The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-04-28, Page 2el
. PPIe
Tela frost, still heavy on the lowlande,!
radian e, soon,,melted by the pp
.. and. the :river took the
lost ' ••
;Quick st
plendor bathad, faded with the.
..Then Malcolm lookeda moment 00 .1.0.
A.� doubt ,
• Acis the river and the ilelds about.
Touched with the glory r •-
I.le left theroad 'and •followed down
A lane
L,eadlii to uplands'bright abovethe,
plain: •
His tree stride rustled. dead leaves as
.he went the•
Along the hill -Path, --To him cameo
• scgnt ..'
Of wlid grapes heavy with their, sweet:,
ness still
TIngathered in thebrambles on the hill,
Except by. birds'in locks that; noaril
then dew
ore , near him 'and sett n
. a
oue fr11}aoe opened eastward on`ths
__When Philip. crane arrives in London
on holiday through a coincidence .00
• % like, names be is taken for ,the erne*
' Crane, who is ,a tool of a band ruled by
was the:
s moustache. It
learns that 'her father is . sties -nearest -apPmaeh]Yc ever. made• to :a
buts the Superintendent Was already
by `her side. •
• "Very .well,,, she Said. "but she-;
one will suffer for - this."
Superintendent ' Watson raised, .a,
He. reggaes: Margery Tergneon'• and d .to til
held captivg .4y hall.
••The Empress' I in Maudlin . ,'Whittle;ear
#p d11 -and meets Charless Smile, •
s n M ndling an•
Ameriean;deteetive When , ®e
bd 'clad Whittle calls in Scotland X8 is CHAPTER $XIII M
•a¢arg- goes to a
iMprisoned with Margery s, .father. 'Who Deterinined as lie was;'$imoi Stfae' r
drops' dead tram exhaustion.. sirohaII, title was valuable
Rhe :crook 'Grana{' 'Sees to, London. to arisen •Imam that ,
warn the Empress that ur police are :Ili had pretended, Snore• Birehall
a}tspiel°i}s ' words but he re clearly that the
British pollees once they. took up an
O11.51EF; ,3P111., Cont engmry, ) ,:. never relftxed their bold. 'to
a - •
Over by the window, through whit far,, he•'laad 'gaiiiecd the'--honors-but,:
fidgover the matter, be became
he kept looking, Bircheneted• bioeding' t _
was as though he was expecting to more an ore second visit to "Thced e White
,.see, in the street,below, his terror take ��
rnaterial„shap?, q:! ,• ed at; ouse .that night. He must be pre-
rens calmly sired paw,
iedw.. omen , ... ,� • ,
Only once del she speak: bell he said
"Ferguson cellar
.If he went away—and he was al-
ibiing the idea to'sink in—it would.,
be necessary •for•. him to take--the-for-
,.her bureau, the inP
do To the servant who answered the
or leave the is in thecellar; 'bring sit down, 1
to me
§lence,� �
chstued Only•by the rustle
room;" +she ordered curtly
E►aPers hetirOedthara oyer.
x ihhree minutes; he rushed
IfLwa r � � • '
across the loom, aitout
"What are we; banging here
for?" he'asked; and, before zlie coil
he had ripPed the receiver off
hook dud enquired angrily;
about can to Mandling?
that trunk '
Have we to wait. all night?",
' The Empress lose and took. the in-
- p.
e )oohed. far, back' and sew. to -hazed
6r r
above" the city he had left be'bifnd;-• --
Belo* him . stood the cabin'. in the
trees. .
The', orchard, tweet with its old
,.'mysteries :• ' `'
Of biooing that faded, fruit that came
to pass
ger with lihm. For Ferguson's work,
was only. half done; there remained a
deal to be .finished.
His plans in this direction were
rudely shattered.
"Ferguson is dead," announced the
returned servant.
Stevensson rose Swiftly :anl walked
Om/lent ,'from 'bis sh g _r up to the man., on say?" he demand-
With the ultoccuPied hand, she!motfon What's that y y
taxi him to a 0Yia r: • i ed.
er say; "What's "Ferguson', dead—he's. conked out."
"Yes, • he heard fi Y•
sere? ..
's' . No reply? .:. • Ave You "Dead,'? : -But_ who _killed, him?
t • .,� . ' " '' "Not 'that other fellow. When I
"'Birchall, -¢aired no loirger. He ions went down there, he was e>ear blob!
