The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-08-15, Page 6tIIIIIIIIiW 7- bb Juwo, P144 QI 01,*� p le, . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .............. 1111 ......... . . . . . ISec. Aoid 111 b4l fo. w94 LQ t1i 1D tOr of moo. �,OlA both P xkg i .1. Alp, put t of that title".: heal, ayo the .0 Ot swer to, thk P0,04 - the best. An akiln y aA ..judge IS this. O* but bouAk condition that,. Would- exist, # top ew, E 4 a] PW A shall udge� B 3O, oX, 40, at itudo UY, 0 were lot SO 17.10, H Q# there I'by-' what tha at and "yeU say ofety - . ore., h by wh oun 4 - it, odot I , . ,who li-ad thi, lip b r This w itbeh rti in tj� Ot, wher44 4P inlow of Y On Vllo� Iloor sun ro. ea t OgMe gnibitioli 40 041 o early e. gultig g Vjxilei said the" Iof, IooAsl n Ss; you d(�).p t SAW,, But though. his -toni- *as, joe Ar'it ' OFQUALITY -od light was,� obviouffly .:a, fore begin c9t4# 'Acres,- his Lqng .9 -ally S4.00vialoii blinselt 1T d iistol: in ingbver the vie. At p4p�r,!" be Paid,, in peo, is Molcolm,,Fi lt,oyj FOR OVIE, io�,'threatehinj, tone� :1 OL, Ago dosing. them With pOtAt;Ob4 Of'. lY Ir4ancy, I Mrs. Raynor, as TTER oioll�eai go.,. -wk;ki,,,#h epid-. 441 911 O YEARS? Ra34,Ws iiurse stands,"W' the� Nh4t papoir, iai4, 'ay n4t know, retrieved hot or m p-rrible-deaths, here.� ftilldi 7 -:p ap of b ae Thb' p fco You im* into the Polls." i'li"i 'lili Mit's .presenk' ioment Don't' lik that! rvi . ..; . `tp-faced . -and led. ehi rrif .-G, IIY6011 'Said -NanJn,a ow tone.. t frml W. . . . -kospe,tt, fo '.the' title "Do orefouno r AD t4r*jO 1,.14- -be 04hoil t w6 found .it 0 0 t: -the South) I M ant -G Seal do'you w t %P Ade 6.f the roo ol - d' tat-t".Ut it ofyiend'of nI Why, .platrusti asip, vr,,,.�an ot Or% 'that baby�, talk Ali n To beco, e a', out tra, old nor' ' i t' 'The aC1 su'd dolboy;a� P 11 attie ay o of n e a 0)rcS.?0 " spi, On ent chbbl, gi(iohft .,where., there Or tl t Paper 11! YOU, * Ig �t 0 ! fl'Dolly t t T, you -Affe 'bills heads, the.: �AkArfd"X`wafi XoAl X hu'and- silr� all yer the: tu tf6u.' thAt tiw ears. -au, ops 'that, e y revel Place, ere 1i *� -ca .11 ... .1. , .� sil0f, - . inch; rpetterl,,S. beilal Eds; that, Raynor 90 -was daied- Iiiej wh threw 1t; away, With giI;end A1i0ih4 p -, "'. . t 'Come in Duzz oi .2 systeurilt -ally poiso. .,4vu ? :., 94r. 'Is.. . I - , laws, AM , Raynor,"" 40. 'dik . r6cogiiied. "medlal'school 61c.: .L4061 Ra0pri, so iolk, "ith-a IT,' t of Arsit. MIM -4" 1 A: .. - Qllg�, .pw, sh 141-46it 'kn' h' e A ili 'top .of hai4'i6,­adeqqate1,y spggqjs�, 11p., It -it �ha oeh, Is O'd in Al 0 -in king' ji, natdpe" the `i.t,`,,te win- *to'claim'his' f Us Miyhok by o I . rij about., Mliero -worlang ipy cover iy`� posises'§Ion or if I. bad beh. kiiown. dowi. 6f.the, shop:.Oue cdR �'b gin's to su's'pee't ontomoiogy6-�-Mr�.'Gannon is my toach- .14 se6: the o ''neighbo 'vast scope Ofa modern med al cur-, a riegluM. Th Ade' th6it Or *111 favorlug Nan er7an to destroy it=T'V-6uld have been mis- boys makini, 1 bles and Idesks, ap noth you aceuse me e,noopiryto--must. earn,., IT Is iT 'bailidles, chairs, and many oter ,,being Gan add id in the mitter.?i S�uth, A , ka- and the'Erim h- sics, chem�stry, biology,. POYR O- ]kept hid&n -by Primsbaw h at wi, steirlil., ULondon Dal yll-Te egrapli (Cous.)