The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-10-27, Page 1• $2.50 PER YEAR IN 411DVANCE ; ' $2 6Q OTHERWISE. • LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, .00TOBER 27th, .1952. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS -I DEiTTIST,; ' " 'Dr. R. L, Treleaven, Lucknow ' Meurer 9--12 A.M. • 1.30--5"' P. M. .-PHONE 53 X•RAY giaraaa TO RENT - Comfortable Frame House. .Appjrto ---.Temple Clarke, e, ''Lucknow, SALE --Ford` Truck, 1926 engine in ood:run ing order,cltea s . : FOR RALE -No 1 MacIntgah ••&n olman Sweet apples, in' bushel has •ets-Apply` at W. G. Andrew's Imp- ' lement Shop; of Ihstalltin On Friday Evening ERRE CLINIC FOIL DIPHTHERIA INOCi1LATION The boa -rd of .health of the visage:. of: Lucknow have arranged,,to hold • •[' :Rebekah and Odd Fellow': Officers !!re' a free clinic in. the• Town Hall. to nn rs David Brough,. Formerly Mias Installed To: Office • For. Persuing oculate children und• ei ; ten! years of Frances Mciver, Died;At Wiarton- , • Term. 'Mrs, ,Ghariee, cook -and Mr. age, against :diphtheria. The board is , °:, Attended Lucknow Continuation Fired • Nixon• -lead' ; Organizations.. ' anxious' that ,every, child • in the, . . 1g - .,. • •vicin Scheel:- ' ' • ' - ' ity should be giventhe benefit :of. .• t 'LucowLodge, No. -12, i:O O:p', ndJewel Rebekah odge were 'in sfY.O, nIt.w:he cmin;term of`nthoiscarogvenwpreventive et.reIamenyt;caonnd :lIthn, W'thieaetopasodThuarysdas.O Doav idr oce• on. l'rday 'eveningw.ek's Sent1n.elfr•t e ate and fu•.rnd. ..;'•:.....; "'•. : Tnor. ,.D.G:, .sdher...io maion ,Wi'.those i crest sider, this oppotuntY 'and -watch next .5ree h 'e., 'beloved vYre;` -mother and • M .Br w as !the dest' da l Mrs Thomas; D D P:'' assisted iiyed" kindla':droUsa lineto ' Joseph Ag- telof Mr.and Mrs? L. C; MacIver. Their ;installing, :office'r's-.• respectively.'. new, Secretary of Board" of Health She was in her .26th- year and was ti --lliorman Janes, P:D.D.:G.3 o thisweek, in order that" the bo ' porn . , arch-co a9=-of- Huron. Kincardine -was . the guest .speaker' ;may 'Nave some idea of the., number After leaving. _Public school • -she .at- l' is for whech "it'`;•is necessar p of the `evening'°'N[r 'Taylor also ad-'"' y do prepare. tended Lucknow High . ,School ' for dressed the gathering as did several, •,Robt. Rae, Chairman, , three, years,where she.' obtained her ILeoC,41. visitingand. localmemberswho were' Board ,of Health .entrance..to 'N.ormal. • •She took •her v •`called upon. normal course' et North Bay. Afte .. Gene% al + . r Rebekah •oi&cers are as follows': V EDDIN .':BELL 7 •teaching for six years at Hill's Lake. Miss.. Thomson of Walkerton spent • . Mrs. 'W'• Hamilton, :J.P:G.; Mrs. • C. __ andion's 'Head she :met and married the week -end with: Mrs. T. Alun. ` Cook,, N. G.; lIrs R. Button; V. G..;• JOHNSTON-WEBSTER • David Brough three 'years ago Mrs.` Dave Hackett Mrs.. Sproul,"Chap.; • Mrs. Clarke; and. has.: since resided .-in • Wiarton. m and' d have Rec.-Sec'y.; : Ann McDonald, Fin.. . On October 22nd,.•the parsonage Of Mrs. Brough'had been under the returned 'froa ,visit' in Lo London. See.; Mrs, F. Nixon, ' Treas.; Mrs. 'It, Lucknow United 'Church' was . the doctor's' care for .a week, but had not . ' There'•s swank. in the •New . Wool`' 'H.: Thompson, R.'S, N. G.; Dorothy scene of the marriage; of Wmnifred been considered seriousl " • illScarfs•' for •Autumn at.. Tem leton's: Cook, L. S. N. G.; Hazel Culbert; t.:;.. Ida, daughter;pf •, Mr and 'Mrs. Jas .Thur • Y . until P _ .. _ . _-- . - ►_ ,• :.... . _ _ _ . Y :.. ursday morning, when she at►ecame- __:_1GIr _ J,--S.