The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-08, Page 8*7117, T -I 191 It HURSDA +. •Moero : a 4t. 1`t 490,- BRACT 9�. • ,.. - FARCE R'"4TH 11HISIC�, Lloyt tethaerby :,= 'Directoi rOctober T>lghts Carnegie ' ' Hall BENEFIT: ; THE •'LUCKNOW CITIZEb1S.' BAND 'J Georgemis Costumers; ' •• HeM andsogn est; Two Nights . ' Siia Chores e py P f. u' '.iii ►rria e i ;°Di_s tr s ':; ooteiligr a 10. -ugh from curtain _t f -cur ain„a'nd will .rive to lie >l . ; . •e� . #� ;hes fan #s: hit:.. RESERVE THESENIGHTS .AND HELP THE BAND ..'CH' or FURTHER ADVERTISING; •POPULAR; ;PRICLS2-SAT , f EITISING, Is lea P. COME TO 'WINGHAM Saturday, Oct; --t0:; WIN:GHAM'S' BIG FAIR 'DAY' SEE QUR SPEoiAL, Elt•HItB• , ` IT" 411 - r`fAI] G'ROUDS�--" • BUILDING• ... WHIT= Oi7R-=S�i'URE =where. Wither-�,axe.:;S�iie=dna __� ya�of-aU:- that's new SMART COATS DRESSES HATS and. FINE FURS •' MEN'S' YOTITHS .AND, YOU MEW'S.'_. Clothing . and .Furnishings WINGHAM • 1 •S.a 'Rev•t, ?l, Craw Fortdaeted ,' Elie: morning ;eqr ee in Kincardine'",l mite{' Church last Sunday on • account of the, absence of jus son, Rev. Walteir kE draw Rey A, W. Craw of T'Qiento, Preached' ani the ; 'evening' -at Kincar- dine, Ssicramental Service • The Sacrament, :of the Lord's ,t Per , will be, .dispensed neat Suncl{y `at the morning seriiice •.in the 'United Church, Preparatory service on.. Friday eV* ening at 8 o'clock, when • Rev. .A W. Craw of :Toronto will • be expecte' to Breach, -'and alao at the following' Sunday , evening. 'service:, ST.. HEL.E lS;./ ." -Anniversary, S@rvices rt,./. • . - fiery-=su cessfut nniversar-y--=se ..vices were held in the United church on Sunday,' when 'Rev W. P. Lane of Seaforth, the . special' speaker for the day, -delivered-inspiring.'sermons both 'horning and evening to large congregations. The 'church was; at-' tractively.decorated for the occasion, with .;fall :flowers.: Special iausie _ -gas. United 'Church' des' i ed Lookou :- Eskimo women as ci'tb On Monday ,evening the . t several Esk, m � Co i mittee ,prepared the program for Y $ In the absenee'ofttlih president. and Vice pres = ' rthur Andrew, e Q copied;tlit�.` chair :'::After •the :leen .in g, ex , -M ercises;. iss- -Martlie. maeJallum' read the scripture lesson. The musical• numbers an instrumental duet` by - Winifred• Armstrong and Jessi'e',Mac Kenzie - an d -a -vocal duet .by' . Florence rdac on' °lits ownr'esponsibilit'y; tnk= M01./ E SAVES. • 1.E SkV • WOMAN Strange Story of Religious V.ana- ticism i>} Far North In Which A =kfitiLucknow • Boy Figures. The following article was taken from the London Advertiser and will be of speeial interest: in this commun. :ity in view of the fact that the ".Mountie" mentioned was Corporal Finlay. McInnis, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McInnis of town, and who is expected to visit iiia .parents __bele shortly: Halifax, .Sept. 30 -How a 'Royal_ Canadian ,Mounted. Police corporal. travelled 500 miles.. by dogsled and. arrived "at his destination} jus t In time'. to .:prevent the' stoning'to .d'eeth • of {excellen'tly rendered in the Morning by the" St. Helens choir i and 'in the. evening -several -splendid --numbers 11V, I'ort'er; Halifax Herald stili'` Writer, who made the trip north this' year on tyle ,government supply shin '83 o •h`c` and beard"t'e•'.s tor.. at- Pert. Burrvell..ti . , �� c. ' Some'two years ago: an. hskinio known_ 'as .Miller, ,who had become :oriverted . to Christianity; "began to Hodgins and Peggy MacDonald .were much 'appreciated-:. ' A `reading was. given. by Frances Thompson.: A fea- tore Qf the.`prograilf was a geography' match -!captained•; . by 'Mr:.7.' -01arence- Greer --and-Miss ' Olive Alton. Miss AltonFa. side was victorious. After, discussion it was decided .to., omit next week's meeting: The closing hymn and prayer by Rev.