The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-11, Page 7II -7 -4-! IIII.... ... ... I014, W 77 09 K, Women D tOi Us It ]K p$- VIA yo We ',By T,F, �F of, Tsnor, .Imiogafflo to t40 a 19AS, *Ive#� up the I Pa. t, o_14 make Qth- Kars, 14. big 41 ...... ...... k N-;" In rural- i $ tier W th, -,V*, A '4000-4 4 , O'douglinut$- E,:K,WANT meet _400, �?4 10U Din 1IOWIu#L 'th ikrgesj I the IAyWrJ$ht#. -0 %idleip UOIs -alwAXp ,14 .4 ter'tble -of t4b c�nsupwr orga be MatiftaiAffl,0.4 nee 0.h4�nea �to bUild VV �Witicoo -pit :a.,Ao meroW .* - the''Uns"Cr4puld,liff of, th Cr,641,t isrrAffiged to. ha'00 Wl'ilte sta.Un ijhtr7i "W611, dad, 11 P, P to J. ax they 0"at 'to' I svlsp� 14a early V10.9 orM eu, ':kr %P Y,. iaged.!' JV!Rlt n; helierO ffife ai has been ibeir, 04- all, Ifor- er4tipup is. :in 0101 time, thr, gen "You don't inDwn out for an it??9,. 'e yt-?, This and TA4.uy ot -P68 tl6n I 41 1141Y o, Out Its The ;1� i1r1a jiq4 speare Up.. to' atp. -"Certg I men In: anpurgon lots of f', wete&-fq.cently by 1(ei I th *ere"--itO Ashley a e -Pa.tton Ond Mokitsel editor. of tpe after the nlo of rake c "of �,eqnqr*�YTO Saloom hgrxa of sty.14 t before um advaia, enhe A . -the, hour of, our a L, S iltinue' W -q St Fyrian and 3�u ao� The c't carue�bacli 4� be itiAtAli - a�yes­hgd. gr" uI�xt0nsjveL1y`1 on 'jliggb.st rgeentl� W II 'it ii'�Itg , I that an inc W(1V And re' cas� to. the lase :i ;,on)y during -to aff a ,kespea �*Aionof. our ewrltp� I But tb o b - Tve c In be, snWe �her face wa that even syrian'..'Men 11 �o me to; viodein clotos, "he� sh6uld. 'e mier- servieds rten' 'in' ifiodern Engli 113. govthned- th'osp, The!- 4 the . 9'e I e me e est IL ,U4. Of She-, S.gen I. 'haps., ma4p .'the teani oix -a thI4 t, iny viica Ste' n al mmWe � . public, HAT 'evitible, 'Oily �dj you bter fy _7froin .4—, _ M Y Ll -0 e, way- *144-,eveu ­mr­ e7n 'can -t, ey law as 'for the t, it, oi4 f In. Nvb -:to say e th Ie, es ituting -_th�l mental I I �tago� tradi pro,A of. Oise _ly,, Lthl; idd . 1. '' th', iiaddern 6eatro. "a it 't, is' *611 as: tfie,�-P 'the tIdn than- -be., to. and ar.tis Ic vie i'Pu t e4 jAnizatfonSll, e T 1. � tibe-. d. n e d enoff, yo o mod0ulAe n ree'days.. efitirmoii Syria -Xitnt0t other asoclatJous, 'k@-#, the., whole 'field- of' advertising4' YOU? n a IIdLf6r pro tillk-:1f we -&N. inn -Y Ch Co I I�4 uld ly ' be resented.. so ' . . . 1 . . , . . - JOB �een pa'pture i's A er newly 16' 4 ,speech, has per- oy. 'betere to a a Mary Pi 't',day, Wis. Only -4 ques, throughout the,' country, our., women, in her enthusiasm are ',gradually bmini 'to partake of ichoon `b -Your ivork Iiai f4lleil oil as we are 0 for b. k.'I,t IU# -g6in cto pic -,our . antieipkied, the wish -of the most Iof down; and. it you. are 9 tiOn of L ti he cligtomi and iiiiiingers *=X I Rib eciiintry. They 'are mo�q ff K_ T , ft -, L. n Shakespeare L e er to, tlon�'. to tacif e Rot4rian. I., �, : education And religion 'Will De exDJIDIT-� used -o trin bwev , lia: her aMbi 1� O'0' [)-AYFT' ed for pr6fit�i ol) the III UAted ing' by'a; side Interests, 'Thitiy.Are -excellent ti, taIkie*.veWf4 ost: who s,�rv4s thb 141 prolitf3, V out D a real se The mo,Qp. ;-ks and'it 614 7 -'�,he' l,#�- drifts iiiAlle'PuNle 'S'ky, Slogs OP 'ever PIA 11 I . r__b ion .