The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-11, Page 84 4 ff IFRIUN 11 '1i1�!1"';_V191A Mt 01, T "i, W,,` 07!, T­,tN N. I M N, A 1� 4W ir i V, N, R R ON F1,11 AT 7 7®r, T "AIN, "I .. V5, V A .."k 07 Q A k L 7 ji, 4. 0., Ov'w"I, a Q � 4 r� rio! id" in int ot, d bn so*,Ot Obato. Le 1C d 'by�. . . .. ...... . gi Ffed' M 0. M..*,s. jas., 11ougia hote q ill 'y JF le of: to V 0d in �Cofnnfftteo to dis�ussl iors �wjth­hlr ek�,es iding And 4 x r T fi e. �%egk Wilt]. c nIlio -Miller a 'h Wb H he ffor d I Mri corded R�q d t"fravel, h' eveik During T, v , % i 1.11.,. Lh., I. - Helcii mot-' d ;.q. and ro., Blue �'And' up front. Do -Mr., �Plu arehts e!-, p Afr uIllili "and, .'19d d' aIlia t mental, dUet., -Rev.- mr, n Q llihor".gavq: 4: SAW; - George Wilkoi, lk r Mr qs were ri Ch Eh' a%w ae777 to witif 4n# Wr H W "'S an_ Mr.; Phillip;,., AAfter t od t gave 'a Vocti �A e �,ur6n 1Prk-slliyte1rj �Aift, er lle-,in h* 1119 0.9, pre Begged ctift the par- a ut'.Clintcii neiw�p;% 'upq, be lei its vir I ciiii we c6py, of , r�r. A 1 " ; . .1 1 . .. r, , � �4hea logs, -xy in a rager. and- n -Mr. W� L ea . ch"Mrs- H, K d t STOR,E ne befterequipe. reve 'line h,_'_n.nm Id pact y d' _o it�olt we .e and dre*-­64 iho� sto *ritigggea little aug tet,. r4 nd originality_o: s f all t ? nembers. -�biftr t6duremeftt -in, th a Woe V1 liters ith Krill.ger's rnoth The -meitl m* voted'avehe of t.e. Of"We 19 Te 13 or Mrs. Gillies an( t tr dative ok the'"Whit � I - I t e es" are to I Cl&hs i'sid Linl6l' -yet. NeXt �best here. Xr� Kwart 114cPherson w eil the on, M o,.q for a t Rr09, Ala h responsible for FZ day e srtChrch .7 Unite4 RU 'lie ieg tion work Vb a me'ebi)ng of tbe "St- C agole,atn icco4n.t 4A civa .,tbere' size Church,. t on ay event klird lith Al he -7, 'A unaer way P. S4 t -e Hil oWe i Was bel iTit6rest44 hre requeee. -,to and his' brdel�- Wh ek, Ahe grain a u on th" 6 you numb on rs :ivas�ian o, Uk. Andrew., G ggi� odn, �h 4adi in.. Tho� hi' d -Pro, AS D oIth, on! 47, 'e Uni- forinlerl)r Miss Tillie -91 ood ietw ral .-think 6f -OUR, ST 10 E Mr., Aid, y -of Cana, being e$s Asbfie d, -took: plac e. whose, 'marriage w Ai, -the addr riled, frorn' a� sh ; 04r ;which.. rgeon later choot. rst JF- at honeylgircion on Monday. ur S ek of Floor �Coveringa F See., 0 d-ex-tend­b4%iw=wi Work slowly #el �ng.� A-0 0 -of rm, a4d o peoples -C , 4 lito, one, u i ftw also gave a�.short ASHEI%D1 UNTED., CHU C Jon. t" Mr .:,C SW ;ire mar - circumstances :Which forces a to ..thorn �both�.for� a 1ofig appy "JL 01-10 e vaqed d at uc a I S. NiiNvton--gavo an OT -R Addrod' and orga. ertie 4eledtloni Mias.'AG We,have-lost t6.our I h -Chur� Flackett, a solo indthe Scrip-'. ven cc thik week, one of our comely diiigh- es te din'g was, taken b F - I - ts, -Miss Tillie Shorwoo0i..