The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-12, Page 84.1-0aPaaa, • • • ='...••,,i.••f.",•• • . ell and, e E FOOT coffirorrsitott 1 ; • 4:, (, 4 wit*a, SOPp, : LADIES' - SPOAT SHOES. ,NEWEST STYOS, '41E144: pkiitT SHOES in Wbite and 041peshot, SPECIAL.WEEK-ENI,ilit.140T4..10 *CY:J*1S*. oxi;016is' .". to."',FeetillIt'. it:ninth.' vitality; reduce efliciency,, lessens eniornient Of •I''')SQE101-.14'S Arch*PPOrto and Feet Remedies will help you to enjoy life. Try .Tliem.-11111I SOONERToA. otiaTER: iliVRRAY ;11EEL *BUGGER SHOES , A For /Every Foot •' • ' WALK 'TIlitOUGHTHE DEPRESSION WITH PRGP.ER.LY •••• .=. Mortgage :Sale UNDER ANir BY VIRTUE of the _Powers o Sgle .contained in a cer- tain mortgage which Will be pro- duced ta.4lie time of sale, there will • be offered lor. sale by 1.,..-QECIRGE, Auctioneer, ..••••••••••• • • kid:lie A.uction on Wednesday; the 25th day a May, 1932, at theePhour.lof two o'clock in tli St _the taterneon".e • .mof the late McDonald, . .6, • IsielmoW, -Otani) 0, -the following pro -c. I5eTtY, niraejyi— All and4 Singular that certain par eel-nrAreet-,-ok 'land- and • . premises,. situitte, Iiitig and4being composed of lot number • tlireein the-finirth:eini-- 0essien'of,•*4-toty.,44..01..,ICIplo.sg, • in the County of Bruce, ad contain- ihff•-•one 'hundredtiereS More'. or On. the said .farni. there wad to erected' house with suitable far:4:buildings. ' • , • Tbe lands will, be sold subject to. • TERMS' 'OF SALE --Ten.; percent •of.-the-zpinfelilis•e4nrimir.'„A•;• o be paid_ don at the ;time :tiCsale,' and the haleness '',$thin. thirty;••daYsia. • For 'fnither pa1icu1ars and ' cow; , 4 "••• • • .••• • , :Nit.* • t • . IsR, .!-eity rt*, '8 14Tartri.g4, ,.. • ' • lellintOrtikst. It' 1 19,$$ LY Mr. and Mrs. WM.' Eadie, Dens EWA -.T.orne" spent 4 Aan(Itay, • math Mc. Rachel. CAbertv.49tli 'COP' extl ell Miss AlPie•*-- spentfew daYe recently with Bliss blanChe Hamilton. ' ; • Sorryto report -that • Mrs. Ernest Ackert has been confined to her room this past few days. Mr. and Mrs: Richard Ediott „Ncie recent visitors nt Mr! Thos. ROka° Amberley. ' . • . , . -Mr- Eadie �f 00o,onao spent part of this week with his son, Mr. Win. Eadie. Recent visitors,. at Mr. Thos.. Hitirr ria.'•were:•Mr- and Mrs.; E. A. Pal- mer, • Minoing, Charlie atinlrlililiei Miss Margaret Falmer• and Jr.. Hat - old SPorbnk-Of Kineardine, Mr. and Mrs: John: JaMi010,nrY'Agr, :Ania -.•Para- 'Gorden- Jamieson, Isabelle and Stuart Mrs..Ahner/Ackert and jatii and Mr - 'Graham Pinkney. , " r•9 • Miss, Blanclie,AHFunllten and Miss ' $ • • gi • Giit yffigs in Drapery, 'Damasks, Curtain Nets . Impprted$wiss, . Alk(rquisette double 4single tfiread SW1S NE' CURTAIINds Pair • .0)25 to $34.0 MESS NET CURTAIN material, good .;;• finality at, yd. ''. , 7 . . ....a5e MARQRISETTE in Ecru & White, yd 5e & 33c , :130Y.Totir-414.1i HOSIERY:new-4008e •• LOY*. Plortliatterne, in Rote and , VON' Trj, *t,,'..Y.44. • 30c. . 17' •la• , „ ' ,the new shades. Zevi, Aero, 'Caribeq, May • Power, .1toiidetons,. Gunmetal pr, 85c, 98c, $1.50 . , ••'•.• . ' Annie Colwell were 'recent visitors . • . e, • ..• . ..r.sa• • , • • Established in 1863, have a large stock of Bedding Pants, l'raibers, Vegetable Plantsl Find Annuals; Strong, Healthy, Sturdy Plants. ' _ . .Golden Acre Cabbage and Cauli- diMer set nowwilLbaready for use early in 'July..-'' • Prices to Sidi the Times • STEWART. BROS. !Phone Carlow 235. R. R. Goderich &bona of Ada appiy •larrY''W;.--Rages East Mark- Par- liament Bldgs .,r `Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor for"Tthe Mortgagee. DATED at -Toronto this 30th daY 1,0-Art4932. M0 -RT -GAGE SALE cf Valuable farm Janda bathe ToWn- taip of West Wawanoih. siNmuGH. Miss Winnie Percy of Kincardine was,homeon Tuesday.