The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-25, Page 5II? IAPM 20',. . .. .. ....... . ... . ...... ... ...... ................ I� ... . ..... r. ...... uring, tin ol Tot twit SIR gr .41 n4 mi . Ags ubp t fo Ge i-aieral Steel Waarep, J Nu .,y 11AIV,.ma, T lend7i i t d ill frie n- Mont I ,,n,.,,r 44 ­ , I a .1, An ,, .r_ der. Aeve s P Ieian S,tdvQ wo� pr9mv Iith t4h_q exiOrall Cip made waNs- Oting 1928 ied to -the C. X It to tak.e- his place. re W pei at * A , ,g day iber of dWlidreu, ii, four Indr on Mari ',CCQ, Ing feature 't 1h -H t 11,91 .4. e Ae W a �i,� dlaxr�ng ch 22nd, 01� an A unt, 'of­graduall kott 00444- po reserves - - in, the, thr 37'3 44teitant The ExPress Jerinvii W. b was the singing of a new tune t P roared int-� St. Felic- his :sIg4t, -$heriff 0 thi -7. figii le lif hymn, `4J -esus; I am resting, P1 briv Virovinces c n the ext inQra.trg'and1.he and 204 'Roma ien at 30 PXomilen T '61 'tfie publ I0 'Im I0 b 0"by .��ress tOWL,ulr4,. goo, 0 _.docud ' ., entim'. �Stg,ody pro, m a cn§, daing ig,. 71d' po' nd range in �'s 0,atie f 00 -'for The titino, as, io 14u er of leg.41 a iiverai -an Ar. fl "96VU10rew not at _y., repork4, ,9%irgo. le ye 5h i p: b ri n'u,mber.' i)f - thil org,xills 'of the 'Hac�t Chia doptions. lay wAiting lor its''PiN.FrOki d of to'lts �'he he. been r d W Oese". 0 o bet iptilar as It ad. -.04 the, L I receiV( advancerag ,10efes, fQr over piad j!eme pi� h T%Vto� hoki�s., later P a ,th t e natives. i,arious get4vitiqs, C' ;Jlvesw ,t)ie in qxpectqd la4i$047-On. ii year,'b oy -'shrievaltv ab, AtS­06 viordi but the aAe.p. of unAn, in , Apri i4g 15.144t,mAde' tig-ptid--4465, Inet u W a In ,ease 0.4rriied _h a .$320Q A lbioAi Notwlkhstartding� *#v- Iiarents c Un. ic ania eur,. or U 144.44 �fra' e plain, e ,F t e of :S,t,: oli 'e:r 1t, wq pro iptly afor tbci: provjn�i:,Al I t ifferiad thiou6' in0em putative. fa,tAe 'r p t).i qr , Sup o fen_ -$110,201J was tappmn,-� e, t -'.yreathef, tl, d f , & hild .'Addjkt-� . ry mi -pin v te' total kil ai,n, port iv li h' kk� reAn NVrth i gao,d se:�'�, at. the' coo. -d. Ose,. A the. gain - g,ving e. from'.. Indfol !mz. In .00,: - a� iei�, noonda� i 'cookI6 hpasition iltl�e :iby Week. all P�repitri, �T Ifar W WAS -AiW by" PrIvA, e e tea quient, kpprox- ig af r a p c qp �; ima -,':,the' 6. the f mote a:rt h gift in iii"the'�, ar fu, urie. - ' 1 The svIce Hinter and! e'Tn t' th J- (the., 9, p 'hil Edn�spieii6us p A1 le was 'Month V c eques- issuedlo- i C w, e -i s ar#. v L of _dloc"�00. of 4c nVi Ad' -I. t 1,044 pilds tans e ie'r a he most re- -ty work,; Sti. AOT jtk v6pre 'also �eorid. in cxitfli6 F rr�dA6.'p �Iic e This is i ps' one (if t, 0 . 