�,the y ungI a y ran' to ure Apion. _—FOUR T Sherwo6ii-b6cirne the.,bAde. -of.. Mr bRCH, of Wosi, *ji'wanosb Vt its dangerously ill' -havin The -a UP, Andr Y W 6f 'this. p. 1% ECH 846iiement of :tb S iw Q�auggt April f th SU a ensed, in Luckno where e q rpke dip!) -the ha�pv coup, a are o t' The ateeting 6 e'. of paralysil be Ill 'ROL IT off V -per w t re 'ipapt -the 14aister' vaOatieij. with,.her' was held- in -A illd'.31 sIAIpx,.Wae tei.,' o Saliba tdbk place' at't e. hi 0hurbla Wdilinesillay'! A ch f Vinnifr4d Ed spoh Uniteit Ch gib�t th' �side. ;The wedding h r morning. P Mips rrier t a fi�v urch e, at- 11 Veldd Saturday afternoon' isteir r$. McKenzie return with �!on ed t Apifl.'3 i4th th side Parsonage 'Pre ,v WAk4tdia'woi6 Suggda� vi�itolzs' e , s in T r Sei IC. days, last:wo,,'p.k fri na k am.''Prepa on- Aril �6; the :Rev. A., W.'Brown oft- S also o ni cha�go. tb,and - r� at 8 oc, oc iiitigig.. Oil .'-the preceding T nshio�:;Mall rAttend6d. the ,Ak jR , I wsdaj.eV� ice on k orf the 9x-Norr alit . cis'in -th Ott Rev. I McL ien'ef. South. kinlobs :Teiiing tho�:�ierfibeis ok -the c6rigieja- 6' fig6efing,'-was eiietied -by sing- ron. 'is prepar e )1orgn Th A. ing '.,'to Rip ey. 'ing .4 -fr ve hymn,199.''Th get- are keadi tiori -6f Rackettli �hureh ieiidi e 1pt Amo oil- to tis'farin no* ng� h ke 'Xisses Barbara an at a' Hao a. pre�#iitation a gatK�red the br'd raiA it stoy'raii 'have, pp�- Oth4i eir e ng nd mg ..q 61it order Land-, b Miss -A. Mk6jtia�'. then -led in. prayer. - r. Ei"r V .,Olasa-��aek Quriah entertaifidd,a-f0w o their, riend$ last.,, Tbank-offering"Me til J;6cia-1 time d inI , � teloohonOs Of 1W ApAi Thankolfe'ring, meetin 0 an Easter.. me ith'.'an addkeSS., � Misi, Sheiwo'dL rvenxggg� Of tfie, Wokneii! 9: S ai if yinn 223 g..An s_ ragnbuuL, S'J 4 6;0 56 numN—ar of ojes d Thursdki *e Missionary! gleidty plefidid - services to 'Churph, Supday� ' 19 1V Mary,-Clarw 7.6; Joan, And- 'iho� 'sige "Chrilat Is,Riaen?1.*iiS read by, .,-Mr. Win. Hawthorne.of Brantford: of'tho United Church: was h�ild, Tuesea­ �School' -Ir and Loagu Ve- it -will be a before . w r thdi e Well hile y4t ne ulbo;t .73:,'Xeit. 'the los's -that. - ft �eig6� 14.. beat VQL be -It a -sisters M -ter%oo he home of Dr. Mrr., . Grahami 6r4 12, D4 1#� V1 g rs. Kerr and w hiy'af ailed .'aid oik,, 1 conip.leted Mrs.'D hatgg�, Mika n sit sall AeO mentioned. Newton. Presid6t In the chAir..AftlDr, in r*_Wathers�xvr C' b _117 itia-d The presens'niade --w-hi:77.0e—. rST, anap e singing yng -191 a a gave. Fy on- the 'fourth this wee V aLvery interesting k Mr. Rok XacGee'ngade a business the. Sbrlpfuo� lesson. Mrs ma�calrina; kft6hen. billet, a f trile aTio 'a ibb, BIS e K oher �61d 6& lead in prjjyer.� The minutes. were read. 7egit glass'baa et. I have re,,, ta on India. Mrs: A..�M;ftcuod'read ho.th to' Teron:'to last o�k-. k The following teacher 1 M" gidorsoa 5g'IL JIM 'd �fith Bla n�A Curran; rs. IIenry and ad90t0d.'.'Thv'Treasi1ver gave tied, to. their, resp ere p: rc UFA 57 Alwa, 52 MT-' each and M- he eative. se oo is. a.paper, issionakya in lred by Mrs."Andrew aily, that' fill tighter Lois 'of ft- on' Sand" evenI,' MislS Dean McLood to 130LOR rt. It ted a -large - comp ed.' the , g v-e.a very inia was.incii a , live�' V. MacDonald 'also ' a it Rev, �ster "Twig.L. d& Detroit Aw t. atL the e and irletiV'the- �weOkoend at the home Of serve -tea to the, aindr and S6n t9ligg-, ing larL Th, L 9 *lid" Mrs. ex, MdKen W*X.S. rch, at Hacke 'McIv r t res in 's'. A. Hugbes-sa g- 8 B r ;6c. by Mrs. Chu a - pageant' by tho, loi Robb u;r.ple' �Grciver.,, Frances t paper. - Mr n -gpen un y aGeraid, Culberfi