The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-04-21, Page 8r4W.t","'••• ;',.;••;•;47.4', SO•••; • N•4"iI4. .10 • •3:•••••-•• • • • "L. ',F" • Q ti • . , ,• 4,7",-V BR PRICESNEW LOW- = i2nd 25rd ON QUALITY 4111100.7* APRIL - 1ES Ern and 'PALE PIMPS, •In White and Bak.Leather, 'SPECIAL AT If Yen require * Wide Fitting Shoe, See these Special Linea: WO .0012i sImEsarn ries- aa,' 70iieStie-P - SEPPeis,' EE and. EDNA betiltin Arch. Good value FRIDAY SATURDAY,','SPECIAL . . . ... $269 Iligg's.OXFORDS, cam fig* McKay smite soles. Siz_e6-10- • SPECIAL AT . . . . . BOTS OXFORDS, Calf Fit McKay sewn. soles, Sizes 1-5%. , SPECIAL AT .. . .. . .$1:95 We.bye several lines of MISSES' and CIIII;DS' !ANI SLIP- PASS- 9-15•S. and. 11-2. , , •t‘ SELUNGAT• . • . - $1.:4919 *LIS 81 $1.95. We are. here to give the very • lowest Prices on itaOd-.F001,-Nrear 11:191. Win 'nee that 7011,,S,Ire .100Perik Atte& , ' • ee THE FOOT COMFORT SHOP • .. tf 4LFg #414 .'. • • los$ Colima!injiti $ _ • Kinlaaa councily Piet on •• Monday, April 11, 1932. All ..4000***, present. The leinet.ea of kat regular meet- ing were read, And cePfiliaed- The transfer of la IC'aK;n: cto!itse hot' satTtOitersN°1"-rissi:di:Oreo‘''Ssis*PitielF,,r4e7learls: ence under 1?0,4eC.'001•.AW The tax roll of 1931 was accepted from the Collector, with an uncoflec- ed helium $387.75. The collector was -paid' imdaYee-..ef salary and ex- penses. 7 • 1' The WALT on • the McLeod ALPO- eipa..1drain was rebatedto thos4, in- terested to7the *mint of $79:54t , The Cleric was instrueted to bave ttle'llFrphikq: on 9kk Tee..9WWta. Rite Scheme -figured up, and"4***eheclaga issued to all' parties interested. • The Reeve and Councillor :Elliott', Ayre appointed -e'er*** to bare tbe fenee -around the -hall grounds. Mr. Albert. Thempstin was:ap-Poin- ted Caretaker of the- Hall, in place, of. Mr. Chas. Burt, Fees to be 'ea follows. Council meetings and all dances, 75e each: -Other club meetings and concerts, :50c each. Clerk to, prepare By -Law confirming the same, Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, the 30th day, of May .at, 10 o'clock for general .bas,*04.,,. and at 1o'cle 7.70-titaiisi. on - on the' AsSensinearRoffOf 193. Any 'Meeting in the -theantinse at the. call of the • ReeVe. CliecNes issued:" Chas. Burt, care- taking Nov: 23rd to April. 12, $24.00; Miss Purvis, Hydro 1.4M, Feb. 8th to April 8th, 2.75; Thos. G. Gaunt, Postage, Exchange etc., 8.40; J: H. rawford,LegaL,_Feee, '7.00; D. Me - Pherson, BaL salary and expenses, The following rebatei On McLeod Drain: John McLeod $2.73; A. Se- Kinnoit 1.33; D. McLeott1.4e,;•..471_,P9 Graham 11.48; Alex McLeod 44.66; Dottglas Graham 5:46; Archie Gra- ham 1.33; Frank Graham We; Mrs. Torrance 6.76; Tp. of Kinloss 4.97. Highway Cheques as follows: Win. Percy, P.L. 15; $6.80; Wesley Thomp- son P.L. 16, 5.70; Alex McLeod, P1.. 17, 680; Tigi—s. R. LANE, Clerk - 1 ants with' every suit!, Wednesday. April 27th. • DURING THE, VISIT OF • •MR. M. IL PARK Head Office representative of Berger Tailoring Company, an expert fitter who will be at this stare OW. Wainer, - day, a,pril. .276, we are authorized . • •AND ttIc... give with every.."Clothes of Qua- till- 'its':'s'ijtnrdered-*N-Ex-TR-A-PAlrg-Suitr-s-8tlrop-els OF TROUSERS OF THE SAME MATERIAL AT NO 'EXTRA COST. made-to-nieasure This'ilfer jsJimited to the dsralks Ettra Pant's•' of therepees 'eiaaVels Deal • , - - - without extra charge in!ss BERGER "Clothes of Quality" TEPLE CL. Lucknow ••Ontario ACTION .AGAINST BONDI • • AIRED DI COURT .7.