The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-10-27, Page 8ty: • ext t Tie REXALL D MEDICINES •HOUSEHOLD DRUGS TOILET _ARTICLES CANDY SPECIALS • 1 RJJJ.I1BER.,GOODS STATIONERY ,Lucli$ow • • • NTARIO . • •1 . INMEMORIAM In fond and •loving memory pf the ]ate John Sherriff,' who died on•, Oct.• 30th, 1931; ` October brings .baek sad memories, Of •a loved one gone to rest . tut he will . always be refnenbered;, By the one who'. loved_ him best. Sadly missed by lis wife.. • • CHURCH 'NOT•ES. —. : UfdtetlChurch Y. -P: S: itThe meeting onyMonday night; was .in charge -of the CitizenshipCommit- o'i.ofa "te • • meeting..took th rra e. The �• a yinock League of Nations, which was presented by he Members ' of the __ Citizens�fi,�,p`Committee The five dif • . ferent speakers, 'each srepresenting a :different coa'ntr . ere' �-d�shnst®n- Y w (Mr, Kiing=go: 'uf Japan),,. Wilfred Anderson. (Mr:: Sen -Yen -U .of China) r.:W.,L. McKenzie (Mr .-Gilbert of arismtlie':- Cecif of Great . Britain and•Dr. New- ton .(Monsieur.: de Soy' of • France). The program was instructive as. Well as• interesting: On aceount of the time •' ]unit, the game, was withdrawn _ _The._meeting '.•ne ;t Monday . night .:.,will=#sake-the-•x--form--of—.�a- Hal'lowe'en. Social. k good program is Being _pie _llarediand a!1'.',are ' cordially' invited. •• Al Y. Pr _A Sobriety And Courage Urged By Presbytery Iitness Necessitates Resigination, Of Bev. H. J. Barnwell As secretary- '1'reasurer of •Bruce Presbytery-- eW ministers "welcomed. 04.cecing "recently ' at Varglll, tile 131'4.05 1:- esJsLely Ql ' Llae vu. Yeti 1.-....1:.u. Yv1Y11 LOnuerll W:e .:1 a:..u.ab'•-L1va4Le' (0. t'lle 1{your• Yra.11y .ati.a 1•.it.o4 L.ae l'teVelllpuatuL- ,U ._Lu5'.. �la.aY yr .buJllrby wilu ua1� ilea bblYV bu ..:a euLL.• ''ul' La1u,Ncliill..v llls,bl'.uv+wvli. L.:e 1, 1°5o�l,ybel'y L'Uj:VLucu {tJ (Jeep lite lllcv.aYluii yt".tLe tliablenli bnuuiallut Blab tineentlbU111 toOrc . �: l;e lla, 11aaGu1,Gt1' • .,y bl.e pc;up.e �y'enertaly In . tuege Yt:.�eay Pay Aug Ylulvu 'dila Rl' e.LL W.CY ev Vl ..,#41/, 4 y .. �: i,uialJle' lie Valle ..Ly '1VpYd1, pp1u.L slab; bJ�.- Al -bele will aI1 aur 1)C9i,1}e, Lv,/. a •)y. -�•i.44l9l•4.e :.i.01aW-+uisYlga- lar .. 11tAliUl'e UL yAe �;(ospel 'ny` persenai "eV&tugelisnl,• .Jy �41.YS. pi Hi: bll.e ,Ul, lilalAl{y vursulp alio 14.e: ob..l, u1 Llle. 9Y VLU U17'IiUV: 1C Weis - Lu.,- .-t1TcTL-4W.-, •-• !-e tlbey"-eullgntellec1 effort (:ilu..lel:vuitructiAuil teat • eaus' us 11e r-' Cr 'Yu 'tae • lue L Ut ilia • . 4nguo ut sue, work itfwork '. our.Ch'urch'in its u/ia- sivuary .escort. at hole alis auri,,:.u. •4L •I e U e 'need as wen il,..alll_ tike; . lir u portratti,: was •preseni,ed ltl iib.—.uoi, ins auylress „ by 1iev. vl.11 Yvuug,. lJ;�y, Ul'• bue..-board or 1.t.Ullit. _L'resliy-ifira ,- •tins `.uepartreub,.,.te v. • q, 4.441 11_ubann,,',144:; VC':.1i11eJ1e3C: 'auu` sharia were laid ler xurthering .•1.Yaa53G5 ,al. Ems. wtij"lc airluhg�t–lis; •L'ue luea of. tne :Lost s 'rortlon pian and tae Anniea day plan were urgu upon Jim 'people 'as mSeflit in stiulu= 1 a ring tne splrltn or stewardship algid 4i-a11ng • won- t;xrrrst Yidns were 1alu. dui; ,.ucno 1tt'eetings" All over I tui: 'iesbytery, where the , inspiration • u4. C.lte rei:eut assembly, of general uoun- .at at tlamlltoii would .be prouglit try Lwo distinguished commisioners. Rev. Scragg. rresident of tuner Yl, iJunterence, . and Key. Lr. Ross of dentin. China. • Grants in aid were recommended . tQ thi . twohome=, mission--fields=-of the 1'resuytery, namely. • Tobermory and Colpoy-s bay, : atter the. whole ' situa- tio nad•,•been carefully gone into .,0y the home M'ssion convener, Rev. b. A: •Cowan. I3.A., of kort Elgin.. Presby a with 'sincere, regret. accepted .tng-r-esignation of their 'vet- eransec eJ tary-treasurer, Rev.