The Lucknow Sentinel, 1929-02-21, Page 19 ow,­��,.­: 71 i"nn, i R!" Y q., "kill %A _4_ 4_ "r-777". `-7 –7— �N4 A, MW 0: lip" Ow Ow I.W. F. .4r ­777� 77 71� -64 P.Q. 7 14 pq, _-V A 4. 7 4 ...... ..... .... .. "N. 74. Tie - AT LEVEL I Oxz� W S) The X Reid, r _0 e ow4y yegrs,.�F' at Lpc "now. pipry ea W 0scai'-CaAemqr*;' f '44 getiptidna. for-, the A th Y 0aldo6t of dA .1. 'k q! th .de.atb kK e T staiielii` :,to - r b e of,, hiAi - broil, C VAS00d aW"Y g QUALITY AND mo Alex'' h G000-*1BREAD'%' OUW' -'-I 9 Pru iday:, of Fet wvt 11m OME 'XA Thu s, ay.,� d r e�,Y;C "A oXim; W. J. bout t2. mi e% oi# 01 Wailds & E. hu ThoiiiD .1 he ge., H had been- of a� Bi will t,,,vislt L' 1" XACK0 le ifitho T'' fft� W aqcldea c annual Davigoii- t iev, h lave V�VsdaO 'in. The qj. tkli.,y ST' ND. BAST INGREI)IENTS fiOOD'B.AEA*6 A 'our: hly, w1vitey,emp.. TAR 8 LT' ROLLS. Pwlrkg. LEMON VIES B. TTE T ertsqW; 49c- to, i L - I _.0 it R. A and,it appears- to be,go-O t oiki rAll as lot b uri� in.orn but'. the Adenly'duo, ISte 10EI). R01 KES. CHELSEA BJJN�S. S li Wig t k ki -to'* 10Spitg RA RTS ATMEA,,:L 'COOK ,SCONE n r 'Al -N fe of-,Rced' --1 '9 e, h'' e re, 04) ewID .4 _w lo--sw wife Arrived" -a� 110i "WaA a go Lu , P.1 OFFEE, 'CA, vis, �y - an his;,ailto 66ii n ewf�, )a ..,were. -gag s of �,e Augu ty; Mi6h 4 h St hours lart�r b6fthe ii .or y, -gas ldcaL- Will, 0*.!W, G, n -rjq.d Ys .1029- 'one,t ird. xus - �, I ", I ..b... 1ii * 'A." liL ,jii D �wt h '53. i A overY,4 ay. P Obe+ y�arg treasfirr -of thit KE.Rr Ah WkR A soe, HOLL LT Y W., KE R he 'family . e wa*.,­. a' th Y twwmh 11 YmAN �p. T 4 S u IV 1 1931'. f, Mri'Wm6 Co I. who -6oinni-ittee ;r Was iore er n r.rl go k' 0 huk�b 4 aA* ne LUC b e south of- isidei i6d nn :Q libott, -oist, e 9.! he 0 '1he 54 ject. ned't' - week, .y' 1. �q;id 6' 0 And 1 4as �.the housreJori,iba on. +oil kindlv tece'�tiq4.` BooA t tya—geslon 'Will 0. ser, -notes7waS4 Dorn AM in.,Pleased o* -by. bods Ing yo, ur hii bscrip, ion. redi parent Mi.'- And Mrg,.,-Je0y,Casern or* 9' eor!4 qent, Ae d' About again. at 6. and 0/w,per, h for-. .'6, .0 T,_ '�"Iler. ',and Ave brat ENA., ACROSS ome - k ur to seaurity .' offired 180. a 1. n iy, hers and kossession. of. the faim... nef -tg amQ_"ta 'on ailbond mot ters.. nctller ther. Roy, 'two. ils Mrs. I Con g, -martlid to Missd Jefi;..de QIedson Tam.; ind- Mrs.'4ohn . :1 1 .:1. . 1. . we.:Ayho. r cen; y wa - --- - - - - - - ip , i, lk sister of the. Mr. -Gle�so'xi Hb' j killed over$e4 InAll e G W �&old`farmr iss, arah Garbutt. *),I p hag not TH, IRE - F was ti "16d hos CAUMH: NOTZS reat. S, ioiiefime,had bee v6, .6ci lre:atent alto.� -both well on, tlie vil*., the. Ungside. n rY A�ell 'is' 'sta'yng.