�pbQre e,sp,,� ave �t the "TaMing �6f You oveci Dr 'best F Iwhich bof lutir Iwaro aiiia� *A malf to .see eak. �2_1 indeed, YAIT not�del I Light %0-7, I . 9. .0 P WbO' OAnd' ghottlY, ".,4 bination q grap g Mary. in that eA.,. COM .1 3id hear Doug tamln Iw e9i s Softly �!-Ag§ p zu6it andjice, you, - III r64ally -under rollicking .'Wa,y: wlil'bli is all his' 6wnt pies stir, ..the fic4y for digesdie troil ACrOSSI the lake. stand. 'why As M44n prefex' that their -till" 4�- dis An And—M15-on-beams-41i however,. who may s old' and wiviis remain dpiiIestit.' It their L .6 .is, a em. e. 7 f- t e­I­wakJfit1wNO;Dtka, 7 Be H in, � 16 rl�� h ht come Oom Agi�t66ujht­ _,�ji7- dly real Set- his tribe W�Icomed' the GO*- pale, ­16T-he� g-Irls- w-110 nfd red when. I I . I er,, iratiitioi�al;. tho thiti is the' iftalla 147ww b appea with li, b PiffiCess In% a light canoe tlik . Will - be rateful to_ III qn 'Canadian Pa.( .1 I I I 1amille,a, groW happiness n& D Harley .'trall ,thpugji, they to thousa ,tAd.. iteamship 9 Iral on, his recent Alows Ow. Gene ''n -66, moonlight nbs; :He fflff 16e 6t v� Norah. ening. it, leads"49arp- T ­-6f-6ftVJ1We7Sufferer -- a#Ti the -go urwsuffever !orf �a strldt'nfor *d�,. uliy are bu6(t. a warn -to along the:Vest' C sery solem more. reminiscent (if be4des:'tf k td'str figer96 Ot. s eug Of , th.6 Stratford_ MentorIM Tile; Iju� 11i i-hrujL4 the AOse is The mcionlignt, trul ve a . I . , , I I . I shp*s� that ''strange cil -ihls.,Jhorli� butL. on, taught' As r,to.ta a the' W ; . . I . C5 . iom� B.eyoud­tbe, ICali ernor t an.Ameri Africa' than esi.Coagt, of C4pada, -6 against mak 119 the riewh9me Yqu Coarse, th ni Syr, Theatr 'Nvill drift'. with D-11", '.to 'DURIness-'Waw 7a coftum�s Kile 0 'eur, I he goes h engage Nvilil,and onet L U4� o I t d entire iyatem I*$ jai d1ke of Sbake drama' A, place ptodUCt ons, more liblert 'grandlo'S and. startli in bus ness To firy avai 711tr. ... ... iilffilg 11e4s a a in oe'var , Ot ths fly" car, seldom gd, about, uncpw foittidation for" 110411 tha� J�; that 1'reall, 'ironed bei�re Marriag T of gerdis aud'brOdv ef d It. ugh a -09, eAl -co 11"Ji against. .Can be d'epen Dipt e. -Till Ryan thrO are Iver, few oded L 1CLECT' Of, ifilloile': the talkies N Bit y: Dr. Wialains": �* auc'w better. than 8�nY theatr bi' atAERO,�ONtdane Acci&ntsl u -Q61ne back with'that.t ih rd 1; Ijr ''Granville -134F- mmer of the most convenient gin m6pt d g,6 into b u s i ii'es�s Ale .-Con Su ti-ine -:a'hd Nells 0 t: . . . I ." I . .1. ; . P. I f Vills. , , i 1 lop d who now a o r boat! �ally ellteIi- int-Ltbe jewelry the, L YOUR LITT 1.1 OR3 he latest efficient lieslis of �oHbatinz';t 'gisei or' any, je�ler In kex.'wri es I I n, A lelte�r n Ontario,�,ae�OrLhlijg to'. j' fil, jva.. 