0. .11 Go ii hi h J ' ' T h ,e- Br C : K telv reaiei' im. t; ;y .Montreal 'IT, .0 raia�ngt i.nd h en & v t e to, ng Ae 1, 31 .Z on I., - %!qriesAn- the 'hisioriy-.9f eS.r ING RDIENTS mark� de 11 Ihik to,� recent., repoit�, Ofth avin ion an d ea'! I h �4i for 0t',7- p. .0414,.0A1r M&Ak. gokg M, Accord e d" has �axjse . a tv COP FIAWLIVIER 341AL,UiUrreft. IINkLonom C A Digrt ug�bouf il�:nt lildiian -A F of intere n 1 ni, A �kreat, North o6titifrk... -As to what ANALY I'ring. �i Iunee 'etilti -A 1N.16% FAT 6%.h ya ion .105,- t S. OP us -411 W1 � 11 T, rjwe.,-. 'it 'h It A 11liet OL 1114 �420110 6tal ng the �%past' a.' protecti.*ve iiien-! � Nhermen T akr�s of land,. avi d n 6 o, 000- eir ummer ing It A, e 'ever 'piesefit tho6ght ILLY QQ ;NlAN_t "POLF ;by* iireaking .6 ;000. nere§.,,Q.f .Re* lail(f -hd r4fari&irl '33 000- acres ndfi e 77q' "R x1g, o � young -itiiiibea, A RD . -, W­.� , g, this 1-C a- F 'Will 'thi'� sping: Are e The. mAj Ok part of fli 1.8 large cv.ea,ge -a is, �sowft to� grain Gaiening-is -be! unbe er' .1 I . -t '�t Hanvilton, 0 1i gfeat-, 'IS SatO vio,re geiietally - ptacticed residen: 106 is f Will hi� favorite,.trout streabi 'be L lover of outdoo�- sports.. -,ind'quite. a Or. 4Pd:0i-pd4,qes,, of tthe* reserves 1.)ioaa son4 e. fin P101C Strl�ped of. ks livatershed and dog fan6er, the do- whit�h -groWtn 'd' It ,po§Se iconle a, dried up..creek:,b�,l:11 'ha -fine), rapi sse of, vekeiables. bL ,I 7. a lately caiikht thi�;' publi� 7777�7 Ili: supbl. -Clogs moyies '6 , L94ic - Acid -to the fact Shat unusual I I . I . I I . I T 'UP'' n au'4iiner. --resort '6bably due -to thh perforiiian6.e of' 1ong4iv-ed'v­ita­rW 9Jn-th6Cq The. catttle ii�rds ok the ora'irie, ln� Wil-F-tho favorite ns are among tie.est Jil. Western 494KN t L pr be,"overcast by. - a, pall -.6f' sm&�'? Sow- - df , t -of. the �which dia S'Out destru rMeal, th Cinada 'due, Will' t6- fa.�,orfte . thl.0 I CdVi bact6ri-ifroiii the bo,Wel�, La t I t 4 , . . g retreat or ugh the' desi,re to on it '&,b . . . . . . ....... nd" he �aie hLAS: been,takei) by 61ficOrs f the 't the cov' r..i-Ad flie.wild �dog; came. up foi 'd1st.-us§i6n. Thi� U -b -be.s,.ripppd.'4­ q F jL11 AKAFS' HOE$ DIGGNG' FORKS: -GAR7 .01ancedt, Nburishnieiit �rhickgr.�ttres a. vigoroils' devel,qiprnent., Department in the ieleciidn 'of 'the' life it: Supports and protects ? 'ING which'in' most e t4 dOg-, WbO0 P01 -TV,ATO,.RS,.. EVjKftM- Chick 9tarter is fiffla4i:id'easily digested.' 'It. SaN;,es'' Areip, cas --Will there-�-be. hidditional 'mile kN S ES .1 TOOLS 60 a of krect nani� dog, ip In 1 fovfrom7 the. layis own money W� Ut it� kllo�Vin�L. g - canine FOR GAIRDEN. LAWN '.,iND. F�OWER�" RE 4 de Are 'bo 'cobi with'- th6 insth A, of the -*Ous�ndi'6 f 'chicks 'that W�L�. Id ord walf bbM- ift it Operie cie %aik -hi,i .afid 6ux'friend. in- S S%Weamt wbich'auie u� ew- a Se.thi'6'year. the forest, aieits? van,,ed the.' ��iM�n Alit more 10� f d a n inq1teat The- eids now' 4is act� h number* 22,500 head,- Aering 'Our new'tburistxcut�lhroit Ch ck of approximately 5,000' callves. Dur r Will Canada's pi�tenti. iest, a�a. o� then! '%Ver6 br'e"d and dist ibuied Ing 19N.