The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-04-21, Page 4Tog L•1 c, aa. t • a * Vim: 4 • OI+', :. WOMEN'S, and MISSES' SPR'NG.' F,4SHJO1l..S ,y• • COATS • I1iIESSES • HATS BbUI.AINE SCARFS ' 1 1OX SCARFS coQ� GIRI VVI ,P`: LINGERIE R`Y , . HO, ' SPRING CURTAINS DRAPERIES COVERINGS . Delegates attending the United: C14urth Conference m Wing- llama April 26th iust., :are .4 ir- 'store dishy invited to visit ;our - . W'NGHA OSITUART JEREMIAH CRAN•STON The'.funeral service of Jeremiah Cranston aged 63 years who passed away following a lengthly illness at los home • on ` 'Tuesday, April 12th, was • .held. at his late residence, con - cession 7, West Wawanosh on Friday afterniin Intermentbeing i� �ln Mu an-. non cemetery. The deceased a 'respected citizen of West Wawanosh was born on. the fano on the, gravel road, sin miles_ south of this village, now 'owned by. his brother, Isaac :.Cranston, being' 'a son ' of the late Mr. and, • Mrs.:Isaac Cranston, pioneer settlers.: s Thirty •. three years ago he was married to his now bereft. partner, • whose maidr. en name was Mary Richardson. Sur viving, are . three '•:cbildren, Florence, and John 'Cranston at home and ;;Wil- lien Cranston of . Welland. :Isaac Mi s Bellevlesaor, of Teeswater 3s; visiting her daughter, Mrs B. E.. Me. Lean. A Mr. and *re. L Saundereo?. and little daughter, .Joyce and Mrd Mrs. Cassel of 'Winghaiin were "- Fent visitors at H. P.minell's, A number' -from here attended the hard time _Club dance at Holy'rood on Monday night. Mr. and .Mrs..J Colwell •';and Cur- rie were --Sunday _Tiaitors alt .,Mervin. a., TfuRS. APlt 21st, •.1.00 Cranston of the gavel Road,.• is a brlith"• .and .Mrs. Jonh Richardson of Oakley, is, a"sister.. ° JOHN PORTICE Mr. John Portice, aged and res- pected 'resident es-pected'resident of'Xincardme,•, pass ed away:at his home, Princess ,street on . ' Saturday, April 9th, "after a le Id :illness; , at • the age of 85 HERE AND THERE and Dls piny; Ciait�y l®ii mbved''on •Mondait asst• from Rapid. Bedley's, Kin.garL While returning home. from, Luck. now on Friday last, Mrs..7'Watson:. • Seott net with: • a painful accident•, when her .horse becoming°frightened: by a passing truck, ran away. Mr. • JOS, Armstrong of 'St.- .Cattier- Ines, visited las• daughter, Mrs ,Jas. H,odgins..', ' ';Con 'atulation�• to Mr. and Frani' .Brown,*on the,, :arrival of a iii. by, boy.,t: Mr. Geo. Colwell spent theweeg-- end in Toronto. • tittle Betty • McEver of Tiverton. returned : home after. *biting- her . grandparents, , :•Mr.• and : Mrs. J. B. E o dgkinson.• Mrs.. H. Pinnell is under the . Dr's and can 'born an Lu c= . was. 's stents' the :late' Mr.. ' with his , moved . P -aid; Nit's`-R,Rchard-'Portice,--to-Hinlose- Township,' at. an early age He °.mar- ned' Miss Abbie Hayes; of Kislosa. Thirteen years ago. they .roved , to Kincardine to reside. • • M;. Portice was . a veteran. of the Fenian .Raids - and he delighted ' to tell' of: the early pioneer.days in this district.. • He was of friendly, and' ,neighborly,'_. disposition and greatly esteemed �by all.. ;Gitg'.to the ::hone 'owned by Mrs•+ Mil- ..' ler id Wingham. situated. on the • Miss Sarair-N acAnlev'has returned- ' Boundary•'east of Lneknow. Franle McNallis assisting home after spending a few' days with the fainters on the :6th• Con. of Kin -,Mr„ and Mrs. Jack;Swan" at St. loris to -law wood with the sawing out=. Heleiis. ; fit. . ign arid, Mrs: Williams of Tecumseh the' week -end , with. • M'r and Mrs.. PARAMOUNT '•. T. '[r1 PrOW THP. • iblished every. Thursday, lftnoFniag rio. at 'Lncknow; Orta TH I4l* `, AP1tI'L 21st, 1932 LOWER SEEPS—V011, PBAIR JES • TBE ., ; The, Sub committee on Ornamental Horticulture of the, _Canadian Horti- cultural gonna' is conducting an in- tensive campaign for ."A More Beau.: :tiful Canada." 