The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-30, Page 7••••efeV EA "tinifr44,410- •e•-• ,‘",••^' '='!•to.,:•rotz' a'Ataniesan'sovaiii•rKnalgike•e: "7417k •, 9, -* • • , NrrRAcT: Wymato Perpoga 4 : AUthOr' Of 'PRACtICAl. AUCTION BRIDar "'elm! II•leamesneasniumesalleig.. ARTICLE No; 28 often him been pointed tint 'In circumstances onion} he ,bes . sere . , on•ishihlY Prnitt-: do- .seres to bat - .4 good- 'Player or • rhe other nightt e writer wasPaY- --inge-ate-ienT:"Ottf _e_11.414tTlevrir.Nelfe Yer.E:ard Chiba od Supnesediy with high grade. Pley s,orid yet observed' :time very flee xartriles.Pf "Whae•not fodo.f.". For. eeMPlet.' Heart -4K, ?;6 ' • ,, • rbs-e4;.I, 9;8; 4," • -• • SPides--120;* .." • • • • • . 41.101.0* 0 CIO .ftg (CSC hidlitie"ile trump, A paseedeY bid two' spades` and .1i and Z 'passed. Ilere'e where•A started. ta,glye it fine exhibi- tion �t- "What net to do." • He didn't • step to figurathat his hand' was werth • probably threeArichielf-aps esewes trumps 'sp that,. if his partner could - take Only: :one trick, they would Save the game. „He bid' three. Oltilise ,which Y doubled.- B and Z passed and' A Mow. detided to try three diamonds This also was ` th n iO articles • that one of the best genie bend. Tli use of good Judg inet in this situa arid!'whateyou • cate whether you a a. dub... ei to learn Auction or Contract is stallY eaamples ••of "Wat- not. iiitherAn. the biddng Or Play. owing what Mpt tedo. is particiflar ntelertant •Whee partner has made a-trump:41de appOrtini valus • by partner'nre acra„ 'klags and ens ria13r. Jacks and tens .arocount- aeupnorting values pairtithn . held Onbtnittien With higher honor* of Parther'efeno trumf} bid hos len' realled by a suit bid, (1041 bid two tinli}ss you .have opponent's topped at 'last (nide; 'end. also g':handi and' no -stopper ' in:' the 'stilt dOube.The opponent Cannot, take .tricks when yoUrpertner hes a hid:Pt One no &Map and you also -big :hap& ' . • hat -do yeti mean when your part- e-haslhdeletalcen orhis no al) hid ""'bj, an -opponent and you 'le the iiiiponent'a bid?. Do you t your partner to go on with his mini bid, or are you -doubling ep,, at the bid?' iattionde--K 10, 8, 6, 5' ,: •A • . • „ 41 • • • WIFE AS r owl Las tenger Attractive • -; Lost Husband's Love The abOye. heacilinee appeared in a New York neWepaper, in •Cormiction • with a divorce eriat that has atteaote. wide attention: • '4ind is net ettractivbeustmsy More • • witnes testified, "She was a b7t,titifttlhWeegmanot too,eratlet • ,:hosandt of Women am 'letting fat : losing their. beauty -- just because they do• not know what to 40. If . you ,are fatewhy not "de what thousands of women done to get rid of•pounds of unwanted fat'? Take poen o eus en -Salts a glass othet Water yeayne_cmaineLg 1?.*:"Cre. riffegtr4s1alte.eit it Up 'for days• You can help tho action of' Ifrusehen by. cutting 'Pt.' Pastry and fattji Meats, Mid gainglight on: petatoee, PuP.er4±0841 and saer Then weigh yourself ruideee how many•pound.s you biae lt;!st..: • • • No*. you eari at the' peoPie' who pay hundredof:'doilara lose a few pounds Of fat, and you *ill IM* that the a eritalizieg..idlts' of KruiCheit InneepeetiOneedyotrieith IpriOnekteilth. • 7 . ,, f .e ,Wire the .Graduate .• ..... • 1 .... . --,7,-..-Cotigratulations eon -yur :grailutt- ' : toit, '10: was a greet Surprise to me. 2. 144*0 of your ..grauatimi Just re. eeiveti.' Wire conlirmation. '..