The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-22, Page 8IIItIIII.. . ...... t... .... . .. 7 IRip AlbP Ya G9 S E NT !t" it Ack.ett id iot I - , - 1 " Dt", ` . I i 4 Ed Macl)�. laid L Ae and t s10 eq W It" was W dppPep ang04 Iv: at,h e ej Uj!is W itgda ''. . rr �. t .. Ueorge W� li.ethani -of 041t; :A§s0cI "wit an w i -Church e phwk 'iw anMsW Bul eIJ. ie,,.4 not easijv bio, a ;d with .er, -mother, r, ken .. y t, 'weL SoonIWe-�steir 4-nd-, and. Whigh ofFers g904,0,p,IQVR9 ING --DIR4 A- anto ei Miss 1)6iothy, Mr'. 4. Mrs, 414 ..for 6 'Walter, all of Gordq greater w sur,. of To" . . . . . . uto, and Aev, PROVE T40 T d ]�O�W*oj and Mv* j9yed, si nl�tqi 'reader you to tho gregWr 19,9, - ERCXAN iN �EOp ED'BELOW- ARE CeQ­OPXRATlN6 1,i4�:A:N'EF,FOxW O z rj pe trip to Tobor ll� -OF, I , HE IT' SRROUN .it 'is. qr4ish that'y'vo ME . iy� 41waya. ANT y "OF THE A'A'*081t TOWNS, Oft CITi is w RI dl by �Yoti -HOME!! EDITORIALS, ;,j6L,,-BA'REPRODUQ.ED Id and lit JES A PROCU Pp . �% R; W11 .1 TS AND �re T A . NP. _;DING` "COM -T,HAT VALUESEQUAL TO AN ,,a b tli di -IN W�AL �STOR swif"S bv EDVqATIONTAL, -AT BENI WILL BE'S1 R er7 ever. will- be, bv'us and. as it. tok- Of 7, d -e, of Elipoi: _011 'N fid. M ijT: � IL,$o Mr, A Toronto are e guOiii r T I AN INDI*IOUA-L, $ 'E -VP Of EAC It- t SIN,$ @FIT bF *0NE RUYINA XG: WIWI ANT 10 0F -T of 000e k4ou, _QA A V RRAD THE". E10 nA .Mirs - SniitYt 'hu OMtYk AND PROGR TEbehalf of, the Whited reb DV OP THE. CO eik - - . A M is accept, Mar -y J, 1'rwip I -1�n Clio to �§PACIAL5, OF y ;V" HAN 4ANp! Mos T we A d ',ou sdifie le I' -,and. eVer. r64I jQ nd., leasure :66 IN, -s agglitei ' Mtep. UTC Im.hitid in 'W: h 'R 'Will,'- 130 ers� Mrand diught d' fathetines d L -1 v --S&erw1 64. h, e wish, y 'er k' -Visitors er�.slsvI w Wee. 7PIR : liew"' work , and -Itno* that you will tLad ter�'Mrs. 4$Ankt6h':and:'( we My uior ffiiii e )thek trd%tiyes _X ENDORS33-.! 0 iie . . ps., anjd,-,�c1h4jl4re :-- .'I. .1 � , Y, . ;& , �' L. , T dor "M -'C:'. kuth�rf6jro', le, TtiiVY' AT.-HOrdl- aby'tq Ail oy -b*b ilf of the met0pi ft,. hold' of 'y ge� P, Fa�vorjte -C L E iftded- .on: SIL T-3 oeria OCA At RCH w Sunday' visi or a', -,ia: trip' to' Coluniba Monday. for White6ujch. Pregbyt a yp Lockhak�t).. O -W GRQ McPhersqn..w.ho had, gv I Choir. 0 ibw -Mrs. &V NO NX P . Pyer (forme isit', illiam EN' CAPS T N 'In br . eakr her (Idd. cQuaid,: John C all, sizes. 1) -k f6l),;and HELP W� Mt, and Ms, - Ge orge -cR M , obetts giss, Wilsow--viade a- very ink., 'Put arnin an p;y -IS iliarSing and Mr. and'Urs. Chas. D d t dhecl; Ri3k.. $ p, �Att W Irt fter� which lunch id -igh. London r6- SWEL 'e ht Roberts.'' dy;, U,9,1 d; SWUL .W CIAL agest �JJO so' I c6ntly the guests of M d Wilbert spent ii dav in b a Social time, spent I : of the, -T,.oimg,Peqp1 e a U ullvxjf�� The members F(i VIP.