-=Macl%enze--and-Edward-• S. V.G:; Mrs..M. C. Orr, R. S. V. G.: V, ebster, ;Ashfield, to. Mr. ,,Edward D..much. -worse 'Awe • .. ' Johnsto a d passed .away that era -on a business tun...6 Michigan Mrs, C. ._Ste2Ward.,.'W. _arden; '..Mrs.•.. H. - ..,q. son_o Mr and Abe; "aate..evening.' . 'Nixon, conductor; Mrs. Agnew, muni- •Mr's. Johnston of Bervie. Rev: S. T Friday afternoon a short service Mr.. W ' F. Bald' public: school in - beth ArabeLle Cameron O. G:' Eliza Tuckei officiated:, sp.ector,' visited the local 'school this •beth MacDonald I. G.;kre. Borne :The -bride was' becomin at hotted, by Rev'. Mr. Mills was held _ ,, 'sly attired at clic , home in 'Wiartoe, kellowin Week,: Belle '- in blue transparent velvet •and carried g " and, Mary Belle McD.'onaltl,,. Scene'_ which the-remains--were• broa ht -to''',' Mlss4ea'n--i?urnin-'-R-1 has `-re- an arm boa g supporters: • • . • Mi quer . •of Ophelia roses.' her home here. -• . ; . . turned to Toronto ,following a •brief I.0 O: F. -officers-forthe terra •ss ' M 1e'_Webster of Wellesley funeral se vic m -ar-e- ,AO ' r e was conducted stay here. as fellows: Alex Sutherland, J. P. G.; attended her .sister as bridesmaid '' Rev: 'Mr.. 'Bur gess: in South Rin- Mr Clayton S bier 'of Toronto acted g Mrs. Charles •MacLean of Winnipeg Fred Nixon, N G.; Campbell Thom - _loss-- chur:.ch•. ,oeLgunda =--af _ :.. -, ._ _ . y.. 'tiff' . _ ,..., _ .. ,. ,. . . `=:~--_'--•.. • :.: _-- ---- .-.. i .-- Y. tgrnoan, has been vision ,, , . son,. `V G.;: , Gordon Johnston, Chap-. as ": groomsman. After the ceremony when a large. number of friends met •. I • g •w th Mrs. G<: .the'briday party returned' to. the home Johnstonn• } lain; •: Kenneth.. Murdie; 1%c: Sec.y.; to pay' their last' tribute. Interment P. C.Taylor, :Tress Wm.Lockhart,• of the brides: parents where Z •sump- •was made, in Kinloss 'Cemetery: Mr. and •Mrs. Percy Aitchison and R.S.N.G.; Harold, •Johnston' L.S.N G.; fib'" ]paves to_ ma'rei' her-loss' her. W `'Catleart'of 'Peterborou iced tuous..wedding dinner wan . served _ ___P _ _ •e}.v And ew Thotnpsori, R.S.V.G.; George Owing to a recent bereavement hn•t 'bus;band, a little"son sixteen, months last week with friends. here.' ' Kennedy, L.S.V.G.; M. C. .Orr. con- •.looms family, only the immediate old, her father, mother, two' sisters Mts., Thomas Smith, Kul:Miss 'Em- ductor; Norman Wilson, ' Warden;m re atives • were 'present.:., Later the oth r \ ma -1 e keyere visitorsTor Eldon Johnston, Inside. •Guard; :Wal happy. couple -deft on:, a short trip," Relatives present from ,a; - distance mite, early last • week. lace' Twarnley, Outside Gear* To* amid showers of `confetti, •and. with ' - - .... were Mr-. David: ;. Brough;'•_Sxz; Mr -- ; the best wishes -of -their Many:`freends; ., . d rM and`Mrs. Charles ' O'ponnell 1•len,ry and -Les _Purkee,--_Seen: yup_._ __ __ ___ ._,_ ercy Brough,-- Mr. -•and Mrs: -Alex- and M' .po'rters:, • the bride travelling --in aiwine crepe. • Miss,,,, Moody of Waterloo ;were f ',dress, with, black•, cent, hat. and ac- Rou$h, Mr. and Mrs. A11an• .Brough, Sunday visitors with `i riends.'.here.- 'I Mr, and Mrs. Robert Brough and Mr. . ' •cessories- to match. On 'their.' return 'CONDITION: MPtOVED- Mr. and Mrs, Archie McDon • 1 - t -and•- Mrs.- Wm Bryan,:. all -of :I ion:•s cad azld they will) reside•.in 'London: - Head. Mr: Thomas Ross; Mr. and Mrs: family' are•at' present at`their father's Mr. W E. •'MacDonald, who for the The .grooms. gift'to; the.:bride was S.'"1VIaeDou all Mrs. R. Jamieson' and residence, north of the C. N. R. station a string of ,pearls,, to : the • bridesmaid g ' past ten days or so has been confined aeon Ronald and.. Miss Marie MacDon New Rubbers ' new rices• to his room suffering from a `heart silver •bracelet,, to...