The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-05-09, Page 17 7 ............ G, �14 AD I A"6 TIT44WISF. .. .... ..... D 0 W D�L W -COXN" out I. Th ire ANNUM -Mims e B*llea read, d to f lb: 4W, hear, the - Se he- QUALM( -AND �S'F,�R,VICIL�'; �00 ;b9me ,of Mrs -6, 'T#1A 'died th'Ore Q 6 R No A..... .... .. 9 P WH AI R110 4. JDUR'H W� -0114 -for t lifiderjoie- it o ep� I *%,-,� - 1 QMW MADE BRE E: NAT , AAwas tei 'TUbbisfi,,-J lo. ailon -for viri� int ttiat of S'ge he, Uqndo,� wo q care away Mrs Vft.,:,M in is w "-aj ue. lu� �ata' a 0, "was JA h)R�ble to fid - the,,: shock 4%* tO �the ft at,'�very. kid - n g., ro, ow The pherpt, BUTTER. t Xr'R as'DU1 af k be,!p from iyani b and' the Rail.' gI -w d ew, 'outsiato SPECIA as,.'.answore by, Min Va 64" LS tb iji% e �nt of fees fo eidity, terkq, Greenhi. T 0 come _W, �Pat6fit leather a Y. aw secret. �!ke, 9AR9' l; vir" Deck t T, Al., COOKIE 4qHOCOLA TIM OA t ii,by Of4he W 40 In,01tuti'di wq0k,,b iwl 'just aing wrongrutitil. one r.t. ivil U .4 0-0 wit Of the aitfvwtili lie, �COU h; ooioi�4 ev4ry -ileath,. R 13d, is con�' _4 -a ' " %1 eIA NGlRA*,% AK -of- he - n d Ought sex Ii id6a;'. 1, 1T, -B ERY The A�­, filid I I L n t C 00W a one number 9 w , q, re, s lightij, over iamato4 Pot Lil Just shipment Of, il�uoa. ir 'were ;,,n to� by :.bad, -be ior of ezat 8 and -6 'A �per cent �sFcprI4 wOrki hoots.made 'to Price majo: -tt-1 ',b o.#e# intern-, iaphioR01p: wedding which idta. r,,, . was wAiev ihe -ki Lit I to fA --th idier ai tr6 on d off0riid -Also �qw t eft 'Sbo Store. led to tI n krial,which,it is lexpe 0 a n Waq;- 'he ra sodio',eirges wa d St. llail6ld Agnew -w ,ftiortjiged on' - e4 in $44 e, s4 operation A" nd ihteie ts on-, seiz�nik os lebrat 6mou Mr. 3 c ed'�rill,�e -e b9 Epent some. t du at0-4 mOW on; ospItAlAs - At, -his it W K 0 4ii,, ­ . . .1. 9 1 -b fiin 'Is $849;,00. day e was but ears On' 'this ' A "' e4 farza and, Iii Personal JD'P,�.ioit H Ow-thi year. the hulo"t �.n ally ih�rs- Pailli (Anglican) Church,,Winghani, we h Apillil, ��7th. The rid n in healtk. �ki I here and sAmprpvi andi r a teftooil 04 An. k - raper on hand Id t who -an !Rporer y_ d 00t: as well of. -8 ige, -an Jim eerful h were aug to 'of Mr.' and. Milli -pn�,i er U Pridev 48 visits pal a"many b VP nil ull iiiWbf -1929 FI wira, d Al _,:ch WALL �PAPERr�A i "d d -wit -And- id UA_ Mra spen na Detroit. on, -S wll� ab Ewart Pev"A`n .4e, for iWq. .1'. also 1.b" -t 'bk' r T oft 1 or of bront-q. he Rev. ffim OUF on now. on S, am Agent and contrilitited 'day" w Mt.' Mrs. 'Matthew.. di ''0 for, leading 'job ith, - 7 amer. -plOsipg vocal sol And., Mrs. Robti.- Wellingt Sch er iatids T�e lit-MUlid- frolij tt Gra W . itur.ay, -illowas given, away . by hef, -'father. �6ri,, Decbrat;r�. Piiiiitei� iodd C R Q Thompson a,. readingi. hofh h Onaf- Ok W ic Tbq .1 t "d d. BOX 174. 