�: qry- things 'that. their.,, forefathers never 11011s. taw -you. - Y k. in pbarmo6oloj Ila . hired w, w6t y, anatomy, his- no I assume that the morphin16 'NOW GO ON WIT -4 s . I Jill .dreamed: o�, Th very, b TIIE:STQ�M I The' Pon -of deiliered: Smuts as tOlOgy Xiay.6.1ving '.,a d' a IU601' itself q4hu9ii1 desk.. Wher.e,.is it?" tun, erstqndng�, o t� In question bel6pgcd'to�you?" IS" polp . the aee- tback�theret:ft .Ieadel�oi oof: 'the 1'mitrogc6pl stilieture, -of the as It -by the bo�s, the , bricks Oows-, shaped the, first Pa or at, bond. M suppose it-4elooged, to ado and laid,, the. w1.0 'b�ATER. (!Co4t'4-) Ing ,to O.nd'.t little XisibI6 Proso body.) great nd d. 'a coustrupted. So. jDO ly iwugh,�. if opportunity.. `9 onc--it -was a �.ai ramo(l�': and oor �.bit's moil the' yel- p6ct of i6cov 'm': these basic eyes' l6okod dark ime, and'vith aniV 9' erigg its studies, all of. and. kl4nized, from., ore ound in, t the sons' -,of ly would', IVoit Of he e bOJq Are and it cbrtal S.e.' paper� troubled, Offered, the ajk!�ultral, areas; to one, of the 10V -if uncertain, -the normal,, willphi. where they touch. tl .1,,�Okeo Min Ito, the other,. as what. d L As -at missing will. I . fill local, lblilb yellowish paper?"' Dolly ebbig. call nierelk W. pioposedto built for th tragedies, of Ahe'%pubft life of the ving . I id, -i 'it', won reqU cif to' Empire-. IW'sny coahtr� fe6derl-of "One, boy * is making, 'a' "revol littIle' at,hirb 'in' I COUAW�-purwue. ,the Stu quiring y dent then pioceed-9 to pat, o- took�llise. for Ahe - king 'who, at tli� ecting, O�. She w.assure now that -ahe lia& done "OhO, YOU' supp6se -it - bel 109k. thq,atody of sickness,.- in its 4it- search, -pr Gannon, -'a PP, `0 with' it t:must,' e 1; Ogical �c call riving.. -do will in he You, 4C f4breat', aspets, I you.? � Aren't -yell =iure4 hi 'eattilumentO, d -noi hide it 6 y! right to take iWwill I of. iiat, pailibl hemitt the chilit, would arefull able rediir,d _' . , I ' -to'N - you. buy- RV eaulauship'lli. -the 0 'Cills-iFtoyce td. he %�'side:'qf All.-this.came. to �)011k*'intuftiO4i lost �one, :tbat. ilohg6d At Whe e,, did tr bac IS - and Immunology' th . �_I,Zidnit buy, it" broad�r sebse,4ire-,rhro; yet the:,maxi Y i0logy. rate, Lionel -Ray�6r had claim, . , and i. hill,"to the,, bo.okihl any. -to sulri�r, in all thq1r,­ �9_ppqgltf 6 willill, - as,she wimt, she pon0ered bn the Sw''W116 dii1moet �io gaie �outh, Africa ilialrun,: t W ' Soclety,-.fdr rompt " iug, ailly ','brap di y6li'ket'it,. then? owbere d' in to, it.' the Emp a among'th­ towled Tfier6 b _g_4 means. h! "yis--4lie'- 640 You were reading did.yop git.it? Thai AuX hot e' 110, and who .'wa' ches, pio�vefitlye medicl ge, e Mr As U ,in, answer U architects .611 the League,of No. la 'hill thoiagbi teps D'C-ur -thou its de �s:se6t t t -able gh. reader o: she 32W:kiannon: cqme,out. ol to nion ge powdolurf6d , A �Inlll at or -some reaq'ot the. man a. appreciate ,the va a to Of. V . . , -t--W-f I 8 I r ind" clifer . 1114,doui . I a , somehow.", ff in tho,direction h d con- it.. -his.torieal back� will have Ittle. ­ _' ; � ieat--wealth-an q_ ow1v.. "It go- striding. o in iihicil hi -!!_Xarcp id J. d Mayijur e _�_:jt. lo ed to si me; �ir weaving wickerwork, chairs-toul Miss D611y.