The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-11, Page 1• ..••••••,. $4,00 fs.# YEAR IN 4DV*110; 25,0 .0MEEw1Eg, ' e 1,41cliN9W. THURSDAY, APRIL 4101.0 1921. P• • .SINGLE' COPIES 5 C, NTS W, M. CONNELL, ••• Pbyaicien and .4nrgenit : Webnoi; Hoar/H..1,38744A • ' Phone; 86' ' ' • ' t.%., • DEN1,10T.' ' Mak: .14e every TiteedaY* in Tbe Gam HOuse, ••• ; 4e. • , . . .E L.• Arseleaien,. LOOkileir „ ver .peekota, . :Store. Extractlen gas or tecni. Will be in • :biin4annon•ev'er* 'Ihniedayi Phone 53, koh Oigetiffig: aid itatAatate,..4.0.0ne.i• to /end IP ,,Mortitalles • ea :farm proper:r • *PI *6 6 and ,P/s Per eeiW aeeording 'to ateuritY oilfired Alio Mitt' ' sinounts on second Mortgages on tsrin properties and en- persona] katea. A few good -forme for sale; WALL' PAPER=A full line Of 1928 .Wall .aper on hand.: Prieee-censidet-. able down for 149. I am also agent. for leading job 'houses. -R. 1 Camer- on, Decorator,, Painter and Grainer 1174; LuaknOw. . Dr, MeInnes, Chiropractor of Wing- , ,will be at the Cain House Tues- day and Thursday ' afternoons, com- mending April 16th. For appointment ‘.,.d.plimie 150 iVingliam or Cain House. • WANTED. -Girl or wonian to do houiework. Mrs ;John joynt, LiicknoW d.:•••--7-- FOUND-An automobile tire Pump Owner may have same on paying for this notice. , Sh, J. Kilpatrick. •'POTATOES FOR SALE, • Will make splendid, seed . as they -were-crewn from Prince Edward Is- land stock bought last year. . John Joynt, Lueknow. (4=-4--tf.) '• SLAB -WOOD FOR SALE , ' We will °have, a quantity of hard- wood and elm slabs for sale: Hard- wood $3.00 per cord. Elm 62.08 per cord,• -Orders taken anytime delivery .when mill starts. . • The Lueknow Table CO. Limited: (25-4-c.)" Cleaned 'with a Perfection 'Seed and grain trader- $1-00 per bushel .. „John Itiehardion, R. 5, 'Lueknow • • , ,FOR SALE -White blossom Sweet , Clever Seed, Govt. Grade No. 1. Foul Dollars per bus. at Lot 34, Con. 2, Kinloss -W. 4.. Henry. • 01•00*•00•••••••••M••• FOR RENT -Grass Farm 100 acres plenty of water and shade, 2 miles south of Lucknow. The buildings on this farm are offered for sale. K. :R. MacKenzie. Lu*now. ' FOR:SALE • • 'Comfortable dwelling house, heated bb Hot_ Air furnace, -soft andhard water. Convenient to Post Office, School. and :Churches. Apply at ' Sentinel Office. ,(2-5--c.) , , FOR SALE -Eggs for -hatching from choice "Jersey, Bleck . Giants. 75c a setting of thirteen or $5.00 per hundred." Arrangements 'made by 'phone or letter to leave egqs at Luck - now. -Phone 628 r. 21, Wmgham, R. R. 1, Lueknow. , • ' FOR SALE 1 Ford Truck. Suitable for light de- livery. mail delivery or farm produce. 1 McLaughlin Touring. gfrong and serviv;able. • Chevrolet Cestelt,',1926. In Al con- ditiem- • 1 Chrysler "58" Coach. Runs likes new ear. An-exchilige will 'he made if your • par will suit our business. 1, NV. L. McKenzie Phone 14w. 4. ' SALE OF HORSES. o Western Wade Horses ' ages 5 to 9 vit., weiwhuig1200 a - 1500 'lbs. Horses _Sound , and ..„ciniet. at Commertiel Patel stahie at 'eySaturday, April 13th, at t. o, clot( p.m. • • Black & Parris, John Purvis, . . Pron. /THE HOBO PING AGAIN Our readers, will remember the King of the llobet1(.1.' Leen Lizaro- wits) who passed through Luelcno* - in the early Winter on his.way te• • Alaska. . • Well no apnears • to have reached his objective all right. in snite.of the • Arctic winter. At any rite be bait - gatt that he Is oiled akafa leek' Th- eUnited States having entered, nee Ssi*,:r's 'domain. an _.Aril 1St" " "1-,41,1c 001t0 441 4tigt ,106 from-zio-: ken Val& Vano0n$P.sr, B. the stokivalrreitte.