The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-10, Page 3art -t , ..• .• • ett 6 • • r••,,•fy41'..ir".• . „,. , • • . ",lohn and: Mary and ' "Ilommy," a. book. of, verse ter, children' by Lady Eleanor McLaren, Browe, and which is just being brought Out in this country, will deservedly attain and held -4 Very diati•nct place for- .7 . . itself in 'tile affection Of Canadian' children of 'all ages from coast to 'coast. • The book is published in -Canada by the' Oxford University • • 'Press,. Toronto. . • . ' • The book • is the story John, age -eight, Mary, almost six,•• and Tommy two °three Canadian children, 'and how they ;spent a summer holiday in • England. The voyage across the broad Atlaiitie, the 'de- ,• lights • and wonders of London, and the gallant, adventures enjOyed • during a- montlfe stay by the sea at,Ileve, are all described in delight- tul , verse Written in easy story form. • • 7 ". '.Eleanor, McLaren. Brown, authoress of this entertaining new work - is 'Lady M.cLaren.BroWn, the brilliant •wife, of Sir 'George McLaren • 'Brown, European General Manager , of • the •Canadian Pacific RailWay:;-,. and the book; apart from its lively Message to children everywhere Is a further feature of the patriotic and Imperial work Lady McLaren . • Brown is• Continually, engaged in towards the closer and kindlier 'ilia- . ' • tions4ipe of Canada .with the Motherland. The illustration show. the.- . '4uthoress, and a few of ,the sixty delightfel drawing% by that adinir... . . . • able 'artist, P:''A. Staynes. London's. Own "Mounties" Mounted policemen are now being ' ber Qt points in the West End of Lon- : don. -They have an advantage over the ordinary` Constable at', this 'job,be cause their teat.. on horseback giVes %them a greater ,range of visiOn. The horses of London's mounted.pe- licetnen are among the Most highly trained in the world, and those on fret.. fle duty are so good 'at their job that their riders can drop the reins. and ime both arms for signalling. London "mountiee' on horseback makes an 'impressive figure, and you will often see one ,at the head of an oificial-fprocession. 'The. funeral -col,. of.- the -late Lord Plutner, .-for in- litance, was led by a policeman on a' White horse. His 'presence in this"po- •. salmi in .what was ,essentially a sold- ier's procession was, to mark that the Civil authbrities were in' control. • •- Kangaroos Replace. - Pekinese. As Pets - London, Eng.—Kangaroos are' the latest:pets in Mayfair drawing roons. 'Society women are replacieg"Peldn-. ese dogs ',with docile, baby kangar- oos,. some two feet high. Except for an occasional flying leap over the tea table, they are said • to be yll-be. hayed. ' There is also 'a momentary craze -for orecodiles, which are kept -in-4 -glass-tank. in, the drawingiroCkm until they reach a length of two feet or so. • it 13 'Made b8 Canada° seennew . • 411:the right anti -acid offsets the harm otherwise done by -excessive eating, cirinkineand constant smoking, anything causig all'acid condition, When, "sunk" 'from auCh indulgences, PhilliPs' BM of ttagne,sia will always straighten you out A joy and comfort to heart..sat,era, constant smokers. Get the genuine; substitutes ace,t set thei"�. ALSO IN TABLIT rows Phillip.° of Viagnesis Il'iblebt- are 110W en, tole at drug 'ford evel7whark Each tiny tabled is the egnivalent-tof teaspoonfdi of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. • • ' OUR ,CROSS-WORP PUZZLE 3 16 111 18 • ar:1111 24, 14 9 25 2. 