The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-15, Page 814. 33h , 4 0. od3 trAi k4". TU. • -.3. ; • , •100404V444(0"434."" %":"*"*"7"*""":""2"4 dx, • ' • 'VfIrt, - 44,7 , • • •7•.•• • , X 34. , . • .3 +? • • , . • WA" ' •••••Alforinli4 -70#;;;;;#383.77.3.7,17 •••••;; r , ..,0,3",3 P11:44.1.. '11.1 e 1. • 11/1411.00446,1i* V14:01 tiet 4111hil.,f4 '1 • 11414,W14 -One 1A07,7431. t7t0A1A '..41 h1" '44t44P T'''''r4144"'X''''. 4'4" " "V"ftig.004$1.1tAVAAW311,10•111priTICK•1110,1';111P".* , . re,Ter;A;r141Ver 44,7 1'1,11,1reerr,41,11; ^7.17",l7.1,1111,1,!1;7T1T 1.4.1' ';',#'44.44,# 4.4.•33'"' 3, 01;,...'",""#.103'4#7•4".••#;,;;34.ri.tr,,...,,I4 , : , #r#* 3"-^#,#• .-#.47,-.47,7.7-.4 -ITT; '17'7'7' . . -.". ,' . ' ... 'A, ...... 13"^ 't • ' ' '; ' ' ' • . • .. ' . . . • • . • d",WEL ,d, , • ST' giith 1949,' . • • 9441140,73.. wtotftt • 1444;1114n* --;,,7t „ 4;11:' ;.• .• .W.a#9034.10,„ e•• ° • ••4•P ceneleXecl? o „r0 eer-wee, 44ORS4 ft10-' ex.34„etIr. .4ied3". P4F41W30410,71•07°F,- • •. • ,1•3 337330.* „ed rik • "le, • e '1 • 11. aZ,21 1104.01 'ard ,ed, e. had ODurse „ OneGrace Blake- aickf Miss • " • r • S 1 I ce TA: 77d c • # Tre roirf•co: to ITT• tet T k3„ I - • ;1; 5 • „,. td. , d'7; •;..3•.„ i• ',..; 13 "AO 0 • 4 na • illitean'; , A niece, 7 .• 148 .4„.„ • ttss Ida- ar of New PP „roogiya, ,s,a be with lier aunt, „ during Congratulations. • f ' he three weeks. the funeral on BORN -On ,Atign$k tith;lo oe,dayaftemoon to '.j...Eangannon Mrs. RO hert-Mqw.hroY,A. Qemetery,•was -,,f fiairgor• attended. The ,Fr4.00#9,4W , • , . . ,.fiSlheerer0 were Mea4r4,4laal,"..And- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart geogove and', ereon, Richard Johnston,„ • Godfrey .daughter : We Albert visited on' 'Ran, Gee. Tii4MieY,NorMan sbee4-'.. Wader with)4 .:.. 'aunt, Mrs. DavidJ lOten and 'Thes,, Blake. Friends ':froni '"Gillie4 and °tiler,.relutlyen„, a distance were .Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mrs. Pritale.:MecloskeY. of Guelph Saunders. And, family of- California;* visited last week with brotheis Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hearts if ,TOrento. • Messrs David and John Kennedy aM Mrs. ClarkLondon; Mr. and Mrs. J. other_relatives. „.• , Wright, Parkhill•;;, Mrs'. Allis- d' and Mrs.: Will Reid of Park, Robt. Patterson Station vsited last week with his 4Pt°aPrkhiiairc441:!-:**P.•:•. mother, Mrs. Alex Reid. rnr. Icelizie,cht,Wherext Lamb, of •Goderieh .111i4s- -'70e40the • ASEFIEL11'.,IMITE0 CHURCH anatt ter will take treatmentfar.sioitie., There was a good „congregation at. „,-;:48:,Mv114stinE:hYtehr._esisr.teedriAteu!oEibasiliorecia44it Illakes at Ahe, ignati044,,niceting ou •04 -and • Services on Sunday Aug. llth Zion.. Isne. community wasrgreatlY--sh.400, under the auspices of the td 7417.11,14t ihssel!mrdarlrIte very traglc were a source of real help and in- •fica spiratioil-the• large ' congregations in:a- motor accident on MoirdaY; Aug. and 5th, a few miles south