­a few A MILY EA -A full line of :1920, es itO G. '-.I.d one daughter her Airs es -1, - WALL'PA to reeovery��: -Pr -t-w ofis nd ROOM, 01.'118179' 9RI1DX AND G -Y, SATTjA.DA Oper.ofi, hind. P1 ey are S)1th THURSDAY 4firvive. Th Willi�Am of'' Paris' nd.. �'RIDA h e`G�.fld: Tuesday of. t S *q, ineeting of th Feb. Able, 49wx -a so 'Agent n us of ,,Brantford,, t e, ata; Mr& Jarit' 234 I.,am I , f,� , The 'of' h I -ig 04 o e Aft was 'held Monday 6enin­ And 'was "Station So Buzz Bartoll.'In It n- -who P as ed'away for'lead,ing jp1l:.h6uses. . I w st 'Ieniperat, of the clipp�ng from e t nd rs oof on,,:.,� ecoratbi, Vkinter',a' ..Grain r, �out in charge of the Lookout, op#mjttee.� ..J.,;Cgmer. ..'On i ','a (Dr.)."'BaL' A' a 'rece-iltissue of. :Marti S, a S, a late'L'. residence THE LITTLE E�VCIWW Season, so, a I a I nd Empire, sent- Ifeld frolfi,'her 40 The Mi. 0 rs 'vice p, Luckn' 49' 25. Mi. Wigg, fk' t. resident; -.'Or' ow COMEDY.- accoqnt, h" 'af s , *e 'LUC below Wednesday morni ek-:containg a" brief The m6eting was -ope b1f Four years ago Reid ft: ib 0 East, Wawanoa Thursd4 terno6n ned e, y FOR SALE en .,weddi g. (-�l --Dudi- urpose Short" Ain, With". lier daughter 's id; WinghAm wag one Mr§, T. F., C 9 le iipi' 1�ixni and'�-went, to ie' hite- f.t'e, it6ld tbration-of cemetery. + She ho. in in y ran- 7 2, t are read-, 044 of last., in' Mrs h on 9 h :�c­ side, at W will, T. of o -eird, ay He & � four brothers And rfid4 . Kend Kaym chkirch. 'left III t6:town�, lef f:,th f. pioneerg. g Matt 1. r*,ad',by . only. -t, pp !A e w. week fojr,�Mqhtr Mra there, sisters W Wbom n i e ene 0 in eil., Cam hopes 0, of. - . I y 0 r Twlb`�,- yers w d ,Art . ; 1, plr# off je3t e- ge he f­ —Phon ;W -b _F :We &::"d -- p, e A -in the w;Io wp .4 aughter -of -1he Of 'Sea 6,fth,. +two. song and 61 �Pg ril �(28+.2 lit T fun�� H ii., 686. *as then Sung' Readingsi Mrs. ..'Haigh, f ry, as, ery, M. in Luck- Ate." YM p AV%! e 9�Yeil� y N, r -Mirkaiet' Ma ishowr:� And whose' the, teeiriAlliwhich She wai,held s, FOR SALE-ViAiola large- cabinet t-CARGILL YU.T .`I)IED'OF, CULD. Iso6ef Douglas and^ -innifred .'John-' WOMEN!& IN G INSTITPTE:, M ET E �hdow still'�re�ides'heie. Miss Hakel eswater is Agn, �-goo "As, new�_with 50 good records URy.. $ton Mri ko'war'd'," i�w, 66nd-oi�d d ltks ot Te r. Thoinp-- *.oc n s women- int ni g d h.:dilei wis q! br iy'fbiee Ing of dk- ted with'-wom6n throughout thd world. �i.j . : . , son,hisb I S. , ., ''. e e ssr.�gterd, u Good ouw-a"fit it-�46 SAYS jig visitillb, with .'Wer','cousin Mrs St ff I CORONEWS J oyed hthe PrO-L a old ail :M d4stati :s iven We c no' interf,erefice, A., bargain.; wli� u4 ti the Lu vigcial,�,: Mills'at, Gioigetow.n'for Leftatt.' paper Infor"wation t% The 86lifinel :044ce. .-At, l4s' ' h Jury hits pro -,Mar� -and, Ern!4' nThe fnSth4te w "'held '- At - t t e,, cordnerli. ov v r,. � so, -the e' De*h came, wi . th. start Ing siiA,dnoss' 'in- -9 service of'�Pyyer' ld the er ea. eouoW.,hd e seph e ided,, there ever 'sin. -6 they. were., United ho-ci (21 'd6aih of ''jq' 1 1fees That ' -Are )4a'king"The, the -,hoii4" of' Mis. Russel, Robertson C on 466rifo,6n, d OpIc'. Q Mr. Ale)t Reid of. he village.' fte yld wag taken by' Rev, ATr ith, giii attenclan e'bf - 42' Mi$. Win. wi s.,, d as usual,' alth uW n who, Qn-,D6c ied. lf.