The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-16, Page 7Pas ;;.iw ly GO ire q oblin w the retir, WI&I Q th ea h pouAd M 0 a-, "t eco -up ps n ietas m Oughtoni P0 $pe 111K U,S. A #4 n -S Ar rivos d C co in L �p end hisUbbCf—T 'Fed h 500010 Endur' .4:UYQA .a III AuxlQuo 'About the . tris f Who e A- medicine. that atis mothers. -v 41se aso04 problems heo ar . Ate un ood ln­'every.� ay -one thA Itomob, ras May L the two Deowea.1 hAvo,-n.o worge,10 Wqu t sal A Ile j T R OST. en. �_ie�e "g w, apkik., baaf ph the, mior ill$.' athe t6nifort, 'him. 46VgV.PA` W babyhood a ais the madl, t next mAjor dei 6 obive4t, W. a rus.y.,100k no W Pil"Pucb huge SjZe With K UP' h Oro blems exist,, ve$.. "t., J. q t In'thp inedleliq phaS4 se''to whale 0r,pl,�.git la, nkl exvbii; do- b oreA lw4yo 4,4ve. on ;U444, I jkned -Major; aqt ed, I 'to Ne* York baib r.. r 'a t 9 me 'her, :Was e4sQ - 1304t. And'Ahat to a QqI- ex 0. den ArroL*. n. reop re c uli� -,a Year ;In, the -A-.Uta tj he 040 of those h0golifto " Alip-eqrb from - t- tim6g,. Tfie�.. Are go , I '�. , B ab y"O 0 w -k f two -m4;ita,I bo, kin -0t0tainjol" tat'C laxative 'which by."ir's., e L 1,' to ii6d in 0.1usive ho t ihotog ng 'tire has, at �6.1 1h; aI-.ach 13i atog-,,.�he of: hei, g In 'E E t t water,. e speed indifferent, -to. the .1 tetaits-�of, coni and "sim-ple 'feverg C a,wrong,. bg o. Q I b 'krd geoi. 9 re.: for:. -the tf latloh,and Indi estiq a`1 elt, t. gree" Y, - CuAli*g 'all wa. tin -g! ouj�. for if ilre�'m ay he R, s. - e,, ail the. . - , I -i I �. I t9hidr, h6 say�, 0011. - ----------- ---- h ee Colic and' diarrhop'iti and make 'kv.orabIq--,o4qrtunJty ti� strkke, 'the CUttill ar t robbed wifh'tb�b- pulse. easy; critan, assified �,Adv,04 e N teet v a u , 4to 1100.'.. -.Eipefidit'' a, Can.ad" ha .a to bThai tj-res, on Major 'Seagr iave'§'. s -ed fr Tb h of, Pi0fti of mot ers use no ot attaelm;4 , ,or bi;�jitr'at cost .of 'dbdo,t '42,�00 aA $1i. n 0 th*.medicizie 'to w t4stand, a ppe ii,mi; �q other'. appears., rof t 4r their Jittle o .404#0 *6rdi, lto,4 ore, f Oidr, three,' iiej. Among. a 1927�,fedpra id 61 1:4 were, osigned,' Iprovin'clal. a4 GL t ;tlihiii in i'4ritain. t6, assurp, you A-liat th.e. I ad of.' Oat. 240 t, ., E I . I . .. I .." A di Thotigh ",g Y�61!e mln-� i cipal' qxii6nd tures on. b If ', . . ii hic As. .-� me eat �re - I . . . I :,T,he B r'.Sanles Rpss,seeft4 t at tme tIgn for 26 yeir, . rf. Upp, 4 L �eoq. milep';tH hour'f tmivoe4 n, 1 Ole ne s, 106470 C0401oug":m b,;. 04C., . wh6, -her,gig4utl Major- eagrgoe * set- a, new no.of -t1i Van uteU-nce. of: 0�nagfani p;,otrepgth ;she chi , ldren and,.'y;b6nev.Pr any,.ofit "c' Ju.1y U thoi, , 1"'41VOY use: p6rialiatle d -W try,: ar list Whilj�gL."'tacio.W' nothing ^:hclo�d, her,,.'u 'r 231'"mi S 'ads. imounted:to $U,75Q.,#0Q,j ere Poul li, licome -1 An �o Is' bi to *0. ex. -,q lreO fe i -HA C1 iVIP. nid M lhard'ktl od fq,l RL JD y CfIICK jo.' '" 'T- - * I S t or 09014 401 , W an .�.,worfd; steamed, ou� he Ross Sea she' b E an -a ru'ry'rA'withI!6006 barrels bf Own n a UNE �ards of it h varietie�, Pr I -up ib four ' 1� � 'Joy me TO a S vibuid aigo speed ra for'freo catWoku A4 *::' .01 64 4. -no ilppirtitO, alie -mere y. to p ., the bi cin '$lot ingL vbiF aThis ponst,itut0s,th record cargo that iima w ale�a -in 'her', or h ully and N966 witho t TablIet g," C#Ptaln� Ir*in ad bit Or to.. 