The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-07-04, Page 4, 4� 'fr� IN- 1 $6 t '10, Al, 4R F R -1 11 11 ;% I A" 0 0 V" 151� R P% Iq 1.4 4 1;4 W�4 _7 PAP orO*0 doy . . . . . . . . . . . $t _b, 0 -ion �0 Mclu- -gr e wro d. ott at 4 aMgn tat19A ze/,a q)�v r we _-qg t V" 4 Ae- is h, t -4 . - h W. the 'W"DO'bug; eqt T-IHOME d': 1w A -B ur,prcsoure,:wikter.:Pump�.zI e, Id, h ROAD gggri-. .e Ab d PP ved, bH� think Us -,a sA) gB jjp von an- con qw, d' 'ho tH4 e �ptiq oun TNT A aoe. s. t ty 10, 0 t ti ot Me e igineer T,9-., ;q01 -'an 'ilp't Onit rt ChL:' r wO an tG -Z I T. Nye mol To 7 tN -1, 9 co 'hat ,NT ka*a,. ouY" *ie"Uto EAV 1.9 11,01)GINS 11'OLLYRO01Y ANN w b,think 00 y c —of. or pe_,Ock�t C toAhe planti'' off d h th is6. The3 ie. I.Eleu 3% as ou �:Ar-- awa. �ndt ve% rese ader F M ;Wyy! r k, r� nthe a1he '' _= - ; -A. d t6. all ov r a We', ei, D fix he poople' are. 1iiii "by.,*, Qe Moto that ;, the world .0 inige, d f r 'the. n, as witness dr. in c ,w or Wberever to, hove the. old has stronger. M 'h eioukh. o make use P );thniice 'of' ymlg.t� - n- those *reg tIbrs and'boers and' extexi me'and u faster than%- ever' was movid.by'Ros& and Huston' -motor Ma6. 6cil lifters, Men' Can r' n ve afid(Efigineer di hethat the Rio iar' pidftifible�ibuilnegs speiks� 0ell for the 14 before.- These. a.& -it, is,- df t e ceptions, Of e, but of the'heads business of G'enr a -b seeili courg, me S �ge Motors, the� kill, of OnA read bet*egn, all. parb exCepti'' .of lonj.ago,-that we canno..bi made. qe� 66e 4 miportwe Orkin w n�conqeraed edo i the about. %, d -to this IMove, y7 No. The -Mefi and boys 'of. to -day d b' Aoss' and h1clatosh thfit But there As apoflip Al. a fig. e 'urers Is Turn- -in I. sique., in J�,JLV f 'fh C6.jinc. t dejenerate: r. iv tamina, n -r xkiteA: �S - . Ilect, or Olt #'i, berry - sid E&gt� e; 0*- -automobiles in t��-Jj tites Lott &Sln.a ---carrie c0anadei, iie q rom. outside' psessments. d pr te.etect 1 high endLe'Uyor, 1h ch ei npkitioa a oun ng in, B;� n foll6v ques �'Were, issued: 00.1. 1P L': 10- L: - I. : 1 .0 dia road� hdi to.- sbMethi g, like one third I.&ORANft - Q Russell Okunt ggm W, machine. E -of e, prwo. OL r 7 ad. 'the impo SgNTIM NTALISTS i,429 i.r. EL, Moore dimggli* to :4p, ovett. ie-surfg­ T%4.resu 6. that'lew "eign-mide'. P. L. 50. �M so�. JA, eithek the Unit-: kerton newaspupcM INSI, pDonald, maphine& ai Is ace, b, Wmo- Eisi-or, in a; 4MA g roads, P. -L.,52..$18;$8. ed Stal - - ., . ... ., : 1 .1 .1 a 7toll nI—ofL"etiti4;n_whiefiLxias_bAu9_ pei;F 'Sen'l 'C' ` i", buys: In 'a cii.culated'. in In. own askJng Falconer".. ditching -aste -in -or in r'. car j."de the Couftty� 1'.. nov, w d to ohd Th . os I Hill, -breakint road, P. L. 54 .'factory, p.p lad .16 -who -.had,_been h s the Uike4 tha a of Canadian true g. U, e, P. I 'State 'thi !d. tenced iatory or �aii �n-.