'It is �onvenicnt,.beca . �se ygientc: OTh.ere , are, :or by':. i . nail, 0 Times,. 1'th� object lu'ust-be the c Ca t .';figures ;.Published 4, were 2691 S' foftune sin of. th, pu��'.. t f: a - sobe.-, plen It- lna�i'$ face he -El Khouryl' id, fro The and skist-ta'jilffig c tt&Ait , ibit. . �o , S1 ' e in debt.,, never, get awsty w . n once, . b fng 'ay or. ne- deaths amon- males an(V 44- ainong lftinia'.Al aloof, po in III wdxth, in t cents, post f the, At."no' time of 1116 is a r Ithe' the 0 Each'spiral givels-thwe eftia, s �1, g , L cine. 'w"W orfici serviie. Ih1111ye 'is Dr.. WA&iri6 iindAho inter- glect morle. serious .thAn. at h !Tdliood. f 16', due 0' drowning durii� Ou. I dkespearb, pi6ili� :the otl,�er mere -hand M of 3h Th,ls fll�s of.. little, -'ones com9 quickly, I year. The age 'group.,claimi the the' I rd' who Qk, BtelckMeT Mt.' SEWAFibf� LIMITATIONS.,, Yazbeck ve�oit, La.j. S -mg :of .11ii .�fol% their own -er is t num er among, the men, and 'file'.. -I away and prett and the pizompi iu',�liiglies b �Y01ID-1 cot siipped d, groc"y end hard".�c steiia very, ac.ilve in Week* olo- canon of theRI. us IS i'tbe' h administerffig-.' treatinent''a Precious boys fr6m 20 to 24 years, Does' Illy ak W, g.. She ask6d:�' the ti I vitieS of that'city-',' �&Most'having'a total of �42 fatalities., '"' The, head on yor s� ive:'you.,9' 410W ittlo life may,-.be,'Anuffe.d out 1A Cie C 0. Gepe answer -o 'We',.of the East are proud of Ir � realize$ the - baby j. imen. and -Orls - wbo logi their lt�ds i thrill e as he fi'rSt. L We W before the , moths WC aithoi�ig at er The wlett 4od the ait The on Some this, 6y. IQ. in .the age faet that prudent moth,er - always'! in w. n4mbered .1iiiiii: I'M Sip O'Dly. pedla In this c6llnti`Y,�.'we, have `S.* Holyland. in the I somthing . in the m I e ;eine:L led "'No I t . Pg I4inete6nth -group if to 24, the. hfghes� single m Job keeps .%and burrs, eiied le, 1Y, and tire' able, to to gi At -s 9 number as regar 114 54 COUNTRIFS" "litiry (tond9j).-I, It is CO fife iird agalhit the sud. I ds age. So far as,our' ,_.t4e 'dol- Ce the Wiesk�to chest as a -Datiuction in�, express with our, American �e made., in 'Ilej I! tie ones. Thou- boys'. are , -@pneerned, 1 get vdily Alimony bear rofdign den 411ness of $ .'Do yqn lusi-011 ellt I ',found,, swiriiining M191itWe the dISE - - t East.,' We' lowea the lars,, th�1�6151bitiilltY Of the ' In ANch 161 through 11 be 'given -at an Iand aie. sel- ( . litieal sands, of,31110 heis have. r 11 be W :e r b, jtfst as'we are, a law-abidifig PeOP16 1114 'Vote it 'especially' in - r d" to: Po tilat there Is, no other:' a ly age as, Ontatio, loses her boyg�i Ilaile. 