The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-11, Page 3,e edf:"vS:4' 0, a • ,• 4,„1 t•t`' A , • , • . . 4 telli!IPliiiiii.lelilek' : „ ilito' 1 Ir" ' 1111110 4 V . ,...fr ....,.. b, {....„..,... . .4„......-c , AP at,' 11°141 Van' • n,better Nay to anewer this ques-. Parteer a tuft. „ -tionet.thee.„14-,neecateettleipeelderetiali„, e '• • 0? tile situations ; in • which. the . spade,' second: hand: bids t o.,hearts- Itoiet 181'00:red; ":: -• • and the dealer.* Partner double* IS Fist •A-doubkof,:erie of ii,"`Suit Of •this .double intended to defeat tlae,eore of tole' frtlIAR ,•414Y04. E.0440t 14 Wynne Ferguson! ••• Author ;of •PlitAdild41. AU.OTtON Ditt0611* ‘wasairifiRairedass :,'..- , '. , • . ' AB:rid:LE No, 34 ' " • ., . . • L .. -4)01 of the puzzling questions that The subsequent double • indicates 'addle perplexes' the average player of Auce tioeril strength, but rarely iii. the suit tion or Contract li,s1how-to diet/aguish' ,doubled. - For that reason it ls. geed .,hetWeen a busdness ,demble (thate le, judgment. to regard such .a -.doiihle in- etieiiiteteledtedefearithe •Ciiiitract);" :Varliehlir ---tia-aii -ilifortaitorY iliiiiblee--- .and an •inforinatorr•••eouble, -. (that ik Partner' bid either hi- lOng :Milt one .asking perttier• for a bid): .There or, if his.- On -suit is to weak.. two..of What New YEA' owl las TH • • • AS. TV p4r.Ing, . •Re' was shrewd, thrifty And imam, Entering the Britelaville grocery stere, ,... . ''lliastrattresswfakina...1,essor Far:-'43e,e.feld-te-tha-elerke• --------.----- . .. • . . nie.h,ed Wilh „very pattern ' - IfUngrY . 1.44-"Oire The a dime's . worth -or cheeSe• and ce.04.Lere-'' Olerlee-'"Anything• else?" ,. • . ' : Hungry -Led--"Well. I'll trade the •cheese and crackers for sardines." - Clerk -"Ali right. • Aeything•else?" Hungry ,Led, -Well, I'd.,,- like to tred he sardines for potted meat" r Cl• rk-"All••right." • '' • .Plungry Lad -"Thanks. .1' roust be , .. . Clerk -"Yoe. haven't paid me •for the Patted ' itioal?1---;'--" --- - --- '''• -- -- •• Hungry Ilade7.:i tradee'lhe'•sardiees. for it." . , • ,, Clerkee,!Btit.you.•Itavetet' paid me. ,".illengry Lad"1.:tredeci,'the.theese and nrankers. for it." ., .. ,'« . • • •.:".•'Cler.lce.You., '-.ba.ven't 'Pid,..for the. iheeileatid,cre.ckerii,"',. .• ,• e ..•'. • y '' ' • • • ,.. . . , ., • , . . .' • IlungrY. Lad--"kut -'Y'Pu,;litill::•40. ... theme Good day . • ',; %,• , :' ', •,, '' • The' girl • fieni„ -the•Nottli" asked,. the --liny'lrom the-Seuth-Whatesort of41--tee.' there . was' before -teem:" , .' • - . .. ... . Boy' frein the, South -"That's a 'fig. .tree." r ' • • • • ; .:',. , ' - : ' ,•. • • Girl' froil •the -;•••Sciatle7,;"Ohl . ." I thought•.'the' leevies were. larger than that."„ . •The inconsistency of -some people is .niade manifest, when •they", put -bird .baths and, bird boxes .in -their :yards. to attract 'the birds and then".ecpilee their small ions' with gime.. . • . CANADIAN NAVICIOR1411.,, 1E31(114.111f11111 'Vote . . A trip- to tol.ronto this Summer -Mecca m.,',.10,110q of about two million people. duringthe ". NIL", fourteen days and eveturyes • o the world's largest animal exposition. This renowned. eirent fascinates visitors tract or Is' informatorye and asking' Jo! partner's suit. The; smallness or 'Perth* for a' -bid? .There is no deuht.. the,eontract preeladea any desire on •about, this ;:aitiiation. • The- double Is the •dailbler's.;patte.te -defeat • the con- made afterehearing from. partner and ;•tr.c.t,4101.0'es hts partnerhaAlline,cere' 4herefer0,. 