- f to the'Refokzk Z, Aelkert, 'Orle. 1) us. 7a- ;L- t ki' s.. This am04utg� d' 'Use Conoram, brooking. to'anywhere -from $200 L 55j. $1100. W'M.' *&UU:J Jacz ovM219-1. ban"I Mh a, M. Id P. 56,' to .$90'00, �dooeudin* VJLA, JROC� 'Of This, y giv -h th, ii' -is s id had been A-. -'Me Ai';, Bui , five-pasLeenger' Ok .,car ing thp. a0thorities a goed deal OP L 'bad, b4 -'(e t ork, P. L. 59, $6 ohkr� fiiore in roubli: vidently Itsort: of P Ipmen ','the Units a zi)�- ifidfially,14 the deve P� 590 1 1 . " d' �bouttv tow F 10r_0 Kinuon, eam. a.90: e nd d C than it. does in' Dan' Me1Ke0i# 9k Ig, inhri instindts he oilk ,on he ra 'Lo.60 $34 50- Airehie, Me n uj . low :$aceo dbstiue6ons :Afigui , Gzabitm; i'gvivelling, States' t �be said ab graa.J. Lei,, any. -Murdle & So John MCInt3 ering, or- ab�olijhiag -the import duty crack- near e. st�ation­the ob fac Witu Ifigl,' P., . '61, 00.00 'R hie Md- on autornobil. & p uck jg�:qr tract v. in- tions being" aracter to. ditch an ae orteou ors omkTig grading, P,' �L' 62j. $7.50, Are in C,aTida'f�,q;.n'thq Vnit0d StAtei and 0;nco aqn,,l;ibo :L. 63;, $3-25: Edgar to trdn.Jt.w'bL.s. lor � this, andt. P. L. 04, $25.60 we, , fire At. once - told that wou his 4gd reeordD tbAt' lii was Gaiint, gra4lng, b Aly, smished.' at Rus- Close eVer, USI&UF.Y hi twul AQ.t I] -Henry:, krjtding, P. L Canad it-, ts6nt toAhe Aeftrinatory where, he will" th r the eyesigIR t seeing that 144-­eilong� i0th $0, $22.50. V �ploughb*i,P. L.., 66, $1 oul ruin at Gauntj ty, -And th ha4e 'a c6ance to LeArn electric. refrigeratir 'to 5.;o' w d the indust a 't�ade* and Serve his a ould ruin1hi i Anadian ecome - a in'-, C labor a -e afidmake-*,itappierp. nfun" inA. ciuqhijg� emanufaOturof t meet­fer� lad,had enditnt- t e Mae er�y- use sell 61,: �ountiy. khe C a, few -boy playing,arOund b Of the 6tbqr s, w s tith�14b� tbis ving� convenie c sorne -�-or h hin for J*es Wits; sm0 Ildn' lif ghyel,, 9 an..,roimd_ _ered.,,mA9y_ live -s 0I. the f �that wasbi scrap g, 1 -. - I w;- . . .. 1, ' -, -._ . . . reek, and 'tilt was, s an $AW -0001 "'SAW ch t' mg" W Uactly'the:' thi ig a ral wla'y hdukh. fire�fii di idoJor few U',R iradin, saiditi the see ''had'b on ;a u- -.70, �R gra3iii ln(j�d :9 Minutes.:. Jqgt,As,'thi� MaOing was $1500'. Sohn g, "P. tL Vniied St4te*-,-by t tatift Mano;L he S .7j, $10o,00-, �-L. �kc:Xenzi4, Lyrading, dver,suggested that 'MentaliSts, :iyho:: set in moTiqri erlihinal BOY L f -ad -wa it' hi r0aid great, pity. or the OSES, FINGERS isa:.mac mes - , :, W.. - , L .! I . L. 79, $5106: - PR� cD0ha d. p oug Mgt Z A T4 So Rl i theA in eii# h rr1 e Consideration for s vie&, dth the ag crtisheh� 13� eir"boy an,.i - hik.7-haTid .