The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-30, Page 3•
:rr, � e�,,wrMr H yygown�sa
.y • .
Many Lone -Scouts will be heavh gr
big sighs of relief at this ,time he -
...,,,cause of the thought that "School is
,Out" and 'Long weeks of vacation lie
before theni. .Those examinations are
all behind us, again for :a while; and
'We congratulateall,; those.Lonies-•who,
have succeesfully. graduated Or passed
., , toss. h ghett;,fn m
1! there are any .who did not make:
• Out 'so well this year, we .urge .them
to. show the'•rlght.:Scout Spirit .of
termination, and make up.►iuds;
• • • to stick Bard it it when -:school Startl
• Ai- again • in.:the. fall...
Remember'' that`.`. your present :tie,'
and, tame':,with thorns, which: you will.
• ,exercised by you if' you are going .to.
•,experieirce in th'e future,.and the sone.
.courage." and determination, , to an
oven' greater 'degrees, wrill have.ito ,bo
• exerci'aed-by-yo-uiff-you re goineto
. make,• the • best use of your opportuni
ties and. "win out" : in the' years • to'
"Out- of Doors" Scouting
•It• should always be • mind
that Scouting is :essentially an o>it',of
doorsgame,•,and• In the, holidays every
--opportunity-shouid-bd-seized- to •prat=
tice o
r Scouting'
rn the fresh; air..
.. �., Sono of yo_.__.'be -a.lty
enough to
attend the •Lone Scout Camp, or some
other camp,but others,' who .maybe
have to' 'stay at home .and help on; the
tarn', :will have to . arrange their' own
. 'camping plans. •' • •
.We . recommend that., every Lenin
who -lives in the country should make
:. a camp site of his •own, perhaps in; the.
• `bush on 'his'own • farm, where he cyan.
spend his leisure moments, steep out
With 'his. dad or brother bi' some of his
chunis, and be •near. •at.hand to take
part in the daily activiti'e's 'that he is
a: called upon to perform :at home. At
-this "Louie •CL..ap,,he,canpractice his
Woodcraft, make all' 'the "gadgets"
used in a regular vamp, and • have a
real heap of fun. '
' Your Scoutmaster will be delighted
to hear all about your Camp Site, so
dont-orge o write .and. tell Mw all
about it.. '
• A Mineral Deteptive Story
A story, of "mineral detective work"
,as related by Dr. Charles•Camselli Dem
.puty roister ; of Mines,_ in_an..article_
for the Professional Institute; will be
of interest to Scouts in .general, and,
in 'particular to those .who are work-
Ing for the ''Miner's" and "Prospect-
-.•or's".proflcieney badges. '
q tiring a icavation • • work for the
nd Canal, . a thin seam of . gyp -
was exposed. It was of high
a' y, burtoa ,small in quantity to.
e' of value. A private company sought
ssistance,•from. an. expert geologist,
h'o, :,from -their fossils, identifled'the•
Layers of rock above and below the
thin seam of gypsum • •
- Applying this information to a geo-..
logical map of • the area which had al-
ready- been made by the Geological
survey or Canada, . it . was predicted_
that If the company would drill to a•'
..ilepth of 90 feet,:at a Place called Wil.
ow' Grove,. -south omilton, at leaet •
•e, 6 in les -.di t�ant from:the�,go� int where ..
the original discovery had been made,
they would locate the• gypsum • bed,
and, that it would U11• robabili
• P ty be.
much wider;
A drill bele was made, and the pre-
diction was borne Qut. ,A seems Beven,
feet. thick was located,• and as•a,result
Of :. the bit o.'f geological . Sherlock
Holmes• , •detective. work. „a Modern
plant -was immediately designed. for
the . minim"• and manufacture of gyp-
sum there. •, And as' Dr: Cambell points -
out, the' Wisariiry__berame. O -0 1'.