-:-L-Partles-EquallY-Neglikeat Is Jury's Verdict Weatherall vs. Bondi and"Arde Suit. • • The first action on the jnry list to be given hearing at the Spring Assiz- es which opened at, Walkerton on Tuesday afternoon of last week, was. the case of Weatherall vs: Bondi and • Ade, which proieeded after the pre- liminaries Were completed. On Wed- • nesday. afternoon at- 5:30 the jury , retired to consider their verdict.. Later they brought in a verdict • assessing damages $1,500, and hold- ing plaintiff and defendants equally responsible for negligente. Thb_signi- fies that Weatherell is entitled to be paid $750. This suit was instituted by Doug- las Weathers% proprietor of the Ford Garage et Winghmn. He claim- . ed damages in the amount of $15,000 • Os compensation for injuries, said to he permanent, which he sustained or April 1st, 1930, when in the. plain- tiff's" ,garage, track owned by 'Charles Bondi, fruit merchant • 01 Wingham, and driven by Arde, form- erly of Detroit, who again is living in that 'citY„ crushed him against a wall. • . , • , Mr. Campbell Grant was counsel for plaintiff, while Mr. 0., E. Klein, K.C., and Mrs. J. W. Bushfield, Wing - ham, conducted the cases of defen- dants Eondi and Arde, respectivelf..- Mr. Weatherall, 32 years of age; was the first witness called, aiid- he was subjectee to a lengthly examin- ation and cross-examination. In his office, on the day in question, he told of hearing Bondi's truck crashing and scraping against one of the wells of the garage and of .how when he reached one -side of the cab, to give Arde ' instructions, in, sight of the driver, the truck started again; as it came forward quickly, he (Weather- all) was pushed against the wall and pinned there. The injuries which plaintiff receiv- ed, were described by -Dr. II. Col- borne, his. physician. Weatherall's Vedder was involved and his Pelvis was fractured. On this account he ✓ as confined to 'hospital for nearly two monthS',. time. Plaintiff said that his nut -of -pock - :It expenses amounted to $1,27L51. Before court adjourned in the late .Afterneon, 'lector Pardon, a youth of About 14 years of age, who saw Sim- ii's truck start after the first crash, • his evidence. • r'4•,. • • ' ; • Nen, .sprog i'f.#41411041i.. • Vegt 04 $10.Eilnerg; • •;? •*. •-• , . . . Neve Sir Finish Ui .pose. Several Caws. worth 59c. Redueed to 9 err dlased Nash Cretones. , For VeieferterS, etc. raid wide*e- New *sad, ektIls edets. Yard wide. died 'Estrajnigti ComforC Batting. . ... . . Whit3 . . . 32" English Ginghams.• Gummn- teed to wash. Ymil . ... .18c. 'Clearing all *inter Weol. and Silk and Wed, ete., Hose worth 89c., to $1.25.1tove, a pair for ...4 ,1• • • • • - he :••= •I••• • orJVLgai New NW* Palaver Sweaters- .Plarlsed Pattevai.:411 Cetera $1-39 New Wolf -Nese, AllWol.. 99e- INiew Ceps in Newest Tweed With Pattern Band one . . .49c.&89C. New "Walke't" Overalls and Smocks. ,fpr item', Reduced to 9149' New "Hi ,1: '1,'Erk • fere Wed • • 3au for 51.00 New to One Standard Best Shirt vie, eeer'sold:, for .. .. Bitligain' in Men's Caps, New' Goods. New Pitteros; NON% Stiles, New Coker. Reduced to * 98e. New Hose Suspenders 25c. lie* 'Braces. hig let hi choose 419e: ticktiow CHUit.Q141-7N9TES wiTaiNGg: 0 The next meeting ti. the Presby- MaiDonald -,17tonbal Mi tery of Bruce • Of the UnitedChurch 'CPI Pretty wedding -took of Canada, will be held in Teeswatet n Thursday, April -28, 1932, at 9.30!I A.M.: There will . eiao. be a public meeting at 7.45 P.M. te be addressed • Dr. Steed of S. Africa; and a • A 'et hut place on Wednesday, March 30th, at the -tome •of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Turnbull, 10th Itoncession of Bruce, when their' youngest daughter, Cora MaY, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert MacDonald of Holyrood, Ontatio. Representative of the