-tlle:-grooin'sman alit* all -of Toronto. Mr. and ,Mrs. -E. - , p , in Mens. 'cuff HOS S and, neck laces,to the:;bride's Chopelle of Charlotte, Mich., Mrs. L.' R omen s • and Children's' Life 'Buoy condition, • which : followed a threat-. • ubbers at W. J. Littlg s -•Shoe Store. ened attack of neunlonia is . steadil three cousins, who served at wed-. p , . Y Severance of . Hastings, Mich.,- Mrs. • ' improving:. ding. dinner, .Misses ..Marjorie and r • Mrs. Joseph Agnew and Lloyd have •Noble anal Mrs... _E Martin,_both.. o£ . -Audrey: Henderson and Miss Edythe ,East n M returne7` honie'.after 'spending the Card of Thanks - Stanley.umnier at their cottage • at Spruce ' Lansi ich. • Mr Brough' four:_.brothers; 'Mr _ dale,- ' 111x,. David Brough•and' the 14facIver. • ' ' FREEMAN - GA.RDNER • W. W .Hill. and MT. Ross McNee were Family wish to gratefully thank their 'he pallbearers; friends and neighbors .for .their kind- •A • pretty . autumn wedding . was ness and, sympathy at , the time of solemnized at high noon on Saturday their recent bereavement. . • in Zion. Church,' Ashfield, when •Cath- .erine Eva, eldest •daughter of Mr. and' Card Of • Thanks Mrs. • W. T., Gardner; Zion, became The family of the llate Mrs.- Mary the . bride • of Joseph • Bannister, son A. Johnston acknowledge, with -gratis: of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Freeman of tude•the .many acts of kindness and Colborne. The ce'rem-ony '-was per oung V iff' And Mother Passes FOR • SALE -Pure Breld O A C Cockerels at $100;'for next two weeks Harvey• D, Anderson, R., 7; Lucknow 'Phone; Dungannon 77-r..12. WOOD FOR SALE Good grade of . mixed ;wood 16" long. $240 per cord: delivered. Signed 'The Lucknow Table ,Co.; Ltd: -••' POSTPONED SALE • Inclement weather required .. the postponement of the sale ofcattle. on -.Wednesday. • .Twenty tie head_:. •of. Calves..and. • Cows will be "sold at;Vie •__Agricultural-Sheds.--•gn Saturday; ,-Oct: 29th, . ;at L30. Absolutely nor eserve." MATTRESSES Special prices .' on •renn'aking your old felt math eases like.. new At _small cost, $4.50; including .new cover. Feather .beds cloned .and made_inte Sanitary 10 rod mattre'ases, $3.50 • . delivered. -` • •• . Our Agent Will Call, n where = tt 3s - .Co., _ ]©[oaein• easier actress C. P. O. Box. '379, Goderich: MORTGAGE SALE ' UNf`ER AND BY VIRTUUE.._.of_tlle_ 1 owers of ':Sale contained in a certain mortgage. which will be .produced at ' the time, of sale,'there, will be offered for sale=by .-rnu_, _._NT , EOR• :4uc= tioneer.: at PUBLIC. AUCTION, • on Monday. the Seventh '.day of ••,Novem- ber. 1932; at the "hour_of two o'clock -in`-the. afterngon; at'•` the farm- "of Donald Thompson. R. R. No,6, Luck - now:, Ontario. the follovd'ing,preperty,. enamel;.-- - _. - --- - The Bread of Health HoVIS The Bread of Health OUR MOTTO IS (Obit 'AND SERVICE • THRIFT(. IS" COMMON SENSE" APPLIED TO SPENDING: :FOR EVERY PENNY SPENT .ON, YOUR TABLE, 'BREAD- GGIVESS, •., YOU -BIGGESTFOOD VALUE. ' _ RICHF •UI , .kl . CAKE 2 .lbs. 35.c. .,P;UF '. PASTRIES • - ' COFFE CAKES TEA. BISCUITS . •* RAS/MERRY ,, • -TARTLETS •a RAISIN BREAD OATMEAL COOKIES ' H'OLLYMAN's : ,• UA ITY.: B • t -A. KERY tl .UCkrl10W • ALL AND .SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel, or tract :of :land:,and. •pre- mi-ses. situate, lying and being in the• Township -of .Huron. in the County of Bruce. and being coinpo'sed of Lot -Five in ;the Third 'Concession of the said •-Township, containing by ad -- measurement One ' Hundred. Acres, more or less: On the said farm there is said to be be erected a dwelling house with suitable • •farn-Buildings The lands Will be sold subject to a reserve. bid. • • ' •- TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase inoney'to ' be • paid down at the time of safe mid 'the balance .within.