-the,litillAils sold'beelf llaftle-, 'ame lvealth . b,e sbqckiogl d 4hrough6ut. the. dou' ntky �nd with the, SWndardMitUng Co.. - V deplete. Nor= -as . U approximate y $184;� h:.t.he forest V s� this'.year, IT) Toronto. cint, 000 and iL 6oni� atIbsequent crosi -breeding, it. ;would.' PA Dow Siri�" n addition they ' provided ? ni�t e long, Unti e had*.the. finest We ve red our Sunbeaur Chick stiit�r to t ousands otchickens' �iOf for' their own, reqik sheep- Martin Seu'Qiii"''i 6.0 'Ji ttr. ironlents val�, This isil. not,. a Illy friOnds'' Collection 'had ond'the chick vs ever, re- of 0 Floor Paint. year. with "the lenst ny�6rtjjlit $40 060'. I I . / . I f Plife.pa'nt' Se y welive f detitIdlied Past bi-4,tory o �re vears anwOrs very rapidly. We are more thaii nt6fieji. with sunbiam P0 ft�y: Feed& corded. Tille."police' do is a. slashef W 9 u Th h stzindiii .of the' Indiana' q eries n. the affirmative oodlac V the above.' u -3 .. . .... -and--eare" -seiress­ en,7 i - one of pi.ne, qc�asl 11. to be', a t.rea-. on v.,, one mid IL` 1� ory on e ioc er _th,6_Tesmol� whe , . M NoriuroodGnt; e ___q�a 'a I -8.e.notirr ick Hi6ufa 'IeqaLrA.I'­D' _ei, Dust, Frft . . . I V I shows duTing ne, su 4 -ninety per'eentof the ��shes of t1in-, ittle folks b to, grown�-'ups rurponttifM, 00 Lih� �'q jlne-nour. No vaor kn On to I F Umn of � 19�28L. First prize'.- for he'biis�. nwild life'niny -be- laid. YOU a�i wl�ll. He I . I . . I . ... .. . .. . . - I . . I I M:e ber' 8 s AP, -sunb" 'hi�k''$-Ii&rler �gVe; Bab� th4k i 81,fni. Of PteasinAr hades.. 6tedrs, Shoriborn �'bi�ed, 'and �Ar of r 016iie n1iike the �ilsxv'er hesO Police work but., as a pi�t 'and.'h6use p- '-in th ' lass� for,`Car oad. second' 'rize, e c I mlleiabco- voi. Wall'. Aud� 'iCi6ili-nit Dec D-ARD!,M �Ll �CO.-i. -OF CANADA, LT he is wron ly..I-o ted'.' Sensing d6l, 9 f S ne of .Meakins Illifiber Set Brus Le -a oany.. r 'in th ( a 'e, Of.'. ill is Fill I D' iott 'of three Oil r,)00 Ckinqdin forest fire ran- tHe. inehace e in're -ere ea iured byent '%I:ifhovt' yor'i 6)one jr. Qp6b-ec,. Saint J(ihn, Hatifa b4ed, w ie % rQm� of do-, the,-governivent of Aus p nreserves. --ink 'on Vol., rqlia whi'� the qre Q] -in, 'recent year-, As only it h been 6r the sea�on_of. 192 Urge Scale. li,as forbiOdc-, 't at 1 ndianq 'have shown. I h it lively in In'lli'drtation, thes.0, A R th�'fire. year noinis­to the For- n. 6W. B teiest in'' cat u eS In. Open rth of, -d 0 I L . ck tie t't succes� Danzej-60,? any ur er i 17 ,�4 t t I N., Lq., % R F!- 11 OF' 111AR1191F N at Fiie e dogs. Thd tarmers of ' Cnada �voul dom,pettions, And tlie good return —0-01 q reco- ized: the I L -IL X erds -ba�e'reqnited' -in'' R-�_FTNL I;o do if they A. SON� fr eir n('01 L1, W I 11 I -N -d &-BA' 1, . A om th d11EAV1f.