The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-09-05, Page 4it..... ...... .... .. .. ........I!? , ;;AW104, it inlpted by., All qn, tgnio and supposie, 4, takin o - g IO11 'in "the city 0 c petition, if C on zie, PrQpr10 top iece b faste�e g to., a r d like. A §wl Uy04.4 sky -ser. p al 4r.;d he sit$, .0 thi -Eli Zth. a board day, ,a,,nd zigfit, being au lie with 1%001 nd water bfriends aY-0 ZZ It , a endur, firl, Ipurely All, a00 tq, have tei # Ust 4, sort of torture such PceU ruined by,notoriety,.'1nd a� the Indiang. IP Won- .00. to indulge in,. In, 0 Pr An poio�i ':rrkoant an Oer to frow their '400 der,, T td. .Wiscure b6y. 0 14d� "Avon A40 11 b 'lit be.. dam� Jvt- : t him -great ;Ogit years o ',agp, having! st on'a, board d b f ve sopilae t 1: I , U lnUtoa 1pm,& fame. ihat'4e -did f us t ndier-­ Or- 10 44s; 10, hours,,, and, t­c6min.­dQ*ri Wa,4!� hiad 1m6d -a 4 the City cippili -t6 the'sdver-,! friday*.$f 1as"t 'weok'he t git 2thd 1 wwhi4h tqk -Vas resent h Aged- 14 Sidi& J P g b 0 n- aub 125,00.,.,4nd: gran or aawyou.'are­:49 a t utput enlirkvC dop ;�.-J_Moo, LEP-HBO14 nPear' ac 111. ant KINLOSS, C UN]CIL U— -n pura �te is." good las the a .'bakar a�peays to hav for fivorah%'ciimnient all .!Over. iNp, Ised r' a h4w' ges4lVe a been 'Its deft.h. At no iiabstita ite unspoiled, by his victories all 'the best f�afwes. Ofib qu, 0 oAg1=L .'Besides, remem, ered -t 09tente& If you"really *qnt s ligtnipg- ace Ot id thiirtn an `b ` I o itig 4 q '4DU.ng R911.8" DvL ony b Thp Ki o met on..' ge comes gem easy zolay� Xas showe& himsel -spor4 20j:, 192i., , All monibers present ox- It. -in big handy- sh tib -Roll. =tX.=e. Water- s Cbqn�il f o� be, a poor* A proot fire-Imoog'wea. 'Immediately after his victory seven 16g gives V%TMire,.W rod, =1dit orn 41k on& sm. As r fo ther tight; improvesibe Hewas cepp,,C nl)s to take niffis no other too $its.. ouncillor Huston -kho. riporie& cetnotmd'intere'st 6n UiWukly with hi r the, iifteinoon session. Minutes -of vity; fiti wea MAW 1b. former and, r -used to attezid. 44pilisarswe md adds dogaivi to the' value of Of ad an 'last regular meeting wiris re' =Vilq —d g, pivic . 6aiiquk beca the pr Usk his former _operty. 'Motion of Ross and hle� apal whom, he`,fiad. coine dopted on -as' invited. Intosh. MLATXQN� PbV�r BAM VEN W�l Preat" to" On� mo ion of Xefntosh� and -Elliott Winnek' of "the sim iih Xeatirig, the a grant of $15.6& was to the Ven; givell ir0oW:jmo6U4s% not a(.an o _�h. Fyiday appear's to,, be EstWi0x6d- ple Preston VentUated Rm �h over been burned bkou". f u6nnio i e6mbdsti6n. witini..xao South' Bruce Tlo�v�lien _0t afrl* an a befter. WX�h vierkoetter who had rVis, asoe., the, impropm tildar =7,' oonditione,couduesvp ",,graneous, 11 A , , $90-0, 1 'Or. Prizes for Kin- gwiwn- -tau venuutturs lor. a roo� a =d spacious doon protect thii boxxt from re mwers kel It IN!. E.X S S- O.F h oney.to.be used f ),U0, 00.0 '10st� Is, place '.as world, champion, 'justaDle stag a MY iie's:ace nt% in,00128tant-cilvoknon.4W are builttokeepthe el loss Plougheirs. M. VsnatQ . r . 1 ements for; �legal- servic'es, was ok-dered to be went to' congratulate im-.1le ol� to.' speak bee T- R ause o a grudge'which .he W n'ur-§ed­6.ver :a.pr'evi-' -racd.. ous A 2%ILV li�m . self I a MSDVAXEr� -dy poor.,spprt ­-Moved-by- By fwproving;� MPLMIT "WWA ir a.rr& All-'Cler-k- 'wro vdid-birdorot no g 4Q*�-the nt.lq tnas I heit bamdo6n. Tbbtl ei y�b9dy,,,'4d'nobod' -i maku "d fik f wood= find nger son of Kincardine thitt the Boir will oliability—,re. poundip,g'.. t w�11 ..wa.h to sed-. himin' another Fti�'!' Ditroit sent -111'a holiday TOO . much. Xor , griAnted. Thib txe vy 11 x MEN 00 -TO � CHMIC ome, ere.- organiz i a spent tUnday at his ome, here. H;, ered to be filed a,tion air tive'of the.- loci -a 'Miss' Mary 11 Scott ...retirne a i,adio ..,b' Moved y -,.Ross - ��hnd Huston at ill h. i cenf- W roa&ast on Among recent visitori� 'at '.-Rod F. beld'*' meeting. at, Teeawater and roronto. la that a, _.assi4y be Ot 0 ve _y eve we_heard (jar, ',a'Convent n' ified t hit at his d0bell's wake Mr'66'., Rdbana�., camp -J decided. to all ion, of the -who tFan iss ''V., 4�Donald' 'has --spent. 