The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-09-05, Page 7" = 4 W.* 4&d "M G ,I RT .e 7o ;T dIrIgJbIe, -W gp �betw.e ,ead of M4=6 Fa a' any 0 UA.,, OY rn y -the. United States and Germ raits ny's fore AtIY6, o -th �e Ministry A Is she of the Graf Zeppella ft -infle, fil f5,,QQQ glit, Friedrich Ca oliaten to. 44kehuist, New Jersey, - In A Reserve Disappeas less- than four days. 'rhis '*as' the Wh6n Fx ge..Bank pe�at.alrshlp's p6oud voyage to' se shores od, th;'return 01P last ear as. I 10ade in 1, .�y 75,0.00 —The "Boy Emperqi,�i',612IJ -Jia' . . — ­ . . . I . . . - .9 n 4van lin io rul A -larger dIrlg1b14b,.w6 arei told.' nqt ap q 10i,of alt Cu..�u s mov6d'ii . � a, Alto could carry a greatet'-number Oil. e. n Tien 'ith his wife - small fiolis- I tsin w. "okers.-and mqre.,mall and, express., 56,000 and single coaqO egause-11fie an b no, 10 bli-'-ft could westward.. alXo7a,jo livd.1, in, arge "ger cTilssing in lets thaii sixty houp's.. .,-A house,. tp� In the Biltim* former: em-peror ls�:oQw- evonq4tit' 'for: - to ve 6 940, XQ1 S gone, pla liav'd beed.�mA' or;46r, th.�, HisirdiRe d ra oris, t on' Wild LL U-41VIT tTrees. - bao.6-2re. s.,Shviibs, Ft9ses, 192 ar �id icoknple, Q,14e of* Ndraery T kiiii n on, Wal�TS WANTED To SE 0 rue I bf,�Iwo, Amerman pas. support on the'kh Xd4ess O h,jA.,.Ol A -too d senger d iblos; cac tii1frlp. tlie 167i But, are f4l , e. 'Stoek,'for 'did oil' the' 'Graf', ZeDpe in;, and, irk Great suffeiing rom fa;lling- lipomes, 41P -a- The c verarq.not .able 'to, 4arb him BAtfsh,'airs DO r1se, C;lpada'4� I . 777—, , : Wraishled Cas- of and I notigh, to .,qq.tPt � .. , . , . �O .. 11"conim sxo'n� Ill. st4 ,,W W.i eep, upi all e Itn HAT does Iter W'nearing f3ut, 66 Grit, to of sa teek.� - .,Good tefltoiy still 66 ou 0. e,, oA 6tandin ay 0, -for y)irs, fk .60 -.of th. t su ,Ythipg -i 96mb atutqb - of in On ptogress III, rs `of.' birds Are ypu, leis cipabl� 1han Irs thefirst reg- - I & Z -fit. unive per;laf-menag W ty medp in&d'�� the ontarl non errous. -Jos, ph. New�-P�resls !Auc�d lailie n a . rig. or ty t, rk tAtive Of`tIi4I:'mi9hty,argo§y.- of milibral' dveldpment,durlilk .r tending o,-disippeir ,AM PUMPS, IN' PERFNL*T,. 6eror, 316V .�Pproach 16 a ciose, raco� which, w�re oent Worl !s rodut' iou',of lea -in - 1928 'capacity. e agq:of. thir is, no prepare you 06 ervous?- condition, 1drige Watkins Jing.0 Tw& 8TH I d to 6e? N air7lindrs. wiIr w-hiell'the humitfi.'I s, ft6m the' L d e ce oom 421,'I 3 A St -West T6rop o4 m- year has. �een in-i4d,in can- amea . -to 1,846400 to �Agal oil, on, ar-a, to nest. on' -9 reto. do abythin liv nt6d s S niO .g to earn, a Ing, asily d Mpre in the IEIN , ST -BOILR 15 P; has fo� royal t'parks. nd his friends say rs or :,More, s,1! o copper. . ep EAU R, "A ord I In.. Hyde Park and Ko- ington Gar­� U1!Ver,y,clleap.'apply,. WatkinsACon! U. not ambitious, a' Agintalou ge�neratlbn: been ad, f9r forty ea but '1,883000, ton' f ing tq; be haa no