•cause, menhad Yearned. to tell the fos-
sils always•, foiled • in stratum ,of,
rock from those. always found in 'an
an -
ether. . . `
Indian Scouters: Have No .Differences
• ' Miss Heather Thatcher, famous 'Briti$h' actress,returns home after.
a brilliant' success at Hollywood,, where she.: starred with Robert
Montgomery' She ' was: presented, with rosed-at• Watertoo'astation.
Mohammedan, Hindu; ! Cliirstian and
Budhist Scoutmasters took a ten -days'
training course • together in perfect
rmony and.good will at a cam
Colombo, Ceylon.: All joined in
the , morning 'and evening prayers of
Robert, .:Louis. Stevenson. '
Another International Scout'Cam
`Ari interatitional Bey:Scout camp to
be known as the 'Baden-Pgwell. Came.
hie • been established in International
Park,' Beaumont, California,.The
camp .is sponsored by :the Beaumont
Rotary Club, and Is open at alit times.
to Scantsof any country. • • .
- World Plane Model. Show'•For •Bo .s
The' •glider andairplane model dis-
play at. the 1933: World Boy Sebut Jam-
boree,, to be held in Hungary; will be
c arse of Stephen de:.H'orthy; old-
est son of the Regent Of Hungary, and
otte'of Europe's experts in dying and
An Opportunity • .
The Lone Scout Organization pro-
vides an opportunity for bo :
tete ages -042 .and 18 inclusively, who.
otherwise 6could not . be Boy ,Scouts;:
to enjoy all the privileges. of :Scout
Tiaining in their own environment.
Lone Scouting is mainly designed to
take tare of boys ;who live on farms;
-in-smalh•villa`ges where there is no
• Scout Troop, Or in rural. localities. ', -
Full particulars regarding the activi-
ties of this organization, which is a
branch of the greatest "Boys' Club",
in exisileece, covering the whole civil-
ized world; may', 'be obtained from The
Lone. Scout :Department; Boy Scouts
Association, 330 :Bay Street, Toronto
Why not write to -day, -and find, out
all. about it? Yolr •will. not • be placed
under any obligation. -"Lone E."
"A °might$ queer , man " stopped.
there the other -day," stated : the
landlord,'of the Petunia. tavern.' "He
didn't have anything' to sell to our,
merchants, • he wasn't ' trying to in
'troduce valuable •Literary works to
_the..favf-rsoni, in4.1he -.eoranrunliT=of-
sufficient culture to' appreciate , '.em,,
' and he quietly, told everybody who
'inquired that he, did not wish to buy
'land. He sat around Here in the
ofRse some and read a• book,,and the
rest of the time be strolled about in
.-town and lookedat. things . in a,
casual sort of way. •
"To one gent who asked 'him if it
'didh't look right smartly like. rain
off to the 'south'rd, he replied that it
did And when another inquired if
.tie-•ha�i-n't.-;mst 1iixn.-soaate'xtl 1„�-n
wered that it was quite • likely, Ras:.much as he had been. thereieverai
times. When he got 'ready to leave.
he simpiy paid itis bill and depart -
'ed on the two o'cle qko• train!- Opin-
ions. are pretty, event divided; some
of our leading ciiz s .think .he was..
an inspector of some Sort, and•'oth
ers-!relieve he was :a spy. `• • '
Teacher -Can you • tell nie. .what.
Australia is bounded by,' Tommy?"
Tommy -"Kangaroos, • sir!"
Canada's I Level Net
What is I<Cnown scientifically. as
'the precise level net of Canada now
covers the. Do.m:inion •and a maze ei
of . figures. is • required to represent
the elevation above "sea 'level of the
.various localities indicated. • These
g - a n--Garefnll'y Computed'' by
the Geodetic Survey `of. Canada,; De_
partmeht :of the Interior,. and .are
based on 'mean • ,sea -level obtained:
from Rye tidal station, namely, 'Yar-
mouth and' Halifax on the Atlantic
coast; Father Point on the 'gulf of
St. Lawrence:; and .Vancouver and
.1"rinee ,Rupert on. the Pacific coast.