'imtiaci :o the f f dit6hing by h party to m'eet at� Tee�w4ter on Sept. !kn`10016Pr give, tbp results .'PRMON, ONTAWO _9 ter FloriL froln'Winni- " ii� M�li "-to bas6b ga momxAL 00me time t '111,11-t TORONM roni Nain�- rt�u re Urribil 84t. th, all � ines ]5i4Y that .19,29. POgi lah. at ay, M by Ross and uston that �qrfty f hei'h6me,hbk.e 'last, week. a number of t a larger centr . as. dved' I h :Among. members' of'the, expeutive. Mr. and'Mrs. B. C rosb cro ,the Reeve advertise and- et the co.nm there was a -difference of :opinion as'. visited, at Mr, Jain y of Detroit n View of the great, �Vds_which CC ei Robertson's ri- .att6rid games,� %the tra , of the Cimeron,dr .'WANDEMNO BPY.BACK HOME .'REGRINTS the ain ai,lqt Air. Un spent to Putting -a, �andidaite.; in- tlie, fiol Sunday., ball d :O.ently. ��, - ' - 1. .. ` 1� 4ftiambdr'who and.,32,,Coh. 3, r the c,olnih , e'le ay golf, --and the vast, to pl "'L tigside friefids:, g cti,.bn a6.id' -this fe' Miss' r4ideent 'tni b liot erson "attended h MOOd' y Pl ­: mber: �yliq. spend. the- . day m. otorin tthat After over four ays',of 'intense ai#'*Mrs. Forti.est of 400 W-4. ,fo,' the calling,' -of ja -convention. o,d& Toronto 'EichibitiA. la:st* w6ek-. g- the - le r C rk Aotify Xineardirie. Tpt t4t TAnxiety, Mn and'. blr�. Min. I !night have'pl ised. him yesie �s t'the 'holiday '-with . the iattor' , - . d at the. bathing - bd�ches, .Me 11�1 . rday,. - s ride -the matter. - n rchant, Miss Gertie 4nd Mr6, J hn,'Breck-� a -4.00;.on the a 'T Put'now he cafintit'heir, .0 p9sed-,.to conclude that-ther. _theif4sseg. m4nt of $69 f Brant - awn aW. 1, McK.ay �f �jju T practice ship. learned' through p,.,ren a. hi - Cbngram. ron own -i 6nridge' of, Ripley visited at J. 'Rob-, of goin-i to - e' ing Drain boc.omies doe and. O�y-. -A. message from the police 6f. M And I that had no word to say ef CAMP ship, selected.. w w a n beli.fe urch on on' or efore --ros' a] ha's ab lit,. 1�29 trei �h Send, �13 to, hii,*bi oin kig ago at-ertson'i on Sunday. able 6n. ' b' And- MondiLy with. IP eY can.5 ate_� i 'the, Jim- ri11no at their 13 year-old -son Ri I Libeial Miss. Ethel GW a -konday' �ut'beeome it slid Huston' that' Time -was.. I migh in I a . field WleY I Moved by ElliiD dreWA hom.e is jof'the past. H my'! was safe in a c4ii t 'have' cheated hi 00, �urg; only 'Man i) r;. but. it ig f r. Leamin ton, Miis."Adal G ey obseivation 9wever,. alidther the Reeve and Engineer, inspect. the 'in that iDit' life, her h s. fa 0 9 her Y., that assumeti that' t a re Mr G. Mbffat� for ToVonto. toth 'will each idhool. fi Wh. en'wii- -'n hini. was br�ath, Foster ner churches in' Ackert Drpin. and report at next The wire,, was received, by Mr. 'AN .:P 6 2' Present representative of the riding' the world n6i� thati. t 1-N. NT U.L. 'Mr,ond Mrs., Harry Brunt of Win- ever -'before J ' ev" ODG It ihei ing., �4hn Scanlon, h -fai'l9d 'him' in the -.stiife Bat I Ahat n idence that -a co t a lad's grandfAthb .,will b.,tba. Consarvative,pa:rty choice, lb I., .her nipeg' #art- visitois at Jack E�ier- giderabi * 'n Movea Ilk Ro" and McIntosh that -ho r!Wdii Now beauti a. umber still attend 'church., Waj�erioir ind Mrs. Y, his � death. cope' e, son�s last bli, how much longer. Th6' Walkerton,,'TblOs ha. -th iveek. ,ty rties on the Merchant left Walkerton that: afterd' DRO w the Clark notify those pa d ith fair regulari . Of course, the it'l livre, WING. AT LION'S HEAD McKinnon Drain., t4 ' ae�ording -to hoon-aind'was fli Before I cease to O-�O-o fact tha at t a Person spends part ofthe Montreal the foll- wait n�i�n ie. (Ciii4dian,'Echoi Wisiton) orinj,' or ev agreement dated arch 19, 1929 the wing orhing *here " t'bk A r- a of Southar HE day mot Frank Hynes XRy FORD ,ON "BOOZE" an at -A ball jam o m she o The roses of: my lov.3 to giv' a a lz The second tragedy within, three. payment ali as 'that. the tfianc0. oi- walking does In6t n6cessaril' . of. exp'onsea. hPurred on r6 of bar Until it is. ido late melan that boy and'brought him, back days i the vicinit�- y he survey, etd. is . now due and pAjabl to hi ea .1 out of Gbvernor,',Hyndmanls� Castle P of -Lion's. H ' d� f booze ever comes back w�the does not go -to" a., Is home, near the H ro quarry 0-16-0— church that'Saine ay. yd MVbd, e Mighty slim, u'iiieas by auth- occurted 6n, Suiidity' about noon, when 'Uited States, I am thr 'U h with Surveya made with a 'view to d as" -by Miilntogh and. Elli6tt,that' west � of Walkerton, HUXON TRACT. Ai�OCJAT 'f F. A.,Edgar, M' in -Ority". 1§�IhOonZ aceordipg to lieport, Mr. Geor This- edict of ei�ry cbr,taining rnge bf the -mate ION. ge Gerald, of. TOledo, 01iio,, manufacturine the Report 0 Eligisider A led by baude' Bonfield, n hit 'home hum Bay,' 'at For la in cont population of the ite I OLDS,, AMETING �-todk dompailifi on' Was droivned in the Ist i [a by Un on. the 'Thompson, hamonto Dey0i our years' his senior - in age,. ' I I ili' an art el d -States which who in Turnberr'y Tp. be �eccfl village last Satuiday night, after bd Lion's Head. -As Peopli. were gather-. the, inanufac= a habituill� attend ch ch on" Sund� rain ved worked for Mr. M-6rchaht, left home- �d to.