hopes-','whatever'6.f��',rec,6,Ver'� Try e6ct of two'or I�iiotihg the skies." -within e'pait decade­br6du eftion, has the I! res,,ot the Ametleap..,Bukeau gu dons, situ4ted in. the hea�t oil'an. e4-'' 7 Adel'aide Sir t West -Toronto. Ing -his 109t "power' -He -is edittent to, three boxes- 'of Dr. Wil- Orman '�. "invichantman of the ncre*A�ed` at �a--'r 'arkable, rate eta] y ern of M. Stdtistics.,,upou which the ormoqlq. and' freqkien-ted' air" 16ft ried0efishaie' u., riping frp a -bout 25,000 tons,'in i918 in yftig c,,art is RIPM-9 e 060 live - qpietiy, with �is� two.*�v�mexi and ll Pink Pills, ihe ionic a at 9.29 P.1 acco. pan h baseG, -Can d ly.;'by, 'at a S, ai' rge, b , f'. a' few Standard, Time, : Wed-nesd lai t place- allic!" , t4eAead- num, er. Q people. us �vhtv hi,ve.-',romalndd, Eastern' Ayr q0 toli . s . year. The ada, took, fourth !.,that. hii. b2ade hqndre 9 fewer - than 17 of wild "She carrigd4'b Canadian source is itish C61. %' dugio); countries. Anstra a species with 'him Since hii abdi�atiiin. Ilily, 31 esides twenty great Br, Pro ii ll�fd'no' of. lead,orsbio birds now ne*$t, there. "I d n-Addli - agtd, women umbia .:'wii1ch ; �oss margn .'d t 0,ff Passengers, a, sto'Waiway an, .a.,�crew e;�ses, -in' the SaIr -dnly.'a i feel 'ten years yot;rg2c.r r h e buiper 9f forty,.,* b�and.8-1,499:po$tw Vir , Can —a margin wh c Qm,, Or 'never seen When, th U 1ptter mine, the, la g6st-4ead.and zinc b a Though,, seld r -abdiiatedi -loin' 30 liva da fo hiine n world.- . Quebe view e' Prospects. f there ypa�s,, thi,'followink,': It will cards., Some birds and - an the -c, ontarIo, Of th' or fuitb er and Yukon, Territory, also contr buts' grow.t1i, Ili *the Canad miscellaneous ' t, ay. i 0t 3or of -his, laq4ed, p ,ty �tpd rate often ftieg4t I fa, n ouipu.' * then iagreemdat wa's 11�Ade to. 'leave hm tiie, -nourish and'invig,--' wood. -pigeon, mallard; �' ''MOO posse, tpinsi . includin I crested -kr6be, -goldfinch, greeu� to%thoi. -out' t shortly. ''disap y thi blood, so great.. A td6vel 71 Is jewels,. and curlos. Pu. a 14rke,par 0' f a. Piano.,:, A similar, trip, . attempted ear. .'o; t I f ihinnei atid devitalizeo. 'Instead of a:.ge 6ov fIncb_ tufted - If c M 04 -flow— ichard, d er, potted flycatcher. wood- But 'succeeding �.'by- g(dva�ttting yedrs, tone la6t,,May, fiRed,throu 'hl defective, ea. ad that e hment -the-doUee-io-Whi-&-the-d vie is -id 'du ek-andre'dWingt, ThAes.*.,Th'e voyage whi6h,,begaii on pendent ..upon rablp. Weather !or M9 as. &green di�emperoflg'pro­ t 40, to -better -Appetis ',',Ier, 'koosa-nder,,- sihbw� 1;cote4.,.sc6,p ` lant, and'Alie-- f avo at SP ciii: ii�l X, u its lit eriy 'has gri4airl"i 4 V b OAC �.' YO feel sir6np, Jubt 31,' we are.tolf -of c'mi�oncr Varieties-, "itich Sept6inber. 26,_27,.;2�. - een c6nfiscate& .'wds a'shake- 1.1 success. , The�';Orese 7oyagc,, and solq",;It ia'said that -ill -of his n.. again, e.1ger for' 'life I". foi'the'new- equibment -ind,'a. 