-and MAO. it O. k fria-04-ireityreettefelte--,Ahli-theeLis tt.k.o Its -wonderful- what...ca*A:''1,,s, dontien ,t• exert. 140 ,dotht he Will beat his • Way 'clear across the aottinent41` DAN'CE.-Iltitlei Orange Lodge Atic. piees. Ti the TOWii Halt, tucknoW April 19th -9' nym. to 2 a. m. -Lunch • , . . Miss .liotale,Miltdie is Sliendigt eouple of weekl3 in Toronto,''',0 Miss Haien SW‘p,n',Irikdte.(flar:' a few days -of Mit week' in Toronto.,, ' • Mrs:. M. • Wbight of, Toronto, : spent the. past 1 -**4..w.ith:,„4.1-, 0.4s: ; '•° ' - HerseSline Pitehers are. organizing thiveg,IiOuf the province. tOWling Will: have to'looktheir laurels. : .• Mrs. P. J. Na*.lorand• son Jack jaehaie . visiting at the 'home •Of Mrs. Naylor's Nistreritti, Mr. and Mrs., R. It Thonip- . , Mr W'nr kay14 40 ha been in ,Toronto the past year has returned to laicknow • and. will occupy" her residence here: The • regular. ..ineeting of the -Wo- men's 'Institute will be held at the home of :Mrs. T. E. SPlith on Friday ''April. 12, .at30 o'clock... MISS Winnified Yfearle.:Aitelt- son were over from • Harriston ,,,.to, spend a few claYs„ vvith-T-tiliir grand- parents, Mr. arisi Mrs. T. Aitchisen. To morrow eight is the date of another popular dance hi, Carnegie Hell under Fire-Co.'autnieed. 4teep- er's' orchestra will turnish"the meek. ;Mr. and MrS. Jamax-.Iry• ed to their home in Lueknow on Mon- day of this week atter spending three • months with their daughters at De- troit. In six years the Ontario Horticul- tural Society has increased in mem- bership from; mom to 80,090 and is now one. of , tbe', strongest societies of the kind in the world. • NOW VILI,AOS. • (00:hiq.14 , RONTLING axis' OE'rS - REMY! *Vgt SiASON TheApril aieetipg. of the:41444W, . . Viliage Council. aa b.#14 cia' April . 2,, The annual' meeting tijo• Loch-, All...members: were present and'• new, BeW/ing ; Club' was ::held „OnsMoo-: ,reeve in the. onair.:1, , ' day *veiling • of this week+,'Meetirig ' _,Minutes tinithEHOMinpirCiiiiintOr. • , opted: On. 'motion . Of AO: and -MOPin., ,Mr itob*it Fisher, president :7i)for:- Mr. Ed teuaina, Wai0d:,ail :the ib,e; ;,past year Presided' and „Mr. 'Robt„,. c41'SoliCiting, the Eydro, Work for the %Rim 'Was sieretark..... , Thie. se,,,:pOitiis04.ceneider- .Tbe fizianeial: report, showed at* '• ;• '',d)Cltili,:ctebe in a healthycondition, an The Rev., E. O. Gallaher interviewed lbe:rePort as Presented was adopted the .cOuncit: regarding the League of :Ion Motion Of Ed. Hodgins and "Nations .80Ciety;:and 'requesting:that Donald. .•, 1 a public ingeiiiire in; the interests *6404 of J.4,4eDelle1d° and tho ',Society be held On igneaday.,4,Pril ..tanor the Club decided, to ati4liate: 16th. This too was proMised donald0-: With the W.O.B.A., 'Which•Seing in- atiozk: . • • .•'• ,• ternreted inearia .the Western Ontario , A.' .requiSition from the :School .rtirwling • AlsOelition., • . • • " Board -for --$-1,400 was reeeived aqd. 011. The -:election of officers resulted ...as motion -Of Hamilton and:Rae the reeve Hon. Preeident, John Joint: and treasurer were. natructed to make president •S:' Reid: Vice •President. 'tha necessary transfer of funds. ' F. T....,,iim•streng: •Secretary, • JeWei Rebekah 'Ledge. asked fora Grounds Com,niittie: G. H Smith, W. refund of the fifteen -.dollar .ebar.g! .MeCoy, T. Watson.