The' figures, are necesl§ary_in._the lay-
ing out o'f towns, the Wilding 'of
bridges, engineering . .and irrigation
work,: and they also serve as .'the
o er survey measure=
.menta and computations.
..--True Courage
• True bourage is not' incompatible
•with- nervousness, "and hergi
not meant the absence.of fear
conquest of it, -H. Van Dyke.
sm does
ubnat the
A man's •reputation is what his
. friends say about him. His character
is what his enemies say about him.
QIi .R1vt$
/ L1:mac A
BOYS -1l•1,'rT'.;'Trla Nt J) tr./
AN AD orb RUN - x .Ann
NQ ,Lbe4Geti recsPontstB.LG:
p'e12 fMY W tFo's . DGBTs.
TAMERS'.CLUT3;' '...
July 10..- • L•' esoon 1'1=Tho ' CalI of
Moses -.Exodus .31 10-15;..4:. 10-12.'
,'golden Text -Certainly 1 .will be
with thee. -Exodus 3: 12,..
II, 'THE..AAME on .GOD, vs.. 13-15. ' '
.INTRODUCTION -The t great men of
the' Bible traced their' life -•tasks bank
tc the will. of God. They were-distinct--
•ly conscious- of ',a time _when they _re-.
ceived a •call from.: God to, their work.
Usually their call came' in. a vision
of God,,. followed by a commission
from hinr'in which the 'nature of their
task was'. unfolded. ' So it was with -
Moses. ..He
ithMoses....He was -tending his father
in l'aw's "flocks •'in a lonely;of,,.the
wilderness close' by ; the , slopes of
Mount Sinai.or''Horeb, as' it was'some
tithes called,. v. 12. .At the time, he
was probably brooding' over• the op-
pression of 'his countrymenin-Egypt.
".k. great sight",; (v:. 3) attracted' his
attention. • A desert bosh•' or shrub
was 'burning, abut was not. consumed.
Travelers in "thane Parte inform. us'
that "certain small bushes of the des-
ert -emit connibustible, gases which,,
-when they have given off in sufficient
uan iti at
. heat • of the eastern sun., The` flame
plays. round the • branches" of the bush,
which, so far from'• being ihijurecl; ap-
pears to enjoy its baptism: of fire:"
But to Moses this ;,was .obviously' no
natural henomenol ; to' him: it. was a
sheer.. marvel.; , God. was in_ the matter..
Little' wonder, en, that he heard
-God calling. from, the .bush; "Moses,
'•Moses "..' His great• hour had come.
A revelation : of 'God now broke upon
him 'that not only ccestituted him • a
leader of his. people, but opened a new
and- glorious epoch for Israel..
I:,.A GREAT COMMISSION., vs. 10-12. •
God had -made it. plain.'tht ,: he- was...
sleeplessly, watching the evil , plight
into' which. his people .had fallen. • "I
am come deliver,a' v. 8. God,•
howev=er, works through human sgen-
cies; Moses •was • the one, chosen for
this crisis. /Come now 1"•will send
thee," v. 10. •This if • the piradox of
•the divine operatipn in history -it
was God who wrought. the, exodus out
of Egypt; It was Moses ho carried
it out under hits.' "I am come' down
to deliver" -"Come now I will send
tl_ee"-both .of these statements re.
true. Mdses took thesneasi e~Q .
task fd upon hint and realized that
was, stupendous. He was to appear
before the great. and mighty. Pharaoh
with the demand that his' people
should be set ' free; he was also to
quicken . the- desire for freedom• in. a
people already, somewhat. inured to
slavery, v. 1'1. . "Who am 1 that' I
should go•?" he cried. Like most of the
'great 'prophets, he shrank' .from his
task. It was not that he was without
sympathy for the Project nor -that he'
,was ::owardly. His wavering -came
from . comparing is slender persona
-'esouroes-with-the-inagn de of -tire -
undertaking. He :was met 'with th•!
