The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-04-07, Page 6Arr • . ? „. . •00 a ; • , • , . . .,_ 13.TQ.i"SIff- • ' 08"; "there 14 SOMetiln' el,4- This , • helt-eto/c0 Cre•Pet.-e-IrOubc-O-roPlago-efternoort;4ite should arrive '43EkS but d plea; arrives frx9r-Aladan' Cqx.- a- holiag-T.T ' - ,,_ ._, _. ' -... ...- make ' • ' • thioaitraf, .. a- eoinetdePier of tirf,e„ nIsraeg. no • a Yenn. g '' 'ler' , From what _al'ean lc takert for- the gropir crabei,-svb." ToA out, sig.'s a great friend df this M17- ttiffinitpresn!'" " ,. ' tack/ of a'bart4 rd.TIT ,hr a maacettetta sa,adden_oraa craaa, or •whaaeeer as . . '.. • 'He tescueg, Margery Versus* stla ilium is. Tirpold • vou*.like to see 'ir., bear.:0 that bee father is held captive by The ... _ „...7 . , fte HanDreser in 3.1"andnnin m• Placing sPeetorr ' . • ' Margery in a eautaena .P.hiiire ga to ; c wetddr • Itsairitigng aint raeets•CharreS %' iiist.14 , . , . . •Anierfean dete.ettve- When .Crane is ab- So tk' happened -hatin spite Acrf all eiretedaviattaa ,calla fit' aeotta:nd rod- , • .• '' ' Then TA'aggerr tIT*01:leays art& NITT4tfrio To; 1, e;r" Preeall;a onei Margery re.rgPeo -U- • earairred by the gecn;gr. . Howel ver, AbO Lewd. herne2 ' a •Coapie of .rsrngt, . . . •• .• Vordsatunat, l'. aetortousraceiminar aw- , yes-- effect.% his egeare-, "The Fo/kastoae, T oter facing a poem omer. At the ... , . ' . ' • -pence search Tt,* watt. ;ITause. fet „rot: of the inveties urrifotes_ sheCt-n . . IfC1°'llg 14. . • ,taembled Violentii.a ,„, • .. , • ', • . g-- 1 1 craleapTFax. ' "There's no, need you, to ea The ri406*..*6,T. ou.v..ted—e,intr g4ady,", 'Said r..a!Iey only .E4t,ntioni 'of 4.fhendlY; "I'm here to 1:telP yotttea try the YarrChad expqeted.vnt‘ro geerti- SOIFe the ll'iYstak of your friend'a salts, am t the list thing, he,•ivanted ;d1salikeFaime- . IdaY, 1 ask. renr was *Yet Ms eld friend down.: But there it was; he had paid hie v" she' htated for•a moment, and :neje a thorough sea:wham& nothing tben said fa a whisper: . amine meddle done in that dime -free,. . "Ferersen-Margery Ferguson." Perhaps the visit at the Erre woufd Mrs. Fitainh* standing behind, pat- ted her on the shedder. "There,. there, child; don't take IL so. We both want to help You, fleet '• we. InsPeetorr have already told Miss Ferguson 43:le:Id a Better heggftehlr4, he W33 eera &fi?, IL spite of hia recent *Revere** that "ifie Aral Obitof the rilypterir was 4771,te..he fount at "The Whioe, "Tireearrival of the ear at the len -..caliOdt Mrs- Thimble be shake with ex nreir'ea-fritis-importairt-looki `.Mau4 are Very hand,rretnaned th a _ whatifeayeuanersama: a, ••' u•rifforne'esas a very atrifer- TeY •friemra dreaPPeeranee? •Mrs. „, eat =attar to peor prodaarag Georaa lramble was teiling me that he hes 'Easily Preventable zohnxa, whose otuptatsr gave her in- merelY gone out fpr: a wait, and- hat Easing anger every tIrlf; she thaught hegvceerrtatlit t°speaectee s -;lioillde.rs,. the tali; Attention to Alighteat ha Tr here' • eras, aaaramaepy eariaa, the enspeaa Enspector eaught the eye of the /and- IrrittaiOn Prevents, „Fueutre Trouble . _ They se."a...nevr .erfe. :svorht mark ,for 88(1-y.arct relay awlitt at Logr,. Heath; Calif They'ro JOSephine MeEire, Mara r--4 Lowe, Jennie ' cranrer, Okve Hatch and *Terme Ferbes. • • ' • • • "That's. me, sir. You called alsot the affair last night, r epese .r bad, .0eorget....retasiez to get on the tete- Phone _ Tnspector Laidley allowed a alight ennffe tir pass aver his.' grim face• . • Gat -naluson- fW'fFthber---to him—"' • -• • 90Yr Vs the. *vIllage eoPPer—I 1-`eldreY felt was 'geldig groudd- ••sieaaridiees=, .E fold•peeked= "Sit down agahrr. Wes Ferguson, • toga straight hack tellie Station arid and trg not to stiitaft yourself. As 1 .