• s • doubledand e„co - neWer. "Itorouble. means that. _tract -was--set tor -400- nein* Stildi'" can-defeatethe-bitlf-Your-paitefr this bank the bidding end the score a Mi trumpet; that you Other and learn "What not to do" under a big no trump yourself or that similar circumstances. • • have four or more dards In, the At •Contract A •wouldeprobabiy not hid and prefer to -defeat the bid have (bid So freely _ as . he did at Ance er than to go on with your part- tion, The heavy penalties at' Contract' 3 no tump. Yourepartrier shauld lutire curbed a great deal of freebid- m Oh with' hie timmplinder such .I rts-9. ding: " • ' • • Problem • ./leartre—A, 10, 2. -' • •• Clabe-none • Diamonds -5,'3 • • laaes—K, S. 2.. • •• . Hearts—Q,ee7, 5 , ' :. A . Clubs—K, 9, 3 nonds--J, 8, 7 ' • z •••:. Diamonds -5, 4: lee—A, Q •Spades -8 Hearts -8, 4 Clubs—Q, 8, 6; Diamonds—IC, Spades—none ubs tare trumps and Z is in the ▪ How can Y Z win five of the t tricks against any defense?' Z should lead the four Of ts end- Y wins the trick wffh the Y alionld then lead_thee:dnce-of- es, which Z shmild trump withthe etif clubs. Z should. then lead the of diamonds and folio* With the e ot diamonds, which., trick A win. Whatever A now leads, Y Mt win two trump tricks. A leade a diairiond ern spade, Z eni and leads the eight of hearts. gum, of clubs must now nuike: shotild 'lead a trump, Z must still bre trump tricks. Played in this Y Z must win five of the; eight :s against any defense. 2 • 14: 2 It• should be noted that the lead of the king of diamonds by Z at trick one and the lead of the deuce of diamonds at trielt two is a loser. A should lead the nine of hearts 'which Y must win. --Theelead by Yof 'e.heft 'cr a spade: is• a loser. Played in this Way, Y Z must lose four tricks. . it should also be noted that Z may first play the king of diamonds and then lead the four of hearts and let lead the deuce Of spades. Whee he trumps the pade, z shpuld then Ilead the deuce of diamonds, obtaining the same result as in the correct solution given. • - This is tricky problem and should be carefully noted. All of the varia- tions given should be played out. The Passing of the Crossroads Store le lofers, seated onth,en. long hes before a New Hampehire try store, stopped their "whittling desUltory gossip and indolently nir: • • Evn, :the farmers' horses,'. ling their soft noses jn the three red and •Weather-heaten feed im, -raisd' their heads. An iM- tilt event was about to • happen,, he stage-qoach which carried the -and an occasional passenger to mountain village .Was due oil one eetrieWeeicleeteinicerattleecif uge.viagon, ard Abe clipelpp of: horses' feet sounded down the: peredusty-road. • • ' air a flourish 'of . Whip and yi0v of Mins that almost swung leaders to ,their haunches,: 1,he lreught the stage to it stand- .. Re :flung off, tire leather. bag,' ;he storekeeper, who combined the s of postinaster with those of trader, carried it inside the dim - hied Store. There 'was an exeited .expectancy•as the few letters the Outside. world Were sortd.. end:heavy. He was a deacon in the church, se justice of the peace, first selectman, &airmail of the school com- nittee, and had represented his town Just anothie French nightig—and you'll adore it with its nevi round !hat New York WearWg 3. Fatherand I have tilUst seen your • name inthe list of graeaes. We can hardly fhelieve it. 4. Femily has just. heard of your greduaepn. •Yea, conld have knocked ns over with featther. 5. Pleased beyond words to hear pf 4r.graduation. Was it political in- duece. faenity Carelessness? _ Acatt. •our congratulatioas on year completing your college cmirse. It le, frilly astonlahina, • James A,. Chaphi la the proud father of Webb, two. spas and a "dnititer, • born tti T. 140147, W#e •-of Thc.iske:*eliay. All are reported dg - Ing flje..—Item The thricheville, •Oho, 'EVening Chronioe. All eieePt, Thomas MeRY. .