�.,$,47.81- ad,_CSweltirig 6ohipaky 6ii,its tile el� 'prairies 'a -being 'done.: .'Of caurse�i xe bilAd up. litejudl_-es, against our nd -'evem, a,ong 'the 'W,'itho'u � so.pu ch.as a fenee ctly what is 12. o'Lot 6%. M�Doilald. Sur.,. k coppeP, properLy at .L� enston.- ia e of towns a11e :01iticianp. never put. it hat way- Zel;q,�rinen we imprison 6urielv0s,lii m,, i�or r att acie.; . Vak6.s ,7$i0-901- -where' to shut 'them 11h,pQrsc walking or Pdtpntad ' - 14.42. the It �ask hewn a* ins ons,'o' our. Qw -Costs $3.52; Total.I, I re b)oozl� tl�,e'�Iiblid they lunso' � if 01-4011- App4rentiv. inipOrtailt' d scomery Was. THEL TRUSS to ut VILLAGE',OF LUCKNOW a e fight bout the� , gr'aV rn�ny. people 4n AARN S . driving h4ve" look o fon them- 'there an� Iliade, -in. o 1028. turn. the statemen, enter er,. nere are inere Preston 11hrns in 1p�e Ves at v -as in'frdnt. mprisb frierit i - 429, Paitepted'.. T er.way and t s the� United axes, canadia ick set' hat a A I n avre;* lot, eathing' and. roll.. oduction of: ni th'e'IQCoraoti* e h Iinetat,barno'combined.' Fire f ei 6th' anadi who see -1 1 LL avoute. of,' it all' apparatus' shut Canadian $1.0,61; Costs $152, .'�*,ntil*ted.,bandsome�.,,,-jL-L4m our mmowledge. noPrestozi in 14b' iii0a States is gqing,to PfOr lunge6rfs (if their owri�.ckeatioli. Total �j4 13; h opontaneo6s combustion. Write today -ver been deaIXoK..dVZU9 =mg 01 L0'116�- las up h co thrdwJ:ng:.Any-',st id cow �,rat may iintry, �Canada� 430 Pit6ntW,-'1/4 T-a:kes $0. due6 out of ei for qigg big J3", v9o?K;� 14 . .. ightning ..6on.5 Ili lAi27 anu piese nguxes� w,#I. es io-No one om iii Onam have strayed to the.-linesz The eng to shut-UnitW States produce t lost ithroug4 I 61 - Costs Total 14,13.:. proawy vb- `iarg�V ex�eed'ed iw,�t#e nitt ivith, a curious. ough LOSSES, A N b'. 'LOSSES complete. I�st -L I andi,, in the lb A s of 41�11 lop the' -first ut (if thilg' c6uritry. 4%) o4XP4u,:Pruuu. Ang be sold ror�,Arredrs, of. h than the., i States bl uzu., �,i a wider at t e 'top J;Ixat'-ille 'people,:of Unit6d n.. i6i tnitut �'"tei out ­freely the.'sm,oke'. "The. Do'imin6n EnitimblogiSt, MIL' 0 greater,. 9er j,4uu is t 'ant to bu rkel N040* - 11.0 tha bottom tain. Caiadfan� pro T.Ittyis"Oublisfied In: the '�Ontari irniied w y maies' that in the Gazette"' in its issues Of June 15th,': espdriding, Derioct in 148. 6i the w od n have to' burn, proved.by thi "fact that laws, Avthlir Gibso they Ofte e' n' esti �2ild' 9th, ana JuIv 6th. -A copy. of, et W gkegate ins6cits; , cosi Canada well said- Vistea -, 'of: c6s, 1liAts may be -obtained on appli d L �,Yan of costonis officers, are.. �r�,,y. . . I . . the undersigned. PRESTON, 01�`TARZO I�ONTRMW, -winter the, b to ver 63,06a,'006 annually, This ation, to PROBLE, M train: nia e S necessary- to prevent them from. doing ''Ad TO AID*SiON �. - ., he and, 9 it imust If it be 'necessary A N OLD I loss to, fiold crops ' -to. hold 'an p so.. -e, it wi . Afriday ed by heavy.�dcorms,, ., the snow And -,the" same thing, is true re- -h -the los's t"f sha'de journ6d Sal It be . pid, on deep, e.added 0 orest 'arid sometime drift-. riment at the ' bove liat they try heir., -imother's patince, y4eet o-arding Canadiaa�. Our gov,6 lltlh,,' 1929-, a. HINTS AiDUEBOVIES It is, evident that administration - ,i:ees, stored produts,'et6..'