-Va ".4uio4ly. Inteilds, anger had proved to Dbll�- )MObody-ilie" .A:- ness IY. ere did`y�4'find.it?", Igh 4Wtio'brought from, trees near. d' r#teWded 1S-Abep desire -to. getpodk4pssion,of the 6i 'the tremendous accumulation of.' whisked, horself about An 0 -re st, me d �fafrly; tp ll�pnotizo�-,, hit ' ould-be- dbotor 1be lakeside., old,, stA e Japer an(I she was boundhe�shouldrii. edge'- t. a ':a, w "d to be going the othwa� W4- :' ..' Slow to Leair� Sal o'ake' DIT' o answering, 'and, she o quire., And, .,oil, and$., G149g, t ins�ta ing-ly, sell, All Raynot she her int c at" 0 O'C14-e"n- P She won ow 116rald, (Cons.): .�The post- 111ust Pa 'my 'whian he,hasspeull Six long years at- the, morning, T; ys, like, 06usandd' d Oeitest"ginile. !%ome 90. ne-bo a "Affiong -husband's belong whOii I wai -safely out-, Of sight she - con war. econot of- other young men .'And- Wolpen- of e 4.1 news 'aper clip- mic hild political .education ---is then customag. for'-. tinu made sttaight his - house. t,hese old yellowed P of Alle Froll People pioceedil, luiring it; it U$*nd, `,ap -and out ohd off. with.. opet door, ihe�l-opfings-, I dare yto -tape" d oIto or- more, often two. ;W, are Entering the ilwAy slowly than: that of any other t On. no boes (iron, hoei'witk crdo46d, wooden roo his.- ift bla4ed up, -a nt: into tbe-onie,'big'-jiv -6 ILy. '* thai-they'are begin. ove forMad 16 n no a Quth of nineteen 'wfio, finj'she Ing in years as an interne in ions, -realize ere' r their -shoulders,' their wt: Fash tb a y 4ing to that th iare, limits' ill the -eail� 0 honor matM and Starts, to' tgo, in r that the to -wha-t do e many, can. pay mr-pugh for A oc t d' tor- .knows 'that he Tfiby trud alon -A cotiragoui, professor In 'Nor ll� c of , the Rhi6aland cannot bltrefoot 9 Oa nation The WdS wistern 111-filveiraftyt at: lbvan*ston, Ill., will be, 'about 28 --before he stars. t ..be long postponed, and that their " be ofe fuli 'of­'jf0�anj'e ''' i ' ' ' - war. llipppoted- 'on '&6'�! earning anything' Auld,ciqn.then. It', otton Pants, and campus the other debts to ' 'Britain and tha Ulifted Motes 'Or five ears ��e- :,Aule to, recognize -w a the "boys, are -.11.6ting - ihe, weed -9 that, &' iny bl se that' ;must be, paid according' to the, sc ' will take bim,'a OtIll k da� aftired ted be- uiidb Vie-h6t sunAn'the"VArin damp ro I'll 'Call o &Oss� of4kill r topped c6liventiolual t useris, AnA7 left Conti 60 In. the Churchill- tre. �h. 9 , to., earn more' enougp . for the - qrdinai enraohAlt, thrive' like 4 a bpen'Ing'' it, -and:- the. Mellon-Mrenger agree-' block magic., 15 throut. so Jaus, 402 ig Work, of life. 06fore Sell boll they 'Work' t�6'Adam's apple nilghli havd a meks.'. Thli� 1 -list, lesson' I St I -a' that oesn't pie' chle, so iuft� nelds, wliere the better chance to,do.its 9 an exceedingly hard one for hem or thoi.9 -In Mo. ally doziell." especial willen. means that. A, duct pegin to "6arn anything,, to s-pealk dt- cet or. qifi�e. The I pla o so- a 1 ly that' within 1, The long, trim, and fuM� to leirt. BE grow w,ft blouse ksome and as a- hirty,tbree­ smart scallops. Plaits at months*. of,:SOWJvg, the, wbito ifiree h rule; til). he, is completely n141 e 121081, It to.:S6 af cui6 blills,ol ,coton-Apoi Some of" unsightly. �'of hunibm buines's, the SUS- In the -meantime,, enrom,', III -hear lKifist ry Is six "to