The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-18, Page 6I-4 . . . . . . ...... -8 sea L TU A��. es pe I w� V t ,nacxqn, Igo 'W I I " .1 - - I I I Tist a,O IsAoMs h for OY s ai4 aie..:Ag no: W A lo the. W, rld i44 to � Yo ma%m, far c M T -,q YOU WAA -!;L ion 0 Know -a- T sree 140*09, sold ;t F�s It WO) Abolm a sit 0. 1.9 14 ,sA. to aif t ­YQnT T e 'pgr�but .1 Can AK ow. .11 , t is,ho' i-Driig-St6res, N. -bat is A Otilig YOU p, .1 a 'United 'States. 10 W.0, v4thb� YQUJ am pple of f -A ;Nqw, In, 0 Bottl a, a0 tO te in was gg 4b - ibe� 84Athp,rix there A;dpg --s eoial ol h—al- isueby pa of ane. kind 49aloot -the latest Q lid a have .1%, the Dipirtmint,61! Public Ifealth o Y eat, It, Mr'., Fi an IIP - , . ­ I tas wife. of 1he'Pres-0 apacit, I Y. 9. n of re, are bkplyed'�the. wifle of a black d.e.0- to th� aber A -me . r-, 44ddiftsyl and I'do?s wh e,:7.il :Tom ij -myself yet—' 'Shou Joe Jean, CQngres� IkOHIS' 111611thS'.00 W* 1, Uss.youi iell'tAp txUpb, ibg,city or, town dweller. ld'o "rve. er im gravel un- frd 111iii6le, 01octed-t a o M .advice *4 til I` 0 your o do. 4 hit ionstitition'is tp s and urin 1. IuI4AGIC'� t the d. I .stiaiil- of tie suw-mev i6aperld.44" 1%; 1. Ito 1Y tiTuth. to tell. th4 W; O*he d .,A v1p.g en� tol t Sounding ynor, m ght . : ��' . M. d' M A ''' J lliiv WAsjua 84Y ;rem. in a, isslon. -The 'dep BA ate t g !,on .0 Applyi:i U to,qo�.A Florida have convented hi their Leg,18- Dortt sciatch: -.,M. o4quito bites, don't ,000d else. C sto -be , , 6: officially (T POWN F, to suspeqiv. V�Nxid 'get 69,afTri - if for* I .d' t- gilt - R- col I'hot noi too., of'. -h ':th4..O_VeTy.On4.,. M dy ine4l"I: kit ac R.0 ,� ergeno Me . b wiped Tingerp] 'd ibi ericitn' Qr tbi6y: e'w6rd V&L a _CJtJ �Mi� -iot 3: ofil 4 agOi Inci nd -of ts m6t had, no o to th Tian 0 w absorbent cotton, a of 13. of bad the.,people Jn:�he $oiitli Of Of Sam odine, 'd deal,,'but it isn't lot tbe. Jig.over 'N at Le omes 1. or .2­6anees of tinctur� n 6phe,w Lis Czar Motive, is, -a ..,goo e 'oil! 'roll� :of adb, 1 - -eye that. vbu ad -p ng, Finley ted. "Ag`4- sl w�oi drop Taod Driver. lim, pen, lets.- Sup 4nt prefession in wblch czarisig C4 9s. sti# about'l in jed--it- mdio an, to as! to'the tab is� ,3o6o shot fired it as 6 Mrs. Ray- 'y .1 Cal of boracie 'd usas. Gazette.., not was, giv fig Iiier 1nehitna ple, Mitiid's Litilmen'ifo.'r Ntiti*ra�r&.. exists,� rk Your L.b I "I ower 1w. wbiv 'out Va kerchief and. r '' . ­ I L . ., I A hot WA 4: rS `61se say''a di ".49 10 'L' 2, ir.ces. -of atom am f 1 or 2 ounces bicarbonate 9 sod k. 46nough an4' Atsw�s6di or sointitlifng—, T,,&N;Jsland� hom tiiid. except S_9r tl d Mina' r',d's liniment, for Al � _ t I It iown 0 mg atic, spirits' qmI Ste 7�'. , I . I . th,,-'mort FreSoe' (Ino. onia Yottt:own Pvas, aningen uuuges E TU" "In which of k t -importa or he 0isoner. to. ',plant! l�6 Teacher.— f cities ,In BUI )S, most Of is battles "The last em is nt in the )v6ison (Towns b4thear T Jikely. thin 'in :t be ind it' woikeA— . hat it likainated glind anCWa Jigfi lite JMnw a .0 -MI.- having, 'a' population of. 10.08, wa's King Gustavus. slaln?'C, eve.