• „ , • The *ter made her apolegy. ' "I daren!t tell her the trath :whet die first comet'—' she iras•that ripset--" lareir5r Wang • "The triith? What is the truth?' she pleaded; "/ must know. • Mr. ergeoraa ,oatFona who oa.earthas Crane eame down hem to, try to find ••cer ef the breast whica begins ait irritation of the niriple, first des- cribed by str„Jraites Paget England •eiventy years ago, is rapidly becoming !a Preventable elfsearsa When. "first deseribed by Paget and mita recerit14 it was a hoperesS fermi of cancer, lie - masa women Paki ni; attention in the beginning tio •the it -Ching of the arippie, to its irritation thenipPle get,oic the telephone to yea.' Faye already said, I'm here to help' had become an Meer and the cancer frisks:flans came. frOlit Selatir- 5tbii" Wilat7S 01.4 a/Ott Yorirlfatheir had invaded the breast and been urn* yiret istrase:troi„,00:7 • • Mi.() iS• your father? And what is he carried throughout the body, Making 740stland Yardi."' She spoke the crmhzg 11"andling, ' :the disease hopeless. The studies of -wolfs ireirapreseed . "Mu -4. X zed Four Paget's disease o, tire male during ,ay,,esa Noir want to get the nal "It weed be better So. I ni (Vete theee seYentY Years have brought to- ' "fresh herb the Garclens",,, sil . • haiance U4 • vet inn* de sniounring %V.,432,- --- • ' 1,25,491 000,alter .n-Lonthe, ' • 35' L. . . 4 This b4lanee ipiw amounts to . • • Vapee4ier Board 'Trade fteP' Ort. Mar. 8..", Building done. during 1931 amounted to $14,481.86. .• •Po,ntbigg of gikiIMens increased ly .40060 toniOnver 1.036. Experts of shingles inereased.by 8% in�hion bandlea. ' • a 4'7revel);:ii• tisrin3:84Ss3:°r4e02:OliCeedt:"Izissy215 niIL 4. t� the West Coast Limbermen's Asst. fp# meek ending. January 16 showed salei .%; over preductitha :It bepg the l2tk successive weep m whiCh orders: ezceeded production -:-a. ecord slake - • • Vancouver Mereliants' Exchange re- port increases• of ..eaPort trade from the peat •of Vancouver as follower • Banking deposits in savings banks in New York State reached ,a high re - 'dont' at the glose of last manthawitli. ,total of 0;216,910,632. , Grain Shipments gabled •• • finale:WM rerirevelheanippte'eltle a undiagLskirtaand-se, . of the breast beneath: , Right -in tiro operatingroonilkozen sections will be made .from the nipple and the breast; Ibeneath., , When no.evidence of cancer ' is found In thanicroscepfe• seethe!, the breast IS saved,' Should,' there be any evidence, or suspicion Of cancer, the cempleteoperation Must be perfornied la order be Obtain the best assurance ps....?.......Tgq.. „ ....... . . .. .. 