The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-16, Page 1• - ‘,04,1,00,0:f44,!1, 941.Plft'' qtr.4. • 44, • .4 . y , ak• • . 4. Wk. .r • $2.00 PER TEAR IN A:1MM* S2.00 9THEEW1P ONT4THORSI)4y, JUNE:16th; ' . jascesa , . . . • 'SINGLE COPIES .5 • CANT$ " ,DENTIST Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow Hears: '9-12 A. M. 1.30-8 P. M. PHONE 53 X-RAY • . FOUNDe4 door key, also ear keys • : /. : Allay atSentinel r- Id)ST-,-On Main street, 'a green' • a earl with 'yellow .ttiMminge. Finder • , •-;'please leave at Sentinel Office • , , • " ThSAFE. FOltiiiAtra---4(edinnt • sisse.• • aaler Safe art good orderSee fttati " ". • Pateraiiiea.biiut Binrer.- BOARDERS WANTED Meals reeponable. Geed home coOking. One block nortlith!s_garitie ' • Mrs. S. McGuire. (2 DEVELOPING • - - - Any size- -roll develciped petures-23e. 'New $' exposure roll • ." -same price. Extra printisa-.e each 'JACKSON STUDIO, Seaforth, Ont.. ••• •1 • TEACHER 'WANTED Applications forteacher,, for S. S.. -6,L.Grii7_04..Will-beaacceptedatill- June 20th. Applietinta state teatirnon- . ia))S, experience arid salary' expected. Dan McKinnon,' Sec, R. 6, Lucknow 4 .. _ -BRIDGE "TENDER Sealed tenders; plainly marked as to contents, will be received by -the undersigned until'noon, Tuesday, June. 21st, for the conatuction of- ; . abutments and floor of an VO ft. ridge in Culross Twp. .• - , towest or' any tender not -neces- • eerily accepted. ' . • - •• .. Kenneth McKenzie„Township Clerk. . Teeswater, Ont. • ' I Salt!' Salt! A CAR LOAD 'OF CLEAN PRY . • : NO. 1 SALT EXPECTED ON SATURD.A.Y., JUNE • IStle., AND WILL BE SOLD OFF CAR IN . - - FARbIER'S OWN BAGS, AT THE OLD p:RICE, ALSO FINE DAIRY, BUTTER Abu! TABLE SALT AND PLAIN AND IODIZ- ED BLACKS. Get your , supply for treating You hay. What is known as "spontaneous combustion" of 'bay is no new theory, but'was face observed and commented upon !wen, in the days of the Romans.. Fire Marshal Heaton, warns, "I • am afraid that in Ontario every • year we must expect a certain number of bent -fires due to -"spontaneous ..contlinsitiorVa7-Tift proper •and liberal nee of Salt is a great retardant and I urge, that its use be reverted to." 9 A. R. Finlayson 64, DIEDIN THE WEST ' • Word-wax-recentir'received-I Mrs. Ralph Milton, COn. 10, Ashfielid. of the death of her Son-in-law, James Stothers, wIttch occurred at Red Fox Sask., on June- 3rd. Mr. Stothers, who was in his 65th Year lived at one • time near Dungannon. He is survived by his wife, formerly, Maggie Nixon, .five sons and two daughters. Sur.lal. 'was made in the Viest. • MANY ARTICLES LISTED ,'' FOR AUCTION MARKET Elsewhere in this issue appears an advertisement listing numerous ar- ticles consisting of liveatock, house furnishings,' implements and miscel-• laifebas ivtieb will • be offered for, sale at the Lucknow AuetiOn Market on Saturday, June 18th.Loolc. ' over the list carefully, PM may find County lax. Rate . . Low: red One Mill. RUCE !LEGISLATORS' PoS.1.0'TO ANY NEW PROY, 0041h,t4/11:' NOP40.,. to. Finance on $20;039 40011"han Inalgenta 11iiiing-aPar Grant* on ,•••: • • - ,• - Different-litesalattlez•-PepainAhe ,June Se • •• , . -•• • • • • .• i„ ; • • saiion,,• ,: • '..,•;•••; . ' • • ; The l'Pnatai-anna. Reeinza and' tlea' two lielnity14eyes; comOrnante the'Cothi.4 ty, Council of' Bruce. • in their, Mid; Yen! „amnion lin Walkerton laet Week, werett'the 'current aestris-7-tax---1earar by .one .mill ($28,639.03); engirt went an-reeordaapposed-to-the-Ontario Department of Highways laying any aeW_Isavernent, during 1932`; attended. ^ • • • 1 ^ SERVICE Q. Sunday the !mama meaterial. and decoration service of 1 Lucknow lodge number, alt 'i.O.O.Y. and Jew- ell Rebekah ledge was held at Green- hill genteterya..Metithers of the Maio met at tbe' lodge• room, and D. .0s- Teylota aunt Luck: 'new Citizens" Band an -arched to. the. .cemetery. ' • . • YellOwing the Operation' terviee P.0ttad...geranineLaysta Plaeek on the grave of each departed mem.; • bet: of either' order. ", an imnreasrve- sertrice Was held Rev Gallagher ;:. E 0.' • „.. •• • and Mr., Posliff, P.DD.GM. of Wing - ham addressed the 'assembled' mem- hers and friends. Th� entire Beryl& as-marketr-b-y- an abet -unpile -re -4 solemnity and respect, which in itia _elf,paid-a-tribute-to departed nem, 'hers, in keeping watt the occasion.. a number of matters of •routine nusiness, and returned 'to, their muni- cipalities, feeling that they had done aieir-asesttto---conduef---:the the'County economically and expe- ditiously. , The session closed at. noon on rhaaadaY. one, day' earner man is ustornary.