'Masi, be intended to defeat sitry:atreagth in his own •hatidP,'•... In the'. contreet The doubler.ls acting that case, .hoWevereparther•should be not only. on .his own.hand but; also on _mite alert and try,efeel,the PeneleYe e•-partnetes„theuatute-Of Aehleh-bas- Seeond: : •The deillge;of an Original bken,shorne by the original 'hie, of one., hid of -ewe, ,no -trumP, bewevere-le •a spade. ••;::-For: •that _reason_ any double different -PeeijOgitien.• 'Such a 'double' mede-after.parteer has bid 'should -al - should the desire of the.:0014e. ways be regarded es a bugi-nessrdmi; ler to defeat the conteactewd liIs Part-' ble. ' • nee should:Pis ',Olegifehts hand' is of' Seventh: • Suppose the dealer "bide sifeheetrear, pikOltiel-a:bld of lila hone spade, second hand passes, 'the own suit is. a visable. good. dealer's • partner bide two • hearts,. •*judgraent to double. two no trunipsand fourth hand and the'..dealer pass and second hand clOubieseIs such a double intended. to _ defeat the contra .or it informatory and asking partner,for a 'bid? • Tee Answer to this seemi'sith- ple-;•7-11'.7s-econd-han.d-hate-warttedvart--- ner .tO bid, .he have 'as'ked him to do go•by,doubling.ene spade. Theree, fere, when he passes' one spade and: •. subsequently doubles„.t*O "hearts, ' the ; ask partner to.bid three of his. suit for the reason.. that. 'if -the ''..two no. trump bid. is. Sound,,a three ..bid is. with-tts..duzerse.-4nd-colos.sal-attractions. • 0? •thrto defeat. befose•it Js made. • , • .. Great .permanent baildingsare filled 7TPC10-351167 common: , • • .nature/41nd Manufactured products froth. . Third:- • hi- the case of -a delible Of a .•• far-off lands. • Mtisic Of 'tlit-wnrld's. best milt' bitt tWo,..a little, different .quee- ..! bandi, .i.nduding.Besses-o'4V-Barn frOin • lion a,risies, usually.is 'Mote difficult. •• • • Gre4t•Biitaile, the Exhibition 2000 -Voice' te._. defeat -a ..euit,;bid.than, -a trump,. •-• • Otorusi..Sat.; -Aug. 27, ThurS„ Sept, 1, .• :KC to....bid,reesonable..eonclu,sion_is_that_e_lee 18 • • . Tues.,' Sept; '6, and Sat.,' Sept. 10; , the. *Mir Own suit In case partner •daubles '.doubling with In -tent to defeat the hid. , -• , • • rightlypageant."TRIUMPIr•eommence an Original snit bid of two Mtge In otherwords if a player .doesn't .,„•' in e Mon. Au 29; .Ka e Don with "Miss • ...partner . doubles a 0? three it: double an ,oppeuent's 'bid at• his first. .opportunity, a dotible 'a-.s.absegiient.- defeat the celittect .than . to try for • a,'•bid always to be .bregarded as .a •prohleinatical .bid elf •"yoitr OWn.. ••Tlie business -double,' • • • ---doubte-Of-a-thresAlid-marks-the-filvld--, hag line; for in.only very.' few isolated .spade, 'Second "heed doubles;; the..dear- ,slimming . • • . cases will an double if a er;s•partner thieespadea, A white, pique with flag blue dots; Th three bid•be of any -value. e -double fourth-hand, and the deage, pass: and . • Of:•any '.higthan her bid• three'. ise of 'second hand again .-.doublee..• Ie. this 'etude the..eriginal, blue bias binds and White •rever. , The hite belt, bound in. • • England, MA Britisk Schneider Cup • Marie (-88.67 Seientk Marathon. Svrini (Fri„ Aug. 26. for wcimen--Wcd.„* - --Aug:3-1-ropen)rana-otherland4nd-ivater- ,' !forts programmes of Olympic propor, tons: The Canadian National Exhibition, • • • Toronto, Provides for all the family, the • happiest- combination of recreational and educational features to be found any- where. Send a 'postcard for free descriptive, folders. • To avoid disappOintrirent and in- convenience,• _the management hays arranged to aicept"advance Reser- ., :411cro • Grandstand .Pagtant "Triumph"- and • for. any af the four 2000-irolie Exhibition Chorus -concerts:, GRANDSTAND RESERVED SEATS;. '5r -A: pni-$-1-.-00Brii-Seats $1.50 ea. (5 chairs in each box) • 2000 -VOICE ExHI3MON CHORUS: Ground floor reserved 75c. ' ' y Box chairs $1.00. Send arsine or money order with- out Jassy to Canadian National • . Rre1219 usually is better judgment to try to . 