'i'lierefore, cancer of the Minnie,. Like caecer attire akin anywhere is fast • becoming a preveutabje . disease.. : - Swinimer Bright water and bright,: bloe wave ' Darting around m•Y •Oheeh, Moist Tip to my lip, Wave, A hear you, speak: a• • • And your Werds wittv so ' slide Like a strolig deep-reoain • •Stersi fimn Yam. Please -tell me every- ere-la;Thothlaig Yea- • - need -fear" -getheracenvintem-eeiderace-that You tell nie that water is sweeter -- "But them fe---•-ner father—" •Site Cermay be made a preventable disease• - thingthat:haPPeTeted-" T., ' -, • - . ; More deheate tissue than ffesh, • BY2 tiffs tithe they' were in,the land- ''r(hi--titYW'S eenir"" by giving PPoPfe Proper instruct:ma ; That water .is ,freer and 'purer : • eaters: e'erearea aseearaareona ana gara, The Paspeeter signalled airs. ffam.- ;how- to. deal with its ' simple been- Than brood in the .vein's troubled' ;r7,y'asilasaiTE Tfhaat-e-r: was dust, bre; and the latter left the room,. re•- Mugs. It is a very remarkable - mesa; • • aartriaaaarrata, a aerafa veal her. apron, turn* quickly With some smelling i.t� tire intelligent foresight of th— .eard I turn On my back to rest, • most domfaatabk sate After these -had -been -pieced tasurgmat pathologist wire, wrote to the girl's nostrils, she roived. ' • more -than seventy years ago that if ,. To Ile 071 *Oaf feed breaist. • she find, seating herself oppo- • , sre• . "Well, it as liTosathisr- the young ° gentimmni. he said. 'is. name was Pad - 'Padden?' I understood it was NMI} Crane' "You musty tell me the Whale. story,-!womers lee taught and inftuenced Bright" water and bright Tillie wave, ,Miss Ferguson," now said Labileya aco, pay more attention to the begins* I fear y -soet diStress yburge:if; take your •of this irritation a the nipple, they coir ealty kiss- -time; but don't forget any detail. It could be protected :by sharer Plea= And I break yonr dangerous words may be very important!' , than the complete .,operative removal WW1 atrekes like thie—like this— , ar dare t rail*. azilytacag about trio* „ "But first of all, WI me where ilttra of the breast Paget did ratit:liv' e king Till my feet grate on the sand . enougk to, learn that the disease of trr And 1 crutch it tight in my lihnda , I told tee 'is name wad, Padasit, and ' Crane le-" that raw= reeemmenaed to, leatunang• "We dont know—thatr's why I wait :nipple d aescribed by hint teed not be Buth Langt-nd 75°Tberg**11' "• V°Ices" . 1 a,- Matt caged Stalth.7 . . on to tell me all you can. . It may hopeless- • • • . altaraia that- far. aainaaaa. weaaa afMente-a valuable eke." . . ... . • .; .The modern woman!, under the care . , • . al..17g.urivate Material faets.if he alT.Mie-:- •• '-`•T'Fit' if do,'143,; r fatlieraayon ,may ,• of the'' trained nurse or .nlhi*Ife and French 'Women Collect. ed. her to eentiao., the inspector erj„_, Tilut.liiiii. .irt prisom" •; • - • . the • epeeiatly trained.'doctora' knows ,• The Inspector, rapped, his. finger ;that any neglected' lialtation •of thel - — 4 °I'm Sex Writing's • : - , "Crane or Padder4 that doesn't mat- eggs with a pencil he had from . nipple is followed by a "caking,"• pain- • Paris—"The women of, France. may . . , • • 11W se ihrich;at the nick:amt. .Perhape his Pocket-. ' :fin Mastitis of the breast which often not. y..t hue' achieved the ,right • to •., • .,, ' . . lie had a, reason, for 'giving. aeon his -• "It is mere essential than ever that ;ends. in abscesa.. We know now that i vote, . but high achievement ilea to their- credit in other airectione" This statement is ' backed bY, tam . Parisian women — • Mme. Marguerite . !Durand and ;Mlle, , Marie' Loalse wrontriapie. L;crwe,lx cuypts arse treat Fou should tell me your story, Miss ;thelneidente. of abscess of die breast glisH.yoting