The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-11, Page 70 . -u r r 7" p J[ All A ............... C -n a - W .4 e Ith Tjwa, sole V Trit's _or All.�P.ol -01 bor..Ocopp. to, r141- ntereat for, the Lover of N IWIT."LA 0 max,4�y A Ainits Tbild'Abbut,of qlpid by -Prof? Q. 'J.. Kq1l;pqr, pli. D., In the 1%krab lopictorial a e Whether WheA -apl 'fl '1, 0 -"G Hom wcv t n recent - t gonig t ohin. Town�qlr a. lot astronQlneru IsAh4t our suni *IthAt "'d a er# ANY -R, ORDS 91 -E&P M iitt�lq fkl4lly 'of "'eignt planqtii . belonjil to t4e, Milky, 'A, forhierft the Dep L R 2- alth" and It atiens, of tho sands BEAUTIFULLAWNS ept. the Vri&14 oaIn tbN',M �s,u f Otaye.d, 0,' OtO rrin -in -the FrovIpce -o a 4ri6 C p -q# b� A ipace, Ible nL thoir't le' tlie.'A'4au at n i: in, si lift n4 --job In�n e I&OW 'nt�r.e t,han lt3; 000 -of. the 04 is!, to be carrjod, c�pr : �b A a ,here.arq",p�bqpl�%,, whb,.tui hout. M re .0 VIM -he said, tu see certaini. The b' put'' a fair co -as. -grasij th Vd0d, yearly t;D -th, fLeib, .'in u ch "I ..The soll:,m at- irfie"u -Ao gtro- opy. of9 r in alli,, -SQm ID, the I I t 'are 04itio 00 c6rtifiicat�s, are,tzsue .,e4. 'd �o :r1ej,utsbI6:,, h I tipn e Ruirep* 1* Just, tbe�('sam ill 'a-- arble, G $.:"Of. elm Y ldrelea ne� , , .; wAdbody 4.i dI ake the'9`11040e- evel. 'To do:1-his' jee, oyer 42,0 biily, 0 k 'him, why'. umber -of' sea�-c 'esL -0 -Adehh; -.1rake eiily As". df�'t�usts ibe universities of America,' ass1 reach. a Xiail,� total o$to OQO way b to tr '11 they It - ltwq oll,' ihf6e ties, "giving 0� this turA , o4A, L7 PLANTht. a act the propert;.p,WIthi4 r4 us an per apa,'a , k'e c Ity '94ar- TER ! ;, .. .. . i the'vie high-pi4d6: smil�l :ngtionis Ake'll Is thie jy I Id h -f relic --in thc,� "ites'O& RATION .'A' SIMPLE't 41 ndi REGIST C1 varigi DiAT. :� - Tate i,i Rc!� -b.L-.st' apau. FlyIeind Den� 'D 'to I tire ed Willi'airlst, oane -A t4w C . . . - I H ra Ings. 's re am mar 'Remove -a I brolion. �v i�.ki� ki wiThis Thei.I'pare�nt­ a pegi I. '. bI )on d A013-ritish bfoop waS th as s( .be:. iralued� In .1a§te '�o '6, �sclelide, ably Jr. '44, thes, sticks and' sluilki" ais�ov, Of a adian At, 'b��ed- -on,,lexperl'' In cloifids':bi bei g -ille�ed to hel .6 h I s. bed. when' And, it'. is a s4iU1e',TnitaFC* met'. but, he., will -find, fio.,astrolo& 'A asy�u jit,on'tfie, B611, pric Ing, ap b, pthlugi,at, an our ,ettl)lg � your..' out tb�. 61�nk' posf, C "he Oct seloc of ipr ng without Uon even,.'or. any of the village. lu�,hL fr -it car 6fA' - 1 . .. %rg age.- O,nt -dy. It I td, so* the this, gurpo-,e. The Ing," vllis- tidt under.L.- '..tbe' a R. iecblved a. note one 4rid tiou from PUrI YMg io ky Lor -LI. hi-' 0 years, one, u, a dall day i ' — ':'. rheiiiiiatism: at Paring t 0 FJ t:a, -,Opb. tAud a' be4t id sitta& news vitality as aits Intren s, ewe certain I 'free . dom'- lb6ifts how td ei�a in'the evoninf'or o f 'A death of. in very, advantages fr6m this pirompt regi§tra-' -do everyt�lng else, this knowledgeof wh' ',0. e pound,, jhe e -n there Is no,,wind. n f "QUIPMENT; LATEST METH - Cu you,posqlbl� send'. b a substitiAw source. ioni. not the least Of w good taote'lli clothes "should stio 'be B of seed is r6qpIr6d'for eviri two hun. h? h th t "b'q5lredi ON UnIfqrrh - r*Wrn load, prices., he reqor iuffeim or ta;u ability tp .