:c air t her , " ..Na it warn t mord
tip in.; :his Ferguson must ;have had a weak heart
•cleave.. completed
'lice^- . 'e police the job. What shall 'we do with the
• ,"she pa �.
his 'though lie' had been gifted:. body?" •
t re I ;nuneaiate-
'taxi sero d sight, the door opened.eF Stevenss:theid �manp be paced •up
am' superintendent Watson, ly. Ignoring'
rho d-Yardir-said' a-deep=-vsice. and -down the room. ;:It would seem
"Darold Son!" whined. Birchall., But as though his' luck were giving ou
the Empress ignored the'words that the cards were stacked. against
She • faced asp icted =visitor him.. If only Whittle had :been cep.
:with calm bit cur. y • bef h lid given
• Yard!
And %I din rs
h and' clawing a bang ,
et •t?" • he- shrieked and shoving him downstairs P
miltorl♦. ingathered 'always : in the matted
This youngster. Thomas iIa, a ... • grans,
eles. denies in
native of ;Los Now greeted him -with hut one definite
tills 'graphic,. demonstration tfiai, sound. to the
radium wateris-dangerous: Severe O�ripened_ apples falling •
physigt • examinations. have ground.
shown no. ''harmful, tendencies Olin n Wird Dresbach, in "Selected
, Poems."
International Friendship •
"He's about the glace Somewhere,
I have no. doubt. Do you know .where,
find him, •Gregory?" _about
"The last tine I saw.hilin
half -an -hour' ago—he told me he was
going;to . the' village. Lead'"on,
•'Well, he ;can wait.
lad, to ,these cellars -of yours.,It came:
Mit quite by chance, Stevensson, that
;this :house was' built on the ruins t
u• monaster, I 'suppose you 'weren't
aware of that fact:. . my stock of
"Yon are adding cckrJ"
knowledge: every minute, •Inspe
With . a short growl, the police offi-
cer turned .away. " '
Once outside the:, door, he and his
companion .were joined by a comical=
looking constable- -•P.9: George John-
• d bl en -
Pranoted`by' 'Radio'.
• An international exchange of.,broad-
casts .is a. recent feature of radio whieh:
was explained to the parliamentary
Committee at Ottawa by' Major.
lay, ' of the British Broadcasting Cor-
poration. 'Periodically a ttiritish -pr ..
le is relayed
gramme, ° for examp , .
throughout 'Germany by, the German
stationaand a.' German programme i
similarly relayed throughout Great.
Britain by the B. B. C.
Major Murray sail that . apart from
the varus of international' understand-
ing and goad: will, this praotieo_of in-
terchange provides an advertisement
which no enterprising country can • af-
n to_wto Johnson, in a lau a . e -ford-any-longer to nere. It Canada
deavor to meet any emergency
ad drawn. his .truncheon: had her .independent , broadcusting
already and at-' authority so recognized as to, be in `ha
r"at- 'Position. to den on.
L �.n' ',St' rebou'e of Wines
,�.:rQllCl'QIl s� w7a.C`ia ......
A vault that •..ontains three; quarte? S
of a mil'lipn gallons ,ii wine has been
shown to several' of London's distill-,
guished visitors of late: IKnown as: the
.Crescent Vault, it is ohe; of 'the won-
ders of the London docks. ill . in,
Built '127., years „ago, it -is st
use as 'London's main store for wines
placed. in bond. It covers, more than
-three acres; and. Houses row'. after rev.
of gigantic barrels filled . with • wines
that are slowly maturing. Here is
?,ort that has been 'around the. world.
and sherry that was pressed'from the
grapes ,-hen the present generation
was young. Here are: marsala .arc
ma ia. ' ne' at: an
It is important to keep wit
temperature and that: owe
stn Johnson a 1 equal terms wit
tared b Groaner' ore e a tend'' to anybody who comes in o
N[ Aubym St Pair.".old' the other' broadcasting authorities o
she t3at demand to know the
IInn for thin Intrusion,' '
r,":.that information to Scotland a • ' tempts' :go out:' Laidley
ale addi-
ren l It was no good reflecting• Upon that , .he world, she would'share, in enter:
• have wished fora more reliable add?- prises of this' kind.
put up p •
t now; howelier: tars was a situation -for deng -moi but he°had to.