--for-tr-Ame-session----01--tli-e Jruce Parliament. • - In fact it was a tame 'Session: Noth; ng •inipired; spirited debate. 'The 'embers seemed to be one mind in nose Matter& .principa4ly _that the ver -burdened ratepayers 'should get' some Measure of relief in taxation and that, if -they can -prevent it. the ave-naile stretch of ainpaired roadway etween_tli0junCtion-iivith the -Tees.' Grairel and. the ICirilose eorner, en tbe King's highway) connecting aralkeitron and Kincardine, will not reconstructed during 1932, thus :el -letting the, County of paying during .1 ,4 ,aext' year their .one,flfth share. a-costa-of--the-pinimstaraali of :tate of Levy Is WA Mills The. Countv rate last year ,was 111/4 :flints. and there waa. a deficit of 414.391 carriecl over at the end of 1931. Treasurer Allan Nelson. when presenting his report on Monday ev- ening, stated that, according to the estimates. he had•prepared. he, doubt- Xd. if ealienditures in 1932. could be met if the rate -was eut much below 11%, mills. but 'after the Finance Committee has , wrestled with the problem, it recommended that the rate of. _levy this .year. be 1016 mills, and this carried without discussion. The feeling Prevailed that the folk. back on the concessions and 'in the urban centres. who have to "pay the shot" in 'those days when cash is a, mighty Scarce article, were insisting upon a reduction, so the Reeves' ob- liged, hopeful that a deficit 'on Dec. 31st next will not be embarrassing for the 1933 -Council. Compared, to .1931 the Major reduc- tions, , in the estimates aggregate about $36400 and the deficit. togeth- er with the chief items of increased expenditure, total approximately $26.- 000. Savings and Increases Tiaare_is_belng_leaied-fm-the-pu noses of the COunty highways sYs tem this year $20.000 less than i 1931. and due to the Federal and Pro Ands', Goireinfitents paying 90 pe cent., instead of 86 per gent. (datin from Nov. 1. 1931), of the' cost o Old Age Petitions the treasury wit be about $9,800 better- off, at the en !Of 1932. compared 'to its position 0 Dee. 3lst last. Added to these say ings..debentire principal and interes payments are down 11.541 this veal' salaries of the officials, are $1117 less; hospitals - grants are $400 lower and rradditional $500 if the Kineardin General Moabite' I does not proceed with its'netrAeating system propos al: a: house for the Gael Turnkey cost. $2.4/5 in 1931, and nothing of this nature Will have to be taken in- to account -daring the, current year. and from.a woman who previously benefitted hy an allowance from the Mothers' Allowance Board 'there n windfall of $1.727. As this party teat deemed eligible .for a pension from the Department of Health and Pen- sions the refunded in retreaktive pension- money he received from the Dominion Government the 'sum of $3.454, and the Cattnty received a cheque foe half Of this. These ire.the peinciind items in the savings cdlumn, brit turainst these must be considered., to start with, a defitit of $14391. carried over from last year'. ',Then, as regards experida. tures oii highways the bill of the pa- nartmerit of Highways frit. the Coun- t's one-fifth share of the cost dui. - g• 1931 -of maintenance and new construction (principally , the pave- ment between. Walkerton and the nehon with the Teeswater Gravel) the Ring's Highways amounts' to 0.432. athi it -payable •the- Cotinty* itnenditures for Provincial highways F. T. 'ARMSTRONG is showing a Tarnish Proof -Carved Walnut ,Chest with Twenty-six-apieees-of Silyer $26.75. With every. 