'The'general intention and purpose ' of this "campaign : is to encourage • the beautification of Can- adian homes and their surroundings and public; •property,whereveroplmr ,i AIOERI T M. and Mrs, Peter Lasenby, and MiserCrenetan and Thos nelmotored from London to Thomism', , ... attend the funeral Friday+ of the ;late Jeremiah Crapsten. Dfr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat of Sarnia, were week -encs guests oo( Mr. Taint Mjco; itichard-Johnsten., Recently it baa come to, the', atten-•. tion Of the : Committee that there are; farm , ers. m Saskhr atchewan_ :manj� g in' the area'Which .suffered sev ere,ly from • drought last year who Wold be glad to beautify their home' surroundings, hut are not. in •a furan - dal position to purchase even the re-' ouired flower seeds.; Itis suggested :herefore, that a tremendously Valli,' tb'le service could be rendered by horticulturists, in the ,Eastern Pro- vinces, and others. interested, if they would e' ntribute flower seeds. for free, distribution in Saskatchewan. An ap- peal is, `the ore,. made to -all -who= are able to do so to- ;co-operate in helping ,those who are:unable t $help themselves. All fiower seeds; , or 'iron- ey to purchase. Sower seeds, . should. ?e' sent immediately.to Mr. C. B. nae Saskatchewan Relief' Coni-'` ,I mission,. Regina Trading.Company Building; Regina; Saskatchewan, with Miss dna '. Boyle visited at Mrs. A. Hodgiu's lest week. • We • welcome .Mr: and - Mrs Charlie Bart and' faintly ,-to-our-community- Mr. 'anid.'M.rzs. Geo. Haldenby and family, spent Sunday at IL McGuire's Olivet, Haldenby and Dorothy' were Sunday. visitors at W. Boyles The Sr. W. A. met in the basement, 'f the' Church . on Thursday last.' The afternoon' was spent in quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean . Were ' .lion arrangements, have 7.�een made Sundayvisitors' '' Wath 'recruiter ;their roper tiers and"distribu- s for P P friends. tion. Any money Messrs. :-G. Ali. Baldenby and 1I. Bell were', to Waterloo on Saturday.; __Little Jean Bushel.' of Lucknow .is visiting. with: Mrs. M. McLean. Mrs. ,Walter Nicholson, South ,Line 'visited her',parents, Mr. anti • Mas. F. H. Haldenby, 'Westford, . • on Friday last. Mrs P. Reed and Mr. Benson Reed of . Lucknew, visited at, the home of Mr. and Mrs.,Tbomas 'Anderson, over the week -end... Jack Curran, Jr.; is` keeping bad -h- aloes hall on 'his newly acquired farm at Crewe. As this is Leap year this -unfortunate condition will . no doubt .soon' be changed for the better. earvey • Anderson " returned '•.M. home 'Sunday from Guelph o.A.C., the o d d 'W with snfeeess in his- exams. L. 4. • Miss . ' Catherine MacKenzie spent 'near Windsor; Ont.; who purchased. Grant MaeDiarnud., 1931- 32 term •having ,en e•e •Quite a number .from -this •commuii- -ty;+attended -the -funeral•;,of: the_ late "Ierenuah;•Cranston, 'which *al' held ;Friday afternoon from his late resi7. dente, con. 7, W. Wawanosh. Inter- ment was in Dungannon cemetery. Rev. C. Seine .of 'Dungannon United Church, assisted, by RevCampbell s e Circuit con' - thr faxnrOf-.fonrteeiacres-from-G - e - all - -p; Sindlef-lack-` Douglas of Lucknow moved'the"now, visited with Mr. and Mrs W. household ;effects and ;chickens. up to. illaeGilt recently. their= property last Thursiiay • and . A Marge crowd attended the dance Friday. The' ,people ::of . Rapid City. -` ----•-welcome•`them- to;-,-their-=new .home_ ,in the ' Farainount Hall last Friday wevning. Mr : Jaek• McIntosh "was' Mrs- W M. Champion - was. taken :hairman. for the 'program. Mr. Alex' with -an attack, of pneumonia, las'. :HacNay favored the audience with. Saturday . The patient was remove'' a vocal • solo. which was followed' by to . Wingbam _ hospital fro' treatment. a spelling match conducted by. Miss Mr:' "Fred Blunden 'who spent . the . Anne :MacDonald.. The U.F.O. Club winter with friends in Rapid. City is 'raving ,challenged the U F W.O. club assisting . Mr. Ewart Taylor on his :n a: spelling match„ •suffered a ' com- Dairi farm south of Lucknow. piste defeat. Miss Sarah .MacAuley, "Mit and Mrs..A. Havens and fain- 'spelled the last word: Those taking ay' spent, Monday evening. Mast with part were: Mr. John Gilmore;. Henry Gilmore; Jelin Beatty, Willie Stew- Mr:.and Ms's. ° p'1hott Taylor of For art, • Carman Hamilton and Orland Om'Richards'. On the U.F.W.O. side. were A'.large 'number from around the Mrs: fifacAuley, Mrs. Crump;Misses ' .corner attended the concert present- Sarah MacAuley, ' Verna Hamilton. ed by the A.Y.P.A. and ended a per- 'Catherine MacDonald and Sadie Mc- >ge' Thursday evenining., while the ,losing side received a box' Mr. Harry'Levis is better again. of "Teardrops." Mr. James 'Ketcba- 'th letters he aw avor e• fgct night by later attending the Or- Charles. The ' winners received ha e' Dance across the street .last large box of "Smiles and Chuckles" IOCHALSI that may..be donat- ed will.be used by .the Relief Commis cion in co-operation with a strong horticultural committee in Regina for he purchase of suitable flower seeds vhich will be sent'.through"the Re- ief . Commission to the ' farmers an - dons to secure them. Cavelier of the A hfi 1d, lotted the services. The late Mr. Branston was' born in.. Ashfield ons the .t her, ca i his brot , occupied by now !arm P a Isaac, :a� `few miles north of Dungan- ago' ungan= eaved .family a•nd relatives. Ion. His parents, the' late Mr. and -Miss 111argnret Ialloughr_whohad Eta. Isaac: Cranston were settlers on . 1lrs. Isaac Cranston were pioneer, set -.been the guest•of her'niece,. Mrs: R. ,, Thirty-three years ` 'I *_,.__a.__ t..._ a...,. ..,oekr., returned t0 tiers on it. Thirty- f, in I ,a 'CIIIlItS., Ff` IDAY, . • SATURDAY Apt Zane- Grey's Riders of the Pur. le Sage With GEORGE •O'BRIEN MARGUERITE' 'CHURCHILL and ;NOAH. BEERY. Also LAUREL ' end HARPY: COMEDY! "COME CLEAN"•'' MONDAY, TOES, WEDNESIA.Y April 25..27 ;: CE TIBBETT• ;I;A'R4ltEhT 7 hepCtsban Love..Song Music, Song, Romance, Adventure BOYFRIEND., COMEDY' "MAMA LOVES •PAPPA" SOME MOTHER'S BOY'. Mrs, Tena Hunter, who spent the past' two., weeks visiting friends . in the vicinity has returned to her' home- in ome iin Lucknow .. oiherland-- of -`the` -`'6th 'eon.,. of .Huron spent the past. Week ' rid: her • drdghter, Mrs:, D. A. 'lariat- . cLen- Dir. Dan Finlayson and tons, Mal coin; George, and. ;Gordon, and Mr. Donald MacCharles.:'motored to Lon -- don Monday to. see Faiquhar.Finlay- , song; We are pleased to report 'that they were well • satiisfied with the" pro- gress he has made toward recovery.• Miss Maggie Wood is in attend ante to Miss Sadie Cameron; who >r• indisposed at present. 'Miss ' Liella b'iinlayson ' R. N. of. Toronto' is • holidaying "at her' home., here. . • m and Man in Philadelphia regained his emory after a lapse of 11 years, the' first thing he did was post had been carrying in • ,after having a severe attack of the b f ed th audience with two - e e fin. • - vocal... solos. his pocket. PERMANENCE FOR well over a ' century the BANK OF 'Mo1NNTREAL has been incontinuous operation. .4,, ,, t , 0' h 1 �, y •-..-.....