'IN Y niL 'dom. -found 14bw �er-'bitter thi's disillus- T, b- -by accidental drow ng in in thet courts or Jails., 'The expel ffairs. ;o- equal B A large nil. e ab�',s' OwA 111 New Statesman (Londoii): The ne I Ning:. w) pect and - devotion. Which HAI res, a! �'ys keOP !th year of, life. entma�. I einning in the tributdr tian, te Of, electio s, i't.j8 offen said, 6-: inni be lets and'that 1,13 why they, ebaradieriLZ By the: East, her. alwAyw -called We e 1,he' Ater Tablets oil habd­tiv-11Y of courso, tbat n- the -bly -mlich' gre it goes without saying, v9te,P1 'which it a OX of the 0 In t- e reason for Syrian ponds..'o oatin� to ilio 't�m� ;lid T0 t to Swim �flower of girlho. d. NEWTON'A. H i1aat -waSL ihlrnensely girls Lal'o'. be � taugl� airtst I' .-goa citi the W-ar 1ndia Always Jee should her �tbe it rZont at. 2 Toro3e e . n yhIs brifigwits'jo.the Mar- -hange.i sides a6ording org .,they fP .,W , Ith'. is LSPCCtS Of M65 Ile. earlie4t ossib e. 090. -F[blen' I%iullt it. too bad Z Ship Ism. out traditions -lean er" wnmentIsk tkiested. in' many ; lets. At ft `�iagd , prbb orary -m of ` GiDv( . . *,gre4t belief that, beaths Vue to Automobile. resfrIbting.'WO- lop policies I and. li;adership. !life and 'hadA TAblets ate a. mi 4J but bally's Own to be a Wall, Flower. nheavily to ' the sidd of view- repre' 2tbei Westmaight bring to hei many very 'thoro lifkative whi0h. by regulat- our death -rate.. fro& accidents! F`4hertn.eift -1 liberties. Wo- tut this, s6nts pas men, in 'their persona g to y se g to. reliev e e s in: -,the' bowel Ontario -da OU v6te.�Oj valuabl 1�uefit . This feeling , h a S ,aftdL stomach banish Is-'alar-ningly A free c' iitry Is' that e s There. Is a floatipg s alon men thiougholit Ahe' East� are In. gen- situation. ion; Ure ;eien� Take Minard' nlp0`rt?m-t now lk-but disaPp xred—at,any rate C� tipatIon an ak up. i Aittoinobiles ire 'an Anvortant factor"i,ii,wo to pleasb its, con e4 djudigest io bites.. I,n e I its, rritation . -of 311089.11i iral rigorousl. secluded. it 'their this �ojt; 'and it , is an I Ithe VaA majqirity of nation- c Ids, an simple f6vers and ' .prdmot hi fat4l accidents. "Be careful" L ]$'then breaks them -to p ease ap Ijqtoral factor.; . But there a �lso' a -amongst . - - . -- d. : . lid: brul rbiddeA to, meet strangers,e) mily minded Indians. ; Few Ole Also good'for Mts.'a rules, to S a bit of self -he p a vice ,which' will e. that alisik hVaItIfY, natural le6p.-, - Cuncernbag ho Ong Moslems.; floatinif, vote, robably as large, St. Eugenep petit' of the, other sVx, and am (start fronva very small them, 'a. help tot only yourself but he rest., t man,'evier thought 1 when, quipelled to appear, in pAblici depends not on coniiiderW judgement, now found Mri. Is ae Soia, been - using Athe world as well. -No really grea t,6 -'bb beavlj� veiled. it Is only InIbut, oil pure prejudice. -There are bory of modetates,'hea4ed,by Tagore) Out ', .'have i ce Own. Tablets ever sin baby a are v�jliihg to admit that the -Ba It you use. a motor. car—be c retu himself so. movement voters who may vo&. either way, ae- WhIP teach In- d-lig. The driver And Ws pass deriver