. While t'9 tliq limit. -,The 4st thing. to � do. is Din g,, a 6 --t h e It n e. In the Rocky Mount- e- and hour. P ofA&'_' plac too; rdtains'in army 9f custom. �he Ontario (Aid ie '16ions -,tier, Is lif ' o - �he, line .haf; to be cov- ;hese, latter losses,are difficult to e.sti'-', (gy 3 A.. Nelson. Treaq�rer.,Ccumty, iss tto realize' that 'they 'do., it each 'might sin p. t ..f ers to prevent �:froni buying Already 'the.oe6�' .. I "y rton, Atig. 24t .lot goiiig to be )?I ct'therti tates nate. they ba Ehr'fj T -d- -Bed gog,61arly and start them -6ff to* ed ered by long qheds to prote hings they.waxit from Upited S 4 . ave . rage ov -1, r-'$.50,- . Mated,at Ikb 19 . 29. re s risen Itasconcep, ioi IV ha I ; be i t, as re- at, comes 00 a yehr.!r. et Iiieat credfit 15 a -r -l" frotti avalaiches�-of snow ill 0 Be: people " on both.' wnu .,e y and let,, them .fake pr 'ducers. sides arding �the ai�oiie 6ou '' mg froin ille heights. The aboe is. quo ..of lld. 16vislon t6� fro "Natural. in 6s. �of: th, e Iiner vorything that for this - earl_,O to, beo and early to their -own. sweet thme. Get the to ndi -(to e St�lmr 'h' ent I' 's Attor hait ped � oil 'time, but i -lot' it the .e�pehse, 'in' "In summer anger is. firi-� A Ill get liast t e ell rise taff. ig used coil- , �i ontained in' the,iggislation.' An the to Zcsourcesl%,� a gvernmenl; eartli. st tha 'it I - der in zing ressron appears o, exi t II 0 blication ni -likely is about right-. amps mn ',f. your own nerves. It is.'a a.' Ificefg. arid defeat Ae tarfiT law., or� t e summer hs", I have endent. old peop train may. p0ish a6ross the burning 1) le are -.eligible under. prah4e-thrdugh,smoke ' thick'that Add to,this the los s caused so by be, &onclusion, that they,'do .11 it In. view of thit present mania for se owmany -w ys.th6y can find to Put, 0 - stifledi ts ice, fir gceidefits,�s are, almost Y. not- eser -tie pred.W $It that. 0 e When all else fails 'to apply- f. r the Pension.. -Hut the paissengers, marticle 'b' a in Che Act, torms, the a E PH d q so. 2n h ff gpird to b & this� i�. not �the� case'and.alihough'the ariff increase? r There 'wis . not light dnouib.19�_ 49 .th r� is always a,- drink to get.: 'But'it a blazing forest, there ig-xisk �Deachmun, of'�Oftawa,is timely.'Here aste by 0yunkeness and- rrime, and A`ct has just gonb inko. effect applita- all- children enjoy being' that Ev falle�: trunk . may 'at tiny it'is:� how' wonderfully CANA aimything., else conj oitabljir but go to Nearly io on, and imagine prom ago there arriv9d at bid so the� weift/out Of, lsilf-def�ncd' rea to tand it,yo u Ise to read i�ons -1tive been re ectbd because, it moment block, the line ,and..hrow -the A. few day productivO, our labor' would'be: If we d Nas claimed tile, liplicants' families enj ig , he lamps, - W them fromjhe�, time. ere �perniitted to r�ap the 'v.