- • • . for'. the Town Hall the evening of It •vits decided that the •Itink ToUrn- their Euchre °Si '.Dance .en 'condition ement he held On the third' Thursday that the amount be 'handed over.: to. in• August. ] the Arena Committee ;•when formed. • The PreSident, and Vice President This refund' was granted onnoo.?...., zw---147-aidluircied to Make: arrtinge. Hamilton and Rae: • . .nients with the Village Connell 'fOr a ,The .Drarnatie Society asked. water 'Supply: • • . refund of the. charge • for the Trak Ti reit ds'inittee-wasin 8 e p ay . . s was striieted to have the trees •surrotind-• • : sented • for the first tinie • as all .pr6, • ' the Green trimaied Subject to the ceeds' Were to go: to the Bind. This,,,,approvel of -the Perks Committee, and W .44 as' granted on /motion of Bee- and 0to have a platiorin• erected in Muliin._ , front of the clo. House., request • for 'refund of Hall rent ::•• It: Was decided that a mixed.:jitagy by the Junior Eeriness :orgariliatioe, lie 'held: :fOrtriightlY„throughont the was laid 'trier. ••: • • • . .season, 'subject to weather conditions. The following tenders for village. . .The'exeeptive Committee • for the Work were accepted. motion Of season will consist Of Messrs.. T. S. , 'Earton-and*iie.• • Reid, G.- Day, WO*); W. 3. Douglas at 50s per: . " • • hour. .Dragging and grading. F. ,tAitiokive''OEATS,:13RUSSELS OOlin at 54F per hour, Hauling ,graVel 'AT CHECKERS, Black bros. unstreened .gravel • at 45e ' • • ••• • 'aad sereened: at 55e: Stied watering •-• Checker -players usually leek- SO P. McCall at 50c .per,hour. • • 'serious while at theirgaree that one Moved by Mullin and ,Handiton wonders how' a• checker tournament That theclerk draft a resolution re- could nesaibly be an enjcyable affair, queating the Highways Dep. to ,Yet.thOse Whe stoic part a cent* .peint a persoa, in Lneknow to issue here ' between Brussels and ..Licknow automobile licenses and driver's per- .tepresontatives;:.MOndiy 'eVenieg are . . .' •The-: two dams- cin-.7thcritind-. River. - at Teeswater :were praetically waSii.: ed away by the high water :of . last Friday. This Will mit Ole: two *our Mill; Out of continlision fOra time. .- • Mr.. W.. -B.- Tucker who speet, this week in.. Leehnew .ae.4 vicinity can- vassing for 'iThe.°BOok Of Knowledge' is A stin of the ',Rai: 1,11. Tucker who was . a' Minister ,of", the: Weslyean' Church here in 065. • . ' , uc now UdctLeUows and Itebekahs mita, in. LuchnOW, as, anprre,:ed by, the unanimous • ih declaring.: thatit was. will attend &Vine .service at the Pres-. comMitteeon. petitions and by laws .just asplendid time We have heard' byteiian. • Chiireh LuCknow on. &index: Aprii 28th, at 11 o'clock A.M. Mem-, and to. forward a eelli: of the same of course, , only. from ' the: Luelstiont hers will assemble at the Lodge Room to the Department, and to thclecal players' and as they Came cif victor - at . 10.30 A.M., Visiting brothers and member Of the Legislature Assembly iOus,,it may make a, differenee.. But. sisters are cordiallYd invite.: • , 7 - -carried. ' . . : • 'they -Say the BruSielites . were good Income tax returns mado in theMoVed by Robertson and Rae that sports -U. zl1, S. indicates that there Are 14 thous- this council take the iiiitidtive in,hair- and all t:their defeat like 'gentle, , iiall good players : and. millionaires- in that .countiy. A ing the •Blue, Water 'Highway bifilt Men. The victors too appeared to have man with an income Of one ;hundred ,trent Goderich tol-ucknow •and eon, taken their vietory. like'. gentlemen. thousand dollars per year ' is 'classed ,deoing northward to connect : with They were feeling] elated andhappy a millionairetheirham Road ,at .the village .. of .but. were not .boasting... That, might, . / -=.7.