• R. J. llarnwel'l, who, was , cgjppelled'' to :re lindiuish office owing to serious fit- ness. A letter expressive of sympa- thy; `afegtion and appreciation was ordered sent to Mr.. Itarnwell. To et1- sure the -continuance • :' of his. 'active, connection with 'Presbytery, he was made Treasurer for the ensuing year Rev. J. W. Schofield of Walkerton was made chairman with the retire- ment of • past chairman'. Rev. J. C. Nicholson of Pine River. Rev. Hugh D. Taylor of. Silent was Tilade Secre- tary. Standing committees' Were struck. Pasteral relations 'committee was ordered composed of the Chair-• man,,the Secretary, 'the members of he Settlement Committee` for Pies- bytery.lThe Presbytery`Executive was Mired composed. Qf the Chairman.' he Secretary, the Treasurer. •and resident and° Secretary of Lay As- ociation. Rev. Henry •B'rand• of Car- gill is supervisor o# Glamis -Purdy harge. •• • • Four new Ministers were reported s stationed ,witliin the Presbytery as' from. July 1st..and were introduced ar:d welcomed • by -the chairman. Rev.. • N. Mackenzie of Ripley .reported that *these ministers` had been duely• nducted "early in July into charges' s 'follows Lucknow 'Rev. S. T. ticket, B.A., 13.D::. Armow. Rev., G. St. Peter's ,Young i eople held' their first meeting in the form • of • a Hal-' lowe'en masquerade' social on • Mon- day evening at the hom • of Mr. Herb' f Mc i lm; M, .QUI Tire evening commenced with the grand march, and., prizes' • ._-_were-awarrded_to_comie dressed lady,. • Ethel Martin; ' comic dressed.'gent, Rev. Geoghegan; best,dressed • :lady; Pearle Nixon; best dressed gent, Ruth Parker. Games, contests and -songs • • were then enjoyed, followed by Punch. • Mr. and'- Mrs. Herb . McQuilhn were thanked for the' jolly evening and all joined- in singing "For they are Jolly Good Fellows". The meeting dispers- ed atter the singing . of the. National . Anthem. 'The next meeting will be held on • October 7th •at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb ;McQuillin. Little Betty was explaining -to her little 'brother how wrong.it is .to work On Sunday. "Why?" said , the • boy. "Policemen !work on Sunday, 'doR't .they go to heaven?" "No;' • explained the little girl, "They are not needed there." Agent anted Province wide'real estate or- ganization has an opening in - this locality. No . experieniie necessary. A real opportunity for a beakless of yout own. Ten dollar capital required. Write. immediately. R: A. Williamson Woodstock - Ontario. t P s c a C i a T LONG LIMIT BARO AIN .FARES To WINDSOR an'd DETROIT Saturday, . October, 29th Going 6.03 A. M.(via `Listowel) 12.55 P, lVt.' (Via VV ingham) Tickets goad in coaches only.; No. baggage checked. Buy Tickets earl CANAOI A 9 Returning 50 All trains 'up to Midnight 1'Xoaday , October • 31. Detroit Hotels -ac- cept Canadian money.,'; y from Depot Ticket 'Office. 0 IP Return Children 5, and • under . 12 Half Fare. N , NATIONAL A ' • THE "LIeitita a g15,4!1$111._. YOUTHS DECIDE TO, . TELL, COURT THE TRUTu AOii Wednesday ?tiprning' last, when. the youths, .Jack -Johnston; :Jas Direr nan, Victor Martin and Victor 7i ugh'. —all: of. Ashfiele,Twp,, •Dame before" Magistrate F.