The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-09, Page 8i N-M;V; 11 ii i � :q _._ _1 V 771 3121; 46; 42; of gAtA 7- J_ ­ sr, "V1 -x a wi xxv ;'Now'', im.;4', mo . .... . . .. ... .. - ... ..... . J1 Q lio. 30N. NJ bl� 41 V iv - WN T C :m k f NIP t '111 " 4 _'. I ARIP _0 W A r Ot !�,ff 4iction, �qd W", Y *,vice, I ft -44 1h. N, wAek,'AIi,':T`, "'t b, W69 10 yu � si" st"Pe 14�lvqr sr � ` , I 11'�, ; xi "'. . 1i fo ,;.' 1, ' Hefiry, MeQe ',,A spent i: f R - _.4 D, P wo In vravrx an -T -A 4". ....... .... ... 4 oq dt - Sithday,:' "Y -ACK 1*'UT, �quglu WU upp� �10'01#04.v Is .. ....... ....... F.04xth. th, lon ii1lei-, of th, u �*6ro �.v 0 Ielkllri $PiOa T A t ft 14 5' It, V"M bure W �Oqple:_ W, LM 0114 Thq J#qq u or Q to�m- UP Jq young�, h pin er-II, -.annUA :%�ftHvi �", I, _, 14, "� :1 , " '' '* * F A P , b P *0 terk J`, ­ v �.,Al�grjo An. e o e 'I�11-RAVIt T4 f q, ,41ulp 0 in At .044014�nt was qp� OTC: 1004 the.: o n U _1k: 00 'his t#'repor Im d' P -t At� f t 41ros yt �e Ch W Ab o. -ptate 91 t !#M, in which', -ii "with." t�lias.� 111100; e death day An :,tj ti.0 har#6 R t 0-416�pital. M S -7 c q, win am IF With "R' a 0, T go'AP -'Ad '41 ,U on Mlio -VorQ y ..,Webster of"Ti 91, 91PAP 4P( 11�lflt; " . , , . A, I h M .1'1,-; f 7, omw, -4 yiial`�*' " - R`,E IL 'NEW . ....... un V 9 U.- iVi -0 1' :of .these,-, ne,we4sloos..­,�_ e-to--iih ItIpo. people wiA ineiporie&. g e Loodon,' whOj �Oj. Be g de W ITC41 7. h IJ 4":iIt 'A TIT i4b iik�� kitQ B t iavee thp. SWERCIA... .AT 08 ffiald- of e:A th 0#11k A0F!w ere., s V"'I T, Add.,Y-ab I.u' , , - _4s ii We,,qk, p this 00f` dr, a Ave �0 wee , , ­- " 4.. � ,, ­ �nage on,'Sqnday. .he ,�,!Aistor an m Bptbour, t H -TIN, h �,jft.#T, N B arinc nd on SMOCK Ii st - , " .11-* 1 .. , - . I - , �h , -The .-T 0 'gapsts of the,�p �9 41 0�, -'s A M* V -61 A D - ANA.',Tlt TRIM,'. TAI Me &.10, AQ e 0 - ti�� , I' , h f' 'V', et P b r 4431 r y' service. at lixt ve, Ro 'rt Ba # in V spell; ­ Q f X, Perot y� M,4tO, obb -A ags; tot 'M rfi'6�4r aiO�40' num., 6i fro tlkij r6iirt atton'd cf�ett Chdr6h, in'tbe ht 01 0 h' ft 41 , .:.L,. _' �� OIOSL.,,� '. a b'' n144 0. oce ON_ to ilse,�value 0n&, i 'tej� viei.4 tipent funeig . 1 of :t 0­440;'Mrs, JOW-W Mony VViolix-Marbdur'of 6rgu e vice., "S S an& h 4_0 fb ".0f.;- th�. �i6k dh ild Ro dil the Rl�ldy ter. -Y X lip W�o'. de ti 'AivDdnidd, to irqu rq.�lqnt-a-,ver 4, V tat, It to Lk.b E',CE,:'IN. L TYLE. Si:i�' 1MT.;J-hs_ B10, r9m J a., c _ . , a. , u 0. , _ : ' ' I - I; iist 9 --,qv ri G, i A: Cb 2-5c -Se A ren d t TP F. :0, '10, pn .4 SOTEQ resen ;,e. -TeV eL 2 3, L. SPECIAL' AT 1_4 annIikl, Suhinierpii 0 �rh etbig- stittite will, bi-. beld'- on, p.0 An' the, 79. �,Jpen E OROVE ial and the Piesbyte�ry he!d H VU W� Q W s In ROL ;Fr? St. and aili day ''ding -is -spe . 