maze"' :Ferguson:7 lie said. There was, a hint womerc nursing Children is less than •areetaaasy me may eg got of-ixeileitibTity in. his, voice now one per mat., while fel:Merry' it wiz - 'ere in time fir the tO get "fin ry, "she could not mistake- ' more than twenty per cent. Now vro- erearareata nage young. aaraw, MEP She sat for a mordent' with her head men are Learning that the negIeet of Beagle—both of whom: have e.olleet- adieu ve said 'e ea wanted, to, stay a aay4between her hands'. The very -thing :any iteritatioit of the nipple when they • ed a mass of literary evfdence of en' two, was only trio Pleased to, Ora Which she had avoided for so long had ;are not nursing a child may haul to a the doingsof their fellow eotuary- • sen, up, ex eagan•oaraagraa questions taken place.. ,But, having admitted so cancer of tame nipple which can Gray women .since the earliest days of his - about the neighbor ood right away, much, she suppoSed she.must keep on - end thld rim as Etch is I linear— 'especially about that retraid-Ioakin' foreigner Hale at 'The White ranse." ft:lid/coy Stiffened, ' -'Very well,"•she said at length; "I will tea . you. " • "The whole story?" - "The whole storY." be eured•by a -radical operation, or to ' tory. . an involvement of the. breast which ' Mine Durand boas tool* placed her yet hu never been eitred operation collection in the bp •-.1; of the city or irradiation. of Paris, and the historical, What a. Womag • should know about of,& mare named Stevenssen lives ; 'In return, I wilt do everything 1 the care o.f her nipples is :ample: Dur - there. rye, jb-st mini& from calling on Pessibiy cart for Your father." * ing the bath the ttippleS should be Mar:"• , "Thank yeti; she replied; and made washed and &fed in the same manner • "Yes; but "es got a "orrible-loOkin, so further quibble. • as the skin on any part of the body.- • sermnt. An Eytalien, or sometlate, , "Seine ' woke ago„ my' father left siiiii *lien any tingling .or burning is, ,therooms in. llarles&en where weetare observedsor a redness, GT scaling; or lair gives me the creeps -every time l sees him' , jiving, itithout a word to me. A mai ;weeping or discharge, the nipple or "Was Mr. Padden particniaely ha„ •.with cold, creel, eyes and a thin, grese nipples ahmild be immediately special- teresbel in `The White Houser feee—" Iy cleansed, with warm water and soap, ,f tg seemed to, be.—aa r told Georg "Stevenssoni" muttered Laidley te using cotton', then with alcohol, then Ashmore: only tide =rain'. Appeared hl,nufehr- agorae,- miss Ferguson; covered with vaseline and a , piece. of Se 'eve son/et/de on 'Is mind,. Ye did." rkeaseg* '11~". gauze nxed iit place with adhesive "New, cent, to last night, tare "Thie man came enquiring for my straw. if there is not imnieriate dig- father. I was WU to, Rave the; 'ron. einienrarice of' the heitatien, the pa- tient Auld consult her family physi- ell, 'e went bet just about duale„ When ebrue hack father had Vit* cian. When the irritation does not disappear in three weeks under the doctors diaection the family physician shetdd refer the patient to a sergeon laiecially trained in the recegration and treatment of the earliest stages of , muter and the eonditions that precede canner: It le lerportint that every wO. Matt know that in epite..of treatment this irritation may not berelieved by this Simple treatment. hen, the