2896 I .• • • • • , .• , „ • Here's ajaunty model for the wa- 'emetWheefeel.:•they,,erai-euPport_a__feve. course, always .a 'bush:less double. • double inteeded to defeat the contract Fourth:. SuPose the dealer bids one. or is it informatory and asking part - no trump, second and third hand.eass, nee for a bid?' Ie this case, also, the' fourth. hand bids two spades and the answer seems 'Simple. "Seeond hand dealer ,doubles. Is such .a double in- doubled ono epede'-for- the purpose, of tended to defeat the contract' or is it finding out his partner's best suit. The .inforraatory and -asking partner for a dealer's partner has teed ; to block hid? This. is a very close question, that plan by his shut -outbid of two or but, in ,the .writefe opinion, should be three spades. If second hand again interpreted. as a 'business dous. e. s e -doubles, nejs merely -repeating original bid of neutrump and the' dou;equest for a bid and in -even. more em- - 'ble of the suit bld slibuld indicate, in phatieternia: That is really the rea- addition-to-tire -no Arun/pi-Strength-4n-.-sonable-view-point and-the-onlyenne. the suie-bid and adesite to -defeat the that can be taken. contract, :That. seems .e'y-good Jud- From the foregoing summary the ment.. The, writer 'has carefully analy- Writer would recommend the following zed -this -sittiation-for-years-,-and- has Interpretation of • informatory and come to the conclimion that a business business doubles,:• , double after bidding. no trump, is at A double Of a bider One no trump or least three times as -valuable as, the of a bid.,of one, two and possibly three infermatory double. Ills still an open of a suit ,is luforinatory and asking question, however, and the *riter is partner fora bid, provided the doeble only giving his opinion for What it 'is is made at, first opportunity and b& Worth.. fore partner has made a bid. The only ' Fifth:- Suppose the. dealer, bids one exception„oceers when partner bitlaa ' , Spade; second hand bids two hearts, no trump and then doubles an adverse - • -third and-""feetth -hand 'pa:se-And-the -Such,abid- is -always -a-business dealer doubles. Is such a double in- double. Conversely, a double of a bid 'tended to defeat the contract or It Of two or ,more trumps or .of four. or informatoryand asking Partner. for, a more of a suit, �r a double 'after. part - bid? bid? .This•is not a close question like ner has. bid, or a double not made at the fotirtli case, or the bid of a suit first opportunity, are bueiness doubles merely indicates strength in the suit and. intended to -defeat the bid. • Water trek H. W. waters ftrifint giflarg Mu* . , . Solutlori of Last Week's Problem Asiatic Cranes Oblest • Residienti Of London .Zoo A recent poll of 'the Inhabitantsof the Zoological Sodetys zoo in Lon- don, taken by E. G. Boulenger; direc- tor et the aquarium. reveals that the oldest residents are e paif of white' Asiatic ' crenea, veterans of tiptyr • one yeare. . Next Comes a Banksian cockatoo, received in 1906, and two alender-bilee cockatiels, -Which took up residence in 1909. TWo Brazilian Million hawks attired hi 1908; and . two Tenures, a griffon and. a sinerius•, have completed twenty Years of eere vice. Among the mammals, the oldest' . is beginning to show ides Of age. Sbe van •still, however, climb up her own tail to make a getawity: Twen- ty years ago a New Gillhea echidna, or egglaying anteater, arrived et the aquarium. She iS named Day .