The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-07-07, Page 1Te
el 'See
$2.00 PER Y
LUCKNOW, .ONT., TI Ull$DAY, 'JULY Zth, 1932.-
Dr. I. L. Treleaven, Lucknow
Bonn: 9-12 A.M. ' 1.30-5 P.M
PHn`'E53 X-RAY
_.-F(li_SALE_:"1927_ L Chev;.._._Sedan,.
new Tires, new Bette'', car in good
shape. ' Apply • to , Nelson : Winterstein
at .Mre. John Button's, residence.
BINDER TWINE will be unloaded,
off track, to anyone on the 11 of July
at "Paramount Clubhouse at S"o'clock.
for -cash. e Waite* 'Dexter, Sec..
n . (77P -c)
-STRAYED-to'the•-nremises-of the-
undersigned on or about June 26th
2, brood sows. -Owner is expected to
prove ,property. pay expenses and
take • nimals away. ,
• -robs--Seott: Lot -2f1. (Con. -14:- -
West Wawanosh.
New: Furnished Cottage "KOSY-.
KOT at 'Point Clark for rent by
week.•month. or season. Apply G. W.
Gardner, .Kincardine, It. R. Point
The sudden death of Mrs. James
Clifford. mother of Mrs. J. L. Mac-
Millan of the village. occurred in.
Stratford General hospital on Mon-
day--• following..•° -an illness of three=
weeks duration.,
The deceased., who, was in. her 63rd
year. has been practically a lifelong
resident if St. Marys. where she
had formed, wide circle,' of friends.
She ..wee „a devout mem)** ::of the
Holy; Name Catholic Church `in that
place. ..
Mrs. Clifford. whosehusband pre-
deceased her is survived by one son
John of Detroit and four daughters.
Mrs. Given of Detroit. sMary° Clifford
of St. Marys. Abbey Clifford of
Stratford and ' Mrs. L. -MacMillan
of Lucknow. Also by, one sister. Miss
Mary : Sullivan .of Stratford.
New • Curtains and Curtain Mater-
Induction :Service'
Well Attended
Notice ire herebygiven that a Court
Will i held ..__ th Town Han the- Rev-' C. N MacKenzie, Officiates At
VYl4�' DE held in the Town uou• 'vpc �
Village. ,Of ' Lucknow by His Honour- - -Induction-of -Rev--S.-T. Tueker...:In-..
t' ;e Judge of the County of Bruce
on Tuesday the 12th day of July A.
D, 1932 at Ten o'clock in the fore-
noon to hear and determine the ap-
peals . Against the • • Assessment' Roll
of the •Village of Lucknow for the
year 1932 ftom the Court of Bevis -
ion' .to the County Judge. All persons
having business ' at the .said _Court
are hereby notified 'accordingly: ,
Joseph Agnew,
Clerk of the Village of Lucknow.
to' Pastoral , Charge of United
.Church -Rev. Hugh Taylor Speaks.'
The induction of Rev:. S. T. Tucker.
into the ,pastoral charge of the Luck.:
now United . Church . was held on
Thursday evening when a large con
;regation, was present to greet .the
iewe pastor, his `wife and daughter.
Rev. C.•14: MacKenzie officiated and
following the, -opening exercises and
introductory remarks the formal cer-
:mony. of induction was proceeded
With, after which ' Rev. MacKenzie
'.ailed• upon the elders of the church.
At the Auction Market,: Lucknow; ,A give the right hand of fellowship
on -Saturday, -.Tuft' '9th,_ 19 2�� I�ot ar-Lihe iewly-•inducted pastor.
Messages of regret , were received
from Rev C. H. 'MacDonald and Rev.
E.: 0.' Gallagher, • on their inability
to attend due to their absence from
thevillage on that evening.
Addresses were given by Rev. Mac
Kenzie whose words were directed
more to the pastor, and by Rev. Tay-
lor, who spoke more directly to the
congregation, the respective addres-
ses 'pointing out the duties and re-
quirements of each in the best inter-
ests of the Church and cause.
Rev.' MacKenzie welcomed Rev.
