The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-10-06, Page 7ti '',Rtespo 1, l blit 'or 1- i sen GIR • •j .epithet 1 1u,a1 g # arpe •r•. 4 _r M1 and•Mrs, Benson had three child, Women . � iY Nations ren, and al►nost free' the birtlr of their S171171'nipg' ' $:ret. child Mrs:, Beason had left dis- z • • .ciplinary matters,ent4reiy.'in.the hand$,. All over the world liruschen Salts 3t her• ILUsband. i is appealing to girls and women who Wheat' 'oae'. of the. children broke a are striving for an attractive • free - Tale -of -Abe- home reerule of-tlie ••honed 14Ia-s,..Benson- would. -.".from t fIguii'e. :•'invariably call,•Mr. Benson's attention! He1ra is'the`ntetltoo they -are• follow-' to the matter, suggesting' that the clil'ld i ing .to :banish flit and bring • into blas• • needed pnnishm et ,and, taking it ',tor som all the .natural atttactii�eness that.. granted that;' h9 would do the 'punlieh:.th'ey possess: every morning they" In'g. •Usually he was awayfrom home .talje-..a, half-teaspponfuf oet ' Kruschen during •the say: . If, erh l:e lie was ab.' Salts •ie a glass of warm "w-ater; before ^*-trent, ane of 'the children did some• breakfast. thing that should not have been 'done • '1iey'. dri-this e1 ery moaning ---with rs Beenson always threatened to tell out missing .one for•. "it's the daily' ather" 'about i:t as e-oou as. he recur n-- .dose •that takes aff 'the fat.i9 . When ed...'.Altd whet) lie did rel„uru4 ,1•_is Wife..,' $rUschen is. taken daily every' particle, ;true to her ward w,oitld toil Itiirr ,al:l of poisonous waste, inattrr tt id• elate' tt .out it, and he-woald,p.unishthenhild�'; ful sae cis sled. •,gas;es':a1'e eci elled front . This • was the regular, disciplinary pro- the system „ • cedwx'b of the liome •Mrs :Benson a 'act-) At tho samiine thestomach, livea ect s a,sort'bf°'spy hitt invarl'ably shat- ; 1dneY:s, at}d' be.'t•owels ,aietoned ,.d UpP ed to her':husband s• sliputdel stele tltsic. e pate ',frksh blood containingNa= • 'of. punishing the children ' tuie's" St life gtvtiig salts is carried, As time went onit.becutne'. 'neces-`i:to every steep land;' nerve, .and. fibre „sry -fcft Mr- ;Lenson, -to be• absent -a of th.e body, a.ndthis is followed by g.reat. 'deal,.., and finally he secured'•ct, "that •Kruschen feellug" of energetic • `traveling osition' ,wh di1 , .permitted health end:act.ivity that,js reflected in, him .to be•at'Ionia Only. one night, a bright eyes,, 'clear skin, cheerful.. vi- Week. , Still Mrs. Benson kept" to ,her vacity,. and a charming• figure.' —�. custnm__and'en : that night reported to ,_ tn''all the wrongdoings 'of the child- ren ! gi.o ..his short visit'' was usually spent Meting .out • punish•inents • for .everything that had been done amiss tiering the week. Of course it came about • thatthis' a as 'not anigIit to bre pleasantly, anticipated by either father or children, but rather to; be' dreaded by all concerned.;; e ' . As -the .years passed and Mr.Ben _.eon's work toots him farther and :far-. ther .away from.. home, it became •im- possible for him to ret'urn'ofte'ner than twice .a month, and, fit lly. he couid get' hone only once, a mon-h. And;, as no change was made with :regard•to, `� a res.p'onsibility; fq`r discii"pliite`, aiat visit became less and less a pleasant occasion.. Of:.course, es was' to• he ex- peeted the home government finally broice_down ee.ni 1 _telt' ..