1, adv, , : . , , , . .0 Al ''MeDwarmi' Weil anee4 for t e4 at J of: Sandrinolidin 'willtbe See Tues eti tieter- ­ Chi ati2 Rxi;npier.s 'E" �X St, Chure, esyp 'war the 0 'Clat the. MI. DDRRU,"G; Y Tit -D WICEL IMMN A�D NVELL Size 2, 4 C G. Air of ye4r. r& p the. speaker the. inenibu of:. St Di C lqg�ate from. the W.U.S.: ..1 LOP d`9 W tute 'w[II be guests. ts 4n -!,I) *uguRtine Insti Mis. ei . Rober Writ Ort T Zhm was. the� lay 'At the annual ineeting, of the, Wo sistii - Mrs,'.,, . 9 7 of last, week. d�ieggaj-p from e, n en -0 't�, held .1tast week,"Aho of Rij7) gard 'the VreIsbytery. Buf� thq B s In'stitit �A" ere e ec e I ki is Olive ThonIpsoxi v-1 I on 'Bro ILL HIRT Prep,; M Ut Vicli ok. of visitor who took n InA Boys. Khaka BI 1, t a, ed-a,-fe�* ("er and the V J. Milleri 4r. of giTjle�j 'Ane Tig' offi�cers Alt' s I the days wi: i 4-,s Mv, -1�14AVY_ s B U. it ga organ lies -disp Him:ry M Mio. A. McKenzie - .2nd Vite4�-MVS.i erings -t bm.': AT, Thom- -See Y.' reas,-Mrs..R. 1L.M11 a.ri,ihi-,ter -to little t -T arm on the 12th" Cw� to 'Mr.. Choo§i!i, hisi4 �'Phillit) Atidit6r' _Mr � I � " - s T rd he�'�qa �avehad�sev�e'� s clmve Hill. f -,Mrg­Rel*vi-n­,0sb%rne and! "n 6' get v s.- D.. Todd. Mrs; 'd iiot -setirfi t Mi an 's -Lon P W, L _Jer id .071 Oy, Qdilfe'a, D i3triet Sunday. fA'k. It can, never, be f:io er 'HEAVY KHA 'DUC. -Cu'pF.- Bbtfom. 'SPEPIAL Re* --M "d. an 4msy -thift- :n inber h-1 r�s Miis."A visited, st West on Jean tee gob A , I, I e- Annive: h. spent,, Wbq -ga dird�:�ar� go high the K, Ms -.Ramitge P pmrnft Miss. Ge n �Itbe! -th nt erian,, ft� Spoq, . e ines MIME VISICIS 1. LVLAAAwA, Mr. and. lrollocK VISILe ,§U v;dL I ; . - 0.,!.% g,i wh cbanz�on, Mod - d' en Rdv�, : ' - utra at Mrs 'Ada I in Rdftle's of C Ark s, rer- -amdtdexq - da''Ond 'the' llkielk­ then sq A s, X. M an bl, M -A, JohnVcQdillin�, Mig Y I prs -,?�y a 41 S. th i,t6_ ..G Asserr Jaiiii6W'..w o is, i a . r:. 'of kother Migi G.' �-S-tew"art* rs -fa ff.';afid ..so; little" known. But InoTe g here I e,,-sp6eciil.,spe'ake'r., 'pa It ,inany�- riend Mrs. Md& - , ob Weetng oftii'i, -.0 -deftd-tp ste*pS V tken, ]a,' -V, undbLy emer A with G.IovM Hose �4rly,jreeovery. Mr.. Win. Fis er, t 'W 'T e ere Rem hi b h 'May ed for� t e, b -or Lin&lrie om 11"70111t oh, a. And Ica, eck on. Afr-s-.-Seqor a a :t b -salary wa �raukht A.frie d b' k when, 'G arn on, Tues ay? n is ne w o -wall -S inc urpose.1 re ati gh iii, the; I *ve�­ ip* V4( 0 oun ty Otvep� 6n' Sundayi. idwich'and' NVI-biTter th igpie th is. u ual now -A c hui6h, e rest -of the -world w4l" out " Mr.'Ball, ing to.,a. it Aast Wedue"s" r% called on Purple Ul e. e are amen-, nr 7,' 0 ing c T I and girthj0diltrol., Thby were -Grove School �.pday. J)rought di- now.' * . � 6 thoiights Th �points, and pr s- were 'The - two �uppOrm st ythree ines hi pior t stift featuire at the rollbig te� ininds -of women bef re: ih n , e, -birth AlfroA $4T. - b Presbyte:�ian SeUVI e �Afiqjsh- 'suitable for thiis'pastoratd.: now. �S. N 4, West alk ok' is beir t Marks The'Zion League' 11�0'ktiv as we, I 'week -lit su Monday' ifig Weatherhead st ne dr 'a nd Mill O� , ed L., -1;oxnj --Ali cEavl& pres id top. 6 which' Andrew pretonted 'the y ............... -I"p -drk G. Ulf- was' an' interesting pne'_,wh hooks, and 11 s. NNk6 . ............ ler 924.:; 'N.', W Mr. Brown e eathirlii-Ad- 866, X T h 6 t - pav an. ad&yu FE R 7. 1 Ll 'te� Z T.h6ni'819: 802. of., a "soft ball team'for this spring er ve 'leading Brands ssible.-Marks 939-J. Forster nsida. and is to'ht o w�i 1�tro4uced d (Re,t6rfitdrer Aa) 976- F. I&Quillin 849'.-: Ni MeDonal..� dratii)n.­ , han (lan -get. yo 'eict Strhday -are as.. Morrison 59&6 The., servjees 'ita k"' Posav�s All Crn'stubbleand tollows;- Zion in.the-:W.o�rting a., 7�5 Swan t io-.45 supp Y. at%y 4&y.-� "anu osiibleu, �-aiks lak not lng.�t.o Slgn,. 140: the Afternoor .,a*pd B h- mu8t.be..Cther*p1oWed,u dr�-- e Mi In' g. D Pjr.­!PossibIe'M4 ks.540�-P. urn-� in. the ikked up an4. WY�td be- evenin you -get. the good or siib .',(;.'-We erhead 4652y' M 7- f6tethe 20th.of '-Purvis 458-:, H. 6 Aepqnald 452-.. G. At ROOD... ...... . OR --R-' Woods 283. MGINM Q W4, 1 HOLY ctor o ordei--�- Aitchi6n' d G. S Robert -Alphabetic . I X. A and Mrs, Melvip Irwip an. it Go ench. Fpspe Air. rd -R Webb.' Mrs. _Y19 cDonald,: J6 Pr r. and A. tfe daughter' Doris,.: Al INo. Ave. a-tt. 19. d -Mrs.- In- -Tynoall Robinson, Mr. aii ke a a er- To e dd,,'. Tq . acber. sign and Mr. and M r D d Rob �atawjposh'foi A rij S�nday visitors at Mr., Hoaf S.S.. so P. inson. 9.21 -if Stratford a Fiftb: M*, At 'h John iroran 3 Florence C61 C61 -d' Iss . ari�n 'Rodgins i'Bu Your Spritig Cuat Now Cranifton '73. week �nd at tier hon4 spent. the , -urdoh 84. Bethany IV -Willie P y a n* fiWure $r-.4411-Jiatin Pardon 84., -end Coldi. Control, thp.rem iskO 0 dee i&nt, tile week you SIX. Miss Double. tIllister 77;- Ila 1_4tobprt, MeA -at Wroketer. at her bohie weat r now w us ound n viddi Fowler 69, . Joe or Elwood Mr. aan only 0 g able he 'is ith' John Ros.' who.,has been :A. Fowler 56i Erne patient dt the-Wing-hain Hospitt ma Jr. IL�Vxeelltnt-Heler% FQwler, L 'iat t. Durn-.,n 46. and'y6u 'ill *ant something- 6 ft fo' the t a use, at tbe 4fiffi�rm peeds tArch past month. -eu t6 Lo n igl�f y da' 's' ahe ndo A ad. as tak Helen Durnin'. Hospital. on Saturday. Trwx. care"free. refrierat. I T, We hopV' to sots roki4n. ES, you cammdk Foran. Fafr-Nor- ow hear , of iniprovmOnt. ..Pr.-Good­Le0. pi4t 'a �rigid- Mr. and Mrs.' Gossil of Ripley were Y99colder than cold,,!' 0ow Asmall deposit sn� P�ran. In a at Mr. Charlie C or grani'6, regulate, the time re;.. , aire' in your, h6me. 6morrowi �_Harold Irwin.. Fait -Sunday 01sit g. _�Roy..Vpwl er., of Aver. att. 15.2. Rev. and, Mrsi Fulton Irwin'' d id fieezie SmVing No. ou'roll 16. When itis delivered yoO iefri quite yqu Can: ration - wor "Sized ice cubes now' nes re . vef,. Gladys A. H JCentr.alia- were guests of_Mt. & Mrsi, -odgins. Almer AckerVs on esaa menace Y, eeze