eight years learning hI �ih's ne a pro hill-, 06naers, an - yvas P %is t imr -*fib Me c6ttdu In,. the 'wrld' It ls�'a d filial lied w theo re two e has had:to.maslfer all tbet 'w d,!, h 64 the -boys are. out. -or pty- fossion h Selling in pamphlet form',f broad,. -loos walstbAnd',.at the' ',merk, ne. MO&I if t .Deep,, *ide poewe c6lit.9e, -"rd sooner h th 11 all _tli&�c* l' ncbes*.:. uf. the belt. d I o. wow, 11 pt -medi6ne, he has 'passed, a' number, .a- M-38", and to 4uarter, I call make. head, set.,.�.withln'; easy reach -of the a ds,* stiff,: examinaionsi- . mid xtri-77 es, which are car-, 7 si#eves,h-oripiled to%ailow PIA'Y out -.df that. or a AWT i-2 - oneetr :,finish I k "of- en. do*lf% to stiff' in 'ordelr'­tot�4_keep 'an alr ;at SO crepe, ilid '0111 tW added, �s6rviceability 'to 6.' of the -wrists - inno e -waiting �Motdr:;rorrids- he � ouffiC The eds't- n wool eirsey The lorries fro bedclm)ng rey in ebhlt ation, I� from this . extra- ind"Whilte' ni check in. c down the other In ume appealed so .Strongly o the . bab- oyer-er qed. (And OrIlle -and *hito' V614 -dot b estAinie, 16a0ed, with toli aibe wh6-fashionbd the blouse;I of 'xa FFVVeiIigr#eA 8 ot. Ord r oidin A rity e minatioll,'the a" -he ht'twoOd. in THREA7. n the great-' 'general ilillo Is' obviously GIVE E THAT PAPER! HE SAID IN A LqW, idiwith idlk at rweig On. Accordant EX`JNd'TON&' -41"� es -as whtn'loaded are driven : a 46 oat glilt4r, since only' the morw In.; woo ;;1note"i -26c at It The loryl fications' th t h to planning to fable students succeed It, --in t6ia ;'1a,,#refoJrred) AamPS' 46it. O A ginning tact�iy., 'on the market._p_tbat a!l%mn along, the 6ad -t iorge - paper -a type-' hate a telligent, rel I'fell was ils.6 his"workrbom-and mg- anew.. there the, cotton is carried In.. the Vih 4 -it wa Passing.) the ilinthi and this ti 'the. wxitten oll&-where is. it?" chance to become, 00ro'comfortAble. scum, me, . ignoring nt an. a M, has This revolution' In %TTEUNS, malicaline, attire file spe ab olute minimu TO fOUDE, P�. bales are undone, and In beetles and utterflies,, "she lookeil "Sciirch..niel" said Dolly, slangily, e your� naM dress, V ain. machines b Years, Inchi+ t -,tbe cotton-',fa,rIC Itself Is thus' boIdly proclaimed in the face of lot year for six, o-4way,,,tr9m, the, eeds.' Tbe eage about at -the, desks arld cup- at the" same time 'putting-, her hands ing iumbet. And of' S, that Insists,, I a sige' U& a 'at 'Id tradition h Ing $150 for tuition, $100 for bo�k&� oar ry Save the Prided Y OUr 'and equipment,'which'leaves ver Ut- V9 91v b ds which she had never beko�e in her two coat pqckets, careful "pot hoZourlsali -move - as �Ou 'want, 'Enclose 2,Oc in fqtory, had a white man at- Its. head, about. the long; shall tle -for room, board, clothing ailid 'in- noticed. to expos" the slitted linin ' of one. (coin peferrid; -wraP, but ,the machines- are tended by.- the 9 st t eavy a Aire 6'T'&'unto tVo c nfry.'.. A medi plan n a. 'sqm'qer,. h ack if each- number, -and men' Olid. older b04'of" on um sized desk seemed toliold "On my . hanor, these are ithe Only d wa tight -at the Ae cideAtals, -to gay nothing of ambSO- DfOPYTI-1 t Waijing dun the 'boy's enjoy reading tho papers of th� old man, and- after ocketi'l possess, and. th('W. 