3 r. (3, 8, •53, Horizonta.I' .1--Danee 4-7Steall seed. 9 --Mineral spring 12—Number ' • 13—Assessed. 14—To Cut 15 -7 -Raillery 177-Tadisregercl 19—Cap ,, • . , '20—Struck with knee 21—,Sacred 2.3 --.To consider. . '24—Mine entrance 27-:-'78ome 28—Boy 29—Fashion . 30Chinese :weight 31—Front''. •'38 --Cozy 29—EyR- • 40—Foxes " •41-•41.e.Ye boisterously 431Iawaiian. Ish' 44—Part of circle 46,--Kind•of , meter 49-7Siek ,"5—T'� throw '527 -Card game 53—To piece "54 -4 -•.,..Sole • • , I Vertical 36—Encore • 1672 ----To i.e .aniinals7 20—ColioqUial: child 21.---passagewaye 22 --Vegetable 33 --Pale , ' • 25-HStork, of Trek • 26--Ca.ree dwellings • 28—Resin 29—Mournful 31—Strength: 32 -Trap • 3b—To murmur name 3—Softly • 4—Stair '5-Equelity- 6-Bovine animal WFuel• , 4 7—Guiding lines • 33—Within • 8=7Margin • • 3'4: ---Science of reasoning 9--7-Inferier material -36--Offer 10—Through ' • 37—Obese • 11-7Respect, 37—Frailty • , 3,9—To relieve 40—Male cat 42—Plateau ' :43 --Messenger • 44—Cube " '7 • 45—Antlered animal 41 . • 46-otel • • 47—Electrified, particle 48—Fish. 51.4--Butterlly • • Irifected Rabbits 'Grub s . Do' Not, Affect- Eating Qnalities, However; Airtholity—t7— "At this time of the,der when the rabbit season •-iropen, ,-"Eunters fre- quently find their game''infested with small white- grubs in the body, aronnd the intestines and in the loose space under the skin. Such animals are - usually thrown away as, sick . or 'grubby.' This. pradtice -represents a Waste -of good food and should be cor- rdcted," says Dr.,,,,Tuatus 1'1; Mueller, Assistant Professor of Forest Zoology t the. New. York State College of For- estry, Syracuse, N.Y. , "These grubs have the form of whit- _ish, transincen; llttle vesicles -.or blad- ders, whence they get the More exact - technical name of 'bladder worms.' I If a rabbit harboring these grubs is eaten, by a dog, or fox the grubs ma- ture_in the latter•animal and establish a permanent infection iii this second host. But they are a. relatively harm., less parasite, and cause their host no' evident injury or discemfert. It has been experimentally ‚,and conclusively -established that these grubs ere barin- less to &11-4-mther auitualS • lwthidiug Man," advides Dr. Mueller. "Rabbits should not be discarded because of any fancied danger' lying in such.. grubs. The. flesh of the rabbit.' should be cleaned in the ordinary fashion Lindh; feetiettrAlfeltild-paTatable:-.---- "A'disease,,, however, of danger to man has been traCed,to rabbits," safe, ;Dr; Mueller.. "This Is the fel\er knOwn- aS„ tularemia.. The disease is 'con- tracted' iiPt throxigheiting, lnfecled rabbits hut tliroug:h cuts' or . scratches instained --In-cleaning and -dr•essing them. The liver of a rabbit: with. tul- aremie is someWhat enlarged and ie speckled with whittish (lets. Any rab- •bits which appear weak or sick before. shooting should he regarded Withsius- picion, There is little likelihoodi.f its 'occurrence- this far north, but it, is wise be on guard against it. 11 a rabbit has been opened and its liver found to be suspicious, it should .he discarded at once and the hands care - 'fully sterilized.", Would "Fertilize' Fish Ponds Tests made by fisheries, research scientists working milder Canadian authorities have indicated that water may be "fertilized" in such a way as to greatly increase the plant and ani- mal life. „ : • ..: Last year' ' Production,of 'whitefish. frexii Canada's inland fisheries -totalled -Irearly—IVIStp110 pountis. -.