'Ontario, of] dan d g says !"Yes, 'poor F wri Could'Lnot .�i gar an a mebace,to the 'P! esy, eep. eoples like yoixt lIttW booklet Care 'of the the' tikep. - I h Ave -been onqld- faubut" Ihis heart W49 on thexight fat -be P. the, shfo",has brought -to the, liort -Of If I,. e- of "this worl4.' those two h HIerinj ii��Ing.,steel ilr, fok, so 'me time hTn_d__We_r 91igob; Baby In alth,.'and 8 ekneog.l. 11 "I tb�i nmz^NATZONAI� ;90vx ihe almost turited to side, a so'? Noi. Wonder -he h JAr. WiIis 'my .. I . illis -,:t truth the Ntiffe. beat "Ilghtfig" seasiDA. that the major. ,Baby�,s Own , Tablet's are by but -I'm. not ready fet tolet an dled! Ity f EST' tQVIP24ENT, LAT)E;ST.. ME'TH. t' of, 186 uld Palpitsite violem. dark indeed. DS.' uniform retUrn'load OrJee her c re vf I a - com-Olernein m-64icf-he , dealerfl' or, by . ipall at - 25 rlg� bis,'Ilfe with -the." am "But. tbeo6j'two hdbgop�ino' do;, not �.en Al. ,,6qdts insured. W oviS You"wheA -thoMul to. say �dl�t to a*, box fVomi The - Dr. Williems'. e,.,Briti,sh motor ex You . to rnove. M our enquirles Wory glans bid, -experienced. The Nil lintirl-6argo of wba' speak,thia tiiim., There are, no such 104edicine Co., brockvilliii. Out.' th.( 110 da,lcul4ole, limit.i.,to -the.: i Is oil -has been paid. in Di. Williaule'PiA pi&l. now. Pioneer distance'moverS. -peopes 'as those'. detcribe#.�. 'The . 9pee Vat lfi an.!. -and ibr use Ili. -the Manuf d At which, a an can ra in 1pr leg of eastern States a eturg 'of soap. found the souglit. MY Q�na a. 1,-Tbe MoveZ milt false. *The real peo- au 9 -mobile as..I-ong as,- he Is .protected' Tor I . PA The Ross Sea, where C61firnandei. Ha . and Wor returnedi. my oppedet ris.aro wh411y'Alffaierit. Uppcir cAtiii& frojh the wind'by� an Incib Ribard U.' Byrd They Are, sure and .19 men . are 'finprovedO. no a ght.1 . Ine. in- �,Ihade' VID of W�IiOns of'. iludly., d-ecentI ;44. ve- -in a. sh, I _)k1horhatink, a) so it,kav' u gum crea . wm� po�n4 ADIOLUS MIXED. a 01 clent sed" IWO d the neighlift 'GI or, .26. -afffereAt whales for.. 73,000 barrels of the'. pie. G6d'fearlig men all Old B ..If e"hed, he'be. L e bn this limit ever is r ....... -50 14AXED, all'colorg.' 'so*tq,,;:eacb c.orX6qtl named, labpfled� -for e'C. A. -Larsen, largest' t wa not.lonifiq'i co6ld 06 possess I tate women n Omni Ileves itwill te' In hood lou "kui&to'th' !n y work -with eim" sent, 1 hour, ;Oi..tWo;WheeI- 'Wha 9 ` uke' -a' 'r, a, who are bui$ A�out heir own $50 milei U-00 Ail full �siM` blooming bulbs; or -ta r a d supp. Plans are Unde i. NX A�Y'Ioi ig h�v,ua f drive care Ad 409.miles' an l 01 k th llor� glan If f-u� are weak and easily year), all i1g, to thi6, I r bulblets; (wtll a World, accoedi easily.* colors; ­$1.00; Free list who want to. live. In peace a:n4 who Cel6rdti6iijor the'C6nt car -Wheel diiv�. 'Also s w1haleme.n. She Is expedtb& in'. t, ev- s.,with tour 1prices, 210'soz�tsi ee.ds. ..Shirubs, red, cpbject'40, he roses, . rrui t trees, -wrliblesale: direct to you n. wil lto�k' so' gdgch ,!a 1-fing,' to dd so, a7 ;n. Se em6 largrest: bulb �rqw fuie pa it- not'Labout . I .. I ­ Is we' �r son. pt from Canada's t, APped tline, that a. er. A.. W. Smith., IS:4� �7,66 6gniz_ -PjRar_Ca all the 4,000, - Wfifle, an route to� the ort of' -`Jen.,do-not,de awa4t tr d . . . . . The- -VI&- 'dsto under Wd, qRd College numberng to !York . the, -Sir a nient it . -once, eli* fantastic viewi of on . r . true �ola- have for some -time been making A-, Yarn s, Ross'le'ained, by by -buying a box MAR UPSET!