all s t worries ibout the Lena f re or s of salads unwh7olesome food. No worries Idiss Grant, A. N. and Miss sRobinson,, nu Ahd. be suTe of Eggs and' thiek in ainnul at Wfni,­ .,and deis6 rse tal, spent Tu ay you jxbout spoiled and wasted food. CHICKj ind., G tia;n. 14ogpi ead r, resultg.' NO ddiT iroin pure, b Mrs.' It war nson._ .6 worri ' a -but ic -N es bills d Rob e 8 red t a;V% trore3 Rocks and`S-, 0. White Leghoifis �or Mr. Lq Mrs, 'Eirl Ethel -Co- trol is,a r6mark* -so A . It 8imwlm, silo. ..Pedigreed o�nd,g. 0. "P-'ffla rries du servicin M 4 T e Cold n device''offored, exclti- a con4 _'Iso' liaVe JlleubA� head these pens. Large birels, hij e4;98 able new ur. Vrigidai,re irito 6f them. A Mrs. Ernest A:ekert. plug'Yo en . electric-- ouilet -aM let tors". Vroddems poultry supplie� Air. Ilarky Friodaire�.. It k.a vent the tit his homo Pf-DethallY. siv�ly. by Wpl -,ell vo� ehicks one, two threeor d at ril sik diff or6n -t go. four keok,% 61, lit prices.A. rite Sim, ple. di'SAI With t 4T phono. for what Vott Mr. nd Urs. Cathers'n.d ehildreft Msrtadie - and Alr. Dave ezing Speed.%,. To tegulate the -tit" you Mr. and � I ire -,,Get, tkislreWreeift book . - !fe were8wida . y nffeezlin t6mi)ekatures n:. the', We Want u 0 for -�nedv. Whi edh4ch Otit. itor to'se -elf te t .9 yours I'll 'Wingham- e�t Mr. Will -Eadie's. one Mr. Denzil Statter's'-of 0oten8-oH ''TWEEDS -4- FRENCH TWILLS raysy'au simp -he ce.t t e cold co�tr y ove just what ffi orne here.. at his h AN COATS 1* f ii T. ill add to Mr. lever to rght or e- da ih-ow, much it wi Polk'! g.A:Lg 4ro. Alxn'dr Ac S and CARAV Mr. 'and i wero 8ml- �n i thing e' and zes forluniors, Misses arid Wttfi im4ev Ce. gives you convenient housekeeping. We $it 900 fray�. out S. Mm Riehatd "Viot 'Gov- day n4 Iliott!S 'et new 8 'ing style. 9 e gidaire's, virantyoutogeehow''-sim tig white Le'hor , na that a c ete --coAtrol over Fn Ple, v ekim'dIit - Supe A Price for evqy Pocketbook.,,.-,- bl66A', te I stia id gg. 'to- 'Ch-solie. whyk- lamous It biin Aiad we.*,ifit 011 to ha d - for Whi and quA_iitit�ies' w6rt rdeent guests, $25100 to $41*00 0 oMce, P 6fournew- recipe book of- roien.- vi;it�*ehi & each" In. you nbw cn 5c. each" or,,more by dhekg too In OMMS SM L it a new automatic May, IS -each, liihti. 196 06-11. 10 'ie '900 - i4jids and des S it - w6dk Mr. and Mrs. P-,rn6gt'Aekert mdtor� c W 0 CXLJ �d �ko Toronto, 'On AV, ourdis ayroomand.,Aetitndw.. old Pallets $1. "ob, Also it civabt T. &wiat for ged, Jones of A GROUP -OF 1-0 I11rAt1ftIVVL Suis of., 1�141, FINEft or . PD1019. 'T S y A Mfg. W r All A, 'IT F., I - , if. , , 11 01111 -ft & ES V9- TO SgU TfigSk AT - ng of OWGINAL P tv Re, In am'I"I eg, orns c -di + of; ro'ar ad to ro da6fill Ab'6,Vb pti poft Urg, 'ik i -are, n' Id Pi -er,visfted on, o , i in W i n P, hil f, n Uomp -It E�L - . bur Rn' W. aroeil� ogs is iIA wta 9 Mitch,. -.11 equl IV file qu, osenmitt 91 AuN -Oht t0 - 2L _kAgL q