the 6 litter �yiars. that a Lve found that, -West has really anything to- was a th Old all engers k, bag been 9 4'Aunt" which*ieaebes the -the majority lo mbre good fro T a cemetery Inau urat,ed for the eman C cotding a ontrafy' thdiPOt and 4 .89 much ' protection, in his he differente between -political dia. On We eae Jusf s II St. consciousneso of- the non medicine I 4ave ever ard Vatl6u, f Women In the'Va will, ate deeplY concernbd lest' ludid be ibali any other caref�l.. driving as 00 b people be and A graVey IS that one I NGIF FIGN II a There are ioters,who -fid tbd other. in the courItTY. W@,are.passing throug 'if corrupted bleyond.flepaIr by. the pro tried, I ',always k9eP 06, taeIn -meets - on his Way. 1 -town for a political pajty tional Sta 6, at ent . time,al certainly vote I It you use a bicycle—be. cateffil. �g the pres diffl- I tqy Vote at all, but Care so little that viisivb. r6rc-eq of. Westsirn civilizatiom. the house and voitid advise -all other ' ' . ys t ia I. civ s eT motilpTs to do SO." are -Jr.t Tilbe sa 'when It Is perhaps I� little .'bit I� great. living Inaian phi. 0100'�h Tber6 are.very dangerolis risks to b6l. - Tlghtsk put' Syrian parents 69 the old, it neas a- suecesSNI '-`stunt" to- get dehle'rs Or by mail until they or out men 171 sold 1. considered in, riding k. bicycle, be.', tion won't be pel*fedt cult f to. the. booth;. And, there'are has, expressed it: . "There are, Dy'medicine. rkbe'Dr. Wil -I at can be.opened order .'to. xtdJust them, them to the fair to �be m d to. the., out Cann. " OOds th. v ielves the East 'Who Spend sleeple�s nights A�t '25 Cents a box froin ofor car an t 'Ir childrien,leven—astonishlilg th9ught--quite a le CO first . -with a push bAttou., Allierican -liberties of N I I Od because Rio has allow- Ila' 19 Nedicin Brockville, Out. of all, be falrjo schools and, who have been rsing G in pedestrian, but 1010- assoclatliig In the . on in'Cu fizers to. get into their number of voje�� th - giiter for many years, -and have ed 'these Civi yourself. lc� they gre sen "With. ere slecurity, to wit it �ou do not use a motor car— Disarma m-ent atid Icolleges, at all; i ' , are' 4eatbi 'of 4bildron children ot�, all nationalities, never wyon troubled to '�ote 13e careful. -The I S Ile not al- bound to sgek the freedomlof their despite ll t116 expi6nsive propaganda )tor accidentp ai sor 11. -A. Smith n the per-- AWM 99owilig nl� tator In tile actual order of �.rged -6,'-the-Wisp da� 10-000 "Moil buy They are, u vAich the various liarties have-laviall- ,I'dflvei; they a pt the,,PKyeut Ever7 new-found country, a I W (Ind. Con ways the fault of ' I thE ar nament is n bottle of L, am os V4e� not' to. forget ed upon them. 