-httend the funera') tof . Mr. SenP Septe ppOaring in the. ur. y and pr haO.tbeen locked UP a 6f th � that ov�isionallk. a revious; aturday, ,1ei;vi A, meeting of the 'Huron Tract As. by officer aaba, niber number' of Pictorial Re. the - '114M bep-As on� iii nine, qop�ed. and that the p "S 4g ..no Ugh', who, was drowned the * Clark prepare tile necessary By- infordation regard' Lite vi%alil-zatiall inrg propos-w that esiate aw, but, he find& here'that. no one -on Friday view, out to'day. for each man who goes to Aprell La� their into appears ne hied to relea 6 1kim before 01 uldn't be red," M r. F o rd' I.1 Pftll,of kloom settled' ri eight do a "I wo bothe jt. OP10s'of the same de�. ad i4eatination. - Tife disappearance - Of Ce la'sr. y ear on tile oc- livered to all'P ties agsb9sed. in Kin- the pair wag 'feat Wslon Of- the ceieuration of -t xt Satutday' piunity,'whan '*ora 9pread. about the of a Co'n&.r'6gqtioriali ' ured in some oftlie h h6r- mornin continues, gcwith the 'problem Ropently at a if rot min- ister of Longniont, loss Tp. Aty newspapers and police authori On Tra,t clenteijury� was held at Sea. t�b urn g, Abd even handling over 200,000' -men Und* try- o, under-, Moved by Ros to. Sottithamptoh .30cond &oiwning which� had iaken* Colorad hii place and, dra. ing ,operrit . a and McIntosh -.that ties Were -notified. iurrh oil 'atirsday gligilt, la�s' r a eye -of an officer for 99 ions were ing to pay hem wuges, which tqp 'took. to, fin -ti Out. W11Y' the, ninth man' t. Among pode ark gain' nq'cesso;ry. - the. Cl I prepre a By -Law 'to we iniiLters'alseus i (''by Magistrate . Walker. loons wouM ttakl� away from them. goes' to church, and hg, reaso levy r It was badde. genfieldl,, the Harm a, d were. the prol- hful eyes r en I "Frank attrac6d the watc r. Gerald -and two' f i'.@s' lka& T would the followng- rates, on. the townh, ,nardo 110hie boy who Wia Posal for a, memorial -at Balden�h-ifl� ns glv_' n't be hitereited* in pti#ink On are interesting rather than en�, isseissniblit for the y woking to'the lat' 5penk.the past week. as nei " Cori -'Widmeyqr tourifts in a in this "hands of a genar" couraging. ear 1929. for - 'Mr. 'Merchant who. , i fluenced Sir Adam UOck; the pro. Al liftable Ili auto' o4ile' n Zn_&-Oo�nstabici Muriay' I -ona, of Mr.'. Forbes cQttages and ex� at! For County P oi 11,3. mills. if my, to Posed ere tio ast Saturday urp . as lm h . c n :of a on Ooggy This ministe d accompany im- On the trip - cairn at Clintiin 1139 dected to go home on Monday -with, r ssue a q ' uestibii- or Twp. Puri oseg 5. mills tbrojmgh the iaitefrn Part of I th . a Pro 14 menioryjf, the General Sir Wii. lit They lquild.on.'him, 'a -bottle -of aire", to which he aske'd church go- For Spa it, is allo is y had.beqn 00 Y., they, r liax Ot question cial` ;ch 1irp6sest 4.1 vince. ApparOhil ' -ged. 'Hynd I % good, chtph of fish. .th� . : p. ter# the era ta '111�)ce- reply. Th " esult of mills, m ap- of more sh g a e ali� School Sectio beautiful' an.d safer big Montreal,l-gistrink If as. �oopqdite4 in' th t 6e, and S. MERtING h lev to b ei" iii trip io w e muniiipal c6ol. out A' in' nd hid'eatiih W this admittedly If ' k a -byt. ft$' hWays;.. the were coming mited - survey. �he in accordince with 'the * r�quisitdlontt fmototists part of the Promotion of 'the. app a trg . de, and the -honthly..- meeting of _�ublisfied in h' iv�a�. The poliet d the offiecits '�roee in for dinne reg'u1Ar`_j a Oii-isWn Ceittury of thd several Roardg of Trustees. 'located then in "a children's, h q Ord reites. rek prl.se r ��aphed a. rock callf!.d rc uestion of Wy nay sea it house. 'Their sur the W -M -S'- Of the Uni'ited,Chu hwas a , non -den In -be ibuiJined Neat'! MT. qeraid'w a _0mi iatibnal religious paper ' Moved 'by �AfelntbW. and' Elliott the in Qme I Th Matter of -14 when, around one coiter as sitting 't'tbe' 6td'Tuesdak afternoon in the -School Publish6d' at* -Chic etropolist and noti ed'th6 fm` tain,thd m4n -theyt tho6ght, to "'be 'se- . he ago. that We a0ept thi Report of the En. 'Ili, YAro rates wits in- a, -a.slight lurch room 'of the chuich.'The meeting op trodtic�a. by mayor Golding, of Sea_� in'and a].' he Irl cure in'the lo'ci-up. And to their as-, by ft'shiall, wave, 'and whether Most '6f 'the men'said that one big, ginper on the McLeod Dra,) e.liqa With hymn 110 "Mrs. W.' I�. Aeid bwho said: i ikh ptes for, he hodk had cau �,,reason w they go for church is that Ao 'oft the Laialaw,' er toniglinient -lie liad two- more bottles frlit'on the bottom or lead in rayer. The devotional" leaflet. MeGlynn Drain- Alq.'QTHE]k AID To EN61,18�,-. poly , h, n ll� own provbfited indust..'