�lijoy clothes, 14 `goo,4q Ins4red. -We move Yq'u. %yh.en e erved aM offiial + o ve. your'enquIri 3114iXre'liet, .'and where � .'the 'c 'is' a NO MEW E 'bel something to frown i0i the. weekn4l" is �pr s UKE' A -y ini e secured IN from You want to,zh Make li'�Ad special' seed shb-atil ..years and'niothirigie�gle certifi�ate may at an . e b'' far Ang. now. 011ce + distance moverst.,llftn ea. 0 for,entrance o sc ol 11110 down inctly.a In principal c place Is a Ideal to, hi d rr..asset In -later itles W eastern S 'a To �mny. the 'I.dle. �.Ufe -is tIm rq anCanaoa, 401 The'Mo.ver, 14arnfiton, anq heritande, to vrte mgrr or' Toronto. gei -bo,tmed. -Roll W thorquilily,- or "After tak" BABY$- OWN is 'd d roller Is anllablb'�se'a potinder;i The Rael. mg �Dr. life, insurance: or pass rt. -atp is' row, possible.: to-. gr asA shb�uldbo cut with'd sh sek-� atify dbil Loav on 4 e a—do- -a"ll- —my mepts t1itroughoiat'4' very small way fo.telL , . , 41 - As.' for rhAn re dren.'s love 'of lothes arp. mo*� williat'nall PiA Pith I am -few Inches Gardeft -hints The. -best tbe .4 to use, 'the, vegethbleb from weeds. Is to ;kI :0.ne:.of,the best fel on fucom t4ougb the -1 feel"that $t. John� Megrah-Journal (Iz.)d e means that -one. -must put I' Watch y6lir nelglibor's chickens... owjw. work., W-FtY ''DCi , PEOPLt' or th'GOwing Child.!" ine6m The peopl*,� of the West In ies 'the ilew ft�w.p or.on any lawn -n the de- thcre-�. is nothAilig lke mbr6'� thodkilt::'Into bjyllig; Lady d RUNG. ed the Debiotniellt wo'uJ4 net Eqlly,s � w bl.ts fo� littl s— ' A If - no other didlh� to e4ual' , mo, of retidets 'werilil-,not :A ter, ed e Sp-ii.iiij, Is .,nitrate 'of soda. . Thd 'bebt th bh�'deaths.' - ' : �ire to enlarge theik trad' ` with Way, to' iopl.� is to bioadcast at the Nt4l...Y" SP regist6k Q h TA 0 .,One remark i'sch not only tor sell at the At 6n Canada. They � wl atq;,,'6f a oi ove'shil wears-a"r6dilied boat, uy to y'at -sill dm' - tranchig th1h .4n, - America was the v 6 A, dn�; iatlesp'ooliful to Oh,'my'l .9. be in. a position. co kntiw what. 'dis- wether It be. fo.i.lthe lie' :the'I'�hlldrenls 'cl.qtlies more in th4-,cQuntry, bult buy -more. wborn bllb� l6velinesg - of th urValid during 6 "Just.. that blo'can 'lleo'i mille; 'gistsc Aind de-Aers -in inedi. eases wer.6' ia�tshig 6' A 6. growing ch.lId the Tablets. al N`dw.' York Tf-ey 'watt cl0'.!scf with, the r nt rio's, peopl . in the. or th l es. t6-4 --Bl4t the.- regi.-tr a in st, per shower do my IoVa,iihe'.Wear ed'coat e or by rnail le. 'A, raiw, It the es not. mate- 9. x red, r postpaid ation of deat),,s w -are abd6lutel'y Vus'iness interests of:, the 6b ayq do gobd. They minion. 