of Teeswatei... the splendid messages were fee- An account of the accident appears. tors in 'a great 'day, ' ' With heart felt regret the''risign- in another column.atioit of Mr. Alfred Andrew a mem • h4r of the Session .and Superinten- dent of :the Sunday School at Zion, was accepted on Sunday, Aug. 11th.. For many years. Mr. Andrew has 110.'1** responsible. positions with signaI success atid his leaving has )eft a gap in .our ranks. Last evening dat, his old home amongst a large gathering of neighbors and friends, Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred Andrew were presented .with a gold Watch -and' i''...SOYerlmoOns. Theyare leaving this week• for,iOwen Sound Where they Will Make, ;their Mane: The regular, services „;next Sunday Aug. 10.45,4Hackett's 3 p.m. -Zion 7 p.m. This will be the last.Sariday before the Ministertakes his holidays.'• He will be gone One .•• 0,-.33A1 - • "A7,-..:77.7‘. 7777. .3774772'717,771.. l• • • :er , • 7 where Sunday,ithdawii from on ,erseTY•Ser=. of gather .teresthg _ •'work among come Seeking red n. •9 wlio •(,01'.441i* o e 'LV,r 137.3•. ; rya rth 01304; 14.'93 Od' el en( 4,44. • Ir , • ,54944 'T.t1 '114,4,41, ;•• 44 • " #11 4„. :do .„, iv& us' 40,41int "'Al* v 43b4: aiebUr- Aliefek •,verr • tEC -• . ASIIPIE0 NOTES The Aii4ns.t• meeting -of the ' field Presbyterian Mission Band *as held at the home of Miss Catherine McKenzie. After' devotional eXercisea. an excellent programa was tontrihti,•.• ted .bythe.folloviingnierobers;Miiies I. and C. MCKendrick; C. and C. di. J. MODOnald. M. Ferris.. and. j. MeLeaxi. tMrk-SteckhaiW-Of--Detrolt-iind•-Sever meinberS. ,of 'the W.X.S. spoke, briefly. There were '20, in attendance.. Ing.-NTrideltenzie was ebiet-411W President . • Catherine .Toneselinct Donald 'Croft of 'Toronto - spent &Viral days- with'..Mi. • andJohn: 5ineRae.' - Miss Jessie A. MaeRae tent couple of. weeks. in ,Strathroy. , Announcement has been reeeived itINIORANSTITUTE 4:i. JUNIOR , of the% marriage, on Mead 6th of Chirles..Sherwood„ of Detreit„ tOrm- , FARMERS HOLD FIELD' DAY • erly Ashfield.Tand-Witly MOIn, nis of Duluth -‘nior on': a On the afternoon vtA4Ogt 2nd : honeymoon: trin.to-Olictinte, Oshkosh asthe young li0014e"of flur�fl•.Couiftek 'WO: and Doluth. Min On their re, theiT annual Field Dr at BO" tarn they will reside in Detroit- . ill There: Were -aPprokinnitely .200 • , • . Ii.Orts were keenlY .• competed There • . 7.-N007;;Cflf. attendance and'the 'afternoon- et ver gen: loos, three,,grOaps. competing fpr the • ' Ore .atbletie. shield -swath.- Blyth __Voters, List 1320 Municipality of' Wilsonof tWinginitif-rin flielgravay. . • the Village' fof L4C100W. • :Results. of 'events are as 'follOws: Notice is hereby .•given that j have 4‘04,tioe and, Boys'; isoft tallr,rast•;vime......myth 8 comolltsati,..ivAitcht aniav4inat7IohtavTeb:e;oVstoetci: ,tai, Dept Winghani.:&.I3eigraire 3 *Anis qrSi h . . b on • Bois Soft Ba 2n g lyt •8 u m office at "Lim no* • the genforth..3.4)01fita.; Girls_ Soft, 'Thirteenth day of August A.D,.1929; 13e1I4:-Blyth 3 'points, Seaforth 3 poin. tlielitit•bf:elt persons ,entitled to er **0.,093rs 2q1"4.