. O-Woze; frdni who vheiher Mr. erald had Jeaned too they want,their �ildren to'go, and it and,' instru.ct , the. Cl�tj to viotify oil rial de eopment. Goderich, he b' the illegal in. or he�viiy at,th �ihds read 4y'Mrs, Jas. U�abster. gin- is easier,t6 take them than send them epdrt There is indication. l�atje clyestm: -lieved, w a- wh4te is to be 16arned. a -reel was a'mstety, Paties assogged"t1lat the'sbid R broke and Mr. G�iald' U t the a special meeting of' ion of bilingunilism is to as suffering, in -the silmo.*g.j utes, of ious meeting were'read A smaliar m inter"SM& thtt *]'be read'at but the-reei , previ . and WIl J a solved arid (lopte'd and the tkeasurer's re- Mayor," Andrew r Wa val�y soon and very thch famill6i have al gone to Rol .1 quic 0 Of 'Stratford, agreed was thrown into ilie, lake. Mr. Geo. Counci - t6 he held at yrood without, 'that in iciiialities' should Aot 'be 9AP11) CITY poit was. givan. -iss Ma t Monday; 8e Uhl' McLay,' license - guide, and owner of q-rendeied a ovely so.1 rgare� Butt- Church, ai)d they have simpljr k6pt ptem"her 96, 19.99 at 2 , the aid of Premie'r FOrgu soil Of'the Den Ozed beCailse" -of' the4r outlying - .�he boat, reached for him And 0, Mrs. Neil Up the habit' e�ldenily a, matter of O'clock- P -M- Prangemeh, says the.Alliston.Herild, a] MeXell4e read a paper he -'Old,. family jrli4 Clieques 1' PO Wong. "Hydro" he said "bolongs Rapid City sthopi opened on u*�S- him�l then.-. thre�or the sgat�'to him and itibb -An�'fimjl3r 'Prida.- A, in Montreal at, the preseliv time all to th, Pioneers of C'Rnadn, Mrs, Cra a. entira day briorning witt'Misi Clara H,Ahi T. .H. Moor the theatre Pr vi�ce an� Is fifian. nimillediaitely beg'an' to.�turn the W gave smaller iiii.mber, Y. q, P.L. 109, Bru)iig Ril. a Are. equipped - with th �ed on. Prov ilton! aw tettiher for -the co boat 4Tepi.p9rance talk;'Mrs. Andrew'Keptd 6 h stated bald] they. ka indial All the while Mr. derald, though' n Urdh because'.thoirwf*as dasirg. 4, '-07_06: 'Wit... mlfott, and Son, P.L. talking movieff and all the talking if; it aWitt Coiens of - Stratford a Vtter fronf'the stewardship seare- lt_"�ome . going so far 4, 31.15 W. in English, Tge -French are Was agreed- that the Association allad. oil .Mr. and Mrs. Mark 'ardher. -xvnini r was kept afloat, and of -le of fis to sa� they a�tary 110,1Del. Tile, Rd. emiland- Oil Tuesday 66A Mrs. that.% gitvo. his friends 'took. of. surplus -.1 read- went L tO avoid a lgt in, the nA P.L� lit, bitehig ' '4, ii* their' lgngiiage ould 'pi-ovide the tiblai for' clothing' wdekly f 50rt Rd. 21.75,: but th a kattilaw I 'and 'G" Orion Me& I fig. Ti me6i%, c4osed ill pictur'a -ad in and got, bot� ith tha hollibs. AbOut-t*o-thir& f th6se who il�,. Cement,, PrOdWaks $ire not politicians a -lid pay to ai,j. William Otter", the Parents here, -id* that they consider, o fidertaking' the 0 D k. ajhging of'..hymn 91 and, -a 'a. and . lum p . g � w xe repeating th In %, f ettb't spent 'the 'holidW Ald and' the, seat when he made teply Rd 12,00t no heed to,their Vflitnt. A "it their Lord',j Praer Mel"n6s) 11,3, the tlk. d unison, `Sec'y. dd- it git v -Filling Ditch, AA. 4., 2.7 ing 1)1�ttxreg,'.are �"6`CUOII of the egirn, MO%#V'8,, C#ell and, Jim',. Gardner seize With cramps a�0, Mi. Gerald ital. nidtfer to set. a good 5: A. -Pater, in thirlish and will called on friends around here 'on Ilip$ed from his gr4sp- and sank in 0-0-0—. exampli to, their. I son, P.L. 1.14; Filling' Ditch,. Rd. 4- continue to Be sq. They*cann -a Regardihg children by going the storing 4 historic 'Ot b 115, Ins' hy other lang -'Tract sibout lodjae't' of water. Ri�al Seoteli. with, ttieln' to-. church, 2,50: D. �D' I Wedneiday� of last vyeOk. ' M ona d; P ptli into a Mfl- t.nd Sydna� 'FGarilner - of L. P. . uage., I relics belonging, to 'the A spL 9fvel. Rd. la, 18.7,4: it. 1;Qvett, P�L, - Americaly.picturi wi JkAhe 11u6n m,nill6M Mt. and Mts. Chas., Rit4 %pd b.q4t,. to -longing til Mr. That, to stay the - ledtj is'. a bit. th sound the b.olief' *"As exprail�od by ie An- Aberdonlin' a k veral Marshall, Of. Preston, ws clOse, by I Aby, Men think .25 't* of, Zion ran aw a bottle of peaul. ar,, that go, in -116,, Resurfkcin 6*ed'.61d deqxxairkt�, 9: Ad. 19, lo p a era �hat whiskey in' 4 shop window with j. p. sto be put all Over''the 00 -Ps should'be 214keh aneeg i,W this; tu'rK lapt'wodk.. and ganit, to t a that .7, �Cuttjng,..w a11`6 -rc Dh*80ft L -:h ial it er. d- WD spe ly for thoi 18 Ct ast that agi sits he as Igm 14-1 oqj�r not &061e t had rA y-i.h M- 0 _rAy, 16' o A su acing in -every S'AtkMehalwhil." Th v' -teport ' t�, 14., irdiL Jiut, he r -8tkitf6rd prollag. vefy'po'or the' stir. q tp a -,ft- d Unt Att 4A Pr ar6a to dietig and C -10i. Combo b at j' lti�di�a prop I fit soutki6fft i�# .4t 6 -as ordv- fac Tlriei and' the.111� aw -arid- - TTie I aid and 31-fter '.caled 9 lie aeap the sp p. in his de 1625-to.