# -of a, collapie,�' the -bulletin, a& eR room;-L�!' t 19ut j�u ciit "get Ahisid 64 pci, Mr,. syn. th h".e a- 1han 20j000., baye commenced. .10wn. puplJ_-441j1m, -pretty gure� it,,?fas his Jfst Vises. "Proln:'Lont�haff td.a.t0ajpQoA­ .—orvill A Y�urjita Mr. Finley, youW'�r Jit fi 7,4 as� , py, Tided, even* drestfalien look 0111-0 wine -glass of- te ii It tirn��6i such b;a1derdasb.' if, ovei,jhree. million." acAre 'we Milcolin Yinl qUite, in Canada'. going to sens ptly.'than whiskey or-livand prom: mbody .else. has-aily-Jacti-to. _,'less of 0 MIA I i'"en s mulan is one. of h X. 4 me, go, a'.bea'd,' but, than,this,,'vi�ire "we,have- the advan". . . . I,, � . . he U� 0. uts or likul. SO' should, be washed w,i 'tiVe. mus *6 on With my VFu-. ate tage (06r,thg wbrid of, vriorkin.4 with what soag and, via -ter and ceedipgs against ls� practically new :ground, Poe 4t come eut— ncture,, of i4o ni pMW Ii.r',early Ivast stretches of 4ount.ry with� a reh- ti n dl owe �..Xnust .., . pol 9 i Y R e IT. -sh:ould4e-re oved-with I eagbix to s sp �ei; ng Justice,, ki st e done. t reral -mist as klive,ah: ady:4),ee"a lized , by: Ming � held for.'a few- ininutme. 0 i I I rl "a r. Bft�:R ''but he meantinle _Nan Haynor, '41 'which� Vill not, b in boilinivrafer anA.,ib'; -injured place, Ao. �Tj In t elisl)�, cor finpws made, A�� vour 9arb6r---Me' d Poison ft as. to what cod-rse to And jet lf',*e�ara ready to JM 25'. ave. 119 eyidetie 'to warrant such er .:w treate with 'iodine vy ir- talk' you! 06�� lil ursue-,, was wa lang in -in ke the eff6rt, we can sfiJI make' be 6w Suggest. p ritation shoWd' bo�'tredt6d wJthJ juice- cit the pla:nt grow- 'ste was out."on the weEit g;tr.00n. -,a. goold;. Job of it n - lky,si As-� sbi' pa 0'�d the g6wer not merely, .�ut a r V tlwo OrL four -feet hi Maisb. w beautiful 'one 46 ell. Por, w in n victim, e -ought. M, �death- of r -Xr.. Blucher, ie. pl,joes, and p6stest!ng Ffiklia�'Ilcy; seint.. not to forget, an& -with pra Mary of the. ity Platining Coufmis- tra�nslucieht "item, "and ngo asized this At 11bivers th- brown Spot% W,ITH:.T1qE'ST ORY, colored I f D trolt, eniph Either strong 'I d .or 'f esh 15 on C-0-ngress;* it. is not p, pct b:" �e .,it the watir: js-.90o,d'substitute. y enotigh f9r,a'clty-..to. aequIre1erritory, ;Avoid -being overly zealous -in youk� and itilp6rtance, it idutt alli)'to W.. -ts�to, get su0ukn4d.'.1Talf whour otil, iiftezi 'ln'b6auty, so as, toj&oriclle 114 :at a' ti me it- quitt as'lqpg is, any par 6b, 't ercil Iniere4ts * terestar, ttturned' :D -SMARTbY STY L Ell? - - -, - - , - - in :,.. . it -tbe .4 of the 'body,, not 'itecustorried, to , ii-, Und 4oht meaft JDf it$. fBM6 0 A�'IiIil6resting yokeArdatment ap;- posuro, 'sh uld be subjec�(eO to R :vnoi '*as ��eireeedingly V4 ith,1er-husband sbe'hixd 'ears -in bodice of,xool sumidery printr 8p strong rys of, th6 sun, for..,the fli-it Free&ib of: the' Seas, id voilq� in s6ft'jreen t vs-; th fl)'be quite.,safe to' some firbe to.