• clheenPlis--"liV14 -do 1/911 glatdOlignireirrted7469.21er-. - Movie Queen 30 --"My lawyer just advised ;Me that owing to the generl; dePresslon I had better use My old hushend another season" ANNE8EUJE WORTHINGTON Illustrated breitemaking Lesson F'ur- 'nished With Every pattern • ' " • • „ ' :• , 2747 at the general court. • In 1840 he had opened a small gen- eral store.Now, in the sixties, he had taken his- young son bite tile bus ness, and had ino:ved to larger quar- ters, taking it for granted' that he would pass his "trade” down to his son and his. son's Fon. He never thoughtsotthie village where- Ms- pee sonality and individuality were so strongly felt, without his store. - . Twice a -year the storekeeper' went to Poston: "o stock up." He WaS thrifty and careful in buying; blite drilling for overalls. thirty pieces of calico, hoop skirts aid bustls, cotton 4 tread knotted in "links,' ied and mate spotted bandanna haociker-: chiefs, cotton hattirg, "factory yarn," quaint buttons, pieces' of glassware mnde'by thot "Tie* cofnpany down on Cape ted," a- few weba of lawn, *a piece or two of sprigged muslin, 'some storekeepeie however, was •net webs of lace, needles pins, an OCcii- ,ed to read his two letters from sional , piece of silk, hard candies for in! He owed is community an: the children, as well as the groceries • duty Since he was the only and hardware needed in the daily' life in town who subscribed to a of the village. Finally he added a few paper, he must first read tb the wallpapers. -" The following years after the store- keeper's son had inherited- his- busi- ness, found the village growing. Small lmberrills were bringing -workers from, _outlying districts. Sunter, boarders were migrating in hiercasime numbers from the cities. The country store grewto meet the dernands. • Then . appeared two factors "which have sounded the knell of the general • store as it was ktown twertty-fo .years, ago—the automebile• and . the mail" order house. There still rattle:lb stores, one is willing to' admit; Where nbled groap the news. . . . e storekeeper himself was a "man Shrewd at a bargain, keen- ed, just, kindly, he was a leadee e vicinity. Amon f his neighbors ras known as a rich mah. His was the largest in the village boasted steel engravings and their furniture in the parlor. He sent hie children away to school.. wife's black Sunday, silk was rich [eething rally's Own Tablets take away that thing fever," writes Mrs. Alfred uiga, North Sydney, N.S. tiective 0 -in- relieving colds, fever, • upset s totn act distitintion. Chil dren like them. Absolutely SAFE ". —bed analyst's Certificate hi each 25C package. 41 Dr. N TABLETS_ • . . .1436* No..26—'32 • • everything is handled, from "knitting needles to plow, poits," but the cross- roads store as it- wag, is soon to be thing of the peel.- -lerorn "About An tiques," by Ella Sa- :mon Bowles, MISFORTUNE It were a Misfortune to have Jrietrin tiatil I -hate lehrned in tny- 1nel1ness not to " be lonely; oe Mvii kettle until I aie rich without uriel gar& • World's Oldest Mop Foluid The..oldest mai} In the world, so far as the science oreartograPhy has yet een- able 4set:14e dravrei More than 4,000 years: ago epee a clay tah-, let three inches eqUare, has bete Mesopottinihe '• .• • The shoulder capelet forms a yoke effect. And isn't the beruffled hem- line attractive? And ,it snugs the waistline in such a. dainty way. A voile or batiste in a small flower- edepatterre giveSit-suctEF--quatitar air . Crepe de chine Ir. :pale blue. with pink bindings and ribbon or eggehell. crepe -satin, selfatimmed is exquisite- ly lovely. -• • Style No. 2747. is •designed for sizes 14, 1, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust. • Siie 16 requires 4% yards 35 or 39 -inch, with 2 yards ribbon. IOW:TO ORDER PATTERNS. . Write -your name and address plain, Iy giving nuniber. and size of such patterns asyou want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred ; wrail it carefully) for each nnnber, and address your order- to Wilon. Pattern