b t. Among a; multitude of international.,
societies and organizatins perhaps
one; of the most unusual and original is
the Societe ' Internationale ' des Kato-
vicards which has been established by
the' listeners of the Katowice radio
station in' Poland, and numbers over
2,000,900 members: grouped in 67' cen-
ters spread over almost ,the whole of
Europe and North Africa... This so-
ciety is four years old,' and owes'its
origin to an•outburst of excitement. by
M. Stefan Tymieniecki. the'musical
director of the Katowice broadcasting
During. station. Except for Russia, Czecboslo-'
in to g0. -aloe°and Portugal, all Europe partici-
he This lit He spoke bl usquely. pates in the' ' organization which now
La dl
hasa special badge with the inscription
"Loin des yeux--pies; du coeur," 'de-
signed br Dr. Ruch of Vienna, one of
the most enthusiastic members. North
Africa is also much . interested, while
from time`to time letters are received
from Japan and North America, where
a centre is being established in Chi-
The friendship between, the ' "Kato-
vicard's" manifests itself in various
forms: the poorer members write and
exchange 'photographs, the rich ex-
change visits' by Gars, going'soinetimes
from France to 'bairo , or Bucharest.
When the Katovfcards meet one. an-
other at' . international events they
Start,•Smmediate.'co:operation and show
,luxe same interest as in hitherto un-
known relatives. , This international
friendship over'the ether has resulted
In several marriages, Several adoptions
and also. ,perhaps, some advertising,:
but the great majority of people have
been attracted by it.without any, self-
ish interests.—the Mall and 'umpire.
(Toronto). •
The ?reply' cause promptly. •
"We have' Q1ved ;information that
! young gentleman named mr Philip,
Crane is missing -and that yon, . are,
concerned. with his ,disappearance" ,sa
'I •eeneerned! °'Ton arejolsaag•
"On the contrary, I am very seri
one, madam; so serious, Di fact, that
I must request you to accompany. me
to Scotland'' Yard." He moved swiftly
ane •sib • a Birchen "attempted. to
"And you, too, sir... Thorns!" rain-
ing bis voice.
A youn8er man, alsdream t
plain clothes, game quickly'
"We have a cab outside, and there'll
• be'no display. Tf yowbehave sensibly,
- no oue need be, any- the wiser,"; the
Superintendent now said, turning'
• once again to the woman. '
The words were sacually uttered,•
but: The Empzess knew their import.
Onee at the Yar"d, she would never•
get away. Bluff as, she might, tile net
would close around her. '
"I refuse , to accompany you," she
saiid;. "this is an insult, and I Shall
speak to my solicitous."
"You can speak to them after you
have visited the Yard," was the inflex-
ible reply; "it's my duty to warn you
that if you refuse to 'come with, me,pv ,
Will he -taken by- force."
She looked 'quickly'round the room,
a'man—and he had t - face it: , •
To stay or. go.. That..was the ques-
tion. With Ferguson dead, it would
certainly, seem as thiiugh he bad
ter slip across to France for'a while
He would•• ring up the Empress.
The man still standing in the door-
way attracted his attention again.
"What shall we do with the body,
A third voice answered.
"I •think .you had better' leave' it
where it is until we see it."
D the next ten seconds, Stev-
enssoii did' the quickest thinking of
e. .
"So you're here again, Mr. i ey,"
he remarked. " I thought somehow yeti
might turn tip once more." -
The Folkestone police officer 'dis-
regarded the pleasantry.
"We'll cut out the compliments, Mr.
Stevenson, and concentrate -'on your
cellars." He underlined the last word
and had the',satisfaetion of seeing the
man wince. "I'm afraid I overlooked
your downstairs department the •first
time I was her*. Very careless of me,
I'm sure, but I - intend to rectify that
now. Matthews!". be called; and an
assistant stepped forward.
"Watch this man, was' the order
hd received
with this material' as' being the es
available. • • '
"rYes;'Inspector." -1
With the handcuffed guide going be-
fore think, the Small party crossed the
hall' and entered a corridor en., the
other side. • •�� the
"The wine. cellar's down here;
man said, pointing to the wooden floor,
Laidley nodded. He had a horrible
suspicion that he was about to be'
Made' a fool of.. He had merely bis
own intuition and. the information. of
that fool of a `constable• upon which
"I want to see it—not to be told
where it is." • ., • •
The man • touched something i w y
his foot and'the floor opened
Stretching down could be seen a
fight of steps., A cold, -raw air came
up to:them from below.