-Aae. ones. It gainits fewJA e.1 it in ft debeo,.Evenexne increase -the. time, to an hour, - iniplstering`�"lo* e"ImUlati-ve a-scaTi,'at*hed'at.Je shoulder *ith' Q nt No "Naval hi6h.. Not puteceding, �rld �i 0�;) bn. -Dlgarlilii� -1ter a,fairly,gooll coat *c' tin bs', deep - bordo-g of harmonizing gVe e ' Tit Ti ' oIdy, be only'a. vain hope 'Tepe de chln� dice ;i,s, long�, � d the. co f.. n e iet for 4uly" ih the be1en deigop'4you tire well:orotcet.ed 'the att;;; -place United States,. to wbick Canada Will'; iffict hip yoke, and to waisted.to against the 'dangers' 'of uhburn. f 1�v 6d r.event our pdivei- eirci skirt low - to keep be p hti8ba' d U -i be lar" fulness of fu, ido,not take,tkeie recaution'.1, your _Y ae SP i de' 'd its line efenAer. Belt Shows raised ours, 'froi liealizing' their holida b oiled�painfully, eLL ut reve Wed her bondigo,'for it -*.a's a luou I 'Style No. 536 can be'liad'in dreapiot.poss�ssing.a gre4t Ile Furtbern ore, r'ectint litiops as. I I I e� pillobtiog her tirint,96 siz 8, .20' i, 86 - 39, 40 nd in'couseciating,the'prinelple that the regard& 'the th rapeutie'value'olt the nches bust.: In the 36 -inch size 'si)gs' -ought to be 'free. for commerce chemical ras., of . the,. sun'bavi been he) .the -1�ritlsh QO 31/zyards,6f -material -with -make one te.el that i,t' ould 39 -inch and American Govern such..as. to my finger.- .......... _the 7-t V -Al 4 yar4,o;f,484nch Contrast is §ufficient. wepts will M4 done a great piec -of diffi�ult toover-Otilhate their im., be lits wer r�IL lve*,, 14-1 tre ' hiff orta'ne'e.' , Therefoie we ree elid y Ey I sun sui ich viih -the - appliqd Yoke 'of bZc; -;i ec"' f6r snili!l,childr�n thb,sun su Wh O.T. H.4�E HEE T,,HOSB OF� THE..N RSE 71 ru 'i Work for -the 7 W-1F19b-F114GR-PMNTb�--FROM -H-i-t-Wt PON. It.iM stunning in �har' peace, of th world.' fit was a'- Clever 'stunt Of "UrS hieb is alp. ,usei Ca ined r. Mhlej;'�.and 4.tectivd: looked. rance ani M rrace; at. the time Alencon - lacd,'w to T61e 'd.Fan46qis n...be obtai in any of our stores. -at -v�aij bordered' TrAlks, she' marveled, ai the edge i�AiA and made sleeveless. Dim� Th 4 grudging .-ad- ed - �to tb shot Ob Suits only protee -the hips and, dt a found itiny-ginghain lbeek IV blue and Quebec Action Cathallque (Ind.). V upper part of the thighs and leave him, with 4 ,fi !solatsi position in irhich. she t4 1�1 ,believe pJaw up3ligit " L . 1 . I I 44'Now" now,, Mr. KeTif, how sdo: Y'9'013' `1 te inex- The East has''becoinis, accuatomedi­ balanc6 of the body'exposed Q i is 7ine'st eifective, arid so .#iit6l,'Just as.you.,said yow'did-7apd, k"W that? * Yous Yoursilft w.ekp Her- 6pther loved hi�but after'alll pensive.' 9hantuQ, riapah and -flat as the West wlil� 41so'beciinte In tw sun's ra down Ys. _dnL the bridge a good,thre'e� hundred Orry seemed to bei,niqra like a, Child, silk'erepe appropriate," Pattern price tuft—to coilpider the.French-Citua- Itig well to War in mind that in yards away pro- an Catholleg 'as an Integral order to get, the therapetilic'benefit ii-nd'you know'nothing of. than a source. of help or' strength. 