The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-09, Page 6- A 7 ....... . .... T Ward said.. lnlei *0 l, Aft . sk. brief eNanl�riition� gr oaatok a �r '4 until, af aov�, 400, 44 rX FIR N ivy, r; 0 to 010 tion, I r 491t, t arroughes, A , t1V B nd an.. Newsi FrJC0 slaqtf )U ada by the geric iold"I ELZ�ta�'Q_oddard'rgat_, giy A q04rtQQ'_ I tY to walf the arriol of the Aer4, cur a 1 Jaullt W ARPY, s'5 e noOl U C W VgRN004. 0� I the b�tle� 1 u Of A'Ta the Ap ill T�, in Ut -4 tu 'Appeareq -u main. with shoot R#ypor, * P s u �o t 'tale,, re "rougheg' pleto M pyror, waithe :nJoet ques io. �th .:11 6, 0, uUll', courige itin$, hii f4ligm ,$to P iABU tale p0emptQi4y, . '' , 1: � . - , . 'et, gdrt ''corIl for this a word; MA, YOU be' timewt plao Of" 4olidly founa Thi's is not, t rw, of pi'k d task all you i. Whid 'are: y0, Ioidiscovers, A grei GoU d e'Ot'og iA r bu t1e 'get 'here.!' �.and, the &tee a ritbetidal)V; -,The it i,y whht chodse an, bd6k Opens Mlnth said' 1VT soi. .4,01i -yes.. ft making it my ofesi �d- "N Tho body $ff tht of R-0 [Ave: you, vo lit&i to sayr 44 ort!' G6.ddard post. of' a Edd the- nuilie. 'illlt ':was, ll W.Jffi PVT. H 1� "der 3 Adil, hae 9; ou his, first- nowAilall, 4jt�re .b6m. of -mrs. V1 thatL '' '''i * "Four-TwC to ived-,.an Pinley or h OILY 6thei dy. gaze',, retorts, . 'a iteii nd Up eq, R )n SU, 1C -it � I 11 e asidle- Ibis -ot# f KAU - -for a mo ent and t 'ei rh ih .breathed le'a-kned doct6r. ith 4. ed leaving' Oke been -7- ­Vt7-7 no, a i -4- 1 . - . '�k' f affect.'otbe.�s iri a -fty. to", gna backed by the I)Ogbris 'corpse. an I*bl that he CO'll �4- T d AP attahied o to aL 00lie cqr in i3r I t CH: ER. I t I IF 'have the' rart pf, , � �ergen l ry. rec 0 10.gj biuihngii. tell 110 xiijitj DOARMS. c IXr St. xiould be� Sari ear. 'Ot Of tt D=ECTFW atea noveii e L b, Br,.. cornes In` from f -he bad'bel tal proven performance. ODAY Iked ard ''teirified. ' .0'1'vi ents "What do y6. Getting 0 Lat hdliv ll th er, Iki Xoreov -'mhttek what I mea.; b 't' i a',sbip andi WaTxcys Ili 4 lil Ezra 1 tzra,toddurd had followed e' u tily b chartdl O y� of'_ Doug AS,, Rayno-rL."I 'And t .01e, ve f =4.'energiesjo� thoisciince of ilutb,T. "It dGesift 'at dial What il Speaier. assistarl �and bis'beautiful daughter, PO L ML v,ening, on, tlie. upon. sea, ho; been, the sort r a gre IVr'a'f n U t Tal the ar Y e, -G6ddar,.O -friend'of Finley,.en n which. 6W�ejL A'�cjjj" neable ing,"liti would have risen rapiftio. the it might matte: 7ou - to watchilis Receiver perfectly gets, but to flnd'al� island � U sun,kooin at. Fl *be i -s d6be _;,flool the 4idn?t-A %7 of Tia scorident INteefive _aiid� Say, so I:b.Og the' tbe'seeii LL 6. I say and, therefore n6- Ms',lbrig Stifidi�gL�O*10r t;Ost�s V dorit fhirilkj did. Otheni he hA chosen the ministni as a car- h�ight n sOquioped w1w the a est tI na Police, 2er6 are. would have become Jr, n9thling.? I t amoull dibis. .Ho begins .,hatching would have.beis letic, Ccl designed. inkrill as an 'His insistence von ea( -this d' I mah"P'Adl in. ]hand., iSLIM�Al�, Jld 'did It"'a,0uses Miss eier the' #Ay, aid type Magi Aied for 4yni S. pt now a d mor on hiley 16trook -B t ditective' he was, liot, fOr especially. model. -i Fi .sweetheart : 4 Turner;, f,%efolrt,� c6ild iMt thd%lig* eminent d he',Pit;OhOd'�01 u 'd no. morej 6 ra stkositles,'.WiN� EVa L rner,- he would' 'have tho�gh liossessed.of thei rieces§ary-per. Nan Tog ess fill' his 6i: u'rd oed' bra "d rY wiie� Manty.; iaw YQJ1 Goddird.. t'hb: legal t,profession3 aytor!g nurse- -stands T qor',� Now dip -then-A _j..whispor to Oi ible a conscil radio,. lipx� , �"pp ur- een , Spoken of as a, -noted laj�Lye'i4. Or id:a of #r6ducing, tn% �ard. the stric spicacity, he had - had L, tr ning .9 Jd:'ll hen 'D�ctor Fraser, -the ioncelves the . e a, �to'l little Or nothing n ce is f'ronL$50 to $60 :,wffh_h6,rA0and still on tb bacill be' an 4, -h he -would tuoist, experience,%ind knew but fllf� mo rued 'less than you- would'hae xamine ca rs ppears in ,y ap 04; , I J,,evey P. y wai tu to pay 1.ceal,mate 6�,Ra'ygoj isn't, dej,&;L-he7 44Y U X or., b & Wor"k_Qr� d,le, gorse nt. N4nc ofliger-prijit. of"th"lid-:agge A e room except 4urse.Turnery -priced Rogers. The in'ate a ice., out (if 4tir 'the lowest t eir III ng -a t Struggles, tbis in- 7� ) the large livi .1B ties Console. i,6 io. hii, he dth ed int,4 the 006= S61t was really,owingraotO S. , tt 'bsS'r .b& rent.- ge, no 'i o�i � and seated,thernsOves.. A1610611111. evitable. Ape. (which, .0me, to to 'hJ4. de- . M appear-.. wayio.,hrs SnDit id the remarkable d" rro es Ar ) I air BU roL. h alls 'in-10y4p I th jbility' that., -he 06pp�d "toy Finley iietill .,of. chain �br6pdcastft the ' u W4 lb e of N#iq6y 'bu Ir 9; f ar fitr6l' Of the desire to sit by the Sid d 'and �asgun�fd con 4_112till a lula, �In 1�f ro .R, pip essor re- v; 't -b"'! I_90uraf- OVA entije,.situation.' ny­was- c ssed-the t -be Z.-_aS-any-!)Wner77' -irf---evettene' . ... 11; I I W4 'to'­ftrit-7, cienc ro in tho e ou-M.7gogerg is Te ends well, er..' 0 ithin Mattie.L w All' aie. d "the'. Thing cold ft, nad if , She, hwever, was o poin. idoalyear!roun radio- H 0, e a of tfie� di- and the'villai�s, pirates.wd` find �digtant,, 0 mariA that, Finley ULL L"P oa atfit background .Of a djtbj,Goddard',had'. ta g_to physician,, the, tuvned aside 'and began . _lk jhis'e�niplete R &6 o. -ro' tirl'tel y -&T*V- 'Sent wor q A Ily e, fw� ' local Goddard. DOW, Milsy, terms, if desired.,ri tll;s wild-eyed & v i-ouni _d -exan . r.and the, 0 jg1l, uispv4ed �of ine .0, ro t , hope -a fairiy dec�nt : detctie -is no deWer in your com- y A %V tbe,�, bad -sent," -he sai s1for this is not .ruiij?l wr,ije to The will,bo all - a.rrived. T H E L_0il]l 0 C6CKAfG\-- Th h a cased be eam -is 'Q.R S CANADIAN CORP. by. -------- Americ Ne -z,;. I.Ly ; p yz�feiah, am ''h he h�d ndeed," Goddaix - I I f J�j �wis the f AeiO, �e_d "VonlY,hol?