'Which *as made under most favorable, i6etwBox Pudding �Biids, 0 have nevez training trip for I con4tt"ions ',and' cbmpi�tely -deserted "MOTRER MACIfitEE" @PAr_4__. come from p W A 'Ust ji;- the ill tlon - for- the dirigible the -three w ole eggs; one- inc . ) 'P*' - ., 11. I . ..a . "� . , 7. ­Jguy-De. ms. i�'now:been: to'hav6_ Park -:--and- K�nilqgton - G11 alr��I- w ound in ever teasing nmb6o" 'Pills now at your d world.i' At, 10 'ha e.,d6zie more t n hopped pqcans;,. one states t6lieport of'tke,�committee on s,t!rlp a:r.ouRd, uneveni�K@1' doet not* ap- ful of butter f v The Ybu4g �14zhper p.m., Aug ar ha call* aj� made an mg� half, cupful of C1. Tu -'can-of grated Pineapple, we medicine, or- by mail" 50 a . wi��j.'day she' orm air'- drained; pozeh ma6aroong. car ji�es o' Graf Zeppelin% p , assed 'over Gioialtat,�. P tio� . 0 unfortunate,, Investment. H6. t r . any, - jealer,. 4. Un 11, to "the.,desirability oP further 'stnill bird sanctuar cep 426001 Alm0st all � of'. his' read ..�Iid t 1.05'p.m. de fdIlO oxteriments thi's 1 -=6nei, lito t el, Exchan a W, h* , Was, ilinetY miles soifth of Pi,do, the eaflt-o ge cetxt4, ppstpa'd-, Cream.tiogether the batter iird the I Kele�o Minard's'Uninient ilway� hand Ill, 'AWres.. At 9 P.m., Satuidg 9 ..Y C na "a jbint"Japanp9e�Chine,.�'e, io-1301 . Ail list sugar* add the eggs, 'one' at a -time, 9 r.% Willikms Medi jn6 3 her pogruju, I :;',add he pi tit;Vn, , few, wo"n-flis a.gd thj�,.hank out. C was given:,as 1,035:1 8 g. cpntinuous y ,P� Wiles ant a' cip '-riorif jon - in, 4e: 00 failed -bec Co* BiiIck�,ille, Otit. -91L"REA WELL apple "and ause of th rfliles,sOuthed�t,of the KEEP C stirring; - lastly,. e detL ,avy's hangar nuts, itill El s 48 at Lakehuist, wh,lch W-E]Ish. �Ouf]66k. .(London, din- vgl�fio.� Of. its. ifivestMoants in' sfii' ie',�dbed at] theh finely �crumbled.-33iacai.00uiq.'.Poii.r ,ninert , 66 into'a, mold gas been lin6d. With' burgh' Dublin 'and Belf4at'aVe !Wd q 6,29'thoF fo'llo capital yd .M-,. - govei lids. The unit lie xactly NO. cities-3VU -s?),. 'We-havb iiliiet�-threo hours out. She. canio, it ...,---lady Angers. ..'Ic petor's,money was - 16ii'6�ei6r - with MS .�.what , of. W41e ;et aW��'� in the ice, box 8: iv InL -a., nationa museum,- a national,- ier unfoit' 0 5,231 lah rs, . . if�� I that'of. thous,�ndsbf O -U P1 14 I K is es iiated, d, inlle�. from 14jo.,24 hou, e e slices u.nat tEvery; mothdr -Knows n.o,,v -fatal -th,ol rary, w national univers a na top ed,'with:'wh10ped cream. o thipse* dop6�fto'rs. As" 4� result,6f th6 Graf ,Ze,ppelin7s, zial fibi summer, m6r1t4s,.a,re' to, sma& ipisteddf6d�% national �orgatizaticnis of' ex- Butte rscotdh, Co' kies in ermed* eni eror,, felt J:lls overty "A,H.Ousiz !OL! A A W�E secondt visit, We 'are txPeriencing a"'.Fen cild.r.e1a;, Cholera infaafum, - diar IN 94'C0UNTRi,EEi!- religaus__bodias and of ontio- hoea, 4: �,Three cup 'z U�fuls of educabon, i fiat-loddi. oreliestrei, a na'- Inost, kee -vival. 