Tucker on behalf of the Bruce ' Pres-
bytery 'e*tending best wishes for
in his new
is text . the.
od" coupled
will • make
number Two' in the subdivision of
Park Iota -,numbers Nine and Ten in
the . Village of Lucknow hi` the Coun-
ty of Bruce, the • property of the
estate of George Anderson, late of.
the said Village of Lucknow, de-
ceased. The property will be offered.
for sale subject to a reserve bid.
For, further particulars apply to
the undersigned.
Archie Anderson;
Joseph D. Anderson
TAKE 'NOTICE that all creditors,
of 'Mary McLean. of the Township of
Kinloss in the County of Bruce.
Spinster. and a11; other persons having
claims. •against .her. are hereby re-
quired to send to the undersigned on
or before the ninth day of July. A.D.
1932. full particulars of their claims.
% as- afterethat date the estate will be
dealt with without regard to the
claims .of which, no notice has been
- '`received:
Dated :this 24th day of June. A.D.
Wingham. Ontario.
Solicitor for the Petitioner.
NOTICE is 'hereby given to any one
owing to .1. H. Carter- or R. H. Car-
ter of Kinloss; a store and garage
or trucking account. that the amount
must be paid within the next 10 days
or -proceedings _will b_e_,taken to col-
lect same. We also solicit any true
ing You have to do on the •following
1. Your stock will be insured in
the Hartford Insurance Co.. Conn.
U. S.•
2. All vheenies will be made Pay-
able from any commision man or
firm in Toronto or Dumarts at Kit-
chener who are bonded to protect
you on` the payment less the cartage.
• 45c cwt. for cattle.
_ 5tk each for lambs.
Hogs prepaid bar Dumarts.
3. We will pay all phone calls when
necessary for orders to ship only be-
tween 8.30 and 12 o'clock P.M.
'Phone 1d0 -r-31. Lucknow.
Signed -J. H. Carter. R. 'H. Carter.
New-. 'Pillow Cottons, . Sheetings,
happiness and succe
charge. Chosing for
words "Thou 0
with "Follow Me an
you Fishers of Men." Rev. MacKen-
zie pointed out how a minister of the
Gospel is God's -man and in order to
have right relation with God Must
know Rim .by Bible study. prayer.
communion and'. fellowship. His task
then must .be to form 'a, right rela-
tionship with mi►nkind, to synipathize
with men, and to eget their viewpoint,
thus enabling him to minister to
them and as a ,"Man of God" be a
"Fisher. of Met." ' •
The speaker likened the life of a
minister to thsit of the toilsome, life
of a fisherman, --lives which require
-patience --and persisteney a stated -
"If preaching is fishing, then 'ser-
mons are nets,," and the minister
mist look to his ' nets and magnify
his office.
-Rey. Hugh `Taylor, formerjy a.
missionary in China, told of his per-
sonal experience in deciding to enter
the ministry while studying law in
Toronto, in his introductory remarks.
• He claimed the present condition
of the world was due much to . selfish-
ness • and individublism, the remedy
being a closerfriendship adminster-
ed solely through God.
In bespeaking a hearty welcome
for the minister and family by the
congregation, he •stated that they are
oft times lonely and require the
friendship of those to whom they
are called upon to minister to. • He
besought the congregation to pray
for their minister, to be loyal to him
and to upholiit 'him' in the horrie in the
presence of their. children. "Do riot
expect a perfect minister," he said
"but expect great things of him."
8.. -Foot Pavement
Would Be ° Too Costly
Cost of. Twenty -Eight Foot ..Payee
merit Prohibits Council Consider-
ing Petition • In That Regard
Special Meeting Will Decide Course
•I To Be Taken: a w
• Tenders for the relaying II of a -28-'
foot , pavement. were ; opened: before
the `'Villege • -Council on Tuesday >eniej-
with CoNnty. Engineer n En ineer Steiih-• ..
enson' present. The: figures -were high-
et, for .the most part, -than expected.
and 'as • a'l result the- job was -not let
and council supported a motion. in
view of the •prohibitive cost of a 28 -
foot pavement that the ratepayers',
petition for same be tabled and re
commended, a 20 -foot strip . without
curbs as advisable: in -better -1 oe-keep
within the provision ' of the By -Law.