'T'OrY,much eru'oyeF Xr&, ternobtal; a p#va e service She'WOi0'4`gRwn. 01 ry,sati fash- M6dk,, and :Mir. .'and wei* bein,� held I'vo eat over, 1o'm- -McDonsld'�AO , he, e tee e, 'alro lswa*libnlet, were Qk, t se:.�,ind : public sirvice in ionod with fiftild, dlz- And long, Week, in' 'with edtAon. , of to cefs which' FO 011er. lipper-heal, lon R SALEA'Stee -Land R Didtkolt to ki to -eiptifiol Office. a Ito 'A6 lbeil"AiniteA, Chnrch. The church 0 it gth v at -The. S 16p IV fillin i pd Mrs.; Al Ross. A. Resth oo pi ui4le. wap",Aliled �WH6 friendq' 6f. the fami Px en back g PO _rqt SOfL. OR, .7 1 3�3 N en I gei i"n T Sj# v n 1118MMOYS' ying he. 7 -fort + J% 6f wIll, ,pr eing present', JrOln';r ove her vei or, r9se. point T b 101i Ovai�! �m 40 for the� b hands. A. r ham; Blu&a et a Xcponalil; See real; -Thi 11ce caught, to. her head''4it tiny dance a�teill the Mifistriel .Show. ;. Mrs. e lid. . Dqngs(nnqb. in -plo: Clarke. m bocknow Town, -H I May l7th. R,. W C raw. dooduetW., :0*nge lireetors�l &0546 s torm4 train es and 'Johnstone; Mis.., Cassolls,. v.ilei-7.and:,,xefirTed feelingl!r,. to.. the the, She,,carriOd A sheaf Of'. cali 6rk_ Id - , , o as een wA Jac Iton, Mr 6rq ivory astilf. a , a Mr. Sid' Decker;Lwh'. b n rw,,, Mrs. king,- away of a: 'kind soll; IP qr 1 is. sudden ts, p ing in the A at ss uFae- It 04 1r, from a ni'lk by. ra. Toner Brodi far �eonditliii.::i bairg Apjiy, t67 hL .-M., acLe and s.. R.' Robertson. lid 'Ifickridihe. ome th W ti. She.. It Aes 0 - t0y At K izweO ' , District a. R. H., Thomp. om - -bit' in d4ende' would� 'b 9 tI s on Y Attendon ilig to *A: the briaels. I ti- She son., torment wai.,ma''de 'in Ripley ore hfrock of ce a --c an injury. to, his. arm Plaidst-Mrs. �T.' S:Ieid.'� 'Sidk issor. iii la and paving la Owmjtteej rs. .. oz. elte ed straw. - 6 t� '' * ' ' nd 'cemetery, whoro'-.th' Q.�. Mae- rge pic�tu� .4 d who,'.1lAs 6 Th'i Won a re. hat. Of br -ass n-th 0 -Lon itow Uzi On-, �ntract,;,.-niar-' d 'thi isted7i T HARVEY WEBB; 'R -i ice. - -Tor n, towlast' ve0k':An pukdhasoiil,��!rz.- T.-�.Si Wild, eaT�rg were fo in neigh-� gousin 0 the Xm, it. Rblile The. pall -b r er Voodison: 'Threshers, Steal�'. engmes ree o b f TO M R.ron 06*ing' the ceremony at: n th'' Fird�`truqk e . E will; Wis.- FC omTo. G. A.Nwton Aid M4.4 . Ag , or; rom hip 1�e now Oliver equipme L w. e 'Mur- drilffs,. in.'McQuOid, �Gilbe# c4arch 'a -rocep -ion was no Bark.; t held at thi dealer.. okinittise, ,.13 on.42. Luck h M, ok nd rk. re M -E. loo., Bito WPhorlest a 1116m of the''billide'i paientii, w ere E LE'A te.., Mrs, �Clfirko Mcb, 6n'.'. viell, G F; d Nixon. iind' aid, Xrz; - T.. S., eid and' Mrs. `W. C. :W.,.T. . oustb"n SA. oili, Oil - 9t6Vo+' (De- the. roomz were' 40R. L decoiat*d_ on466 JR ipre . sen I daughter. Wififiie. -were. - -At. Riploy qp list ta to:' dWith tU ipa. rO 1i%ii `Milk. Sl6patator; Peer a z and, Lud. t it�; be -bilk 4 Mt. Hamilton Va on snap dragons. Mr.:xq! Mrs. Van!