� t", ors c'" Pr doet, rhvyly� been, called �T o' 71il Sf ?­ L . --pilhi�sheq it a suicide,"', 41 O'Soadivia, Ave �thero,had beer, little jilu�ss in the tbe.begi ining'of 'thq ceriti,rN for d tbei, dbm- oug many Because it Attac -n D rlas Raynor eI,Vby�?" cried NaP. household. alid -0 .9.. ., .. - . 1. " the �) �as of _,7 iddy about�his de0 iraiin-j, moneyed classes. tinie5 garl k--'. W ds to 9� 1 a -d- t b90 �kupoiet�ed and, 'he -60�jht advice fr m varlwl� Wil I . contumely, from,,: not,'7 .Goddard' saidi with 7 'RECOGNIZED! covered �beeb 'tot; &oth et 1, wish t might aye, ran'.as high, er. rea- y A pevyspaper FoF this., an ard rod a tir6r ii�byst4kii atio t try 'eln %yho found. a ritly has I b but 11 'notice of �he Engl!;.0,11 �06MOYO "As 'the �Iela�el and only x&e ht U nTeri it, myst ery ngh Str6et to the' "It's murder- thp roug purse with blo IeY in d ere Spoleri -by 3 'I P ,eq:u,"t.ed to'for- -i-ding public. -As.a QOci iol-vical "1113 T e wor q W WAS- sa She �,ed straight'. -at Nai,T, recognize .1 re 'A h los 'a mon ment. .48, 01. I e r the book is I ough"she �hid no-niore definit4 and tb *ard it �.to'. tb tr 9(Wre 'd ;novel it b, ffiring to' the e S rl y ai��ady Stinason & Co. Na -icy Rayn word, it 'was a faults. The makwitia'. o7f.-t:4e-%­ Boysi and C Over or Of the ralt iii,; Alberta ni She accused 'd the ages of 'to corripe[C hov ever� rc uces i 'aUL OppOrtU[RJ 01 cash- A aih : h ; husband-,. 'for 'its y 12 of er am -pus vait re., e of Ii +'IeL�nJT)�J -plac t I ,IZE'S., edr I D e coai,jef the rapid de7el- t1fkp to 7 N IVIDUAL out; interesting and, ucational con0st., --But Nancy didn't, �ho6t: hiin.," th ' es be r autfiorrh'as concunil .awarded in .each "Col J,rbl cash prizes will 'd,' �,,�an loolse 'resources, added, ail I uy opirient 'of ifs oil' 9a, th i6 L PV. ca stributed; in-additi :qui . ckly o - see the .b. old itbilt. of its unilque e i malting A.jotal of 728'prizits to be di I bps. dwre is one grand prize, of, $too Id for, the one con- t atze as �nd for the.e.. who ;sets out to *in came -as a 56 Tses: Is "S' "Ch ac n -sharp 'old; of j,t1ini San t 5., 1 . . -Put:1, r of -is its There arc no ol eusing as, eve-, gl`o t1le I ci testant whose work d ed the i _e Sri, prbn eyes..g] No fee or.-itim ban t-kplaij= the RUIC& �jaring..at her.' -ng to writ6 rather than by. see�_ 'felini Li "pired. Simply answer 'the 4�estions, below; "I dorVt, know wft�at, You. rlean,,'? She Mlrllard'j_�Ipirntnt for,00tigns. COWS. lent rse. , His charm �;ins , for 'it d leanifig back in her ve ft and carefully. L e Cock it li", having been -ey nd -her 1ut is all louder thin a sui a secure place in T foi over,46 yea I rs, I , v -chair she 'closed er So h es, a 'LiZy d period,seen the A sho aign, ot, The Patad er . . . 