%- SPELLS Ord. bad S. h4h Dr. V :ti,. . to. -durabI44 gligemn s radio, ithAt, the C. �A.' Larsen had 'lost of illime pju& Pau at Ong each. other?' �A And ,r t for. a :fitilng ,eele-bratibli BAR PS trawleis:: in of the- C nte*y of the 'College, I' productim Wlijie, Dion" diie of ier..."chasei the, your gnediPne de -W. or -by' �.ufibreikablp. 'p.sace . eklits, given now e, n "Like other You h B.," and Whiit R.I., "Od ..Boys", from Ross �Sea. *- The', 'was foun&'. between. tl g� mot erg, I wor- mail 'at 50, cents a bok, from h le 'British' and ad," says ;Aa I" wlandmm 37A after �'giirfhging', be6ples It t eY wil -r . 66ognize the all, aits;of Canada have announced Hd - ev,er.y time Baby."cri a lea. Ifie -entire I t ii�Several' 1) �he D�. Williams M IF: I . .. . . 'N,Y., v�oman; '�Several V�,U, biclay,.Pir FEEE at aom �crew�of 11 meri,were re"o. titid'�s,hav- n 'f , Wng �p se t, their Intiii ilon I re n RIP NVAWV..' ont. n 7, ing, bed save,].. co� 8-27 A large- repriise ��.tlmea wbeil.,.she OIllness Kept 6., '29 n NprthRrn ton te�d States and Vngland is Wso expect. d 'I but (.�she R 11 There was .6onsidefable spec�lafl6n,! . .=' .I' trie , castor ol 3, .41!x N Thi British Ness r t etain It.' Our doctor told onJh in -i �'8,111 Aer, 'bs to ad- The ,'Pri Ce Of LlAraj6g, the Vi�f 'Or Her From Work .10. EMS, 'SAID Mil'u" t abor'Xlaga- -lege, ha's-.alread took E UTOR or"not the 1'ti�awlee hd been Herbert, Tracy, In. th 1, o;' the Col meJo trt Fleicb ers Cistoria because y Ike it. That ENS. CARD zinc '69.aod ba' jet 4 IT LydikL E., Piniham?sr Vege-, . Ined.L. b-�,..a pain -maddened . bull The ndepei ' idbnt I good , wishes, �',and_thp it is h.arnil.,.. BOL. N T 1� prictka3l'� isap'piear- ended my worrjes ana: Ive' used it 4able'Cprapound, beeauge I was 46i Makis �q)*nbtg a plwsltre. PINK :ni�wsiiaPer bw 'whale as it "perforliled the I y. Plus d I eral has' expressed'his willftfgn�ss to a p esent., s h q -of. contenfiation has, Cagtori� P, w Harro a, - eeds, Cultivate ad. T a prd.'ePs3:' .tInbe for'dll'�my childreb.,, mQnih'that I hidici keep r e domin;1 hemother g,ys'ihd I suffeied , so 9 ears, that bales: mor-, 1ed 'to ih6, fo mation'bf thr -nev- -fails to delight a by the my 4for two d Sefvice.­ Macliines tti;6 In' Ala. it, app "A ouqrLHOLD 14ANZ W .04 COUN b tally wou,nae�d by ii�-Voufid, hdr- The Committee' ilipointed by I Canadian. -ant groups (the Berry Rothennerd ick way it thos posts' I adly,al,.thie tim I e men, 4'fiell: 'fre Old Boys' Assoclation has i,arrazi qu .. P I I . . I -had, . . . pun gedL ends Olt i 6-il I fe t -b to and re,pairs carried by quently yth.roug.. a --inveresk,combines) Under, -babies and ildkeft, - siliqfi�. is, polic, ibeen.w king' , mi. a fajctotyj�tir for' a: carris "an Potao kachi"eri, io. C nd or the following functions, drl O'. ., . I -ter., makin circle as -Pow ng the or g daiplete. A' '6 inerita h.Sea er. s4id-te 'wiWtheir great ItFey -thresh about- 'That ree ya of the cel.pbration, tile Ndfo�iiiaf' out ihe"freedom -of the, press.