The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-23, Page 4THURSDAY r 111 NE .�8.cd, 1'J82: Ptlilisheti acre Thursday 'morning at Lucknowy 'Ontario. - THURSDAY, J1 NH 23rdi 1932 • ,' Established in every,city •and town: - • .: of ittportarice .throughout the r • "• Dominion, the Ba' of Montreal has been the trusted custodian Canadians'. savingsfor generations. Throughout the Bank's -history of i xyears, sa d Tbe'uu8 , ' � tY 5 fety has been'a� watchword and conservative *nanagement:a;guiding principle of those directing the institution. 4th COM, ItMVOS' Douglas ewAVv gram; pent urth. severely he se God of an soon and spent m McIntyre ed £o few the Clubs Mrs ideal, there of--- d;an at 11, e{ es, by 0 M s Mi iii ng m w ec ed om Mrs, •Morden and son D s' of Toronto are up, to spend 'a f, eeks with Mr.and ''Mrs. ;S• Con_ Miss Myrtle McQ'uillin s Su - day at , her., home on the ..Fo lir-' Mit.George-Brooks was The next meeting. 'of the IIW.T.. Will be held at the lkd}e of Hisses Anna and. Bell Ross on Thursday, July 7th;, Members please note change of Hostess.Directors—Miss. Hazel'' Percy, .and--Miss,.Anrue...Statters To pic Current Events by Mrs., Abner. 'Ackert. Address. -_-District President. .Contest; Holme -made. houses dress Parade.",Prizes;..given. Roll caller -The' fininiest'':scrape in which I ever saw anyone. ' Lunch: Com.—Mfrs ` .Joseph: Hanna Mrs WinW all; Mrs. 'Michael us timers of each of the mote -than ---7; 60o Branches of the Bank{have the satisfaction of knowing thatbehind their own Branch,forthe security' 7 , of their'': deposits, are the full re- sources o€ .the=entireorganization: Bond jured"in a car accident at t rich con. and had to be taken to a ich Hospital. We hope to hear im- provement in his condition' s. Mr. John. McDonald intai. J. 'Martin attended the picnic' last"week.. the, Miss • Rena. Carruthers Weel'-end at"'h'er-borne - , T1s • Soutit Kinloss W.M.S.et' on rit,• the ,honie of Mr -s.' A. "The-Masquer-ade :dance -held -by the Instituteof Holyrood .on'Fsiday, June ;17th_, was a • decided •:success. The prize -winners were as follows*Fancy lady—Miss Winifred Ackert: Comic „Fancy -Gent —Miss Isobel Colwell. Comic Gent— Miss Hazel Percy. Owing to the tick-. eta not being all handed in the quilt las not been, claimed..• Any, person having ticketsthat are not sold or the numbers?not-sent-n i, ,please. -•send to.:.the , next Institute meeting at .the Misses Anna and Bell Boss. Mrs Howard Elliott and son 'Clay- ton of Detroit and Mrs. Elliott of Huron: are. visiting' with Mrs. Abner 'Ackert .at present. . • Mr. James Ross spent. ale* days recently with friends. at Whitechurch: .Mrs- Fank Funstnn and. Mildred of, Pine River were guests of - Mrs. Abner Ackert on Monday. . Mr. and, Ms. Michael Gamble were; Sundayvisitors at Mr. and -Mrs; Thos. White's. . Miss -Hannah 'Macnonald whohas been';nursing, ' Mrs. • J. H. Ackert re-. turned 'to her. home • on Monday: Miss' Winnifred Percy, . nurse -in- training at , Kincardine Hospital is holidaying at her home,. 12th con. Mr. and Mrs. • Chai`rles.. Gathers . of ►::1.1?_l'. F1T 1► Kr11\T KTr" �rvvly Established 1817 QTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $750,000,000 • .Lucknow Branch.-' C. L. OBER-LE,Manager' • SUBON CsOUNTY 'JUDGING .COMPETITION. AatwaZ Jadgag Coniletition., to ,be. lik Clinton on Jane 25th. The: sixth annual Live 'Stock and The. girls will he required to judge - classes in Nutrition and Clothing and: contestants must . register in the Fireman's .Hall. above the Bank of Montreal. The. entry fee for girls 4s 25e each.. • ; . i•. - Suitable silver trophies; together Household Science,, Judging Comneti- tur Clinton on Satur- day. in e, 'be het tz >t day. June 25th; under the supervision pf `' the Huron 'County Branch of the Ontario'' Department." of Agriculture. The competition is open to boys; and >rls of'`']g`fiion County 2G years of age and ,antler. The boys will be re ed tojudge two classes each of. Clinic: Beef Cattle, Heavy Horses. Sheep and Swine, . and the r: judging„ will be' done on farms in the viieinity of,Clinton. The entry fee tor, boys is 35e each and all contest- ants 'must register.. at the Agrieul- tarral Office by 8.45 Saturday morn- ing. with cash'- n �'s- aQiii be -awarded to the high girls in both the Junior and list and Senior- •sections,.of the ..:prize a special trophy to the girl winning the most points in the entire. c corn - petition. ' (fA' • silver trophy and. silver medal donated' :by . Messrs. A. Robertsonr M.L.A. and Wo' ,G: M$dd. M.L.A.. be awarded to the high•and second. high, boys in the Live Stock Judging Competition and • three -cash prizes will be warded to the boys securing the msst points in each of the five classes . of Livestock. ". All• boys and ' girls in the County 26: years of • age and under .the cor- dially invited to take part'in 'this Annual Competition. Presentation.. And Dance On , Tuesday evening the friends and-,-neighbors-of..