- A is �he ..,Iat Itond ': 'atiend" ay eof. 'Van and --his' dallolit trict AnnuAl,.. Mrsil :,*urdii, :Mri., of.'Mr. Alexav*r Hamilton stone, Mi. Le Norman M Peiiecii s'Mrs. ic-olVed' aq]Keniie, a OF rs Cfaikto.' Mrs. it. ff.:, Thom pioiieer rl�Ofdeni, -of the. 2nd. condid.. Br�";7.re with 'the bride' ark. Can.' sion urOn, TOwnsimp, where he grew- and. Ad6groom. W.'C.4ohnsione and MtAi M b Or. to. NT he Fire.; Co' -T W htson & 10 Mablibod. He,purclia;ed th' -farm nit �OR �S RE mpany his .'�oog4t.! AuAl&zi,-Mrs.' ThOs. The � brido4n, groom... e FARM -,F ALE,, ve 11011 rit''bstfander.'the. pr9perty.At.. E Henderson.' Pl�os Old foint Comfort,' gtAsg-100 '2 millet; "nth M eptpt 1al homa:1te4d, and sYm trip lereii reni ef' Lucknow�Lpll - and thq,tcof'fier of t 6nty� of' Water Cam a e 'the moWni 4ho�p.. rewo,��, until out''Y'dars. Vi -i , -Levan-' a coat 6�u* Ybur tName ,pbell & Ro i Mrs. t-2 f t4fo ithow mo�iid'. - to y, -0 an ing. a .0. elil fen-cid. -A- I IN * , . - `8 'd �d'hf w Vp y U Of, s6h4 iolored.'kitten's "4 r or- t ­t*fAilffim ich Wresh -givei e c 1W after -wit far vver. a served, Twe -7, F 5-c eenit, vim r.rsome Gf 'our IA 'their re-' menti werli Tiars ig4�h . b a NT . . " , I � ": , I . faned 0'. match. On: w ; faughm frock A a rx r The Luekno' Women's ardid Miss, Emma', Donnelly :DRAGONS:' -or SALV S. flI reside. A NOTE 'h �them turn &-Levan wi GIANT '' FLUFFY,' RUFF1 Pecia 7-7r-7- Insiflu Mr. and Mr PETUNIAS 1�11r- our,' inlitanse THU Ise, wi Its' Aome: bak. A 11 hive,a­-sa OborJngJirqib.-T6� ' " "' * - ' Order your iojhOr�A'Chicks- foirMAy in and,,cAndy in wer* born ei children. Two boys 4in apq9. RSDAY., FRDA-Y-, PATURD 11 John kasing, No#h Ontari. Next Sun Day ght, ASiRS. o; sity 6 th �and 4une oelivity' NOW. Oar� day will -be Miy L At., . . 121�11:u 'All 14XISTACY, wilu, All aldett'-datigh- stialil- .,Store Oki Satuida- May lath line- av hi and arrsz!gew #RELL: & SON e, years t 'tzare niad is thelliarte Legborn (41b's, atid'ovet) fen e, diet fiv ago. Sur I L W SCHOOL we - ba, a grea v tqr Isabella o'.elock.,' UCkNO'; el'for rearing', via Gat our catilogu tinj qbservation:of. tho:*Lday by the are Idur.,daughters And plkiits oi WIDO . BOXES-' COMEDYI� WIDO, ionsi, "United, Chuich congigatioh,-atid: RANGING BASK re-filleir" .,brooding' iiiiiiuci* 1000 yardik Dimity a yard, iid,, by sonz Katherifne Florence Mar� -Elld IC 0 -Po e --Has the. Sunda Silidol g 4 n ral lige y Myrtle and: Ardbie,..There survivts- i. Hendrick'PoulftY,fArm, Han ver..Ofiti Coidr,'' gpi &_lqatu WHOLESALE WART BROS. Doiv,4N In'. 0­�uses_wortk 95d, �On':sa unive;sary ftmql�t oso.,one broth i�amilton on -'Posible.parks Honors 268 Pass� A Lor, 'Saturday The Maiktit-Hornell. BENMILLER 'NURSERIES AT 16 B WOOD 'FOR. S*Ll1 , . I - Wit N . I . 