The engineer's figures revealed that
for a twenty=eight foot strip . with
curbs. ; some twelve carloads of ce-
ment wouldbe. necessary' at an an
proxicnate_cost_of.'upwards t.0_.$6000.-,
The' total cost of sucha pavement
would amount' to somewhere" between
$11.000 and $12,000 with the rate-
payers .share charged• as frontage
tax amounting to between $1.200 :and
_ e .tender oof....the .To_w_land Con-
struction Company with its attached
'alternative was' given chief consid-„
eration and based on its figures and
rider :the County Engineer worked
late Tuesday night to prepare' an es-
timate of the e'ost of a twenty -foot
strip.' The figures, as presented to
Council.. on Wednesday morning have
not been disclosed as yet. but are.
reported as "quite attractive." well
within the provisions of the By -Law.
Which . called for the sum of
$7.500.00. A special meeting is to
be held this week to consider the
figuresof the Towland Construction
and.•in case they arenot. accent. -
ed. tenders will again be called:
..Ip view of a higher cost than first
expected for the extra '8 feet of con-
crete and drainage week, ratepayers
_eilljio doubt be only too eager to re
=tend their petiti^n. • Council after
<tudving the matter considered a
70 -foot strin with gravel shoulders
vould •he more . satisfactory. - A{..28-
root stria with curbs wopld prevent.
•ars from parking , off the pavement
ed would --result in tone narroi. a
ti eroughfare for such a heavily tra-
oiced street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Garnet Arm -
Strong. LakeShore .Road. Mimics) an-
nounce the engagement . of/heir eir
daughter. Maley Jean. to Par
Fleming Price. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Fleming Price. Nanton Aven-
ue. South Rosedale. Toronto. the
marriage to take -place.-quietly
July the eleventh.
CLEI:AND-=In North Bay • on
Thursday, June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs.
James L. Cleland, (nee Mary Con-
nell), a daughter.'
DECKER -In Wingham Hospital,
on_-��`tinday,-Jy x ul_3 r ds eto._Mr.•_and Mrs.
" > ' Sidney Decker, . a son..
Motorists driving with only one
,headlight or without a tail light•
burning ate hereby warned '' to act
alecbddingly $n this respect.
A very pretty wedding took place
A-5 o'clock, June 29th, at the home
of ,the (bride's father, . Mr. A. C.
Hamilton on .the 2nd con., Huronl in
the presence of about •75 guests.
when Clara May, eldest daughter of
Mr. and ' Mrs. A C. Hamilton was
united in marriage to Mr: James H
McTavish, oneof"Olivet's most pope
lar young men. The bride entered the
parlor on the arm of her father to the
strains of the wedding march played
her place ,beneath an arch of ever -
by her- sister,. Miss Emma, and took
green and orange blossoms banked
with fern and pink and white roses.
Rev. Duncan McTavish of Port Hope
assisted by Rev: Fred McTavish of
Campbellford performed .. the cere
many. The bride looked lovely in a
beautiful pale blue gown -of maleen
and embroidered georgette wearing
a floral bandeau ' in her hair and.
carrying Qphelia_zoses • and maiden
hair -fern. After an interval spent
in picture taking the guests sat down
to a sumptuous dinner, the tables
being -set in the large dining room.
The color scheme here was also 'yolk
and white, the room being decorated
with streamers and bells, ' and pink
and white rosee. The table looked
very dainty with lovely china and
rose candle holders,, white lighted
candles and bouquets 'of pink and
white roses. The 'small .baskets of
strawberries and marshmallows be-
side each plate added greatly to the
pretty effect. After dinner an hour 'or
two was spent in music and -a de-
lightful . soeiial time. For travelling.
the bride wore a blue and tan suit
in tyeed-effect With tan hat, fox fur
and other acessories to •match. The
groom's gift to the pianist was a
beauti'fiil, pin. The young couple' left
by motor for Toronto, Niagara„ Cai i-
pbellford and other eastern points,
The lovely presents received both at
the shower '-and' wedding showed
plainly the standing of both the
bride" and 'groom in the community.