-his' w' the'. se��i4 6ccasion y . ave nin son atf sReid�'th� ypung, ma iem, �Wo til "ri�sided ;and cidndifct6d the' j�arr Th h e, b aW.AS g6tilgi '09 0 4th, 'last, was oun dead usual; op ning, . exerci§es. - - *tth fivp ;�bich wom er f d t. - Gallahoir of e -Anglican. Church' I - of whom OR en thi7oughout. the World I ' in, fil he,, had never- been 'rqbust:?,for� a' nunl7, �'C p -is mots ere, 'made. the summer, ditch n4t tar- his ho f brqtheis,and.,.4isteri- 4 .."I'llbinlison. ted". in a universal d'wj, of , pirAyer and- roved Aery interesting� n�js a. s�g- �.ber of ild'. took weak.. iFkll -uni r partiati ars app in 'o ith the eilk."hi i stated, -,theit,-'oy.iiltv,'Iitbbr'.and, 6etinrfiich'� will' b�, -beld' in' the h on, Z lof Ch tia-ti:� iiiission:%" buildings.'. iy to ni ni, &t, 16 c6lin6U, If.0 ie,Hal.:Ii invite were at't e.,. anniversary pel' for: the *qrk prati %Mri. -Percy §lq37 24th --St, Detroit Carileg t was:dodi�ed- tq Frid ifternool. d paggod away love were the'thrqi foices ne Sall bient North SIP a *,amp w igke].. ter ent of, t 'a usan t is meeting 1 n -ps became' at0a ted, w n se . w idow, tio -sons an iiici British Isles, on me rry i,xon vis hdrt tIme'.at: it', sqrVivid 'b� his.. w mill tir-olie, Asia and f in. PO ec hi A '1-nvi�- In --w-Fe- - -1 ": E e', 6�6'n t 'I i�i I n`j s i -'r for the' bet' h world.. A Gr6uPs of. women inthe iitl Some: of the rroitnding� OrAnZhes to, A� yourig-peoo.le Mr. 'an' d Mrs Ao cbot.tl, h rivA -of' a, tio7,, d -an S?iAh A which L)h analysis Proved 6-be'qii,ear- tall,1111.16h i't"the Ripley Branch wag ehipl6yed for' a AL rica joined au aris ussell pan itiondl ly '50,1 aq .., e, d ghter,, Win. of P led, by' i!��*'FOR SILE*:� '. :�- - :'' . Douglas Nt and eom accepte& Mr.'. G. H. here' four of, *orld-wide and Mrs..: Dr. BAI -this c ;enjoyed by -The -mile quart0fte )f Brantfo, ast Waw9n, The o.oners. :jury -,ad, o_w6it Smith addressed -&, meeiting asking rd Lot. 41, Concesdilim.14 E sipport of' 'the W. -the. jiq. Mon_lprayer'seMee', )Jrs, Rain 'e prbsided' uTtera e. -'rom -tho ng-. pum, er. a, M I d., oil. read the Scripure A S ..Iosk 100. iereq of land diie IlMi f- h -als On .., Gord o c tributeA'i':.p1e*a's6 b for th( in Luckno.w.. -The f 4.5 mohi a. -to get 4s�i re erection of ..the..A.rena. The. follo*hig, 'Iay� aftirnoon an w gely itten- Winghaib� cesin'llay; 12 it C.H as !a -por an UN11WD.,_ URCH;, p6thy esson- Prayers,, were offered -by. sev creg' t ori Analysis' of' thi�'contents� ymn 538 rwas *ung,. ar, Mur�- committee was apool teil -to ASHFIELD new y A"ee ed two goQ. in' I d wells 'And Ayer. genora, .. arrapgem6itsifo .1 � I - I ld,* The 'fainili h�v�e t 'e rp,, .7. ME 'era mem -dead man. A och -the Meet ng r the; St. Pitt- uni, In :-their den. rS OW. spring:, creek. Good ain., 5�x60, and &�he Sto' wb of'the A closed ty I be 161i Ing. sted tick's Supper. which- will'bo held , iiii tfili comin, sud -AliPlY to'' list the, report came,'6n , was. to., the d' M . P Reid,' Mrs. ieavemerk eggue,bad a viry The- -W.' of-. e. lted,--C ur night. Lstol;;, 'd I e, eni, 'lost, Tue!Wy, and W., S. On�- -4ffeet -that' there was -no ','Clarke, Mis. l5.',M7jdhnL- 'Tbe Zlow 'h Ii -,The,- VAlifitine Sobjgj -h!eld: � the Uhited Church Y dih..