'are' both ra ck and thickly Perplaneni , ts. wadded at the shoulders, should ln;�, . solifte of KyouF._6T.d6r, ;.tDL Wilson, PC e empty. de . e- 'beginning -By Experl But In Pa, g'b Bill,-. too !no .of on era for, `VMt Adijaide St., oronto, and there are nOV a illinber of books, a glane ' about: her,',Dolly quickly be ag those Years, ll,ervi f6w. PililtedL. in, lthe gan pulling out bund 4, a -slip of a rk the .ork, he tbO:u lei of lett,6is and, She stood before' hir tb emancipation of th64ashion-trQd- 'When you visit Toronto fall 't' of test and trial and ba.rd' u6 Iof"Uganda., 'the -youth even Paper?. thing, her simple I.Ittle one-piece frock 0 . . . . has* become legitimate, heir t� all the -evide den .nale. have one of our �faMOUSL Permanent has his paper to read. It.1s - cillid Ali she had* anticlpated� they were quite ntly possessing no Illidin dge tha.t. maii-' tested medical knowle 'name for the.. inost For a generation women have On- Waves at, the Reduced 'Rate ;of,$5.50. -preforened the Grey Hqr6n. It"Is a qua. nt part relatin to - the place, her coat pockets empty, and her tmehL; kind has ever 'acquired and, tay.6d. - 9 Joyed freedom, from discomforts And With, or without appoin -(Ind.).: e' aper, -which Is idited -and spidlice of entomology -in 'one way or piquant face 'turned up t6 1% �iinYieldfng conventl no, have In fa I ct The Wisdoill'of.loft-dead leeches'llat La tresse, Th 4MAZIB9 for, this p eri � Lett�is: cloppings, 'memo- 'with a look. of utter innocence. Specialists, in the - thur Wave 11116thod been 'poired Into him, and' te had. �'iiid6pte4 ,by ihe,"Lab6.-ur.L.GOv-..Printed-,eitiroly �t'Naliobl n k lloth vied t Me itL .on audaclousiy develol'od ii�vltl0s. in .ot. Permanent Waving. (For lagies bedome greater than any,of tbeiu-�- Rrfi wlth'r494TO C0161jy. by Baganda. men. The, giody randa�411- Seen. o.'-hove,16 & -.with "Positivelyl I- "N ied"' Ishe 7 _lrnni6ht�yof Grdlt dress that seize upon everylbegulling Who'carp.) -1for6n '19, a �blrd that at tarands' It the insects or birds. cried; aa sbo.threw off the loose coat,. greiater by virtue of 4is greater knowl to , the a _iyPewritten paper rather alid ;Qrled aroun�l -1i6fore him. "I color In therafnbo'w.'� 116distes' blend,' Fite, has: t4 f dg6.: used; at eiplollod of ON` 0 PgaAdla.alloday without Show.'! ]ROBERTSON'S is A scibntlst� able to worlt by de,, b d slash and fabricate - so that ther femin- �ff�r;t from th6 others caugh Mr. Ray&r, that I bay.e no 8 a ceeding"I 'im Y. pi9vement, Ine frock today not only, gladdens, the -tant 6iniollis'.'as mVeb 'Ing ..gn at taking In t her swOal groe , from th known to the unknown the at,,Is going,'on. ', Then 16�e., 'It. wag a largo sheet,' bi . r ihidden about my poison.,!, Tehowo fbr the Privileges that sodfeli Dor'fi'In'Ion,:nd, eyeiything I ut' Lof. any'pape 'eye, � but also"admizably serves every Write for. Booklet JAW-12PP on thb cire 'And 0 as- flimsy texture. Shq nf6lded it and t IL in -the, oveWnj It Dies away UPAntd -Of course'she'hadn't, with her-collit. ccords'the PhY,81clall It e0e., 8,41111t spe0ini, broadly., it . en a ji Philip S . den, Chan- -a tree, -wh&6 9 A or tw ckly.: She 6aughtr Ove 6 suftry summ'ei day 'when, an armored =Ih now it meet Fie' klanotd! ovet if.qui' a chair -back near by. practical requirement, especially on 4 'of a' Shtir