The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-18, Page 8l!"'. iWel il:­11"'r '7� ............ 3 Val �g gq-,fii 73 7 7— Nd; RIPON tiU., l" ­Wl A-—.111-11 7J, OR so IR 4 K� n Rm 0XI I MIR Jl�%, J, ,il+ NY, M 9 me 10 4211'ti'05, W., 7;1r boo o'er 0 v 0 �,w it. T. , NY, AV 'I M 0"11 �k 01 A C Xpited C.#u, q ov ob Ime 0, TV !A141 W U� A" 'k A Ilk 14 + '16 & di�nkaf W -q .00 ton AW �,W,.X &6, �6n, �, W; Air, a K .... ....... . loayear. $he Je.W ThQ i th p. @9 Or b er: ee 'T ...next August. 'his e it, 0 Kipse, V vier ton' aeui Served the dip h Rev., Mr.; - p M real, smove4.�y E. Zinn Ot serve by: the his. Ix -Xr and" Mrs, and' go J ;b -h W�bst4r� �ljoio C - tIN .&eW 'a r-, -.;4n -,w On�' s pe -Mr." "W 01 A1,:F. p,e, o ars h0go Pridductibn4ifid dIqtq4,Ji# ld7j" e. 7 etrrie .24, -A C grk of, he' Oon-Awl it - Paid: a filio.. t(?,, 't t H& of a[l-Fidiba6ko�MOi9e-0rqdUtt , E qmin W CPR ;iue. ote 4o, d h d r 4 hi �4ve f .'. i o. r, ome CS!, �i - 0 �9.v V, V dyer -QMP 7 040 ana. Mi 'yd- Aid- dau-� d tialt -gentl Tqm-'Wil0on,,, Melma,�Si6tt, '16 1 1 d,i �o on AgAnstd:dirt Mth eed A Uneghan n#:Lorn McC ve yn, -and -r. Q.91,1 0"& en latM, a with thwfilmo.067� ghter Of I)i s u,ry r s the. k-eud. "IN W00 Pollock Kincardine,"' 11 tic we -h idca�dpf this ensihe is f, 01y . ..... H.' Y MAV�EK ,G M Gillie petit oDetroit.. 9 Krul. T od And WITS. J48. ay- ount to, 00.4 it. Bally. rms. joits *h Mil� Albert Mcqgo.id'' �od and , datightOr 'b-.Ois; 4'etuft�d'home s, ee Ust Ite Due* .. I I i;� � in Adthi k day after- VY ,,, . :, . . . -E. 1 Tho ere, tta -dn idth her �,qti­,fu . I — -L ' 6k Onti -h )iti -And Jean .0 10 T ige E oand rd op w0il spend 'hefe. t. ko, w, jug i Mr.. ThDs.'Andersou%, V ve wiek�iien visitor etroitiii - it D S, noon. d -engAg -�Graqo -B.,ake is igu* -with; 61. to "iss" end'- 'Jack ;Pollo k M And- went got week 16ach $46 %ehoi .-next Nmek with n*U!q� aro-'spending' the it4b encludit poreelAin- thl- un'd 4 'Mr. I Cocil Miss Olive K file Tide at,. d4ericli. r" iS.,L Mr. highly d, ospecte Qrewe. The, too lid congra u - in Misses,'.-Margare .,an he first neer. se away I i Wavu!k� CREITORS-, Thom, -are-i-visit-ms-at )Forest T' Ate a 41y +1911t - - 1. sent,! Por. d WAR 'district,. pas -Time or t, Kathleen!: A iiial T t d'' e, offoied at, Su r of th q�41 Ji. -I lations eie­due Miss, Olive July' 1-2tb'fi6.m�jnj'ulies,ir6ceived when, Mrs, "Whitfield' have as M E'stat of, R*v- and att grAt �n the att�i of the estate of Jane their, a Rutherford,, of Angus M61iihnon,,- ISto bi�� t te Villago, dTe Countr of Bru ar guests eek. the lattpir, lite -of the Village e, ahis c -pset In le Aeraph�and_ C, hrqj miles, weer S. t I -�-Luok-nDw,-.irL-th,e---C.o.u4ty. __Q �AtpFdily donstigit*4 tO. affor& yearit li-Miry, Clate,'.-Beatride Cul Ta 7YI07r., b,ert. Dor' . ! . , L I . pins 111s 9.� d ' eceaspd,, Jean: ey, were riturnin ploy g Nbtice'is,,b 'reby -gi,#, ax Vic iv04=00 V othy Curran._ Anaer4or. ii d,, h , N't li li� all 4b Pei- trem liven e Ven the �`Uth ce UY449 , An e ca htive succe9ofut, Mr rs. Torrance ersoh: sons aving. or t od M hi clihni haVing .44 0� &TRAPP 6 h d or de 4l and, a;.. ion in, 9 it hei tbeli-�ontiapce- itigg. 44 �piais of Detroit. are'operidixig part f boUt..tq' were kd who died'on- oi'abodt the f t, Whot, died', on or' a le It venth,. us all" tdking. Unqrs.. Mr..:Andl Xtill ind,fain-". hieymon' 'w tio, ith-JAi..'an't J, Ih-ey; ri.eitived a' few cutsv and 60! ill, V ;diy'bf:June. AL. D. 1029, it the V11 Age day bf -April A.U. ik9-iat the m. Blak6i wh6 hAli.:biehmith Adirs6n',' ;4' Lucknow, in'the County.. of Bjruqe,,, of Lu6kndw'in the -Goulity bicuises :and, - 'k !o'At '' - A -prepaid, son Driii inatthei a severe She, L -Ti up, bat ire required to senZI by, pst: Prepaid are requlzPd tor -sen by . pbkt- Ar 13.1a Win- Mrs Chas. Durniti, ST.,:% or deliver o,the, urido eke - e_ io ly huii. Afr, Jariis were not, ser or to Aefiver-to the, undepigneu -ex- .sign nipe*, Since Clifistin" .'returned hem& with her'daughier,,Mrs. 1arry the 'said cutbn year. o eaves 'to Saturdily. She awas in: ecdtor ...,under the Will 'of' ;'-under the Will the'. said,.: was accompar, Adthrford,'. their nam6b' And . iino . pi Tf Alli Ripley. Jane Angus xqwb heir' rteifiiq3 4nd - oidurq, hi;C 16, granddau d 'full' Particulars ': in' -addresses, in wr - �4i -As lait6widl- by her 6jfiree dau htersi,� Mrs. ster t fts. an addresses SoiTlwdiid'of Wilkie, Xrs, Sam "' �,r ` - a d 'state- .61, their cl ffi� A + tat( t Mri.,:and I VC.L6 of at� ai s an. "with. Mr accou' nfts'� iia dr, accounts and.' he nature -of MID held thby- them eke Mrs. W. Yafiiir -the of. tir:' tiss r re -Bl ermis'-M s. Clark: ipcen 'Writing Of th cla' n t g I g be -shf a ve Reid, bf'A eld:Sn&. 