„Craw Craw con- cluded the Meeting., :,Sunshine . Mission Band The Band met in thebasement azure hysterical. They read the Bible • . of -. eve sed' the the United -Church on - Monday. -Oct . iosely, but practically r er. nearing of its injunctions: i a 'ly 5th; with:a fair attendance.. The meet'' ing opened •by singing hyren No. 413 after which the Lord's prayer was repeated in niispn. The scripture reading was .given-by''Hilda' Twamley, and temperance' readings were' given 'ng as his circuit Leaf River and port Minn) in VJngava district. He con- :eived the idea that',,)iis .flock must vear on their clothing all sorts of .2tecoratiens, mostly-, -running tostars, squares' and circles, ; and that he. as. '.eader, must adopt flowing robes • and urbane. Marching service With flags en '!ong staffs and other procedures were. I' added to the 'ritual,' "'until .the natives ast winter bad becgme :, more and they felt they had been literally tom - :nianded..2by;' Gad, to ,stone._ .all' .barren.. a women: zone of the husbands of the women :;elected for the stoning mad -0' the :ourn over snow and ice to .Port =by -'Doris Ritch 6'.7iin4=Ted $u5w-e11- • Burwe I for assistance. On the day orf - IiflBIIIILIYNIIIIisio f10 Illhlllllu•lllllE911111 1oltoollip(IIIWINIIII$IIIIIIIIiUopIIIIIifIdII NIiiIipoofa +3t : N The S&cret• of Foot Comfort IipMNtiligai iIIWSias riuem ®. is Proper Fitting= ' We have many: styles anci:.wi4ths f On AAA to EEE Thee MURRAY HEEL HUGGER line of• shoes includes'specially constructed styles that give j comfort and support to the arch of the foot.' The rubber season is here, get ' w rubber'footwear. v,�ur.prices�;on ._ Q i 11 ec EPAIR' DEPA$TM 1V T,. �, ; for Satisfactory iry Work Try our R E 2, h I i III 11 I,IIIIIWIIIIIMIII!IMUIIIII�IIIIt MYWIIIBIIII1II ..:� :•I II III 'III®III1 I,i101lIIUIIWIIIiil�) ll®Wl�iulllllilll►Allul_ II1111tJ1.91Ulglll�lll �. IU�I._ .., ... .. .: ,,_ .V IIIi►Iilll!$ I $UGI . fM.. ' ,_ ..; ,.,. � .._ .. , �' r • w .. ,. uIRLS `WIN BASKETBALL " BOYS *ilk -HARDBALL Ripley . Continuation; . Scliool , held ',heir annual•' field day op Friday .;of ast week, which wee concluded with tall: games, :with'. the girls'' basket - all and, the boys'' hardball team of. Lucknow' Continuation:, • School pro. Ming the. opposition. • Both events ..result_e_d in wins fors;t re'• legal, tearn.4- who were in charge of Miss. Alton, and Mir. Johnston.ma • .The basket 'ball_ gae` Was decid- edvictory. •for, the girls by a score of 18.- 2.: : Ripley. --Martha Robertson, 1(2), R. f.; Ede Lawrence, L.f.; . Frances. Montgomery, J.c.; ' Margaret MacLay Rx.; Alice"Robertson,, L:g. 'Etta LaneR.g. , Lucknow-Frances; 'Thompson : (16) R.f.; Winnifred ` Johnston,•(2), _Isabel. lVleMiilan,..„J.c4f_ inilrerL;Ar n,.. strong, R.c.; Katherine McDonald,' L:g.; 4,essie McKenzie, R.g., `B `the aseball' •Gallie . A pleasing piano • solo 'was. rendered•: his arrival 'Corporal F. •,1VIcinnis• left ° teen' Jll er .0�9 miles d-�- 4r -Leaf ' 3t. , - . - . n , . s°r►; ailcey •+ :Thom'hsen-el eat Lucknow United Cfurch, e. re Mrs. D. B. Murray,' Miss Murra• Mrs. A. Stuart, Mr. Geo. Stuart,'Mr J•no�Cameoon and Mre:Caineron at -- by . Jessie • MacKenzie, which was f l ;were given by the Male'. quartette' of lowed by prayers by, Audrey lien er- away. , aches' lean" Ri er'iri eeoYd- Struthers. It • was decided that'the t just' as he stoningwas about y' Mission.' Band' would sell. calendars. time, lu ,i ,to commence, and 'immediately got in Mrs.• `Thompson. then told .d • story. touch_:_:with._Miller,through an inter - While the offering' was being taken. ureter. Proceedings were. stayed white tended the funeral"at Lucan ; on Jessie' MacKenzie 'la ed "Dropping. • ° Phursda of their relative Mr. Robb played the. corporal invited the evangelis't'.to y T)ropping 'pennies,"' The.: monthly get) Fort Chimo where there, was a Rev:, T.: C. Wilkinson motored to hook. "World Friends" were . given. shite hien who knew both languages To'ronto last'i week to attend the'°out, .,after. which the .meeting close'dr and to.' this Miller. readily agreed, de - United Church ,Missionary_ Congress.: _ he' great : Gathering whoses sessions were held in • Massey Hall was ad- dressed .by Dr. Toyohiko . Kogawa. the famous leader of "The. Kingdom W-HITV,CHURCH of "Go" movement in Japan. The Harris Mission Band will 'meet. Mr.