�Nrs. Muidie, Mrs t ogram. Mrs. 1eimie Currie, Wiligharn idened, of en%, c The -6gram, or on Ji Douglas An rs., W. C C u M 'd' rs W. h reh pr M of the. lViesbyteriart Y -P -B - 4-1 tht" flit a vefdic was n � We-$" and .able Sat all Aff So ��tho,'jury roqg - in, t in;the,cari of Gret eniie." Several— n'!ejsagei - of.. _�141 � ktt SALE " , I." L, _ t' ""hutch- observed Efidiiy,'�venlng: wi�very 1 en-, &-iati6n wete tweiveldifrorA th6i ai ht,at.tlie -home, of: the Preside thb" Day of' Prayei AUCTION alipt. Se 4u�ter,n Osu - Gieta Hudson I M�k Trail of 'John. :of 40ith 4u,6: to. cold: gild. re .Who .:had asked: :9 be Irvin 40 18, -.GrA4el'R' who'M',A&we`rs and fruit weire..Sept. Mi s 4-ssie, Ahdrow,.� Bill -Friday 15th.. -There w H lifyi Lot oad aszfk' go6d 'ded. T I _­ .9 ot 'reported.. that' any, refoience. -Tji6 Fted McQ: ..P. ged -to tak# t.e, topic, 'the fisual ties an b . r about., 4.miles goilth of Lucknow. 0ll �t Is n The'-.Aueiofi' Sale with Mrs. -4. W d A- Gallagher (Mr.. uill(n), fo de ided League 1)rograin ',that was titefidaned'fiom nie havi an - Auction Sale of faim `St6Z� was niade �to the p!oxiW.my 6hhe bot-.' 'Our Tal��11 Her.,thoughti, Jqyr?t as aubtion�er. pr6wed a Brea�dh of Promisi. to' Miss Jen, �f followed lk. the edrlier ps trt of ely fituble� hour, was ilent. eyi 6r,,A.ny,suggesViQn,a0 fu address�'was ase ble succerw -a de pro en, rs.' Wg. lace was,.. 'c was res ''.be evening, gave' a fine paper n-, the -Miss Jean- .1 Wr. Henry 1146 kellied his farm t atc.'25 fun. $9. 466d $5.00 to Kelmedy is. spend much enjoyed.,,The Pla"Intiff 'had as Feb on M commencing at one- o'clock tie' of whisk 'b d' the - Para nd created a 'ML 'Milleri o how the yolmg an:,,vtso` unable, ent, in M h was t' . of be Tal derich, -Will be-' sold. added to: the Mim orial. Fundand the of a coh.ol ever.� few'd4ys- with her sister in* d a e er jag listed injurious effoct I in bi his home'. which read'by gathefifie McG�uife. franc6s P �'. i, ag4g: grown ve a, M s, Fii1laltit xeiturneA to bet home r wyer. was tot J Aue to get.td balance o'.Ahe JFlowii Fund. M talk' on r r. Durnin Phillips' while'' It is known far a that., he rink ir I)e-' -Thompson gave. an effect ve.,. r lug. lths.,Steward read j. splendid PAOLI spending a.1 few days '.Mr. Wallace' Miller acted.ior. iier; several: o' Making. Friends. 'Miss 'Roads to tb�l, City �f'G�d- A 6.apital in Toronto after, W ntributed: a r no, was I rd ei'Mr. James Martili. An a s. gignes d- if is aging varieti waif lefit. '!Ai Vera Tbdd, Miss,11ele-ii deaiifig , m@e,ti brot th from the. bottle: "of whiin.k y n on "Th�` Spirit of Valentine Atli her h fedant. 