-0 0-4-;-- Kinloss, and that,an, effort be Miele. not be wise; for who knows what may LEARN ABOUT 'THE ' to have , councils of .Kinloss, West happen when they go to Brussels . LEAGUE OF NATIO11$ Wavianosh . And Ashfield to -operate The. Visitors from The neighboring , .- • f . in 'pressing upon the High,way Deli. .village . Were: Sandy • Brewer,. Wes. If .5,Nou Want to learn enere about to construct the same at as early, A Stevenson, Tom MacDonald, Seedy. the League Of Nations, the part which date as pOsaible and that a resolution -milli, W. Work, R..Breiver,' C: Man Canada .plays in it,. and -What it is be drafted and a. copy of the Same be ser, D 'cleing in the interests of world peace forwarded i to, the. above mentioned . Brewer; P, Stewt ar. ' The aeknoW players .who defeated you should .attend a :public meeting' , Conneils, asking that it he adentedbi the above Visitors by a score of 64 to ,be held in Carnegie Hall the even, them and forwarded " to th'e Agnew, Tom MacDonald, WmMc._ Depart - to 4WereJameYoungTWatson ing of April 1:601,-2fuesclay of neat merit„ -carried.: : . . „ - ..T 6 : i , . , Week. • Moved by Robertson and Rae that. ,.', ' Kenzie,GarfieldMacDonald, JG There will be no admission Charge the- elei•k be instr,ucted to write to •. . : . Anderson; Ross MacMillan, Me - but you may be asked to become a he Fire ,Miirshall's -Dep. in regard to john Mc- Donald.i (part time), 'A. ' Blitzstein. member. Of the "League 'of. Nations- ... an engineer doming to 'Lliekriew • to (part time) 'SocistY of ,Ca,nada.'A Meeting's eiuch mak a survey regarding fire ,protec- • , . . " . Get Thursday—'day o‘an°7do;r-ida; Bargains as this will beheld all over ,the coun, *ion as .prontised.-carried. 'try 011 April 16th. They are of a pure- The following accounts against the The Marketlfornell-IVIutdOch. ' , • ly educational nature, mid are interi- .vilage Were 'passed tor paYmenti- --7.--o-o-o---= . . der to stiinulate intereat•hi the Lea- Rae &- Porteons,' Coal oil, broom and SUFFERED . PAHA:IX-TX -.. STROKE. gue -land. -the-dense :of -peace-'- -: :::•• --,, --h-rs Civet 12.10-1-Gai1ecic Pkini -CO: : . Mr.: Angus Mackinnon of town is in a Tathei•Critical condition this week hailing been stricken •with paralysis last laet Saterday:' His :right' side is affec- ted, and he has not shOwn, any sign of improvement. Mr. MacKinnon who. is 84 years Of age Was outoyery little dining, the winterrlut was Oaining stzength when the oresent tioiible' •set in. - ' • . • RIPLEY 'COUPLE MARRIED , The meeting in. Carnegie Hall will be addressed by Hon. James Malcolm M. P. and by roster G. Moffat M. L A„ by a representative of the Wo- men's Institute, and, it is hoped, by others. . CATTLE SALT -TO -BE -UN - 'LOADED -C. N. R. STATION SAT- URDAY, APRIL 13th. 1929. FOR SALE AT CU IN CUSTOMERS BAGS FOR :40c PER orr.,GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LAY IN . A SEASONS SUPPLY CHEAP. ' ,•• • A. R. FINLAYSON, We. have an opening In this .county for a Mae .0i company in close touch with tatmets to • sell the wen- - known and ad;"ertised Walsh No -buckle Harness. This Is an ixcellent onnortuttity for - the tight Man Or comviiiY $4.11: Bruce County Eospital re -11168 ,Violet Baker $151 John Bell, months salary $55:". W. J. Douglas months' salary $38:: Jos. Agnew to air and attending Registrars office at Walk - 'Orton .