-.Raberx t-the-Manse-on-Saturda -Oet: -10- 1 : 'spent last ;Friday with his daughter•' :when Mrs. Tavener of Lucknow''will , h,rs. Gordon Elliott .. • address the meeting. All the ladies of ,; a es s_Teaches•.About..ODcd-' Wht J u. :' �cn� Mrs: �11;ank-`Kruger- airs , . t1 ; congregation are rnvitM to : 'at= . 1 fence," was ably taken by Mr.. Edwin •Smith. Other numbers were, a solo. by Miss Myra McDonald, a reading by Miss Margaret MacCallum, violin . selection by, Mr. Donald McCharles accompanied by Miss Donalda Doug las, a solo by Mis Vera Sherrie and sin instrumental sale -by Jessie Mac- Rae completing an excellent .program.. Afterthe- closing hyinn• the meeting elosed by repeating the Lord's Pray- er in unison. , • The Lookout •.Committee have :barge of the, program :next . Monday night.-Sec'y. by singing 'Hymn 444.•,-Sec'y.• Presbyterian Guided The Guild on Monday evening; was in. charge of the 'Literary Committee. Mr. Bill ,Henderson, vice-president, Occupied the , chair,After the :opening hymn, Rev. Mr. MacDonald led in prayer, and the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs: Wes. Huston. The topic daughter Lois of Detroit, , are visit- - - ingthis week . with Mrs. Kruger's- • mother;:: Mrs. David' Gillies: Mr' and `Mrs. Wm. J: Henderson' 'of Wingham spent Tuesday of 'last' week with the latter's cousin, Mr. David •Kennedy.' Mr.' and Mrs. Ed. Mitchell and lit- tle son :of Mitchell, . visited last Fri- day' with her'. couein ,' Mrs. "Gordon . Elliott.. Mr. Kenneth Weaver had the this- , fortune of 'losing a (valuable' i scow, ' which was killed when struck by a • truck' Saturdhy:night. ' Rev. Mr. Pollock ; preached anni versary services.' in Ripley Presby- terian church last -Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Hannah of Ripley occupied the pulpit here, and also Rev. Mr. Browne of London gave a fine address°on the work of the Bible Society. Preparatory 'service will ;be 'held Friday 'evening at 8 P.M. in the Pre- byterian church, when, the .Rev. Mr. Moore of Brussels: will preach, ,also comippnion service will be 'Sunday innoriiing. • Mr. Alex Kennedy,,. Sr., and his nephew, Mr. Harry McCloskey, of tend. The W. Institute met on Thursday tt the home of Mrs.'. Jas.. Lyons, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. John „Miller presided, :and the .neeting opened with singing the .In- stitute• Ode. Roll .'Call ""Storing or Caring for vegetables," was interest - :ng. ' The . subject "`Our New. Cana- dians!' was taken by Mrs. W. A. Mil- ler. An article "Romance of the' Pan- try" was read by Mrs. Wilkinson. A, dainty lunch was served by the hes - less, Mrs:' Joseph Gaunt and Miss Gaunt Rev: T. C. Wilkinson conducted the services in ' Seaforth on • Sunday. • Mrs.' Larie and daughter, Miss Helen accompanied Rev. W;, P.; Lane on Sunday :to spend -the day with St. Melena' 'friends. . The annual Meeting of the Bible' Society will be held in the Anglican Church on Friday evening, Oet. 9th,. at 7:30, when Mr. Bowes will address the meeting. Mrs. A. W. Miller .of Stratford re turned to. her home after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Guelph-called_.on Sunday ' iron the,•Ino. Anderson, p '" '� and Mrs. Percy i. rde `and ' :formers brothers, Messrs. John and h ld en of Kincardine sent the David Kennedy and ' other relatives i r• p around' here. week -end at home.