'i . . I I anult of yesterday becorne the'investors of to -day gorill then sh6w their bra�ery 'by' Bankers watched her ffectlo�-,ately, � broth there he" exists oil he bouitty of his hi" prizes *M be' anoftto ai boys "d girk the , wish Nan would go io her room," �fiying ac oss the odes. Dther,4 -by * ons,' millionaires and their wivis t direcil to You PAU p6tcutial. ;ny �;-6ts of the Years to conr- ville K Lt said; -wearing �usPeu Or er she can be,of.no with a pretended ntc-rest fi) , the, arts. en ­dS bave beaL selecto the. the.p6et returns flat- ounty 40, r4ceite brie Ut following uestio d for ti,is use torii$lft and when olicern E10i C For this bounty fijvt p thou ts - to. the dome Vather:- "See W�re, Bett�, I want contest WithL the � object Of directing, YbUi from wi investing Conceit,leads: his- downfall. "There -are -from the party. at a rea. v6sAbilitits �nd bcril to'be i derNed stf an'je conditini 'here. 1118b -to be driven frantic,t' tery. �,d r I 1. , a, I ght you, to come. The very beheficence, ol� low, future savings and to theidvantageg of investOg Yom Of f his 0strons sonable:.bour- nk he. is, indispensibIG e dec The Val 'Men -most 'peculiar conditions. Aliss mattle's c. V61C lared., with 'the been and women with and not leads him to thi ho o er course tranegresses jAected ftem. cXperierl inV XetFy� 'appiriess. He 100 money hen. you me she.can't zo t h' room, Or�'m�Slk man." ;Fithot,,'hQ` 'ab. and est I - I to. their 11 - t. He won t be thre-'.� kicked into ad decided ville; she milist be'quesEoed,wifh the surd, veof sed books, and, liter, h too far and flid's imielf :11" It. On the,, employment'of a resident dieti�- rest Of L US." gutter i d -the laughing Stock of he an N MAs Turn - was by no means No6lthstandfng the awfulness Of QUMT10 �S othe w orld, of fashion.' 'the first of th 'indeed, -sh6: was the oce" quite clear that 'The sents a brilliant, a6on, it. was 4 book pre looked forward: 'to, tbi Ou4 outill mdrelk the pre6ent incumbent, and was I-Viials. '.Niattie of Social condi- most blinding, pictun Wha; is the name of the: -.01del g H OF CONTEST IV CAL U117 already slated for -her, questiiOnihg not 'Witfiout relish. tion's' in' G'ermany at it time wlien that npo-. At laist, to her. satisfacti. , the, -thel"Oldest-Boad' House In Cnadasr patient. -y' Was ust bejinning� 'to 20AP 2. When was ebuntr rest doie� M '294. ]But, being "Present, and being a 'lice arrived. The otheft, too, felt 9 44! 10�: " c - L' CPU isih, 19 4stabi T' the, fruits'6f.si'balf entuil of induff atgest Office 'I)oetor Sax -to im e� certain aiiie of elief k ii ii, ni I -Entries r,;, later. w the first and I graduate nurse, avlann tlie iia,;ne of. 4 3. What is, trial And. political WISGOT11- 'ected'i - diately sp6ke to her professionally, (T -c ued.) ids every note of the -Social Scale, building, a stranger would.notice,upob�,'aidying o, be' onlin ull lifft'.-White pap own- 2 Uti u belle've In clubs j;�,. if 7iw_%1bIt.