(we 'wards o � it. I ., t aT they are in rain off- the the port Of. Montreal fivv�., hundred" full re- Wh It 4.1 well able to maintain the, father Novf, t, ihat. rich.? -11V is' wTit-; -b6xes Of or' usually about f and. all, .'Jed Ao a certain definkte time, *they' isn! anges' from At Ito of. them. or niother,.' as' the case might -be. ;,Fill Ing 0 ines of � 7Q.kears We impoit to in '*e S' 'never be done d1usift a -round the table trying to often undress, quickly to extend f railway, eng f in hill -figliing inle of reading. 4! 17his pe emits a knotty problem_:Cor ofa )ests and.:-plagyes of one sort or an�. seiFfb -rea 1' -ligbt."aTill it- is, ;he- t and' that ; year, - goods td the Valiae' d poor a -O', k9risense abotit trins course I CK140W ind. WIN.GHAhl' locals BoardA, who most come,to some ' lu not v ' y long before we 'are, glad - to 6ildren who re. going to s�13061,.;' pu ng across burning prafries ind of, aiie our exports V, Aber. This % tural and a part -of er Zia With sac Works go t decision' in regard to 'the ability of h' t 0 OPO.' of things. Insects; and 011i- ot be allo.*ed, 'out of the through burni4g,: for�As­ hat e untry amount to $6,00 o bed.' Yet4t -is not-,Very,long -hould n. he. order rdontim6litil I " ' faiuil� -to sup ort, aged 'par�nts. eicept Friday, 4 Any p s W tich , I' is 'therefore according to'some. a 4thce k'room. that Was that brikht ouve,:6my night' dbop. no. in winter and so in , 9 Is of every description, aild plitnts , , I 't. , ui. thd Act iis expliit on this point, a drp ad- le an eelle' coun light ` r Olit.. en -considered very well' (Saiturday., rf your' children are in 'fire in summer, it.must be p4p ex tit try to bay hich we call weeds f fo' a liv-� Luckno*, would have -be Under thi� Acit a son or hat. and - says. - niiy. - The * fell6w must'.bave f' e ow w I cou rom hg wherever ihey'-cafi gain a foot- complete lighted' .hidiled. lhei.r hom at nig �,ts you'k� ughter having 'sufficient. means is The people of Brazil buy from ffas the largvst and 4u9st 1,a. tales a -reading fairy written for us more than. we buy from thein . nd told. When the pioneers of Ontario stock,in. the midst The Wood Stove he are.d6ing. Durin� ilie week th,'e� been I designs or the mi'inteititfice should. have place in & !)ound to pkovida.f ore llin tiovies 'children. ;o we ought- to favour it rn irst cleared the' land they, had iew '.The riabr.,Iiiiid tribulatiob f -dependent parent. The -Age o choose'froin, in ing, a wood stove has beirl'another of, -hildV lifii. 'Sufficiptitt slec, is an ab- .if a Old Ilere .' is so'Imething-'.elpe, quite as e do other. countries. meeds. to coptend with. Th-ey knew Oensioni Act will not relieve a son our iummir experiencem We.''buyned. olute n.eceisity f6r'gdod health and rich - ag the p stuff about. the railroads: But let -u& examine the-staterrignt iothing'-of twitchgrass, saw thistle, larbi , e. Scotch, Swed - ish- mind Can- ­ftmiood'and it was so easy . to lijbt )me o Au eX-' 1roin this obligation'. f the.. gre'ate.st eauses of it ' ght "Summer comes so hot. that in the before we sivallo�v it Whole. vild carrot. and a dozen'dtheT 'Weedi.., adian Granites Under 'the parents Maintenance Act rition ill , children .'is lack of sledp. sout s, grapeii, peaches If 'grazitian cbst us less' �e a bot,4r� no lot `a� �'l in wocevdings 11jay. kp , taken ;tgainst knialize, melon I We msike..