4ersary,. ger-. the par'ental 16inistfad- 7, i A ssidl anni Highl, succe, 2.0 -R. -4 dodericli ORL yard I vi -FTom his youth wa Mr., Harnilion a Hoqors�Jean Swan So$- Opr a Murdoch a We. will have a quantity of:Hard-li were. heldL� In 141'01MOV� Ph;*e' C#Io 295 -and'. Ein slab wood, ifor' We. 9f, Grig`Leifh:'.qf "Bank. -of Com- t6rian'Church last ZiAmd4y 'morni a sociated. ' 't chie'2.92: J 6.ollye;. 288: -Harriet wood wi -h -the Olivet. Methodist Rit and .$2.00. morde Hird'w6old- $3.00 1p d; Elm ng eir dot 00 and evening. 'hurch where anct Paterscin 268 staff, at -Blyth. ',a d G The chureh as filled, C he -a'wsisted in the hoif W it-Ity 276; Orl 'D 14eith. 4-V . .1,.. -A i;rr#nr%r Unti PASi-9tta Belle cDonald 9&9-'An';iim' 06 cord. , Okde'rz,�aken any, tim - ��go . . I . ... ., . I 444 kiskilis'Produce BM)c a i - livery when, nuiv. starts. The- Ludknow,'Vable Co. U4 visited, tht''ir-patents, Mr. and Mrs. -!W n. . i sz� pis nou, Mo d The. Rev; -T4 -D., Me-, n ay evening, he 'left. thet far m '.-Ho 'W�v for two: vol 261 na Filiblysoh 2 I.I.E yo Whitby9 (24-�4-�� J. H. Leltb on ei hail Cullough tof,Kinicardin" theino years a meTil ber of Huron Townthip Margaret Rie'22&- -Russell, Button 219 R&�ODDFIZLLOWS .Sunday.," A meeting of the Lady Bowl erswill held i the 'n totm6ll'Chamber: vp� ing sei. Acw o 13* U ay,o, WW - n the. le I -Oveuihg - th Rev. t.446 e I . I . . .. ­_ Cound ;ll Of a.inild mind theerful. toi6per Mr.' Merle J ohn -214:.. is Pearl - stbnr `MOW 'man'208. el 1�11'6d�folld�vs. t6fir wives lady, ggturdli� May, llth. in at* 8 O'clock P. moderator of the- denerAl Assim-bij," �Hgmrltoft *.as on friendly tdrms with. Zolow Past -Marjorie Atlwl 2:4.-C. . I .: . .46, cordi 411 . -frien hs. at 0 d and. kohoka vited to attend ; the 56th anffiveirsar - I I Members -a � ad nd. all L ie!g. int�risted 1 . . iV1 e acher. i1r.auchaniii!s ser- 4-s th Pre 'an. a� to had' few, if , II.Whom be,*met, And b ' Johnston i6l:,11elen ft�w4ll Jim' of � the Lucknow Lodgo�jp thb,'Io b Ai6j requested to be preselic lnow was of e*angolicaim nature ly. r' any enemies. "That be _y!O. high re,- Waid j0i 1)6nald&,Finla�son 142: 1. roo in, Friday e�enlng Wy 10 at The May, meeting., of the 1tieknow Willi lreqdleht allusions to the work agiLrded-,A[bout M`for,mer home. - wai 'the C. rmstrong,;,123. 8 0!6164.4 Visiting brethren, and e. bekab are 'Invited W.C.T.U. will be e Id h" ot t�O'hoine of in Northern India -*hire he had, seen f , many years -o serviop, Oeiiig thelrat own bi many neig4ois., who .6 uner leamo, iri's busy seasoh,to th f Jdniot' Class orn Posilble Marks. 2.50: on 181:, Pais' e.! 