• Mrs; M. Pierson, Millarton spent Saturday' with Bars: BL,MeLean. .Misses 'Beth and Greta. Hodgkin- son of London were 'week -end visitors' With thein parent's here.. Miss Mary Graham Of Hamilton is visiting at her home here: Mr. and , Mrs. 11.E. -McLean ,•and Evelyn were to London on Saturday. . Mrs. Ed. Hodgins returned to her tome at Lucknqw after, spending the • -onthsTvvith'her metker, Mrs 14cFailan. -• number Of the ladies attended' the, Presbyterial )neeting at Lucknow •on Tuesday. 'these days. • , °.; Fisher's Barber Shop, 'next J.• Little's ShoeStore, will be open for . business on Saturdaf.. • The annnal • -meeting of the was held at Mrs. Wm. Hosigiiis „on :fluirsdayi-Mar-gtit,-Election-of-• Of4 sera as fellows: President, gra.i.si- 'don Eekeiisvillier; lst Vice, „Mrs. Al-nier Ackert; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Wm. Wall See. -read, Miss Hazel 'Percy; .As- sistant, Mrs. Id. Gamble; Pianist; Mist liitinnifies1 Ackert; Dia.: Rep.,. Mrs.- Aber Ackert; • Plainink Pro, grams, Mrs. Tom 404gh1P;- rhYtak, -miss ' Maze' Percir.:'Idina Winnifred Ackert- Press Reporter, Mrs. Howard -Hanis; -Delegates tie Pistri?t. meeting, Mrs: 'Charlet 'Can- t:rani, Ilrs.'Thos. H. Harris; Mrs.E1- lon Ecken.swiller, Mrs, Abner- Ackert. ehe - W L quilt. was' slug completed At this meeting and tickets are being 3614 at 10e eaeli on sstne. Meeting ,elosed in the Usual manner. • •----Under-and-hir-virtueof-the-nOwers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage; 'which -will be produced at the time '4,;$ sale; there will be offered. . for sale byPublie, auction at Well- . ington •:Ileadetinon's Garage in the, Village Lucknow, on Saturday, the - twenty-first day 'of hinY, A.D., 1932, at three o'clock in the afternoon, by Wellington Ilenderton;• Auctioneer, the following propexty, naraelY: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain • parcel or tract of land and premises sittiate, lying and being in the Township Of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario ind being composed • of • the soutitettet fifty acres of Lot num- ber' Twenty' -seven in the Fourteenth Concession .sif the Said' Township of West Wawannst, and also the south ten acres a. the 'west half 4of said lot inn:her Twenty-seven, the north- • erly boundary of said ten acres' to be parallel with the Concession line • 'and to go -the full breadth across Said lot. • The property is -Situate six and a half miles :tont the Village of Luck - new and six .and a half miles from • . the Town of-' Wingham. The land is a clay and' sandy loam. There is said to be on this proper-, ty a sin-rOomed frame house; frame . barn 20 ft. by 30 ft on stone foun- dation, ./1IsO a hen -house. • TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase money on the '4ay of sale and the balance within thirty • dirt thereafter. The property will • be offered subject to a reseryed hid. • FIJRTHER. particulars and condi- tions of sale will be made known ,on • the day of stdOT may be had on ay- • plidation to the undersigned.. DATED at *Ingham, Ontario, the second day a llay, AM. 1932. Vitellingten Heildersat, Lnknnw OnlariO: Auitioneer, 3 11 Craviford,. Wingliani, Ontario, • Vendor's Solicitor. (19-5-tc) .4. P' • ar. !