The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-25, Page 4• • :4. • • • ,P410, S _ u dishe , .every, Thursday mornafiI at Luci9aow, ',Ontarito, A; Mac . enzle, P;opetor y andt't • THV71RSUAY. QRfl ,25 1929 r0i4c ging" by leU.era a%,,s0400which .hve kv sl�.Yi j+er bide''. ace mon y,:,.0 •'y0.u14 inc cU absently 44Ya '17.,;4`17, :But the curly eatlta i1i A '.tae .rum runnier"fm • caloau. `u +ea " iiui. appear; ..to; . excite • i,1nen sympathy., end toe, average Weaa-..nenaveu clt��4n will i'eei that lie uesarved ai ; : that ne "appears tq..;e a`tlevare.tiu daring. tetlow,, for•.. he was five years 'in aha, ;rui�i=raiin►rig Ausaiess Gexore tieing;.: caught. wiazn calieci''upon ,to ,stop.ur have his vessel sitnu� ne,.,rufd toe, S� ,euptain'to ,tiree .ptieau, :anal tie •.re ..fused. ',to, su rendei `untii his 'ship, 'went: down.+ ulte. evidentuy he expec-r. to! nave :one government of t;ann' Ada anti' tiritai , back' nun' up iu watat he. was. doing.. . u , • AP* `A• tnuniicipal pi.olkts in, a snail Cot. orado town ,recently broke Own. The .pian in t1iarge. „wh9 .was also town.. constable,, superintebiient' .of the wa terworks .and (when •cot otherwise engaged), street -cleaning department was •at: a lossto know Oat. to do': !Ari•expect from outside wa: called to- 'Xie tei4,,T,,elle- look at the ,broken cloy!!! ecmipMent ' tapped it la a:lei-thin° place 'With haMme'r ‘"Auld told, th man inj charge. to st'art the plant z The,expert's 'bill wag $250., When the tovin . council asked him to "tenure lesion With an estimate of c000.1.0 to be 75 -eubic feet per Second... ,equiv- ,alont to, NO h.."1:0. BY 4icreasing the poo-dage4ed- flooding- V)00--acrest-, con; proxiTrately. 140 iThis' Would cost 4050,91)0t. or equal; to $00 per hp, AS the total pO.kaihie:deVelOP.Moni,-ig 'below the, leouiremenis Goderla.'''':'4, abine, the ,-project is ,•impOssibla; for ' 40- addition to this : hued be added. the falfillineet of 'the 'contract pmg, 244W -hamper, ' $1.4 7-14..h" the IlVdre . Electric Commissien 'Where ito tap., 4249,- • • the ;Present' saPPly qf • power. " Only a few dairs left to learn the points of Plymouth during Your chance to find *It for • w *Cores of YoUrfriendo neithbOreihaie; learned -- e decided 'difference between, e- know that fifteen ',Minutes Oriiivinec *of/ that Plymotith-la not only different in the big ObOious itsgssgs. but different abom the little • .N0 913:LIGATION. We are eager to have fail realize the many outstanding ailiantages. of the PlYmOuth. Come Sad* drive the par-iVik for yourself hOw .and why it eieets. There not the Crime: in today! We know you „will -recognize Plymouth is a full-size car, not a i tisiniature --in point of iize .and seating space it trvershadovvs every other offer at this price. . We know you will recognize Cbrysler-like style and manner, and richness and dignity 'not to be .ind so safe with wearnerprOof— hYdraulic brakes. • We could pack this Whole page full . 4141,0114000,., follOwed 'brief drive' wilt tell ' the storY far, mOre graphically?: That's.: the.reniOn for •PlyMonth `1,earn4be-D4fferesice" fortnight of thig opportunity. lp learn :the alt. inclusive StiPeriorttY ,.of :.Plymouth • • ,tbat-• -11°.811wh- ht the found in other low-priced cars. aid of driv- Performance, dePendob i and • Germaiiy'S ;plain refused the othe.r Ilief the wit!. ended- tee •ii (ler- pay, each Year and decide es to the number '9; -yeara 'she: will -pay, wo den% .see ,,yihy not quit u -alto 'esherrincla4hiS.4s7:-iv, 'nat. do 'so •witheat..incurring ,heayier loss. ,endi greater .putustimeut • some, Other .. way, in "fact -tee tiernian representa- ' down the, conditions' upon Winch - welt, to,' say that the ,IforrOnoi Ow' war .sheidd not lest one Minnie longer.. tam . abSOintely nedissary, and' the' whole': tiViiiied Worid7re owed when the Jilbt 'SOUL was ,One it maY nave 'ttk .ba• done. over 444114' and 1.,here is ne saying • what. may -.happen before' tile war deb* ill#•si end •in another. 'war the .war..aeln; 'busineas, Was settled pear to 'Stay settled becatie •Gerinany saYs what Mie Win do,, and on and • Other War lequipmenti. but What of that.Wheri she can•build aeroplanes and inanujeeture• •peison gas: The' 'next war net, fenight with the old tools anyway: The Shells 'Will:be'. Poison. ilia Shells • and they will, be' earried aeropuinea 'instead et 1r". tied ,to pay end_ a' Gernlmi army' eountry mita payment Was Made; There was no. siTuseciaent • Before the Great. War the.German used AO boast .that: they' wotild take tea times as '.mlich from the French, Ihe next time... And, nobody doubts :that they would, had fhe war gone' as they =expected if Wouid go. •• :. It now Ionia very much 'as though •the.Allies.,Will before :lopg be