er am d 13 -held. the'latteipart of. oil's dii -a.,- of tho'Hackett Charch,-on.'7110i Un- Li "A-ead'; Evelyn Lock4art, 'Grey a beautiful Solo '"Tije Irb-1 Witli The heV"'motbor Mr A.p Richard,: Curran: Phyllis Wake- H lirle-y Phil. quet to be a -address of - 'Elk rACn,�Iggion.11 Ay Miss Qlad�ys Garton N "ting at--ril. Mrs. Andriw &ve'.La reading on "shadowed Cross" and th .6x. B, ragn 220 was.,sung Easter in the''ben, . ;,,Mr�, agga ll�r-"hoggle' here, h . Blake A pleasant event wAsL-.,s.pezkt -'at and, the. meeting 4:1osed tvlth arrilon 'a Russel A Voilgi, i MS.L ap 9 Thoughts. Mrp. R. Rblicirtsen the kiv.. Mr. Whii0floI& wire xgueb fia i6ding on "He IS RisinW preciattd. the mugic. by,t e In- e' etiogi,—.8eek. MJ!.� d'eclig tli6 Iticiiii of Mt. ifid Mrs.' A. I& 4i �e 'uinloaded a 6r' -very interestiln" and Zion helpers des' i ;ns V1 NO.. elk 23. Ave.� #tt 22: -Kennedy IwXes s0eqlal Olive A;2irs of re ay Craw'jave a; tv 9 reliort —0-0-07-- Efhpi Fertilzei, on ue'sd 1heBitinch Co entien..Mrs. Eliner mention. tyro, when' 6 nuinbe*_of on of 1 T We, aril to hear, of 'the' ser-- CHARGE FOR tEf- �b RVTbkS Mr. tid' oill. Ack4rt favored the' indipthig with a v.1gi4'neighb'0r%.met- togetilter 'and CU rN 'tea and' sC Ii lous illnes's of one of our good'ladieF, 1b T ere recent visito -a stipted'them - ith a el9k' -BABY CHIC -Its lfli�ni utiful ablo.''Mrs. J�hggatdgg lbadin: i aticin. r M x Ste- *rS'i ayer. 'The, meeting, was. brought to of ',the l3lake coln N'D,'9ftO -OP--and re- thera, 40AS. 'stiyrcT e ry.tabli. A%,�Iose`by singing hymn' at the hong of ra As L epcor - - . —0-0-0 The griat �Sir Arthur"Carrey. libo t ditin VIM pq_!�g do" May H�atcb -her son in Hasdx. last the Lord yer in, qntsori. ed Chibk�aixed Rocks. pe9ting s'Pra action �of a year ako'.1s,'recalled b* F-dks and Chickens 4tieh,9nkieWbut* wor( MADE' EASY, LIVING. BUT— Alge . reported -Settlement 6f Mr. Filink from, k, m' tfie laddoi'he. was 8d" Single C�ontb White -Leghorns .16 -wook carsed COMO - Piesbyte4int-'Guild *it,. eceived rit'Stin-diliv that she. wxF lippid! and"hie, fell -the floor,.. -each.. Hatehine­ eggs I r Guild Reg-Ots. clalin , for lorg �reiil.'Alirgl oBABY -CHICKS and HATCHING ejular. ineetinj of thi -�a lfffl-'better gal services "V5 h i "Jolly Pea He, S'Uff I drt Q 9 e�c 136GS. from ay Barred' was held, on, Nondi Yotirsy Peoble�q SociefV of the rl'! Siagii!.oy died at De- gilgiinot Pe d tery painful- bruisesafid J * Above Pki6�s ' Ore.. 'for ptird'bred-fo; I -aid wis the ft 11.11.,. . I , CUStognotla S. lb. ay� evening Nilson '61 9 �Ci coming to the farIn or'Rocks and White 'Leifierns for in charge of the Flowei Committee. a / defended,. hid ouii� cap aekiA. it, 6 tr�bit'a sbort'-ti o. Vi ope Guide. Mr.� -Rega n n I�UrqfeA Church wore en -A e' Duxi�vinro' their Chit: ar , Sold in i.e. Pedigr6id. nd' R., O.'T.- 'mall-" The geripturw tertained Pt the 1§10ce. 0�­rvh anO whini of, Natu Allison purchase ki -for 15 yearshadi -n! the ;,reat boffle and dont nep ew. -a, big eggs 'him' a hill f ,�iol s1ince the: reading was -given by" re she, g4l'ation boxes but. castQmei :must fie -ad th es"ens. Large bird Ifor eggs. -Fish�.,r followed 'by 'an instra. all lvqt z,people to Fri eve -a living o reftised A- container Jack Aw niniz. There mrp- made by allowin and Idis -of thein. Also have incu�a_ t her. tors,- br6ode you are airt. A'Avocal f0ed b t Will Sol), Y, t*o three or at carni- t r.; Jbu er al ; went to the %aking -offi at tbro�.' 