$ he' Uniteil, C)iarch held4, SQOiety'�of t i'dr, and rs and, we T roas din Iere Ca*ner6fi . . . -6v* I I M John AliD t 'on, )A'ondiy e g#, and- Sir. and. George Stuart * iner. a TO xu, umas H Ad( S LOST C*. -R RECOVERED Nc Oua�fitv -n Mf ter is enjovinig,- a. lori.. Rek. 25c.': un av'v 4itorii, Isitori, recently With Behn6fe -Ir 'S U, AUG I_ ;4-th''. OUR $T0RE,bjaensJ ate Y.- - in aSS6 A REA T Miss_ He A aY -dav, -irandi-66ther lv,ee s-holi Vnith her C p no '-h of amilfoh'. weeks ago -had, big ear - Aglen. Wot fo 0Ur`&. "iLl-IS.' O . Cecil.,Cook� of Winghani 'who Mrs. Rutherford' �VE IAL ............ 20i Ch r: T�le ho 'fi fr few AL _? Come! - Get s m of the B4ga from 'on of. the Arena, &t, word k ee_ -;end' ated nO& your x7ok, is URON COUNTY. A t the car, hid! -begn'Jo� H HOMIP GARDEN coN,rEST Sault- here Ste. Marle., He'-wexit ap,:vorth an .,was;., sari rjae n; Iatthck df� 'There d it in gooct cbjidjtlbr,�.all, but,that e ere 75 - cbrktegta�tS in, 'the -on Atekall i8iipec. - aW� d... to Sit. -, L*6r the caj d _p McKim s D r ut 9.Te, ift"ll b "KENUE nMutde.&S N'. D deh taken. Fuplates had b lq�xt!LL 0 wt .the license V-Ogetabj_es*�'_ Competition conducted d o 0 lit-thii jear-.` he�F-.. -Y Th iii W!tk We PO "grouip8r-al or L -as A ff -infoAhree 26 contestants -kch, and fo L i2 1juart REG TALCUM' ,M)ER, �6C. T TRA 0001). LAR akerL 0 "We] Voters" �Mst'.. 920, 14 IV IVR -I FOR' OL RAND o, the 'late. spring mer. Lucknow EA Owing, 25C 75 SHAVING CREAM ea BLACK otjce "N is hereby given -that, 1-:have� &;'a "he -b -',and dry Sum ur, prjzes Ilage of A P Ex JUR hvorable Tals, 86c.'r?M, FOB: �Oc- cond ns were ra her unf :P on th6'*hble the g;irdens, ;Ai4r(� dmplied with' septii6n, 7 of *The Vbt�. T S,!,, 10. Quart, 40s. "d, but t, PHONE 27, _jg 9 e qi, *3 -1 d'' nd'showe& ib th ajor 'rS' Lists :Act and pos 0 thiit' 1- hajb t _4 '15-C e2ich, very,goo a e M I a k' f casesi-` exec Ren t office at.,LacknoW on Oe .0 Ity t jeore and'att tintion, en persor thirte th day'.6f Augd& ". i62 CKER =7 1P r uF CON..'09 is e#titl4dto vote 'jo suit in he other he list of all' e -Br, S re grcups,,.wou d -n ihie-'sifil' Manic at ni cipal, au tin I be of, - o interest .,.t( palltv 119, q wng RNIT ers, we -are, pu a ,leo at such list URE a dL bing�a ? , remana ead ns; *Tid� th tpjbat, majt6,ev.: our' i blishing ohl tio n fornis the'reialts In, the Asbfield:'Abd St, and CLEANING - & PRESSING iiere for inspection. W f.0110 -Upon-.01 6ent e4, tie isicf,it wAttenall over"it. e W"Ie 'yI Helbns is th, And 1 heroby voters ;-,Iry . W. 'Ift .L. ' i i " b IREC R Residents mav try te.'conceal'th condition ut 'Special -7- he. fitat ten, eo bi standing of t Dtestante' �a, take immediate proceedi; e tr ue to viiAtori ibiy,ai 1hia group 11aVe anV quite appar Tat town ecoities arent.,ARUP HA t eyeryone� eir Chgtles MeNoe c 'back. Its, --residents are ever pt TS� )Toto sup ., ai �6iiperous, again.',aud bose .w o H -RA NEW I , . fi .6 -ST- It R i': 2. Ad �ed oceWhij,ti lawi'the last � day for Ko R, R b16 6me. . . U . . R.- 8,.LuOkI ipeil'b6i1nV't!hP- Third day -of Se pop T, move, to anul bil 0'' eaf varid�; Vt� , , ther place -where" - greagpr­, postal ities 'Pairigh,.R... Vt� , 48TIS Seas foresig h, 96. Margaret I . I , I_ I Ll Jjjjl�. Gakdner;'M.