Wave Permanent Wave. I is almost Invariably accordedi a -ton- thOL Eithequer, illould liot' others, 0:nd''they all chatter, making sight of the words, "to my -wife, Unguisecting - her. prevarletAtion, told return There Is no othet'divi- ht. hA -.,. . -Iffta ..1hik .4th lij essential 11�b ynot--�- and she knew Raynor, 'gave her aper look, 'Tile Biganda say that Nancy l�ent Ra plexOd "'Ut the' , courageous champion of tonsider this'p6lity si,tirrible din. Ion the : befen - family are all discussing she had achieved the, object 'of her even 61d. her'cost ai4 qhe slippqCher,. 6i, brogr�.sg of, - ecotoulle search. reformed fashions for big fellows jtweeii eAlfferojit, parts of A. In7ille'tree tbe things tbe� grgy heron arrhs again intojts.slegyes. , - . I 0 IS beneg' it ocampalin, "I regent all you ha o said o me . . . . . tkid, latter entirety - has ieO 4 ' g thfi day; so that s ith d' on t us usher In a new reign of ei when are A. Diiia -Her absoliption. was icterrupted by� -o announced wl learns Irdedob' Ai -valaillmoub in. deilarine k to,'be so. the ire1gon WbY the paper has hat on elell4matlon outside thi-;w1ndow Mr. ' Ra$,Tief," all n ty r ltilb eonforonce Through, - It the boy land bUing Up Dolly Saw U6�iOl 3 ;. 11 will lefie '76ii to look Let hhfi,add riotous colors 10 ecollin . . . wh!eh, it name. do. nor, big fice aflame with P ADS deeIi',Purble -, or gorgebil to LoA next bout the news, of. the grea�t otst rs yourself. I'm g6ihg.Mme,"'� oorhAsbn-to men19, street ttire, so be held, trial strike; a fOiOt- in at'her.- ddltbu lAtle a .'""arif, , '111 9 1-�; L ' . - .. an Indus o CHAPTER XI. fh9t.tfio sedate bdslness'i�rWt shall be oL� jl�jt6ninj- will no doug dlsOel MIS-, wo: h'' tifidbirstAndings on ..thia question., of ball match b '. e . on. Arerican ifti'crfed, and then, at -he stfode round PLAI permanentl relegated to' the attl upheaval, of* anti- to'.ente'r at the door, Dolly's, quick- NANGY EX NS BrItIsp teams; ai vital jut *est. I and the #evouring moth. Let him dis. 9T, to Th; ItsilianGarde m Acres gn feeling In China, attempts thinking mind led,'her swiftly to con- n 4 FlowL card that fluttering streamer of use- roTei North Pole (though he ftpds ceal'the Paper by slipping it into, the though con i volitional iff"design and dib- less - togg4bry known as, a necktie. Let Ify to the io tinderstand what lee and lining Of her coat. There wag a Ap,* tailt-i�ig so Plannod.tfiat.it was always it "llcult sno,�r are), and so ol��_Basil NIathewS, the. bottom 'Of' the side pocket, and :a pioturesque mass of bloom. and SPO� coat designs, perhaps even an. artia- in ,Black Treasure." Anything put there, would, as slid well greilicry. - In one corhef was ti, ihey 11d substht4te for. the old-fashioned M cially attractive. arbor,. and.. here sat' -little more' thaff . a Finley and Nan Raynor. vest,, 4 present "Jim man you egn rattle The'Radium MOPOP01Y bulging envO.Iopo for f6 qubstion, dear, he Daily News o4d: Westmill- Pon,- and *Rich, , Lot him desigh, a said,. �Itbat you and I should shull each a ra' hat that' ireveals"somo touclr�of 6t�erls, so�iety for'. a fool'Ilha feeling'' lhdivfdugl 6w loo company, which has -a virtuAl m6nop.. _ I L - I ' nership, nd doesn't k - usband is. dead - *1111,166 a mill ductioni' de-clares Of . jofiVe t' jr' h !on other sull-kissod skim- - Oli of radinni �pro and ;i;;,the tjLftle Comeg, you are merg.' Let" thi- Intrepjd eruga4er try that the. present, price. of MAlum- going to. ni me -.01- wit. fmm 90:600 to 1.graffillnei- hconventional-dress Suit Sion of mankind, with the posstble'�Xrc6ption bf cibrgyinen, that givest. qwaj, gratis, more of. its time, energy', anif knowledge than #0 tho do9tots- k doctor does an enornious amount Of woik for whidA. be I's -not pold Common humanity demands that he -answer any gerJous col made. UPOIL .hrn!, at any hour ofille day or 'night,., - bveh It he knows that the patient cannot pay. -In. a- way this to unjust. No,one expects the keeper' of it gro- de�iy store to give away big, goods, even 'tfi6ugh' tHre MaY be, People starving for lack of them. Yet% dae- tor I. -I expected. to o just that-anit In most. cages he roes., In'tuaking. this con�&slon to tbe4t race generally, the doctor becomes, he greatest giver of cballit�. In the C rn. OM UM 08 g to b fin no. Idle elegan tphrase und It J� Inil.igplitable that the profosslon'be' AT 'i 1 4 .AVVA *1- I A-1 AfI - 1XV, a o I �..y 0 151 - .. I . . IS tob low, and before Iong 'May 90 . "Why.not, prayl'? he smiled atiber and,tuxetlo, for years str&WJdekt.9 Of. -Ozv-N -difterdnt thl"rigg may, 'Ing the indigent, which-bolongs rilght. "IM -110t gi , D� Ifte mil fi�e: A"Cause a headache, but th-cre§ ljjgj�r still) Vhe price fs'Mbfisb'OUS-� mosduh serY.-Ghriitlan Scie as at a wayward lehti Mrs 0 1 1 . . . I . Ott 611d; thing you' need'ever do to Te'j'killed'use'Of radium n, I'm n6t even IV -0 'the 6tat e, just ad the feeding, ing to hultry you, No get ioiniedlate relief. Aspirin, is an af'the starvi g Is b�comfn r0cogbit Ix Ity, " a state resports! III 'us 'far businest raeli IS the best reply sclenCd-h -- 0 9ding to trouble you with my-16ve g- ib-gQlftfiz ffftiitid6te. 'for such pain, T-1-6 act' . q_,_U by Ltd -kbd go, -*Ithhl, t -he. lfmitaUol 9., of Iff a you"caft -look - e 4. 11' I It' 11 '- -fn-- " " . . . . . . . . _K��o R. .ai it, ready Icif ei- 11 u short article, ------ ?) , . . I " 10 to - 11 qt­paiity,!� "fu te, estab Nit. the follo�vlmg ktds.�: t1fat 1,do It'll then I'sliall feat that tho Soctoll by dden heaaches should .6'6 ' '* i_d!bef, g rdbbo, mofta 11 ocancdf ah8l; A in the han-dy pocket Ope y uplifff W`116sd T)bire InYLOU', WA 6U ut.01 Ity I i m If is to iie�l five ock �nil, 16 in,e OtAlft Ju 6118d off ifstance' iii, 04, w LK ithat. n;ver n rzy dr i . I och, 1 'he t e�nj.bl.e h -,jt 4 ntrol ..of . '4� A�pi, abd ,prlte of,_a 1 'Ki g vet. ti n -5w t6,,rdankin4 0otild be; Vested Wwhat, tio .�ou nean by th'en. le,.Q.,t, policy whielf, V 9%V 119 hig Party million Oi thefl, and women w1l() me -A UkO 3clln�f,. i-ga �Ifs# ft fVdr)r yean- And, Al"d 6405tcid mea -h illint, wliet the- truth it fly good �Ve(i t116. ].iv hanc 6d. tillo 21ri�C. -egg �jt h ow the I. ve -era bo U� . ,e4idl.�e" M sa C d6nal oot tion t :ki! n ibibery of the S's r * i1i Let, ItIlpo ilyle,f6t me'to mn'ry 'in a fauvlk' - 1h nr 06n 11t *1 PW N&V PTOO*erly Mylsititutp.- ody' 11 W0 be- ()"igiied with - Is tig me. X,4fi Tul �V! 10 fltr� T"(1 vole, 'A _1164- -hit 13�oirden C6 Limited e t. 10 St. fac Keep Min rd's h nu any ot '29 &Ff"- 1 o 0'. . I 'L I I . . . "NeVerl" tS U t arryb '04 st� y or's I