-.-DAMAGE TO danger'to t , eir. iTl('iea4,ti?W_ .the"�fteiitlbn g;von RR & WOVEN, ND. CIII, DAM 'AT W.ALKERTON ereaisipg. poplilAyUk 6f this. pai*ti -hern' CA11t,'OF" -IrEM I. FNT J t! S . T �ha,-;6 .,6f� agric T -ii Nort lar'' sp,ecies ol anx . ne nf i66 -k step.0 k�R I V E 1), UY RECENT PCOOD skatcheih and 1. Ole AIbei1W:, and in Sal r. Thk.Sr ii'e-1 ;4 tabled Man;tofia tho' eattlb or, to,curb -theeir'numve �pti , in shed,shq tgr§ u r- 1,j kot,- pets' but- 'just- tile rig t and fee, 'liay d I C, fact that Ahe am 9 t size h --.W'alk. t6i tPar .1 eep to in a .., feW t '4,� a 'and 6rton' Eleet� min s.,)f the vrio4e, large ah "n sil� .10, I It. ing the,. int6i nionthsI, which' -hiilIQ aVOve the power . plant,,ot th.4 11 of �h: , ­ ic li,-ht Co ll�s becin ut�-,' iind tre ..RA -E GUELPH , I ay . . . . .0 , PORTEOUS 4uan, . own! must be,­.*cut'ehch, summer Pdrt.ly . destroyed by the -, soweeping. t issue the,'�heques 4. Er ve, ' been reen fe.,:Id u .. . h.i - ns f. awav re- W, ,.taining %,k -.R . w 'h-' we, -e pas -oar -70 of fifty. fi�et i)i t he ��nient 6f qh6eb whiciv hi Phone' 66 ucknio surance D ring t f y. -000'tO hil� n6 leSs t Wed. oi killkd 'b.v .&gi, tike - tinsqoT. NA ':wa� - for 'use. f V. elqgr� a e cut stacked 11 ' hain e i: C,4 feed ty.feet of tie fine dain' has Ino'lis ed, tht th'r6� too during" �he �Winter season. k wash lit$ 'vbder�eatb, fil 11 '-I'muttOn hounds in tlio,� coun, idly re- leen sun,,, a Y heavy-hor-ses aie.rqo b I , . tr h llriii b�vhi 1iA 'ft o -be well A.dviqed to do. d h . e , r heafing, her4a 1% -ihe'ln., big o y.'We wuld 'th6 �Onv tvre miding 'er withwA run -ifig r he. risk of further- of rly all of the' ning 1p sufferiA 91 er a one 9 I.,dians the West, Neo. . I 4 f�s III [,� 0.000.. it , Whelf ans. . nienace. 'tc Aider -fariring. Tndi own. fine wrk,hol logs ieatwa4 wiId'eineSS,L,rhdi1i%ni' develob a sil D'e'rior' -bk�nd which-ther e a g;R t e Redmen, 50 V A a -,- . .. .. .. L . . '4 'a 0 their dani bv,the recent. flood: t , Aiffer tit praiiie. ie erves, :,There 04 t ' i "' f n- d, e pony :. v a result 'of.. ihe.!�Nv 'wa r vo, ))U . T� NNPN Gallagher 'learned berbal s6crets anL are. abo'llt 5�000 of th pe ilip. desftuftibn Of. se -6--t.he vithie' of - over, seqlIent 'Dr- s�'H` b I H compounded Gal I era er a - ouse;- the lop a hold, Remedies %is 'famous, Kidney N,.�ere.: solLd razif-tbe- varioii- laige-'a portion. of thin dair, -al 'Case lii'.�.disposod of 'ff, 910(1001 nerty and'iiprae ice in ­haale)PO_j�ftauy �6 'an erer res��r%-'P,q, dimini, Jhe , seasmi Of '1928 olart h.1, tinable�,tn operate for esidelital �ro,' & . . . , - Dungannon and vionity, to r.r. VogeS frord gumausta. b More -iti+erest iq slqo -,howniti week: And -the 'fenuired, cur over a This, fi'ne, tim6�proved rem6dyj, dra;vrii rent - -WO �rton qnd.' be- de6end- of Toronto, Who Will assuAiie his'Ldut-. rt:. poultr- . On -l' niv-. . 