pa - Gmbl" feel sure. that man who called anis eriMinal." • ."Wity yoti say that?" "I have only ray inleitioir to, go. upon, bgt if father had gone away ‘m an honest purpose, he would have -wihed me goohye- wouldhave Written—" , . • "Thisn't Ire weittafr • "Only it nta. with a few Words on re wee headed liandlingir and • and when r:er came ketwir, 'a 'ad another • gentleman with 'int—. higgiele Whst" whose name lee said was GreTalked bit Atignican--ston knoW,, Taispeeter, like these pe.ple on the. films. It *sp *tried that. '141. theattte 'agent,: and r 2.gr!& to put this matt Green up as *elL;• TA reply to farther prouiptinge' the landlady proggeded reiste Low she was awakened- in the middle of the night by the so of a struggle tient aril/ have to • go to the hose -rte. rool: hove endeavined te said: 'Goma and hell,. me' imee her awe bedreoni, hat found ti "Wiii5 this frolercar father" -° • the • Srg°"""l• "11`1"1 1°eal or locked a.gaint her; how site than "Yes— rt *as iu handWritin4.• . . broke a wiridow,patte in the hope of lien did you get this Uttar • Gacie" went An fl‘ - •••4,1:. •• • •••• • attracting attentio.i frOnt ate ilf* 410' lige' did te'et• Meet heel par surd how, being forced to wilat did Yen der in gave, etea. :Ntager., *it until tbe ried; of See at seven • What ecitad rctore' detailed the r, 4 "rl.- neer; &Maly sent for the village constode. 'Yo k I had te sante fear then „vas aaa„ ; aaraat teeteek that morning she lard imme. i• 'Didn't You tti-thee. Pollee" ' "ke that's all 1 de 4Innow" she have noW—that if father r rO.ri 44A sake that an ear ay from fit vtattita "Bet ea Vett me so .-,ticed, idght he atredtd. •'111 neerit tadas-7 addeda' "an r ranch that 1. eget tett wilether • Vnr* wee *hr" stared In cAnd46; oo'AI-----** she rn*.fie hesPerate seaman? siz otata me,'ee,Ts., virkg,t, meld do- nOthing an ray on; And eat to the Inspector "toe rrivat nr &elf it all mean, Inspector? * was was being watclied then. inercad froet • vyt nide egtjt, youtg, fencrir„ what &tea afariesdeir and took a room iet rem- Laidien, aaaa wag anyone *ant 'int 'atm for #51t, Jute," • nodded, fot gs'; teo hs.11 ytc" eke added via-, `0w. I we abort,. the }ours won • ("0 Ve tinlai.) • • 'tqa , AridiMarik 7.44;•••-tataaa Mao - ' politica, legal, wita :me ' unique Arolnmes of great ue- are noiv lodged in the Tewn Han Of the Fifth Arrondissement. in a library wbiek , hear! her name • • A small' girl Was entertaining ger mother's visitor. "How is your little girt?" she asked. "I am sorry to sa, ray' deer, that I haen't a little girl." Sew is your little bter?" "1 haven't a little boy, efirer." "Tben What pares?' • "THESE HARD MES' !-The hard time.% nd Sarcity money makes it • mote Inaportan• than ever to ecandmize. One way 1 sive on clothee is by renewing th. eador of faded or Out -Of -Style dresses, coats, stochinge, and “r tern -eat: For dyeing, er dating. 't always use Diamond Dyes. •Th tre' the most economleal ones I-, ay because they never fail to. pr, ice resets that inalie yeti Pfeta Why, thitiga Ionic better than nea when reeve with rgaittond rle; They iiever .74 -par, ,steak, or nits They go on mootbly and evenly when In tbe hand of even a ten- year -old chile. Another thing, Dia mond Dyes never take the life on: af cloth or 'leave it limp as Sonie Ives do. Th47 dOierVe ti) ordled 0114 orn, nil, dye,/' • • cf: R, Quebec' SSUE No. • • beshels. . • • Pu-Isi extice t.S' Itowetfaagairrefte:; Papp of the Carpenter xixop Co. will open in -Areal at- Blind•River, ' ••• . • ' , • The McFadden mill a: Spragge le quite, likelyto he busy -soon- • , The dmile lumber Co. will tye oper- ating their ca:M.Pel-haelt -4:Glendale oe'. • : • tlurake:It. , • - ' • ' • .