'bb IrS a.ilh v su��liea I cOr :-Punda inneed of 6 new Brood mental by Bessie Carn aAaro-a �atterrlanee. A xood, ivieetinp, locik find latigh a She was .2116 Pav-thhs amount Firnd the riattor Ito . poultr ach. ii. tove, f6unts, clopqrs bte., It DU `6hicks one, duet was 'given 'by arioit. Johnsioti was he!d.in VINtireh when the vist. yeax� old and weiened 943 :ndimd. liftothii: a itorm rrnvided - the riozrigni aft -t, She had been a' "fit lady" o—a- gentleman who fixets . charges ble quote prices; on ROM equipent. four, weeks old'at right pres. Write An interesting als afid Ebo*n since she v `-X66t' and . John Robb, and Maudi.e. Fisher. �O%Tlt T, �is of this %6it . whon there is dispute., 'Camphell,.' Auburn Oni. foi, V. Vi .�Ik. , I h'.11pla &P aoeia`� years of. 1age. ThiS officer allowed,' C. G. - phone wfiat you' re.4tilre. I 0air "W- adini,ri, an to +I-- v or and instrtictive talk wai 0i ien A�o *ent. to. Boo k�gss., at 6e. Wliiglirink -,3hone Blyth 10-24 save�.you :ngotley. Satisfaction gusir. i% MacDonald.,'Foll6wing t1fis-4alk iii-ar b-, TwIl $.!�50. hours ere spenjin jolly fashion. on gattrrdaj.. Una, Ca0tong. hatbbing; done wl anteed. as- pidp6 sole by, Donalda Dhuglaii. $1 . t. Ike can Xengle-6. Whiteililgtg;�h nt The th it, do$: to i!exl ng yi-on was 738 -after vq1ch Bl'�tke has the morning'service, e iyo 4ety softy 14 hear cf4rd, students are. said. to Wing 410 �14W -the meeting gund 0, ios� �hogge ii Mr. ka06dnald dooed W tbat"Mr -ei prayer. i6lotics. for tb r stud with AT. jgabtier I Anm 3texi;*11 A, of old fashioned, NEW, POSTMASTE 'hatikoffering' AP ..S LE F Oft SALE A corgibinea-IsSfe-r Thankoffering Hatellin eggs, - from' our tagieting, of the W.9,8., .W.A".' and The BanA ok the Presbyterian co A. Pr- C, W. It. Bell of Braiselq has become Y. OMPa"Y' L ti d White Legborfis that are under Gov- =" I Charch-4a L4d--6h-�:the-t-venin�o,r-,Of.. SuperVigion and 1110 tosser to F'. S. 6 IN 9�,ott NO* died veatly tA-pill' Mi. elk . rS 11904 Va ordor, io meet the *iahera Of i grait fitany Lot -ownirs; the Coin d. Readings by Miss Helon- Johnstone 6 7 5 - blood 'tested. for ciliary, "White V Walter $pct t,'A -son the followifig p .6ras readoiF- Diarrehia- de in� quantities of rograng v of the late postmaster hita'been act, Intent, Carl ac eks ing, postmaster ain�e the -death of, pAny'iha*4 decilded' io 'found an 'ifivftt 'Pang. the "ght6test 200, or me 5c e' h. aby Chi and Mi�s Vern kied-,solhs by Wingli- dirived, front i -fid tiiwd for t eroetut 401te df J,6JLsl Whosi, May 'icin, *nd Miss Mabel Me-, his I father, Mr. PII wo'glo* tectiives gaid fund to 15_o_.g4eb, Jgge 19c.�oitchL.10_week fr�pd._Aitehi a inald * qlliartot­, the* appointment -bag- been )6--itits desir provis;on#. acd "r a I llfeloaO­ w -to *6 TIN t"hilr old PuIY!tS $f.' �ach'. Alo a quanymy F. I ef WAS of Bruggeig and served ov- of te. Jackle resentod with ie The long delay in risiki . hp, PrixiciPMIY Sam -and Buckwheat f�r poed. -;&,'Juni*or- Lire e A .'rahip certificate t6ra las.