The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-04-04, Page 5• .. • --aarrarras,•-.$55, ..i".W, 54,,EM.77,.....ara:1.4 ' ' ...4.•01"..: .4\ ,: .r '•' :' r•gv• 4,.... ,.,',',',4,w . .;_ ir, .,.. , .4.;•!%, 114. 444?•40,1, , :I...'4 .1.:'. ': '''' : . 4.' ,:t,.•; ' ...I.,. ........„...,...,....-„ ,..,..„.., --....... ..4 ,.., A14 'a. ,-- . . . . . - . . , . . • emanaawaaaaa , rola ,i.aisiaataarrianata.0 a' • 'a • f • • rtavr.v.m "Or, :t • v. • • *a 1:41&0140* iffOrragr;v,.. MARCH' .21i 129 •' 111.117RSDAY , - - ,• • . . •""*, • ;••• • '• • •L?r° :7":1•• '`aPa' ' ••••, , • • iN • • v • .1 • : 00' , • •' ; • • • A • '„.. •.••,:- 7 • • . • r • • • • ' ' .!• • ''-<••11,,,.,,,,itipr 00 0 Cta '"-a--.00--;- • • • • . • ' • . OltILD WN Not one Royal Master iia thousand'will•ever puncture. Not one in five tbousavd: will' blow out under two years of service, The 'Royal Master was ;built WithOut• regard-. for cost. It is die finest,*that can be built. Its.massfic tread is ,double thick, cured by a new sowprocess.' Its carcass is blade gittia; ;Nies :of. .Web fabric •Sicle.walls 'are guarded .against scuffing:•1 The: Royal_ Master is made over -size. , Or rather, the right size tot, real tire econOmy. If you Want tires that Will _last as hong as you keep your car, then buy Royal' Masters. Oti sale at every - 'Ni'IREDEP. LUCK/sTOW.... •T. Vt'. Smith • , , • ' , • ' • • ,,COal Burning Brooders - SCHOOL. REPORT " 8. S. No. 4; 10.410sa. Aintg4 Total' •550: Honors j33. Pass 330 Or, IV -Harold 'Conerom 405; Clif.: ford johnsion 386: Anne *real's: Total OR: Nonose 4181 Pees 480, Jr JV-4im Bort 4119 00914 C..f0i1;1. TgrheopVririii ;‘,11trt" Eddze Tetal;40:: Honors 3371, TVs". ;14a •• ST- Valad849: Vera Jobnto•sPti PK°Pme: Total 450 Honors 337 Pas 270 Jr 1:11Ti:Ortia'. 4.4.40 310 James 'Broome 144*:t;'CIzfford Robb 122* ' • Total 460i *nort.il'0-1:1'143ii 27011 • • Class -.Jean Johnston 314 Ted- ayi,ROrt 806:. John ,I4oltineoi.L288. , •Total 350: • Henore: 262; i'eso,210' k.1.4onneth •,,=,,pelOnsen :214: FSr.':inek Cassidy 259.l Total 35#::•Tenties• 262: Papa 2/0.. 1-4.Ana Marie - Dayle Iie Burt 203* Bissille 4.Jasaidy.:174. Total .400: Honer's. -390: • Pais .240.. Bert .332 Orviile 28t': 'Everette Johniton 274: Eddie • Cassidy 186*: Chester '.Robb 159. , • 4, .Jr.. Pr. -David Hountoo. • .; No. on :roll 28.- Ave.. att. 22. • S. S. No. 12 Ashfield: ..Sr. IV-7Isabel MacLean ..81%., • Sr, • HI -Harvey • Itebb 67%. : r • - Jr: MacLean, 79%; Reg- gie •• Campbell 7,2: Muriel Taorhurn 761: -Duncan tharburn• **D4. 3,', Sr,. II--Marie-Ferguson 69%.• Ire Bagshaw«.(absent)..• • • • • Jr. 11-74.1bert Sage 84% Andrew. ;•. . • MacLennan • • •. Jr. 1 -Eldon :Bradly. 8.544%: Mar- • • ' MacDonald-- 857 , , • • ** denotes •failures, • • • ..• • .Ca•therine Blue. St; HELEN'S SCHOOL. REPORT • , . . , • .1. '• • • 41 • "---4 • -., 1. • V , • , 1:!:•-, .3.,ei.,_ 0.. -7 r• - ' 1 ...... • 3, Ust.C1!!:. 10.441 - hatiee,'!veih. . ',,' .,, • , .., cite4t 'blobs strike .. and ;twill:Oh on ' • ' ..., ,„ , ,,,, : :Four. 404 In a snionient, comes the' .,,torrent7qianiilessi if your -roof tight f',.".1,13,:-.E..ofverpi2'litinglit.itlie PrneirfiiIi7alnieSf .efilia7:ek.'