'Mrs. UiiiLareli, South Kinlood'Manse on T At 3-1 o'clock. �ursdsiy. May, Chr.1stian Miiii6ftor 'to commence e ereave N,edlese -to say the: 6 d family: 11so quested Each meniber 16 k6 to bring a work jimo the Bbiels, ft I ' ; i veiy back.: ksve� th' atbY of the comma e symp - 001. :H Flore ci�Drennen 239iLo- BOX., So -C�0NCJRRT-'. CIAL, AND frie rid. - I ward and,primitive -race." There was . . . . I 10 6�1 7 - uise Qr6er 936; (Mary Fisher'A .D4r-: I . . k. �plak, entitled "A'Pooi Married' l. '... -special, iYo''lin Macxinfi�nl 4' .,Calgary,- -I. . music by 1�e their morn 9 in and", evoiliq ANOTHER SPORT'ORGANIZATION 6thY lj�win)- - 2.27: Heleft McDonald J. K. Mex -e Him - '295-' n216 223: Helen iv ce, Man0p, Of ' be liftsented by F6rdy n . PeopJej in'. St i ffele:110 Hall,;. on Alta-' who was here � to 'aiten4 ibe, There w9s,6 very Iarge'gath I erihg :h1ear Lucknow h tshm heit 'ba�e brie a oe pit; 'which..'wi iifor 217: - Isobel Nie'llolion 215: Got - Frid evepi�c, Jday' lotW E xCelldfit V g funetal of b late is'fathir, the Afigus. M, ,qn ay evening -to Mr.:'Butih.; oiganiied j. club, hI be one -doni Mutiol Paterson, - Stewaid � All: music al t6lent, botween'. acts. A' Bpik 80cial. L folld*, the ola-yi Ladies a ar M cKinnon,,'hAs:.ret; ned to-tbeviest�', anAfi.'jp big eak � more particularly 6f. Of' th ��Ati4n. of 0 active sporb-organt n, ovi solo. 901: 'Ane. 11�r ell 202 n will r boxes ftiei Pr4c with eeds' for the! era. di ere tj Whi he is chlof of a' seition I . L - Work tbo Indian, m6sion field. in are. omple' the t Own . '0 eejjL Pres, t " .201 Jean Havens: & Ma rgaret q6 - Chidien's Ho " 'ek spital. Admission pi 'of the Let Depart*enti Ptribytierian Wi, M. S. Zia lines, A'Itotl;. Sec'y, A; Vic6,Pres. J11, Solkeld) l92:'.ZlVs I Twaml6y '187. 3sc and 16c. (9"5-q 0 COW W WkA ER . TH , The r6g0tilak meei.ing 6f 11he-wX.S. 'Treas.,, Jose0b w; Membership 'Agn� q_. I -_ 6, , 'Committee, P. McGal C. ' towaft, G. Pss§--7D4 Vid Ma lough 179-:,, J�adk nnen-165:. J.ean Wakd 1164: Jack Hill. After making'us all, believe -that waq, held on, May. ist. the - president' presiding. 'After - tile oppoi ng hymn , - 1'ii..T. Hjande'rson,,94 Eckert wa derson, 15,0. B low Pass -Sammy McQw0lin e Nonag; summer s just" around t wai -he corn6i,, -ihe weather -man, evideni�ytio6k.allo- J - the Stripture'lesson- lwas - taken fol' I owed by' Plriyer by the ftgajaefit. Donald Jo�nston JL30:' EvAyn Ta�,Ior Notice is hereby given'. tq.,�Ll giii. zqnA of the Villigq of Lucknow - .,to thetl 01ift, and the past w4ek. 'him ., Bible'dtudy,'was� -ably takow by Mrs. r- am in"TOwes at The Ma!ket] g 'urdoch. Hornelt-M 1128. . . I I . - and $now an a gave The later been d Ity, ni, Mrs. H. Alitchisq. cle�n. 6p thiir,, ptemises fibt� cold, . with - ra r ndilct 000i some frost At Pray0r- to%�W�i by A, duett th�p 'the 26th IfiAt. And -a nights,' 116;�e4or fbI by Mts. Ste* r even although a Aitchizoln vege4tion bad, mAd# J, lit reby�'giyoh that no- bail-PlAYIng. a. great.