- W: Walker -in Walker ton; to be sent‘Ad for liquor often- ces, • they followed :a course: certainly in their interests.,.• A -week 'previous, when :arrainged` in . police court i�' Lucknow, Johnston' and Drennanfol? having Liquor' illeg-' ally and Martin and Hugh far illegal consumption,, the 11fagtstrate- en'dea. voaedrtto;-••a'scertain Where "'they ' had procured the 'home brew; .They told tip court a story. *liic]. he ,discred ited, as dill Crown Attorney Freeborn and .the Magistrate advised .then;' to: seriously consider' the advisability' id: telling` hiff -tlie truth When ,they appeared hese a�,yreek later•;,the explanation, they -gave in re spect to' how• •the .yc ane • Into , ppases- sion of tlfe booze npheated a men hawed Conny.'Hogan of .Ashfield, and, the -supposed`;offence• . is thought. to have taken, place `in Heron .Cou};ty. Doubtless • the autho'rities there `will be asked .t6 '. investigate. ' • The cases of the' quartette, • who said 'they regretted` having .made :false statements, , were , adjourned.,, ' Walkerton Telescope., RII;LEY ;AND LUCKNOW . • „ SCHOOLS COMPETE -Local Boys ' Win Baseball ' Game, While Gies Are' Defeating .Ripley Girls. At Basketball, It kept the local ' Conti:nuatioa. School baseball' team busy to inose mit a team•- from the` Ripley schpol;• on Monday;;. in ° the local park :by a score ,;of 7 to 6; At t he,, . e_ . im at, '.. e , l h sate t e the school grounds the 'girls were engagaing ��basket Ball xt`rxre r tivhYch 'the`- . Lucknow 'team won by •a score of h2• Co ,At the close of. the contests, lunch -was-serve a ec ooF-tile visit= ing teams. , Baseball Linen). • ' Ripley` -J. McLeod. If.: .L. 'Mucin. s.; •D. Marti 2nd; C. Wylde, p.; D. Smith; 3rd; M. MacDonald, . cf.; M. Mddennah, c-;' F: •Broolkc; -rf: It,: -Ross- 1st.•. Lucknow.,-Neely+ Todd,-2nd;-E1wood- -Soiomonia;•=G,-Finlaysonr 1st;; Clarke; p; Harold Greer, cf;Jack }t slier;, ss Joyhii Por,; n, `3rd; 'Stewart Cameron,,. If.; Ale* McIntosh; rf. Basket Ball Lineup Ripley - Martha Robertson end Doris. Aitchison, forwards;.' Alice Rob- ertson n an � Etta '.Lane, s. s d ,guard ,Ade- line Harris, J. C.; Patricia Robertson Lucknow.= Margaret Ritchie and Winnifred Johnston, forwards; Ra- chel 'McDonald, R. C.; Peggy McDon- tld, J. C.; Catherine McDonald, Sadie McCharles; guards.'' Simpson. B.A.; Dobbington, Rev. c&. W. i osbuary, B.A.,'t.11.; `".Drew., aYev,. 1L1. S. Mott; If.A. .In addition, Amt.•J.I l-;. Michel§on,,.=M A,, -was .Ie- ported as' inducted into tee charge Jf Vuje River. Tnree stydents to the , ministry• werecertified to college in. the per sons ox-liain'ilton 13a11aghi George z'alconer and R. Barrie Davey. The interim action of the secretary in 41ving Bev. Wm. • McLeod of Edit-. ,urgh a certificate of ordination on Janu v 30. 1908; wiles}, he was 'in- ducted into the charge ef'Port Elgin, was uuely coaflrineq. ' ttev. K. R.:S11iot of .Arkwright, re- porting. for the Department: of Kell,. , ious Education, spoke of - the splen- did success of the lyorthern Summer. actino! at Port Elgin, .last July. The. Young' People's. Rally for the Pres- oybe'ry was announced as being held dt 1'idsIey on the afternoon and 'ev- ening, October 19 when inspirational Addresses were given by Key: E. T. dcragg .of Medicine . Bat, and - Rev.