Promise of divine neap -"Certainly I
will be with thee." '.Moses• was fur-
ther assured that doubt would pass
into certainty, and' faith into • sight
when the .Israelites, finally liberated
from SEgypt, .would.worship their Ge;.
on the slopes of Motint Sinai by which
he was standing.'.This' mountain wss
regarded as God's _local habitation;
hence it was peculiarly ,sacred.'
Israel might- , be '.incredulous..of •his'
nuns on They would demand:`liteeve=
dentials; above alh they ''. would 'ask
regarding.'•the name pf the God who
;had sent him. In that day there were
lord : many and gods,niany;'`and „each
had its own. proper' name. •How was
Israel to'know"that it was nota'faire,
-god-who had-rentf -Mases2--One-would
expect; God: •to .have ,answered,, "My.
,name is Jehovah this was the pre -
per. name, of Israel's God. In place of
saying "Jehovah" God answered :with
•an interpretative;phrase which,. in the.
Hebrew ;language, sounded somewhat
similar to• the 'name,. Jehovah. •The'
significance of God's answer. is nut
realized unless it is translated,'"I :will
be -What I-011 beProfou
'are 'Iisetesed in this phrase.'. .God's
self -manifestation is not exhausted'in
the past:, he'is'the.God'of the future.•
The future alone will be ablet'o,'un-•
-fold 'gilt that is in .the fulness of • his
being:" All 'this may .have been very
niysteri us- to the'. shepherd, Moses,
but God .met •.him on more certain
ground. when , he assured hint that he
'wa's'the'same God whom the ancestors
of Israel had had to do. Ile 'was the
God of the .past. As he had been w:ith-'
• the patriarchs in the. poet,: so' he,
would- be with' the • people • 'of bsrael
'110* .and ever•• These • ideas
Would 'always' be, assodated Watli his
name,_v. 15. •
111..A. GREAT 'MAN. exatzgKS, 4: 10-12.
One commentator has counted :four
difficulties: raised by Moses in con-
nectron with the task assigned him:
yin shrinking from .'hisGod-given,
cominission may be- taken as the as
ure of the'serious'ness with .which h�
direly assume • e wor . •• e . iffi.
Laity here raised refers to his lack'c-f
;persuasive powers.:' The. -art .of' fluent,
persuasive. speech would be. • needed
with one like Pharaoh! v. 10. God, in
reply, 'reminded . Moses.. that malt'
faculties all find their. source in his
sovereign will, 'v. •11.. Not only, 'Will
he 'endow. Moses . with the' `gift of
speech, but he willsuggest; oeca-
sion arises;' *hat to should' "speak.; --"T.
will be with thy mouth." 'God will so
inspire Moses, that. the words of his.
ou. 'Will be .the • wor ds of God 'him-'
self. .
m ,
II. THE NAME OFGOD, vS. 13-15.
•Moses .raised yet . another difficulty
when he suggested that the- people cf
is ALAD'To
SGC ' •kou. ¢ .
TNc.' RGc#PTtON''
'ti COM :
offended George dreadfullg.
"Have you made up?"
• "Yes, .I succeeded •in getting him
to ask my, pardon."
` 'ADay's Wage
Love •wore a suit of hodden grey.
d-torted-ti�-Ithimtlie Hells
Love lrielded pick and carried pack
And bent to heavy loads the back.
Though meagre' fed.lind sorely laslf9ed,
The only wage •Love ever asked. •
y -
child's wan face .to night,-
A woma•n"ssmile by• candle' light.
' _By Margaret E..Sangster.
"England is still a nation "iu the
making." • Sir Banister Fletcher.
',,� Saler �►' :'•.`.
:.When' that '. the misty vapoar was
• agorae, .
And cleave and faire was :the morn-
The •dewe also -like 'silver in shlning
Upon the, leaves, as any , •beume:
*mete, ,
:Till flry Titan with his 'versant hete..
Had dried up'the lusty licour new
Upon. theherbs v in the grene mede,.