'from"' esi ,, -other `harmi�' aDs quite as, love y �may.. r Ida- as a, "big. lrl�ilze, water the fertilizer In - With the ".That's ne ly- iqozia� Is r1ow emy thorouihfy' done, and -it is fre tey�'a e Iookin-g N7 b6' bad. in thb drygoods to:16 # to, note 'he 'I n a q de, -t b., is olat or� , store -Iii a re- An hose, sq, that 'th e o ph &tii, mother. L in - tf4de. anO a VCrY TnaTed incr6dllss brockVille, Pilitario. a. lo n using. them.. the'.mall-order 6atalogiie 4 eople prefdr' to dissolve these, rat" nitrate a Tuisfortune.,and a fori6naterbitas in .192 but'20 W 6� w9; due i -th Iiisi. ii nee be of . th�e. � matters - over, wIch, n e n 96:- ra - 'Wis niost.g wa C. 0 rini, the Tau ets, Mrs. John 0. toiabout one ourice,fo,fhe jal- Is an.engagoment ring., t 'buted as follows: Armour,- :R.!Ri' '�olith �'Al6h�ghafi, mothe'is and, daughiers,arei most,like- -to'learn" +h'4t there vi - Q ten. cause-si-distr. 9 1 1. .1 . . . . fy�ng as an, ll� 't Ont., %says: —41We` h' O $2,-.960,006 i � the Ion oh galion,, of � this mixture, betg' e Aue n Rate pe ave thre -sagree is uestion of what crease ast yea -r sufficient for a sijuare - yard. -. T�bls -is Cdlid7tibior: -��"Htiw oId'is your', ift". di sale df"f= nufae'tured t6e... - 000 healthy �chlldron,: to,:whdziii,. wben-.A sultaNe approp.glae ' to wear. a'IV, the fert�lllzer'.In. tle..boy.?" V'6. give Here - there to -up �dopbt tbe' couserva- figuies ',of 'the, '�e�odin.,­ year We 1�0.. of POP needed, we,�ha Pond. it good w419 apo ease ets The Table �gr: iedicipe Is' p. the 'Vegetable ot flower-.4arden'..also. PIN Dii' deaths ­�-4a;;tion only Baby's Own'Tabl -have,' g rigbt"7.,to anticipate a 1. 1 ... . kep� ns, but. she -e ten� , year, A- e.,Fall, Just bef9re he, h .0ondilotpmr-�- �16 w' old'are you,, my tive ifiuAt make, c6nices916 in the, h Heart bipaAs�. me�dlcljie. ioli ca, t, d I 'dressing rd tbe'best. C i4crease' in th i an begin viliqu her dillihief's' are a-USETIOLD NAMH -in av anow­ rrives, a., 'igfi�'t. of little man?" .A No steady growth the�eitt�� y . home. wbipre; theii, Y40iiilg' N 54 CaL! wffi�s 0 ouni "to build up a'feellng' for.a pr -I. fe I Y. .. P Q� stiawy 'bavnya.rd 4nure' s advisab the' children. 'This' 'should be raked off,after the 8 PrIateness. 607. Yo. u e v.4 ee b h, t" ;�� d en prev,� cruisei oug Boy thorough laxat vq' Which. ua�,&a Urrimen't nts snow and f fos dJsappc.l1 the b iegulat6 the Ki -6�lt�cr, p'the other nations. eiiberway, S stomach and bowels; baels ., coast!- Tubti'cu Con,�uctor,-­II'Well I'll' let,him'Me h Whaf W�,111 .'Son-te'Rolhts, to Co'nstdi6- free' this"dine,"lik when he grows Influeriza 1,588, patllon *an'(I,' Indigestion; break u C"ttic� has bi wtrit, �.his e4r- p in 'this country, the for'' -simp -muffs. so Bright's'Disiase, -1 56-E AM cold , mud� this winter tbat now up hWll'bei eft�ier alidr or a gialit" le"1eyer, and,,.make Mower I Oertak Ing that- for. 0, Apoplexy ........ f -405 teeti-In easy,. They, ire sold by he can't hear lothin. witholifem...' Cy seet A. s g AASI of medicine de�lers dlre�� by mail s te and Full Irite, ;,jatto Sent . . . . . . . . . . 