-.. 9,narch,_and chaos'reigned supreme. was wrong? . Should• the husband have re _==idfgned hi:9 traveling position in order to be at home,to punish: the children? Many`.travel=in'g"-metr-a're—very—suer cessful '.fathers. But should not the wife .:and husband hold,. themselves rraliitnel _ wittrz �ba d-te des y._ cipline? In -.other 'words, if Billie: needs punishment,,. is t: wise:.1et: the m other to say: "Now;Billie, when Papa, comers this afternoon, I'll have him 'attend. to .you? • Isn't it better for the mother: to, punish Billie herself and -€ef tele• matter over with? • •` • Inflicting punishment is one of the, unpleasant tasks incident' to brining children up properly. It can't always be evaded, though 'a wise handling of . the problems. that' arise will -minimize,, the need, • but when it must •be done, can either parent copsistently shift the---responsibility4o••••tele• •shoulders the utirer.?—issued"- by-:-Ute-Nationalw Kindergarten Association, 8 West 40th, Street, New York City'. These aro' tides ,are appearing 'weekly in our columns,, 1.. . What New York Is Wearing BY, ANNABE LL' WORTHINGTON, Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson I ¢xa rrislrccl raa.tJ1 -Every Pa ter'n , v • 12 1$ 22- "Z3 '19. 16 . 8 9 - jO 14• • - ------- - , i 29 30, 34 G%5 41 46 48 ;43 38 39 44 ' ','45 53 54 IbrO:13ttittrlf Give the .Old Folks, the 'best poesille Christmas present by, going to Os 'the* this., year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your ,' Christmas shopping in London, Glatigow • or Paris. Low ocean rates still in iiorce. • • °Ocean Rates One Way ,'Return . Cabin from 11104,. 5192. 1`hlydst /rqm • 67 119. • Nearly a century of sea -experience is:bacic • . s"''* . ,f' thefainousGu-pard-Anchor-Donald'son•-- service; ,;accolnniodation and'•con,fort, 'freekU sailing's ill reugkon't be Fal/' LAS'•" SAILINCS••FROM hi)NTRE'r4L Nov,.1H. AURANI%. Plymouth furore 1.OIJOnt Nov. YH . AI'HI.NIA $'fait;• I iveree4i, Glasgow Nov, d6 ANTcitere Clasgu,v: Belfast 1. pool., i IR5'I ' SAILIN(i`5 •FROM HALIFAX ' Dec 03 ' Plmo.• 1 is, ', otl. U,. c 10 "* ,$'1 i'IASCANI.IA B'tasyr, uthLiverlpool Gl1asgow'nuu -. ;,Prone Saint Joie' oti-Tie,.') ,• S�uI 66 HORIZONTAL. 1—Ch '.nk of 4—Egg shaped 9 To sol.d- 12e -Everyone' 13—Vital-Power • 14 --Armpit 15—Flat' bodied fishes 17—Dwarf ear of Corn ' 19'= -Belt 21—Napkfn 22 -Frank 24—To plant 26 --Bristle' • 29—Pertaining. , til. H i Oda' . • books • 31—Sinall piece' 33—To follow . . 34 --Article • 35—Slang:. officer, 37=Openi<ig 39—Toward 40—To fall behind.- >. 42—Humorist • 4_,_.._Ceh%tkux iol_plat. • Nothklg Wrong • „ .He he'd decided -to sell his car ---.if 'he could—and when a gullible.lookiug fellow knocked at his door and asked to see it, the •o:tener.eagerly flung open • w - =flipgaragffgesscert ,,,etl-Ebp• _.C►rpw, i' d,r. ern I woolen skirt 13 .il into. the roadway. topped by -d-jacket-line •blouse of "She's a• beauty," he said. Jurnkl in vivid green plain 'woolen,. The sad I'11 take you fora run'." . revers and b^l.t r •l eat :he brown The potential buyer jumped i , amid woolen. - , the owner managed to persuade. the It's dust Lull of diish :1.,: , car to snort her'way up a fairiy steep Pt's a real favorite, with col - ,',stretch of road immediately ahead: lege and school girl, and t11' .•out11- "Shell go up here like a hirci!" .he ful type of won1e' • •ehuckle'd, hoping for the best, ',".lust .