• Dx. itoss of Horan. Letters, of sympathy and affection were ordered sent to Rev. S. E. ,i)ouch of Iiincaftlinel a .retired min'- ister. in his illness, and to Mrs. Gur- rie of Port Elgin, a minister's widow. With proud affection Presbytery recorded• its deepest appreciation of Elie long life of spiritual -leadership of veteran ' minister. Dr. :W. T. Mc- Mullen, , who has recently passed to kiss heavenly reward in Woodstock in his 102nd year. • • I• • The thanks of Presbytery ,were ex- tended' ter the people. of the Cargill Ght rcb who, • with their genial -min- ister and his , wife, Rev. . and. Mrs. .,Brand, did everything possible to. make the visit ,'of Presbytery to Car- gill ,a happy and pleasant one. It was decided that the next meet- ing of Presbytery, if possible, should meet in—Palmerston in February add' in order that expenses sliould be curtailed •as far as on wisely he done the court shall be 'composed of Pres bter E y .y xecutive& cotiv'esers of ooriti- mittees and five laymen appointed b`y the Lay Association. HUGH D. TAYLOR, ' Secretary Bruce Presbytery. Sandy pulled out his handkerchief and' a. set . of false teeth hit the' desk. "They are the auld woman's," ho explained picking them up. "I caught .her eating between meals." • . r vx... , P•rerb• TR':URR$DAT. Q.G" a 2fh,, 104 F• or Smartness and Style; •' FQr Color Correctness;. • Fol" Service and Satisfaction • Wear `H;QLEPROI♦' •Its up- to the minute styling,: and, Its: beans fullyfln shed colors:willaappgal:to the wo an` vho' loves finery but at the saar�e; time demands quality. One .of the most popuhr Holeproof lnitil%nbe s is �' 'Np -2t03.. A: baa vy ` service weight of to i tailored smartness with Black run striped t -$Il. , ri etas$ 5 1'ievlr< Shades for A.utu"n n by' Holeproof: Wing - ; Afternoon ; Aero .....Gumnitai E. McCluskey. �1Lan'ager OUR MOTTO:—SMALLER, PROFIT, p, QUICK TURNOVER. 'PHONE 75. Continuation School, Held Hold Da • • m Champions and Runners Up .In Girls'' and •Boys' Junior and Senior- Events Will ' l Sui'ta • l Be . k .Awarded: . Suitably I Following an earlier • postponement the annual Continuation _SchooLfield` day -was held early ':last week virlien •�. ' -- - rne wexL•ller-prevailed,- f�'ith the ex= caption of the; running events,'' which were 'held. in the.park;..the competi- tions :mere. staged; on the : school turns Fonts wereawarded to the first three •winners in each event„ the Se,iior' boy's charnpionshi'p being won by 'Stewart. Cameron with 21. of s. and Harold' Greer the runner'up 1 ith 16.E Leonard MacDonald was',Junior champion-with-22:•points, while George -Joyiitvras''second With 15points.' The demo_r_girt_hanipion...was :'Jessie Mc=,. Attie,-w.ith�.Margaret-Ritchie • and -;-An na:;Graham tied for runner up.'The juunior . chainpionsrip' went. to -Jean Graham, with' Audrey 'Horne runner ° Senior .Events:— • 100 -yd. dash—Stewart ` :Cameron Elwood Solomon, Bob Thompson: • 440 '.:dash—Harold , :r Geer, Jac Fisher,' Bob• Thompson. '• Relay, 440--(E. Solomon; 'J. Fish N. Todd, Jack McCall); B. Thomp- son, D. Clarke, D. MacDonald, H. McCrostie); (S. Cameron; 11. Greer, R. Graham, N. Richards). Bicycle—Harold Greer, • Charlie Anderson, Doug. Clarke. ' Standingjump—Stewait Cameron, Harold Greer, Doug. Clarke. •Standing hop, step ..and juin(i Stewar Cameron, -Doug: Clarke, Tacit ' Fisher. • Running Breed Jump—Stewart Cameron, Harold Greer, Elwood Sol - onion. • • Running; hop, step and jump—Doug. Clarke, Harold Greer* Stewart Cam- eron- ' • • 'Standing high'jump=Stewait Cam- eron, Elwood Solomon, Jack Fisher: Running high jump—Stewart Cam- eron, Elwood Solomon (ties), -Jack •Fisher. Pole Vault—Har• old Greer, Jack Fisher, Stewart Cameron. Junior, Events Audrey,' Horne; Audrey Henderson, er . Eunice Newtonj_Jean!McMihan, Ieo bel Hamilton. • 50 -yd.