#;----,4-- �c_ A 1 t„�itt f ,i ( .i !.,, lir. c h tit ({,t/ ,N\\' \ Today,' with its Gllong ez- t Cm person. ncl, hundreds of Branches and concplete equ'pment, the Bank is better able than ever to help. its .cos-' • tonaers to. handle their financial, affairs in g safe and satisfactory manner.' •Estsbllslsed i81 TO'TA'L ASSETS IN EXCESS OP $750,000,000 C. L OBERLE:,. Manager Y.UCk110W Branch:- , Nr he was married • to Miss Mary. Rich- her home in Lucknow on. Thursday: ardson ' of Proton, who with their "He knocks at your back door;. asks ton kindly for a meaL What do .you :ay? Do you ten. ' ilia to" move on? 7o you, bring .him • in, give •him ' a. . iearty meal,, ' -see that he has. -socks, ierhaps underwear?, If you do there s' a mother soniewhere,who will re-. •member ' you in her prayers. ' Let us not forget that the boy who galls at the . hack.. door •has perhaps t mother wondering if we are kind ':o ' him. That boy may have been ,sought up In a good home, but luck, has ' been against him.. Iteinember he' feels •his position, but there is moth ing else: he can do but ask for char- 'ity, 'and if we do not give it, well we lack heart and possibly • some •day, are May' need charity too. ' cu:ROSs CORNERS' Buzzing wood is in full swing these days. . • Mrs. Geo. Bell had. a very success-. fel quilting recently. • ' BORN -to Mr. and •Mrs. Frank Brown --a • son. ° Mrs. Wm. Thompson is' spending a few days in Teeswater. , Mr.. and Mis. Jos. Hannah spent Sunday With 11 r._and. Mrs.. Morley Beit. Monday evening being the last of Holyrood's Club meetings for the Year, everybody turned out and: en- joyed 'themselves. " . Mr. and . Mrs. Jas. . Wraith seen+. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. ' Mrs. Wm.•Wall has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her mother and brother. Miss Hannah Ross has returned to Teeswater after spending .a .couple of weeks at.her home..; • - ` Mr. Earle Hodgins and Geo. Hald- snby n#ade a• business trip to Water foo this week. of Welland, . three children, William.• fohn and Florence at home, survive aim. His sister, Mrs. Richardson and �Ir.. Richardson , of Proton attended she... fnneraL. The..symPathy.. of . thin community is extended. to the ber- in' .. Michigan state porches g agent refused to Sanction the purchase of six'balls of twine for one department • , We• suppose he : wanted :official red tape to be used. We Like To Get The Leal News The main aim .of the R v ekly news- paper as the name implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other' aims, such -as to 'give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editidr- als; but first of all it must give the, news. Soine of,this news is not east ily obtained and no publisher can cover it all without assistance. Especially' isthis true when you have visitors. Matiy of the ladies think that per- sonals, are the most interesting `read- ing in the • whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to have their names appear, so send diem in..Sometiines people come in and. give the impres- Sion that 'they are asking a favor *hen 'they Want us to insert the names of their friends who have been Spending a few days -with them. No ,Yerson need feel that way about Mg us ' news items for we are, glad to Tet them a1}. "1-• 1. iJar l• ED itIOIWCS . —. - It g• ives yon 'satisfa'ction through years .Co f "hardest Weather wear JIB Y COPPER BEARING , ZINC INSULATED FARM FENCE: Zinc Insulated "OJIBWAY”. Copper Bearing, Steel Farm Fence; Full. No. 9 ' Gauge Gal- vanized Wire throughout, :will stand F O U R - one Minute immersions in the Preece Acid Test—. t}e severest test of zinc galvanizing known to science. That's why you know "OJIB- WAY" Farre Fence will give lifetime service. For economy and endurance erect "OJIBWAY" Farm Fence on "BANNER" Steel Posts—built like a railroad rail. Large Slit Wing Anchor Plate , locks the . post perman- ently into , the ground. Dirt .SetEnd and Corner Posts—no cement --no' post nole digging: Easy to hatil and drive. Ask your Dealer about the "OJIB- WAY" Guarantee of Service. Made aria duaranteed .1* Mills. and Hied Office Ojibway, Esse'' County, Ontario