$13.05' ;,Wim Staffero. giad- be and littl 73, 'b' 'the fu port. of. th ti Ms, st4ft Ox me ing P. -Z. 74, it -1- - it -with. a,104kron Ask wa& C e whole bilsi frAn -d for th i,th"6 been Cripnl extricated hii, hind' be s-, pny w Cana . dian: that: h.be iurn4d4doie,'ag" to 'to-: -'M hi &. L.'76, tglo5l).: 40utg()Mey,,�,ess at efforts.. he dia hilt 1 . I Un d ng iro,.ird ar cry d in -new his misel .50: R" and' wher, life'. by - oli ...... ploughing, P. L. 76, uss' id,-: manufacturars..cannot mee6 ite -to-te -His ariii was, rawn , e(flit 9tat "at'libme A ey' - pan 'he. willnotlearn a, tiade not engagk while in. operhflion7-ni::�wig * machinis, on,ogritaini,, P. C 77 , 0.150,: ten. ;es' do�ipetltion 6 a -any Seful, slQg niae.hii.i- fore part' of the'.haihd was, -badly. work. plal,61r,sk, tore D6nald, grading, P� L. 78, .47.56: successfully met,.' 'it. a rO d tI& headL her off. �The plalatiff Me ashe�. Medical digistfince' WAS sum� effort hert,' all have taiken 'shi any d *,here at'home, strange to sa3*! No doubt there w e v. gig -e-,. stone crus 'did, not see thd boys av -the -side..-o.f. 'Din '*eteo ,',labor, L.49, $4.85 blit ould.b fe or finger, et in the road uoi he cow unfil, she'. ap- Kexy McDonald; -F ivetly, the. Same *4'y nqrs.' as the average ge-elft.-hasn't their't 11, of oried and - the lad. was ushed 'to ifting wash, �Po, La�' . Azid.-it­is e nibg into the traV- Here -is a story of an accident -of' 'the Bruce COuntk H c s,,,5j �41 ' Walk - id su4dtidv� im '30, $25 : Dafi Cassidy, 'placinj tile; with- the Unit Stiktes manuffictur-; bhek bone enough to refuse. to, sign- at road f . . . I I !, . join tl*0 .0 portion of the R06' 'breaking. ers.', Th a, petit On the purpor' 6f 'wlilc4 "he thi om a.Wilkerton..-pa;per: i . 4e s or.fr ert'dn 1.'81, $8.50': J� ey cannot meet British or Ir saft &V's -constattly, north: he -thinks that,tho, cow, *as A'.yeiy - uhforitmate g!�eident, oc­ P. L. �2'-$5;00: J. H_'Rossp, gra-' Gormalf," C0*petit1O# in the tTnitecr disapppoves.� It, was found opedisary to ampu -from him wnen,he first r - . . team *.he_=;, T41 y -afternoon' at e' -Tw' t_� � j,appjrentll�r ran lfitb v s mmital eleft 6 di�zage 'is �au�64, ab6bi tin feet rred'laqt Frid Paul ani '�u tatelthe�'thr e middle fingers., -rhe, cov J. To Dawson States, but,.in, 1,06 other an oiling, 830. $11.6%, co,4ntries ighorant, , sefiti le.f6i,the- privet a itimes the is largely to -ib. L liergroan's outfit in the. pit on the n -the thumb, were :brokd?i " nd WN Car, 1weak-1 84,4136': a ' e4u in sp6as: bones i' re-surfacim. Fi� L. .25, A.. where re n al toot, 1� *bwr-- .1 road. the. ti.' etc. The P 'They k:that. the Walkeiton-Mildnja.y 8upt. SUL P. L`S5, finger: seiored. ftig e leader cri e waVe. a. 66.75 the.* qan Meet and beat all comers., ing in P, of the fifth $84.40; The cow VILer -31acJLinnon' soc, undergo* iis 4aufted en*x -rg cost IT12, This'Ameticahsystem. of -protection crimitals be turned loose. Ispon ng -pavifig 60eiations, when LAst reports were t4at,.,the ehild �Was, 'ho party *hosg. -not. s the4dofendanz says.�'Ihe Sao es the, L Martin, sQ bays. could tw I- to home industries' which C-4na The great nine�ypar-old to .,e Will. be serious..; ang, reason for. .50.