••• If Mrs. Wm. Eadie, tayrood 3, • Will cell at the "Market" We will be • • glad to hand her a nice Prize. Mrs. Eadie is eligible for Sit prim under a system of, prize giving we line VT advertising purposes only. . "TO MARXEr - Z4, onderful Opportunity To Pipire For Summer ins-F.Airk • tiiiiimiiiiinoAnciArrs,„: VOILE. FHESR „k„iimiU40 AIM SUIT/14#E :Ft*. BOTH WOMEN AND glEglobitl$14'6WEAIL NEW COLLAR AND -CUFF SETS IN, ORGANDY AND GEORGETTE. i • • • • s- TAPE- A new vetrie for fagoimg • colter 'and cuff :sets. Chna.: treres -drentea. and'lingerieall feloro. Card= '• , • ka :.1.21Yze MOTTO—"SMAILW PROFITS; (WICK l'IIRNOVF.E." . • E. McCluskey, Manager • 'PHONE 7$. • The stork visited. the home of Mr. and Mrs, Art Haldenby, Toronto and gifted them with a baby girl. Con- gratulations. Mrs, Jane Percy .spent a few days visiting friends in Kincardine. • Mr. and Mr. Jas. Murray and fam- ily of Illinois are vuiting ,relatives here. • Miss Blanche Hamilton visited with Miss Anne Colwell on Sunday. • • Rev: and Mrs. Anpleyard are in - London this week attending the Gen- eral Synod. While there Mrs, Apple - yard 'will undergo an operation for the removal- nf her tonsils. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colwell of Bernie were recent visitors 'at Jno. Colwell's: Mrs. H. Bell returned home 'after ;pending a few days with her daugh- ;er, Mis. Jno. Robb, 8th con. • 1.1 Mrs. Wilson Irwin, Lucknow ili call at the "Market" we will be glad to hand -her a nice prize. Mrs. Irwin it eligible for this prize finder a system of prize giving we me for •'advertising purposes only. -rut MARKET" • WHITECHIJRCH Mrs. Egglestone is visiting in the village with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Reid. "Mr. and -Mrs. Jones and family of Ashfield have moved to kr. Nelson Rice's farm. We welocme them to our community. . • Fisher's Barber Shop, next to W. 1. Little's Shoe Store, will be Open for business 'on -Battik day. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin of St. Helena spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David ennedy. Quite a ntunber‘from here attended the anniversary services at' LricknOw Presbyterian • Church last Sunday. Mrs. Aka Reid is v4Siting with her daughter Mrs. Dr. Balfour at Luck, now. • -- Weare sorry to report Mr. 'Albert McQuillin is not as well as his. many Mends would wish to see him. • • The United 'Church • are holding their Anniversary on -June 12th; When - the Rev. Mr. McTavish a former mithi.. ister of this conununity will be the special speaker. Quite a number ftorn here attend - NI thePresbyterial meeting which was held' in Lucknow Presbyterian church .on Tuesday.' Mr. George Kennedy and Mrs. David Kennedy made a 'business trip to Goderich �n Monday.. ' Mr. and 1$rs. Harry Lee and Mr. John Rintoul of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rintoul. • , , • • . , • 4th CON.. KINLOSS .ST. HELENS • Mr Wm Thompson of Auburn celled on' ,friends :in the village re- • centlyt Mis, ar C 1 r tO Mid en ans a and front. iStrathioy nriTirisitors with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hyde. • • 4 Mr. -McIntyre :was a• week7end 'visitor at- his home Fa •PaitleY: Mrs. John Anderson and children have returned home after apending • a few weeks with her' 'parents, Mr.: and Mrs. Miller -at Stratford. • Mr. George McRoberts- is driving new Plymouth car these days. Mrs,. Currie of Goderich is the Mr:• Robert McInnis spent a• day last -week- at the home of Mr. and kleMillan. • _Little Grace, Reynolds, Who was injured 'while •playing at school‘ is improving nicely. . • • Mrs. Dexter of Paramountspent last week with her daughter, Mrs. H. Robinson. •• • . Rev. R. W. Craw was a visitor .on the Fourth last week. Mr. Shirel Bowers received word' of the death Of his brother 'ROY,, which occurred , in Vancouver, . after a brief 'illness' of pneumonia. Many of the farmers have finished, with ;their seeding. Miss Hannah McDonald is nursing' at the home of Mr. Lewis Taylor. Mrs. Jessie McInnis of, Los' Ange- les and Mr.. A. McMillan visited last week- at Mr. R. Middleton's. Mrs. James Irwin, who has been under ,the Des: care is much im- proved. .Mr. Graham McNay of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Carnoclum. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. 'arid Mrs. Lewis Taylor. 'Con- gratulations. A large crowd attended the anni- 4.144, versary services in Lucknow Presby- terian church on Sunday last, When Dr. Andrew Grant 'was the speaker. •Btr. Woods and sons, Arnold and Elmer -of St. Helens, and Mk. and, • PERMANENT NAT_ _AVVA Mathieison and Expert Gperatort From :The Thedi'.MathiesosirBeauty Shoppe, Toronto, will be at Ra7.1111.CULBERT'S BEAUTY PARLOR FRIDAY, JUNE, .1OTH. citoqirf tiuoicax OR COMBINATION - • S.5.00 .• 7.50 " S10.00 • Enjoy the freedom, cetnfort and convenience of one • of :these • waves irlitch 'is as easily taken care of as naturally curly hair. EVERY WAVE- GUARANTEED. •'PHONE 13.W -uest, of her daughter, Mrs: Durnin Fither's Barber Shan, next teW.; J. Little's Shoe tore,.wi 1 e open for business on Saturday. • . -Mrs. Whetham of Galt, Miss Vera. Woods and friend of Toronto spent Mother's Day. with the ladies' mother Mrs. R. J. Woods. • Mr. Charles McQuillin of . Centra- hli e. a respent the week -end at his home Misses Dorothy Webster of London Vera Todd, Mabel :and Irvine Wonds from Da. nearKiytchehome ner were for Mother's St.. Helen's Young People There • was a.„ splendid attendance. at the weekly meeting of • the young people on Sunday' evening, it being in charge of Mrs. Earl Gaunt's side. The scripture lesson was • read by Mr. Lorne Woods and he also gave • interesting discourse on. the les- son. The topic "'Korea, Land of the Dawn, Youth and the,New Day" pre- pared .by Miss Mary Rutherford was excellently given* by Mrs. Earl Gaunt.. The musical numbers for the even- ing were a solo by Mrs. Durnin Phil- lips and a duet by. Vera' and Murray Taylor. Both of their numbers were enjoyed very much. Miss Greta Webb and ber members in the contest have charge of the mer ing next Sunday evening and 'we exect to have a very interesting meeting. Mr. Albert Gammie -received word this week of the serious illness% of his sister, who. lives'. near Fergus. , Mrs. R. Martino visited the first of . . the week at Mr. Jag Irwin's. Miss Myrtle McQuillan spent the week -end at her Mute. ZION • Miss 'Emma McDonagh of London, was home for 'the week -end: Anniversary services Will be held in Zion Church on Sunday, May 22, at- 2.30 P.M. anc1•17.30 P.M. Rev. W.. Waldwin of Bervie will be the speaker for. this occasion. Fisher's Barber Shop, next te W. .T. Little's Shoe Store will be open for business on' Saturday. • • ,,Mr. and Mrs. James Craig. of St. Adgustine called Qn Zion friends on Friday last- . Mrs. Isaac Andrew visited tedontiY with her mother' littrs. M. A. Ander- son, who Is staying with her daugtter Mrs. S. I. Kilpatrick of Mafeking,. • -Mr.- Daid1 Anderson returned' to London this week to resade his stu- dies at Normal • "'Mothers! Day" was observed last Sunday at both 'Church and Sunday School services. In the morning the pastor, Rev. C. Tstvener delivered an. nnpressive message _field. the words "Whatsoever He Saith unto you do it," spoken by the mother of Jessie, at the tine of -the miracle of turning the water. into wine at the marriage feast:- In the afternoon the regurer Mothers' Day program was - tarried' out in the Sunda 3clict01. CHURCH NOTES Presbyterian Guild The Presbyterian Guild was held Monday night with a large atten- clanee. The meeting opened With psalm; 58, followed by the Lord's prayer in Milton, The Scripture read- ing was taken by Marion Johnstone. Hymn 603 was sung, followed by a selection by the