91roncho-oneumbit,4' 970'" �618 tvin, Always lis eed in t6 vpgetables, � 6ecallse I lrtvatlabl�, the or hi. every friora., school roin The Dr. W Irfsky CO.; Dept �W.. w vegpt-ablb garT 7tt r ii tied '.t' he a tid' i t 1 o of: a ' �The toll Of livest e' 7 -,.AA-ry Mor. jer,,h' to wear �eiii Al sum Oise.. ',�Vho,starts Itli.a' digiea' Willie was dejelicteilly walking home .......... )ody's �husineii t may b66me:nocies- smatent, and even the-,veiy pract,tcal and his."woeorli Infantile Diarrhoea 1().5 �5q, a�.box' f lliams' est. cancer 'and th diteisei Q. payments den, With a few,flbwers attached., 'will kin4 hearted old lady. of -the arterie' L Keeping� up till, the Wing to' little taking.'yoarsly, is so beavy—andi, iiadualiy an2y ,Dominion Stawd,' furniture s. �all. ,)Otdr', and '�Whit Is troubling you, uyl- 'ours gllararit�es some man 9',1. all -fortunately,, ron'i-yeaii to f, ti'" mOT6.beautiful side of. gardeal g., 0 e.as,ked, -.L ' Tor6uto. Star (Ind.),,'ft ippeaks 0 -pli us.the posses- OUR year—t4at the 'Departmen =b7— 6.d f. ho "'Dyspepsia and rheu ccount of this. heaivy dqmand �Jor PIV. -Avertisinj 'should be libpossible.- foi 'a certain'. kind of B..d -d WW. Rcid% arl' flowers., and the multitude. ot'v' eties e. plied 'Willi d4 that - tfiere iiiLd to elltertal u, zhe 'I can - make a seled- "'Wh-tha '.'a absurd," remarke(i he' Po.,' ures, o� ing can X that frol- which' one- t these fig' hi 4XL(- M WON to&v. f6v FR M CMCK B001LI, mr111artV To, pi ace, seea be Ifft,,, Britain 'an Athe'Dom1iiI6ns--fa'fi:lorie- will tir- "Tea her kept me."iu titer. school qlP ,7 �. L eltain O&L 6 ' ord '.%ra e r Y. Too' ftefi.-one al causes of death sk-ho.l of j -far mor n- 226 Nortl Satisfactory rive -at, -the seed siore sometime In. 12 i�ntried. becaus I couldn't bjell' theii.,!, was- dullni,'than 'a colonlAl �elatlon.of sub�, e ?ff z .3samezilluse. G".. C;&N. h iffin 75. late Mjqr only to find -t at,th favot- Willle's',Olsmal gnsw, 14OW TO;LAPPLy r OR CERTIFI -T on a d, dellbildelicc. he okdinatl 9 .,sebds-:.or bulbs ate no loif or n. -statesmen of the Empire Who,at. the, uIred. o'nfe.r. n , v6.l ' d. th -tificate is stock. First of all, get thos last I �a-iat-.�C-6n'te.re�iceLei6.Lve "a. ed to,be stirted'in, boxes Inv V V ML Unfa oap Ono lotions C A*4,0 ; merif -buildings, Toninto, A. a ing 4.? . .1 'a IVI ar if a foi fhe Department of ealth, Parlia- British Commonwipalth of'Nations p6r-' Mai doors. Select your 'standard varle! wlwn your London Daily Express: An uut-ok,� i'ti . ceiv4d clearly that great and flourle .7' 1. tun ether . birth,. marri a iUiis'firat, bp& Inclid&a few 'novelt ea ate�jdea iii J:leghiring to take pos- , (1) Wh . I . -Or Ing Dominions' mlIA"t, inevitably arrive e ' ilominions.' They, are death certificate. is (legired ooak of gaining experience. It -SeSSton"Of L thiii,-D age n' s' at. the head df. their 'experience s ilk applue" f�s:sft 7 it to 96spect immigratiOu frouiL 'Of Platens ove; ih (2) �erson. colonies- in of favorite' old plants 'than the old and ust,have a t s -P 24. and SO& , that they 2" Talemn r ,qn 'as hn effoit- on qur (3) Where birth, inairiiage or death .,larger and freer scope of iction wlth�' . ... I - or tho.,Mo h and plainer. 