-stAkto_ gild some,ttees got out which, Weis 'Much dtijoVed. Mrs. R6 v4`11 be allow4d on the streets, and 1MV their bilds, no grOAllmisehi Dubtalindfi',90e, the re. A, nbri. p r sit taw gl'owth . hais port oil TO, :PU e son shall A Icycle 426n- of A X, do a 'hi donj yei, of ha' been. �DAVt the Pravincial" Pri's IRA HIC , S sid6walks bo6n* bytteriii THE: 15 of the villaite., - zAN SUPPL C YOU WITH BIC*, $T1tONG,­H,1pALTHY, Ai of standstill foe. soinf�.' IM91MLIV99Y AT Agne , *0 -. w- dl�rk, Ludknoi _Gme. arm Hamilton which *�i very jos ph Wjrk has be6n -held. no owitij. to -the' Aft�sidhg. - 1-hdarty 'Vote. of' thanks" 'S. C. WHITE LEOHORN CH ICKS, POWA *12' PEit YOICAL'L okIDEli§, RECEIVED AT. VRAAlt co other.. wa. -u ii.pt' ' ndition of thd groun -a od Id, n d gWien Mrs. Davidson, tor-iieh' ce hAt Cilia of ThA tfifigt '*kEk9 HkV61ti-CHICkS. WANTED WE WILL, Wise. seedin woul . solevid bad'ing,ly; MkO. 'D', 9 d haVe been. cloin, ild report. I b ARJ have 'be oint6d,dtsfii utorsl6i. THESE 'CHICKS -.AR,9 PROM'' n, M t6f, XT OF- 56%. _Mrj.,W1lso -Ra' ii ' and family' plieted'.' PatteTtilin, Ilk SWs , DrAm.11 The enlapp GIVE A, DISCdu -1i unison, ?,Avi �AYING"H&4 9 AND -14 GVARA 'T -ish to express gratildful thank. ulT we' have. reasoh'-to'he thankful' iftoefigg clotod, by,.Prayir Uckaow ond...wed-niti,, ofth telebA -Tagm TO. tho'kind".-ana "Jif Ahatt"t S4 _6 tTi or nkf -4 Aft -a 0030:Y Low, ste- 6 ilioi� fa --,&f -th.6, rate, fo leeft doo4w ion. 'J Itons: of this .'In a Tudiday ceint biv ft, I Luckn6w, Jr Q QU '*i h ay l4th Auipj�es Lue6ow 'eavementv afid '1109#6ft M at, the dine of their rc province To I h ftdles godI Olin ;Uld specisily Oell' old several' times &A 40 to z 00tir., &V of -TO THE PUA ;rinA�i PROVED �t#AT WHAT THE, d M i YOU it 'ON HA -GREAT' NFLUENCX� liad..Inore 4-han the: ugual wiftthot of WE'9 CHICKS Alit - t ;Atllkits: A SE 4'. iik "fl- AND PRODUid MOW cyclofies. a]6,A`*,4oiiii6bg,. *it '_­_ ...... %NNEU,tift, 1uqkfi,6* Oti "Wa'y ON THE 111 0 THE much PALT 'kOUS CHIC '9V itt" CaANC "IS9,rAft-T I(intail W64onst. Ingtitote,06 hold-. dliti�Aion 6i'llie oni-vt000ffy., 6ft R06 lit 11tu'e. I yk� I .. ty fig at the mwtpaperb ropfftd -it THEM WORT SAVk 1-0,11-RAULP W.Efts 'OV WORRY -nkk *,i. W, M � 9go; fO. anj. M qda -b RW b Age for 1i riitid7�4f& in, th6ir: Ml6ilth. ghtir 061kneliA a, Jay � I 11=1al, ", �_z; of. ft, "14- _R Not holne he priiAndiAl. gpezaldr, i goerai daw-y's Init an ob uni Th* .91 TO Y 6 Joblior hAttute, SUFFEY`­dV A- b or pgyffij thelf--, 961N.orifie Alivii",--ih- I ifid -1 6tifte'l "t tit, oll' CW will,. de -.,,An . llp�.; V da -1 i ,� P 01� 14thi 'T F41me tiddiess thi me It 0 .!,j jib A, meking, I dd 0 g W ne wov 9` This 'stottiti- tp�, �.06V ,14? Au itivittitl6ti Ii oxieliated to AB 116dooth . ay. a lath, Mh ow Adeftnts for 6'e, C610. d tt�o*' oklotior CILN 000 419h W4 0'" ­-e7­'WW7 71 R )',4.4� kz. W, �w Ilk, in, P7 N M, tq'.