Service, 7c, !vest Adelaide St., Tornao. High -Strung Girls • Gratetut'!eAtimony• tly the Way Dr, VVilliaragt Pink Pills Tide • Them O.Over Danger Period, "My daughte, nt • • , Soon' • 13, was a thin, lier- the Piet:tine eons child, 240 lbs. •tie 'Health underweight — 'I • ; ;" • lave' her Dr. Wil - dame' Pink Pills with the result that ndw, at 16, -she Is a healthy; lively girl," writes Mrs. O., Stimpson, peg. 0 , Nan S. Brown, Calgary,. Writs: When I wad 11 years old, I had a nervoim bra406We. Rae •to he pit fci bed. Mother knew about- Dr. Wil. flames Intik Pilland atotioe? started tird."6-e•it( tes-trre. • Attertakiirt three boxes I was mysel.agairi.•Moth- er thitike there it' no, mediate} like Pink • Pills, for filirdearte high-S.411g girls." • ' • • o'nt let lineeh:lie rob Your gtotving &tighter Of health Mid vigour. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ThoY,. • temporary relie. They, banish, the condition by creating new tiocid whih Imparts health,. yigeot Med VI.: Way. Eqiially geed •for all raiedoWn er nervous cOnditions. At 'your drug - Ones, '50c 'a package. • • -- • The :Same. Old Story "My grandpa notes the world's • weft • .cOgs • • • Andsays were ping to the dogs; His granded M a hpuso of logs. Swore thinge were going eo the does; Minded; among the Flennah bags, Vowed things were,goingtO the dogs; The caveinan la hiSaueer akin tears Said Were goini tothe dogs. But tiiis is vihatI wish to state— The dogs 'haVe had am awful Wait." , • A scientist' says that Mankind is Of vegetable origirebvieuslY. Men descend frOm monkeys,'inottkeya-frpne treese • In our opinion the biggest chump is ehe-fellow who shakes the plirm tree While ethers gather the fruit. -• Nowadays -Englnd exPeets every man to do his: diity,:and pay It too. • One Wife 'out of every three is -the Ideal. heloniate, We are ,inforred. But new, many of us:can afford. three wives? Our idea of an ideal marriage is one wherathelasbaad is treasurer and the wife is a treasure,• A man's ideal Wife Is • pne•In Whose seeiety he can spend a whble- evening ad not no- tice it. It may not he. polite to, stand i__14._'eyvitle hands' .your pocket,, but they had better. be there than -in soaiebady else's pockets.' A man Who fells. in love with .himself never :ees any* rivals. People with -lots of, pepper4in their mak-up are the salt of the earth. The •steenith: of .a :bighting •is- in itsfratae; the • strength of a salesman is in bisefrento of mind, ••• • It bkei the pre_stt-day girl to get down to cases—"vanity,". "cigarette" and 'divorce." •••••7- • Johnny giggled, when the teacher read the story of men who swam. a - river three times before breakfast. The Teacher—"You do not doubt that a trained ,swinirner ceeld do that, • do you, Jciheny?" • Johnny—"No, sir; but 1. wonder why he didn't make it four times and get back to the.side where his clothes were " • Economical and good Red Labgl 25, I Eery Package Package 6uaranteed; When: ToSayIslo' •. • Mary Starck Kerr Mrs. Wilderaime was aliztost distract:. Oed.!. Herthree children Were cOothiu= ally 'tanning' kap the" 'Muse lx tisk "Miitheie Mai I go over Bobby or. If it were. ono,* the Vale 4 ' CunvgA ARE IN FASellain, • not ,otundity.. Ifyou would hay• graceful, lines. do as, scores of others, de • '* —take Slendor Tablets,the barmiest, vegetal. cOrrective that gives you SVelfigure. la •a natural ' non :a • , rad'. 1 way.' $1.5e three -.weeks' treat i 7' mat: postpaid. Roy Eitchen.-The Pare, • - ful Chemist, Dept. 1st Londen. istead' Of .tii;14?k, "143! 