• 'Tele Wrap -over bion c i-. perticu- _Imulr;'' la.rly sluice rti g f atu The A hundred .yards up, the slope the slightly circular i'. i•t 'is "tit—in • car emitted a loud cough, tret'nbled ':Sores to lend hetg1•tt to the figure violently, and began to run back- ', 1 It May also be earried''out 15 one _ •--wards. •-The• o-wner _forced --+'smile, and mates int as Sp.:1141h tale woolen t , hung on,gtimly to• the steering wheel, with the .ever: Or br oWn , ivdolen the potential bnyei• eyed hila doubt. I ' and worn with a biotin suede belt. billy. - . • _.• I! • . Blas'!. with Prtsiail egreen is "What's the .idea?" hie askeri $its- stern. t, ^ piclously. "We're going backwards." j Style No 53 may be had in "Quite all right:" grinned the would..1 sizes 114, 18. years. ^t, :14, 40 and 12 he vendor. "I—ei--that IS, l've left my bust• tobaern twitch on dee' fll11th'" ' Size :Nor 'requires z yards d•. Id- _ inch for Milner• vli:th •17s yards >1Y•' inch file :-'.Ort. After much 'bustling =ertuu;d tier 1•it}`�- 't(1 Olai :it l'a'l'I 1'I`:,\ . family was seely packed inside thei car and the journej' to tho .carol, y' he-'" W r ii,' your. nnnie and' ,addres gan. J %'t'lybocly was haply for sev-1 plainly. Britt: number and siz0 of eral minutes; when Mother suddenly sUft1 pattern a' you want. EN . - ..exclaimed, "oh, John'. i left the •elec., doer 'eoe in 'Et or coin 1.('oin uric iron switched on ""i'hill will he Pr`cfi12 tl', 1 1 !t' it'ealicfullcl for quitiy- a'll-rgm4..Ler-e-pl-ie4- 'stirc-a.._'tor each n1!n11i 1, 'and •1rid1•i your 1'1•o just remembered' tint 1 1•srt• lith milt. to \\ d,on 1 itt,;riot• nr i•, ,re, hathroom tape running." 7;4. Wevt. Adelaide St,. I' •e•mie., • ' d—Tardy 48 -Dish. '5Q—Wife of lord• 51=Wager • '53 -Lessons 55=Famous •angler' 58—Fate ' fit—Rather than, 62—Fra,st covered 64 Since. 66= -Den n .• 61 --At present. VERTICAL! 1._Dancei step . ., 2—Scottish: every ,3 -Gave glossy covering to 49—Bare, 42 -•Baking .place 52—Jutting i,oc1 s' 3—Holding tool's 54 -Neat 6 -King of Bashan. 55 -Insect trap 7 Electrified part'iele -56-L-:eonste'llatitnr 8—To beat. 57—Insect egg 9—Piereed 59—Self - 1 Mohammedan name 60—Flaxen ° 16—Pertaining to sound. 18=Encore. .20—Convulsive sigh 2`?—Ellipses 2) Tiertain'ing to par.-• ishnien:t 2i", -=False hair' 27—Carried 28 ---Pail]] 30—To ]aunt 32—F4A-ucet..' ,36—Fruit•se,ed 38—Whitens 41 -Drinking .cup,: ,42—Record 45 -,-Dutch exl•,lr<•er 47—Mbist Qom.' tet Palms . ,\_,,Q.3—Greek letter Making Children Grow. Growth • may, be remarkably stimu- lated by diet, according to reports recent experiments by Dr. Summer- etldt_des_ribed`•inGood Health _Battle Creek), Mich,),, By feeding eleven children on a diet Jit whichwere-1arsequantlttes.of vita' quences, min B .and extra supplies of other vita- „ With thio. 'new and. rather sta,rtting mins and .minerals, . he succeeded. in ; information concerning the possibility securin .a rate .of gain nearly 'fie'. A securn ..,a:notable."increase In ata g i, g - - times the ordinary .amount. Says Good ture merelj by adding a few inexpert- -Health: sive items to the bill of fare, it is easy ”The dietary by which this"e'xtl'aor- to 'believe in the possibility, of realiz- course is complete without a mourn- .dinary rate of ,growth was secured ing .'the late Mr. Burbank's forecast er's' 'bench ' at each tee. The best :rea- consisted chiefly of farina, oatmeal, of a new human race within six genera - corn -meal, and wheat germ. One per tions by the thoroughgoing' application' cent, each of brewer's yeast• and alfai- of scientific methods of race improve- to fill'. a book.. 