`'thii ty....days: ' For further 'par'ticulars and con- ditions of sale.: apply tq • Harry W.• Page, East Block; Parti. liament Bldgs.. Toronto, Ont.: Solicitor to the Mortgagee. • Dated at Toronto this Eleventh day" New Flotation' -Of . - Government . Bonds Bonds To 'Be Placed On Market Be- -low Par- On- -October 31st=$80- 000,000 Is Objective. . •' ~ ichThe price at . which gbvermnent will offer its bonds next week would seem 'to assure •'their 'popularity. • It is too early to 'forecast the exact yield ' which the bonds will provide , for those Who'ltilize this the safest form of saving. But it is certain that the bonds will be placed on the mark- et below par: In essence this means that the in- dividual Will be able to buy at sev- eral points under $100 an article for which the Dominion will. later repay. the $100 in full. Thus, those -who place their savings in the issue will have whatamounts to :a' guaranteed increase in theircapital, amounting • to well over -.•5 per cent, in addition ' to the annual interest which the Do- minion will,pay to the holders of the bonds. • , Among investments available to the Canadian investor, the security of the bonds of the Dominion Govern- ment is, unique. It is based on the -taxing power of the state on the en• tire property in the Dominion. Behind the bonds is the great',wealth, both .tturalH-and man=made, of the Do- minion. • The security is thus fixed. It is not, dependent on the sliccessof ally:' One industry or institution the d, < , "rice P of any commodity, or the profits of one .process. It is backed by the stiin .total,,of; all the assets in the country;. individual birsineases Maycome- and .c,. go; irolterty values` mayy ifluctuate or become eoiiipletely Smelt; but the pational Credit `xsmalns,. expressions--of-sympathy-by= die ds and neighbors during their recent bereavement. armed 11 ev: amp a venor, pastor of Ashfield circuit, before an altar, beautifully _decorated by it her friends, d HALLOWE'EN- .DANCE fen s.. The i bride. terho entered • the Arthur's Radio Orchestra, 5 pieces 'church on the arm of her father, to Will play fir the Hallowe'en 'dance the strains of the wedding march; in the Carnegie -Hall, Lucknow,- " on played by Miss Ada Helm; was becom= 'Monday; -October 3 -1st. -Couples, 40c,; singly attired in a gown of wine got - plus tax. •Extra Lady 25c. • • gette and lace witth wreath of orange • rte._. • blossoms in cher hair. She carried a' ASSAULT IS 'CHARGED Get your. Men's long Ru'ber Boots, Life. Buoy, the. best Rubber ' Boot rade sk W. J. Little •s Shoe Store. DIED IN 3HESSALON- dainty shower. bouquet. Miss Beryl BY MALCOLM' BEATON Gardner, as .bride's maid, wore a pale green silk •chiffon -• -- gown and carried Seaforth Butcher, Former Ashfield a bouquet of_ garden _flowers. The Farmer, Assaulted When He groom was attended . by 'his friend, Sought Payment Of An Ateouaht. Mr: Alvin . Ritchie of Teeswater.. At - • the conclusion' of the 'ceremony, the. Beaten Brutally when he went to pastor, on behalf of the'trustee board Wed - cadet a debt on September 28th, 'marked the occasion of the first wed - last, was the experience of Malcolm held in 'Zion church, by present - last, the bridal couple with a hand- •Beaton, of Seaforth, a former Ash- some Bible: During the signing. of field farmer who lived on the bound the register, Miss Edna Ritchie sang ary, west, as related in court in. that `tPerfect Love". town last week. It is alleged that Following the ceremony, the guests Joseph Ryan, McKillop township, was • numlyering about forty, repaired • to responsible. Ryan is charged with as- sault 'causing grievous bodily Karin the home : of the bride's parents, and .elected trial by judge and jury. where a wedding dinner " was' served. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman left by The case was heard • by Magistrate motor for a honeymoon tri to Stra- Reid.• p In bis evidence, Mr. atozi said -hroy, London--andParkhill; -the-bride travelling n . a' brown ensemble, with accessories to match. On their• return they -will reside on the groom's farm in Colborne township.• - • REPORTREPORT'INFECTIOUS ' DISEASE S- • In view of, the present` extensive epidemic of measles. lhe board of. health wishes to dreV the attention of the public to the.' necessity of re- porting all cases to your doctor in order that the board niav know the extent of the epid hic when report- ing to the Department at Toronto, and also that whatever measures are pOssible,,ay be taken to control the epidemic: The Board earnestly de- sires your ep-operation in reporting all infectious diseases.• Robt. Rae4 • Chairman, • Board of Health the assault was. coinmieted',by Ryan in the presence of the latter's bro- thers, Thomas and Jack. When `he approached Thomas for a' payment owing on a tractor add a meat bill, an argument started, and he was 'slugged over the head With a chain by Joseph Ryan aged 24, knocked to the ground and Weltedin the mouth. Dr. • II. IL Ross; who attended -"Mr. Beaton described, a head wound which required.fotir stitches to close and .a lacerated upper lip,, among other in- juries. - The sce " e • of -the1 a leged . assault was in the • :yin barnyard. Mr. Bea- ton, weak and bleeding, told how he managed' to crawl' to hia atttdnsobi1e and Make a gateway; -. A Temple Clarke •received, word Mon- day of the death of his eldest -sister, Mrs. Andrew- Kerr of Thessalon. Mrs. Kerr was in her 84th year. She was corn in $carboro Yorkshire, England, and •came to, Canada with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Clarke, at the' agt of silt years, settling in Auburn. En 1872 she married . Andrew Kerr of Wingham: Some nine years later they moved to Thessalon. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Kerr •celebrated their diamond wedding in May of• this year. Besides ,er husband, she is survived by.five sons and five_,• daughters, also • two sisters, Mrs. Thos. Turnbull; Grand Bend' -and Mrs. 1J. 'Jamieson of Michi-' gan' and two. brothers, . Oliver Clarke, Goderich and Temple Clarke, Luck - now. • L., For infants knitted • garments buy Vuj:ella knitting yarn guaranteed' un - shrinkable in cream only at TEMPLETON'S. JOYNT TROPHY GOES, • BACK TO STRATFORD - The- Joynt Trophy, ;won at the an- nual rinks tournament herein' 'Aug- ust by a Seaforth rink, skipped by Ross Sproat, . now ' lies in :Stratford yeing u -on by a rink from that city composed of Fred, Killer, Joe Rodgers, A Burnham 'and 'skiP1eby d A: E. Millson. This rink challenged the Sea- fo'rtlih quartette whom they defeated by a '21- 7 score. Mr. Millson's rink won the trophy a year ago and sev- eral attempts . were made by Lucknow Bowlers to life the cup that .fall, but the final result wasthat it remained in. the possession of the Stratford rink. ' • • 'NMI/ fancy Yarns and 'WWaols, ew Knitting Yarns. New 'Low Prices. .'T'HE MARKET 8''o FI ° Mr..and'. Mrs. Nelson Winterstein and daughter ' Ruth • of Ridgetown, 'were visitors .last week atthe home of Mrs. John "Britton.. •,' The C. N. R. is running a Bargain Coach Excursion froni'Loiidon to Chicago on : Noven ber 11th, the,•xe- turn_fare_ being $6.00.: - -- '-TSe loal-arairiat a society presen- ted their play "Yimmie: Yonson',s Yob" to "a fair -crowd in- Ripley on Friday evening. Several._places to be, played are being booked' up and on Tuesday night the troup goes to Kin= cardine.