2. Ments of. their i W e, g i e M '111 it. - The nature 6f the ecurities,'if anyi akei a �h' r tineral wi F b eld' dd,lv verified by- Ve666yi' r6r�oqh to' Gii'onlill Grog9i. conit e. 'the 'Stu'art"and .8aughter !by them dqlk'�verified'by, iffidaviti; it 0davi L 0 And k notice' that after. the -And ..take �tiotiee hat;aftei Farrier's. ChUago #re eguests. f conit6ry froM',W.,, R. The Marjory, Of -192%. the Thir teRith- daytafri st A, 1):. tf h'.dkky.,'of`July A.P., 192' t 0. 9 andi' Mrs'. Boot u9p t e Via'rl �)fr Ldckno*- 'wits. A x� 6f,mT."and"Mrs.. George Stuart. Mrs. -dis- said'i ­ t ',Ir p distri-. Wkeb... her ftiiind 1�st'Week sympathy. 'of 06' community, is" Detroit, spent., a- few days- said 'pxbeutor,'will proceed to eNequ ors. wi recent guests it id der, 'buie the Assots f the, to th at! $10i a.Stuart Pri, 'who, has 'been.js visitor at 'tribute the-, age ts or the sa sa14 'deceased I d Is thzir. and- bko-1 re tended e rel ve I th %orij. irii�tled :thereto,, 'Apip3ses Imp. t�pa--ed axnfie, Ole I e Pei ergavement. iv6dd I �otn_ Loohn retut . d Mrs�­W ega" d' I I' ' t the claims of tic home With 'them, )eiiiison4, �4ntitled. Among th c6veii4 by hathe, -'Missrs �Thds..and r on y o therto, haviiig� rd'aid only to the 'hAving. jr Miss Edi ini'llome fto, the West. Rev, end bitfield ate, leev- 9 1 have t �tben have had n6tice-and Ileklyi of HAM i on, s .'Herb'. ilt 41MS :pf. which he shall tbet hev oi T 9it. 'the -this week part Utor A *4 '1 :Coulter is -visiting with i.ilg for their' vacation, not be a UAC e r. 'notice and that the aid oXe e said e!<eq -s 'Mr., Ald ii-Yupoorn it Leam7 of which iwil be spent - at'PeterbOra., will not. be "liable for tb4, shid assets liable for the. Assoc z. v_ ny. a as h " t - 'A a , had .1i I M Herb Ciiifaii her uncli' Y this weei.' er une 0_ SMyt * 'ill be n ve" �a Whiard, 19.'of, Vo* - in By and, 4W h add SteWatt of Gue w or any Part - thereof to' env, person thereof td. env se 61aivn Mi Mi. as c4re no-. htth eUL.'d onne . And: -Uvitod'Chureh of' w:hoQe clRim, he 'shall not the .-have w -shall: not then have �re' d 'th, What might bavid, �dpn a,�ieiiioui upy th�,' pulpit! in the ek., or two with, Mr. is Spending, a e ic6defit a0ened sit r. Au .R v.'Whitfi,61ds dbsence.,, IS �a w noice js� given:, pursuant to, T nursu tit, to: the. lo Mr..'Wes'Leg'gw' the s0tute on 0ht behnlf. ham --Cur J h tu , A reepivold notice kfouhdii'but tide., A., er h' h is who OP n Mow r0's whel( #e, Ile: that be On her-. aunt,. Mrs. Jo n:Sxuvde Doted at Li -y _6tbd tr a a, tt-11W 'I epAng Im a 6clriiow this 16th.- da -at LtilricnOw this.. Second da*, he -tlip, tt. :V.101 Ore Y., '92c of'- July- 'A.D., 1,929. - -bed. sinte- Nov. 94 f July A. D. 1 hil to nloaA.-A-ii, a been. o�niinpd to RAPID E exa'. et Nicholi; Lu6kno' 'Ont. ohn R. Lane, xe6utor A] d 0 murtno' I W. X. Noii 1,.T-,uekno* foll -to -the: fi He R n 2.' H61yrood; Ont. Miles Mo for Awbile,' but -is ible-,f� -be `6ut nd The Orinjemen of' this"Xicinity Executors. o in wAs. one'. 'of 'NOTE ASHIBLD- % lilitor the subdossfiiI. 6fitrance Apudentk. celebrated the .12th of July in ifie Around, 'iiii d0d d, . ... . .. D46ub, edee, �tuii'-tea&er having resig;-- here 'attended the town of Winghe'm, and* reporte � �%xw 'a of Torontd. is- A few Trom 'a ft'. th Miss X1. Hog" . .... cit tied WvjX4'nUae'y qX Walke is spending., her vacatioti ession, and, somp 'ex- uee atw a rton aft 'her home Ministor�i a;1d EMer!s: pioriie 'at the very r large Prot engaged for* eominL. term.: 106 B-dge'East'sWaiwatiosh on Moh­ celleni music the A v t0VJ­,, "o, - , - n ss- here,,. firy 16 ch and Joe day whe'. All th . Mini -God rie.'Ladie-#,. Mui rdo, Iso�el k!Donal A sters, and a. plph�ingi ght wa e Lnd"W,. 1,411101i"It Jod spent few o -Le ge with their orange co visiftoil At Ur.,,Albert Thonipiso". week. Pregb�tery m t.' T par�oqlg. and a.t6y With a large of Lucknow werq Sunday dais in -Hamilton and Toronto last number Of the" elders'. (if' 'Maitland Orange d 4er e i afteyboon' -was ered Ur.s. Johnson Houiston`of Kinear- ]BORN-ii-L-To. Mr. and'-ws. Grant sneni iin: sp6rtg. rind-bihir amusements open ve(iy pret dino. with 0"P Everyone 'wen iome -feeling they bad' tili :dressed girls. hoW n bew' Viday, uly A 9 farmid on j gtb aL r� Richard Elliott. op. tit si very en� ow; on son,.