0 airplarnct�djrigi 6ofle and* rtoni� ly vVhen..tbb news., was,.re. hWe c' �sentry, flg of flour; . c� ch� ported to 'him �that,*fthe' folilbs versy, The. air'ship t' iats' are trotib es 'are brown suiari I level teaspoonful,, of tloh�fagrlculivi'sol idcletY, a national" Cat", al.ga, of his nth.us. e fmu�etildie ancestors, the, Manchu 'e' 1Gud in their'praise o the potentialit. oft�n a rif at 6ts tirne &hd eP 'Eii C little � Iff6t is: lost soda' .1 teaspoonflfl,�of crgaill. of pre lods Institution 'to combat't9boralosig. igible, after only. .a, few, hours, illnes 'The iery,lairge pc rtioti of our social life is' p0rors, to into 'by the 1, Kz�o a rd- ich an� �pahilities, of the',di taiiat: A iad"' bbeh. 6' ken _Chinese �old ers� k!�d desecrated nd 'I know h -bird that w ile tie sliporters,of the airplan lix, well togetDr and add cupful a A i - to'k t -6- ngs t twilight, e mother who keeps :Baby's" Own Ta orgafflied on a -national no robbed. dusk. Is si some, lets Jd tile lh6:111se, feels fe.1 . The*,'oc6 Of ter ' in 'It vh.tb,, pie- ought. w, e to., have A national capital Pei, ngs,! '6b, sftetl when ber bil worii g i. tin as. ';Lirshj6J� curn in "st that"thei sil aping 'ogetber*all'the money lle� Ing. unecofionlical, aiid- gen0raly. impracti- -�Aslofial., use of, the Tablets pfevent cru�t. Add 2 eggs, well beaten; 2 tea- have eirg'had s Wel.l? . . . e' a w��, ma & could,' by the 'sa cable Th&, unprejudiced -ones 'are stomach , and bowel', trOU'bles,"or fe dt'sbm reasures, Singg from ill 8�adow�' 'deep green .. " :;. Ir f he For c t Id4f M if SP06nfuls.-of vditilia. national cipital in tfie".,Q�iloid if. Oui he mailt,4ge'dict rom issoudf.11 nly, Ina go st;ow-to -contribute Cgrtif ' W � intiftis, trOub1b comes sfiddenIj—'as, It gener- X6.1d 0 Aavelovernight'in the history.' -As our institutions sh0w, or ,sou hN Post, 'tof the .'found- 'ally does—the. Tablets 'will bfing th oil a -is very. much the -World Right I's -baby safely t))riough. *They: are sold Ice -Box, Ro alive -Io We have,goi'O'q. pretty to a fund fbr re. -embalming 'and re- Over a tall d k tlh�.AO I the t ard. the.Wgshingtan box. 'Stleb and bike. r- n ticnal feeling 116 'Oodles�qf. the Empre'sa.-I know.,the too.lig -of a,�bh!d., cariod out'stecess-6 -day:. Mwaker an4­66e,� royal Pqr -fully,,.Dr. Eqkener and his 'Grafi,ZeV-' byin'edlbixie ddaler§. or by'Mail.6t; 25 oll' without. a capital. Vdul.d 'we soilage w. ot'lard; I e wliich� hadbeien'tken -out -o co, ibe" ehl[L wilL.haVe. convift h One cupful cupful of boll e@ 'E RIDE f their X11WAks.... , sun is westward ed man'y that eptItg, a box from 'The Dri Wfllii= .34 cupful of 'ougAr. have ddire betteg.",' Wlth�- It?