-E da has ety and there: they, are of Mr' resting nicely, but h A give or, injuredis the dannot b e in -'a r1s. Louis Martin the cow -Is sudden MoVeme it 'to' the, 87 alint, tation inly is It teauty. Bidt the, pity is that -they de, the and, M of the Elorit ered,', as the' accident occurred �Sonw"Ies the 2;i1b it , . :41as ftight� $225.00: Thos. Go -copied, pett;A ly harilp -be thU she-, ' ple of thi to his right.hand. rig)1t;.it Ma Postage, $5.20 wer, will road,' near Mildmay, had big hand 1 Jio VAJA McLebA, ,me * s�e only sufferdrs. 0 s coulitry,n mmry Jietim6a they ened. by plaintiff's lights. "Itis toler- In the Walicerton case. both ews- 1. NWNNMAV� eKi $11.5.0: Goo. G. -the-absurdity"OfJ sp., k nnon Sheep that" where both parties Of and' siblv Clear 9, had Oie'' ge to tell . the -are dfwn the. highway, where-edth of Noffit. Sheep killed eanidge .$20o. paper coura sum", 1"ding the ant- 'who knew them has a right.to- ODECIANE OF SPORT public hat mi, great,4many 00 Thomas White;' Inspection, $1.90: i6ibir &U4 folwv hie is thein is of- 91) THE of"the ciromstanc6s were'oft�e hiiared by the trespa's op- ounty Work, $5.00:' Us to. b the collislon: animal' beloviging'to . the 0 zi 0"' '01 Ai at these d 'Y S-eivice the'r; be Adam McQueen, C ini' � thatt1id sentince-was ilot, too the bw ii not must, in -order to in n(ain his action Levi Boylei,Equall ng, U.S.S. -phone -Noo s�atl our. 4ys view. severe, an' er Than Th C kow, that"tbe, trespass was owng: to age, $11-00.1 alway's. has. *been -a prev- I the liklihood: tka "th We !elt lo!r fosh�-Ww Sell. Cheap. e ye�01&t,*puli such'. CUM, th petition would fall'ila' reA Store -neg'lige ce of the 6thef or of his Moved by, HustiD� and'.Effiott that e degenorittes a the But th of to d y arc e U.,jVr"_af this judgerAents'in Such geiv"f It.11s'also clear thatwhen a 0-0 this council -do now adjourn to meet heioes Of - t6-moridw. . Wf.h6ke were A a4tini and useftl uted byma fierce or vicictuas S C"ek Are inan it in ILEcTRICITYe FOR FAR HOME onging, to compli- 211111mal ber on J�ly'­29-1 29,'it,'the w in thosi dayall, llutthi G' TIME alid Rual'time giants shalt tiMe. ago, 11� suluevvbfit lics, 2i "Mieleod jtfio� fteie no action, can be.broug-lit with- and A aie'jusi -the .$ruit bf.'a *�ely 'imag- elt4 env% lerk. , vory.wh.or out,proof that the owner of the -anft. L' �'ne, C _e� 7 ina of t4jj4day- e ss -tm'c before* t . e imal'6ew of,thb mischievous tendon.; There are, tboie who cc,nclude that, elearkity �vlthout delay hnd can be- 110''s-6- C. le. Mee ifies CoWit 16 'WddIese-k -County -a' sh D 7 � I . . . . . .1 cies t Tillett vi.- Weird 10 'Q.13. ' 1 - tely , I�joy ib a tie written Jqdge�nont -in order to succeed 6�iuse ani ball' and, WHICH WE IIAV-19 I j; tb,& platntiff JjJGH- COST OF RURAL b' . - lU:_ On to immodia e e."beneks .