'Chest is giyeit Pree, Six Salad Forks ,worth $5.25; This snakes an ideal' .wedding 'gift., PAYING BY -LA WELL SUPPORTED 174 Votes Polled -On Monday -With But 26 Ballots Opposing The By -Liter The support of • the By -Law on Monday, -sanctiening the paving ef Havelock St., was most decisive, the returns revealing a total of 174'votes polled; 148 ballots favoring, the pro- posed work, with only 26 ballots in opposition to ,it. -The return by polling division was as tolls:Cm: , ' Polling Subdivision For • Against . North 17 . South 39 - 9 , The outcome was a fairly repro. sentative expression of the ratepay- ers. ers. There were some 320 property a owners who. could vote on this ques- doff and of that number approxima- tely 10 Per -cent Were not avaiblie due to illness or the fact that they live at dkatant pointe. Thue the num- ber , of. available votes was reduced. to approximately 288 of which num- ber 174 ratepayers cast a ballot with some 114 failing to do so. • • Since the question of paving' was brought up by Council, discussion and exprerions• of opinion had been heard -but -little; -and-the outcome' to - many appeared uncertain. The result is evidence that the .public in general fed that ,the Permanent improvement if this street is a dire necessity, a with the cost orsame striding no'ex- tra burden to the ratepayers, was heartily 'endorsed. ' Farm Delegation Going__To Ottawa Canadian Agriculture Deserves First ConeidersitiOn: of Canadian Dele- :.'--gataa at Empire Conferenee-a-IFirt7 mere Intend to linprese Govern - 'meat with: this Fact --Large Delr egntion vine/ :to 'Ottawa Saturday, Themselves. 'A:lermers'adeleeregap is being or; • geniied and- arrangements made to iaterview!• the Government , on the Saturday before the opening_ef-the- r-Ertiire Conference. • . ° Thia, delegation is being organixad in order that the farm 'people of the province may hava an opportunity' of speaking for themselves and advis- ing the GoVernment Of the actual cOndition of aariculture and of the importance of keeping uppermost in •-cOnferenge- the peed for better Markets for farm' products. The best way for farm .peoplel' to inform the governinent of their nosi- than said of their. views is: for them, tO go to Ottawa and speak for them- selves. Accordingly the I.F. tak:- ing the lead on behalf of the fann- ers Of Ontario, has' made arrange- ments for a monster delegation of' farm people tri' gather in, Ottawa to interviewthe' government, a few'days• Prior to the opening of the i confer- ence. They will travel by motor or by train.. At the request of the .U.F.0., the Canadian National Railway is offering special reduced 'fares for the farmers' delegation. The regular re- tuni fare from Toronto to Ottawa is' $15.30. The excursion fare, round- trip, will:be only $4.50.-COrrespond- iiiFTeductions will be made' .for termediate points and for Points. on Met 'from - the west and north .lead ng into Toronto. , The delegation is planned 'to meet he governem,•ton Saturday forenoon, WY' 16. The excursion train will leave Toronto at 11.10 P.M. on Fri-. day,.. It,, is expected that the majority of the farm 'people Will be on this, train, but if there are any who wish to go on an eariier train they will have the option of leaving Toronto at •5.00 P.M. Returning, the train will leave Ottawa at 6.00 P.M., Saturday, although delegates will have the option of leaving on three other regular trains: 1.00 P.M, Sat- urday, 10.45'1).14, Saturday, or 10.45 EMTSunday. By going Friday night and coming' back •Saturday night, farmers will thus lose only one work - ng -day from their work. Do not miss any .meetings, that will be held in your district to disents the econtkinie conference and the 'presen- atim :avidelLtbe_fArrn_exe_willanaise. to the government. Talk it over with your neighbors; club together with cin to motor tO a point where you n' board the fanners' special, or if ore convenient,' motor direct to Ot- i; UNITED FARMERS TO • ' MEET IN WINGHAM ✓ 1 The political association of North 7 Huron United Farmers will meet in I ,the Council Chamber, • Wingbam, d• 1.30 o'clock on Tuesday, June 21st. n Wm. Rutherford, Sec. T. A. Cameron, Pres. ASHFIELD GARDEN PARTY ,• e The Annual Garden Party. of the Ashfield. Circeirr will be held at the "..home of Mr. Samuel Cook, .on the Gravel Road, on the evening of Fri- day, June 17th. Supper served from six to eight. The Lucknow Oecliegtra Will provide the full program, which Will be varied by male • and •mixell quartettes, duets and readings. Ad- mission 35c and 25e. • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED :an . there jUat what yeti are_ntredilike 1. , • BARGAIN FARES TO • TORONTO ON SATURDAY Excursion trains to vatione points at bargain fares are proving popo kr' aiid titecti4•.with•miteees,,aed no doubt the law fare,'of 0.50 to Tarim ta and return,- leaving here on Saint . daY, Jane ItIth -and reiterating on Monday will entice Many to visit With ,friencle and relatives Over the Com 7 preeliggil that aitt. mirmiseii totalled $55.332 - $5,100 Jess then the amount' payable this year. In addition, though for the re- quirement of the County highways sYstern $20;000 less is being levied in 1932, the interest ort highways bor- rowing at the bank, has to be met out of the general aterstint. This will be. about $6000.00. Last 31reat the genre- Priation Of the eottilty Highways Cominittee took care Of this import- ant item: The public liability. ante Oh the highways system Js cOst- $401). than_1981. part "son of Ifevits (CtinthrIld Ori page 4) 9 4. • •, Mr. and Pdrs. A. C. Hamilton, Hur- on. Township„ announce the'engage- anent of their eldest daughter, Clara May, to' Mr. James MacTavish, son of Mrs. MacTaviah Snit the late Peter McTavish, 2nd Concession of Huron, the marriage to talc' place the latter part of June. . • • WEBSTER RE -UNION The ninth annual re -union of the Webster Family,--avilktre-freld- oir-Seta urday, June 18th, at Jewett's Grove, listyfield. All relatives are extended an Invi hon. Supplying, in Ripley • Mies' atVorine McPherson who re; Calved a Bachelor Of Arts degree at Queen's University, Kingston; a few weeks ago aria who hat been Visiting at the home of her uncle,- Mir. Homer. •Harriss, liolyroed, has been supply, lag for the last two weeks 6. Rp1ey Continuation School. in the absence of 114144 •t ea tawa. , • • You are requested, to 'write a let- ter or postcard saying hew meaty you expect will be hr your party and whether you plan to go by trainor• motor. Mail it to The United Farnra ars of Ontario, Duke and George Streets, Toronto ,Ont. UNITED CHURCH SERVICES On Sunday morning, June 19th, there will be a baptismal service in the . United Church, with a special Berrien addressed to children and young people. On Sunday, June 26th, communion will be celebrated at the morning service.. At the evening service, Rev. R. W. Craw will impart his 'fare:Yell address. DIED •.• imoMpsoN-,-ra the Township of West Wawanosh on Tuesday,. Irma 14th,. Elizabeth West, relict of the late Matthew Thonipson,.in ber 90th year.•The funeral service will be held at_the. home' of her dangliter,- George E. Sinith, Lot 17, Ceti. 6, West Wawancalt, on Thursday, *Tithe 16, at 1.30 P.M. Interment in Dung- annon Cemetery. • DIMEMORIAM TWAlifi,EY---/n lotting memory of our father, Mr., George Twamley, who died one year ago, June 14, 1931. In vain friends; around his dying bed Nursed tenderly his fern of. clay, In vain were tears. of sorrow shed. But the Angels called dear father. AW/114 Wife said Pataily. The 'Bread The Bread of Health HO -VIS of Health OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND •sERvicia '411lHtlFV4S--'t:f)MMONaSENSE"-AP-PLiEtr"T07SPENDING, EVERY PENNY. SPENT- ON YOUR • TApLE, BREAD GIVES YOU BIGGEST FOOD vAbug... . ..." ' - RICH. PRINT CAKE 2 lbs., 35c. , • RASBERRY 'TARTLETS , BREAD' " • .' • • • OATMEAL. COOKIES '• • '"".• • SPECIAL SALE OF HATSe-0 Saturday, June 18th. - BELLE. ROBERTSON, Miss Cora MacQuaig, • R. N. of Chicago is holidaying' at her home here, Miss Whilemena Agar of Toronto is a'holiday, visitor with her perents in town: • • diiimnpassilur • titi Eyes - • Our ,Service. „ Lacknow , WIIY EXPECT Mr.,4D. R. Macintosh , of:SouthantP_-_. Ton is renewing acquaintances- in town From imperfect eyes? That can - this week. not be. But -all eyes'.D0 render. Miss . Lorna Campbell is visiting the best .service they can. If you this week in Toronto with Mr. and,•hriQtre "cause to cOmplain that: Mrs. P. J. Naylpr. nerViee don't' --blame --3raux T. eyes. Mr, and Mrs. George Giles and you wouldn't have to Clem, any-. • Joyce of 'Toledo visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nixon. , • thing if you would permit us to Mrs. Victor Johnston will be at remove the cause of all Blaine. Conie for Mrs, Craw on Friday efter- :loon from 3 to • • Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Armstrong of feronto, spent a few daye recently sir' their. cottage at the Feint • " Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Reed and Eldon_ Orillia spent the past 'few days. at *their cottage at Point Clark. Mrs. William Reid of Bayfield spent the .week -end visiting •with her cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon'. , • Mr. M. R. Matheson of .Granuni, Alberta,- waa a visitorlast week with Mr. and' Mrs. Alex- iiiacDiarmid.' Mr.' James Little has successfully passed, his second year DentistrY ex7 aminations_at Tordnto University. Miss Isabelle McIntosh,.R.N.'