(To be continued.)
even ' , eains
Crescent Vault is regulated .by1e ea s
of gas -jets.• These gve. off bl y
that made the surrounding darkness .
all the' more intense• the long 'cox -
From time' to time in•' he lonr of -
ridors, :some of them a' q
mile in length, one catches sigh bond- •.
circle of faces, hal£--revealed by•
lamps, bending over a cask; like those
of . smugglers conspirin g. ' The : quiet _
is broken only byivoices and by. a mys-,
terious. tapping made 6y the coopers
as they 'test the, casks for leakages.
They, are guided entirely by the sound
of the casks in resp ,nse .to their tap-
ping. Twice daily they have to com-
plete the round 'of' casks. , Eight men
are kept busy -tin b•
Students in Bulgaria • 'oath
Live on$5aM
Lour, BtYlg:==The average --.cost of,
-of -town stu-
attending. the high .schools in
this typical provincial Bulgarian
town is $5 a month, according to
the .director of the ,"gymnasium,"n'
wbicb 'there are ;1,000 boys and 'g
Many of the village' boys and girls
liven' even more economically. They
go home, every Saturday • and return
on Sunday, with a bundle of bread,
cheese, dried fruit, and salt pork, to
which they restrict their diet, adding ,
now and then a howl of sour i
or' a portion of
•.• bean
stew. Schools
are crowded far beyond capacity and
have -two shifts •daily; one beginning'
before dawn' and ttfe other Aos ng
long after dark. `
Another reason why some are pleas-
ed to, see amateurs planting gardens '
in April is that it often means more
jobs for professional gardeners in
June.—The Christian Science Monitar.
Parker's Will Pay
mail: Charges
Both Ways
Send your cleaning to Park-
er's and you will always be
sure of lovely results.
Ail garments are cleaned by
the . famous )?dolt)-gaSO1ene
method which • makes -clothes
cleaner, fresher` and absoklte-
ly odorless. '
Questions ' gladly answered
by , our Mail Order Depai't-
ntent. °
Postage charges `d loth
ways. '
Gardening Hint •
Now, is the time to study seed -pack'
ed illustrations •to see what the seeds?
you are going • to plant won'tlook like.
She—"Did you see any sharks when.
you were crossing the Atlantic?" Ile :
"Yes, I played cards -with' a couple of
Stevenson kept control • of himself.
"Yon prefer me; then, not to be
your guide, Inspector?"
• "Well find out everything ---this
time," was the significant response.
" his fellow, will do.P. Ile pointed to
the -man: who, a minute • before, had
brought bis tale of tragedy to Stesv
enss3on. He was not a free agent now;
by a dexterous manceuvre his •hands
had been pinioned behind him, by a sec-
ond detective, and a pair of handcuffs
slopped round his wrists: •
"As't'on please, my dear Inspector;"
remarked' the host; 'but, nevertheless,
t think it is only fair to say that I
a a
• .Jack—"Ton seem. strangely rest-
less and ill at ease'for one of your
quiet diapOsitiOn:'
Toni ---:"Well, you see eI try to re-
spect my wife's wishes during: Lent
Tend yet believe me it's the only sea-
son 'of the year fallen 1 feel like
kidking Over the tracas."
retest in the proper leidelberg•--f?espite the hard times;
shall regi ter pone
quarters against this high-handed ac -'mountaineering Germany will expedition tin the field
i ea>•
the Andes' Reconnoissance
tion of yours. I won't waste words oy
saying that you have no justification
for' your suspicion, either against me
or my bousei By the .way, I suppose
you have the usual' warrantR"
,, 1'k this • no warrant is
necessary am' acting
uisy ,
of 1932: It ,has -just sailed from Bre-,
men folr Peru. It has for object not
only mountain conciuest but acienti0c
ir y enzei of the
research, and Professor IKu colo•
Univers y er
n h
EnglanddLLikes Brazil Oranges
Government .Standard Seeds for the
home garden. -
1 oz. Beet—Detroit Red'.
1 os. Carrot-•Chaatenayr
1 os. Eadish--White Tipped.
1 oz.'Parsu1p—'$onow Crown.
Pkt. Cabbage—oopentagen Mkt.
Pkt. Cucumber—white Spine.
rkt. Lettuce Nonpareil Heading.
Pj[t-OnioL YeIIOW 0lobe mazDaa:er•
prat •Swee Wiliam-1Yised.
Pkt: Nasturtiums-"7zized• '
Pkt. Pansies—Giant Nixed.