11.63.40tile ° warY.4..anclestay„ 111 Supper tinier?, Or Perhaps it, was a request tO u'se some of Daddy's tools or to get eome pleees for dollys. dress out oe Moth; 4er's-,pecebag. At any rate, -Mrs. Wild- .arscia-was-wormeautarieh-heroWii-con tinuous stream of No's, followed by the childrens pleas, -then tears or Iez bellieus cries., Very often„ jest to get Peace, Airs *lidera:in would finally eiay "Yes" instead of "No" •Then during vacation, the time she mOst dread,ed- ;because of laving the full care of the children, her 'Meter, a student at the kindergarten training cans to 'visit her, and relleied her pf the burden. Vahlie,Mis. Wild- ' &son .sewed or reeted„she obsered her Methods with the child- ren, and the atmosphere of peace that prevelled. What was the secret of . the change that had come over the children? .... They meter teased Aunt' Margaret and seldom cried when With" her.. At dist Mrs. Wilderson thought it was because of thoneviness of Aunt Margaret, but as the Weeks Passed and the newness wore awayethe child- ren were Still on the, same gopdehe- heeler. Then the „mother began no- tcing ' that Whenever the children asked Aunt Margaret to let' them do tome definite thiii7or tO go to some" El particular place, 'she took a moment to consider b re._ answering, and then usually the answer- was "Yes." -shoiwesnot-spoiling-the children; they Were more obedient, as well as more quiet and leas mischievous. Mrs. Wilderson noticed also, !that *hen her 'sistes Said "No," it wasal.7 ways after consideration end for some good reason. For instance it Was top near dinnet time for ,poriald" to go home With -Bobby Bxrivn—then she gave Donald something interesting to do mail ,the meal was ready; Helen could not get pieces fpr' her doll's dress just now because Mother was lying down and they would not want to distUrb her, but after Mother was rested Aunt Margaret would ask if Helen 'could not have a little bag of pieces of her own, and then she would always know where to find a piece of material when. she ,needed it. When the vacation -was over, Mrs. Wilderspn did not losthe benefits of her rest for she put into practice the lessons she had learned; chief among which was viehentii say "No." Before this, she, like many another Mother, Vacation is a, short period, during which the college student wears had thoughtlessly said "No" to many ' no appeals which should -have been grant - collars or pants except his own. . , . ed.; .no-VE,-ordwilen. the best intereets of those concerned would suffer by ' irentfng the request, did she refuse. Besides this eikQexpleizied thareeson,. ancl So, to a very great eitent, peace and eontentinent reigned in her house- hold, where once there had been fric- tion and turinelle-Issued by the Na- tional!. Kindergarten Association„ 8 West 40th Street, New York City. These articles are appearing weekly in our columns. Lady Speaker—"Now, is :there any man in the audience who *Mild let his wife be slandered and, say pothing?- If so, stand up." A meek litt14 rose to his feet. Lady Speak ring hini)—"Do you mean to say yeti Would 'let your wife be slandered andsay nothing?" Meek Little Man (apologizing) — "Oh, I'M sorry. I thought you said lughtered..' Average American Eats 106,400 Lbs. of Food If you were served at a single Meal all the average Person eats in a life- tinie, you would sit down to a break fast weighting as touch ns six dressed steers, confront a giant potato too big for a two -ton truck to haill, cut -slices from ,a'Oaf of bread higher than yew' head and your milk from a bottle ai tall as a bungalow. In the lifty-six years that the aver- age Aineriean lives, recent StatiStiCS compiled be the United:States Depart - mentor Commereeihew, he consumes 106,900 peupds of food—enough, to load to capacitY Several freight cars, says "Popular Stienie Monthly." On other dishes at this colossal, feast there would be a half -ton Week of butter and a 224 -pound slice of eheese. The sugar bovvI would be six feet high and the sale shaker Would Weigh 800 pounds, There would be egg. 12.0-00 tinies the averaie and apple seveli feet in diameter, an orange weighing 1;100 pounds. Atound' your table would he piled 1; 120 tins ot canned fruit, 124 cans of salmon, 606 tint of -Sardines, 336 lbs, nt dietdfritelt lat? certelie of break - fait foo, Mere eitinrisingly still 280 goaride Of rice. To to off your Meal yoil would find a 624ound hot of call* and hear 6,000 sticks oe chewing gem, riot to mention 58 pounds of Walmits and • 1,176 ileum's. of • - e. — • Things that have a commonquality ever etitckly.ieek their kind. . 