‘ie: .• ' :"..••• chink an ibe”.. roof of ,aione..heine..!.77 ';. ;,, .• • , .,.. iyerumbIlitg iotir pleiter.: spoiling :your -1.,,, '• : , . ., 000 te AY:6 **der; decoration, : and drenching . • 44.! w.' . .. . 4 : your enge. 'Ho* essential, then, that fif 90u Mini is; reef Whir,b is irntniane. to: ' 14 ili. ' f" 4 .i• granary risofintaihnents-..4. roof the • ,;3. ' i „., atm cannot ivarP--the Wind cannot. -'7 0 ' 190son the dtiVi,Ilg snow and sleet. . , I , 1 v I*" •••• • steryl,tlie Wiliest degree of weather • • and fire protection. For Brantford •••.' • Asphalt Slates neither swell or' Shrink • : split' Or chip. curl or bulge, ,cust odecay y ' • Yet they coat no more. You can entrust the safeguircling,, 3 otyoui, faxiiilY and ,futnishings. with • ' perfect confidence to these iiandsozne, shingles For Sturaller and town homes :•,.=for schools,' churches, and public' • buildings' tbey are equally desirable,. • riot only for their security but for their exceptional beauty and economy. Write for copy of booklet "Beauty. • With -Fire -Protection" --En authorita- 3,,• five treatise on the proper type, de , . "gn; finish mid colour foryour roof. ' Sr. Room Fifth -C assobeI , Sr" !AT -Neely Todd 71110: Dick' -,Veatherhead 16: .Ronald Forster ,• ;OP Jr:' IV:---DerfAllY • Miller '74% Fier! • rice MaQuillin 7.8. \ ..-, , Sr. III -Dorothy MacDonald '80%: . ,, Edith Duruin 80: Ruth McQUillie 79: harlesMacDonald' 70: Jean. Thom s. 1: Gordo p Morrison 62: David Swan nide Watson 78:. Eldon Miller , 70: bud; ogietrifiardir 11°°fing, 1Cog - Ohre .Faetszy Breatf' ore, Oat. •.• i•-• • '• ' 4.0 uCkeye.eoalfburning brooders. 'The improved Buckeye.Coal- It holds more coal. It burns Burning Brooder gives you the *off coal or hard Odd for a mOst, oubtainding values ever longer time with one feeling: ° offered. It saves you money. It It gives more 'heat.,The Vier- • glees yoularge.rataves and big- ..„mostafically controlld' double, ger , hovers to care .for. . your theckdiraft controls -the fire with chicks. It gives yona brooder50%, greater efficienty.. The fire you can depend upon in extreme- doesn't go out. -It doesn't go ly cold weather. It gives you a 4o*n and let your chicks get 'brooder you won't have to con- chilled. It doesn't overheat. -'The Virtually watch -a brooder you new Revolving Hover saves time won't have to refuel frequently. and work. Come in and see the Here pre the facto. . 4 Buckeye Coal-Btwaing -Brooder. .RAE & PORTEPUS =KNOW anditylith•HAM • lionpmental-.2 Leaknow; Ont. , • Hee the largest and most coMplete stock iii the most beautiful designs le Choose from, , Marble, „Scotch, Swedish and tan. Granites "."