orchestra, Llyod Stewart sang a solo, after which Hymn 480 was snng. Rev. Dr. Grant gave a very interesting discourse on the Frontier Work in Canada, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The or- chestra then favored the meeting witb another selection, and Mrs. C. Mac- Donald -and Miss Metaltarei gave a Vocal duet. The offering was receiv- ed and brine 668 sung. Rev. C. 11. MacDonald closed the meeting with' prayer. _ I REGARDING ACCOUNTS The response t�' the request that ail accounts owing the Estate Of A. Di Mackenzie be paid by April 80th, has been most gratifying. There are however still some outstanding acc- ounts, also subscribers in arrears and I in view of present conditions we have been authorized to extend the date during which payment can be made at this. office, to May Sist,,1932. . •" -Mr, and Mrs. 'Friar Hamilton ac- ARAMOUNT .31(inday attending the funeral of an Hamilton motored to Lion's Head oir :•uoinnape.anied by: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. The Ripley Jr. Institute and Jr. Farmers are entertaining •the Luck- Froar Jrs. to a social evening on. May !3rd in the Township Hall. • — Don't forget the dance in the Para- nount Hall on May 20th. Everybody ..trelcome. Admission 25c. '.Ladies free iceacream will be served. Messrs. Wm. Martin, Fred Martin, Robt. Andrew, IQhilhiii and Peter Watson visited with friends. at Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell and Strat- ford during the week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Adrian Risher, ac- companied . by their daughter, Miss Margaret of. Wiarton are guests this week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan. They are also renewing old acquain- tances in.. Dungannon_ ;and vicinity. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ernie Wilson of Saskatoon • are visiting this week with -the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John'. Jamieson. World was received here of the. sudden death of Mr. Jack Cook at g.'.ion's Head. This is the third •hroth- er of Mt. Arthur Cook to die within the pelt few months'. 'Our sympathy is extended' to the bereaved family. Mr Artlinr Cook and Mr. Wni. Mc- Gill attended the funeral of Mr. Jack Cook at Lion's Head on Monday. The May meeting of the Paramount U.P.W.O. will be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Hatailton on Tuesday afternoon, May 17th at 230 P.M. The roll call is to be answered by Donis for Cluli Meetings, Minnie Richards and Beth .Alton are in charge of the prograna. Mrs. Jack Henderson and Mrs. Alex "McNay have papers. A Ginger &Alp contest -is on the prevent. kizet will be given for the beet. • • 4, - Aft,. • '' , - • •••:— • ••••.‘,..., ' ' ' • 4.1 • • Pineapple Week Pines at their best next week. Prices 'Are Low Quality the best LEAVE YOUR ORDER • WITH US FRESH SUPPLY OF. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ,FOR THE WEEK -END IL Thompson Phone 82 - No' man with a splash of egg on ' his Chin can high hat his fellows ', these days with the price of hen fruit the way it is. FERTILIZER Special Mixtures for Garden,. Lawn, F,Iowers, Strawberry, Shrubbery andPotatoe—aliso Nitrate of Soda, Muriate, of Potash, Steamed Bone Meal, Animal Tankage, Acid Phos- phate and Sulphate of Am - numbs. • • .99,4.9.9.••••••••••••••••••499.4••••••94,........4.........4•4•04•994:99,994 .SUPERIOR FERTILIZER CO. • 'Phone 106 DON'T TAKE CHANCES Buy Vance Byos. ONTARIO GROWN • SEED. CORN IT ALWAYS GROWS The Standard By Which Other Seed Corn Is Judged. FOR SALE AT W. G. Andres • • a '19" -•a4•44•1•1•;t-41L44419944944Z411404". 9744,4•4.49•494.4•414.......•44...E44414•/•:•44,416,26 -4.43114142444 ...,44-14•094994(91. /9•4 • •