- rea.18on,"ior, -its tien3i6fidou sale -and. WM sorun-down and nervous.Ay 'Friday, *ptembel� 13, 1929 -popu , larity. 1.11�e thends, told mt of —7 tails In 'their last' hony. Sev&al- of Review iLonddn) 'Englishmen 'do', roodom has been uh-dermined- by -com-1- th I . .. w 19 RoSsL were. disabl- the Vegc�taib'le the fra' lars of t1i' ghosts b1ch- in 6ai ruing-UntellIng of Tablet. dnAb e me, torl e ULt : g nu.' �as , I niot'tibalize the' extent to which ilowi: nie'relal lnflui�nces, W r, tu it' el imita �h 6.m p o u ad.' rn now'., sound and in' ed-temporafffy , by 'contact with the not e plefe ten, years iattsr the ' 17�orld haie inafle abienable"Ahe 00sition of -i _-�kite of he old sebool build g. pur,.ely7.,qegetable" product a] A�re 0 with6ui, - heads ying vhnl�s, 'the Impact: - wg-4.�shd'ha gone'back to work. I' Used for cuts f d kiriard!.i An) fcan opinloO has 'prystallized. In' Independent newspapers. U, thirigs,'-After 13 ­717renentatiov of prizes n-1 Vea�t,s the Fletcb4r signature. er �no u my color is b'nis'es'an& pais_bV �bu�klln.g the. double'. stPel "Plating:.of 'the durin- ibe-last s��h6o. a go�d.;h;petite, -de, 11, - . , . ., . . . be.lief that. vVe 'were made' belllger,. ` �oiv stand, the onlk'a0parent, xlterna- I yean. I '!'chasers, da, * irits.." the and.'.[ am M go , sp 'tenst IThe 'heayi. plating is'necessary -be- ents- by reason of British use'of sea- if e -is the�6.x . on of, wirelesi; broad- Evenlirg�Centenary Ball at, the.R,yal script. Ons. a Alma-_ Scree4 S, - .1 Bhq ' ­ck powidt. UiitiL.,1he,�Cerni,w,n:s. timposed c4sting,iouJhe largest.po.ssibli scale Y6rk Hotel. E"lYn,'EcuT�i4e, ' 41," gi cause, of t 6, gr hdin' of tba fee Ifee' th submaTne 66kade the decisive 'and'. *ith the utmost' -latitude � of , ex- --Satt!rday, Septimber 14-, 1,9 I I 29 b The Ross reported an u,neventful trip majOHtk of. the American people., -0 btoadcasting monopoly pressjoh. Th Morning and Afteri,ioon -'Cricket I d up6n n,piitral a, n -s"ie edn'- In., the� Aas.'Sda for hr6e rer� solve Al Pi sezitl Lydia E. Pinkham si.'. KM -witb all "bands s�fe,alth'ough 0e was Ity..' For may conceivably � h I TO., Icebound r atch) V�C,C. Past and 30rity the German ctl oniseems spiracy �fsilen he* -S-LIM A ce 6ir'.'the part of oweeks last Deceniben., a direct Conseq Illegal em�. p 5 of g1lidling" and vs. or9hto Cri0ket:Club P, dence Of the mean 'The eglan,,tankcr 'Was - within th sea -power' In re- informing fy�bll.c , op�nlon'ln 4 peilod oplayment 'of Briti. Fess, the oilly GUNN. ITED 30.q 'Miles oilAffla imeiii6C AfternoonGarden. rtyt St.. Lbwrenca rViarke Vegetable Comound- "ind was spect of neutrals,'and' p�rtlo'uldfily In' of national erlsid., Par t, T;ronto, E. Pinkharn Med. Co., Lynn. Mai A. .0y In touch wt tltreniug--�-Ceiitenary U. S. frequieh th the Byrd exA at',the' respect of' 'the-Upited States.. In- . �lgh6st.. Rrlce�#. �roinpt. Returng_ acobourE, Onlario. Caada a -48be, carried 100 sled Roya 'Tork Hotel. VedItIon,by ridto. Adopted- * the onibe -to 'New -ealand for, the. Byrd dubitably - we University 'Education 'Sunday, v .#(iga Z meiliod;s. wIfen w& mecame lllge�, _Septeintier I 6,.i 929. -C '); ast f --but this dietali Is not even geu-. ons. Cultfi�.' 