• We make 'a, specialty. of Femily ifertutaents and invite your inapt& biscriptinna , Neatly, Carefully and \‘• Promptly poet,. , 110* VP before placing your order. &Mess Bros. R. A. Spettoti. Phan...74 Phone 256 • titieltieeir Winghatr • • ' • -SCHOOL. REPORTS• • . March -- Sr. IV -Kathleen Eckenawiller Gertrude: Boss 67*: 'Isabelle CoI- well 61: Elizabeth Ilawkshaw 21: • Sr.. 111•77Mabel 'Ross 70'%:- Grace '1'lac/Thersort.,:38'5.: Maurice Hodgins 36 .Jebel HawkShaw 31*: ' Jr. Eckenswiller 50%?: Hadginp .49*: Currie Colwell 48. ' • 11 Class -4 -Good -Gordon Nimes*: Norman Ross*: Jane Carters; .Levi Carter*. • • . C1ass-Octod-Petor Utter*: EtP., eiln Johnston. Pair.Ploretice James's Fr: Class -Ex. -Edythe Johnston* a'air-Mabel Johnston*. 1,00r-Ifot*- ey Johniton*:. Harry Carter*. Those marked S Missed .part of •the inenth, '• .• •Helen 'Ti • • S.A. 2, We liewsinoith ence .erenston• • Sr -XV--W1Ifle Putioft 05!aimlit Bawler' 30*. • ' •. • . Pottier $60 aPerari Elwood ,Gordon M. 'Johnston, • SCHOOL REPORT S. 5, ,NO. 5. • ' ASHFIELD, Sr. IV--Poi0ible marks, 740; Hun - nuke 555; Pass 444.. •Jim Gardner -599: Syd Gardner°5634 Lloyd Hunter 487. ' • Jr. ,IV-Elleda3 Hunter 563: Violet Ititahie -578: Ruby Reid 468: Daisy Ritchie, 457. •• • Sr. II-rIrlma Hackett 72%: Harvey Ritchie 68. Jr. fl -Lane Gardner 81.%: Rena Hunter 74: 'Jimmie- Reid 62. • Pr. -Ellin' Andrew, Doreen PePper. A -Doris --Reid. ' No. • on roll 15. ° • - - Ada. M. Webster•., S. S., No. 10 for' -'March' - S. IV -Tested in LiE. Gram.,' Geoga-LRobert Howard 71%: 'Thel- ma -Johnston, 70:, Matthew Johnstone 68. . 13.••••• Jr.• IV -Tented. in Gram. Geog. Lit. Hyga--Ella Hogan •64%: Bill John- ston 60: Belo* Pass-7Bill • Reed. M. • 4...III--46od-Hilda.„ Lane. Feir7- DiCic Reed!: James, Drain:m.1.a.... Sr. 111-7-Excellertt-Ina Campbell: Goad -Vera Littlei Anna M. Parrish Grace Cetirtney:,,Fair-•:Joe eonrtney Frank, Drennan*: Birdie Reed. TIM -- Good -Jim , Nelson:, , Alex Farrish*. let -Expellent -Jean Nelson: Eia leen Campbell, Good-Bilf • Drennan: 'toward geed. Pe.-•Excellentaanliel Millar: Bob! hie Parrish. No. on 011 26. Ave. "att. 21.2t Those niarkedsinissed one or more tests.• • ,11firti J. MacDonald. 8. S. Wawanoeb .Easter Testa • .1r: Room. • • HiSei 02: N. Weatherbeed 77: L Mflie 74: K. 'rhorn 606. ' Forster' 67: -N. MacDonald Itio P-rbidgui1lirk-,-11a-Ma-41-ortieetra05..t-, Siitan 89: A. Millar 84. • * . Deffit.. M•orbe, '111,..ressible marks 006:4-4. Mil. Eatie•ta paanlo.--81 !* r • ObgetiltiMi Nittfirgi" bald inn -tive-Atilotwo-f- n, ways inak es conipensat ons. le, Ow* eye- IddeS' sttilre'allif bd. domes' strnger. if Me leteS tk hoariest df one ear the dila heaemeti IWO Saitf?.° • • ritki,4tordil w1r,gel* -1)1114 ' . • P61.411; „ ' t. (A). ---Leo trairati,,Irealaiaai Itt44- • TheiSe tniirked e mfaxed Ong tit mre. examinations, d-3 Un ot1 18. -Ave Stt I , Oggiye At, liodsis, .31 , • . • • • • r • les(004: Weetberbetul la: K. Marks, 020 -4 ter 878 F McQulllIn 830: N. McDon. 1106: -Pr;=-41.• 56'111-..-Wetrk 'Ct. McDonald 556: P. ritrattio.rrirluitytottrit.wisif • .