4, . Nearly 200 land-lockd salincei (Sal - m salar Sebago) were caught byang- lers in Chatnceck lake, New Bruns- wick, last year. Efforts by the Domin- ion Depertment of Fisheries to build up the stocks of these fish in Cham - cook have evidently been produttive of results. OOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Catiadian Wool 2 DHURCH• ST.; TORONTO' • ' Ir GARDENS;;CRAW • ' BBOOK, Kent, England, spectate, • ai I •• • In rare bulbs as supplied to 4.he Domia. ion, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Cater .' logues free on request, ISA137.-CMIDES AVE $2 PER HUNDRED. LEG.. RoltiaS. 6 cents, Reeks whit, Rocks Red, 9 cents; delivered day tilnef Month old. 18c. Pullets. all ages. prices furnished. Model Hatchery, itoheneri Ont. • wizurrier ermwSParEst. • WeitneD LEAsE"WEEKLY NEWS-, .. • . . , . PAPER ineontario.. oar. . • • -=• ticulare zo' Box 16, Wilson • Ltd., Toronto. • ' . aioTore• Boa* POE'AYV„ -• RICH BM SON DOTIBL46. PAWN . cruiser, about thirty feet, in ugh altogether °MY four or five months in two seasons: complete equipment inaluiL • Ing carpets. be3 and table linen, chin; glassware and silver as well as all mar ire esmipment and many extras. ' This cruiser with its two cabins and Its .vell • equipped galley is an unusually comfort.. • able boat —tor----Week-ends ,or -longer ' • cruises for four to six people. It Is ex- ceptionally seaworthy and has .Cruised ali over the Great Lakes. It has a high • classsind'very economical 60 horsepower, stir -cylinder power plant with .complete electric lighting throughout and .3peed of 12 to 14 mileeper hour. It isa spa- cial paint lob and very attractive In ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice for half . Its original cost R. Watkins, 73 W. Adelaide St.; Toronto. •' •Folly • It is flever foolsh to do a thing be; cause we went to do It. The folly lies in doing a thing because ether people think we ought o wept to do it; end we do not.—Fowler. BOYS; BOYSI Daily Ilse of Croitiara. Soap O Keeps Face and Ilandi • Clear and Health* Price 25c. .464/ O Act .gently but • surely on both liver arid bowels Safe for :. CHILDREN. Sold everywhere -in 25c and 75c red pkgs. S=P11.41S are sure ' -to get in even with the house screened. Ilang up ' Aeroxon—the fir cateher with the push pin and longer and wider ribbon. Aeroxon is irresistible to flies ecause the glue is fragrant and sweet and will not dry-- Iced for3 weeks' service. Itt drogi grocery &hardware OtOrtm. tote Aslenfq J. E lL GENEST, P.O. Box 22. Sherbrooke, Qua AEROX c -LY CATCHER Gets the fly every time 5 - The Oold-en Province- - • of Canada In the mit of a world bf -depressio, the Gold Mining in- dustry Of Ontario has risen to a new record prodution. The Gold Mines of the ProViircei 1331 produCed preeloni metal to the value of 43 Million Dollars, which is 20 per cnt. in advance of the output for 19301 and four-fifths of the total gold production by. the 1:)idminion of Canada. Fos Geological: maps and" eelebration reports of specific areas, and for general information, apply to T. P. SUTHERLAND, Acting Deputy Minister of ..M-ines, Parliament Buildings, Troantb, Canada. letiet.-OAR Let -MeCRAte - 41.13S 0.N,. - Minister of Mines: 0 dePuty. Minister. • v