•, • • • Three' car loads of ' young people: from the United Church °attended the Presbytery' Y. P. S. Rally held in Paisley on , Wednesday last. ' At the evening session- the speakers were- Rev.. E. T..«Scragg, ..president- of -the_ Alberta Conference and Rev. Dr. Ross of Henan, China. WILLIAM H. CARR A ' FOUND DEAD IN HOME Was'Pormer West: Wawa°nosh Town- ship, Cd'iincillor-Funeral Was On . Saturday. . • ' . The funeral of William Henry Carr 67 years of age, whose sudden death oaourred on Thursday„ was held in the Presbyterian Church, Dungannon on S'aturday:afternoon at. 2,00 o'clock.. Interment was in Dungannon ceme-' tery. The service was conducted. iy Rev;. C. H. MacDonald.' - m• Mr. Carr, a former •cauncillof, of West Wawanosh, and a Hien well- known in the To whship, was discov- ered dead,an his died,by his wife, at. ter he had failed to respond to her cull in the morning. Mr. Carr was - beim at W'ingham and was married to Mis Eliza•Johnston • also of i W ng- ham.Over .25 years ago they g Y settled tled in West Wawanosh a short distance west of Dungannon. ° • Besides :his sorreein .g widow h `s 1 ei survived .by two sons, Edgar and i`fairy and three :'• daughters; Mrs, Lloyd McWhinney; coin. ,2, lAshneld, and Iva' and Irene at home,. as -well ad ._ three slaters 'brothersInt"and Your. Eyes and Our ,rvice BY F. T. ARMSTRONG • . Lucknow ' STUDENTS,. BOOK-KEEPERS Steady readers and 'others wlreo_ from _clhoiceior__necessity--overwork their 'eyes' are headed for trouble. The strongest,: most .;'perfect eyes need SOME rest. • And as Most eyes are far from perfect, THESE. need ,more . than -.rest.' What --they, DO need only an examination will tell. Waiting to help you if you -need help: Centinued next -week --- 1 asquerade: 1:0iy'rOQd ilOTownship= Hall. Friday :.Night October e 24th• Starlight Entertainers' Orchestra New Flannels, New •Flannelettes, New Flette°Blankets, New Low Prices l'HE MARKET STORE. :BORN • STANLEY -In the . Township of• Kinloss, on 'Thursday;'.October 13th, to Mr. and Mrs: Sam. Stanley, a daughter. - Listowel on Saturday, October 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs: Frank Tyler, a daughter Gwendolyn -Jean. REID-In Victoria Illospital; . Lon- don, on Thursday, October 20th, to • Mr: and Mrs. Jack Reid, a•daughter, '. Helen ' Isobel. . . >SHEANE ,.AC Kincardine:..Hospital=,- - on' , October 12th, • to Mr. and 'Mr. Wilbert Sheane, Kinloss, (nee Mary McKenzie), a' son. • -, -. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES r Anniversary services will be held'in the Lucknow :gaited. itited. Church, on Suw. day, November `th, with Rev. S. T. Tucker conducting both services at 11 and 7.• The men's choir in the.., morning and the .regular choir' at the evening service will furnish spe- cial music,. A fowl supper •will be 'served' in the ,basement of the church by the ladies of the -congregation On' the Monday following. Supper • from ,6• to 8. Admission 40c; those under 12 years,. 25c. • Bargains in Sweaters. Men's, Me - :lien's and Childreft's "Sweaters: "A1I kinds, all colors, all Bargains. THE - MARKET STORE t • • RECOVERING FROM PNEUMONIA Friends of Mrs. Gordon, who at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. A11•in has been 'seriously' , r ously' ill with .. pneumonia, will be pleased to know that her condition is, much improved. , Her son • Hu ptley and ah Mrs. O'er • daughter, - M 's Bri eti were called here dile teller illness, the • former returning the fist • of the week, while .11irs. O'Brien is remaining for a few days v longer, • •