20c, in sts. PS C 1i (coin as di.' d in it is not�absoluteily necessary'that you tion, as aifd a beneficial be exposed -to the."dir6et rays of the. Well, theres no trut"I the #ate- now he *as the last � one to app)Y to. 11OW TO ORDER PATTERNS. a, roallty t . that my sister sliob__�O ;_41 Migs 'Rayn . or a . ther vane. *iritv.your name and adar reality. There is no pofnt, threforel; sun—tkere. is -thb, sky -shine, or reflect-* men. was wea ess plain-, in making mmotion ov' too' much co' ., ed rays from the sky and. cloiLds. On the ditfiltion. exc6pt'�y bearsay­-�' Malcolm Finley, loved her—but just fekred). . Wrap necessary part of the Cansdjan",aa- aefler "bit, 'shut up, Rent" said., Ezra X�w, the see��;ti fond of Nan,, and re -L lyj giving number and size of such what, has iia 'in �askatchewdh. a clear day you way-lid'or sit..on, the ppened s as You want. "Enclose 20c in Ctoodird., hiipatiently; ' "We know seqted bOr sus cioni Of her, and the pattern' Shady side Mf the house, With the bill Your lbvb. -and loyalty for your sitter next minute,,she would, be voicing. t4e - stamps or eoin (coin preferree;, *rdn, prompts all dome above you, and get from. one. L �tY same suspicions' 4erself. �it carefully)� lot each numberi an' iis defetice of hi, but,.it 0 third to one-half of the nefit-of The 'ANTEO T d&hsn*t get us. �Lnywh4ere.11 As NailL walked along, her bands address Your. order to' Wilson Pattei NURSES W Incurables ra�s. of the sun ..that. you ­%would get he Toronto trospital for we're going to gtt iojn�_ 61asped­b nd her; lier eyes least SerVle -St, Toro t in affillation,with Bellevue and e, 73 est Adelaide by �xposing yeurse f directly totbew, ,�tdEal#eMrand' ih where, as join6d by Grirnsbaw Hospitals. New York. offers U, tufr" I a , declared. Dobbins, "and mighty #own, She w three Years'� Course. of Tralnink to For m6squitoO,.three'thiggs shouldt leadl*&Warlt foo# since qvick, too Gaillion. �%.Youn SON16ty . 1.11 take up.the poisoning Tailor (td littib'girl'who has come y0orqen. h%lng the required red on -and 'de rous of becoming be Ternembe nettin, liquid VA btisiffegg,first." We have everything -to. - - She ha4 .,never., liked the' 61. d in a n., In and asked r some patterns. of educat I monia, and coal L. nurses 'This Hospital bhs adopted the uTM -011 I Prove that�-­except Mrs. ItWof's but at 1ef husband's especial co'ln suit dole -s- ; I I - I ff of the S0001. % q. T e netting fl uniforms 0 t rtpous your dadb.i want?" 'Little Girl (nalve- cani -hardly �mand, she had always been coo en lJo allowance and travellrig, k S 8 uid ammo applied pf6 pItlY to the expeeL h want. a 'itilt, to him. Slie liaA Lnevet understood the he does I and from New' YorR. Fo further bite f ,uently neutial6i the tendenti poison 'ted 9 ii�t hilp seeing' creeps a rrslitibn colossal achimi tile 6al oil, put in A very* sniall qu 'n HE Woeld's Annual Epl and prevente'subsequent Itchin , an !"What's ybt proof9,- demanded link that bound these two ill r mister—he just wants to nail. up a Inforynall6n . rite the Superin Kent.- . natures, but she could 've bave�foutl� four..differeht peo- there 'was one. For, oc-cationally, me . . ....................... nt wherc r6ducts ard%g Citie's ow tob of,:wster in rain-ba:rrels, I ... . %%W little pendi, etc,� preventi the rdosqui ple who. saw..Ms. Raynpr futrtiely, Gannon would come up. -to ths- house 77 hibitcd fiom the four corner. slip'soinetiting into her liusband's tea and be closeted an hour or'so with WHEN , IN TORONTO 'Oes-laiirae from diveloping into,mbs-. 