& ypeciafty ',of Familly that 'we could ha hich bow 'demand cow5tant attQntio I es think that there is in the 16jen flonuraents ai�d invife,y-but inspt;c4 e h es, grow air; 9 Aim . But t burn4d out just as fast sofileti'm son of daughter aving' sufficieut and tomato than American oran es laid down in 4eithei iva, there corn -borer,. 'pea an.,hot being. used -to it ng a child to bed' if, few the port Of is no me- on.' le, - the sun --essity nor the aphis which destroys turnips. we were 1 use. in. puiti 'imean by the governing,body.of any whi 6. wheat flourishes wi6in a, Montreal thefe veevil,. potato,61r, nor pptat I, I ig tit ti viry apt. to - mind at out the t.lies aw4ke and does riot fall. asleep hospi 1,'horyie. for the agedi'llouse of, degrees -of the. Aidtic Cire us to. bay, 016m. - e ta �a urge erlp�lion� Neatly, Careflilly - thd Ju;st; at efug .1 e,� or , other charitable institut- length of days :for the If h6wev very moment iwhen we need 11111ediately. Even so it is resting tit making up in Or these oranges' cost, us Promptly Done. ed the &ng battl be. It look's like an. unem e a�,t. Sleep is Mother Nature's, re-. :on in which the are t is -able forams e o I ba:r or shorrtneigs more t6n if we bodglit them in the. hottest fire. Toast made,.ovpr a wood: or b of the season. Yet snaps tween the t Undesii a before :placing yodr'ord an ninate y anv to wr, and a Aeo, and m�e ..tire buying of, life, See.0 -onindissfon a�ting. on he Old' ge of icy - cold sometimes United' 'St fire has a little something to it, that Ind the wit of p Whig you ieach Jam Pen le S of a tie son h4ymaker� has been frbzen to death them simily,-,beeauq 'Brazil ' buys' no other ion - Aq' in , d 80titt6th toast has-&�- rov, Y-1 4 lbs. peaches,. sugar, 2 le- antis inif for or in.r ceip�t :of a en 6n he get the coals 'Just rijht. Did you ever . : 1. I plai s; for the nl�hts are often more- from us than. A buy. from them ouglas Biv�. mons, I 'bottli marachiho 'chefries. "sion, Oif IOAY ' defirdtely. making. a pur-' WERE'S A LOT'OF-TRUT11 Phone 74 egg scrambled,hi a Aaucer? intensely coId in exposed then we are ha-ve 'Ali . . . I I 'et 'less for our ie' Reimovq.�Idn.froin peaches -and cut i where ;we g ats.- in �situati6ns. ceIN THIS used to be ohe of �the t Add-gugar nd juice- of X0 . s in y. than . we . eo h ise. 6b my da CREDITORS, "Thq summer" has its, annoyance qld- ot erwi -ro one W cloOds otain. That Commenting on the father' shaine NOTICi )FO CREDITORS' emons, Boil until thlec. ver wi e. right you 1nust ffinke it, over �,a w000 i does; "6t seem' n4 most cooked`a�d a bolde '6f mara- Ili the --niatter of the Estate of '14 duet anq I,.- y I or. coal fire,,although the lowest heat William James late of the Village ol sfingling insects. There are prairi� if Brazilians.accept the same pro- less rilsh for old -;age pensions whid fiino-cherries cut Ili pieces and the In the matter of -the Estate of, it farms where 'of a", electric stove,will. doi,but it Lacknow 41 the C6tm�v of Bruce, Ae-: haymakidg' has to -be ce wq of reasoning 'they wf I , refuse. to' -Ceatured the first settinig" 6f thc- Brucc n ently while woking, u,icQ. qtir frequ tired Farmer, decesised. . Notice Edivin Jarvis late. of the Tokvhship of does hot taste quite the game. To- 19 done at- night, because men dare not bti' from. us, �ecause e: are not Board, Th Walkerton tier' y a'd­T'Me' over liereb� given that all persons hairimi. them. as fniach as they' had the following:. 