'Yoe have to think out fa leaf -meal were included. • Besides meat." some things for •yourself—nobody can the above plant foods, 2 per cent.' of help you. Success;is. the privilege of bone -meal was given, probably -to suxi" 1` " doing what you want to do,:when you: ply -lime; but an abifB ance of"th' ssele= Gems—fr-oli�---Life.-s_Scr.ap-bo0lLwam to; "a'nd -as-vol---Want Ao' -MQs- meat. should have been found. in the • Justices • women do:not know what they want alfalfa meal, the wheat germ and oat ,"Justice is truth in ectiou."—.lou= until they' discover what" their bus meal; or, if more was needed, another bet t tbands do not want: Character is the portion :t,i the alfalfa meal, would Justice without wisdom -'is impos-'diamond that scratches every other easily have supplied it. Bond meal • sable."—Fr eude:' may be suitable for lions, tigers, and "Moderation is the bast.; of .justice." other carnivorous beasts, but it is not —George MacDonald. a proper constituent for a human bill of fare • , velopment ' by wrong feeding, and yet there seems. 'to be no escaping this co_nc1•usion. Children while dependent upon their parents are in the, position of interned prisoners. They must eat. eni.—it they, are _n - adequately fed, their parents or guard- dans are responsible for the copse= • Easyjegthinli One.. Scores of other Mot lire,. II le,. written, bender 'vela. GiVe 1:OUR, child BABY'S OWN constipation, sleeplesspess. or whenever he is cross, restless and fretful. Eles. to take a$ ^ahdy, and absolutely S.Af see analyA's certlficate tech 25 -cent. package. Over 1,2:50,00h ;sark,;;Tr cold itendjetaizeteettesterentiomeeteiirtueseseas, :*2) in 0. pot •o4. 1 , '112 r. . 1114. V , t t cirri 1' Message the 21221 22q1 01'9. 900 • 1 Rook through your local Agent—no one can serve you better, or CUNARD LINE, 4,7 Ray Street, (Elgin 3471) ''„ Toronto. APiCHOR-D4 AL il4DS0 1wl^Laffs • At 'a dinner •a,H'ell known professor was introduced as,foilow's, You have bem giving• your attention so farto a turkey stuffed with sage You are now about to give your attention to. a Sage stuffed with turkey," Pca_fe sot—<K'ili you please stdpp exchanging•. notes In the back . of the room? Student—"They're., not notes: They ark dollar bills.: We're shootin crap —Classified Advertising N OVI'.ER TO, EVERY. INVENTOR. L-1„ List of wanted inventions and' rule information Sent free.. The Ramsay Cow- any. R'oild Patent •Attorneys: 273' Rank Street. Ottawa, Canada. PORMIILA,.-' NY I'or 11L1,A, $1.00EACHe VeRE'[IS,' , A midland, i.abo,:ator'c*, 308 Burns Sty Winnipeg, Tian.': p exE$SON xe Q rEC T3Ai CI AC,'ira analysis 'f.roaie harrdwriting, - $1.00. Advice •on health and. vocation. Deans • Henderson, HS- Tyrrell. Avenue Torontt,., SO1 "f}h, a-rdotr-=me. A7dTEit1 — - '(11 ARN !'$20 A D IUPWAR17S WEEfc- The boy'. who has never had to wear LI' L1' giowin"g Mushrooms for us al[' a pair of heavy hoots all winter tali and winter, in, • cellars or outbuild- Engs. Begin now. Illustrated booklet doesn't kiilow the real .joy .of going ' free, . • Established 25 -Fears, Canadian barefoot in the summer. '- +� - tufitrreorn-cot—Dela. FSK, -Toronto-40: - Plumber (to his wife).