-Congiatulations I It 9 -�Gbuntt loyigMe fterno Mr.. and Mrs., C. Bi wlo -Mr and M -g. h I C a�]L� B6u. ding of MiSg4 'Irene MacDonald of* Detroitr MissMerle _*Ifso'n bad 'her. t6nifl# been living vith Mr. R. McDoug4l, of e�mn a . rt tire, Inowtal On, ongaged "With Mr. A. Xurchiion 441 is visiting her Parents Mr. and 2§TOve4 at- WihgbAm A of grow4ut; 01 s&ndifigl a -'few weeks at Holyroodi� rdsi ind is, retting along, nicely. an for the summer months'. e ejliuru- Mi-, and ,Mrs.' Elmist -Aekert and, r. and 'Mrs. John4 MacLean -and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. � Martin -of Luck 'Mr. Jas. H.-'Garliner Of innipeg' , istp last e r 4&AW.A.- it th; family- spen�l the -hildren, 'Miss Sara -MaeLean' -and now visited �otii,sundiy, with Mr. and, who spent a few -with friend.; h r Mr d hieftaged to c , guests! of Rev. AoA Mrs. 1. Gordon'Gtant all Of &icagoi are s.. Duncan Kenn,e. y. here - retuilp-pAjo-thet-West-on Saturd­: Harold Ack4t. viiiting �at the home df, Mri" Donald cTa-y —Iapt.:-- -GeKT-4- dend Blanche-' -Ham- n of Toronto of Aiberta­ ban, Rev,. y. SIMPS9 'Iton OUWPH CON, INEOS4 i have gone,ta Liabowel. where 0.1 and *r's. Xennth Ca pAed "the pulpit of 'Sqnth E"Age Pension's, Wo tnpiioell aIid provided bV they have accepted posftidns. 'end+ Mrs..Donald Lowe,'of be - family -returned to Detroit oil.Sa 6htt�ch._lio§t.:Sunday, The South Kin et*eexi :the, fedora Mr. and Mrs. Albert -Thom' Mr. pson re day Isuit. They werel gm.-om'pani6d' m A. lois � Sundq School purposo holding koit; isited lai.it ---week at r. swernineuts- - the entertained the Presbyterin back by Mrs.'R. Can1pbell, who 'Will n1al picnic at ro;ut bi aw.,been ad6Vtkd bi I - ark Hughes. f chA choir and theiVififister,,the Rev. spdnd a couple of, weeks in Detroit. is year.-- nMessers. MY.MA�Lhron,L his wife and MIS thi Miss MargariA XeDiarMid pf Jean' Miss Maria 'MacDo6aild, If W41)ella Petpr and Cartefr to a strawberry festival at their boyfie SaskJ, is. viditiig, her Aunts,'Misses -to C dsor is spending her vacatiOn with 'in lievevid, i* her. sister,. Mks. McKefi�ie made'a business: trip mp Sorden Canada *Wd-- b;o:'bepttit- ";It, is lait - Saturday.' .0 Emma and Jane 'Rose.' WILL KEE 'MOTHS AWAY -Mrs. Dan. 'MoRay 'of, Det r The Misses Donovan of London oro (Mrs. il&d Pelee and'fatmily,�Of vi.kin , Mr. ited Mrs. 1). McIntyre. 0111. thg Toronto, are spending.. a. V4w weok6 Detroit' a J0 I*r.0 'of Peo lo who dislike' the odour ' Miss Isobel Craw, sbpnt a day this petit diai U* days 'with their R&ILO #060 T Of with Mr. Felco here. . e brothers Ed. and Albert4pat week, now that ear., Miss Week With fril hdo on the fourth. 'the Al- camphor m6th-balls should k: bags: or :Dr. and Mrs. John UaL Mis'td-r Neil -Win The Carter brothers of Angus Ont. diied "6tnsy placed - amoiig eof LoAdon, is up Alver, covintry Where present - , I aeLegn.end Mr. G., Grant -are f it0d - �ith + fri one of the'b6st woollen garments, will answer the or the vkcati.. visi ends' here '6v4dr the Ut -eeping out 'the m6ths spendn e . ek . in Missi, He 'Was imah McDonald has ire. recoid. ALbo Purpose of L givat hole mearly Toronto. Mr., and' Mrs. Alex IlIbiton 'And just- as Well. I Mikip imall � bags. of Mr.. and 'Mr4; Tom iobbi; *tire call- turned home after spending *a few family of' Mint? -Mich. speni A' Aaw cibiock lft F"r t *6 wbiO MuAn and - filli thtim" with. the ddyg in DatrolL f, anc th6l Od-td�london last Friday in airtount -s w Union sawron, ht_ 0,160ft'lituA I rindri�d..crtrsbed leaves and sew Up. �Of and Mrs."San i tirfioat. the lar964 crop in th serious injuries' their non" r., g4tr of 'Torullvu -and rs. J. Swan bt Dun' Down - gan- the hft 'with the let,, Dun Plate, a ha f dozen, of these in *hb.hive been ViSW lion u 0 In the, lottom MaDry. Lloyd'Itobb, received heit'he attem"-' s�ent .8 lida. with th letter's , e 'Packing bo be trou- torli parent: : Mr. and Mm 1). -Gra- h�j% I:f i dO,X ft Pted to jump bn, to a,mcrting trii6k- parents here. muet weft buSYL "th he of tfie S*edigh-C, bled m moths. At fira it as th m, i6tuined, home, ought hlih conditiob I Mrs� Alex., MeXenzie IN-% ai her tokit4ni W Mr. And Mrs. lardine and childien . ...... and nes9"e. 61, 6filtai her,, daughtets front Clifeago, ing 17wld a- t y con MUGU was very dangerous, but At- time' of of Ist"i "dd -1raijiltobt), rii-"' AT, Wr iiin ' r. re'dd*d to. bLUIld a home g he is iiiep6rted. improviogas , t and Detrait f6v a few weeks. . eetibn are -'visftiig Atre. McXeI1 I#,. SeCon lo:.