1(eoman,.deceased. Notice is helleby ike it, itielt, about a,Aea�p6omful of' f tie while still hot and e with encounter the swarms of bloodthirsty, bu y' g from ;6�ld - in the Countv-, of Huron, Iwait. any eldilis- or ads against the itimets brought out by the son." buy from us, t isit an,% IveTi -old saucei greasing - it late William James who died on W 'Go in o,any poolrobnl o that all persons haAng any hatter in ,an to the -lain7s or dem9nds., again,t the late itcrease, our well. Break an., egg. into'it aild beat about the' Twety-third 4ay,of J-aly the cold' wave thnt --aukht that. if we, purchase vi -8 Wio died oil or'� Wash 4 quarts ucumVer-,. E ither "f Lucknow uy fiorm the people. iquor-dispongary 6r bter warehouse ."dwih Jar or Aaut 'of erdam, A. D. 19-29, at the Z baymake must- hiv�e come wi�h great p e vast drn'1 -he Twelfth day of July A. 1), l$, -2a,' gently� 00 - in -the C oitit atwhich we b ind you % i. I ihere find tb rherkins or simall cocumbers cut Ounty 6f Bfde' 'al" su�den6ess: One wotild think 11I as 'much as 'they.purchase milk Wnd -season. with salt and pepper, e, e. I . that any of' Brazi . df the ord agg pens,ioners of 'to-inor it thee Town,of Wingham in the Coun- ieeet.'niay be t1sed. a brine to send- b gotf,pkepiid, or to deliver that ac y -of 14u, n are ld t d dook'over a gentle fire uritil.'ereArmy, 'soft of fool would know better than roth us and on -equhit' ind are the ekceptions, f, 17.0 r ire o sell "ith one 'qu ) -,alt'and 2 qyarts water t*6 the undersigned, Exeivitors 'under - . , There - stirrim�. froq`�ojntly. Be caref at. not ng not libeause of beitei vhlu"e fiey buy ro ost -prepaid or to deliver o the Ull- . "It � orf, the s t , he Wi aid William Jame§ to give sueb a story as 016strxiti course find soi,e,may come to povei ,nd'lot, %t�iifl'3 days, 'Drain ducum- t� cook until 'hardi their names' 'and addresses and full weather. conditioti4. Then th-at' about from us e�en if the 'have to -pay Irsigni J under thei -VVIII y �y �through no fault of their 9wnj an; )ers,froim br'ne, bring brine-. to nw-ticulars in'writing.; of -their cW A see -1 'will be borer nof tilb'said. Vdwi their hithe blood -thirsty insects. ths more, then Brazi childreW.14eed Sleep. these are the One the stat uk .,tiid.addresses and NII 'r, in n �e sho ' ;irticuldfs ill, -ritimtr of their gow that, 'school fias sthried the ng point, pour 'Over. -0ticulmhe'rs, and. and state e ts of f -heir accounts a#d' -that dity0fing fAntAtic went dow� richer"Irom ber irade wiih' Canada. thi�nl. ' DNKoIve�l.`tgbIe;;poft the nature of.the'-secutiti[es, if any, prdvide,'for, if uc'.have no.childrei clims *and' stte- problem of getting, the dhildebn to "N' vith- Mr. H. 'Palmer. 