-"Doncha be- lieve them cartoonists, ' ear a n never- forind no lady in no bath tub•" Stray Shots • , The older a man grows the more he cares for comfort—and the less of it he obtains. One has 'tto keep up if the up -keep is. to "be kept up; • No golf son a girl can have'for starting a diary; is that she knows - enough about men. "This experiment (teatly demon stihtes the tieineudous importance OT diet regulation, especially during the growing `period.', It. is certainly not a pleasant thought that many thousands of children are stunted in their de stone. 'Love,' sweet child, is the last:. word in a letter. asking for money.' Digging in ' a garden ' may improve 'There is no virtue so truly' great „one's philosophy mote than. the read- acrd' godlike as•justice."—Addison• ing of books.- • • "Justice demands` reformation of the • -•tee. .-=' td — "v �I_ r Eddy. ''Iiuc%rs`7iave �`tzst pii�'ifia� au ''sinner.. 14Iar- �a ce d �'� Every place is safe to bim Who ary, person retains only one-fifth of lives with justice: Epictetus. what he h'ears.. Which goes to prate "All religion and all ethics are sum that,a wot(ian isn't an "ordinary per: need up In justice.."—Conaway-. • son:" - o�s Know ? Accused --"How could 1 commit, for- gery when I can't write my own name: ". Judge—"You • are not accused of writing year own name." ' • An old Indian went into a, bank to borrow -sonre money. Banker—"Chat can'uou put' up• for security that is', how many ponies dei you have?" Old Indian —"Got. 100 ponies," Six months later the old Indian cattle in with a eery large roil of hills and paid the note. . he turned to. leave. the hanker said: l3ait1tt r--=" V e let you have mope) when '..4'tee needed it, nv'.v 'wily don't; yell drpa-it your i xtra filoney -with ():.i 1 1 1:, 0 f i ;11i r i fin,v ninny 1,01.11 y.i i got?' 42 , thing lie leaned forve;,,,, 'said, it 12,12.2 been od that, .j'eve: cite , Y271'21 ,i2210 the doci.,r or the 1.02.21i tIOTOR: BOAT 'P.08, BALE. I� cruiser: about thirty :feet.: In ,case, altogether onl' -font or leve months in - two stiasons; complete equipment tncIuti_ aline --.carpets- Aed_and table -linen. -ck1 a, glassware and silver as weli'as ail mar- t , e.,uipment and many extras. This cruiser with Its two cabins and its .veli equipped galley is an cnusually comfort- able boat --for- -week-ends, or, . •tonger- cruises for four' to six people. ' Lt Ls ex- •eeptionally seaworthy and has cruised all over the Great: Lakes. It has a •11ga. class ana very economical 00 horsepower. ' six -cylinder power plant with complete electric lighting throughout and speed of .12 : to' 14 _miles. per hour, '11 is a spe- etal'paint lob and very attractive In ep- petirance: Owner will •sacrifice for. nalt its original • cost. El,' 17 atliine, 13 'W - Adelaide St.. Toronto. • Sleep -is- a-spiritualfzer•in -the con- stitution .of--nature_itself—Rtts:hneli Whiolii,flOwS into this Arctic. •,‘ \ 1 leers thre•vtg't 22' ACC01.-.N CANTS iforettori (Great In These Trying Times Maintain Your Health Take regularly SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil To Build Resistance Easy to Digest 19 They stimulate your liver, get rid .of poisons &rid improve yoke 25e and 75c red pkgs. mils unman 17 Rub Minard's in gently. It odnetrates sore ligaments. Puts you.On your feet! Ont the Aesleta or al