• and Miss Joan McCallum, both of Handl- ton; were week -end visitors in town. Mrs.,,Laiivrence A1 Finney is sail, ing on the Duchess of York On Fra: day,,4une 17th, for a , Europe: • See the new designs in Diamond Ring. Mountings with Three real nice stones for $35.00 at--.• ARY1STRONG'S . Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Temple -Clarke are attending the Rebekah.. Assembly, field in: the 'Royal York hotel, 'Toronto. Mrs. W. P. Reed, who is convales- cing after an 'illness; with pneumonia, is at present visiting with her daugh- ter in St. hilras. Mr. Harvey Webster and Miss Edith Shirley, accompanied by Eldon. Reed, motored up from Toronto t'o pend the week -end. Miss Ada Watson of London visit- ed last week with Helen and Gladys MacDonald,' making the trip. to and from the city by- Motorcycle. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew and Lloyd motored th Sprucedale last Thursday where Mrs. Agnew and Lloyd will spend the suinxner at their eottage. Miss Marion MacPherson is this week visiting friends hi Clinton, here she will attend the Clinton Hespital- graduaion exercises and reeeption on Thursday. , Mr. John Sutherland and his son insurance agents of Guelph,were in town 'lett week and called on many old friends„ they have made in the village through their baginess con nection. , Mrs. °Angut McKinnon returned -to her •home here the first of the week accompanying Dr. and Mrs. Cowan, *Of Toronto, with whom She spent the winter. Mrs. Cowan is reniainiiig here for a time- Mr. and Mr. Elgin Porter, Mrs. Wm. Reid and Miss Maggie and Miss Lucinda Reid of Bayfield, °Spent Sun, day with Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. T. Web - ter, boundary west, end 'Wth Mr. and Mier J. q, MeNain, Aniberlea. • lateria' Seott McKenzie who has ae.• • been visiting with his parents in Ripley and Mrs. McKenzie were call- * in town last 'Wek. Rev. McKen- zie 'is pribCipal of the Mtn -areal Pres- byterian College and returned from Eke West just a short time ago, his hip being in the intefeata of the '' Continued next week , • Wallitaper Walk up town and save. money. We have a large dis pley of Wallpaper priced to suit every purse. 8c up. Sun - worthy, reg. 45c for 30c., and reduction on work being R. Jr CAMERON Painter, Decorator & Grainer Beach Pavilion KINCARDINE- • ' Featuring . Jean's Nighthawks During JULY & AUGUST STARTING JULY 1st Jiteey..Dancing- RIVERDALE PICNIC • A monster pienia at Riversdale on Wedneday, June 22nd. Sports of all kinds. Ball games in the afternoon,', Boxing end Wrestlini at 7.30 in the evening by the, Canadian Olympic • team, now in trainina in Hamilton. Supper to 7.30. Dancing after • the b BASEBALL TO -MORROW Lucknow and Kincardine are billed ' for a scheduled Lakeside League fix- ture in the local park to -Morrow, Fri- day, June 17th. . Genies commences at 5 o'clock sharp. Admiteiori 25c and 15a Kincardine have a strong aggre- . gation, having defeated Ripley last • Week by a score of 9 to 5, so a keen- ly contested game May he looked for. • Teeswater plays at Ripley to -day and a• week from to -day, Thursday, witanteer.231, Lucknew plays in Tees- , • OPEN AIR CONCERT Prepaiations are being made by the loeal Bowling Club •to stage at concert at tWE-641-tag greet on Friday evening, June' 24th. The program will 'consist of varied and interesting numbers by local and Outside talent. Mr. Grail Crawford and the Masonic quartette of Ripley will assist in the program. •Perther particulars tyill be given litter, hut akeeptted n this i7 event in mind and plan to • PERMANENT WAVES Mr. McCreedy Will return to Hae - toe's Barber Shop .•on Monday and• Tuesdat *Tune 27th and 28thl. 'Make Sante aPpehitment ler a Perintetent/ 41'