� Y Othet. POtdft 'of d Mr. and Mrs., ens As they get, ld"8*" well as tan o- ectd. Ale'x . H,%V' and 2nece"'O )1k into L'ofiffi 11 e peg the r o ei1i af. th't gdherixig ot last week . i WM, kem: ton v�UW ast been amilyMr.. pild Mrs. fier the buildf� 1; bit ier 1 The' dodirich Signal P kii-ek, Gard 0A that, Oft; Stand M* 9 blarlorile- PM jr WinkLham OkLj4fit ofld'SwodlA f6lk- bed, the following rather siinificant t tau It L6fidon ftogplt�l for an 6periatioft, atid family, wpthi Sum las Ott bUildilit in the' !B'titfah,901- also or. tel6viilon,, 61%6tid! this bq/ go gs Ores spent the week end. with. hor.,, friend, tho magrilficobt koyal Yoik' ddVeloped, 65r. moving. . eAtAd In 014- picture article: hag returned home. atid, 'Zion. MsWOZI whi -h MiAny.6f"tlie di -The presence of several inin-run- OAAt -T U vil I ej , lift, two months, Morey itift era, were saw ta.1116 *no appedtou VUL open the doors to i TnousaIld il With its own. power plomt scnd Mrs' TyndA kobinsbi entertained. nees, koatig. at the harbor duift the fortune, to fall -all r6oms &,ad woleome iu, �,Artt - water-yotiks fts ithationey hosoi-, If thit k0tilia - f66641 hold ekilf4f, d cut her. %nea while IS thw"'Y"# -eks h" i aear load Ot trifelids liom Woodstock. 0, 'ke -kal)l -as lids been! the I rroitati'6ft And tOffinklihicatl6h, eye St. 06 past thret we r6usL-A. edmid' visitini. in Toronto. 21 N ­MlAnd inte;nal and 6ULtgi'do mar A % Mibm Amanda McDonald is visiting h WIdeli thl#'­ �iaw.ldceii intierett. T #�-8aiyitiog,ol, Miag dra.6 And,, Ruth- -RevifiOld, It Wfisl;. "Wit gkohit-'Canali, tems tile, the ttift; have not been Very' ekti Mi - Mlyttlh Ritthie has! umbd ;I;t# eftY her is] A, 71 0 rot, 1-90t, of 0OWTIAIn4r), acelddbis eter 9'ts, lwm-� XbMtit0*. Of 1 . -1 .1. ­­ ­­ bin . .. .... 16i . � ­­ .T, - ­ g]di si eo In e eiry ap arance 'hew` ' - 3 a teir spending, - a two n el Itt6or W'ci 1 -Ar6 �fioli It hite� its bank AM thb btokeri offices ' Itt stOra 'And. 16"Atir 'dim VU 464 oft 6.n -the ptrept- -inUst ihe it. to 'k ka,4z �ffi -Authi auld-i I.- *f - And. -r&- Jo�wfiait ley V -60911igg i�r inwini V hall. �O " ' ddUk. Vrk d1-7G&A 1�77 q shopi4'Ite-c�1 f6 16*11i aiiia. cl, tidou C., 16t* tifi . .. la"ifi of 'What Will be pt6gr, MISS -Tiinli le p 'w6fits creation Mitr#A. 146thin, Which, a About gik trlpi�, diikftibly to, Uniffbd A IVA 4 V11 'd ITS IV 9 u 'dht of �6_4 J. Detroit Were recent' visitors W4 "Ki, * long ons 'bir'le , ut JAffies v r And ot Lmdw called, on Men, 94� oft tho 'Adgtiflatio "with Ce 69 - Of nvy- rdnor in vwhw. t, ejr . most T; 4=16tp�l 4hStftUtf#A Of W"Oh U6 dil'o"' WIked. i*t'idiii tt%;L- da to." Might I or. A bibiti with dgoo, z4ges of beer 41ftittAtce "eulng. idtid 0 the *Ot afta it, ibi eto,d^ to advatliCt, basomint 17i it go) e e rl dkoft,'% thd- Woo., 4. siAaffte, ttaird haqiib#eTi tylylig at'thld hatbotit sohn. McNiffel'd Ifilgrot, it$ guost_ t th#,U�t�, ostilolfifi n tum dAy to, Jg1l t6i tht bam 00U. t SS III& - McDoniagh, ftrd t i v J I A 0 Wigive Ir vffwlt us oring a 66t Wirt 9"ted ate-. e ity- wori -tot instaneo,, radio h a V, * Thoft Will be hdo 61jiloU. %. , , r - .. � "I 4'� ""' L"' f fid in th A 1 6 t, M.W11 M it; S' to w" Wi dfidifig fhd`PaA& 96, ed'i-ad ghtakilf. 'Whick Viff 1V kill from Mon f every e tpJaft '8t�tion at4thb juti-tld _1 &I d dr4w. tihe aftention of' 6' -Ili 4 by. turnO :!idf '.*Ork 16- gWlii V t" 14" Jn 8'uddetily. 66-- setsitidtathof Is extondc,4 t-6 V-. Und .NITA. fthd6A h4g, 13aftvlit hk1 411. roadS, Itito, the city, Itil th�o t "MOM 't A _0696k 61tw-.10 0"4 t e' it Ji y l'ift lift &f 6t(L. tt# tf 0 V leg A i'aw iy' �'f r- i1to, lalipff i0h. .'ha - -and for*fly, in thtlr- re. tho"Iffie , di ­ . 4 - thbidoaRA J)dopl6,� o* a Y,16fk 'ir# Sit OL_ A& Uf 4tthit lit "WhIpt619 kour bech, 8�endih o *449! I& I iome timt. *0 UP. eelft blierb.66ment, heafly SeVeft 'rate divtkict, ",ote It is, being Inj4b, VOV, en e 04) ffioA --iftiodofn -mefiis Of iimpli- Me OZ16 be6ta it, , t, it ibod"uti., W"L Itf6th havt, haebAnA411V dt-t6' pfo� JAI- %o -tromm, re A *U11 tIf. "hot f Mt. r lift waving.- litt, A Mrs' -A, H69&et return dd t6 it '90s�forl. of of ha att her May, er jW - -VI&L".110t k EM "e, 4-ddfdfWt*M ft. * "!)ij _sal� the olct "Iriend- -- th4­61tiftfid, 6f; T 16-r 64, '&*f4 fte'-d L , & _,*h'&*iA.1,"ook �"fikpan� _ind -11 0 11 W k IV �Wwk Jib . the brewery �i LoI01, Oldnq,� dardnor,* In thor, N,� 44 34 b 40M A" Oil d�. I= ft 0 MI "011m,�*,�,,�"�i�,�,�V—��""I'� IN J� `1 eii M ki A -z* 0 L A l!"'