• raFe=.7-Brytht-pointa said Municipality at muicinal terth '6-Ptenta; walk. elections and ,..that 'such list reMans ing4r-Blyth points,, Seaford' 4 *ante' hfe. for inalmetiOn. • • yd, d di& geaf di* 8, points, :ff CAnd I hereby' call upon all voters I 7...Boys relay race -Blyth 1. pOint, Wing-. to take immediate :proceedings to, tarn • BelgraVe 3 points Se oath. 5 have any errors or oolgsions• eorree- dr ,4 Ui Points; Novelty race ---Blyth 3 points,, ted according to law, the last day for of.- almost . eight- _Wingham--ez -13elgraye5,,.pointivl.sea- -anneal- bkInthe Third. day of Sept- ember, A,D. 1929. . Dated • at ',halow this 13th day of AugustFAA). 1429. • - .Joseph Agnew,. Clerk or the Village of Lucknow. 3 . • , • d 10711.11!... • 3 ; .1„•., • 7 ";4•., 414 .34413 #•-'7" 1 • rti ' •, • . 4'3 N), • • . . •. . RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN AND.SITEROUNDING COMMUNITY TII__TALITE, S ;EQUAL TO. ANY OF 11-44-1,ARGEWTOWNS OR CIT, . • . ,, , .. TEE 'NE.011ANTS: AND___BUSINESSz;MEN. REPRESENTED BELOW Alm', CO-OPERATING IN AN EFFORT TO PROVE TO TEE •'• Ig....,*4X 'PP 'PROCURED IN -LOCAL STORES, 'A SERIES OF EDUCATIONAI. `101•FT-..AT4105tE" EDITORIALS ;WILL BE REPRODUCED, .„. , .•, .". ir,;:-,A;14.,ONG.WITH, AN,INDIVIDUAL WRITE UP OF E4CH..13USINESS. THE'BENEFIT; OF .1.1010E. litlYING WIlii,--BE,SHOWN TO .-.• li% .:. 1 ADVANCEMENT AND'. pltOGRES$. OF' THE' CO1VI1VILINITY. READ T.RE• .BOITORIAIS,'• SAKE ADVANTAGE OF - THE • . wEitc.14, . •ciAlls. 'OFFERED By Tug umiaNTs• •'AND ' BOOST' THE 'TOWN .YOU CALL ••001viE : 4,,..„,, . . . Mir FaVorite SK BL00MERS• Alt shades. in a.' qualitY Rayon illooiner,r4'd a real low pride. Reg. UP ' , . • D�llar Days 62C.v. MEN'S FANCY TIES - Ties k AO range 4f colors and Patterne, ;Good 'quality.. 4egf, 79c. .•$ Days, $1409. • .Teiepho, ' time ahe was forth 1 -point; Bun eating- contest- riMrs. John Saun- .Blyth 3 points, Seaforth 6 points. • Y•awa-.Snday Totals:-Seaforth-42 mins, wins t the Witte of shielil Blyth -34 points Viriugharn & Herbert Cur- Belgrave-11 points. • _ ' •,„ ue' *Widen The weather. the attendance. the *Ard: was born- keen compettion. in . snorts, and the • T h land i 1841 and dance . -that followed all combined to eannlyShould never get a net f On. young girlmake this, one of, the inost2successful day until dad has a couple of rides in liiettled in -Wa- field days held, so far. • the old one. g„1,4134 '4.4t4 ' • • APPr°aeh ran Way crossm. g carefully and,, at moderate speed. If yOu have not a clear view -up and„Auwn the tracks, be particularly careful., At double tracke4 icrossins after a train has • passed,..make sine no trohi s coming from the ether Airedon. • ' 4. . Don't be a victfin a* crossi4 accident by your ovm carelessnss.1 , • . ..•••• • „. . Ital. &W.