1-thesses for I a '.p am I AUCTIO'N.,SALE dirink. . the- evening to� the ieta Webb -06 Miss ��,iz, -s ndi�&. a included lif vocal solo'and: Miss Donalda-. DOugl4-0; and . co�teits['were.. I zle Colilteir. is. pe -in oss, fair 0 'conOude.' that the effeet hidulged, in and It. a . t, 'Ptogram., by: 64o excellent musical * 'I - ' d. Alex 1/1a'&Kenzi�, Con. A. a piano. soI6 !all. 'of whirth were', few days. -with hpr iunt'Mrs. W., 'j,, Mi ler an Mr. Lorne Woods;. for. the... (neaf Ldng'sii&) '*1 . - I .. 1 s' a me - evening ivas 'enjoyed, very t.hil' 11 have an aue i0XI 'the ikhf4ey wits 'such' that when.be a'zAbirs, A -pi. no' dixet,by Jessie, and 0 -Haivey a Much enic;yed�7..The Rolf Call *as an def -nee Mrs. D. -Ph! pS, '"d gb.1 wh� -Iuoch was Con. lto sale of his faia stock,an4j imp-inicks fell into the ditch. he, *was unable, to tin inittainerital-ioldt. 'swered byb "My Hobby."' Refreshment: nearly I Wei Mi. Wilson�.Woodi. After on February 27th c6ri in �n enjoyable 'and -iesiilti d! , old !Does -,were served at- the 'cloge of . the. ieet- amen6ing, At served ha;Z, for the I gthy discussion the ry I bq. get out of, it.; aW' as 'a."' T OINt'. EI)*ARD, P.M. Ev, -by Helen 114cLeod..and-the a very en ervilting � will All& 8-,,V' -thank'. exteltdid'to And. DtEP A One o'clock ifig ot6 of s: evening wag -:ten ered to 'the 'd f of told 9-nd 'exposure. Je us. Care by Mrs. -Mrs. R,,bert.sQn he use of :her rewi�. d pose - o sold'� as thelarni has, heen. refited. S%Veotfk sung -coT eleven fadles, aini Then Elliott Millei,'Auc". Re�orts of'the.getual bircunistances' Harold Treleavem Th' -etivg GkandM briAghj .in a. verdict.. of !'J�ot Guiltx" home e next, init , qth7 '.gabbath Day for X.acK enzie a f6rmer re Or's D.qy. will be held. at thi home er, Wbit6eld acted as Judge. (2,1-�47P-) of lygung. APid19 .,de.ath ome- Of Aiio'th' 'fine JoJ. Rev. M 'W, M.'s. Its G.- A., Newton.. which.we -tyere aligtatilful. The con- deiii' of tochdIsh district. 4ied 'o'n" Feb. AIXTION SALE A;firsf. it -'.wai- repbrW that 11-th at the age, -of 75'yeari.' Mr. Mae- *ts,. 91,,��e and Mrs. Crnston. wete 0 1 'the aAer-, ditch. which gregations," 0�xticalar y d the b, dy was, foun in. The world's international Day. of. Kenzie left visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' learr Elmor Farifsb,' ' Co'n." 10; 'Aillfi6l toeh6lili about 20 eotitainl6d - Some' water. Then , it" -was DE noon-ima 4�vening, one's were good. It (Western DIV.) will have. idi LA,NGSI is survived by wife.,,foui Crabston, Kincardiuo,.' durfii.,�. thi.. feig' most bkt, ody was covere& wil was very. noticeable how good,4 the. 'thely, are Mrs. w auction Prayer was, held.at,the Pkeshyteri 'ago. sale of choice 1161seftl' 140- t the b eek.. freshen i Mangle, on Fkday i5th �.rith a good daughters and zhe son. water All but th le congregational singing w4s� at eac 'of new e he Mr. and kr& Russell. Ritch spent b ver, of them due to n March.dut t - . . I . , Ofiy- 'dollars wbrth Apill, alsb'i number of Oxford, Dovm Day of Prayer pro.