$11).70i Jos. Agnew, salary,. postfte etc, $30.86:•. deo Taylor,, sthitreet Sand' extra work in Mara 813.: F. Malcolm work on streets $20.52: W. T. Douglas 68 hours: Work man and '-,am $31.25: Fire Cenunstny,• salary $31.25: D. C. MeMorran, niontli's sal- * as bandmaster $25.: Dan McLeod :.vorlt on Street $8.25: Percy ,Webster wok on Street.,21:25: A. E. Millson mirk en Street $2.50: Johnstene Ores. Pillow $8.00.:, Hydro accounts; Hydro Electric ,POWer Conimision power. for Pebru- ary, •$070:37.: -statement *forms $10.: Wire $59.28. Wallace Black, cartage $2i83r Rae & Polito* variant Vitali iterift416;511" Ed' CtnfsinS salary l5A0i- S. Agnew- -to cash in on. his connections " salary, - 13,qatagiqidi $65.254 D. M. and jand41111witii Ow' , lohnstone, onnerise's t� Torontn 425.1 .4nit Which already We§ the 1°41111 io 000. Watts. ROL Rae expenses to Toronto aiffo odoortioom-ia lends furnished. NO irAiliry :for' stock, Write. 1+1PRde- taili as to present enittiet With farmers in this cOutit, „ mid•leference SWONgoN COA, Met 'Yaws. M, Walsh Co, Limited " VAVVIWAst- Last • 'Satahdas was a, fine -clay,: and thereatiS tOing, 664 ititcr the. Iiiiidtod .Wet *ark an; , *KO -*limy' rte.: dents ,calio to 'town for the week -end Adoring., to it reminded ode of the *IWO 01,11$461.-111 HEAVY, .R401,48 -.41E4 T FLOODS -,'VVORST IN Hf,§TORir ..i).•goYAks. • . . Bey, 000.4 .At ,•rn'ir1117147.1,4.Y.anaic' ...Man,At.Walk.erten'*Eri4gea,44 The ti*et0Sy7reapitu'is. A•gwnii;tfierce electric stoma • which,. Visited this 'section on Friday :and Saturday •tat, Were..gen- eral' over Western.Ontiirip, .0,tendieg. seine' distance east of., Toronto ,and: southward .intoithe Viiited -States floods.. , • The floods yesultingfroni; the heavy% 'reiefalls. are said to ha ;•a been ' the. most • destructive' ever ' exPeiieneed in the province, 'though, of , course, not'. ,eqiial to ..many -of which...we read.. •A few Luck now laidents•had Water in their cellar's. and Some, cellars were filled,•init that wae rie-thing to •what oteurred along the-Maitlanci and Sau- Boeeyn;rive7wied.:. At :WinghaM ;Jack Burgman the 13 •year, dm son of the the C: N. train, despatcher. at Winghain was drowned Saturday .afternoon, and three .ceinpaniens his carnenearlY-Llosing their This, of course, waSal necessarily clue Act the swollen condition of die riter. 'Roo bOYS between the., ages. of ' ten: and fetkrteem.-Beig4rien,:titurray4t, Harold. Skeldine and 'Arthur Steno secured a boat about the Ef,- P,' • R. bridge: ,They floated . ':.down to, the inain Street' bridge. Which crosses the darn. Passing under the bride the beat was upset and the •boys thrOWn into the; Water. '•ftae: alidfficelding succeed- ed in -swimming to land, while Burg man and Stone lung ' On to the. boat.. •TheY I were _carried , to, f.'ae flour mill mill ••=dai*A-he-ileoci-gates-of7-whieh- • had been npenad; andthey Wept Over this. Stone here let. go Of the boat, but Burman bung On: Stet* Was swept] by thecurrent into a hunch of Willovis Some distance held* the dam and lat- er was 'rescued by nieans :Of a.: roll thrown to him. 