• dream, and Is believd. to be about 100 years old. Several bears were • Acquired In wartime and are still • Wog well. Problibly the most belligerent cm- ,. , Calmat of the household is' ' a. big kissisoiripi alligator, Who has killed or inalmed many -tank." companions dining his twenty years' reign. Now his only co -resident Is a large Snap - ,p14 turtle., -Summer N..' . , • • - - ' ' . Coniplaint , "i havd build Baby's OW11 Tablets.the best of all tbikkren's remediee for Stone fait Ctmptahii,. Colic, Teethini ,............-,—„--.. COnst fp at 9!it., 5fiteA! it lleOrg0 L...;.:N4 i;•:.:.:::.. • , . :''' Walker,. Thems,a- berg, Ont. Cert!- eath 2e package: More than 1,250,- 000 packages geld - in 1,931. 242 Dr: Williams' AliS. Villi itABS1ETS Hear s--nne Clubs -3, 7 Diamonds -9, 7 Spades -6 Hearts -none Clubs -A, 10 Diamonds -8 Species' -3, 2 Hearts -3, 7, 6 - ' Diamonds -none Spades -3 Z is in. the lead, there .are no trumps seven of Clubs, Y, and Y are to take every ' trick eight of diamonds. against any defense. Solution: Z shodld, lead his three good hearts. A's first two discifils are the seven of diamonds and the Six Of spades, but what should his third dis- card be? He cannot discard the nine of diet -Monde or Ts 'eight Of diamond -a will be good; so is forted to discard the seven of clubs. Y's first two dis- cards are evidently the deuce and 'trey ot spades ahd, when A discards the • • Hearte,-/fe Clubs -Q, 9 Dia mon ds -none • 10,• 8 'should 'discard. the B'S first two dis- cards should be the eight and -ten of spades, brit what should hls.thrd dis- card be? He cannot discard the king of spades or Z's Jack.will be good, so is forced to discard the nine of clubs.' Z should now lea'd the eight ef, clubs ante-Tmuet-whrthenexttwcr triks. This is a fine example of the "double squeeze," showing how both A and B were forced to discard clubs 4n order tol'protect their tither whining cards-. • British Fertilizing Project • Increases FiOd Production London -After .extensive researches In fertilizers and fertilizing, Imper- Chemicals Ltd., •announces that It. is neiv possible to graze seven cows. where four • grated 'before, • Grantee the proper application Of nitrogen. fertilizers and the controlof grazing in Great' Britain, eame teresting results •would emere. • . • PaSturage weald. be provided for more , then :10,00.0,000 • additioatil sheep, flnd .,the atreage required to, feed a cow reduced by. half. :Pigs could be increased threefold. Foule try would rise itoin 70,e0e,060 to n0,000,000. head. ' The productiOn of hoee-grenti foods in Great • Britain caeld,' in 10 years, be intreased from ita present - 'oral of 38- per cent: 'ti 55 Pereent of the •tountry's total food require; mean. This would reduce the bill br not lege Lein te100,040,660 • , . Like Other: authorltatire advocates, Of *Wilt agricultileal • reriVill„ Sir -Feedettek-Itebiee illieeteofdietel- cal inditsttleg' 'eperiMettl and' Ad- VitiOeY geiviteee beide out no hope of Britain ever ,bedinning eble. to com- pete in,the gritino Markets' Of the *Mid and points to graesland tia the, key to Britain's future. agrieultilral prosprity. In &tell great. • : * Otina,"',s; Ue104210.4trt O'qitger':.`.iz, 4 t'144.1.3. '10.144",:''' er reliance should be placed upon oversee supplies for breadstUffs and British arable otiehtions confined to raising food for livestock, Engliah climate . being exceptionally favor - to grasses and clovers: AcCording to Sir Frederick, a scheme which would make Britain virtually self-supporting in 'the cst- ly Protein foods - meat, butter, cheese, eggs -could' become fully operative within a period of 10 years, , The time necessary for the cattle to arrive at maturity coUld serve to make the farmers;familiar with the now knowledge 'concering fertilizers and better methods ef grizineand pasture ' eon tral: 1-'1 heard that Vred'e Wifeeeft