. iWel il:­11"'r '7� ............ 3 Val �g gq-,fii 73 7 7— Nd; RIPON tiU., l" ­Wl A-—.111-11 7J, OR so IR 4 K� n Rm 0XI I MIR Jl�%, J, ,il+ NY, M 9 me 10 4211'ti'05, W., 7;1r boo o'er 0 v 0 �,w it. T. , NY, AV 'I M 0"11 �k 01 A C Xpited C.#u, q ov ob Ime 0, TV !A141 W U� A" 'k A Ilk 14 + '16 & di�nkaf W -q .00 ton AW �,W,.X &6, �6n, �, W; Air, a K .... ....... . loayear. $he Je.W ThQ i th p. @9 Or b er: ee 'T ...next August. 'his e it, 0 Kipse, V vier ton' aeui Served the dip h Rev., Mr.; - p M real, smove4.�y E. Zinn Ot serve by: the his. Ix -Xr and" Mrs, and' go J ;b -h W�bst4r� �ljoio C - tIN .&eW 'a r-, -.;4n -,w On�' s pe -Mr." "W 01 A1,:F. p,e, o ars h0go Pridductibn4ifid dIqtq4,Ji# ld7j" e. 7 etrrie .24, -A C grk of, he' Oon-Awl it - Paid: a filio.. t(?,, 't t H& of a[l-Fidiba6ko�MOi9e-0rqdUtt , E qmin W CPR ;iue. ote 4o, d h d r 4 hi �4ve f .'. i o. r, ome CS!, �i - 0 �9.v V, V dyer -QMP 7 040 ana. Mi 'yd- Aid- dau-� d tialt -gentl Tqm-'Wil0on,,, Melma,�Si6tt, '16 1 1 d,i �o on AgAnstd:dirt Mth eed A Uneghan n#:Lorn McC ve yn, -and -r. Q.91,1 0"& en latM, a with thwfilmo.067� ghter Of I)i s u,ry r s the. k-eud. "IN W00 Pollock Kincardine,"' 11 tic we -h idca�dpf this ensihe is f, 01y . ..... H.' Y MAV�EK ,G M Gillie petit oDetroit.. 9 Krul. T od And WITS. J48. ay- ount to, 00.4 it. Bally. rms. joits *h Mil� Albert Mcqgo.id'' �od and , datightOr 'b-.Ois; 4'etuft�d'home s, ee Ust Ite Due* .. I I i;� � in Adthi k day after- VY ,,, . :, . . . -E. 1 Tho ere, tta -dn idth her �,qti­,fu . I — -L ' 6k Onti -h )iti -And Jean .0 10 T ige E oand rd op w0il spend 'hefe. t. ko, w, jug i Mr.. ThDs.'Andersou%, V ve wiek�iien visitor etroitiii - it D S, noon. d -engAg -�Graqo -B.,ake is igu* -with; 61. to "iss" end'- 'Jack ;Pollo k M And- went got week 16ach $46 %ehoi .-next Nmek with n*U!q� aro-'spending' the it4b encludit poreelAin- thl- un'd 4 'Mr. I Cocil Miss Olive K file Tide at,. d4ericli. r" iS.,L Mr. highly d, ospecte Qrewe. The, too lid congra u - in Misses,'.-Margare .,an he first neer. se away I i Wavu!k� CREITORS-, Thom, -are-i-visit-ms-at )Forest T' Ate a 41y +1911t - - 1. sent,! Por. d WAR 'district,. pas -Time or t, Kathleen!: A iiial T t d'' e, offoied at, Su r of th q�41 Ji. -I lations eie­due Miss, Olive July' 1-2tb'fi6.m�jnj'ulies,ir6ceived when, Mrs, "Whitfield' have as M E'stat of, R*v- and att grAt �n the att�i of the estate of Jane their, a Rutherford,, of Angus M61iihnon,,- ISto bi�� t te Villago, dTe Countr of Bru ar guests eek. the lattpir, lite -of the Village e, ahis c -pset In le Aeraph�and_ C, hrqj miles, weer S. t I -�-Luok-nDw,-.irL-th,e---C.o.u4ty. __Q �AtpFdily donstigit*4 tO. affor& yearit li-Miry, Clate,'.-Beatride Cul Ta 7YI07r., b,ert. Dor' . ! . , L I . pins 111s 9.� d ' eceaspd,, Jean: ey, were riturnin ploy g Nbtice'is,,b 'reby -gi,#, ax Vic iv04=00 V othy Curran._ Anaer4or. ii d,, h , N't li li� all 4b Pei- trem liven e Ven the �`Uth ce UY449 , An e ca htive succe9ofut, Mr rs. Torrance ersoh: sons aving. or t od M hi clihni haVing .44 0� &TRAPP 6 h d or de 4l and, a;.. ion in, 9 it hei tbeli-�ontiapce- itigg. 44 �piais of Detroit. are'operidixig part f boUt..tq' were kd who died'on- oi'abodt the f t, Whot, died', on or' a le It venth,. us all" tdking. Unqrs.. Mr..:Andl Xtill ind,fain-". hieymon' 'w tio, ith-JAi..'an't J, Ih-ey; ri.eitived a' few cutsv and 60! ill, V ;diy'bf:June. AL. D. 1029, it the V11 Age day bf -April A.U. ik9-iat the m. Blak6i wh6 hAli.:biehmith Adirs6n',' ;4' Lucknow, in'the County.. of Bjruqe,,, of Lu6kndw'in the -Goulity bicuises :and, - 'k !o'At '' - A -prepaid, son Driii inatthei a severe She, L -Ti up, bat ire required to senZI by, pst: Prepaid are requlzPd tor -sen by . pbkt- Ar 13.1a Win- Mrs Chas. Durniti, ST.,:% or deliver o,the, urido eke - e_ io ly huii. Afr, Jariis were not, ser or to Aefiver-to the, undepigneu -ex- .sign nipe*, Since Clifistin" .'returned hem& with her'daughier,,Mrs. 1arry the 'said cutbn year. o eaves 'to Saturdily. She awas in: ecdtor ...,under the Will 'of' ;'-under the Will the'. said,.: was accompar, Adthrford,'. their nam6b' And . iino . pi Tf Alli Ripley. Jane Angus xqwb heir' rteifiiq3 4nd - oidurq, hi;C 16, granddau d 'full' Particulars ': in' -addresses, in wr - �4i -As lait6widl- by her 6jfiree dau htersi,� Mrs. ster t fts. an addresses SoiTlwdiid'of Wilkie, Xrs, Sam "' �,r ` - a d 'state- .61, their cl ffi� A + tat( t Mri.,:and I VC.L6 of at� ai s an. "with. Mr accou' nfts'� iia dr, accounts and.' he nature -of MID held thby- them eke Mrs. W. Yafiiir -the of. tir:' tiss r re -Bl ermis'-M s. Clark: ipcen 'Writing Of th cla' n t g I g be -shf a ve Reid, bf'A eld:Sn&. 