-4' 11-e.nry Clwirmati ••• • • •;#4,4.3 • • f' .4 •• • • • • • ; 44.ittig • • • • , • verw osttrit.i.*NotikswxH4 •• CAMPAIGN • SUPPRT LOCAL ,OttOCkANTs, • AND -HELP OUR TOWN GROW. • • 131ISIVELL ;' BUS WELL SPECIAL-11E1S WEEK MENS FELT HATs, Reg. $5.00 • at $5.95 SPecializing in • • 'House Furnishings' ... Boy's and Men's iVear •-• General Dry Goods Igin*Cite' SOIV',: fierfaiThirrlirenk First • Gray di -Brown. ,t. 050 Per gal.• • . , D. MacKENZIE Bros.. rultNrrtritE • . FUNERtLPIRETOR 'HEAR THE 'NEW.' , • iioLsTER' Telephone • • , . 111 REDY-t�WE 4R PC,Cial-FridayA SaiiirdaY ony EaLAll NeclrETis P•-7;.a.:17"t1":11:rlds,317g.v4$iPirr2tec5e-7....' Special Prided; Friday & Saturday Telephone -85 Groceries, Provisions, Fruits and Vegetables • =This Weeks , Stiala 3 Boxes LUX ' ' COOKING 'ONIONS ' . 25c . 4 -lbs -i --45C .• • ,p0,60 pritg. Store • '..• - Nysi Drug Store . DRUGS: off .* .111 4' STATIONERY • GOODS • : _AL -HORNE - Cream and' Confectionery' • ' UnIted, 'Cigar ;Store Agency • SPECIAL THIS WEEK AUTO -STROP, RAZOR 111 BLADES. Amp STROP for 89c THE MARKET • Hornell-Murddch DRY GOODS OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEK 500 Warner's' Kitchen Dresses 59c • • . • r:,!, Residents of town and•colintriars partners in each "other'so'bushies$ and affair' and the telly -Of the •tugf-efWer between residents, of the two sections. Of One community is about as plain•ai At ever Will be GoOd-will ft4O-oPeration and the square deal ,niake,..e. successful ***literati), not 'dissension: and. rivalry., ,, f• • .1 • • Residents of Lucknow and the surrounding, 'rural districts niliat practice co-ordiriatien • and maty of effort ' td ensure the success of the entire e0minnaity. Farmers, yotir Market is in Lucktiow. Sell. your *area in this town and buy you r necessities here. Merchants, the farm- esnt this district are your patrons and frieds. Buy their products and give them' what 'their goods are worth. Then sell year merchandise onaii honest .and co4perative basis. Good -will and combined support for • Eucicnow will result • 41,' , • ' WithLiiiih system in practice,' this town will soon become n leading eannnunitY.; 'The motley which the firmer pays for :what he needs wilt,' rennin here, and that which the merchant pays- the fernier Will come . Make a cOncentrati3d effort to bring to Lucknow the outlying trade and by doing this you will build slow* but surely. or -a -bigger and bet- -4er business, and a better community in' which to Itve. . , -Al. T. Davison 8z -Son FURNITURE and ThugStore The Resell Spire' 8 CAKES ,VINOLIA PURE CASTILE OAP for 25c • -Telealinue ?32 • 13 • eT CON.' ,DECKER • mews Clothing and Furnishings ' CLEANING & ,' !'S'- -This Week's.''SPeellil -r+STEAW.. EATS-mr • II Rae and Porteous Hardware . . Plumbing Tinsinitldne& Coal . -This Week's SpeCial- SUNNY. BLUE TEA - KETTLES • Teephone 66 T. ARMSTRONG , jeweller & Optician SA,TURDAY SPECIAL. See Our Table of Saturday Specials CUT -GLASS And