- & 6sS, Lbeholgh, Mirs.,W-. Lind 'trorn c6nAffio�g are 'that Otendltce- The- tIle weok end. with Mri'andl Mrs. D., Apl we 1111 -of baoks have beep' added ;oikrnent. The hyinns. te, kwes,.fim March: 5th, 66mmencing a.t 'refer6nops to., gray" was su�eessfully, �-qjlowid The Mri.-; Goo. . More, tic snow bank! wit-- iness-As Is io,t always the...bpdy wits foud, in.a -.Falcbnfr- ol'Bluevale. 0 of Libraiy recently. P.M. pr4ldpnt bad' charge ainid'other m"em-, J I one, o!teldck i Dttr6it, ana 6hn' Mael(Oilzie,. k very sueoegg- th .6ase. T -must, hii - we- -fit t e h p�qple are onjo�ing t e bdttle'of *his 07 was WfW Eliott Miller Aue, And h bets took',pari ani aftel� the I closing The W. M. S. e Detroit. e oil 6 'snow... iIiood and' the'dai'y. We..hid,good:ln- T found - in t fill meeting last Friday, -afternoon at tj 'social half hour4as - spent. sk h open, air rink., wh the bdnib of. Miss garet Prayer 'ill' be ecalled that,'6it the evi. Mar' 90 strumontal, �usic 'at Church. It Ig on on 'the b4wling green S, 0 Cards - of Thanks. It W. it 0 has te% Ude A %who" 4�8't per At. tb se dence of -Gordon.' Rawyet The'sYnIpathy of this, conimun Y We -gene"rall 'have, but little.. or- n -, e a7n Farm, Stock nil, Implements at, Lot it. e, do not -e e" fam-- ish I xte'ded to Mi. A., Reid and I is w .21. 93'.con. 4, CuIrOss on, Tuiiday- witir Iteid. on - th itight be thing sai4l -about Mrs. Alex Reid '.and. �Amilv, ur� to, Is -y tli� -filth I and 61116 f6 e kin, dnessevo -March'5,,at..1.3Q �ea bereavenient.,Kir, sn cicintly t��Preei an, 611i ii'� whiskey to eid' vi urak id fu ent, O''rga"'Ists, an in he, cemitei. ted 8 6. 116YN9 6 'Shorthdin oCattle, 14, IL rk- itaililees. of the unior. eke' t -that �Oje have-4ho.serve us nobly sit showii tbeln at -the Under .13ows . atid-, 114i ' feis, 10 Yo Al14. sOnt, to, jall A)i *onthi, This* h on Moliday. Quite.'a crowd 9� __Sh Fatwers a c 'farin equipmgift vini 1purchased� a number 6f ut looking for''r iie sows an ' d allthi �olivtotiow k4 Wadp i ered at - the cein6tery.. 1howing 'the' itho ce�t b�keq emen ontert followed a '74ndliths credit. wAth3t/le A6redited- Jers6y each. Church e _y_ TERMS- n �T�'fe, 0 the Vur�- Died esteem in which held. drinco* will. be given ih tber Town Hall discount for cash, No resery -4s fact - that. WflSOIi, flis' father, their Cows fko*�,-high testing. berds, Ward But-, . coming b1i6k to-� -the anup� 4azt of LuckZ tileknow, the evening of - Mar6h '1st:;_ %owner. -has -'sold the farm, housekeeper d- some others -swore. e l in on to Mr.And $Its. Victor Ym4rsioii spent. instrumental' iv: HaAett -oyi. the road U le, T 4 'Duncan Keith'. Tioi at the the, villa1g, Of 'de glo%,#, left: di tie n e �'S611aa 'with Ur' and Mrs. Av�_Pat4t �A now a thildli.brlwii si3e Y.�c%p this 'date opem, Art Rel and -Sawyer Were j,p , 'h b besides the pieache hutch, 9t ers r Find r Jnol. Purvis, haiid. , " r e W Pl!