• Rev. Mr. Pollock attended tateinn duction service of the Rev.. Mr.. Lane at Goderich, last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger and daughter Lois,.. and. Mr. Jack "Gillies. and Mrs. David Lillie§ spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald of St. Helens. Quite a number from here 'attend- ed attend -ed services in St. Helene United church on Sunday: Mr, and • Mrs.. Duncan Kennedy. spent Sunday with Mr, and .Mrs. Jas. • Mclnnes of Teeswater: •. Mr. and Mrs. John ' McInnes and family of Langside visited orrSunday with the former's parents, Mr. , and Mrs. Dan McInnes. ' Mr. Banti Mrs. John J mieson of one. da last, week •.Win ham visited with Mrs. David Gillies. BORN -To -Mr. and Mrs. Elwood. Barbour,' on September 23rd, a son. Congratulations:. ' ASIFIELD NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie and fam- ily of. Lucknow, visited at.' Gordon Ritchie's on Sunday. Miss Jean and Daniel Long Motor.: ed to London to spend, the week -end with friends there. • , Mr. 3. J. Gilmore and Miss Fran- ces Gilmore of London,. spent - Sun- day with the latter's parents. here. Mr. Albert Helm is at -present vis- iting his brother, Thomas, at Tiver.- ton. I • Can't some 'bright young Chan figure Out a way 'of }eying, Caned- iatii cd liars in Nevv >t Indwelling •diem' in Torpnto? ,1. s an s' ar ' verra', like teeth.; ' said an old Scotch lady "They're mighty, hard toget an' they're a deal g y, y of trouble all ,the tin'e"lre. hat them, . (list they -leave :aY[wvrl krlatilc-ahrrit thein when they're ' gone.," MARRIED IN, CALIFORNIA , The following will be. •of interest to many who will remember Rey. Dr. Oaten, 'who was a 'num'ber of years ago the Minister . of Ashfield Circuit: ; A very • pretty event took 'place : Thursday evening, -August •27th,. at` Beverly Hill, Cal., when . Beryl Evelyn daughter of 'RRey. -Dr. and Mrs. F. J.. Oaten, formerly of Brussels, ,became' 'he 'bride of Dr, `William A. Ridde'l. son of -Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Riddel,' )f Vancouver, B. C. An altar of ex-- _isite flowers formed a beautiful' setting. 'The bride was given in mar- riage by her cousin, . Mr. Ernest G." Button, of . Riversdale, Cal., while •her father Pr. F. J. Olen and brother, (Rev. Beverly L. .Oaten, • .B.D., read - the ritual service. Following the church ' ceremony a reception was' 'held at the home of the bride's par ents which was •beautifully -decorated with•. a 'profusion of flowers: The large patio Which :was banked with,` fern and flowers ninde a ;deljghtful extension • toy the reception rooms. M,rs. Riddel, mother of the groom, assisted Mrs. 'Oaten' in• receiving the ,guests. The bride's going away c'os - tum'e was a dark brown velvet' 'en-' ;emble •with which she wore •a brown ' :Eu genie hat, brown• uede• shoes 'and ba The . young couple will motor to, ' g Vanr:ouver, then go to Regina, Sask. Dr Riddell will have charge• of the' Seienee : Depar men`t in Regina Col- le .e. Mrs. Riddell, is a. graduate of g Toronto• University' while Dr, Riddell was•; graduate'd from . the Universi. ti' of Manitoba and 'Saskatchewan, es -laring••a moratorium -upon religious •Bloodshed' in the meantime. ' Arriving .at Chime, . McInnis' got'out a Bible and with the interpreter, went over in' Miller's presence the various passages on which the natives' prac- tices were based, ' Finally the new apostle was entivincedTtlsat-some; at- least, of his ideas were wrong, par- ticularly those concerned • with vio- `ence and, readily went back to Leaf River and explained. the ,new interpre- tations to the flock., ' ',The, childless .women, in, fear 'of their lives had beconie -half iinsane,. and it was not until life had become. dermal in the settleinent that • Mc- Innis• made the long trek back .to 'Burwell, - F-Osrn-ers - febers-: " Builders • • HIGH-GRADE BRICK and TILE for SALE at REDUCEDPRICES ., • We will compete in Price, Quality and., Dekveny..-eA, trial will con:- viiice' you. . OVER 20,YEARS IN puss ESS ,SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BANNERMAN '& 'S;MIT I, BRICK and TILE WORKS Kincardine, R. R..5. 'Phone 107 r 4 N U'NCIL KI .LOSS .�0 , Kinloss, Council met' . on Monday, Sept.: 28th, ' 1931. All :members pre's, ent. Minutes' of last .'regular meeting were read, and, 'confirmed.. ' . llfo�ved-b'y-�IIustorrd=-=-McQueen--• . that the Reeve and Clerk issue orders or all accounts passed at this meet, ng• ,I .- 1 ims�to.•.•,•� the-•�amount�.o. $203.90 were passed and ordered paid' Mr. R. McDougall asked for a :lean out on the McDougall 'Drain,. as 'didPAY:Hugh o rthe Ross •drain;' There being no,