'stralls-, 'we knew In, tshift th,6 pr wows -haw stral r coming 161� brouglit relief and,lb is better to. order. improved Werld part to burden, of the unem- o6cuixed, and whe., in. t14 range..Ef he. BrI.tIsh sy.itemi.- -r. L. earlier years. Practi.cally-every well ployed, to their 6Wn '-shouldiers. , It is N4s- to accompany application." The - old, Idea* *as that i c6io'ny - pilot ktkowu 11 'There Is '-hardly a hodso-hold .tbOt a domplLetely supe'rfi iial viOw, but they 'S edule of fee i 'a f 4110 s: ower M& been Improved ria- ch 0 it forever remain a colony or -it must torla! At Adast� are n#a beard: of Cap For I n fl. u e nz a telftly, his being' particularly- truq- of not to be blamed for'llililding"it. Seare 1 50c. grow op,and Moye out. The Impiqr1al zinnias, five million homes are' never withOilit. the bungling way in which -3uccessive Copy of certificate, $1.00. asks H It.. there are children. 'in 'your. CoPfierence' devised a, plan wberebV 'ASK VOUA HAROWAilE V", The' Lizliim that Relletes AM ave your order bal�jlced, British.' lind Dominion d6veiziffients Birth certiAcateSLfor.use $ . . e in connec- the Ddmi-nions coul& gro up without JAMESSMARMNY PlAWT thd Is Indlude 'towers for .-cuttings, family there'k almost. 'daily -need of, have handled the" or.blems*of's'ettfe- tion with, tcho6l ahl' BROCKVIULEOW. Ailm�nts - gii L I etics are: i$sued moving ou't.. Therelhaa�'been no' con-, iii� find ment"within the Empiro is mainly an- at a charge of �fittk i2eLts'w'hep' ap- ce bedding, 6dgifi and for, fragranc#.'.ts,comf6rt-' And any night n A few nic6tinili should always *be In- ful there's a bottle I -ption. sb-fine alid inspiring' In, the - you. very thank n swbrable for ihis unhappy impression. plied -for -by �chool prinip.M. .11 histoi7y'ofthe British' eir a' people. cluded-, not for th beauty of, fell go the house. Just a few"ilk-Pps., and that I;xamine - it in - the.' light . of history, - For purposes of mitl ers" allowances 'Or fie . wer wbi4b -is colic or'constipation to relieved; or 'not - striking., but ard espedially of 11111. efial -history, and act, death cerdfii6ate of !a1her, mar- MInaed's LihIrnent fot Gri�pe and Flu. �C�td of for the penetrating, and spicy scent diarrhea checked. A.':vegetablq -pro. 