6t. les,, Dr. and Mrs. fr6ih the heart of Nature, - heals and. " the. 'Case cleanses kidneys. Quickl stops ack amohe ths' lv(lian,,op eiii. ties fis, bepn, 'coniinO .. on ''Mav" ist, i over the ranimii%%Jon line fron, Wili reniiin-hete 611 about-th 24th -irio Prov.in. r�s6r'ves in the. fli e 'Pir of M�V, when it is'expected ihey-.will I ache, ditziness atid other xja�giq kidnby pas �i W�qt an4 the'effott SOUthaTrPtOn, where their n9w'di0sey aA( ilments I., .. . . .. I bladder id Try itl For ll �-60`incr i1xiliary eir ,or I�L offiejgl�: in eiiirge of, en nlo�­ fn 'Nronto to rfmd6 with t1i of the g qq , mi sale Slauteen 'son by 0A0 ;V* .,,Benson, and' daughter, Miss Eth- Ind6n, Affftirs, are reflacied' in:', the tO the, small lant of the A. `E.'Mtki6; iticknow. ov a Ir' venerAl advonee-061it., 6creasGr , int, Light and Power. Conioa:n I)r. Ca,,4e has be!en+ a practic'- 7 of 'veiy phase �Jqee'is Ing showi -in c, Wm -k atronah-bici the dan hysician-here for upwards 0 i be fbrty-fiv( g our f.- agiicult!Lr --t are Ineaid at - hi—sketm Home 0Q6sts, I .0.1,veO �,p I&O !. years., and, expres-' V tnrest i'' t, many., in BuRdin "Y being. pot un( er .0 ------ C 'N.1 5K LUCK346W and W1X4HA1q- I n-o,n— tirempnt, whichLtis occasfonede bV ill� --functiopilir ai_nmin., -%li 100 to- S - No mor 'A d e to the, iai1v ri-p$s, -t at 0 health. I . SU.NkMARY OD_ POOVI-No CHJLDREN'S AID REPOR�T , neirotationg betw"n he FoshAy inT By sped ying G) �Piioc,wAboaid you Monamental. Work, I . . I . I 1. . erests aLnd the- Pow- i CREWE WaJisi" r.. 6 ni of 10ntari' d e4clent fire birfier" Lacknow. Oni. - . 11 : .� q, , . er nre iinion an : iqefligs' rs' H., 'T. Edwards, suerinten� ith fhe u'l.' Mrs. John Kilpatrick 0ent few ed as -being .nrder� -.Arnr % I ' -1 Society d. s last iVeek with yet ihi-v st comp Has' the largest and mo. ti -nip sim of,t.1he ltter,t(i tRkb ovey. aY ost is no p2o ;ipd 6frtn' dent -ior thi dhildrefi's kid frieiids at''Bel' in.. Huro - bounty,' has. received from grave. biaterials that give no 4reprotem otu&. ilk he ingst 4eautiful deigigus` all. the intr-sts of, fb.,� Anl:eriqar on 'Whateier. 6. Provificial -Sup n- to qhooae from Mr. j. .' Keb eri t 01,ld. j in coneern in Coimtv; Mi., H. J. Blake who jis' been er-. ate od r Mr and teiident, a summarypf the thirkv'fif- lously.1411 -6 improving.- Sw' * ish and Can- th annual ieport of:the Society.- This be con4l' mp&nt here of which 'th-it he -�4sitedjne adian, Gra0iteii gives th'e; following, inforffiatio n hidn't as'vei bi�en notified bv head- an The,r 1e sire' fty-five Chlden4., Aid any . q . tic ion� '"ti at Belkrave.on.St nday. We m&64 iipeiciafty'-of Fa 'thAt" b tie-atat u or So-ieties in Ontario .-with a paid offi- in "q A.Iniri Make tvas-'bome Ifilionumints. and invite yp !nape#?