&'I'EP LA 1r4-'S'rbCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. ft�. 69d 1 19 . ". . . tour base thb de- the of.city life as represetited, by electric,, il)6108,9CRUB PAILS --SCRUB, Bitt)SRESZ-41OP C01114 t6 in this 'action must prove that DUCAT!IOIN, ng, 0 C 110ic, cross ate falli i�t' ,,, de runin ys a re-, A the P fendmines nt9lig ce was soft and, STICK&LSELJF: FRINGING MOPS—FLAX ,$0 P-4tU13TtER*, en the Cause. lights.and' i ing water. ia 1&�*Jed&'of the' -view that It, court ,on. young men are. becoming STAIR, '11MAID&-�DUSTING' MOM.�OIL TREATED' MqPS— of the Injury to big car. Latest fikuriis' dealing with at.t CbTit city newspaper' ediftorial under efe inate. It isn!t so. Theze s ano�hqk OICEDAR OIL AND LEMON OIL. to tak thr 9hout m e af such tceidouts* Irlietownship bylaw has n6 bearing dance at i 11iii], fichbols ou the calitiplit "Eage1or Farm Life." rftson., *ft the up upnn'* the. case. Optarfo. wb d seofh to " lend wei "To the average city awellef, SC!-- Sheriwift Williams Paints. -Idd-emint Cen. ailing an ae" '' The'edw-was not at large L there Games have the ns, _it _W_gpd, dow for the _g no evidence Oat she ds i1eious or to the c fitent! n that, the cohda& of st� -Io �the many -. convenienc#g FOR WALLS -AND FLOORS. in popplarity As other.. t:hb�gp' have. et! X t unr -rtalnly no evidence'that the many of the 'schools ar6 costing e3f, with� it. cj. this modern day says he editor-' n1y; to , g� Ciiakiohs have iiiii6b, to 'do hajOeiiid' abo 6-v reason � to orbitant amounts of 'nioney-The fi r The. ' . I . ut forty' defina,%nf. bad' i sup rylp, . ' W "ft seems incredible that' f�'the SHERWI, LAC fie Mina" AtW gunsel ' Sar." fficult -the culprit, 01 the that there would"be.'aiiv i Th t6motife is gain to, 'be's ures. are for the year.4927 and they e au Provi E IDEAL, VARNISH STAIN -FOR W600 WORK, 01,66RA AND. WhiibNis' Adn ally ij anything wrong. locus in,quo. itween 5.go and 6490 p' ..on the show that. there were 114 it there . re, tanCo, out of.a ring kqa: fit tht j" diivinjti� b6i'oh the r6ad in ioestibn be- nee. of Saskatchewan, for fit-, TA Ag met -are n th total of 117,191, fa uri -'an Yol dw enjoying . e. Ae"dants cow which fittlied ber.."The Mondatas. iuctioning in' Old Ontairg ' �h oftiv'2:336 have the advatit,10re of el, MUR.E'SCO ilf two 0,* novelty of �eing-' Able to go almost ili- SeAdijit'droliped Trerely the obligatibTuto Oke i�eason­ On Or out of fli, 71190 farms el attetdoinee of only 06, py, . I. . . f �t on THE PEOPECT-WALL FINISH—WE 19 ore Strit vs. Cfaeo-, 11�pft an$4h4tre—the:V are running about AVE. IT IN ALL COLORS eft *as sf,.ent. $110,-. y 1,1`4 eleetrifieI bko r,. to fid this'� number th Ofe - eare"' . ( I ng -ball. , When a kit' City Dweller', VARNI SH 8281,LI do-ndt think it *hsl u agor4l of. pliji �b6ys the x%9W, ' abd gap it Ihd li'n'ifi- - Circuinstguees to "to 600'in ediie tidn, 6.9,00 of- which was.. Otlo: Mr. -an t able