Pkt. Petunias --Chant Mixed.
Pkt, Spencer's Mined 'Sweet -Peas.
This entire collection post paid for
$1.00. .••
going, anyway"
HE modern ' Miss needs no
"time out"for the time of month.
' If you've• ever taken Aspirin for
headache, you know how soon the
pain subsides. Itis just as effective
in the relief of those pains peculiar
to women?
Rio ' de Janeiro.—England . is the �
greatest consumer of Braz9lian oranges l ' Don't dedicate certain . days 'of
and .bananas, export- figures for 1931 ' every month to suffering. It's old=
Out pf a total of 2,054,302 boxes of
oranges exported by , Brazil last year
fully four-fifths were bought by Eng-
land. Total banana 'exports That year
,reached '7,8.55,752 hunches, . half of
which' *ere shipped to the E1,glisb
{ fashioned. I't's unnecessary. Aspirin
will always enable you to carry -on
in comfort. Take enough to assure
your complete comfort. If it is
genuine Aspirin it cannot possibly
hurt you. Aspirin tablets do not
depress the heart. They do not up-
set the stomach. They do nothing
but stop the pain;
a case like it of geideib g is its g rr —_ ,Headaches come at' inconvenient
I �t g on my own o her professor T "Cheer'up, old bop;'' advised the times. So do colds. But a little
-.- and with a .full sense of gist and ge gip eve sty ' looks married malt. You•know 'tie better ,aspirin will always save the day.
responsibility " Ilertzb oft Jena •Uh
A throat sore that you can Bard-
what I am doing." botanical expioratiofi: The leader Ito have loved and lost than ?lever to
' „ treed of Iy. s one good gargle comfortable
,e well. Gregory, . please do after jingling ae from
pal ns actor. wishes. Obey of the expedition if Dr. P. H. Bor have loved at all: "Yes," agreed the Wi swallow is made
whatever the I p cher, second vice-president of the Get'- rejected suite?,, "better rte forttie these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis.
him as you 'would me. You under man Alpine Club. 'Th
• stand is recruited f members 1 fyorist the confectioner,
nt waiter, the taxicab
.....,...... .:...:. ._ ,.. ...a.
The Climbing
„team • keys in his .porker, e r mat Pains honce ,
�" mainly ront onfectioner the ?messenger ,
Rheu ism ' • that .apt
The man lowered hos ?lead in a last pear's Ztyhrenfiirth expeditions boy, ttt'e i estatira
I titre of acqui'eseence. Had he not done of
man the- thea
at 1
so, his eyes ?night have told their own to the Himalayas, -and Erwin, Schnee
tr magnate ,
der, mite proved their star, heads it 1 len•-ter:'
ORK$ i1M1'YEb sto Particular objective is the Cordi!
j' ut; tut",, mocked Stevenson. an dearly '22,500 feet high, there and
i ou Inspector, -what three able- , Car
The B k of
The pa �,r
l "And no" tricks;' added Laidl'ey. „1 ?era Blanca. Besides Mount Huas l `t �S AiV ��
791 Yonge .St.,,Tordinto r bodied men have to fear?"
area number of 20,000 -footer never
a y a• Their D'ralogu+ s,
o yet climbed, bound in cloth, now •Ueirtg sold of
this trip, I. -taking ri book5tcr! s,. at; traded rostpai,d ,
"Ott t P p 'Yen 1
Specialists in both Clotheri and Chances;" awns the curt reply. "The ...weakness �of the sarin) after West
pfor OMe D'oll'ar froth• the publisher,
Household 'F.cirnisttlirga I let now where your Itali lt. tions anti the strength of taw prrvate" Thomas' Allen, 266 King St,.
Might lite .k
— I body -servant it. I've heard a lot about
.. t•.t � •,tPQtr PS.•l'!in!`gt itl1t o• selfishness. "; •
- it
I that fellow recently,<and i 'should Ars,
JapyPi ° viaclt.tyto,
t Ch
ISS J ' No. 17—_-' 52 • to see him:'. �, • `
peopic hone dre forggiten half an
Motif rafter' taking a few 'of'tlrete
rrm,rhable tablets. Se are the little'
Tinging 'aches that bring fatigue arid
'ner\es" by day, or a sleepless night.
(genuine Aspirin talilt;ts cost so,very
little aa•fta r att. thrill it cloehn''t,,pay to
esperann'nt ‘\ Oh irritations!