'There are memt-;­qf­th-att Amd- the t, Id by -then) duly erified -by affida-A V su�poiL Whilcr- nei-, 0 luni.in I gallon boiling ater. Poili ad ny-f, held by in arises. V iir siffie Thtm read this- People, in, Can a and 00,600 Etic of -the t4t ii a berif on iffit &9A V1, a ther -children -the. -world this. -over euatimbars� an 4 let dab' lida V�opje th Wazil, -Each persoft. in both V Vel iVrdavit; Ail ti,6trei�-, thdi" affbi` tht PIN it�t6r'fj fhe, adian% ho Iffer the I turned away in want . A. -fid tak6 notice that -t- M W S9 the the in- go,to�.bed.k NatuXer is- (10�, braili,fi�ont alui ator and teenth day of October A,*D. 19' eriest time of the year. The , �oinitries miust reduce his. ifidotne by neither' is Oer, hate, top -g ve wof c( C66k, clicilimbdrs 10 bitnute will l3roceed,:W distri� -tir that he. thrifty wbo. h., 'k A. 1029 the of b-ayffig on "p'rejudi'de' -good cA.0sel thig, d". J t d"T-40 7 little- itio.-ber bit in- ho-WIT9 �thg' fe; the witigs, . go, 'rew t fi�tiiid of oil vaue o the r1r.'rT, 11, iMot b', ItI.Ned to I'Moll glat by ah-orteftifig,,the �eve ­ ­ ".4 'opt t6 have. l d ixture _,ard 'ofill t6 We 6f * "`Viitd6o� es on es§ *h othie qftim#0A it twt-� the enttled erctn� tempta ion to A&V out 'Lind T.1,avin,& ter, Ord th� " , , , ti I - Is wiimcN-ely goot f! 0 gAvv nef , a ur&re to, bre. h ess 'Who wete h th� chTiTym of , . I , . irer . the t, - ­� _JI , I I. tlilpyi h-AV6 had- novlelo4 ii,6ie .% I while -the epry lb%_�rowfi fliAt thol t6t�, _y ibe hlgp. Vir You- h _N � . -1 at 1 nb be -Tome t"fi d assets bi aii� 0 h -cod AtT. ittrLee has �do, hq ifinif 6 u6' -e -and work� e r �tpu or V(' -0 tn An, -h 61 who co I -rchas your clothes Voml -a for t'h,(- or rthy'lo V_ ,papso , -e&. . I P _-6 ge hittileti'kI, Ot� whole ontry is tuine do not iiu Ie L -gel- Ih 0 A Velydut, 0 Abait wt A. people! 66ruih f geAt �Anmot "If all %'Itq rAk. for, ?I �ffioff hve fee, ( ' & ': ' iyou tiroa6ce. , - W9 , alfreo-11 eived 116L I%0S,rrS 'ph, - see, why, they lit0le to 0 q.6tic.e i�q irsuant. to oil Wateg' Aloing t1le riveri and over to a, Agwyev be� o 4n the bouse'.'- NI E L 'the Stifute in that behalf. 't trio the. already 1) n I whare goipg.to.schaoll the" latces' I ice y t lawyer. ligqq a sack. of po� �All_childre , _ ., I � I - . -, n. . ft, .. ae.b. w1th. for. tha y Is d ­dt 0 f knowp '.t a' , `0 " , " U1, t t1i Ontarfo. - 't,'Vi s "Ov.. ir-ord ill. and' t wiftks,. Long journe-ys, are made and tatoes v6 ou. A_Ti'Atior I I o I -OfL the gudb:ui� 17W, *Ly bf Selit�_Abof ge'r 00-1�e- r lbl.- o r V,di:qttict 61 () eiod 1,4' t t,4 I a uw (51r -tWTdtM-*=1d 1-4vZ,. en, -g dori. nivre easily -and A- -001v the rultq Of oom to take. f 'king fiffiubj'about Per cent maq Malco,lin Y"81F11(ting i and *as iid in ividual aPPAeVr We th Strong qrew at To,kohto to pi�evellt tier� .. The -mi6gt re-rac thd production' ot and og, Holy-tood Omt,' gre�e'ftbly than rot I igh the dust d 4ucknaiv, Ont. 'hour in is--9etting the eat of gUmt*Qe. Stiow Ades likd� buy Whore w# can buf-tbe cheapett.., the., -Ah* - of­-Atata being fouhdared womlat00 day tht.deyelopment dviring the past feAW txecutors 0 I I - go one's yerq the exist ith this load,,$) hildf6ft tb', bad, 'The y6in has "toed 01' tennia batis help tl�giw� uY644 the We should 0611 %rtiirr6*d Can itil tie VA gjttl�e un&owted larp depositps 'tariyjmg hia values - h wit Iif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................