-The -catch had & marketed value of about $1,445,- 000. • 6 • .1) 0 yoy KnQw? . ;:aatettrarcergregtraMeMItegratercarzeseergarea: • :4 • . . • • *.•:•* i•";•••• rroA"'"4,......• • • • wHo wEIGIIED!6 Tells How -She Took 50 lbs; -Off AND IMPROVED HER compaxioN04. Are you ^the' young lady of whom* people are 'remarking, "How she is flhling out!"? .(Tbat'e a good-natured way 'of saying "getting tat.") If fat •isi slyly and Stealthily your youthful figure, Yen should grapple with it at once. At 20years of age this. :girl was, in its "toile: geed llow, she unburdened her young body 0! 50 SuPerfineus pound's.:. , . • "About 12 ',months age, I. was• 604- aiderably overweight, being on, the small side and Weighing 'nearly.'14 .14...at. 20 'Years ef. age.: 'I' was, else. trolibIed, With AleadaclieS and pains In the: emelt of 'nly baekl, heaviness on •;riping.•witit.' ,vity,eepf • COMplexten which,:hrke out illSeete,"ey90,',gp::of...: ten .'Sincetaking :these.,cexiditl'ens.'have•diSappeare$•'t.T have new. gOne • de wn: *eight, being 140 lbs., have a .lovely' corn- eise,-ln-the-niorning—with- no lteeviness,.whateVer."—(Miss) • .The formula �T kifiSchen.represente the .residual, salts . of 'those .fenions. European Spas whose waters, have been 'taken from time immemorial for excess fat.. hese salts ensure d' per- fectly natural ,clearance 9f undigested • • food .subStances ?and- • all excessive, .• , watery. ; waste I matter, When this ,•;' wastage is allowed te,,aceumulate, the )ody s chinisty is .ilable to ,,130, •up Out!of the way in the forilsinf. tsse OngoKrilSelleii,gets•inte • • tieff a.V.4y• frein';Aur anklbs andr calve's; -.Yolir double 'chin commences to vanish,: hine,becolne 'slender; _ lose loolishlikethat, but .efinost fore yen' realize it pound by pound di s- . apPears--uniii ,"you ,have the fashionable 'figure you have always •sired. • Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at '45c. and 75c. per bot • ANSW,FR TO' LAST, WEEK'S • N 0 T-PROLS• RAN I. R E EERIE E:G 0 L A AP LE KeoP Bp, :0P P. E. R 3. 0i 0, P.4 O •O'S T F N M N 0 AR E LE G A Z E A 3 /so T 'T R 0 ley II N OR a GR 0 L APPENDMONAGER, LEA OAROL,'AYE AD- ENENY''' GET — . Akins and the League • By 3. Raniiky MacDonald' . The National Government., .-cannoe think of Europe and the world without the Leggne Of $ations.. e .stand...by the League,,we stand by the' covenant of theLeague. -V,e want 'e disarmament ccinfer- ence to deliver fsoroething well and -truly, laid whleh--w-ilI-notheeome some- thing belonging Merely:to ,the primal moral coinage otthe werd: I Want a •disarmament which will 'be a real' con- tribution to the present problem'of es- tablishing peace. I am.-net•sure Wre have .not. perhaps played thepert of peacemaker a little -too longi' but I would rather be blamed for that •than for precipitating a situa- tion whidh would make an agre'ement impossible. The keynote of "bur Policy is not rearmament but disarmannt.• YOUR LIVER' MAKING YOU FEEL' OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depreed sour on the world, tbat'e your liver which lan t pouring its glaily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion_and elimination are being slowed, up, food is adeumulatiag sad deettying inside -7-you-and making you feet wretched., p...besieL,mcntera_likaaelta,, omintral water, laxative candy %Br obenruig gum, or roeghage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carterlt Little Liver Pille ie the beet one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sure. Ask for them by made. ,Refuse substitutea. 