The guests' present ,.from 'a dist
He and. Family Kindly Remembered
Before Departing. For New Charge
At Mount Albert.
` Last weeks 'issue of: the .Algoma
Advocate . of: :Thessalon, dealt at
some length w tl ' the ' farewell' Ser.
mon. of Rev: J. S. :Duncan, as well
as erarious addresses stud •presenta•=
-tions•-(.lade to -he, Mrs•: -Duncan, Ken---
neth and Tom, before theirr 'departure
to Dr:
Duncan's new'pastoral charge
at Mount Albert, south of Lake Sim
cog Their .departure markgd the
termination of a pastoral charge of
six and a 'half years in Thessalon:
Rev.. Duncan• was a former min• ,
-inter an-.,_the,-.Lucknow ::Presbyterian,
Church and his ; many friends in this
village will be interested to ' learn . of
this 'change.
Concludes -Ministry
In St. Peter's: Parish'
Dglviera Farewell_.. Address At Sun -
day- -Morning Service Kinloss L.
O. L. Attend. Evening Service.
Rev. E. '0. Gallagher • concluded a
ministry of some four' years duration
in St. Peter's Church, on Sunday
last. In the morning Mr. Gallagher
expressed his appreciation to, the, A.
Y.P.A:.and to 'members of thecon-
gregation for their numerous gifts
and remembrances: . presented 'last.
week. Special reference was made -'of'.
beautiful presentation by the Young
People' •last Thursday night at the
Rectory. Also M.r. •Gallagher referred
to the very kindly 'reception he . had
received from, and . the friendly co-
operation ,given b— tl-ie--generai pub-
lic of Lucknow. His relations with
the merchants and other folk had
been indeed happy, and they had as-
sisted' him most •willingly • at any
time. He indicated . his reasons ' 'for
withdrawing from this district to
take over the parochial work in the
parish of St. Thomas ' .in Owen
Sound. Me. Gallagher affirmed his
conviction that. the Church of the
future must be worked by Christian
liberty, by tolerance: It will be an
inclusive church, it will have sympa-
thy and solicitude for the young
people who are going out into a
new, world. plastic, pliable, fluid' He
affirmed the right of people to think.
out their religion in modern, terms,
and the definite social .application of
the principles of Christianity: "If
you see a good fight anywhere, yon.
had best get into it, --and there is no,
fight that . compares with the, con-
test for'xthe principles of Jesus a-
gainst the paganism of the world.
In the evening the District of Kin=
loss L. O. L. held ' their annual
church parade to St: Peter's Church
Rev. Mr. Gallagher being the Dis-
trict Master. ,and also the. Deputy
Grand Chaplain of Ontario West, ad-
dressed the brethren who were pre
sent in large numbers. "If' ye will
not . believe, surely ye shall not be
established,” was the ;text, or as. it
s -••-otherwise- interpreted, ; "if ,vie_
will not hold fast, ye shall not stand•
fast." There are certain moral prin-
ciples at the foundation of human
life,eind these cannot, be disregarded.
It was this disregard for such prin-
ciples that had led the world to an
abyss: The insanity of tariffs, con-
trary to the fundamental' belief that
a man or a nation cannot live alone.
Passing reference was Made to bilin-
gualism and to separate schools as
disintegrating forces in the nation's
life. -
After the service, a. presentation
was made to Rt. Wor. Bro. Gallagh-
er in the Orange Hall. Addresses
were given.; by 'the County Master,
and past County Master and'. other
representative rspeakers. A motion of
appreciation was passed' to the war-
dens, choir, (organist and d rector of
St. Peter's (Church for • their consid
eration on the occasion.
John Jardine. ex -convict. recently tone were Rev. an'd`.. Mrs. Duncan
released from Portsmouth veniten- McTavish and sons of port Hope.
The Bread • The 'Bread
of Health H5VIS
of Booth.