• dash—Jean Graham, Dona - da Thompscm, onalda'Thompson, Dorothy. Miller. Relay—(Jean Graham,.J. McMillan, A. Henderson,: A. Horne); :(D. Thom pson, E. Newton, C. Finlayson, L Hamilton).; (M.'-M-acDonald,: D Mil -- ler, H. Twamley, M. McKim). .. Group contests including,. •pillow n bstaele-races; -softball- arir]-ba = ketball,• were also engaged:. in by both Junior and Senior girl*. C. MacDonald:) " Standing Broad—Anna ' Graham, Sadie *Charles, Isobel Miller. R'unninAT Broad,—Jessie: • McRae, ,Margaret Ritchie, Winnifred' John- s'ton..: Y .. • „-Stepiang• -stone race—Anna Gra- ham and .Florence Hodgins, , Helen Thom 'arid Jessie McRae; ;Catherine Patterson and Dorothy :Nixon. Running High—Edna-Agar,-.Jessie; McRae, Verna Steward.' , — Staipg,; slop; step acid"ump-=Iso: bel Miller, Lorena ]dogan, Sadie' M'c- Charles.... • • Throwing ,Basket', Ball--'argaret Ritchie,: 3-essie . McRae, Peggy—Mac Donald. • 50 -yd. dash'--- Rachel M1 Donald, Margaret ' Ritchie,., Anna G Junior Gide ' Running .High—Jean Graham,. An, drey • Horner -Pulite ' Newton.. Running -Broader -Jean Graham;:Au- drey. Horne, Bath Parker.: - to — . S. nd ng "' Bioad-•dean--- Graham; Ruth , Parker, Audrey Horne. ' -Standing hop, steiirand jump—Ruth .Parker,: Jean .Graham; Audrey Borne... Throwing Basket Ball—.Audrey Horne, Isobel. Hamilton, Betty, Mc- Kenzie. , te: to — a Stepping St nee' Jean Gr ham pp.,g ► 100 -yd. 'dash—Leonard •McDonald, Frank. McKenzie, Charlie Jewitt. 440 dash—Frank McKenzie, Charlie -Te ntt,`Haiolcl` Ritchie, Relay—(H. Ritchie, L. McDonald, T. McDonald, H. Thompson); (C: Jew- itt,t'A. McIntosh, G. •Sherriff, G. Joynt (B. McKenzie, F. McKenzie, L. Mc- Leod, D. Smith). • Bicycle -- George Joynt, • Donald Smith,` Leonard McDonald. Standing. Broad- George Joynt, Leonard McDonald, Harold Ritchie. Standing hop, step and jump— Leonard McDonald, Plarold, Ritchie, George Joynt. Running I -broad•= -Frank McKenzie,. Leonard McDonald, Charlie Jewitt. Running hop, .step'? & jump --Frank l!cKenzie; Harold , Ritchie, Leonard McDonald. • ' . Standing 'High . - George' Joynt, Leonard McDonald, Bill Mckenzie. Running high—George Joint,•Char •lie Jewitt, Marol Ritchie -and Leon - aril McDonald (ties). Pole 'Vault—l'.eonard McDonald,' Charlie Jewitt,. Harold Ritchie. Senior Girls Relay Race—Jessie MacRae, MacRae, Verna Steward, Margaret' Ritchie; • Rachel: MacDoi ak Sadie McCharles,, Anna Graham, Florence McQuillin, Cather- ine MacDonald; W. Jpyiiston, i, Mel- ler, MseMcMahon, Plorertee I o4glne', m 1 MARRR1GED` AT PORT, `HOPE • • Kenrptou -Coiling ':The; United__church _parsonage, Port Hope, • Ontario, was the scene of a happy event, on Satbrday, October.15, at 12.30 P.M.,. when Miss Rena Jose- phine daughter of Mrs: and the late Joseph t Colling, of Huron Township, was united in marriage to Mr. Thom- as Kempton, son of Mrs. and the late William. Kempton, of Ripley. Rev D. McTavish of 'Pert Hope United church, officiated. The bride was charmingly dressed in .s wine trags- parentvelvet gown and wore a shoul- der bouquet of orchids. Following the ceremony a d'aint'y - wedding- dinner was served .by ;firs. McTavish, sister of