- D6 FIRE ink 'water, 'the u th fibs atilpPed * df their. Ornaments, and �tho dirigible is the. uilgainly . i I . . le§ really want 6, 'cap" (Cooler'.'the air o COW 1;Ilue 149 Medfciu,e,',Co:, -Brodkviilp, Ont.' Wa Ital, and need ----Ahro-wu--on-the-�n-of-ibeir to it -is so ffe �d it 'Credin,- e lard -an sugar, therl'add We' quentl� painte 0 eboiling wat6i'and coQA,, a e Otliek'Mazichtis, nce "rich' Ovbr quote the PhiladlyIphi 'EVehih and power -the river silviprly.'singizig ; One cupiu.1 oi cold water; 2 ca�46s of, I11111, were 016 to contribute 6nly an High,, singing low, stliging'clear, sig- The� Right sylum VbRTUN.E compressed yeaft', 2 ieii onfuls of po Ini's�veetiy- solid: si6ific rd" 'Fortune, men gay, doth give- too nifith or, ftot. Addldong� $4,0040i: and' with this 'v* do"There s ance to this �Manchester- -Gua idh .(Lib:�- (Mr. salt;' - 2 -,eggs 6 - c�pfuls. of -'unsifted: ery. InPle burial rites were held. Comes the ion of* a bird. second triumph of QerinaP'iuge#ui Clynes has refused . Trotsky ,admitt- ty flout, %.- tIma be 'and .ftise. &nee to Britain on thO'ground that lie When the fi 5 4 iCeot'106 StrvaWft But, yet s never *gaV.e*, enough— etThe ex- diTh9ge �atjbna r t mixture, is cool, add-, !Ek1l1PeiOr-,.h4 been MjIng- for, I know -a, lyird' that sings when the Which. carry' tfi" , ight -become &,sPurce of. "grave em- e ast. cakes dissolved � in . the co an e m y. w6rld?s' trade�hav'e their minds tuM _Sii.'JohA arrington. itbe'palsf -two jveil:rs, In. t*he Changroan clover barpassment"'to the Goibrnment. One water;' then'the eggs, well beaten. 'SweC thought ir garden - In Tlenti1q, 16cated'in' thi er smells 'from, the *dew's mol ould W Ist ed to the air, a's the nit Aeld,of c6f�_ �v� LW_,,AViIIJ,,am,Joyw Fill w Ially,. �Jft'ln the. flour and , salt. eat Japanesd. concessidn. A-10push' the falling, Petition, for'su�remacy'in tr ansportt- son -Hicks, ..now. more suitably alq.com- thorojaghly; and put. In. the Ice. box 'rent was given.him,free, by th.divls� PerfuThe and'inelody softly calling tion*klid cohlyfilinicationb' mod-ated Ili. the Upper� House, alone'. 1-ght Mold in any pr�-ferred c the water, vern Cos. %wousanw.4 11.01181'coviniander In ch;' F -.i "d Urvice shape is w e irge'oUTIent- Plaintively ailing over "Big airsbipi are'buiLCIng ill Eng�� capable of, thp, zqpolody Whrich, Mr, and 'let; Tile t o h4iirs bef6i land .'and -America, and others are con- Cynes hii okered for -the Govern- baking." Bake,im a hot oven'for'26-y qInd Ah , is Pla�e was so'lit-rge: that !be The "good night song Of a bird. 'jad 1,The. air- inor men filie to`7eep-ihere than 160 se' templa ere. _,.Olovdr,leaf rolls, made by TV9130 =ErIca Selfildge. ted olsewh' decision �td, ke Mr. Trotsky minutes. e wer' 11Y opportunities during admittance -to thi . s country. Allingbach rjng uses e Ixt propor- r F F R. IOU itzid t6ther' exp' will have nil A tion, using muffin tins altid the comin years to prove 'its p6ssibr. ' Admittance 61! M e7in : . . The C�old El*ain ..g r. lTrotsky, the e.x-. with three -tiny rolls, are In blo favor. All Seeing the -young inall's pligbt,, 4n Bblshevik. aud, irch-hOretlej -would an- , This -mixture :will. -keep perfectl 04 the viorld Krua.rhen y 'appealing to'. girls and- vorilen .wlibl old'. Chinese, friend Truth- (Loflfttl): "Fdr .,s o -me time ' A large number of fiewspaersIp, On upy_no one, excppt.p&rhaps th* Ltf Chungy#, of. e Soviet for severdl -days and. furnish ve al gold has bebn.flowing to 'th' tGovernment;' 'which has,., exiled him, bakings. strive f6r 4n attraciive, free. fr6m �fat, c, other hand ttro, &4lV1nc' fered. 