-Mav f '99 —0,.q Rk 1 Vd ffl 6vod to. *'JiMbt *hdfle Mr. o' ven. wAnd The StOrlas ubb)�t tiio- Nof t ee AO 6t L ga bAg -yi Idd'd _,,444 pvs big With '1a, th- pofloniq'y in List Advt, Mat Olt.. 40 steers to tovonto, Th A is s1x yettis slneo� a d v -o a iftma to which to Meet iti. kax,,� t-rees. ajohl reel Ahd book, &Yvd oth6r ire, Ly rnornillk. voters, &- a AT 91. Way. And, the $4 tfaetbifig to what fill a lead- lloth. 1,929 at 'the. in -the Vate oAilifig reply ,h Kfid! '61ddn Th #,riftgd -in ordo -td'prova theik aJ61ill Mat rg Ion dh Monday, September don't alwak8 pr�ctke An6 waav "That, -their fiffiest _61akd. at tr'06 now lihifig era vieilr)�iiy. abd those two. g6.treeeftf- t and they Prqaeh �ui r6iida woko dfll. be: When I bfing bALd iftit part ih the ice would be a 6o 'y havi,�6tcasfolled, muell 1 the empty ba ffallt-ttibal d cused: aia� pro#6 golne Pro e.hed:- is fii� -th jig, U911,011rij 1466 tbeach ly tie sdiark, oruiled. 4 one tion of Ait', a'the. high race. Mo -add'--- ve, b McIntosh and Elliott that Skd NU COX. XINL6SS MA"i T E 114RE,C611NER D", -Of doutse, Vitinipg t4 ex�ell as,: a,. age , G; . H the Drain. Petition 'o 'other !'BE XTEST PURLE GROVE Ashi ad veid7p :the. lid to ag ton and a lie accepted; and this Mr. and Mrs'. .J. A'. Rois:and farnii heir Thode -who 4"S. Marga. t 'aW L�. * Ill her Medollins t Wiff� .ban ra lig for- t cierk'to forward the. sanie to 1bg ginber dgai aaking, 1or 'Survey -fiome. in Sa asTued ihat.'the �ro�. 'Starling 'of L' re.'h istowel we OMe for v prize.fight and. report. last. eek.'� Messrsi. Mile6lin-afiO m6or'&n Me- gressivo-.Paity. of S outh .Bruc.e'. was. . Out 'of have. the, eek 'end. A from -.the -De gn- Politics may . bbe ki n. ta ing Mr. B -S t .-:,Of an C6_�—_$__thv�pton re eed 'In Ditroit sent -111'a holiday TOO . much. Xor , griAnted. Thib txe vy 11 x MEN 00 -TO � CHMIC ome, ere.- organiz i a spent tUnday at his ome, here. H;, ered to be filed a,tion air tive'of the.- loci -a 'Miss' Mary 11 Scott ...retirne a i,adio ..,b' Moved y -,.Ross - ��hnd Huston at ill h. i cenf- W roa&ast on Among recent visitori� 'at '.-Rod F. beld'*' meeting. at, Teeawater and roronto. la that a, _.assi4y be Ot 0 ve _y eve we_heard (jar, ',a'Convent n' ified t hit at his d0bell's wake Mr'66'., Rdbana�., camp -J decided. to all ion, of the -who tFan iss ''V., 4�Donald' 'has --spent. 'imtiaci :o the f f dit6hing by h party to m'eet at� Tee�w4ter on Sept. !kn`10016Pr give, tbp results .'PRMON, ONTAWO _9 ter FloriL froln'Winni- " ii� M�li "-to bas6b ga momxAL 00me time t '111,11-t TORONM roni Nain�- rt�u re Urribil 84t. th, all � ines ]5i4Y that .19,29. POgi lah. at ay, M by Ross and uston that �qrfty f hei'h6me,hbk.e 'last, week. a number of t a larger centr . as. dved' I h :Among. members' of'the, expeutive. Mr. and'Mrs. B. C rosb cro ,the Reeve advertise and- et the co.nm there was a -difference of :opinion as'. visited, at Mr, Jain y of Detroit n View of the great, �Vds_which CC ei Robertson's ri- .att6rid games,� %the tra , of the Cimeron,dr .'WANDEMNO BPY.BACK HOME .'REGRINTS the ain ai,lqt Air. Un spent to Putting -a, �andidaite.; in- tlie, fiol Sunday., ball d :O.ently. ��, - ' - 1. .. ` 1� 4ftiambdr'who and.,32,,Coh. 3, r the c,olnih , e'le ay golf, --and the vast, to pl "'L tigside friefids:, g cti,.bn a6.id' -this fe' Miss' r4ideent 'tni b liot erson "attended h MOOd' y Pl ­: mber: �yliq. spend. the- . day m. otorin tthat After over four ays',of 'intense ai#'*Mrs. Forti.est of 400 W-4. ,fo,' the calling,' -of ja -convention. o,d& Toronto 'EichibitiA. la:st* w6ek-. g- the - le r C rk Aotify Xineardirie. Tpt t4t TAnxiety, Mn and'. blr�. Min. I !night have'pl ised. him yesie �s t'the 'holiday '-with . the iattor' , - . d at the. bathing - bd�ches, .Me 11�1 . rday,. - s ride -the matter. - n rchant, Miss Gertie 4nd Mr6, J hn,'Breck-� a -4.00;.on the a 'T Put'now he cafintit'heir, .0 p9sed-,.to conclude that-ther. _theif4sseg. m4nt of $69 f Brant - awn aW. 1, McK.ay �f �jju T practice ship. learned' through p,.,ren a. hi - Cbngram. ron own -i 6nridge' of, Ripley visited at J. 'Rob-, of goin-i to - e' ing Drain boc.omies doe and. O�y-. -A. message from the police 6f. M And I that had no word to say ef CAMP ship, selected.. w w a n beli.fe urch on on' or efore --ros' a] ha's ab lit,. 