- W., 140 el She cime to him - ttembil ei3rje': "'bo Yj partrayi g as so er, sizeV X the now Union Station fd,ToroutoT, d seomed to idly on. her irigly, aid, a, he 'does the d Un 4k side bnly �ery iriveitot - who� purcliased. bonds d and. thel vitiatedl heet of - C6. ea toss trodden laboxer 'With in obvious' avej,sion to touching f6r,wom ',-Eaili Ites ilrind Ate -5 xecommi6ded - and -sold - -by U, - A an asten ts together, ved Intel at -and ill the,typ�,s that. coni "'I'd f Limited during the past, 4b Yeat�.rcm Coo, ad o aiiitocr -'. se, or even lookinr at the do b dy 'of falls." between. His'tr atrill of the arist'd and .3. ConteslSa I 1*Ul her late patio crats of cominclao is cilmost, tfic - "Oldest Doi nt�. _____.7_ IShot through the heart,!' the doc� c0i -age*; SM -11 5. Who was Aii fdup&, of, 11e fights with a bludgeorill with'a whitill lbw6 should be plainly ii* House in -C deytitt- 6. What I., _Hcad 0'9rkc't1f the "Oldest Bond toi. said, after, A by'lef inVestigati rapier and "wiel4s both with liand ;omer bUthe Oil Pal is the House in Canada" atibg effect. It.is not hard to under - "Who did.- it?!' 4 A ll OfAull Mullis wiblill To'this direct -question ffier4 was nsulted'Jupkers caued to, obtain, marks *A be.cre i# 20 7,i if youl investid $1 OW *at 3% intekest to be stand wliy the 1 2J of each ygr how much afisWeri Hiss Turner e6tripressed k1ted ol question. - MQ lid uitdid at the'm -the suppyession of�tfie woAG, ' . 0 be you have,it the cad of .20 Veml. t er nto ng t mailed and k' lips. J' a straight, uh9peaki 'Me 'Lana of Qdcliaigne I cat All tatties MW if you iii4ested-U060 at 6% Intercit'll (W line, wbile the, others presint,,,,who, rond'with profit and a4riiewtvit by addrem'd "Edu till Con" c/O 2.0 year' bow mi were huddled rOundsithe sides' of the ed IQ Cato ouni .it il end of tach t t in the' :Qcigl,PrO-. A. Samson & Co., . ...... ..... an�.one in ires e4 ad you have a; the end of, Z0 Years ? sun room, ga-4 �nly� gbasil rns or the dreunt- jr, Wonder' & Train t"A. o on. ., �Jenv 0 In -20 yars how much *sort would you receive ing-Ab6ks at the'dobtor. ree i abalid stances,leading to the' eat from An.ifive esi col c SA=t of $J,000 at 6% inver -he fageinatiori 6f.horro�, end of .each year than, you would Held 'by soi nient 4'the old ethical, 6ode, on tk back. Thisi IV to pounded at the Ineil in tbb presehcO e bad all romai vested at a% teceil nct'..N'91 be ca. It fjorn the iathe' amount i &.dead. . Goddurd'h adVisod., it, �you pu -by. 15-uy po- -compounded at -the end of'6A ye-im-T: ad X,XIUIT1S GA;NI IT," & ind the rest had. -it jertly obeyed,. t d, ionthit§ubjeCt,ah A wanted _7% H cocki,publishid'by IIi and livill, be 2 to if 'YOU had to Invest W how you gric Tout e Nancy, her hand -clasped in her Sonsi, the Contest Ire anto with absolute Of�y,, which pon4,'House would.you t" and lean -on, that, lirotheir's,.