• RIC H FRUIT.CAKE 2 `lbs. 35c. .
HO-LLYll�ILL�N :S„Q�JAL. TY' B'1'�I�,
;;one 3fr c
'Local Ce -General
'Miss Lenora Webster is visiting
this week in Toronto. •
Mrs. Alex Woods has gone to Elora.
for the summer months.'
Master Ross Gammie is visiting
cousins at' Elora this week.
• Mr. and. Mrs. -Sidney Free of Brant-
ford were callers in town this iweek.
Mr. Harold ,Agnew -was 'over' from
Detroit to spend'' the week -end at
his home here:
Dr. anti Mrs. Connel and 'Margaret
wereweek-end' visitors at North Bay
and Thessalon.
Mr. Jack Newton of Port. Credit.
spent the week -end in town with Dr.
and Mrs. Newton. -
Mrs.. Bruce Gammie and daughters.
Marian and Mildred of Elora are
visiting Lucknow friends. '•
Your Eyes
and Our 'Service
Telegraph wires of our • bodies.
Bearers of messages..: Sensitive,.
easily disturbed- Among nerve -
disturbers are errors of :vision.
THIS cause, though; is easier to
remove than some others. .Our'
thought this time is that anyone
troubled with "nerves" might with
advantage , try glasses. If 'they,
help, they will help greatly and •
Continued next week
Miss Lorraine Brabsin of Windsor
is holidaying .with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mesa)). Huston.
Miss Elsie Alton of Toronto was a
recent visitor at the home ofher
aunt, Mrs. Henry .Mullin.
Mee M E Moore is spending -ala
extended visit with. Mr. and . Mrs.
Gordon Moore of Rockwood.
Miss Mary Belle MacDonald has
returned from: Detroit to take up her
duties again in 3lacCharles' grocery.'
Mr. - and Mrs. W. W. Hill and Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald visited
on Sunday with.friends in Orange-
ville. •.
- NOTICE -the Scouts ' will hold- a
special meeting on Thursday eveningat, 7.30' to discuss plans for -going to
camp. 4.,.
I • Messrs. Charles • Hodgert. Willis
Smythe and Jack • Matthews are
spending a week's vacation, in the
Mrs: W. H. Garniss and Julia ° of
Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Davis of
Blyth. were recent visitors with ' Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Garniss.
Mr. and Mrs. Glennie- from 'Delhi.
have opeh,ed . their cottage at Point,
Clark. Mr. Glennie has not been en-
ioying good health doting the past
tart', was arrested on Tuesday. Poll- Rev.. Fred McTavish and, Mr. Mit-
owing an intensive, search of almost Ilford ° Rev.and Mrs:-
a week in the -district around Point
chell of • Campbe ,
Clark. Jardine is charged with •two
Harold Johnston and• sons of Mill-
offences involving
,h 4 --
Mill -
serious ua �,�, �y
year-old marzied daughter, who re-
sider -in- Ashfield- ''Township:--Follow--
ing the alleged offences, Jardine es -
-caped it was .thought into the bush
skirting Lake Huron in the vicinity
of Point Clark and efforts to locate
hint were fruitless. His arrest resul-
ted upon hid return to his daughter's
home 011 Tuesday, we are iuformedr,
bank, Miss Catherine Hainilton, Shep=
parton, Miss Margaret , McTavish of
�i alb n Miss-Mary--Welden--of-Sas.
Iratoon, Mrs. Wilson Hamilton and
Archie and Miss McKenzie of Leek -
now, Rev and Mrs. McKenzie, Mr.
'mei Mrs. Toin D'onelly and son Har-
olo1 .Ripier, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
New Hosiery, Gloves, Sockees, eto.
few months:
Mr. and Mrs: Ed Snyder and eon
returned, to . Detroit Monday,. after
a vacation with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Cameron.
Miss Rose Whitby accompanied by
her friend; Miss Johnstone, was up
from Stratford recently, visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitby.