paying tbeir own debts While goLting nothing from :GerMany.. Either :that Or. fiig,ht 'Germany .over again. The jiiii,Wiret'ublelvith Abe ffirVof... If the vacuum cleaner :iS ti). give .1*e•iiitai who.: insists on. to -clay :she. refuses, to att bite. the good service, the dust hag must be usually gets a few stiff -lefts. • • Nov Let ils,Demonstratel Its Perfarmance , This unseett quality of materials, worlcinanship and design; . reitals itself in ,performance. • Set your standards mot: Fix firmly in yoUr mind the details of power, acceleration, tomforti ease of, handling and quietness' • Whickyou have always wanted in a motor ear., • Then come in and let ui prove to yois the. suprente leadership thit Now Cit. Let us Show you why today the Ford has ,beconit the' standard for judging performance of iutbinobilog. . ;Arrange now tor a.denroa.siiatioa that at One tnae tea wee epiciirean luxury, and sold at from ten tO tWen- -ty-iive,sinilingi 4i pound:, Neverthe- less, ea late es the mid-Victorian ero a tea caddy filled "with .4 pound' of tea was a very handsome present; •in the eighteenth century tea-drink- pestime; and ,Synney Smith, in "Lady notion," s‘• hionicurs," .quotes her as • "Thank God .fer tea What would the world do without tea -how did • It was the' culitorn then to keep tea -in hindsome tea caddies. I a ,re - „writ 'article le the. "LOndon” Daily. Express", Sent to the Salada Tea account if(' given of the origin and importence • of the tea caddy. invariably:- beautiful in its proper-. to find ,two tea. 'caddies 'alike: The prettieSt and•-niest••• aerating were Made between 1775' and 1801. At first they' were made of mahoganyler satinwood, inlaid. with other' choice woods, and stimetimes painted' with, flotvers dr scrolls. Later en they were made Of lacquer, of tortoiSeshell; of- silVer, or 0 -ivory, ,and gold • and Mother-of-pearl, and with bqders of torteiseshelleaddies •fit for Xing, known the blessing of tea Some of the ,finetit cabiaet makers o'f the 'per. plewhit4, exorcised- their talents to Betides these trasurea. some* Were 'made Of neatly-ent strew werki• laid in geometrleal patterns, over a Weed-. ea box,' for* stich OATEIW' work was a 'hobby of the day. Some stand on lit- tle' feet, some have a tiny handle on the lid, and all have -dainty keYholes. The word "eaddr demo from a .Chinese Word, "eatty,"'. meaning A Parcel of tea: weighing ebolit one. Wind and for so the 'Chin - lot -AS ofig4ilat-piirtke;---The 1-dreat Britain, Out Tolisils-aaoe them. !Ars. Sybil's. • Throats.; AbtiohjfilP 0414404 VgRYBODY -knows the Out- standing, Chevrolet. offers Six. • ..cylinder performance and smoeitht priced car in the' world,- which prp., , . new Bodies by Fisher.' But only those who have driven the Outstanding Chevrolet can-..appre. - ciate those' other evidences of Quality at Low Cost with which it abounds: , 8,o we urge riu to try out this sensational ,car in your own way and giades of,ypur own choosing. Conic in and let us show you a few of the, highlights. e.13-slse MAKING OUT THE INCOME TAX Print youi name and addreei. here, Malting ail the Teasel's clear; Street and city? Province? ,tdounty? Bo• rn in QIITOila were yOul (See page • and Item ti..) Ate- ,you. living? (Item 4); • State just Why and undersecire;, State yeur loss by storm • or .fire; NOte..your lefts to charity , 'if you can't ,quite figure that Drew the numbers few a hat; _ Are You married? Yes or r.ov And relate wha told you So; .4. With her through the fiscal yees? If not. giVe six reasons why • And subtract. or Multiply . Items 2 and 8- sind4 -Add irto- time of daY: Statq hoW'ofd you think yon 'are= And the Mileage of your car; Prom tbrs total (Schedule c) :Bead yonr :gas'. meter and then Multiply by' Section IA; On" line the total .write • Pearling "from the leftto right; Pill ill Schedules A ;and .8 . Take-yoar pulte and add 'it to Latest figures on "flu"; (Page 8, Seetion 23); :116- w divide" bY Schedule .I"; Till yon art NapOleOri; r• And reot)lt what Einstein -said; GEO. S1VIITH- lucknow, Ont. • PRODLICT OP GENERAL MOTORS OF CANAbA; LIMI1TEO 140* frOM "one otitt auto Mate And •IiddifV2 Di all iiianey4 : that you spent' • Paid the blank and. send it in *room let a Fo-v lino fir. mine to'. kid% Hthise Cleaning Neois'sities WHICH WE :HAVE IN STK& atEASONALE."PRICES. STEP LADDEItS-.:SCRUB PAMS-SCRUB BRUSHES -MOP _STAIR' TREADS --DUSTING MOPS --OIL TREATED MOPS - &CEDAR OIL AND LEMON OIL. l'HE IDEAL VARNISH STAIN Fulf. WOOD WORK FLOORS AND otk..;:l'ERITCT WALL PINISH.-4rE HAVE. IT •IN ALL COLORS niAT intlEs BARB. IN fool 'HOURg FOR WOOD WORK 'THE UTILITY, ENAMEIP DRIES 'WARD' IN FOUR 'HOURS -1::I1-E7S-I.I.: 'L'IM.E; --.---L 4i1j• F: litgll : -:'."i'. : C":"I eating umbhiland tectric •