g' e tbq weie unable to get awsy.ftom, the ate. he tofbid -ads the -task 'of driina COW made up by overfiment gritntAp �011 WOOD WORK' .'A te d, would complal "alOu'A71f You had to THAT DRIES HRD IN FOUR HOUR$: 'w" bort dead or two I hoindi Joel-lity played, 'boftr- it 'rmoL not. is tLere any eV Sch n4n'ce 'Otrk or joead'b 'the ineititr, eye-im- 1,00RS AND -LINOLEUM. tile paws ools *ith, fin average atte hirill The fbe-lad,.4 ioio� -neoltjoht thqe-4hey , put titt shof, ju, q1d oi. , pairing' bt of it] -oil lainp,,car Is num-� li-, 'a CO 'idew�e that' mp ry ind, iM of only 'from six to ten, oppi T y"rg, j1d iet. the - e3cetution Of that ti .. 4 boys U ILAC iqk. It *a� 0�ied,bill. N6w so many of the, lith , u bered'709, of which 548 are joCited an Outside VaM, On (ktober :. wat6r by the �uck; t from'. �bGtllt I -A.40 . in the circ in have on sutotnoi%ile tfig�kem''Ont in o -THE 611LITY EN.AiIELII -DRIiS 11 Ail) . IN FOUR HOURS th Aim I et, 000 to, ruh* Altogether early 'p one, osttacted hi.9 ttwo'nephti� staticet to, tot'a bvilter. on the anirnbl, in 014r, Giliario and.*hieb cost $612- puMp, ccok in the'libt supimer Months' 'A, ]BEAUTIFUL PINISH, JUST' IJIHL� "I, IN Q VOR 0(1), 1 eleven r69 ne ev�fiings, that. it is 6 etilt to over a blazing. inge, lidat yout bath. 'Lopas, Fiu N.Ifttm 'AUTOMOBILES" STC - INIADE y", -S W bit u 16n- "99N PEIMNT: liORI A, SHOkT Id - team to! "e farm, Pi Other Ithe, 0 stion- Acitce. 'And in . WORK, I carto �f t*,- i6h d pe-ided 1-o ciir-i wlattf 4e kettle owi the kitehelf IN FOUR! DM UA ho -n L Wing_ -in recent- theYe has'bm mil for oT, t ohiiii tf TWO "FOR, 259'. nide -is, ey iv# hb. esfit th#' the not V411144 IPAO-d ce wtLs disfrib�ted njar* -former. e. q�ftid egerl od ifid dell, 4466&." 'town ".1vot ' A` gersm P011th t1jt;N -shtteinn J; Ite'dtao4ft. 9, an -THE AST IN .1 - ISH' VTO f at alL Man`. of the *,AAv6t# 4ti the A the b-'-dT"ar# U,60"dibow am tq% Ilk# It Ann!ual Cost. 6f eduqo�� §111nall league t"Ihs are Tla�iykg mile und'A ball reasOn �the t "oe ei There is -no ST Aftitlyk has, jot- "SW6 io­f, it M o'd bt �N- PENCE 1 . $77' WOVr si 11 1 � $149, lip pArdd ub-ate thAlf- his eltv dousfit, wA, theft, AA]k Wit U UOA .6 Other t hivh-vay it 4-f afte that sort of playing. MC WA 1L and 66, t�er - po' for III erur ., nAled r6RA. P1 6At the do V. of "d Oe tftvo, it"tyrt to &Tfie itke per, Thdre aiie otter gath0t; than hitogla b I -ft ainj g, to liv`4 er Me t I IL ff W" tAke 11i. S_�Me such ��_ordin*ati'on glut ree nnii-al- :n, cbatze�6f' Nita fot the, young., 4 tboill *Itlr- A*Avq' if ',.iT sdhoolg thtbtig thtt ptWnnce� The. �Liftvet need Mao . . I If 4ffi ' ib;, 01 .+ 44�01 a iid baseball. Tetinis is'*:biit-1 9A' Ii eed' bav� �ested in the T6WIiibip School t tfineh, and ei�ill Ah i dividhal, i1c. W 11111, dop, a nd_do*# I . - 6W. ra:s b �Ah �,Bill i m Ar,#!ve t. are t�6 ... ........... . nt of tW ii me Otu too. o