bini Witjezett cley reason." oSot Wel4 in. that ease, the left hitt irk she foetid bine' 4 the hide is sportivi. ' • smartness. •. You can make it at.o, very nominal cot. Many other cottons in mesh, woo It hus loads of charm and tailored k..cy types and batiste Prints would, " Tub silk's in. plain or crinkle crepe are delightful: ; •' ----Style-Nee--2896-is-designed-for-sizes36, 38, 40, 42; 44, '46 and 48 inches bust: Size 36 requi es 3% yards 35-iech With % yard: 35 inch contrasting and 4 yards binding. HOW T DER PATTERNS. Write our name and address plain- ly, givi g number and, size of such pattuns is you wnt. Enclose 20e in stamps o coin (coin preferred; wrap it' carefull foe each. number, and addres yen order toWilsofe"Patten Service, 73 est Adelaide St., Toronto. • . • Fish Pond flere is e place todream and pass away The hours as ripples on the dark- ling ivater That lapand pat the boae, and. seem • to say linger . . . loiter." The boat glides like' a ghost between the banks Of Weld .grasses lounging on the breeze,' And like a tawny skeleton of pismire The boathouse leans between two • headless trees. • Here is an hour to Sense the earthy ... peace ..That drowsy ' birds end sun-drenk ' bullfrogs know, • And here the harassed brain may find. 1--•erettee, Y • ,, • Lulled. by the languid watA. libt7 less flow. 13 ut min must fret, and .cast a. hook' pout, To wtrseolt the heaven of a MO or • . .1rhtit. ,•• • - -Andersn M. Scruggs, (Fron "The Commonweal"). . . Telegraph -Radio Parley • Will Be Held in 'Madrd Medrid.-Spain again will be the site #! an Iinpottant gathering when the International Telegraphnd, Radio Congress meets here in Septettiber, Preprations, are, going fcirward• for the event, atid the governthent recent- ly published e,decreeeiaring.Den En- rique Meseguer. Martin, director Of the National Meteorological 'Service, one of the meinbers of the Spanish de; legation. The peninsula until lately Wee rare- ly the scene of important Conferences. From the title of 'the Algeciras Cat- ference Th'100/11Try fe* thet We ber Were held until the Leagile VE14 01l8 COuneii met here in 1929, leg shortly upon the returb..Of Spain to the League after RS ,withdrawal Itoti Genera- ` • In 1930 the International Railroad. Congress Was lieliTE6re; aria "191 - the Ilispano-AMerican Potal, Confer - mice, *th the particiotion of ?Mtn- hgaetre.and the United Stateg as Well, met 1S:UE Nt. 32—'32 • • AdVeirt16111 ;„. • leamozcaz. • 44,.ttiltD? v$.40'N 5bR iNeaft: ,MATION. Smith. elanufacteries COMpanr, Dent, 100, P"feetee, Vete.; • wErelexet zriewerAP.Ere WaZIWEW" ' • 1,061t1N.O FOR WEER -101 NEWS- 0 In- Ontario which 1 couldi •lease fora termwith purehase'ln v1ew4 Send. partieulara to Box. 12 Wilsbo Iishing CO.., Ltd.. Toronto. • 240TOR 130:64.T POB. SAL= B A11.1) BON ).11 .1W,.BLEICA abotit thirty feet. in use . , aitogethet onl' four or nye months 191 two seasons:, complete equipment inoltidol • . tog 'carpets, bed. and. table linen, , glaasware•and silver as well as all mask 1: 'o e,..iiipment and ' ineny extras. 'eels - cruise) with Its twit Cabins and ita eeilifieeed-eilleei-an unusually -cameo khle boat. for., ' week -.ends or .long 'cruises' for four to six people. tt: ex ceptionally seaworthy and. has eruieet! oyer the Great Lakes.4„It has a 418'07 class and very,econgmica.1 60 itoreepower • /six-ncyttiegr,--fpo.wer-,,,plantveyretheconielet electric. ligh.ting: throughout and .40 , of. 12 to1.4 Mlles ;per. hoar. tple, sp cla paint job:and very. attraetivir apee: peatanCe,,.• Gaingr saetillee fo , nalfl. it a ,origitial -coat •.*VViOti Adelaide.at,=, Toronto.'" • . ... • Baiesman-"Ladies and gentlemen! I have heft> the famous flexible 'conill that will steed. any .kind of treatment You can bend jt double -you can hit with a hammer -you can twist dearlie;:d"Listener (1M ..nterrupting.)