2. Ments of. their i W e, g i e M '111 it. - The nature 6f the ecurities,'if anyi akei a �h' r tineral wi F b eld' dd,lv verified by- Ve666yi' r6r�oqh to' Gii'onlill Grog9i. conit e. 'the 'Stu'art"and .8aughter !by them dqlk'�verified'by, iffidaviti; it 0davi L 0 And k notice' that after. the -And ..take �tiotiee hat;aftei Farrier's. ChUago #re eguests. f conit6ry froM',W.,, R. The Marjory, Of -192%. the Thir teRith- daytafri st A, 1):. tf h'.dkky.,'of`July A.P., 192' t 0. 9 andi' Mrs'. Boot u9p t e Via'rl �)fr Ldckno*- 'wits. A x� 6f,mT."and"Mrs.. George Stuart. Mrs. -dis- said'i ­ t ',Ir p distri-. Wkeb... her ftiiind 1�st'Week sympathy. 'of 06' community, is" Detroit, spent., a- few days- said 'pxbeutor,'will proceed to eNequ ors. wi recent guests it id der, 'buie the Assots f the, to th at! $10i a.Stuart Pri, 'who, has 'been.js visitor at 'tribute the-, age ts or the sa sa14 'deceased I d Is thzir. and- bko-1 re tended e rel ve I th %orij. irii�tled :thereto,, 'Apip3ses Imp. t�pa--ed axnfie, Ole I e Pei ergavement. iv6dd I �otn_ Loohn retut . d Mrs�­W ega" d' I I' ' t the claims of tic home With 'them, )eiiiison4, �4ntitled. Among th c6veii4 by hathe, -'Missrs �Thds..and r on y o therto, haviiig� rd'aid only to the 'hAving. jr Miss Edi ini'llome fto, the West. Rev, end bitfield ate, leev- 9 1 have t �tben have had n6tice-and Ileklyi of HAM i on, s .'Herb'. ilt 41MS :pf. which he shall tbet hev oi T 9it. 'the -this week part Utor A *4 '1 :Coulter is -visiting with i.ilg for their' vacation, not be a UAC e r. 'notice and that the aid oXe e said e!<eq -s 'Mr., Ald ii-Yupoorn it Leam7 of which iwil be spent - at'PeterbOra., will not. be "liable for tb4, shid assets liable for the. Assoc z. v_ ny. a as h " t - 'A a , had .1i I M Herb Ciiifaii her uncli' Y this weei.' er une 0_ SMyt * 'ill be n ve" �a Whiard, 19.'of, Vo* - in By and, 4W h add SteWatt of Gue w or any Part - thereof to' env, person thereof td. env se 61aivn Mi Mi. as c4re no-. htth eUL.'d onne . And: -Uvitod'Chureh of' w:hoQe clRim, he 'shall not the .-have w -shall: not then have �re' d 'th, What might bavid, �dpn a,�ieiiioui upy th�,' pulpit! in the ek., or two with, Mr. is Spending, a e ic6defit a0ened sit r. Au .R v.'Whitfi,61ds dbsence.,, IS �a w noice js� given:, pursuant to, T nursu tit, to: the. lo Mr..'Wes'Leg'gw' the s0tute on 0ht behnlf. ham --Cur J h tu , A reepivold notice kfouhdii'but tide., A., er h' h is who OP n Mow r0's whel( #e, Ile: that be On her-. aunt,. Mrs. Jo n:Sxuvde Doted at Li -y _6tbd tr a a, tt-11W 'I epAng Im a 6clriiow this 16th.- da -at LtilricnOw this.. Second da*, he -tlip, tt. :V.101 Ore Y., '92c of'- July- 'A.D., 1,929. - -bed. sinte- Nov. 94 f July A. D. 1 hil to nloaA.-A-ii, a been. o�niinpd to RAPID E exa'. et Nicholi; Lu6kno' 'Ont. ohn R. Lane, xe6utor A] d 0 murtno' I W. X. Noii 1,.T-,uekno* foll -to -the: fi He R n 2.' H61yrood; Ont. Miles Mo for Awbile,' but -is ible-,f� -be `6ut nd The Orinjemen of' this"Xicinity Executors. o in wAs. one'. 'of 'NOTE ASHIBLD- % lilitor the subdossfiiI. 6fitrance Apudentk. celebrated the .12th of July in ifie Around, 'iiii d0d d, . ... . .. D46ub, edee, �tuii'-tea&er having resig;-- here 'attended the town of Winghe'm, and* reporte � �%xw 'a of Torontd. is- A few Trom 'a ft'. th Miss X1. Hog" . .... cit tied WvjX4'nUae'y qX Walke is spending., her vacatioti ession, and, somp 'ex- uee atw a rton aft 'her home Ministor�i a;1d EMer!s: pioriie 'at the very r large Prot engaged for* eominL. term.: 106 B-dge'East'sWaiwatiosh on Moh­ celleni music the A v t0VJ­,, "o, - , - n ss- here,,. firy 16 ch and Joe day whe'. All th . Mini -God rie.'Ladie-#,. Mui rdo, Iso�el k!Donal A sters, and a. plph�ingi ght wa e Lnd"W,. 1,411101i"It Jod spent few o -Le ge with their orange co visiftoil At Ur.,,Albert Thonipiso". week. Pregb�tery m t.' T par�oqlg. and a.t6y With a large of Lucknow werq Sunday dais in -Hamilton and Toronto last number Of the" elders'. (if' 'Maitland Orange d 4er e i afteyboon' -was ered Ur.s. Johnson Houiston`of Kinear- ]BORN-ii-L-To. Mr. and'-ws. Grant sneni iin: sp6rtg. rind-bihir amusements open ve(iy pret dino. with 0"P Everyone 'wen iome -feeling they bad' tili :dressed girls. hoW n bew' Viday, uly A 9 farmid on j gtb aL r� Richard Elliott. op. tit si very en� ow; on son,.