1party-'1�1' �ats, Glasgow Herald. ( ' !?p Service for Old The Ross �wlll proceed to Brooklyn to use a, word- for. iihich We' would fain Cathedral.1 erilly kuwii. Boys at St. Idmes' for refuelling 'after dis6hat'ging, he bstitute, Is the 'mainspring of 1 r cargo. ''She wJl-l'then return to No endeavour. :, lt.�is- the -infiorming.-. prin- ..... ver Zealand for annual ovetha . ulfff g.— -7 of)I ' fe 'at 'a. Unt ' sity; 'and ....... - gnt,1or iho g� a , any o r i�n ride ....... those who vanco�eVProvfnce (Ind. Con's.): ..... these great instiftbultions. .1 - the. direct There, Is no 'doubt 'Canadian c6n- .degr,!te Isumers a4d'i;610 intention of , Ing"a: Build wouid..buy Australian" koo'ds I towards the end that their,.may. 44neilt -base, ere brough-t--tv--th eir a . t -goods heatro attention. This Jnvolves[� salesman- ChililreiA I the. close of thejk under raduati.' �ybaris' 'without ship-agg-ressive salesmanship. '"'It -Av :ever ing, what this Univet-sity ba oid Bad,'Pla' know Involves, advertising,. hot spasmodical- ys might. have meant $or them, 6%id 'for ly but. systematically. It Involves 'an thoge possessed of intentions olmllar �Za'rifiai6" Seeks Ad Inpure U. atterdpt to meet American. competition to their, own. That such'do -cqme to .. Its own Wholesome 'Enteitainmeint ground by providing joods, the,unIvietskles 6 -cannot deny. All of a type to which'Canadians are'ac-' oung People. t4e greater need, accordingly, that,ihe" customed -and, In a form' 'which *111 be for. Y Tiniiiriltiles should 'not faltor In thelf attractlVe to thbm,- . -All this I disinterested. pursuit of learl AHEAD OF CANADA 91� a. a *sit for th,6 Ausprallan predu,ceir and the 96cure know1bilgo't4tit all ------- obidi", dfgfributoi�noi foi the Caoa,)!an eon-. Saiitialko, Cehile.-Providing- whole- WWWWit SinsiftNoftre 42* properly e6celved, 1onduce towards 110ind ontertafninqT.At for � children, Is I a I do popu sumer.' Australia must remew�, bible I nt o f lar. Tluw cid so &Sft that 6ss6nt1al.embodimdnt of the'mIn& In'bidding &r the 'Caiadfan'.market; major object, In the establig 4" WHIt six& Ififleopnih. - And character, which regards what Is I it, t this,niarkei Is. not a v' a axilam. a' ChIldrenPa theatre *hIch'is, to'lie learlit. and taught at something.g.reatidr filled already. I and, If - Australian. conitrue,tied b1bre., The building Will NAabWA9t St, meielyluEfgful., DRZ nproducts are to c6m'e__in,_11"ugt,, for, education and. entertain- Ak be used ush some.thing. else out. And they; ment, of ehildribn only., The Mayor Approve rquat make th'W'wity largely An' econ- Inv S1 Of Santiago had signed aAec Cob6m'giver , , I , I '' ble .Alge"§ * The OeogrAphlei­�Board of Canad-4 omic basts;­ They will gi6t Adme ad, viding for, the tb�eatre.: SMA they -are -the hoyth i,vantage because Empirb a oV the nathing of 'it to o their quality, on M"ymoior oils look idilke, but there is a vast 41a. The.Mayor's. deerle polnis ofi,t that, h 9 ippr I made. But branch of I S Vern 'River. In'.74anitolidi Notwithstanding aim Ontario, Colibithi 4ftor Sir Allai their elleapfiess and td.qoite an &P6 nthe m6darh censot- Way they! peiff onn. Unfortunsit ship established over plays'and mo- Cobbam, the famotit British aviator. pre'elabie extent -on tfieIr, atttactive- this diRepence is difficult io'deteet. tion jctres, parents c6nnpt.be sure ni�ss that they. must really depend.,. ran that their children always will sea J%e inv4sibl Me ce whI& makes one motor a A tioor man mhy be a I ' 4filli better than another -must be inherent M** the t�e typiii of plays And, 'movies" dealkh- JAMES ,314AUTPLAW, crailk; but i-'knd -ar a. rich mikii1s eccontric. Souls and.Stcsm�ohs trnde'from� -.