11111i'the Use ;;! one of his house 'Past British ed, se r TheHefie France In alit yny -t- figure thatcannotfail to win adnijra lot). 'in rrdini, quaiftidei.l! A9 the dirigible,is 'You Must Do Your Bit also- Japanese- eolticess.fon� and. ' and th6l little group- of British, Cam- . Neres the recilie that. �banishcs fa t -and I 4or- decided- at, o to fbb"g�dd ,dealn,_ Oat Is now going tal st40:;- that the dirigibleyd Baked Cucumbers With* Lobster nee to ikargin munift. And the Labor,'Governmeilt bqbody appears Peel in the way against the lij.'earrier, brmgs into blossoM ail the nqti,iral m6ve with his household. to 'know Whr 'of time advantage ovbr-t�e dcen-lin- would �be-_wfse to av old the appeaiance sufficiont� na mber 'of' dubym- I -e attractiveness that.."Cvely wonidn pos- Z111ce Is titing gold, bbrs, allowing- one tq ea.ch Person; or prins and breedef of.dlseas�.. it Is 61iffmated th' or, r4th or is. not BuMcio*l sesses. I . � *. - ... I at the ex -emperor, Y gredt to atti-act of caring e. that AEROXON is one Avory m6ming fAke onte ten-: I5sengers. In the 6piniim of thd ontrnee, of Mr.' Trotsky . would no Move the.see'ds and'soft'portion, thdn of the most co* nvenient and, moit spoon of Hinselien 'Salts'in a glp.js bf. hlw WIf4 ifld�'hls con6ubi why Ilic Frenep, exdhange,haa fallen 'Par �po much about either.' The 6ut them Into halves., lengthwise, r It Is praver) e, are now -to a poinf at b SIM wbich It Is bighly,pro- New' Haven Register, 'Itlie dr'af,.Zep� doubt c4uge soul6 �ublic -.e'xbitement. efficient means of combating thii, !lot wAick befolie breakfast. 11VIng on a out,$Soo er a' month' plitce them. in a k�ttle'.and cover With or about $150.goid. fitable to ship gold from this �lde peJins7,'usefuJeno,§s will be serioiii1Y He would no doubt write vivid,And en- boiling *rter. fly evil.- It ii convenient, be4usdi Be sure 'Ti(I do this every morning, for' "Evidently 11floney is derer,in France restricted until she can develop inuch I Leave to stand -1 five of the pulih-pm. It -io hygien' rt ln�ng me in6iffs, e Is no tha.n. uggested, b� the level'of tb' to "It 0 But ther minutes,. the icl it's ille little daily dose tila la -esf e greater sl�ed." "If slit'is n drain the'cbeumbersi flies'nevei.g6t,awaiy when once a. moung. Bank rate to co wa� in wlilch,he could harm'this coun­` taught. Each sillrA gives three off tile fixt." Don't, niis� Catfiaidians to"Try. (a per cent. below Lon" with the'.Passeliker-carying U he blanch 'in cold'water, and dry on a- Krusoh�n li.ql)it , incans that all -Ile she 119 ille (Ion.), and it has suited - Frane ` try , Or -its, -Government - even it h e" weeks' perfect