the bride. Later the happy pdir left by motor for Quebec and other eastern points; the' bride travelling in a green tweed snit with fox fur and accessories to match.' ` Upon their' return, Mr. and Mrs. Kempton will make their , home in Ripley. SEND IN NAMES OF VISITORS Personals •are an attractiveb and interesting part• of i newspaper. They are .read by old and young, and commend on. by Bill. A 'United States„:edi'tor, who le sonietinie's dis- coureged (as all editors are) by Abe neglect of those who should send in such items, published' this . at the bead of his personal column: "if you have visitors of whom you are not ashamed, , r'e port to othis s office." •, These are the days when a - faint aroma of moth' belle :permeated the sir, for .the 'canny' Olfei have got 'cm on again. k}n.aa",.`did •.. ti}'..�vi•+,,,�,.�;k • fo *ION We are�—� • pleased to repoizt that` Mrs., Henry Gardner has returned `home from•'Wingham hospital, following an operation for' ,appendicitis. Mrs`'• Relied R be rt H anti o ' t .n of Wingham Visited ' at Mr, Richard. Gardner's, for a • few days :this• week. ;Miss .Ruth: Evans -of Clinton s ent p . unday-with-Zion- friends: Mr Jaek McEe'th_ of O kvill _N1sit- ed at7 Henry Gardner's un: Sunday., Mr.and. Mrs. Alfred Andrew and ,Winnifred . are; spending a few days with Mr. and :Mrs. , Isaac Andrew. • In 'honor of the' approaching mar- riage of Miss Eva Gaidner, her ,many friends in' the community, gathered -Sion-Or-ange�••ball =On Phussda evening to wish Bier. ,God -speed. The Rev:: Mt..Tavener ably filled the. posi- tion of -chairman and the • musical program was much- enjoyed'. -During theprogram r am `the. f t r� p gr• , u u bride wa� caUe``d forwareinid i esented on half of the coninninity with a beante- fol walnut :chesterfield table. The address -was rend •by Miss Norma Anderson and the presentation. made by Mr.,.John Ritenie and Mr. Sid" Smith: it Ina few Well-chosen we 1 hose o n w da tl►e bride -to be t]:ianked diose pre - sent for their token of esteem.. Lunch as=served-nd-the-remainder of the evening was -spent in dancing.. • (Intended for. Last Week) Mr. and M��'s. W. R. Gardner and daughter Olifie, left on Wednesday for their home- in Cochrane, having spent a week renewing acquaintances' in our community. A very. pleasing' event took place' on Saturday, when a ki'tellen shower was grit -en -EV a Oadner,- at the hone. of- Jessie •Andrew. The guests includ- ed •thee girl friend& of the. •bride-to- be and her little. cousin, Marion Gard- ner dressed as •a „,,,miniature bride, who assisted in presenting the many useful, gifts: After gest wishes Mull been extended'ha a dainty lunch was served by the hostess:' •Miss Myrtle Ritchie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Eastman and family spent -Thanksgiving under the parental roof. '• .Miss Alma Hunter of 'Tiverton and Miss Emma McDonagh of London, spent Thanksgiving at their respec- tive homes. • 1 A women writer said . that the modern girl knows: just' what is going on under her nose. So do we—lipstick. KinS•1 STORE g NEWS • Octobe r Fashion's, COATS MILLINERY . DRESSES FROSTALAINE . AND B ITLAINE SUITS 'FUR SCARPS • Quality Fur ,Coats HUDSON SEALS ' FRENCH SEALS 'EASTERN MUSKRAT At The Lowest P rices Itt tears. :KID GLOVE S, KAYSER HOSE ' THE NEW WOOL SCARFS In fact . the Smartest. Turn'- Outs of ' the Fa'Ll Season's Tog- gery Are Here for Tour Choosing I<I TIO WINGIIAM rouvalisiasansisimaia •