-Congiatulations I It 9 -�Gbuntt loyigMe fterno Mr.. and Mrs., C. Bi wlo -Mr and M -g. h I C a�]L� B6u. ding of MiSg4 'Irene MacDonald of* Detroitr MissMerle _*Ifso'n bad 'her. t6nifl# been living vith Mr. R. McDoug4l, of e�mn a . rt tire, Inowtal On, ongaged "With Mr. A. Xurchiion 441 is visiting her Parents Mr. and 2§TOve4 at- WihgbAm A of grow4ut; 01 s&ndifigl a -'few weeks at Holyroodi� rdsi ind is, retting along, nicely. an for the summer months'. e ejliuru- Mi-, and ,Mrs.' Elmist -Aekert and, r. and 'Mrs. John4 MacLean -and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. � Martin -of Luck 'Mr. Jas. H.-'Garliner Of innipeg' , istp last e r 4&AW.A.- it th; family- spen�l the -hildren, 'Miss Sara -MaeLean' -and now visited �otii,sundiy, with Mr. and, who spent a few -with friend.; h r Mr d hieftaged to c , guests! of Rev. AoA Mrs. 1. Gordon'Gtant all Of &icagoi are s.. Duncan Kenn,e. y. here - retuilp-pAjo-thet-West-on Saturd­: Harold Ack4t. viiiting �at the home df, Mri" Donald cTa-y —Iapt.:-- -GeKT-4- dend Blanche-' -Ham- n of Toronto of Aiberta­ ban, Rev,. y. SIMPS9 'Iton OUWPH CON, INEOS4 i have gone,ta Liabowel. where 0.1 and *r's. Xennth Ca pAed "the pulpit of 'Sqnth E"Age Pension's, Wo tnpiioell aIid provided bV they have accepted posftidns. 'end+ Mrs..Donald Lowe,'of be - family -returned to Detroit oil.Sa 6htt�ch._lio§t.:Sunday, The South Kin et*eexi :the, fedora Mr. and Mrs. Albert -Thom' Mr. pson re day Isuit. They werel gm.-om'pani6d' m A. lois � Sundq School purposo holding koit; isited lai.it ---week at r. swernineuts- - the entertained the Presbyterin back by Mrs.'R. Can1pbell, who 'Will n1al picnic at ro;ut bi aw.,been ad6Vtkd bi I - ark Hughes. f chA choir and theiVififister,,the Rev. spdnd a couple of, weeks in Detroit. is year.-- nMessers. MY.MA�Lhron,L his wife and MIS thi Miss MargariA XeDiarMid pf Jean' Miss Maria 'MacDo6aild, If W41)ella Petpr and Cartefr to a strawberry festival at their boyfie SaskJ, is. viditiig, her Aunts,'Misses -to C dsor is spending her vacatiOn with 'in lievevid, i* her. sister,. Mks. McKefi�ie made'a business: trip mp Sorden Canada *Wd-- b;o:'bepttit- ";It, is lait - Saturday.' .0 Emma and Jane 'Rose.' WILL KEE 'MOTHS AWAY -Mrs. Dan. 'MoRay 'of, Det r The Misses Donovan of London oro (Mrs. il&d Pelee and'fatmily,�Of vi.kin , Mr. ited Mrs. 1). McIntyre. 0111. thg Toronto, are spending.. a. V4w weok6 Detroit' a J0 I*r.0 'of Peo lo who dislike' the odour ' Miss Isobel Craw, sbpnt a day this petit diai U* days 'with their R&ILO #060 T Of with Mr. Felco here. . e brothers Ed. and Albert4pat week, now that ear., Miss Week With fril hdo on the fourth. 'the Al- camphor m6th-balls should k: bags: or :Dr. and Mrs. John UaL Mis'td-r Neil -Win The Carter brothers of Angus Ont. diied "6tnsy placed - amoiig eof LoAdon, is up Alver, covintry Where present - , I aeLegn.end Mr. G., Grant -are f it0d - �ith + fri one of the'b6st woollen garments, will answer the or the vkcati.. visi ends' here '6v4dr the Ut -eeping out 'the m6ths spendn e . ek . in Missi, He 'Was imah McDonald has ire. recoid. ALbo Purpose of L givat hole mearly Toronto. Mr., and' Mrs. Alex IlIbiton 'And just- as Well. I Mikip imall � bags. of Mr.. and 'Mr4; Tom iobbi; *tire call- turned home after spending *a few family of' Mint? -Mich. speni A' Aaw cibiock lft F"r t *6 wbiO MuAn and - filli thtim" with. the ddyg in DatrolL f, anc th6l Od-td�london last Friday in airtount -s w Union sawron, ht_ 0,160ft'lituA I rindri�d..crtrsbed leaves and sew Up. �Of and Mrs."San i tirfioat. the lar964 crop in th serious injuries' their non" r., g4tr of 'Torullvu -and rs. J. Swan bt Dun' Down - gan- the hft 'with the let,, Dun Plate, a ha f dozen, of these in *hb.hive been ViSW lion u 0 In the, lottom MaDry. Lloyd'Itobb, received heit'he attem"-' s�ent .8 lida. with th letter's , e 'Packing bo be trou- torli parent: : Mr. and Mm 1). -Gra- h�j% I:f i dO,X ft Pted to jump bn, to a,mcrting trii6k- parents here. muet weft buSYL "th he of tfie S*edigh-C, bled m moths. At fira it as th m, i6tuined, home, ought hlih conditiob I Mrs� Alex., MeXenzie IN-% ai her tokit4ni W Mr. And Mrs. lardine and childien . ...... and nes9"e. 61, 6filtai her,, daughtets front Clifeago, ing 17wld a- t y con MUGU was very dangerous, but At- time' of of Ist"i "dd -1raijiltobt), rii-"' AT, Wr iiin ' r. re'dd*d to. bLUIld a home g he is iiiep6rted. improviogas , t and Detrait f6v a few weeks. . eetibn are -'visftiig Atre. McXeI1 I#,. SeCon lo:.