CHINA • Edgar Hollyman Baker Confectionery and Groceries • QUALITY 'BREAD AND CAKES Advocate of "BUY AT HOME." s See Special On PAGE ONE. . R. H:T110111!SON " Choice Family Groce ries, Praismis, Rte. •,k• SPECIAL THIS WEEK : • ' ICELLOGS CORN Ff. &ICES • , RAISINS•• • FUNERAL DIRECTOR • - PANISH VAL` • Telephone 28 , • NEW GOODS . • S pkg. 25c • • 2 lbs. 29c• •' Telephones -- Store- 82 - Residence .109 STEW ART • Plaining Mills Everything. In • BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ' • also General Contracting Telephone 31 ' , • T. W. SMITH WHIPPET gr WS -KNIGHT • Tires,. Batteries, ,AcceSsorles Telephdne 148 ' W. HENDERSON 'Ford • & itavicE. USED CAR SPECIAL Good Used , Closed. Cars • Always On Hand • 4 LucknOW FLOUR: MILL' '1Vianitobal Flour HAVELOCK Winter Wheat Flour MADE -RITE Turner's Shoe Store' Shoes for Every MeMber of • . the 'Family . SPECIAL nos WEEK Growing Girls' Patent :Slitipere Sizes 2% to • $3.75 R. J. iiUTTON, 4 Butcher • 7.F1tESH at CURED MEATS--- • . ' HENIIEl§ON • and . mining M11I s, et t • DOiletS in, Lumber, :Lath; Shine& -Hardwood aptifiiiiiieVeeleteeMoriei .• . .10111.-lifAliViLLB ROOF' • HILL'S GROCERY , Staked Tomatoes. Cauliflower. • Peaches and all 'Seasonable, Fruits • • J. A. GEI/DES Variety Sieve; W.411 !U.1.. • 88 each , SECOND CoN.:, RiNtoSs M. Ridhard Carter has leftour line Ana is working for Rod MODott Setith • itiliiiiii7SifoilW801441--iteld their at Pont Clark OP Vet* •igt old .eoporta goott thrie -- • • • 9. er4r.;k4 4. Dr. and Mrs. 'Albert Robertson. and' tuto.sons, lack &Bob, from Ayr: Mr. - ad Airs. NI•BeitiOf .and daughter frOrn London; Miss Mary Cain, pbell of Toronto; and Mrs. MitelVlahoti and daughthr Mee of, Luknew_vvre lsit6tSof 10. and Mrs. Rod eitittpl, bpn pp g000. , 4' FINLAYSON SP4ECI-AL. TIIIS 'WEK CE-YLON and; JAPAN. TEAS :,.•; $0/#iiittine-ai.390. • pditatio Lug '• • • T04101,1;4 -fowt.. • WHEN tUCICNOW EAT . AT. . THE , • . 'CAIN HOUSE pultEFOODS and so. ,EXCELL•ENT SERVICE' • , line of, Tobaccos Peel Room in Cennection J.•14. MacMILLAN qualiiillutiher • • FRESH .& COOKED MEATS/ - -This :Week's Special-, LAMB ROAST • . Telephone ',No. .1 BAKERY The place to get Herne Made Ice ' Cream, . Ice Cream Bricks, Lolly, • Pops; Ice Cream Pies and Cones. -SPECIAL .FOR SATIIRDAty- • RV BETTE IE- CREA M SUNDAE Telepheno 68 StEVVART Painter and Dectirater PAPEtSrr -PAINT -a- VA liNISH „bilge -Tttilkitre Tag •ev44 .1; A. ;hllos-6f Asle.: Craig Preached in Sotttli jar. •• • . - Miss Ifelen and Mair Howard : NieholSon of Toronto arc' visitors it. Ith h�We of M.. Sohn 'ROSS. ' • • Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Itoss d Mkhk • . ' • • Mr. John B. Rosi. Mr. and Mrs. Iw.nand ho. Tilripeiii-SatarirtiY in. Gcideldh, • • We can hear the hut» .0 binder; „ on every side these • kr. and 'Mrs. loihr .- Tarpntci Srd VISitOri ati Mr. Butreitit • gall called to see the l'ortrirs uncle e , 4. .4 t• lryir • • • 411;ift,1 "' • • # • %- • A.* -• , 444 4.4