1�29 trei �h Send, �13 to, hii,*bi oin kig ago at-ertson'i on Sunday. able 6n. ' b' And- MondiLy with. IP eY can.5 ate_� i 'the, Jim- ri11no at their 13 year-old -son Ri I Libeial Miss. Ethel GW a -konday' �ut'beeome it slid Huston' that' Time -was.. I migh in I a . field WleY I Moved by ElliiD dreWA hom.e is jof'the past. H my'! was safe in a c4ii t 'have' cheated hi 00, �urg; only 'Man i) r;. but. it ig f r. Leamin ton, Miis."Adal G ey obseivation 9wever,. alidther the Reeve and Engineer, inspect. the 'in that iDit' life, her h s. fa 0 9 her Y., that assumeti that' t a re Mr G. Mbffat� for ToVonto. toth 'will each idhool. fi Wh. en'wii- -'n hini. was br�ath, Foster ner churches in' Ackert Drpin. and report at next The wire,, was received, by Mr. 'AN .:P 6 2' Present representative of the riding' the world n6i� thati. t 1-N. NT U.L. 'Mr,ond Mrs., Harry Brunt of Win- ever -'before J ' ev" ODG It ihei ing., �4hn Scanlon, h -fai'l9d 'him' in the -.stiife Bat I Ahat n idence that -a co t a lad's grandfAthb .,will b.,tba. Consarvative,pa:rty choice, lb I., .her nipeg' #art- visitois at Jack E�ier- giderabi * 'n Movea Ilk Ro" and McIntosh that -ho r!Wdii Now beauti a. umber still attend 'church., Waj�erioir ind Mrs. Y, his � death. cope' e, son�s last bli, how much longer. Th6' Walkerton,,'TblOs ha. -th iveek. ,ty rties on the Merchant left Walkerton that: afterd' DRO w the Clark notify those pa d ith fair regulari . Of course, the it'l livre, WING. AT LION'S HEAD McKinnon Drain., t4 ' ae�ording -to hoon-aind'was fli Before I cease to O-�O-o fact tha at t a Person spends part ofthe Montreal the foll- wait n�i�n ie. (Ciii4dian,'Echoi Wisiton) orinj,' or ev agreement dated arch 19, 1929 the wing orhing *here " t'bk A r- a of Southar HE day mot Frank Hynes XRy FORD ,ON "BOOZE" an at -A ball jam o m she o The roses of: my lov.3 to giv' a a lz The second tragedy within, three. payment ali as 'that. the tfianc0. oi- walking does In6t n6cessaril' . of. exp'onsea. hPurred on r6 of bar Until it is. ido late melan that boy and'brought him, back days i the vicinit�- y he survey, etd. is . now due and pAjabl to hi ea .1 out of Gbvernor,',Hyndmanls� Castle P of -Lion's. H ' d� f booze ever comes back w�the does not go -to" a., Is home, near the H ro quarry 0-16-0— church that'Saine ay. yd MVbd, e Mighty slim, u'iiieas by auth- occurted 6n, Suiidity' about noon, when 'Uited States, I am thr 'U h with Surveya made with a 'view to d as" -by Miilntogh and. Elli6tt,that' west � of Walkerton, HUXON TRACT. Ai�OCJAT 'f F. A.,Edgar, M' in -Ority". 1§�IhOonZ aceordipg to lieport, Mr. Geor This- edict of ei�ry cbr,taining rnge bf the -mate ION. ge Gerald, of. TOledo, 01iio,, manufacturine the Report 0 Eligisider A led by baude' Bonfield, n hit 'home hum Bay,' 'at For la in cont population of the ite I OLDS,, AMETING �-todk dompailifi on' Was droivned in the Ist i [a by Un on. the 'Thompson, hamonto Dey0i our years' his senior - in age,. ' I I ili' an art el d -States which who in Turnberr'y Tp. be �eccfl village last Satuiday night, after bd Lion's Head. -As Peopli. were gather-. the, inanufac= a habituill� attend ch ch on" Sund� rain ved worked for Mr. M-6rchaht, left home- �d to.-httend the funera') tof . Mr. SenP Septe ppOaring in the. ur. y and pr haO.tbeen locked UP a 6f th � that ov�isionallk. a revious; aturday, ,1ei;vi A, meeting of the 'Huron Tract As. by officer aaba, niber number' of Pictorial Re. the - '114M bep-As on� iii nine, qop�ed. and that the p "S 4g ..no Ugh', who, was drowned the * Clark prepare tile necessary By- infordation regard' Lite vi%alil-zatiall inrg propos-w that esiate aw, but, he find& here'that. no one -on Friday view, out to'day. for each man who goes to Aprell La� their into appears ne hied to relea 6 1kim before 01 uldn't be red," M r. F o rd' I.1 Pftll,of kloom settled' ri eight do a "I wo bothe jt. OP10s'of the same de�. ad i4eatination. - Tife disappearance - Of Ce la'sr. y ear on tile oc- livered to all'P ties agsb9sed. in Kin- the pair wag 'feat Wslon Of- the ceieuration of -t xt Satutday' piunity,'whan '*ora 9pread. about the of a Co'n&.r'6gqtioriali ' ured in some oftlie h h6r- mornin continues, gcwith the 'problem Ropently at a if rot min- ister of Longniont, loss Tp. Aty newspapers and police authori On Tra,t clenteijury� was held at Sea. t�b urn g, Abd even handling over 200,000' -men Und* try- o, under-, Moved by Ros to. Sottithamptoh .30cond &oiwning which� had iaken* Colorad hii place and, dra. ing ,operrit . a and McIntosh -.that ties Were -notified. iurrh oil 'atirsday gligilt, la�s' r a eye -of an officer for 99 ions were ing to pay hem wuges, which tqp 'took. to, fin -ti Out. W11Y' the, ninth man' t. Among pode ark gain' nq'cesso;ry. - the. Cl I prepre a By -Law 'to we iniiLters'alseus i (''by Magistrate . Walker. loons wouM ttakl� away from them. goes' to church, and hg, reaso levy r It was badde. genfieldl,, the Harm a, d were. the prol- hful eyes r en I "Frank attrac6d the watc r. Gerald -and two' f i'.