And_ that the ' iloures of many divers
hew, .
Upon his stalkes gon, for to sprede,
And for to splay . out hire levee in'
,•Again the 9unne, , gold, burned ,in
his sphere; -. ' •
That .d oune..,to..hem ,easi.m his-,neames
_And by' a rlaer';forthl gen, •ooat.
Of waiterclere art birell°mor • cristali,,
Till, a't, the last; °I foundta, littler 4,10
'Toward a parka; enclosed 'with . W.
In. ' compassg rounde, and by a gate
Who so ,that would' might - freely
Into this 'Parke, walled with .grene
stone : ,
And in I went to. .heare the 'birder
• song,
Which on the brali idles, both in
• . plated and vale, ' • '
So loud sang that all • the• wood tong,
Like as it should shiver hi peaces
as • etho kt-`th the i
And, m. tFg , at nig
With go, great ' might her voice :gan
• out wrest,
Right as her herte for love.:'would
----Geoffrey . Chaucer, "Poems."
Warbles" Dry Up
The cattle in some 60 herds, abont
2000, .on farms rear ,Guelph,, were
treated by wetting their backs with
a waibl'e killing wash.' • The warble
grubs were-kiked while :still beneath.
the skin, .between: March 1st and'
May 24th: The dead grubs, wither-
ed np and were ejected through `the
hole,, in the skin in • less than two
weeks.. The holes• in the skin rap-
idly :healed. The cattle,..treated were
saved much soreness anl•1 irritation
and it .was pleasing to see the way
t ' e bay warbled backs Cleaned -up:
This meant a saving'- to' the eattle
owners as 'the'period of torment- was
very much reduced, and 'the cattle
relieved of • much unnecessary suffer;
ling.t A. warbled back is a very
painful • condition. If the cows
could talk they Would' tell us in force
ful ' words, of our neglect to control
the warble' fly.' Either', derris.,pow-
der or pyrethrum powder mixed ,with
soap, and water, at the rate of one-
half pound. .in either case, with one
•gallon of water. This wash is
brushed on; the back of the animal,
Over , the grubby area.. An orlinary,
dandy brush is best, as the" stiff
bristles, will uncover ;the grub hole,
and permit the .liquid to soak in on
top of the offending grub. With the
grubs all dead there can be no files.
.: Child's Love ,
It ' is • a sweet ` thing to. enjoy a
child's love. It is so spontaneous;
full and'free, so outspoken , and con-
fiding, so natural and tender that it
ousts nt 5 -4!-em-inds ene-ot love-ot
Heaven.' To enjoy once in one's life
the pure gushing of a child's friend-
ship is to' taste of a sweetness never
to. be forgotten. ' The memories . of
such an enjoyment Linger. around
one's heart like.dreamy soliloquies
of a past existence in some abode of
purity. 'acid beauty. To lose them
would be to lose islands from the
sea, oasis from: the' desert.'c :'hey
are types of what friendship should
be; symbols of what: it will be. They
:•-s re -this -flowers _.of-Ileav-en,-sown-,-a
earth. They hear the fragi'anc, of
the skies. , The.. beauty of Goo 's
Kingdom sparkles within them, and
the love of our Father's home
breathes . from their ,pure young
Circumstances '
Fashion 'thyself dceording to the..
circumstances of Jty lot. The -nen
whom' fate hath made Lily compan-
ions here. love and love thein in sin-
cerity and trn'tih.-Marcus Aurelius.
—o '
Yoe/ wolM,'ptD YOV
'tt4G . PAPOR?
Gt?- Ef2,L M' Lo'G -
� I �
Sortie 1;206,000 pereaz • visit the
library of the. British >f leeum livery
year. •, -
The man, strength of the British
navy ie,' normally,; about 168,000, 8a -
eluding all ranks; ,
The highest Price which the British .