-. were progress.-HerlA Times - "I i- � from P""*" cial devoting'all"'his time'to- the wofk i-Det�roit for tfie we4k-end, in 46 c6tinty 'or ffistrict. I rllifort a no STEkL' RA AVIO bweriptl6no Neatly.' 6iefully and The - hildreh"9 Aid Broneb deal,- 8, BY 3C.-Cathorin�s, is visiting he C f 14. J., Blgkf,. Wih nejtlLlcted�and dependent child- ks. ar Por., S�16 BY. r"'!"-ptly rponie*. PRESTON ent ONT. 1lin,ng 'Vis. Mena 'I' visiting. pri Aid Soc,ietle�,- lndust� Away up in'the Que ,dis' rV a On -ial aWards'in L ren. Children's 'Woa, Muirdie & Sbin' 696- an liqfore. placing, your order. tri tiles, north of Veli6e ucknow: tio Toronto upeevision'. of ct, 350 n St. r DetrML 'of child- the nuiizer'of foster homes, ega adoption a. n0w. mine discov- Mit Ethel 'Finnigan sbp-nt a, fe w Rae &'Porttdus� Luckno*' -Ont. Douala@ brft,' A. Spotton 4, ren., care, nd protection .of childidil. rea t n his, liorror that he hfid a fine days, �iec'ently "with - filiciVls "in 'Dun- _PhLcint 4 Plione,256 of unmarried- pit camp,buf tio'.cbok stove,'to feed'hiF g� , nnon. 7 air _,.*ard_q I. hung.rX new r'rexv 6tilunit.,�-A ur.. __Q ations.. are illLjulL�* -per -Wifi-g swing.. ..4 WALKERTON,'� iss who lihs bi-en' h;ld., I matron -of the Bitice Couhtv. C qlielt,-r -for -the pa. -t even rs has,res.igned the psitio; "d. . . ......... pries n it i's .%aid I, e, entera ne*.. §pere of.jife. Mr. A. E. PonnId-,. Verod- his cofi-nection %vith .'fh*e De.- 'I 0aftnient �f' Agri6ulture. Instea4of. 'continuing' *0 time -and and stook i�aising he hq. branchin Out I 0 h; t, life il'Isuran,ce. Mr. Dor�atd w�o hh.4 assistant -irult-tifal Repre IV I �nfat c 4h Countv. with hi6ire, for "TO119 tcCOR-,WCK 09EIIING TRI411 E POWr.,R, TRAL in, the' dvicharg -of Ms� aiitiesI -.and .0 .6�wards of�. tXo, yeark. efficienf AN R. N 4 nonuln - fth '�l . 0111 i ii�i .1 wh he came 'S 014 E V RTICA-1:' CYL IN A L' E P1, *' F0 cd*act,�, A�p�rentiv believe p there, is, a i*renter flold"in th e VE IN HEAD 11 A V,.9, 40 NW, CLOS R , tbd . taff of th e Insullare, tpioduct for. ll�ving'iOiiiipd 0 everg rp ry 'doil Life. He -�k NG '111'STON N.6 r..ACII, IlISTO'N` HAR 1,'O U It CO NI Peac e Surface S S . I . �. I .. ''. , Lon will. m P, his head- �erq in Walk�rfonI S6N It 'fAXE CRAN K 0. iNGS. TOP, EING tit Y I T A 1�t 00 'OLtUM: ' " X(� 110.0 % PURE - WASLI-Ita NEU. . 4 REAVi'DU 9 A lINT % . V UN 0 CAU,.T SELIXUATH' A,041) fww 0 r HE rxc S 111"'O rl -1 . a �. . , . 1f1W N 9 ES -JR, q ,,, 1, q g y CK. THES I T pain 17. IN .1 I.. fAll t bi ....... 4A thie, Paisley doe- THESE- 111A.CTOR, 0 ek,. Ao_,tt_:i14kU0�,i,4 4�9 h, It; to he !'Ouia ro 'iv I. - .1 . %P t,efng tOrmy i1h its A an, b"t RAE a RTE Zk lqn- nd 4, , nj on e fho" how len h9vA ftOnie Agripp-d'th.rit' gent Lucknow, ft'ig a tho, hits vlbv� V#6tiod_ A I U NINFAM Idit hot ho 04.4; .. . .......