-=Mr..and.-M>s Ar - dill Mason gather • together in • the -ran e Ha11 Kinloss toss to have •,an en- joyable evening together and.to pre-, pent them with" two handsome uphol- stered. living room chairs and.. lone' living .'room. table, , ,before. they left - for their new' home 4th con., Huron: The party commenced with dancing then ' the._ presentation , took place, lunch was served and' -the remainder of the' night -was spent in dancing. • Mr. Ivan' Geddes read .the.follow- ing :address 'L • .• Kinloss, Ont.; June 14, -1932-. Dear Gladys and ATdill:— We, . your friends and neigrbors, have b:ithe*ed here to=night.fo bid' ou farewell on leaving. for yournew home' - We shall miss you very much' in sour community and as •well as .11eing excellent neighbors you were alwa ready to give.. a helping hand in time of need, but . what. is our loss • is another's gain. • • . You are not going very far away _the lob -outing -of -the Sun�ife-Asp so will hope to see you often.. We Tuesday'• her Mrs.'Dan McKay return days. home in Detroit,; after a visit;. with relatives °here Para - The of re- inouiit: -and the ,ICarishea - .. et Thursday at the home • of there Hughes, The day.' being. i berg wras'a. good representatio •subs. Mrs... Martin preside` d the. o ened- with-si the meeting p the Opening Soiig and repeating Lord's. prayer in ''unison. Mrs, G. v.ockhart read _the minute of last meeting. After the roll ca, Mrs. J. Webster, president of .the. Paramount Club -:took the -chair Th program which was put on, by -the Paramount ladies consisted .of chorus quartet- tes end' duetts. :A solo .Mrs. Hamilton, an accordion sol by Mrs. J. Webster, a paper by,.. Miss Mary McLean, a ;violin: selection.,by Mrs. !;rump, a piano solo by Miss Evelyn Reed, , a recitation by ss Greta Campbell and a reading by . Miss Beth'_ Alton, .closed; a .very uch en-• joyed program. After' . si ing the National Anthem, refresh ent were served out on, the lawn, hich was very beautiful for the occasion. A vote. of t, : ,..' as tender the host- ess for the use .'of her" honk. Show Starts 6.31). 'F.. M. June 23.--2445 SPECIAL JAME DUNN & SALLY EILERS.` "Over `the ail'' A glimpse into your own Home through --the_. Kitchen Dons THURS., ° l! RIDAY, SA,TURIDAli •June 27---2$-29 .T1103fAS., r M.EIGHAN HA'RDIE'l ALKR!GHT MA'UKEE-N • O'SU LLIVAN .c.D •.. In • Skylin " A' cross •current ef:''life in a • • great .__city And "C17ARLIE"CfM--SELGOM•Nll-if ' - ' "THE NICKEL NURSER".. PURPLE GROVE and .Mr George. Emerson RIB=ROLL • ROOFING Colored or plain. For hooses;' barns, Mr:' sheds, garages. "Coaaco Standard" Nirroxeter-spent Monday vwith_Mr._and spent-afew•days-lsst:wveek at-•De-�--or�"Arora"-giidlity:•$asy--,and�uicli-.' Mrs Wm. Eadie. troit : to lay, permakientproof against Howard 1 fire. Mrs Thos. $arras, Mrs:. Mits'Lenore McDonald.is home for'. $_,tris and: Mrs Wm. Eadie spent the holidays. T ►f ursday . at Mrs. Allister Hughes: Those w o assed their :High, James Harrigan . of Hespler, h•. P Mrs. 'Jam g Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whytoek and babe School .exams were Helen :Collins, Stan - of Teeswater were recent, visitors at Florence McDonald and Audrey Stan Mr, Richard ' Elliott's. ST. dELE.I�TS Miss Vera Woods is spending her vacation with her.mother, Mrs. Robt. Woods. . m - Miss W. D. Rutherford is home from Kirkland' Lake for a short held - day, .before going , to Toronto where she will_mark._examination papers. Mr. Robert McQuillin • of. the Bank staff, Belleville, . is '. spending his va- cation at . his home here. Mr. J. R. Miller of Innisfail, Al- berta l berta:L-is -renewing.: old acquaintances and the guest of his mother, Mrs. R. IC. Miller. Rob. is en -route to attend' felt that we could not let you go from our midst without trying to show in some way the high esteem in .which you are held in •this. vicinity. So we ask you to accept these gifts as a 'slight. token Of "our' good wall and