� Y Othet. POtdft 'of d Mr. and Mrs., ens As they get, ld"8*" well as tan o- ectd. Ale'x . H,%V' and 2nece"'O )1k into L'ofiffi 11 e peg the r o ei1i af. th't gdherixig ot last week . i WM, kem: ton v�UW ast been amilyMr.. pild Mrs. fier the buildf� 1; bit ier 1 The' dodirich Signal P kii-ek, Gard 0A that, Oft; Stand M* 9 blarlorile- PM jr WinkLham OkLj4fit ofld'SwodlA f6lk- bed, the following rather siinificant t tau It L6fidon ftogplt�l for an 6periatioft, atid family, wpthi Sum las Ott bUildilit in the' !B'titfah,901- also or. tel6viilon,, 61%6tid! this bq/ go gs Ores spent the week end. with. hor.,, friend, tho magrilficobt koyal Yoik' ddVeloped, 65r. moving. . eAtAd In 014- picture article: hag returned home. atid, 'Zion. MsWOZI whi -h MiAny.6f"tlie di -The presence of several inin-run- OAAt -T U vil I ej , lift, two months, Morey itift era, were saw ta.1116 *no appedtou VUL open the doors to i TnousaIld il With its own. power plomt scnd Mrs' TyndA kobinsbi entertained. nees, koatig. at the harbor duift the fortune, to fall -all r6oms &,ad woleome iu, �,Artt - water-yotiks fts ithationey hosoi-, If thit k0tilia - f66641 hold ekilf4f, d cut her. %nea while IS thw"'Y"# -eks h" i aear load Ot trifelids liom Woodstock. 0, 'ke -kal)l -as lids been! the I rroitati'6ft And tOffinklihicatl6h, eye St. 06 past thret we r6usL-A. edmid' visitini. in Toronto. 21 N ­MlAnd inte;nal and 6ULtgi'do mar A % Mibm Amanda McDonald is visiting h WIdeli thl#'­ �iaw.ldceii intierett. T #�-8aiyitiog,ol, Miag dra.6 And,, Ruth- -RevifiOld, It Wfisl;. "Wit gkohit-'Canali, tems tile, the ttift; have not been Very' ekti Mi - Mlyttlh Ritthie has! umbd ;I;t# eftY her is] A, 71 0 rot, 1-90t, of 0OWTIAIn4r), acelddbis eter 9'ts, lwm-� XbMtit0*. Of 1 . -1 .1. ­­ ­­ bin . .. .... 16i . � ­­ .T, - ­ g]di si eo In e eiry ap arance 'hew` ' - 3 a teir spending, - a two n el Itt6or W'ci 1 -Ar6 �fioli It hite� its bank AM thb btokeri offices ' Itt stOra 'And. 16"Atir 'dim VU 464 oft 6.n -the ptrept- -inUst ihe it. to 'k ka,4z �ffi -Authi auld-i I.- *f - And. -r&- Jo�wfiait ley V -60911igg i�r inwini V hall. �O " ' ddUk. Vrk d1-7G&A 1�77 q shopi4'Ite-c�1 f6 16*11i aiiia. cl, tidou C., 16t* tifi . .. la"ifi of 'What Will be pt6gr, MISS -Tiinli le p 'w6fits creation Mitr#A. 146thin, Which, a About gik trlpi�, diikftibly to, Uniffbd A IVA 4 V11 'd ITS IV 9 u 'dht of �6_4 J. Detroit Were recent' visitors W4 "Ki, * long ons 'bir'le , ut JAffies v r And ot Lmdw called, on Men, 94� oft tho 'Adgtiflatio "with Ce 69 - Of nvy- rdnor in vwhw. t, ejr . most T; 4=16tp�l 4hStftUtf#A Of W"Oh U6 dil'o"' WIked. i*t'idiii tt%;L- da to." Might I or. A bibiti with dgoo, z4ges of beer 41ftittAtce "eulng. idtid 0 the *Ot afta it, ibi eto,d^ to advatliCt, basomint 17i it go) e e rl dkoft,'% thd- Woo., 4. siAaffte, ttaird haqiib#eTi tylylig at'thld hatbotit sohn. McNiffel'd Ifilgrot, it$ guost_ t th#,U�t�, ostilolfifi n tum dAy to, Jg1l t6i tht bam 00U. t SS III& - McDoniagh, ftrd t i v J I A 0 Wigive Ir vffwlt us oring a 66t Wirt 9"ted ate-. e ity- wori -tot instaneo,, radio h a V, * Thoft Will be hdo 61jiloU. %. , , r - .. � "I 4'� ""' L"' f fid in th A 1 6 t, M.W11 M it; S' to w" Wi dfidifig fhd`PaA& 96, ed'i-ad ghtakilf. 'Whick Viff 1V kill from Mon f every e tpJaft '8t�tion at4thb juti-tld _1 &I d dr4w. tihe aftention of' 6' -Ili 4 by. turnO :!idf '.*Ork 16- gWlii V t" 14" Jn 8'uddetily. 66-- setsitidtathof Is extondc,4 t-6 V-. Und .NITA. fthd6A h4g, 13aftvlit hk1 411. roadS, Itito, the city, Itil th�o t "MOM 't A _0696k 61tw-.10 0"4 t e' it Ji y l'ift lift &f 6t(L. tt# tf 0 V leg A i'aw iy' �'f r- i1to, lalipff i0h. .'ha - -and for*fly, in thtlr- re. tho"Iffie , di ­ . 4 - thbidoaRA J)dopl6,� o* a Y,16fk 'ir# Sit OL_ A& Uf 4tthit lit "WhIpt619 kour bech, 8�endih o *449! I& I iome timt. *0 UP. eelft blierb.66ment, heafly SeVeft 'rate divtkict, ",ote It is, being Inj4b, VOV, en e 04) ffioA --iftiodofn -mefiis Of iimpli- Me OZ16 be6ta it, , t, it ibod"uti., W"L Itf6th havt, haebAnA411V dt-t6' pfo� JAI- %o -tromm, re A *U11 tIf. "hot f Mt. r lift waving.- litt, A Mrs' -A, H69&et return dd t6 it '90s�forl. of of ha att her May, er jW - -VI&L".110t k EM "e, 4-ddfdfWt*M ft. * "!)ij _sal� the olct "Iriend- -- th4­61tiftfid, 6f; T 16-r 64, '&*f4 fte'-d L , & _,*h'&*iA.1,"ook �"fikpan� _ind -11 0 11 W k IV �Wwk Jib . the brewery �i LoI01, Oldnq,� dardnor,* In thor, N,� 44 34 b 40M A" Oil d�. I= ft 0 MI "011m,�*,�,,�"�i�,�,�V—��""I'� IN J