-was htalffe6ning in a long �konsuit I inning the tug toot 'V. 45 it. Clients of 6 -It uld 5ou do if,a, Nilattie sat,bolt up What vVd baby -boy­ chair, while Mai A. Sd=on,& Co., Limited know is' 7, It is agreed that ihc.P1izC witinit'k -y of Was left on your doo'ttep' in a basket. Of G. A. chin everything met propt suddenl -beco right,.- eagerly wat .9 Stftnsou Co:, JAilitid; that transpired. Jimiortance. beatin a tag aildrissed to yoursell'? A RECORD IS bp_TrER THA, N A PROMWs' 9 A - il 8.'G, A. Stirnsion A(Co. Lfinted, Pot 46 years every -boiid Iii r&ornmeaded Malcolm. Vin ey sat. with folded.. Jes ihe spirit of 'the ship Not such ati limpssible ituatiot. It has h4pened td.kh6tidinds of peo. to edquite4torti the atid'sold by U. A. Stimsoa at Co., Limited -m,,, inscrutable fade his' plenty of fun and hos. tesetve.tht light at a knil a cal I plIncipal who due.. M -15fthvi '�rorld,t.and- than 01 the Con- bas paid Interest, Inc gray eyes moving slowly fro Pta ty *hp% you, travel parent 0 m the &AA A ple In ifie, history 'ekceedink 20C. ll to -the living =,.is to lw=% rules of the Write i�short t"v.-not I words givillis "tim wm.�the: tit, bhs given, a spice 6f n*,Attryr to, many, this P d v1( AAihor-l) been comi with. rgue of maint..i.ini' ain, ' if the teitest, have your OP on 0 thousands more of book Od 911 �Witj Arid to wife and back iken, -d tfireeindopen ent both A 'gi scrutiny of the )ivid face 4). The decision $ail Anch Donaldsoull in no 6 t pkom h, Judga"seledied by tht4hWOrs Of 1Q. Al IT'S4011y'jO�gUff(� 1611k from tleu- cheap'iiersion. Guy. Pkockt ,absorb- '& Co., Limill Must be'cou- �Fot neatness and�wtitli And contdrted muscles ofRaynor Doc it last lifted - a puzzled ritis, nedfalgia, or' Iteadaches 'book throu Pobert ifiri in. ,,tudy 4i 'th�e'dev6rbpiont- of at 9 countenance t.ther group,of anxious and 'Sure, LitWi d Cor Boy afid intehigetrt' tot 8a on 't final. r4e 2'� V,. foistetl -'-upon and heh trought up �y a.el�rnmiin'aftd.b% 10. 6intwrit, iha�ks td A, 80rifi. Fbr 28 Y�M 'ento only., twitti on r spe�fitorii Vitt$ 301), �r any �sttantship if t the donveAtional story �of areotrat& conditions here tion -bag tetom- -Ulf - - - 1- I f, h 1h 41;ii iedical rok� we ;4421,gWils"A Juur Mots f th r10 _ � ------ dueted hews, anti ros (_y_J �7VRII Tore fo es, treal, (and G t)(1, p " chological t d, A heart Take it f6r c6ldsi it. h is a sou y 64, Had. Do Raft4k any . 'bee.) to lrehiiid, cot. All . di himbago, Gargle' it' gd6d boo that rot,:(I-er- ols� :�n tigM. gel fid PT10afid k ro Q I tI.i - - if 64ng tl% alit a. br a. GT 1hy6alt- air tonsitft -as io usea, Ttt P& .Y ItIn vieNV .61 th6 1-gdt thgt gbjne6ne ioday-bs gehtil SPIP 'hi A Chia it hd I W bl1�4, Vftdly �jdLefttffiea by 6; b9p S�ee d66t abo es, a novel 'nge. of irony Was a .:the tj i , , I "a & 0 0 leally bad," I y iffd, 646k yy OLD ognoug.h to aT4 ATIO T r G ind� the Y.0110mro n accident, 011-a -o.o Re ��Ss Atitt 'the mew' Won, sida" ghooting- frlg� nav A MOW a 80rie. r( '119, A r 'ye ci� .)�6 W 'Iliave .1 on m1MfrJqn(1 a f gill