'Even the votir Who' innipeg Tribute $I): oll'the;part- thirigs dis I ydia E Pinkh n the k�ijldrc�n 'theu­-'Gf table Corn by tfieir . social leaders bften, flue to carele,4snes, -as well niake' but rather the filthers, nor, does vote Qrdinarly regar h -voting at Ca adlah farm potrnd,�� IIC-Y J�no of, lie par -a%-,elulge.man the'traditions of their d t Cuts ol litries the r t 't'o strenunsly tile license least as Much in the, light of dut as up their minds tQ.the fact that-wnell- 0, are nervous In civilized bou not be I causeo,th there is no medy for theif -0 I -Selves. Old people wh 'ivalh-s atiOut unarnied, ailments with, their, ,to adoll Of.a Ac MMke trouiblesom� "I" 'Ind. b 1911- k- Which ome -young people mistake fdr a pivilege. pver trade. In a'nY item 9 Sh6ul(T: not cros'.str"ts , I . . i-c,�,rryi � of. aij,,ls �s illegal. Vut' be- yihg b. flnef uce reaches -a substantial f1gurb ng. compair �Ibcrty. And, to adbere to the prod y4 busy with traffic by tIic1ll8`elVeP- �c�t%iin that nro b 'Ind f Qf.Pl iA' Ame6can cause be -is PI'lictilially they ilaie.,been tilughtl there will- e a- d6rit or bigher. pro The inojot ctr.is 8'. bless -Pid- I 0 pelle, headache, . 1* dalleiot Aeropla6e? tection from the ZI, III' do I'll If h irp. t�onble care Wi bbWy is �Olug tD, t, Xo-,Wn d6nidfri6ti. `ir from bil �elf t6 be In danger-hO run, jho leaves tile early xpessed' and t1le demario �'Will - be Answer4d it b000niffig, a <!urge. MokrsO, Truth (London) : Having e .1 Much. to pre iie of tlic ]a -iiionthW to"i'l , Ainerlean word ith cti it is, o itrmed in p part 09 AliY for i tN.O pn4erenee for the drastic a 031. Desirable., g the IN� bove lexpi I was a trifle d for fArin icts tq,malcc a isconcer- The Uni States Markle since no Jilan of the I Tb - ioiy Ltin"d, a re-: t wubled wn life. So- it I.-;' Ith n. ey -the -nos I cts is',.% will -61 -the Wisp, and the maC,AyoA1'6 p tqm kte tudy Of ted to read in the Tit A we0k a prddu if �ou A ve Pursued It Dolitic- b -lie - ,Vill di4finii tion thl6rc. ..Ile . tter from a gentleman Who (1091110- farmers Who h to_ 6 bottom of tho sa e eling., of ON, fe. ISthis' Ill ' bdijing S�curity is eitnblsbed a ge"01 dvelaretl that "Airplane" was ally for mjCll�'yaars twill have to. ad- * 0,,tn while boiling, but U 'into a Wird ilot till .. t.11cri. ql , siev id 1111iilierse alft. soni'19 hccotd -1.19 III ueconomi� re ust ]lit the Steve 4ble.. " Ski� '119 -C. EM in itt J Of AM6 'And the day, however, was relieve er., To drai S(iuth d by a Ingly, lie. Let talte the short . �ut home, wAt e e Pro-,ibitfilg tbe cSrI, in�the Times t6 the through the woods. 1with Its COntebts- inMalichester Daily DliPAtch: Crushing report, ry. -of rifles i eikht, Quhk IV i$ reported -to CiTeet that "airplanes" '�rgs adVOCItted- An unnswered question In animal , Me: positively Miiut be home B. M. Mirtzoi; thor- I for siipper in two hours. eral i ia unable -t 9keat boxi't. 1918, on the behavloriSm is why high-strn it III A Turkish "Woman hae found her Use- Mina�d!