'The boat with Burg, mari"clingieg to it Was carried on in7. to :the lower *Ingham •clanci;-,-Wliere the ladappears' to have leis -t MS hog and diaappeared: There 'Was 'a' strong current' owing t roug • ols. thebodY :may have been carried fit At latest reports it was ' not recovered: tewer •Wingham hassuffered froni. -many iloods, but this ,was the worst on. record., The new AgrieultUral..park.' was finder :several:feet of water, and all .houses in thatloc.ality were in had Condition -Added to the leaVy rains th watei from, the: large 'dams. at Wroxeter, Gorrie and Bluevale all ,of ',Which :had given away. '- DrOWning . At, Walkerton. When the water was at .its high* in W,alketton, Harry .Tailor, 19 Years •ol• age put on his rubber boots • and endediored to Walk through the wat,. er.. between the C. p. R. station and the liminess part of the town. He appeared to step into a' Lole, got his boot's filled with water and was car- ri. d away by the strong current and w s .dreWned. Conditions' were very bad* Waik. eifton. It is said that the Water' rose er the Main street, which gleans t at all cellars would be filled With ter and many ground floors, inun,, d ted:. Business was, practically closed d wn Saturday. , Other *owns 'along We Saugeen -Were.;:in equal, 004.- A large 'bridge it Tara was Underniined• and destroy ed, but, there it no, truth in...the.story that there were 14 Men On the bridge When it -gave way and that two. were drowned. Mildmay also] Suffdred severely. Tbere a dam on the, Saugeen Over al.. carried_ Irv:my:). and the .Hatnil. uiniture Factory, a brick building. Was partly wrecked •by• hiving the foimilation washed away. The loss to this firm i saidtr, be about fifty thousand dollars. A number f frame uildings •were also , Wrecked. Much the Aame :storY comes froni arrie. bieton. Galt, Harris* and neve of . other plaees. Highways • and .qailroads, suffered • eavi'y through washout s and the lose 'of bridges And culverts.. • 7 , The Bread The 'Bread, „%Of neat* OUIL Molto IS Qui(prOc,,ANDSERVJCE . BREAD HAS THE ,SiosT • 1„.74yEssArt; USE OF ANY vodo: 901 .etelm, 00,Airtt B RED IS AjAnt• • Opm HI6IM§T 11414TH GIVING INGREDIENTS; , ' t • •• ':\ ,• •SPECIALS - • CREAM SLICES, 4ELLY ROW, .EAPERRYTARTS IN I'IES; OATMEAL'COOKIES, 34 APLE 'WALN UT TARTS • ICED ROLLS, 'COFFEE" CAKES. • " .• • , OLLYMAN'S QUALITY Phone 36 Luckinow • e Value of Mattyn-Mooney The marriage of Adelene Helen daughter of Mi. & It. Moon- ev Ripley Ont.. to Ross HoWard.Mar- tyn, son of Mrs. Annie E. and the late Angus Illartyn RiPley, was quietly solemnized at Central United Cmir^11. TM•tintct, at high noon, CM Saturday March 306, •Rev.• W. H Sedgwick, pastor ot the .Mette, eelitee . Church officiatirw. The bride *OA ehqftninqiy gowned in a bun tan _hei,ge..jAMJIres.s, with hat. and i -shoe:s- tn. match. She was, attended. by Miss -.Veta:t ra‘Vtord of -.Telrente-,"'Whi5 Wore • st. flowered, chiffon .dress- ef liecomin m1611411. shades,. Mr: Cedil MOOrter of titiagtoticisreithoriql 'the liride, vas _hest_. Man, -..:001Intfir-Abe..cereinmw: the bappy.,eouple left for ti trip to •WO-Iiiiterfrir-nritt-MMtitr•titz • On - Attiget• they.wilLresidC4i: . , 6 Don't forgetthe dance in the Tri- atifitte Whiteebrittil on Fri, Anril .1,24-640(1 MUsle, lleerYingly-Welt98Pr 11' 1E11 Feeds Eirery fainter Whet wants to inciense the .1arolits of the farm Will investigate the possibilities 0! mill feeds. N ,SHORTS !..07WGRAD 'hese are winning ,a permanent, place in :the stock. faros of ,the• . Our feeds are absolutely 'pure, of the