W.TLS. Pres-_, Rev. A. Wilson'of Parsley officiated.. yteriaL — Narawell, see3r- The bride was gowned in a dress of - drown crepe, with accessories.to United Church Y. P. -S. • outtek The meeting on Monday night was. After the wedding dinner, the hap - a charge of the executive with 'Miss ty couple left on a motor trip to produced a plan he, prepared of the garage, end this drawing .was filed — - _ 'Toronto, Guelph and other points. as. aneaddhit_phdatitt weatheran, the vice-president pre- They are now residing on the • nes eser- farm at HolYraed- was recalled and questioned, ,,with ;Wing. Following the opening refecence to this' plan as to the-riosi - Eva Greeir read the Scrip - tion of the truck and his position in ;tire lesson. A solo by Margaret Rae, gyugg REMANDED relation to it. This .concluded the case A piano instrumental by Eunice New - for the plaintiff. • - ton and a duet by Miss Mildred and Gordon Arde, the driver, was the • dent's! case comnienced. Arde was enjoyed number& Resident of ti 0A in Connection first witness sworn when the examined and cross-examined at con- The speaker of the evening was "with Frewsed Creamer,' merger- siderable- length, but his most im- Ar.A. D. Cameron, who gave a most portent, statement was to the effect nterestng Francis II. Ryles, age 52, English that et the time the truck moved the- n the Indian ewmiesa 15 as. thence dock salesman alleged to be impli- Missinn School at Sioux ...oted i -gigantic creamery factory second time he .did not see Weather- Lookout.. cksed with a swindle. in which investors' 'of West - all standing at one or the doors of „rynra andnpreeymereeting ern Ontario are said, to have been de - the cab, 'as Wetherell thought he had.' . Witness said his attention was, (lir-. Presbyterian Guild feuded out of over $200,000;•appeared ected to a man named Porter, who last Thursday before Magistrate Reid An interesting and well attended and was remanded until April 21. It was endeavoring to direct him in meeting of the Guild was hekl on was Byles who asked for the remand. adjusting the toosition of the truck. AccuSed was charged that he did at. the .village of • Brussels in the `.;otinty of Huron on or about the 6th lay of Novem'ber, 1929, obtain the aim of $1,250, the property of John k. Crerar of Drussela by false pre - "%maces, contrary to section 405 of the ritninal Code. He was unrepresented -ay counsel and was not asked to dead or elect,- although the charge was _read to link. He was taken back to the, coimty tjaiL - Magistrate Reid said that numer- ous complaints were coming in and hat many other charges might be laid, but that they would serve no ourpose. Crown 1Attorney D. E. Holmes aid be was in communica- Ion with the Attorney General's De- -tartment with a view to 'miring the • IN FRAUD CASia - defen- Ars. Harold Treleaven. were much Charged With Defranding Brussels • • • ' , Roht. Porter told of his efforts to Monday evening, when the members of the Young People's Society of assist in this way, and the testimony - were the guests of the of Chas. Bondi, owner of the track, winghen; was concluded when court° adjourne4 29ening. Before the meeting opened while the crowd was gathering, the a.t011;45WPe.111i.e.s Wednesday afternoon, follow_• orchestra rendered several mattbein. ing the evidence of Mrs. Bondi, the The president of the home society, last witness for defendants, the coun- M. Edwin Smith, occupied the chair sel, Messrs. Klein and Grant made, fqr the opening 'exercises and welcom-, When court resumed on Wednes- their addresses to the jury, d an ed the Winghem Society. The visit - day morning E. D. Bolton, Listowel, Lordship delivered his charge. and were responsible