�Iktaowyo * Ph 150%, yerseir -Milk ..Plegse Aeave - at h Pr6p , L Auct. on - homq 'at all, itid hat Tohn terson �6f` Luckn6w. - mxist n6tice'ifie fine pieludes, mgrA. Sentinel 01%ice. for'the rella fund. 'and 500/.p Holstein ..milk at 10t Pat - Wilson therefore could not and arrived '�. Itttlir boy at. the,- ad oth�i plecos to rThere, nl�ditatlons, 'a C14HAN -SEED '.FOR SPRING It. not' .0,611 the whiskey to, Redid. ' The Mr, o4'9r§.- Poltiy Poffin- 'are' ir.exted general ing whbn, -would. 'I e pu e, resh hoe of wh we ly Be 'Prepared. for I Spri t4 ai 'Magistrate -said' ree, Ington I rs.,.Pon"I.1itton while piopI6, iro 'assembllng,'whieh- toinesi Get your seid 6d�jrain'sioe that.* lie belieVed inlik fr`6M 06v7f,T64ted, COWS f ait. 17-riday. IV, -all 'thi'ZW": fr6"'i Tobord0aL,. P164se Give 'US wits forinerfy Miss ft4 TWO Of contrIbUte in wxy to.. t -he ky�r 'as Cleaned now. while y6u; bq4o lenty0f , 'I" t' i so -from.** ro.c r pr,a n, o, c A --fir9t 0608 a fxeknow.- -7 thfi. community. fit.. di #y and, v reb4ful Mr. and Mm bville Tiffin 'Apetit gift Our Alm ertsom -otdarivig of oerv)ec. G1914 iGUID9 *0T28. "HIGH QUAL11rY MILK, 06tord with Mr. and, i out I lAst (gg -.9-P.) "VALUE F I 611t, YOUR,. e, iwend 10 I"S a Priday tiig6g. aThee-Fis A,b60 W tie A'dro­ tbo. i Uc6tised Auctionee the W&itune7 t6 foiketare a Who hi EL W& th. 'goe'Jil arrz9vil k TOO March' Ist. pure Jgfdoy dilk higy ibove Uer an by6th.0, Witt Nas f 0, Gu'd43§ -list We' will start i dAdly Por the' colwtv u, ell. Large ex" ..bihad. by CU$tOni#fg *-And' paisod t6d.? 9 a -ewe ellUrleh,i'tr Mr. W.'J). Or "'I of, Wonlan0s Badge. L It wola. take too #lue;j :4,pgee .1ere .4, Seedles NRW nda'rd qu Y Oevi6fldd -fil 'bu� bi 01�dgf. 'Fragit" 2 lbs. 150 'ou- thet Itteit Test *Ili e, �he t� IgHtiounead next W�o. gdt'y A *ri sh6o f -be" 4o. tell of the RbOd dmi ;tb, M, tia Mfv# .98 it, 2-1 ot -9-#-.r A Friday'',iois th."Ohl'14 Nurse" A, Hadett Le g ere t r§dAy u1bg that, 1b, 0r.0 NE P P 1 t ra &tJ AsTookwiter. Thig, work 't3pt T 9r, T. A,. e 0 the 'k 'oti'the -Olt out- Aange� s6*4 Ate Used Uft d Ch t 'A�h6k.g )t-gt att4fWaft to ise v u 'P'--bl -�n tit P bo -foie the. test".,, fins nAucti Livery Barn Lqdk�; ra Xill -to. . C -6. dwnghip ARY UHIU S*4 oi, on SatiikdA . Mrat�h 2fia, of. 20 Yt kiosts..t ... At, lofi x cen iple Uaf RAW u Hat�heil�-in` 'the. Huron M�himotli­ in 4 to- 6 h. Thiodfiv larth*: 7th.' 1429 itfdn� fro year, vldi owe the eleail6st arid,boalthtett o ell gom# nimdh6d tdimitc drots ngs,_ ome ulift -tho Nofthetn' M Ole Ah"I* tO Cleang' tbIll't ff6fif- Powd&j 23 Ott flgeond�rting pied"d ;of 0 r AMC ana- une; red, no, T - 0% Ith* T e 10 F V F, r ave, P pea n t AUCTI SAIX, iW t�ddl 9,ie61Act0y: 04 4bb I.- 5,'Ash eld will N H M OTTL 'arg, 10 ffifdrL I A : . -ILK - B a 11.1 lilok4 d 'tatt., 0ig .)f his - th oAt" Pot furt d, Our C6 foAq#. mid lithdre4'i csdj� fbr. tljoyd'os 10 6n*A?'db.19iA1 Alt 0-90s. . �.. . 'i e aellvery 'Ott' on VA loll We I fill iwf�IA2 .6 io