@s' lka& T would the followng- rates, on. the townh, ,nardo 110hie boy who Wia Posal for a, memorial -at Balden�h-ifl� ns glv_' n't be hitereited* in pti#ink On are interesting rather than en�, isseissniblit for the y woking to'the lat' 5penk.the past week. as nei " Cori -'Widmeyqr tourifts in a in this "hands of a genar" couraging. ear 1929. for - 'Mr. 'Merchant who. , i fluenced Sir Adam UOck; the pro. Al liftable Ili auto' o4ile' n Zn_&-Oo�nstabici Muriay' I -ona, of Mr.'. Forbes cQttages and ex� at! For County P oi 11,3. mills. if my, to Posed ere tio ast Saturday urp . as lm h . c n :of a on Ooggy This ministe d accompany im- On the trip - cairn at Clintiin 1139 dected to go home on Monday -with, r ssue a q ' uestibii- or Twp. Puri oseg 5. mills tbrojmgh the iaitefrn Part of I th . a Pro 14 menioryjf, the General Sir Wii. lit They lquild.on.'him, 'a -bottle -of aire", to which he aske'd church go- For Spa it, is allo is y had.beqn 00 Y., they, r liax Ot question cial` ;ch 1irp6sest 4.1 vince. ApparOhil ' -ged. 'Hynd I % good, chtph of fish. .th� . : p. ter# the era ta '111�)ce- reply. Th " esult of mills, m ap- of more sh g a e ali� School Sectio beautiful' an.d safer big Montreal,l-gistrink If as. �oopqdite4 in' th t 6e, and S. MERtING h lev to b ei" iii trip io w e muniiipal c6ol. out A' in' nd hid'eatiih W this admittedly If ' k a -byt. ft$' hWays;.. the were coming mited - survey. �he in accordince with 'the * r�quisitdlontt fmototists part of the Promotion of 'the. app a trg . de, and the -honthly..- meeting of _�ublisfied in h' iv�a�. The poliet d the offiecits '�roee in for dinne reg'u1Ar`_j a Oii-isWn Ceittury of thd several Roardg of Trustees. 'located then in "a children's, h q Ord reites. rek prl.se r ��aphed a. rock callf!.d rc uestion of Wy nay sea it house. 'Their sur the W -M -S'- Of the Uni'ited,Chu hwas a , non -den In -be ibuiJined Neat'! MT. qeraid'w a _0mi iatibnal religious paper ' Moved 'by �AfelntbW. and' Elliott the in Qme I Th Matter of -14 when, around one coiter as sitting 't'tbe' 6td'Tuesdak afternoon in the -School Publish6d' at* -Chic etropolist and noti ed'th6 fm` tain,thd m4n -theyt tho6ght, to "'be 'se- . he ago. that We a0ept thi Report of the En. 'Ili, YAro rates wits in- a, -a.slight lurch room 'of the chuich.'The meeting op trodtic�a. by mayor Golding, of Sea_� in'and a].' he Irl cure in'the lo'ci-up. And to their as-, by ft'shiall, wave, 'and whether Most '6f 'the men'said that one big, ginper on the McLeod Dra,) e.liqa With hymn 110 "Mrs. W.' I�. Aeid bwho said: i ikh ptes for, he hodk had cau �,,reason w they go for church is that Ao 'oft the Laialaw,' er toniglinient -lie liad two- more bottles frlit'on the bottom or lead in rayer. The devotional" leaflet. MeGlynn Drain- Alq.'QTHE]k AID To EN61,18�,-. poly , h, n ll� own provbfited indust..'. O-Woze; frdni who vheiher Mr. erald had Jeaned too they want,their �ildren to'go, and it and,' instru.ct , the. Cl�tj to viotify oil rial de eopment. Goderich, he b' the illegal in. or he�viiy at,th �ihds read 4y'Mrs, Jas. U�abster. gin- is easier,t6 take them than send them epdrt There is indication. l�atje clyestm: -lieved, w a- wh4te is to be 16arned. a -reel was a'mstety, Paties assogged"t1lat the'sbid R broke and Mr. G�iald' U t the a special meeting of' ion of bilingunilism is to as suffering, in -the silmo.*g.j utes, of ious meeting were'read A smaliar m inter"SM& thtt *]'be read'at but the-reei , previ . and WIl J a solved arid (lopte'd and the tkeasurer's re- Mayor," Andrew r Wa val�y soon and very thch famill6i have al gone to Rol .1 quic 0 Of 'Stratford, agreed was thrown into ilie, lake. Mr. Geo. Counci - t6 he held at yrood without, 'that in iciiialities' should Aot 'be 9AP11) CITY poit was. givan. -iss Ma t Monday; 8e Uhl' McLay,' license - guide, and owner of q-rendeied a ovely so.1 rgare� Butt- Church, ai)d they have simpljr k6pt ptem"her 96, 19.99 at 2 , the aid of Premie'r FOrgu soil Of'the Den Ozed beCailse" -of' the4r outlying - .