•Iii...1)001ble goWnli • , Av4. .111., Nov on reif 10. Tit° AL • ...4i•NA • • 33• • or Sa e • MAFEKING • INK Ind •Mrs. Eldon Taramley and little doughtier of Chatham„ motored home Friday' in '.their; new' De --Soto eix, to spend Easter With parents,the'COrm- Terw'sainley.. Mr., and Mrs:. George Mr. Finlay Shackleton of Germania' Miss Beryl Johnston _of Lanark, Miss Grace Mike Of, Whiteeburch,, Miss Alice' Shackleton 'of Warnock; 'Miss Glare Killiatriek of Stratford and Mr. Elmer Johnston "of Wingham are spending the Easter holidays at their • homes herd. •Mrs: Paul 'Reed of Luckn,qw. is vis- iting her daoghter,. Mrs. Thea. And- erson this week. (' . • , Owing to the stormy Monday the W. M. S. Thankollering meeting at Hackettak church had. to ue postponed until' Sunday' eieni#g at seven -thirty • o'cleck. Rev. Mr. Whitfield will give .an address and the Other part of the program as 'before a:mot:need. We hope,.lat_, better weather aondio end a large attendance. • Dungniknon''koung People's Society Will be entertained by tile' Blake • Y. P.S. On F'riday' evening of this Week, program will be given by bun-, gannon, -after' which there avill be contests grotm ganles, and refresh- ilientS, in the hell. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andrew and% Winnifred visited Mr, •and Mrs.- 8. .kilaiatrick Friday evening. Mei Laura Robinson,. of near 'Bel - grave Visited Mrs., Henry' Horton Sunday. Miss May Saunders is confined to bed with' an attack of pleurisy. Mrs, David Sproul end Miss Clara of Dungannon called on Mrs. Satin. dos Friday. . nytitio cogiyiissioN • •XcTivt IN 1926. .fiveVAn threaglieat the 'Dominion' in .1028* 1i itatienzing etifinerOial• mailatid and 'indnatrial use 'the water, tit_r4retitiiree8 of the country 550- 000 horst tUally and brOught into use dttrini Many atlier pject ider iory er planned, toliielf willresult in. 1,200 - *NO hOrge pwr boing dev#1ere1 the near ruture.'vie total istalia- tlon nete, erkeeedg' Ave Mitten hOtle. et• ordinatit ininimetri OfitS at' 49 million, 0141 g4tlieOr :atalltitlilit ardinary..'elx ineritlias .1(tos • ".„, • 1' • • . • . THIS WORK PAYS • •. KINLOUGR • , t '3 From time to time' the expendita ••••.e. • of public .health alepartinents • r questioned '�n' the grounds that he • iniproved health conditions, :Which are adMitted, are' not -• the result .of . • work of the Health •Department,lib4 are due. to Other fnctors.. Ver.y -o(ten this qubationing is put in. Rich a .tivey: as to Make it. appear that public health • authorities had denied -di -On! fluence of other 4ctors upon heth. conditions,awhich ia ha no MeariLtrtie, As- a matter of convenience and for practical purposes, the _work' of ,a health, department has certain limits as has' that • of 'any other deparment . in the go; erninent, However, as tile health of • an individual is di-rectly influenced •by many conditions. Whieh do• not ...conic, under: be Health pe. rtnient, jt naturally :iellOws 'diet the Heath ()deer and other health workers 1111...ve an intere:4st in many things for which they pre not. directly responsible. it is: fairly obvious •to anyone -that peverty• and sickness go hand' in hand,, and no on- vfj11 deny' that the improvement of . economic conditions, provision for the care of indirentS,' indeed, that the whole field of social welfare does, rut influence the .health conditions. Similarly, tows, Planaing, .proviiions