friendship. ; Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors, Jack Shewfelt; Albert• - Young, Norman Campbell, i -can ew.itt. . ' Mr. 1 Mason on - behalf- ,of his ' wife, then thanked their friends in very fitting words for the, beautiful gifts, and the kindness shown to them. He, invited them one and allto come to Huron . and visit'. them in their new 'home. "Bring Dora too we'll play termi • Leen teeming rater tiers Calls begin .16aier )141): riga All Ruth's friends in the city felt ' Dick and settled dov.to in a' slian, They- Soon. found, however, that -4tottiod lawns and flowers -welcorrie a chance th run out and Ruth is never The telephone irthe connecting link It is quick, easy, to use and coSts only n.few cents to call- the , Monumental Works Lucknow, Oat, Has the largest and most complete deck in the most beautiful designs to choose from, in— asurance Eompany at Murray Bay, Quebec. ' • Misses Florence and Ruth MaQuil- lin' were confirmed at the •Confirma- tion service held'' at Lucknow .Angli- can Church, by. Bishop Seager on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durnin and Earl attended the. Webster re -union -it Bayfield on Saturday.. Garden Party, Juile 30th. • . .The Annual Garden Party of the. United Church, will be held on Thurs- day,' 'June 30th, in 'killer's Orchard. Supper will be served from 6 - 8, af- ter which the A.Y.P.A. will present their , play "Mrs. Tubbs of Shanty- town." This play waspresented with splendid success in Lucknow and a good' everting°s entertainment is pro- mised. Don't' forget the Date. Death of Former. Resident • . Mr. Wm. Camjibell' received word recently of Ithe death of his brother Joseph, • after a two -weeks illness athis home at Militia, Man., on June 12th. The funeral Was.. held, from bis former* home .at Fleming, 'Sask: Hit wife, died .about 13 years' ago., Mr. Campbell 'was a former resident of this 'vicinity . and will be remembered by many old friends. Mr: J: R. Miller; Mrs. R. K. Miller Mrs. Gordon; Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mrs'. Wallace 1yi.iller Were 'visitors at: Medford •on Monday.. ' ' quitea' number of lathes MARBLE, SCOTCH. SWEDISH AND ,CANADIAN. GRANITES Family monuments and invite your' inspection. ,Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and Promptly" Done. See- ue hefore placing your nide: • Donlan Broil. R. A. Spottoi Phone 74. Phone 256 Winching ley. M. and' Mrs.';Goldie Huston ' visit= ad at ,Mr. James. • Robertson's last week. Mr. John' Emerson raised his barn last week.: Miss' Marville Scott and her fath- sr, Mrs. Milton Walsh and Frank are visiting friends in Toronto. Ifs Easy .Buy at Depart:I-tient Store RESIGNS NILE • SCHOOL' • Miss, Grace Blake has resigned as teacher of he pule school. •Mi$s Blake will be ''greatly missed. in this community. She took. an active inter- est in the pu illss not only with' regard to,"t eir 'ednca tonal development but Free esiimates gladly sent :Send ianeseurements, Maiera..off Pieiton..StetL'R} hs Bashi, GAL vwtitedThnne BernDoory Preston Led-Med..Nails • Double Mi tial Lash, An jkindasiieeeafetalBu ld,wMattr/al. teelinosue tlll�la , P Guelyh St., Preston. Ont. Factories at Montreal and Toronto, aiui nu1MNuUUuuWOWHUIIUmusunnuttn11t as also •their moral and cultural wel- . are. We •are inclined to believe •'we did not ;fully appreciate 'what .Miss Blake has meant to the, community until this annonneeinent of her res- ignation was.' made. We ' wish her, every success 'in ..her net; fields of service. The new teacher at Nile is to be . Miss Archibal .of Guelph. She is now teaching in Oakville and comes =to=us-withvthe-best of--testinimuuls.--- Nile News. • With a Silent Glow Range Burner in your present- kitchen range, you tan get heat 1, when you want it, and then turn it off when up your kitchen between 'meals and wastes fuel, betides Making all kinds ofcatra work from dirt and ashes. More than i 2%000 homes have 'chosen Silent Glow ,because It is the no:trouble 'burner. It lights quicker, gives mow hew and &erns kit ill than any other range burner. Fits,your Quebec heater or furnace too:Let us show yenthe "fteverkild." oil filter, the "Microfeed" Valve end other Patented and exclusive Gloiv features dim assure you :dependable acetic. 'for cooking and 11111111111111111011011111111111111.. Mndo in Canada Approyed 13y National Board a Fire underwititera 11Leiers she Piig ;In Resters for yen; &me, stmetner cottage Or Orate/ 4104 •