-e--4-`,••-7-- 1,1 . . • ' Far.ports of fiireign Cargoes nicreased ISY10,000 tons. • • • . B. C. Electric Ca. is erect • - • big an $850,1.000'08 plant in "VanCouver.. . , Western Canade Weaving •Mills, -But I cat stand that hell room." , • employing 140 persons. • are elrAID3fing.: "What s the trouble, sitr, splendid business. ' ‘`Why. every morning 1. actually B.C—The Crypdale Ry. Report on have to Cra-di the ice in the water resources ofitftish. Columbia. reveals .. pitcher:" Cultivatable lands; 2,40,800 acres. !lph, dont :let ..that worry y.ill. Good ceel easily mined, semianthre- After this I will send the maid uP Cite, over 480 square Miles in Peace • to Crack it for aou."' River unit. . ... Commercial timber. 181.000,000000 ee • sampeinhaZelittiati Construction of'two mom ferry boats • Is Oyersubscribed it a cost Of g100.000 is seriously con- : eopenbagee — The ' Copehhagert sidereti by City of North Vancoitvermunicipality has I just issued a "Chi- Above information supplied by, C. reit Loan" of 30,000000 'crowns " (8,- H. Arnett, industrial Eecretary, Van- 000,000) at 6 Per cent offered- to the • . cell:Vet Board of Trade public at 97 per ' ent and to he. re- • . ' ' : Algoma—The 'EmploYment outlook deemed in two years at par. • ,,, brightens in and arefind Satiat_atd., the laaP n'heP " S- RI actual interAsi Merle. By the opening Of the 109 , of 73 per neut., and with Sach soiled' •\• • , pound rail Mill last Monday, it Is ei-.1 security nearly' 52,000,000 crowns pected that the peak of jobless dys, ($13,000,•000) was sitharribed for at •• a a • .iir past. • , . " I once: Subj t' te the Goyerninents ••• Eaport.---Dominion Bureau of Ste ' sanction the • municipal authorities -• • . tistics claim that exports Show a ser- will'accept r::e hole of the eub- plus ever imports leaving a favorable srribed til -ti.. •• •. . • • • • - • T he CANADA STARCH CO., Limited,' MONTREAL • - „.. ICK HEADA.4K." IT is not necessatr to ive-in to heaciaeheS. It is just a ha ord- fashioned! The modern woman who Wig a headache coming on at any • time, takes some tablets Aspinn and heads itoff.. Keen Aspirin handy, and keep your engagements. Headaches, sys- temic pains, comeat inconvenient times So do cords. You can end •ein before they're fairly started if only remember this handy, es.s form of relief. Caul it in your purse and insure your comfort while sh-ipping: your evening's pleasure 2 1 the theatr. Those little nagging la -nes that bring a cailebf "nerves' te• day ore ended in 2' iffy. Patna aet Once kept peer.! - home are ffrrgottert haff an J,., -- after taking aspirinl Yerfil ta4 these tablets t c hela, • r • 1 ..,a4;r• •1.rr!.„0•0'.' package of .Aspirin tablets are proven directions which cover cold, hedetes, sore ihrOati toOthahe. nertra igi . ne.griti5tnatica, andiVep rbrurnatIcrn " The tablets stataped Bayer wont • fail you, and can, nann you. They dn't depicts the heart. Ttey don't apset the steach. So talte them henever you need them. and take 010 to end the pn. .V:pirin r lade in Canada • • 4g 10 4. . "771/121152#