Museum authorities' have ever-- paid
for ,a book ie $7,500; •
-Workers among the ancient Hittites
and Assyrians enjoyed a five-day week
4,000 years ago. , ••
he height standard for London
tropelitan policemen '1a noW' 6 ft." .
ins.; this .ia an increase o(•oue loch
Letters'®"ih ye been sent"byy rocket "
era:tlletauci of more than one.mtle
om the top, of an, Austrian mountain
o a village below,
O :S '
`1 o :Skew a1 "profit a 50,000 ton liner `
meet earn $3,000,000 a year.' 'Each, lux
she' In at sea..suchTa veseei• costs X9000 ',
for '.mere' running expenses.: m "
Insurance' policies held 'in .the
United States' are worth' 9840 per head,
of the population, in Canada 9640, and
in Great Britain $266.
ack one_e_f London's great 41unary"
hotels costs, about 925,000 a week '
run,: while .the guests spend , anything
from $125 , to $250 a week.
New sets of 'finger -prints and : BOW
records of..criminals are added to tits
'library of New Scotland Yard. at' the.
rate'of about 20;000 .a ,year. '
j_� 1 OW Summer outatS, ins] '
ackets waistcoat rs andca '
t s trouse
for , the .4,112 men •employed oft the
London Underground cost $60,000
•Boys• of^to-day'are)>iHer than those
of a previous generation:• even young,
:Stem of 'eight are,, half an inch taller:,
thanwere the boys ofd that age twenty • ,
years ago. '
Eggs an''now; being preserva.'d by
treating them with ,carbon and
nitrogen; .by this, means they can be'
kept ,fortwelve}onths and stili be
indistinguishable Prom the new=laid-
' Naval\chaplains in 'the Royal.Navy ..
number 'eighty-six; _sixty seven are
Anglican;.• ten Roman Catholic, and
nine Nonconformist,. Their.•salaries
"total up 9210,000'a: year. ,
'Two-thirds • of tie people convicted
of crime, in Gt. Britain during :1930
it thirty eai s=oi age;
two-fifths were • still in • their teens.
The total number of convictions. was
56,767.. ' '
Among the 'pensioners of. the Lon
, 'don TJnited Law Clerks Society, which ' •
Is one hundred years old this year, hi
one member., aged eighty, • who was
'pronoupced , nnfitS?or future work and. .
'ensioiiedoff thirty'ear a .
P Y, s �•' .
Coal-, amounting to 140,000,000 tons
is burned every year in the British
Isles. The .resulting smoke. and soot
is largely. responsible for damage to
public buildings 'which has Cost. nearly:'
,£60,000;000 in twenty-five years.
Persons on remand' in Brixton Pris-
on, London. are now given a furnished
cell, „with 'an iron bedstead, and can
have, for one shilling a week,' the ser-,
vices. of another 'prisoner to •keep. the
place tidy.1 "Remands" are also allow•
ed to smoke.
French' Cross Spanish Border.
To Find Cheaper Film Showa
_. _Madrid-_TlirIfty 'Frenoh, _ly� _ -_
near the'Spanish border, are , getting • •
in the habit of.•crossing.the frontier in
order to enjoy their motion picture
shows economically, according to .the
newspaper "Bl Sol" here.. ,
of Henda'ye areyflocking
nightly to the cinemas•at Iran to such
• an extent that the, program is made
up nearly exclusively of French films...
The main-reasoli for this is the price.
At `Iron, and :even in San "'Sebastian,
they can see a good show fens 1 franc,'
1'•endeye--tiles xaust, phy at
least doub'le' and Often' as much as 20,
• Maine Has Cast Iron Bridge ,
13owdoinham, Me. -The 'oniy cast ,
iron •bridge in Nepro England and one .
of the last in A,lil'erica spans the Catb- ' .
ante River here.
1, it was past midnight. "I wish I
had ,money,". droned the . bore, "I'd -
travel." '"Well.!' said she, reaching,
for her -'purse, "how nitwit do you
it Pays To Ae cruse.
-wow AD
G •
�t 4