� pl�es Model and pinsf . st. yitatly (!On. gin ap . pollitmeni *as due 'to polifici-I slideFs on oVir Mission work'�am6l1g_th# n Grae `1 ati WA -1 I Elmer J' Va' !all. 6, ick 7 ow It. '91 troVed inteiestoig and LAN S '�Cords' and T W�e`da; lined* th;oU 1-2 Giavis 2-UtS­ $50.00 'tivi�. Aev. Mr. - Mactonald . pre BA ift­;, , t. and Mrsf.']16t, jjy. tirid read tife. Leattifttit"L The'combi M out *ih. &Mask Art' silk linipp, ed offerlin accor, to the ike voiA ptovide for the caror of etiA- th� tiftidd'the toft of -the lihe V46 The allm. tinted Hatch e Haven Mammoth. daitee - last eve' 1- Maikeis, X460 We, L ot, L eiviel. the Weeds safiduod, the: �le'qyiot and 11116filthiefft hatching Presbyterian W. M, A.' SOMe have: Coll9r, a and the '!n,& g6jilig. glegt�g. the ttg WIS. Cuffs of Atid. die jar . a , ag out r6gularly.,' 'We 'urigbatly request all Lot owners to. maelil air from Thii monthly' itteoti, held on ofte'llad a' -real good tfilie.- of v Hymn 89"ikiis sting 'after aii t'htgasilvioa bf ifia pir , ovision in &jj it ixes A A Ir SUMITier ]�uk -'IBLVES, .'TA "t� - siffcute'iho eare4eii -ed the hatching trays before it iiii Up to t to P1 D Mir. and Mrs, 141% -Macirines olig ga sIt �dgdtit time the ab6ve provision. -with- the ekk§ bV patented praceiii.. which Ms. 'I I the 8crlpr.,. Lot .,6*net§ lr_.. IDA. Wediveiday to ilid �;e ekiii. .(Although many desired it) consequent y too 8arred RoeM sifid Whi tare lesson. Mrt-,J.R, V.-Atlatkofniie GR9Y' and NAVY''in Misses sizes'. est. r qulreL taieltasiteig b*% 'been manifested And 'pk6perties went to weeds nd 'Dider early. - No d0iti " it d til. nrkyot; The Bibl Siddy*99 ak Mrs, driffin o ha6 _itke-is via fit4 Priee 14 Me& vailAllk. there is. no okeggae for, it aeibiy 40 days, by.Xts. 1 V. Muxiia� Mrs�, ssrt but with this ethe)nt a couti guaratibeed saffif. 9 9. 14 to 0 yedrs.' in, ptily0ifAlK lklofe oil 96Y . A befor or &Vther''Infor. 1,46n lid! rsWdfls I -.T e -W.MS. held -it; very lititr -M-a-tion write direct. CuSt6ag h1bg Road was uken h r be erL tiled, that in order to - beautify the Coat tl%io. I A niieting latt- Wedn�dsdaj afteftleclh at' it dad 9 , 1,,Jr 'e for 1, one hundred,'We.. fcir'� fivoi, by, Miss, MacX Mrs N-0. TWO., Moal , A. . tied 'intend. & ggFj it, should be The treoftl& Cemeteiv Co i undred eggs, C. -a.. Maptl6nald clesod th,, th ,home df Way. E. Inforco htir U L requifi4ag the owners ot'LetA. t6 either take, edid AW9 t "t for little boy arvIVO -itfiolq Atho theta tA4 ho'fiftdL 6f of; eir -or ty - caretaker o. 1 6 _ffj 'r, ­ .. - - , , . . .. I . .. . "' 77 &I k J I Ad and f"t tikio idotmike,of the r pe t U p eep� _T_ this Bi r are chance. t6 "V6 - A. t I I I I ­ ep per! . ..... . a h a Jac n La beco, ag4 'Ldt, fjit 1§ Of6 Akuy -theii in th ff Ort *OTifiltlid 60y. aying is tiagvq 'lftd -C-. W '90iortiA. di go ire rred - 9, 1 . '. be E ch e , t it%, re s are rge the All G iorare 0 -C MVtR.Y- WHEN T 9" UPP y aid wlat C6 0 M it rist _b N_t _A4 'y at I'JeLeng_ vt",b d e Odd 4�vtfsf, 'A'Y, T ft a le of Nlfiety P� V61 A At.' 1# Whitt 4 the colvi.0411ty a . ar gas Legh6 -Oki Ari -Ter .. . ... . ....... W 6r olgli 10 With" 'Vol 1 ,F Vl,