'Ah its inc�mpliliteness 'is laid bare at iiage.certi father'"d fli -ek after "evening has 'fillen. eeA of duct; i'llaby remedy meant for. -young itain offers the' aie su'll, arill hiTar once. great Bi and. birth certifie� plied free,, F�rmers iff Allitual loppies,' 'folks. Castoria ]a tbiout the Only Dominions i's 'mueh moie I -valuable *hen 'ap stohVicto-ri ING OF, if I larkspurs, and made batebelor!a b4ttou may � be, sown out- thing." y6u . have eve. heard doetors--thft ally dxPort'-&-machinory, goo a Times (Lib.): Why 'the local: secuita'ry 6f. t1j.e Mothers' Allow- f6rmers' of Can'ada, �re' ovenv'helmilig- aide n the last sri.ow; If one Is met ddvls� giviJig to 'Infants. Strofiger gold.. offei'tiierfl.gribigh itock--­ ance Board. edicines are' dang6toug to A tIny the Same s.td ly 41?aitist proposals,-oUthe high tiriff ' hits built. up th -ity is easilk,understood. -The valt Particulp�, whether they Are, washed intbat e ie th 11 babi, 6*6ver,harmleso the* may be , Appli�atior, by a solC (ioldier's 1 ' f vildow or children) for free 6eitificate, about &bit, or just as sooli as e grLhittliess of. Ahili Vinted � State,.S,� 0 tan'be prepared. giblvnaups. Good - old , Cqstorla! 4f the agricultural industry 0�1. the peas ib"14 to pension purposes sbo'uM b�'ac�om� 0 d Canada, Aitisti-ilia and ew' Zealand; for also be put In -at.thla tlmi6, in kemembiar the, nam'6, and remember It - cubtry atthe..present time is- approxi - is by far. the me pa. , ed. by. wirfnce from the D.S.C.R. Vreferrably, but If this is no'posslblo, to buy. It, It may spare you a sleep-� 'an 41precii6lis gift we ni 8fe ' Ig $8,000,09:0,000 litid the value ma e. I otiA *rea.-hed the less, tnxlous night. It .10 always last 4earis, PV#4u' ve r n Maj., t t .April or, ry ea IV I re ';Si.1,6gin dr Uneiiii0i and,- large 0 a FEEL WELL AND STRi,,P . e Vegetables.. ady,, always 906 to use; I uv in yisterday, in his of neafly $1,400L,006,000, or N , half of the, national debt of gencles, or for everyday 'alimin more than 'Hver� In'' tbe,'smallest garden, It is old. rattletrap, cutter with a n Erniiim6`01% ag In Any hour of the fty-or night that Cgnada, They 6uld � not have, Il6aae advisIbI6 Tit, iilf� it ite tl;ougb`;,had 'died three ro a, (4dndon)L*—Aeproducex is -this progiess�nimder-#ny -restrietiont L,67 to rotate,.-,t1tkHs mov f' Te#etables years ago come, -But, t6li', I also a cons round froin s' umer, affd if we send awa.y rdar to YeO. '�a'storla % as h6vdi more popular t'so- juu& betto.k. than his outfit,, , %,,-hieh would haiiiper their rade.and a, producer with 'his family we a able -grown In ftactl� -the . re h -,crease their'cost of prodettion. ge t �vfth inbillers than it is'tili-day.' Every One ve saln ietY g n to-do g rid of perbapalonr, a locatl6n each yoari will exhairii and if the humatib s& , A, 0ii gdttin' consumers, (1-ruggl8t. has any cbltlrofftmfi�, we suggett it do Ae and thq sjurely means, that our home r'vel Nvriter says the Einstein all the pftliticulai fertflizli.r *that Voge- 6, re4bires, 'and may fill The soft ejob up ri s- years in ar-ot. nidtkutiveturers are !oging ��#alaable theory is.attractifig much wore popu- btftes' - The Doml'ifons gMd for - full of dseaad. Then too some'legu- cu nterest in Amerboa thoil f Eng- eign ootintriet aiie all Increasing their minoils,crops, silch a., peas, and beans' i ird.. E�glan4 is, uIsed to P h. n, 1112er 't6 'the of is Ei prducing, plants behind hat �e (,Ir'egd to think tariff bar - Which actually add fert-1 vyll list 'V& d- dolintrso r46 co&- Wog arden will, benett, These, will ll� 'nicate with Sip Aiver Iiodge. Ais-tal find, eawktImers overses. -Where "Ou-milr'' ROVAL compensate for � the -gross foedef% !