- "Stiiay„ you comboyour hair wi Surely, when the gals can go araimd, with so few clothes on them during the. day,rthey,,would.not be too cold if their had 'tdget up in the morning during' the winter and start a'fire. A Stotchman 'discovered a previous customer's tip ,beside his plate in a restaerreit: He summoned the wait- ress. • Scotchman-1 found this beside my plate. ,, I'm a spertsman-I'll ma.teheye for it." • . Beeleo iv -Th n.-0 tie 71?-lece-TeIt---- Too bet if father ever bought A bathing suit for daughter, "Twoule be the kind she never Weuld Wear either in or out of water.. ,Ravelings: Min can hardly wait en - til he goes home to Shed his coat and his Manners. 'Monkeys quickly tire of one plaything and turn to another. Of course they aren't related to men. Teacher -"If there were. four files on the table, and I killed one, how Many would be left?" Bright"Piipil-"Oirethe dead ene." And They Were, , "Something must be done," said the 01,...9144,71;.44 ..; '• •••.: • • • • ' , UTICUItA . Soap for daily ise. • . , eltritaueiertietialitiiirrhiitaflens. Teillemm idet4 after . Soap 25c. glatment 25e. mud 50c. Talcum 25e. .• . -113:women-as-elie-smelled_the_biaenitri burning in the °rim.. . aller-e-"Are you sere that the flee manager has. gone for the day?" . bilks 11'6Y --"Sure, yojt •don't see anybody working, die you?" Why do peeple Weer pyjamas? : B cause other peeplowear pajamas. And because pajamas are better lookie. Girle-e-l-eateterernembevetheeecords_." • to that new song?' „ Hee Father (trying,to read) -"That -inaks-it-easier7--Noveall-youlvegot to do to ina.ke me happy Is -to forget the tune." , What a difference comma" 'does Wonian is pretty, generally speak- ing. „ • ;Woman is pretty generally speak- ing: .. • Oh, Yeeh! • . • . . . A little boy was visiting his awn-- try cousin". "What do you know about cows?" quizzed the country lad. "I bet you don't even know if that's A Jersey COW." •"I don't imoW .froM here, °ause I can't see its license." - • • e�1 diary from you You Cannot Afford to Let These Pests Interfere with Milk Production * - — • . FLIES have a decided influence Oethe titer Of your cows. -They affect both the quality and the quantity of the milk produced. You cannot afford to let these pests rob you • aziy longer who for a smell' expendittire you can equip your covr stables with AEROXON. Hang up, three AEROXON PLY CATCHERS •S` over each milking sten; The flies which rise frote the cows back will be soontransferred' to l more Permanent quarters, arid with the happy melt that Your' herd will be in better flesh and give .much more milk. .AEROXON is the imProved .fly catcher with the -wider and. longer ribbon that ,stays fiat It is coatll"witit aspecially prepared glee whih flies find irresistible. 'Every AEROXON • FLY. CATCHER 19 rally guaranteed not to dry out Or deteriorate and la geed fez, three week's service. If you find any diffieultY In obtaining AEROXON FLY CATCHERS, We would be glad to help yet. Please Write for otir FREE cel red booklet entitled "The Fly and its r !talon". Use .eOupan •below. • • 6 ' # ' AEROXON FLY- CAT HER At Gracery andHardware- Stortsi in - , -Gets the Fly EVety'lle. ' NEWTON A. H mt.., J. E. M. GENEBT, Ontario Repet esentative , Sole Agent, 56 Frent Se tett, .Totbrilo " , Sherbrooe, QUO; •-.4,••-•-•••••-•-•"*-4.0.4-•-•-;•-•-.4*C0OP(ilNria-o4, .AEROONFI,it' CATCHER, .F.061: 011ide. ROI .22,.Sherbrooke, Que. Please send me your free, booklet entitled "The Fly and its :ster- . it ination:'. . .. . • •. Nanie ' : .4 Address __. • • ,,P4'.40,4:11V:0,...J0400fAVAV41 ' 4. 4. • 14.0 4. Jfj !".