for an exeellent ors then took charge of the meeting Templeton & Co., Lucknow Buy New Curtains . . To Brighten' Up Your Windows Plain FILET- NW CURTALNIS in. a double BROCADED DAMASK. Soft, SHIM Thread, suitable for any roam in Ecru. Beautiful Pattern. Per Yd. •Per Yet -4 • 55c.. • FIGURED MARQUISETTE in Gold, Blue and Mauve Fine, eren weave. Yd DAMASK and REPPS 50":, ItEPP lit Shot effect, 50" wide $1.35 PLAIN. REPP in Rose, Green, Bin.. Reg. $1.50 for Per Yd. • -stop See our CHINTZ and CRE'FONNE. ' Per Yard 19c., 33c.,38c. SHADOW CLOTH, a good substantial weight, reversible 48" wide, Y4 ....54c. & 21/2 yd.',wide FLOOR OILCLOTH, Floral 79c. Design. Per Yard .. Rayon and Lace •,paneis at Half price 51.25 Linoleopk. Feltol and Oilcloth Rugs instock • OUR .1101"f0—"SMALLEit PROFTTS, QUICK TURNOVER.", E.- McCloskey, Manager. 'PHONE 76. •,44404404-41,4•• "t014 program. The Scripture lestOn, on the buildingnf Solomon's Temple was read by Mr. Arthur Henderson. Then •followed four short papers on some of the wonderful Cathedrals of the worl4. The. first on St. Mark's, Ven- ice, by Mr. Tom Henderson; the sec- ond on Westminis' ter Abbey, by Miss Anna McGlllvary; the neat on Notre Dame Cathedral, by Mrs. Scott Mit- chell and the last on Cologne Cathe- dral,_ GermanY, by Miss Katherine F'ry. • A delightful piano solo was rendered by Miss Sita Hastie and the Wingham Junior Quartette gave a pleasing number. The- topic leans Oar Ideal in Death" was then taken bY.' Miss Verna MeLaughtin. This was followed by prayer by Rev., K. Mc- Lean. Miss Mary King rendered a delightful violin solo and a vdeal solo by Mr. George Ifendetson was Much appreciated- Rev. K. McLean then gave a short talk on "The Value Yonth",After the closing hymn, ev. J. L., Burgess o s, inloss, Pto- ntunced the benediction. lileinbers 'of the social committee then bad the young people divided into groups and some interesting contests were en- joyed by all, eta!' which lurch was served and a social time spent. The meeting next Monday evening is in charge of the Missitmery com- mittee. • !'few sort of a brake is out tbat will skip a car going 65 imileS en hoer 15 20 feet. A telephone • postwilldo it in leas than that. •'•"•••0•47' tre,g4. investigation taken up .from Toronto. • , BUMMING • (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reed and Mr. .. • • roce pedals-- 2 lbs. Prunes .. .... .....21c Large Orange, doz .......55e • Grape fruit, 5 for .......25c Reg. 39c Tea, 3 lbs. for, $1.011 12 Comfort Soap . 50e 11-aldwater-Soi 4 Palmolive Soap 4 Calay SoaP 40 oz. Ras. & Straw. Jain, 29c 40 oz. Marmalade lb 23c 3 Cans Tomates 3 Cans Peas. 3 Cans Corn Quart Bottle Catsup Heintz Catsup 25c . 15c 21c • R. H. Thomps9n,_ • .Phone 82' MEAT SPECIALS' FRESH PICNICS BREAKFAST BACON SATURDAY ONLY WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES R. L BUTTON of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Blake and Misses Grace and Olive Bake, spent Satur- day at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Helm, Zian, Monday. Mrs. Aubrey Firprirs and son Jack of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran. , Russian industry has to admit that t there must be a boss or at least a Bet's' on Reed of Lucknow were guests head man. • ...• IMPLEMENTS.:. McCOR.MICK DEERING. PLOWS, HARROWS CULTIVATORS AND DRILLS; J. FLEURY & SONS. • PLOWS AND PLOW REPAIRS. GOOLD SHOPLEY & MUIR CO. WINDMILLS AND FEED GRINDERS. • T. R. BISSELL & CO. • DISC HARROW AND LAND ROLLERS. - FROST STEEL & WIRE CO. • BARB & No. 9 COILED WIRE, GATES and WOVEN PENCE. , For Sale At— IA/. G.Andreines_ ' - • •17,;;,Z..,••:4,'1,..•••••••, -••••41• • N... 111 ' 1*^.. 414,i'•,, PV1''• ,744"