ierAce. The. -egu clbth; Hae ready,! stuflong made by e., to muft fun'etiozi as I larly New Breed.of Shee' be'ns-1would'. -in ii'llew months he would be -i SEWAn OF IMI . T*TIOM Poisonous 'waste. inatter nd; harnifut acids and gtpes are cxl)q -the V WitfidraN ,part oChet stpWlig ca,edits safo,ty pints out the New- Yo inielthiz.2 fdbleso�nfuls 6f butter and tied. ftoni rk Time,0. forgottefi, IfIlo our othbr.distin,"Ished Sold at drug, groc a of In the: forin - of -gold, While th blqn�itig'*ith It the - some am6unt of cl.), and harduvre st6r a system, ..of . tho, N6mr YO ltf . to �toi . naeb, liver, h6r6niust ig that "the Ze�pelin 'type',' Lethbridge, Altai. -7 Introductid A, criticism ldexiles, mainly 'of' r6yl blood, - wh tAe,hardy Cortledle sheep, which has' witll,drawal,s are'going on t ()in flour,�then Adding a grating of nutul & the. saine' t La Ge C 0. Genest & Fil's, Limit0e kidn be nxiety r aidin the prese appears tQ' eys, And bowels Ioned u Iliad Alieddy. - become well estfiblisb�d, ill. g fatur6 is.ver and 1/4. of a teaspoonful each- of papr:1- : 4re, II ; . the pure, fresh blood Y Costly to build,'house, nd'op� find tole' Orate I proportion to the'us�J�l load rptble.enough,� tir uh si'life-giving stilts is earriod' to. s,.�Very New Zeala�6,- � lintlo . th�o western kd and. salt.' S til. frothy, then Prairies, Is the object of a.'joInt re. Liberty it cAn carry." Then. -th6rb is add 1, cupf ul of milk, or cream, stir- the time organ, gland, nerve; and fibre cif the search `#roject -undertaken by the Theret'is no true liberty,' whi ring constanily, 'until, the mixture.' body, and.this is by . that ndr ri�ht whi h-'suth'a leviathlig-Af he, skies ',On Writing _as a Trad6. federal, De rtmefit -o�fA '4 1 . . b011s. Ad# 111k eupfulg.ot lobster meat Iwallth pq griciAture, the joy, but in.the fear.of God *Itli a good lose,', through b,elng Coinpelled.-by -un. i6hen feeling "I of enev. universities of qask lillaire,Belloc in the No Juld activity that iq reflected in bright tb 'take a, lqiger vv Statesr cut Into Onall'piecesn. nil 1h f a cup- itchewan and At- c6liscionce.—thonits, a Kemple man eyes, clear skin, checrful'Wvacity, aild.,% bert-'A�and the National RLMc, dolito. Writing of the die (London): 'Pelzae said 4 ve�y'ful of salteiii'muslirooffis' also cut In- oniiercial charmilig llgpp�, g_vden lid mailitalned 'that to sinall Oeces.! Fill &. codumbers' of thq:ZOPPelin type all true thip the 'writing man I airs ip; Willij ves mvre,, of - hilm with the. mixture, place In, a uttered Prof. 3. P. Sackville,-of.Alberta tJnI IILaurence sixys in vistributor',ror 'Ontarlo f th Now 'X6,rk World:. r n'ba A fwili - be in chat e seli than Any othl 6f worker., king (fish and bake until the ge 0 the re N'EW'rON'A. HiLL, He is the Ilotia Velfcan,' he. -feeds the I 141 search. for this pro nee - and will test, L U X 0 "Firstj nie, tb - Onorm g. is hot., ISO rrent St. r.. 0 0 ous dis Torolit6 W . ;. o Amelital' e. on' biutlsh'PODU1aW-ufIojL . ­­­- I Fr out 'at 4he �,Letbbrfdge, expe' -forfi of thi's, ni�.d of - travel D Is* own'fleib.' tend ipn ii�q'ftg� I'doubt whether 1here Is any Inteival raim Wo ddaptalyllity to range,condj-' FOWTH HIR these earl U.ges. W.hon. the, nowspap. front. PlAtIng than that betweo'll] of this lne: of. shoep 'As ,ts n fligh more d1r, tions ill give zopoli Ange conditions In, New Zealanil Ask Yo6r parber-+-Re Mow Page. PublItIty, wjlling, to �ay., $2,000 116 moftTent Wnl a mdn sets out in R, are slinitar to the'Lethbridg for the Privilege of bei A' up Ps fatighd.,to lattempf some writigg, district. g c�pc Such.& 'ke hells bT., , utterly, Indisposed s he 'is, because ctors 'as humidity; temparji three d morO.,'ett.t- ItAs his .. miserable ti8k, hardly evell'a tureg rainfall and, available feeds,villl chnned ti'Wable duty zl�t.a liaturai activity, too 0, tationi. 5111ORe of bathe, 'or even to be aken 106 corisift The Open- 'a bittei *910.1sh coi�pulsloh and ivdk8ltY will, cb-op6rate with' window to but olu berta lit, g6t a breath of1m,sh air peth. — J.'? . . .1 of that ivhen,. lips an'boUr latero he FIRILLIPS Add to this -tho ploasure. rapeb4 thiouglidut �Iho pTo. - bepig _ his screwed himself up to tile, O& t4AO&, .-Vince In tiv� tests. pitched and rolled-&& (;Odls heaireils, and it will' liotakb sbeh h6roesfens -'Spccdhand"­� simplified. Aln edr ii a EJ 6 r t YnO' YU AA syti Gem.b.10bile linpheil, tered ia gptlte time at horde. gaiiev, for baboons, vorillas, It or (Lob4on),,, s.#Rc T dc Ic New "tur t4be � :-tor ouy­ deli", vilAb-dit"a X66 -FI, Me bor.hinloo &6001' ,uald goinp�%b 4lier 0, wwa"VIM lit id-6ii6ift-, - rogttll to 0 it y" t0 8 low V81s, avo II�0w �ftyi a dd 1§dbn 11, i6" tin L$ WA UD epp-etinls fliglit . dose, of., Phillil)s' fl I ng an - I -are lo, it, can '"of, bO Jeff f miila r with 80voital said that tho -itieft wold make him ivaltmhie u t. A :I tit e:5% riedri of, �Ia jN T4 been 00aft, 'dope crude. *fdi 'I'Refyfff 0,00fts., MA ob6V 1�" '16 for -the Govqru�t't6 offitr in4. I' flight, he rat, f8 le illogi foillanot4tivo i el'es-Aloli I "TO thi OULTUAl hinT there and thiou �abw# otl1gr Db4t - INA be6n 06. 91,611dard antacid for 60 -P OY - t 9 best w All 06 crs o ing, lq� L F0, example, Ibdh , , , , - ..,. �g*,I$.* -trh - It .6y alfgh Affiong physfd�anij Milk of. NT,4gneSja pii6il I, alik 44 old and M%vo 'Woa AO*,i a9tors sAN A 1 X)ATM,c6VrAS0- 'roffti 1.n_ . -at illf --to gpi 9,eng), �th 10. orad _13�'a 9.00fi A �k U, f 'bd SeV: O,�u tihle§ Its V61ufne Ili Act& Va gh eqT.'t pl, e,� crib e u,narodi; 'of 'idh b. co light -Ivay,'the quick, pleaswit c1li)A cor 40 ill eorrecting excess 1 of thO 4i J_. I tout yo_�JrS 11aVe for fr,b Is ille, elT(Ie. to M6 logs 6f th6 DixMilde r; 110 A110 I . 14airdressina Aftdeffi - . ...... On Ail Attelli�t to fly to And efficient 461y' to kill :th6 exc0gs' foT 1, am y 9 aefdA. Amvrvi.otirlier Ait 01q bocoploq swett, all, lijtsV_Minard0s for 146timlala: 1�0. rTlld �totll 0 IED aI