To Picnic At Goderic i -
• The annual picnic of the Lucknow
Walk up town and save
money. a havea large dis-
of Wallpaper priced to
snit every purse: 8c up. Sun -
worthy, reg. 45c for'. 30c.:
and reduction On work being
done. It. J. CAMERON
Painter, Decorator & Grainer
Wood Turning
All Manner of Irregular
and Regular Wood Turning
•Done . Such As `
Neckyokes, Whi®etrees,
Implement Handles, Hay Racks
Wheelbarrows, &c., Bic.
Neil Maclnnes
Block South of C.N.--R. Depot.
Residents are notified according to
;he by-law in that regard that 'poul-
try. cattle. etc.. must be prevented
.rom running at large in the village.
Act accordingly.
Presbyterian Church, will be held. at
Harbor` -Park, '•Goderich,-on- Thursday
July 21st. -
Messrs. Gordon Johnston. Edwin.
Smith and Malcolm Watson. have
gone to Kingston to pursue their
studies at Queen's during the holi-
days. •
Mr. Duncan Matheson. accompan-
ied by his son Norman, his wife and
daughter Betty of Toledo Ohio. spent
the week-end'with Mr: and Mrs. Alex
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns mo-
tored to Detroit on Tuesday • where
they attended the marriage . of their
son Stuart. which took place in that
city on Wednesday.
Mrs. Tarlton; Mr., F. Hanninian of
Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Myers • of
Windsor. were recent visitors at the
home • of Mr. Matthew Woods and
Mr. and Mrs: R. H. McQuillan.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murray. Dr.
George Murray and his daughter.
Mary Louise and Mr. Robert Murray
all of Detroit spent the' week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murray in
As we go to press we learn. of the
death in Montreal' on Wednesday of
Annie Corrigan. relict of the late T.
F. Cain. The funeral servicie e will be
held in St. Mary's R. C. Church.
Lucknow. on Friday. July 8th at 9.30
Inteenietrt irt-Holyrood•cemetery'
Street and daughter Margaret,
and Mrs. McNair of Kincardine
other friends and relatives in
vitinity. °
Mrs. George T. Stockham of De-
troit is a summer visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex 1iadDiarmid. Mr.
Stockham. who . spent the week -end
With them returned to Detroit ori
Tuesday. • . '
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevens and
son Jimmie and Mr. Harold Dawson
of 'Toronto spent" the week=end- with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McQuillan. Mrs.
Harold Dawson returning to the
city with them.
_ _..Mr.:_.�. an' m -_trap
_Mrs .Sam... _.Ar._._._g.-
their daughter Winnifred, and son
Ronny, .and Mr. and Mrs. Walker, alt
of Port B resell, were week -end visi-
tors m . Arne
Mts. W
with�r nd
tors , ,
strong Jr,
As well as the property listed else-
where in this issue. to be sold at the
Auction Market. Lucknow. this Sat-
urday. July 9th.,. we are' informed
here will be numerous other articles
offered for sale as well n's livestock,
If you have anything to offer get in
touch with Matt. Gaynor at once.'
Thrown From Wagon
When Team Dashes
Runaway Team Stopped By Tele-
phone Pole -Art McCartney Cut
and . Bruised When Thrown From
Wagon. . -
r: Finlay. Melcolm's team fright-•
ened by one of Epp's' trucks on Tues-
day afternoon. in front of Mr. John
Murree's residence on 'Havelock St..
started a mad gallop southward.
crossing the main thoroughfare and
continued their wild run" in spite of
the efforts to stop them. of both Art
McCartney and Mr. Malcolm. who
were on the wagon.
The teene was prevented from ,
turning Sharply into the driven av
leading to Mr. Mal'coim.'s barn. which
would undoubtedly Upset .the •wagon
and its occupants, and came to . a
uidden stop when the team straddled
a telephone pole in front of Miss
1lood's residence. In the inepect the
pole was .broken• off and• .Art was
thrown outstriking his head oh ,the
wheel- _which .sinflicted_a_insets _cut_:ite_
his forehead. which bled profusely.
Ile was naso bruised and scratched ;.
but medical attention revealed the
injuries not to be setious.eMr. -Mal-
.:olm remained hi the wageteand was •