`S' for the CVP down. IRONIZED YEA9T 0do have declared Jh, dge 6e. Empire except i -O Wrunds thdi WAV m6rd Englisill rac6rs prefei,thir Company kruptVy cot;rt In that Nely 'Results fickilowle, -Jew weeks. yo, f a Acruly. PonY t.he$1 know Iard Na�al Defencq Way into thd bar lit t The. ef'dbJdCtIOn to tteAtin'; It an(l thiilt, as for thd Union thttil Evidently a Pays 0 I first time In, .011 Chi , pouifds . W nothiUg sillall- iing whether it be your money and takes Out, Choice. fellow-t1loroluglibred& rtTelegl'Rna (Ind. lThe. eduntry for ih'c is folVs,fs th-ttt be might Gimanteed--or how be emitnelpa- guest'like mth Jack, it This Hate.' write mo eVei'Y (19Y- flown near th6 nat ' OJ flag or A6t.. 2911in' get mad. and Men and: women pacifists in the conunOASf. R111 bas, �becorne. ,it sPeeo Iare pogjtively__�AM, payer's of th%m� Wling -for further. cut's in the tion "hould 'the. tax with v� Itonized yes:t added 5 t-6. Why money advertising d to Pairlt.. -ilieli National Defen'6 estimates. All '5 pounds.,retwe tiiom ilew Ftten, �11', y islands Spend p- '7rince 91 6avdep cij� the paci4�t the minister declares age -lines. o014 to be that this houldc voullge ithe told s tj i spends less per Tb;ey does Jr01lTzL I iii� any ofher leinhabit 'for d�fence th ork so fast? ? Iet South )lave their fl -119 digh`6110k ye, And from this 1,�q \TO qtent tonics I the b0hifits of n -00n in the 'world, lt6nized' < AST treat- Aft' 'be cut oft fl:011.0 di8taiice it 1001�8 as if tolfq.. Weighi-biiildiilg Y41 Mrkettrig o Itinds of treliAlliening. the IC-anythiligi to-.11oast ed with - 6V 114LnT, Wkt.:tl S 11sed for 'years fitA vax% Enipire is ac116'0Wled9%d only A about. Canada has set up s - a nation The -it Ony Whr F 'Wh highest. medicM lcvt - by as obligations. s i es. shift9tOn d %iritil Violet Rays ecrile well ith embi t Was ait -is also eduston gtd Tokio. - Ae insists oil the'rig'htto crease- itq grfectivene%s- Idy of� the to III t Ellatmd-'is the best ke tteaties and settle disputes with non zed Is he gurdip of nip Ve,,--t is Ir Uilion. . -Ellgland is I 1V -her 6W lb�t.. She -)n. is needod to it11 pow�Ts 9fr effective. Ir, (10. yor -hout EngJWlCL'S dad fd ACtOL W Union would, San-Sur,7'ort th 6AW sit. d6vb, that to gp away back an & aWe Cal"16t With 04dAbACH ­"AIMEA luld of hwown- ta shis runnibg A Wb wic 77-7 as go'ge, t.ail. flns� Out b6m� f0fluIt. e s A. .. , ii.�..v& in she 1 Sn't tlM Ile Get a full Sipe. t rid iIYear a'got to thowi vf, snonr,e6ri In( d6l a�sf de� Rive, -oil q �ve ut real T "fid4w ru i - W -hat a L IL Iffive, be ove sndituto#- in th Wol ...... drul hreAtff. OM �olbo, Al6tt i6 buy 10fil notd oit: rtitr Till: Ire - FWt,' 'da has lilledn hd hand by-drAWiTl# in enS,611, With 16a8t fill Who fflar ieg. an, The - Way t the be k 49t,MT's Ill. , Philu . 4 y tit"It wo:ft�t "' Yer Bl sure, t6 9 rerowea, at tak- hirraY be, :., - i milk f i1 ' . . _ I --- - � � L". -f ,at 6 I honor of tsnYeats In, Ct 9' exCA'so, f 27 yOf, calls fol MO nthe larwr"s I)lecci, ciu.tbe lefti The right 'tt3 'IT' Lb 9 la:D 4 . ........ . 7 Raffif T utw 011C it and drugs Ore. - ti AtL psli t 3ey ------- t. It Is ON 1 hili got I