25e. at all druggiste. 32 That one, of the' few advaneing. glaciers left, in NOttli America is this One that. writers salarge section of the northern slope of, Montt Robsor4 British Columbia.? It is known as the Tumbling Glacier be- cause large bergs periodically break oft from th.e toe of the glacier and . erash into the -lake in the foreground.- One- Of these is :seen floating- ----- • in the lakd. The lake is formed entirely by, the Melting snow Ind les and it is one of the feeders of the Franei • . • •••*.,;•••••••,!„,.. • COLDS Head Colds: Hear Minard's . • and inhale it. Chest' Colds . and Sore Throats Heat, then .•7* --rtib well -into-affetted,partw- , , Real relief, . . quickly if Classifiecl_Advertising_ AN OFFER TO 'EVERY INVENTS) .List of wanted inventiond. and r Ull information sent free.; The Ramsay Co..__ ' any. World Patent Attorneys 373 Banlg Street. Ottawa,- Canada... ' • AMEDIES FOR ALL..loKNESsES., Wilte Mrs. Anna Penner. 308 Burnst St.. Winnipeg, Man, P, FILLETS, YEARLING' HENS vii cockerels, Barred Rocks, Waite Rockk, Wyandoltek and Leghorns. J.. Titreddle,, Fergus, Ont. ' , ANY FORMUL.4;-$1.0C EACH. WRIT Midlanci Laboratory., .308 Burns Winnipeg, Man.. FEMALE 7iIE;.P WANTED. • 4 • 4, . 4 LWANTED' to LIGHT • sewing at home.; good wor Sent charges paid. National Marinfac. ,•,- - • - • *' GROW .-MUSFIROOMS r, • •,. • • .1WW-$111115-iTPNOXITrig— LY groWirtg mUshrobrns'in Your cellar. or outbuilding. We IPuy. Write for' • -free .booklet. 'Pioneer Mushroo.:. Co., • . 32 Orchard, View Blvd., Toronto, • ,U F. ACIURER bas a few openings for local repre-• sentatives. Real opportunity -to make money and to set you up in your own business. Write for particulars. Manager,Delit.30,r0210 2249"Kongo Street, w .,e'drea:t.,•inen are they who see that spiritual is stronger than anyniaterial force."—R,. W. Emerson ' • -••,r• • • ' . ••44"- •‘. ". 't • CfiecicsiCi and: soothed'with •V amin-i�h. Look for the, Name Di! PLUMB'S PERFECT PIPE The nomo- is stamped on the bowl of every , genuine Dr. Pluinba, • Pipe and the word - "PLUMB' irimprest- ed In white on the rubber mouthpiece.' •BEWARE OF . IMITATIONS ' Many diffirenf ma& ipla "to. choose from. ModelNp. 197 f Norwega1,77:' Cod 1.136ilds Re§4toitct, - - •1 CERTAINTYr'COMFORTi OVOGT r‘ tiEALTI SAKE BE kE6ULAR DONITAKEN A GUARANTEED REGULATOR A BSOLUTELY HARMLESS NO NAUSEOUS MEDICINES 'EASILY USED' 00 Mentreat OM". ISSUE No. 4--234 5. •,' 111 40,,fICIENT POC SPVIRAL rcervortIvrs fi rMf*ASP 8.tepapirm g.4.513) er,orterto,s,..„,, • t* AI DYSMENORRHOEA AMENORRHOEA WALTANNE REIVIEDIES. DPT. W. 2 College St. -3Toronto Ont. NERVOUS WOMEN • Take Lydia:E. ', • -Vegetable Compound "LA nettotie it iseetiid ag eolith hhogild fly". . "My ittiEtes tee vill oil • edge" 4 to "I Wish t •itgeri . how often hater 'we heard, thedti ,ataeloi, shins ttOtergoitte wOinsiti tiecOgkko �� Wed tad tign-daigh tl*t her dery tiggt 110' Itittitt �taitd the NO gibigwiti ShOggid Mid* N beteg to' ' hdilleitet trit!td, stitehlitoh,eoottliatito4 eenLdln 4L.,. bane, yegetubie .comenuan oi teat. ro itoittkaioyttitftitititionhi* tigkeit MI • *Ohdettut tot& to' es theta renewed . 98, out at 0460 110 *Orden ,who .t• t� a* thatthey,ata haaedted hy Bey a bottle trem:Yon,„ • giet today. . ifid Weed" the er • ...,,V•atarairea aa•akaw.w.