best quality, and are sold at Prices 1.ht Meai. profit • to the feeder. ,~ - 'If you have not tried out the Vahie 'of these 'feed.,s begin 4 „Once and be convinced for yourself, •••• ucknovv THE IN 1-1014SE —Jack paini-Prokirieto WE HAVE ROOM, FOR A FEW MORE BOARDERS At $7.00 per week COME IN AND ASK TO SEE OUR MENUS •. LIBRARY BOARD ELECTS The annual°ort:l rgA:igzaRtSion.meetirig Of the Lucknow Public Library 'Board was held Tuesday evening of this week. The Board this year is e.onstit- uted as follows: Reeve Johnstone (ex -officer member) Revellt. Crawi Rev.'C. H. MacDonald, Mies' F. E. Mc- Lean, Messrs J. C. Murdoch, W. )3.. • Andersen, A. D. MaeRenzie,- At the meeting •Tuesday evening. Rev, C. H. MacDonald was elected. chairinan for the current /year, suc- ceeding Mr. Craw who oc'cupied' the chair the past two yeas.Messrs. MacKenzie and Anderson were re- respectiyely. The, annual report as made but ler the Department of Education showed that many excellent 'hooks had been added' during the year. Booksdenated in .1928 numbered 452, the bequest from the. late Samuel MacDonald 7nutribering--441:---volumes-:—.448—new4 books had been parchased, There were 292 patrons Who took beaks and the number of Voluines' issued was 9.92. The treasurer rePorted. cash on 'hand at• the end' of 1928 as $96.9,7. , The number, ct velumis in the lib- rary at the end of .1928 was 4,385: The lihterian reported recent re- ceipt it 55 new' voluines-mOstlyti- Ault fiction and juvenile- books. Those ate proving 'Vet& popular with read- er< Mr. W. 13'.. 'Tucker agent for "The New Shipments-brit:jab GoOds--. l#cok a Knowledge," an encychinedie New Shipmente-Americati. "Goods- 4pecial1y designed for boys and girls -The_avkteket..-}fernell4I-Oidoe11.1,-. Olds -board: This is a..new,..and un46-date edition Of the Boole -of knowledge, -and is said to be very popular wit„ YOuPg people. The Board :ordered a set, which -wilt, be'delivered,Ani#- wear, GiUltit NOTES-. , , 174,...,1 • ‘6,TOTAtiik,,On ...the:Atome...ef-,3ter„,,son 8. B. Stothers, Essex, Ont. Km Wm. Stothers for mitify", yenie-:•,,14„Si7dent."--ef !Agtiffeld, Township. Funeral service at Blake olnirch Friday, April 12, at 2, olclook. p.m., interin t in DungatmorCeme tery. , "New Spring merchandise. -The .-u-et14.1tioneit-Wit4oc our Mills " • . FAMILY THEATRE ••.•••••••.•'••••'•:w•••••••••••••„••••••••••••••• TEURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY• . . 'April 11-.L.12-13; Ken Maynard-. and Terean The Won -der Hors*. In "THE PHANTOM ert-r" COMEDY 0,1 COMING • Milton, Sills, In "SCARLET SEAS" New Tin- sirp avetroughing EleePitruirlWing ork First Class. Service Shop just back • • Of Post Office Phone 116 ED. COUSINS When in need of Mechvtical Refrigeration, Phone 13 Or 36 Teeswater -EARL IL HODOINS • Sole agent for '-, -FRIGIDAIRE Product of General Motors .fe'r* . sk. Vicinity' To Corn Growers - (Re CornIloret Act) All Corn; stubble and stalksil must be either plowedunder gla L4ittned_,be- fore the 20th of may. 141.0 Goderich, Inspector • • Guides will meet Friday ;evening in tehool." A good attendance is te- q---ulisted. • • The Guides will give thkr operetta "Jan of Whiatitin Land" in the town 41tat:41.1i40'.12.01.(1.430,',!°!therl!elli7 ....11•001.4.1•1000 pareciatiort • . . • The arniy oethe late Mrs' tiorothy -yritst- to expiess appreciartnri- of all expreSSiOtla of symaathy,ftr kindness, eourtesv atd"doral tributes ri,51-theirleavrnett 41, y • •