- R. 3;' Luck, =r, A.D. 1929.: Telephone 76 are pr6sehtpd.'to. thelm,' 'an prosp how�*94, Arnold R. O', a Litilin'O"W. is a growing d ity.' It is. for I :DAted - at Lucknow thi, :' 18th diyj erads coinatun 6k gu 'Ahis town, to SaYL whether or not progress wi 0114av, you btirn!r43:,Etti Tivlor. R.',& t, -tu Aq' ft:A�D. 1029i urjuue� The, iiiients, of %o W -L42: Isibei the "backboie 'its succes4s. On: thbir ge, ortc -os o r nearest not -M4,-an. R R. 8. 'y Josepht, Agnew, R' :*nd`P 0 Sto& - merchants * and' amen aro, �Sp. op,10rug :business Aepends, the, progies"f he, c0mmuulty� - A prosperous comm rdware e -W �Lunow�-00-` e 9 �.OFFIGEUS OF 'PERMIT TH1 Store th oah ii. The',resideiiii:..6( -C 'i thit 'fit taij Afiria'McOregor unit* is t e same as a. successful ]a rge corpora oi Tinsiftithinj DIR -hunts are the'-diree- Plans "aT s 7- L. u gknroV� N Ding . . i �7:` ReG 106.1ey, - R. R.2 4CONFE !AT1b.N1*, Y41 itockhoders �of the' town. The --merc Lucknow'ake, the a Jerky 'Cr##tsox�, -10 BE OUR; HOSTS business, as o0erxited'h y ihe - director' DRUGS' BLUE TEA,]KETTLE ATIOVERY .2, Laq)in9*-44-, the i"ideits,4111 giecefve the benefits'in dividends. A: stockholder who UNNY The 'tried'.and tiu6�'personnel does­hia Oorsoitaf'4usiness with anothej-'Aria;and buys his goods in dltles� 8.9: tind e Wride Icmduldr'he. a'foo job GOODS'.'� �,x H C114j"fibw "The C onf6d r 'on" and �FANC C Siti to. his awil H.. it -guests- outside, acti in op#0 on ffifibld easure in ev r servingj_s Crcu-are inave in� busipess.,, Telejj n schgerfal.: a robrteous� e, and cheerful.: eiqohon M and, Vri of Ches-, manner. uy in. other places I not ,-Fred StAnley I , )ecafise they r'di) 940"''Rm # 'Residintsf of -this town 6 'Tell 00*- that, you b A ` i's Master kqilwav car constructors be held At' ley,v ited on'.Sundhy with MT. realize tire harm :the doing th 'nselviDa in. doing Ist, Mrs. Duncan Kennedy.- Iiime nt-their nil into the equipment, uy and real ikelghh6ra.' 4) &T dents should nstruct their -you �thei Ape', ;g spea i `Tbei 6W66ratiofill ovn. to 'the. N i 1or &6 da:j Mr. Rhys P�llo6k spefit the webk L. HOR Ahev'.do, n' D, a V.1 s oand get'better value for r money, thin idends.'Boost Lucknow itud tuckitovi Merc6ntb. fthe*- the iTid-,.with' friends at up,fdr increased civic dii Tatest in ri*b eceiving soits, make. c My. afid L Mrs. .Nathaniel Thompson for the"Ideid in- tjraVp1.e'om_forf. Ice: Cream and Confit tionery e FURNITUR nd ow, Tiron-� r o are- , "The' r6nfederation"'le6- ESPURANT-, !1 thi Qd�iivo, set afid'little. daaitht� - f St.- touiq� It ert, t 6 a a e n9i 01he'dst3t, visiting big fatlWr- Mr. ob Th- m- a f r Vancouver difly at 9.00 DIRECTOR FUNERAL. 46_make � �this � 11, " . - I I te -'our $on. eat� standard' 4ime). en route R. UWted 'Cigair�� Store Agency I d life of' Mr.7 -Aid. Mrs.. W. J. Winifloog, Bran0n. .Re Saska- pla;jg4, als Choice Faintly Grace ries,. Provisions. Telephone. 