for ,Playgroands aad' other ,facilltias • which ninae° pos- sible • healthy ihonles in Lealthy sur- rntraga,' are iniportant• from heath, standpoints . .. • Admitting. all this, the fact re - ns that the activitiei carried Oil directly tinder health departments do result, in the saYing .of lives and awin- rease in the health of.the community The best 'resultsare ebtrined when eonoine and other denditiond are improved as 'a result of publie health wet*, -e'f'n where. there is no chanie of --)-ertfeKiti: Making: deaths., Infants deaths. preventable sicknes4 and da-- and -lark trimaltki are by no means rare in tit° homeOf broniud pre; iffinfiglitiiTiratiigten ore heeded both by, rich and onor,The Itertonditute-of .13046th -rt. pe -capita, is 1,460Wean itiinniunity health oXnentlituras represent aTi mea- -ettl'e inatiratifea etleaallig:ell-- 8400 itre Comruhty. -Questions coriceritte reaSe7 tote et* an a Ansociatien, .184 Celleae TM- •Ott.0, Will 136 'altswera• lie/lonely .by l'ottpr, • 1 , 1 • i•-• Mr. aria -AIM Lockhart and family' aecbmpaniea by Misses Blanche Hal- denby and Laura Bell. moteredfrom Namilton ' to spend . tlie''ho!idaye at their homes here, • ••.. •. . ., . A Inrke number ;•attended the sale at Mr. aas Murray's On Tuesday last,' alr, and Mrs. kurray iaaeed moving -to Teeswater in the -near ,future7 •'''. • • Miss Helen • Murray Wha has been attending school at .- WaterdoWn IS spending the holidays under . the parental roof. • ' , - • . Mr. And Mrs. Jeo. Barr and/twhi. • t babes of Helyrood 'spent Sun y with the latter's. parents- Mr.: a Mrs. Wm. Percy. • . ' •- Misses Edna and Mae Boyle end. Grace Haidenhi epeet. Sunday after- noon with Mrs. (Rey.) Townshend of BerVie. ' • , - • Mk. and -Mrs. Wilbert Haldenby and ' 4 Erie' 'of • Toronto are visiting friends -.here during the holidays. ' ;The, ASP.A.win -iiiret on the -,ev- ening 4 April lOta at St. Matthew's .... _, a crtirOn. nngri. 'S e:014 Herb emedy fat •. Kithieys Rich in those healing herbs • Indiana People so crippled by Rheumatism they couldn't walk have taken Gallagher kidney` Remedy' and got • well. It is • wonderfullY healieg and .cleansing to kidneys. Comes right from the heart of Nature. ,• • " Throbbing backaches, 'dizzy awns, rheu• - matic pales and nagging bhdder its • are usually caused by inflamed kidS•eys. • Gallagher's herbs ocean ends these ills. , It is one of Jame Gallagher's famous 50 -year-old Herbal Household Remedies. Soltt now by ' 37.' E. McKim,- Lleknoi/5.' . . • NeWs Spreading Prom coast to coast that Mrs. Syailla Spahr's- Tonsilitia is. the most success- . • • -a remedy. to treat. Couga,;Branchtia; .' • • WhpPirre- dough: -Colds' 'Catarrh,' Sere Throats --and Tonsil ills; - • lY, guaranteed: ,.A. E. McKiin • • • • 'f t. vis v• Tag t1teCOSICE.DEERING DitiLL -IS A COMITINA- VON Or vas Irtir(Y-P.O.PrtAlt-tig .rAlifEtt : • PORF LIGH1 DRMT, STOpTG, ERAME. COTYPAYIENT AIRE 4,10.VS.T,MBNI1*-• ." stg AtiouT ili.ATOR. PLOWS, TRACTOR . WS AftE ANTSP0,11, -1418.8r1.44'S • DISCimwows LANA_ ROLLER 8, , EWA-•• • Agebt Liteknow • • • I '