�hleh it is in d66 Id to lwvro�46, morls eb avtdr. The average modain play,',Ih the St' ed In the Review Wickli id of Its Thekeyouhav� the reasonwhy MarVeluke 41vesbef- Ri-Vfewg (London): !.,Wd need to We in good taste and educational"art, but careful how we set abqut the, busl- ter eniffine lubric, fitiob aan oib refined from ordin- -depicts rob- JILW cru opinion of the, Mayor, not 'only lacks tdes� Imperial 00-searehed thezworld-over for in the pialority of, cases, -of. making a better world: Some- berles, disorder 41th has a. a . nd* the baser -ag besides mone bette�ri6rude--airkdiiiiRouthAmerient thi 7 aftd, we -to be taken Into aeco*it.. The tiio- From it hw, -make 'Marvolitbe-4, pureo extreme the Aiaygr believes it It the duty ie who believe ihat. eierybody W111 iree"full-160died oil that resistio thi6 f society In general not only to guard. bo happy with ils"wages Or comfort, and pressures of moderwendiulb operatim- ran cli .;iganSt, a I UnWhordaOma, Ito able' Incom ild t uce., es, fbrgit that 'therb 'ti. ft 6peraiors prefei Mariiyelulbe bee'"use bet -is s', but to, endeivor,. 0: procure Alre'ra HAGAr4 spiritual side. 'to human 'beingb. and $0 labikation, &-er safiety and4onder complete develoyinieftt,ofAhoirmental, thai ittle, spirit -may be noarTy if not Aty, aWg the multiple , activitlei of lot dulte ai important as the body 'The Fori'&oubliad el C - other pdopley Who InsIst -that tlio gj5irit marviolube beenug4b it is th rhoderil. life. --' In order to put big' I . - # 1ut6rV814 16ei1*Ieen i4ihauls. Motorists 'prefer the. ChIldeW a due to A61d it ensures thbory into pratlea, . alone mattegg, nd that th�'dfifef thing ..TbQ0Aio will exhibit pia :th t for th6m to "gave their souls" by bilit, and Ar"ter ecorkomr. URN --pridp4red for children. A :9- 7 Worldly. evils In -taking 'refiftso, from ir Th.6 #ff d, _066d;-, -ftiget t1lit b4 derived fro Oa e t, N '-b IyQu-r - e,wo lit 44 d .6,08066 aid A, Oil ignified, slid' qqVWNR a. 16 hmft welfare. hufta"Ablel Chi -at oinotivos, hlotorid a *to& -% – �-Mick­ 6h '40onful'U' -water Azd �Jouv -1MiW&11 -LiWme"t -reffev -pain. triotle 4L 6 ix a y en1mr, child for, W 6 case so d. the A , AMY 44 *911 *0 The 9toaoli, I n6livies arii uoor#stiniift� In 110 M1911tes. Then Y01 will awa.Yo An. -sUalbtO9' haq been: rti.ppod a know *hit to do.. Crudo ind, hatnil, Tow](rd, ito 4ega roun& Ift, 1Ltt6td`­h0 "' ' Too tliildl'� AM Iffi 'fft6ffi,*, fill -fi" never xeck TAlia the. ulto 0.0 t6s, sour' an.. oedasion I cand. Ifftes 06 tWbve thlli,fot Your o*ji adke. k It thiLt,'tho'dickoy seat to older ttran. *6. er f'Alkaft kills AM I gtantly. The beat Inak 94VO 11- 9r#At -Many dliakreeilbl'i h d .40 di Wff I . I I OU a ocause on hArfnI69% g;6buine lPhIllip IbIfti �� A. . t mmide in a -bright, T*1 frock. g dtiW phyal- 'At te'dMice?" a of heri aarlig; the� a'did. Since- Ito f0t'50 vre-aMb -in correcting exaAb gdmo; of bar." it' wit. 1 A -fit R Q'i t aa W a, g pl;tiase by 9' 11; has" t6filatlff g, pyaner6. 'iakng an�ono has paid twice. t I I 04 ,Usual question of `Pdre h ons -sur dr g#totdi CA6 ow 'leg*