28 E aW on As& kt, ted, 11)� y with rela- Inforniation !;pservatjona.. etc.'r"fj0_M_ rind and Janet- toon-Edmonton and vtsoer.�* SP Cl AL THIS WEEK SPECIAL THIS WE any agent of fn_R:ff[­afi Nat4onal. Rill- DISCOUXT ON, ALL PIPES aig� v1si S. A b M kle 4"g. JAR It. at 11 86M e Ison- having -resigned' Ways. QUART BOTTLE, CATSUP. . GE MARMALADE ees S ORAN Tum Shoei for Every Member 'R 20c A THE M ICET,, 15C Fa 116riteltrMurdoch.. Store 82 Residence 109 the*� .0; Telephones. - SPECIAL TH W F, DRY. GOODS. Griwink - -6irw' Patent Suppipro .6a gali Legither Label Overalls Sizes' .2% Ao 7%r. 546 , w ART SMITH and4 Siftoe ks it. Plaini i S w1jappgr W-11LILYS-KNIONT whwlwi B'.'( I . U,'CKNOW BAT' XT the ything In W11911, IN' b_ Suppmt§� -, . . . .. . I . . . - THE. BUIL kUSTRONG Tires, Batterie Ac�esgoriex ago AIN _.H aefter Je�weller A. Ooticta* at atracting ye Telephone' 148 and Telephoj�e 34 PURE. FOODS D IJUST Altur�s CELLEmT EX .Assortment, of t Tobaccos sead I A 113�autiffll Full lipe READ CHOKERS, Pdal"', Room In connection. W 30C to'S1.00 W. 14ENDERSON L ckno f -a sIng-le, mom Ford FLOIJW. MILLS acM-I Never orget.. M LLAN SALE - Sr &. neSS While Vlrng may easily Manit9ka Floiar c er dri -involve you dear.'HollYjAan HAVELOCK --FRESH & COO Bakery, Confectionery USED CAR SPECIAL K81) M9AT9 - - in a bad, swash. A ]jitle inattention ma)( taL ini, �Wiuter Wheat Flour This Weekys Special stud Used Close& CArs even y urs AND CAKES mo .,senous, fa QUALITY 911EAD Good LAMB ROAST, y Advocate of "BUY .'Ai iromwv %and, Telephone g Speiial tiz PAGA.ONE. ee If you �r& a pa o REID'S BAKERY ILL heGRO 6, gei'R e 'MAde It* Ct@gm, Ice CreA*r BrijkS, Lally'. e' "ver fieofb- watch the gake, leave,I th' n' r ixq d TT. ON R, 4 ed. NO. Ice Cream Ples a6a aStaked,. Tomatoes. CAVA �-]SPECIAL FOR SATUkDAY­�- revent, peaches tind, all 9tagoilable wits Let "us an. work together to - - dents. SUNDA acci CREAM 0Rk81f,& CURE D MEATS- Are 'ON. --A.. YINLAY. S PHILIP STE R or 1. A'GEDDES L N 'Painte, ac r a 4 !A an k y Ass t and -CORN FLAK A' Full, 4 Lath .. f FOR i5t.. -PAINT bei&ra Ila 94i"gifa -- - , . . . I . 9-tNEW, Herdwood, y IL 9U 90960 - MH toft j1da TR Von 43C., afid Ukkk-Colored M6tti I DOOKS, I'allad of' the -h nagli. hir of'horaog An alVeS, a third't6bbd C adeiditilt t. b a , of e om0- Iadg:.jfi CATTLE id on 8 �Aix Uttutdiy- ...... ow. th"it6 r , I ", ., , __ " r j I &,at-Tk`bY 94ne-0, A'nd�'dis up. �u obei an car, whors, ke p,6rt. 4d-ri to- dUtry &7&t .-On sefg-rdl 0101 j th" dgejne)jt tWas Of $j , ..Te'mOtatiat sued Highway Act, A 8� 0 W 'dont tb-0. a4trtid ana JUJ given ismiss- SO 'fir - T � a I ­� of � -calf, ��d- 8�eurd ing 1p, appeal' which it of illtdre'st to h�e haptef 54, tht .owner 17 0 JA udgem-ent on .19, On Or w Am, T ;hat", -i4niiii -t-6R.qtg und4 t Wh*W k1ro dstment � % i6h# t6I W that the 'Plafiftl bt4d6n'b� A fotfi�l jut two 6 f�Tph , e,*, full am p6ifitl6d�64t:' I While-dilvitig-At night Oil 1% h) y ivataiiWd. cattle to tuh at, ifirgi is d Adde to motovist tur" I It thd. 40i KA I