1qD S qr roffee cps -'we have foulid a book ay.46, after Which lepiso& df the earth - here., the greatest RaynOr 9AT ANFD OLMEFi -AT '49itoes. FUrtb4more, certabi - arp. 64 concealed. in . her bookcase, woWd be unusually harsh to Nan.. By parations -siluch- as, spirits ot international, sports program and we have found tablets hidden thot the telations, be.- this she 6ew SCHMES 1X0'rHL poK in eam�hor, mentW and oil of citrotiel. n her b6droont which, tweeft the t*o M611 w;re not itnicable. '40'0 Lanc or upper a lgvp9aty -featuring t4e be a0plied to q,7tposod- parts, vben YONGE'o q Opp 1aJfd1yted$' were' found t6 be arsenic. for It was al*aYs aft�r­Raynor had osit& eatons Of the body to k cop these tests away. FOURTH WRIGLEY -that.yoni food J)e protiCted. 'had an unpleasant W�rviOl� with Aotel 1141tes' $1 Per Da� and iUp Insist 'disease- prea i somebody else, that te v6ntid lils 1Trit- the filtb, s ng'. ability, on his wi&' MARATHON 4"VIM from -an tht �o all tbe'time, And in - accordatico with. her in two events (Fiddy, Augtue nd do not.b*e Wednesday during your holiday. Take Some rod - t, Nan nodded a gr Zfo 06Men, and deting to Oanvion and -i said a. pleasa.nt. good Ing matter -Mth you: and speni,part of nAugvx 26 f6r men dnd.ptize. the day particularly in th4 iddle.of. E LD :1D Y611 � know,. Mrs. PAynor` he began., tin"M "Of M)MM'S 'MCC) for the 'day, in tbeL sade of the qppw a lot about ye-LUt abruptly, 4 k JJn. L ' .. - :. I& . . the world championship,gnd your hammock, or in an eaij chair, or ,Mir _$,50,000 PUL not., lying on a rug on the groudi. Do not Istipp,fte so Mt. Gantion." 'day dance every night during �biir holi 1M,e G@dman and other f=ed He was a bard Than nig"am, a u0tiv.7.0 &,y expedt'o come home rested andi ttrts by r,�frvihed 6�r the balance of tlie year. v%,hatd iwi lbe heard-, f&ir con Youl Wit Di� 64 Bit tht 2 OMVoice Exhibitibfi'choriTs. a ig; MOUAIUI eyes lifted, tot lbmet to th W'.V AL fly$ tA the first ra 6 A r4toiniby states that if Grma M' the W -W iiftkiii-dollaf A' 31. I 11 oi ,)tpog L "at 66011de list. 4 Semi- atj 6reiJef ef &ta$#A' drank'' iTothing but t*t' gis. the, Wbbter, his qf 'You bave. an W�ter �' she, coil thitid'to,ma'k6 his -stitches htildalori inwhat the, owes. Anatif. the 4 a old M Ive Mdin 9 the shoe leather la8ft.to Flreston6 L ot ( tht 06it tony i AM Mwt brings �acfi�s and palng that Pft List-, Trots- and Ta'c'-98- drank nothing but water they woultln't. '6trate to - pre er n Wkieta Mewisf6f &Mbso 614 utwity. - need to press the debt. 11 I to have my solitude In. y0far very b6�64'thei a 01 qu'lek - Ii , L e4l -ru er,, M.n� , ;- ==dzi saurit � vvith pure Hquid bb fl, *1 It h,obw b"auAb hat rt lot hi Atolrift. Ud t oes-, '14W 6f t1i Will 19peA6.r—"lt can- new 94 Aw Y� W i ai@W- - - -M d6ml 'A evM, flbrpa� of -evM strand 6 hbity'46ity lit- Ap, JW* i Wotk,d th9t, my It ft., the tire to make the'tords dftc . ItIttibi I not be;­Jenf�( Ma"am 1"Iftitplifti iia W g1*6 thfte fi� or any little Paj Jtift f4. a In Europe to�16y, 'than, thei* wets, ec Mot6r, #ddi ano two I ion anP UTS-M rib%4" .1 b6ftJ 0 to 1k oNo a,c e & r Rz. 76. t ever, 06L, e' ell, Wti. r p In fg L Ti the 62 H lfiofd t A In- Ma Ong a Proven, 1. told -1 res- Wh' lot Ich Many t"r h b L I—W IMr *11 Joes baby M -2 Ily. JbatL.he Vt� tionL At hi th &e;dedly tao'n ago I4 I