=ft! tfieh 6 the advaniage.,of sending awai like- corn, beets and C�rrott. take the consumers wq'.alibady, have? A chance on 6wind a few r6ws of Onbration.ago the­Gol6ifies-oft-rchasel sAyo the their malilifactuied gool i 'vdry lrge� Vegetables extra early, but The popularity Of tbfq bulk of the seed until the tnie specl- !Y from us,.and our e'm Is evidpneecl in Red In the.isee mained customeis f6r =t'riw% t oqlq 1. catalogue, With a -lit- M MALIN F K LU Es SO -to -day, Eml- '416 left over t6 t6plallt. a11y 'spots t this.'),% not, tile c,, =lY retu-]�q to, th e -ILN&lv fikin, A courte4DII Ited by -tab -gration. may be 'highly n6cesiary to hivt. fo iwork in - t d store hich *high may, have been viisi .1. h2i b6bies Cv r Ina do my own house*ork'too 16st :,Alt I keep the F-ftipire B RIO; but whet-heii nd cheery iiost.flality bits ren, frosts and flood. _nit YfQyA.L M n haU . . cn rldl, it *111 relfe-ie oidi uneinploylifent. Is . 1, . . I - , ' b and. -run. mif, third bab� bqtri and got- netvo s A'Slilbjftt, oil. which- VERNON G1, CA9DY want, more ev- vi -in bed ridaily all hUs6nd a6ised tne to ta C' MG d6wnand iis ma nag Ing-birettot". k silminr. The leag't -noise would y6iir i�edicine and. he,boUL�ht told to me three � b�tfles of it, When I du III t.be, iak6 Lydia E. Pinkhai� V had-tAen'dI6 first' one I bi�gan is doing" illstellia of using: Ila- r �,k have �0- feel, bottet. Sottish Nationalisin -,&;I�'ln today to 11sed. 'Aat the other Til ke me nervon's.1 V911 ilpsm There is ti tende q in ellr tin'd n d ttir-' tive drigifiallty., i% U946 the gpAc NL iib e whole h taken gdveri 1196 'irigh 'rid 'We have, . the. V boy abd�� d,ol'bt f id fi 1 get, to A agiliffl--ftir io biLb proud of hith an& praise Ulster., till mot nur oil at Witg �X� taflh ut -thor �4616- oz M just. It 'dozo-a phfflipj�, � u po t 0i 1 416 he Belp ft giave n itftsftr Wlell ;;lhd -f6%, '01t, Able *66688 S.fiet wbftt a adbutt6dly 9toft�'l mai erl, . 6Jft—.W-t d c, lid Mk ftl-f out f Cho fhok�ft the but, *MY 11h.a'% goukf��i ts W,.-thgt h&4. tb�t 9tAildhril MIta0ld'. r ift, the of sojiohljig, That Jj tjott.f6r the uJq1jA.gftJ1 't 6_ jocaj d; _ _6 . OY16 d 174 " � IjoL. Uvdid7l E. Pi kh AN §6 b.-iii6thod of idol t Of T--,,qetable Com''"Oun if there is Anyth! V Many timOJ to Ivo ad d, afdA 1`1 6 b3r.0 Y81, ing in "aut &ud Claus for lkiteg $4 and $7 ihd 6p ut allia be greatly In a<] y1c -of her lie thet. right 'Way, the 4uldit 1# 6 Lyd i a E. Pinkhan-i Medicine Lyn'n, Mass..U.��: A. way, td h oi '661d. kath botf14 dti&64 full Mbbd- � � 11 ".. ' ­­ " " "" � I r. 'Lr 1. �, I I 16 tariff rilos iko far kill t '0 fted Vi, hot ripadAp gild nitir" It goes 4, and Cobouy:g, -Ontario,'Canada. otoij�40h. ved iwdbt, the gain No L 61L.09 eif