�he boat, reached for him And 0, Mrs. Neil Up the habit' e�ldenily a, matter of O'clock- P -M- Prangemeh, says the.Alliston.Herild, a] MeXell4e read a paper he -'Old,. family jrli4 Clieques 1' PO Wong. "Hydro" he said "bolongs Rapid City sthopi opened on u*�S- him�l then.-. thre�or the sgat�'to him and itibb -An�'fimjl3r 'Prida.- A, in Montreal at, the preseliv time all to th, Pioneers of C'Rnadn, Mrs, Cra a. entira day briorning witt'Misi Clara H,Ahi T. .H. Moor the theatre Pr vi�ce an� Is fifian. nimillediaitely beg'an' to.�turn the W gave smaller iiii.mber, Y. q, P.L. 109, Bru)iig Ril. a Are. equipped - with th �ed on. Prov ilton! aw tettiher for -the co boat 4Tepi.p9rance talk;'Mrs. Andrew'Keptd 6 h stated bald] they. ka indial All the while Mr. derald, though' n Urdh because'.thoirwf*as dasirg. 4, '-07_06: 'Wit... mlfott, and Son, P.L. talking movieff and all the talking if; it aWitt Coiens of - Stratford a Vtter fronf'the stewardship seare- lt_"�ome . going so far 4, 31.15 W. in English, Tge -French are Was agreed- that the Association allad. oil .Mr. and Mrs. Mark 'ardher. -xvnini r was kept afloat, and of -le of fis to sa� they a�tary 110,1Del. Tile, Rd. emiland- Oil Tuesday 66A Mrs. that.% gitvo. his friends 'took. of. surplus -.1 read- went L tO avoid a lgt in, the nA P.L� lit, bitehig ' '4, ii* their' lgngiiage ould 'pi-ovide the tiblai for' clothing' wdekly f 50rt Rd. 21.75,: but th a kattilaw I 'and 'G" Orion Me& I fig. Ti me6i%, c4osed ill pictur'a -ad in and got, bot� ith tha hollibs. AbOut-t*o-thir& f th6se who il�,. Cement,, PrOdWaks $ire not politicians a -lid pay to ai,j. William Otter", the Parents here, -id* that they consider, o fidertaking' the 0 D k. ajhging of'..hymn 91 and, -a 'a. and . lum p . g � w xe repeating th In %, f ettb't spent 'the 'holidW Ald and' the, seat when he made teply Rd 12,00t no heed to,their Vflitnt. A "it their Lord',j Praer Mel"n6s) 11,3, the tlk. d unison, `Sec'y. dd- it git v -Filling Ditch, AA. 4., 2.7 ing 1)1�ttxreg,'.are �"6`CUOII of the egirn, MO%#V'8,, C#ell and, Jim',. Gardner seize With cramps a�0, Mi. Gerald ital. nidtfer to set. a good 5: A. -Pater, in thirlish and will called on friends around here 'on Ilip$ed from his gr4sp- and sank in 0-0-0—. exampli to, their. I son, P.L. 1.14; Filling' Ditch,. Rd. 4- continue to Be sq. They*cann -a Regardihg children by going the storing 4 historic 'Ot b 115, Ins' hy other lang -'Tract sibout lodjae't' of water. Ri�al Seoteli. with, ttieln' to-. church, 2,50: D. �D' I Wedneiday� of last vyeOk. ' M ona d; P ptli into a Mfl- t.nd Sydna� 'FGarilner - of L. P. . uage., I relics belonging, to 'the A spL 9fvel. Rd. la, 18.7,4: it. 1;Qvett, P�L, - Americaly.picturi wi JkAhe 11u6n m,nill6M Mt. and Mts. Chas., Rit4 %pd b.q4t,. to -longing til Mr. That, to stay the - ledtj is'. a bit. th sound the b.olief' *"As exprail�od by ie An- Aberdonlin' a k veral Marshall, Of. Preston, ws clOse, by I Aby, Men think .25 't* of, Zion ran aw a bottle of peaul. ar,, that go, in -116,, Resurfkcin 6*ed'.61d deqxxairkt�, 9: Ad. 19, lo p a era �hat whiskey in' 4 shop window with j. p. sto be put all Over''the 00 -Ps should'be 214keh aneeg i,W this; tu'rK lapt'wodk.. and ganit, to t a that .7, �Cuttjng,..w a11`6 -rc Dh*80ft L -:h ial it er. d- WD spe ly for thoi 18 Ct ast that agi sits he as Igm 14-1 oqj�r not &061e t had rA y-i.h M- 0 _rAy, 16' o A su acing in -every S'AtkMehalwhil." Th v' -teport ' t�, 14., irdiL Jiut, he r -8tkitf6rd prollag. vefy'po'or the' stir. q tp a -,ft- d Unt Att 4A Pr ar6a to dietig and C -10i. Combo b at j' lti�di�a prop I fit soutki6fft i�# .4t 6 -as ordv- fac Tlriei and' the.111� aw -arid- - TTie I aid and 31-fter '.caled 9 lie aeap the sp p. in his de 1625-to.-Mav f '99 —0,.q Rk 1 Vd ffl 6vod to. *'JiMbt *hdfle Mr. o' ven. wAnd The StOrlas ubb)�t tiio- Nof t ee AO 6t L ga bAg -yi Idd'd _,,444 pvs big With '1a, th- pofloniq'y in List Advt, Mat Olt.. 40 steers to tovonto, Th A is s1x yettis slneo� a d v -o a iftma to which to Meet iti. kax,,� t-rees. ajohl reel Ahd book, &Yvd oth6r ire, Ly rnornillk. voters, &- a AT 91. Way. And, the $4 tfaetbifig to what fill a lead- lloth. 1,929 at 'the. in -the Vate oAilifig reply ,h Kfid! '61ddn Th #,riftgd -in ordo -td'prova theik aJ61ill Mat rg Ion dh Monday, September don't alwak8 pr�ctke An6 waav "That, -their fiffiest _61akd. at tr'06 now lihifig era vieilr)�iiy. abd those two. g6.treeeftf- t and they Prqaeh �ui r6iida woko dfll. be: When I bfing bALd iftit part ih the ice would be a 6o 'y havi,�6tcasfolled, muell 1 the empty ba ffallt-ttibal d cused: aia� pro#6 golne Pro e.hed:- is fii� -th jig, U911,011rij 1466 tbeach ly tie sdiark, oruiled. 4 one tion of Ait', a'the. high