The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-01, Page 8wiremssimsommoommil 114010000101PittoompOguipoopoppouensminsum Popular Priced' Shoes • IAre In DO-*ind' , ..,Vile AO AddinA New 1..ines of Medium Priced $hoes Eiteh.Wick 1 ,o4Rus cAktir oxFoRD TIE, With Fancy' Trimming, Sizes 3 7- 7.... eFECIAL PRIC.'E . '• '• -Grigi.,s. GUNMETAL CALF RIBBON Pump: Sizes ' 3 - 7. - Sr:ECIAL. PRICE kr i• Womms 4%.14F OXFORD. TIE, Exceptional Vakie .at, a Le* 4• V Price. 'Slies ,3 •-.,-,7- .P,RLICED AT '..1t.':,., . .. ... ,..:.:.(.. $1.95.: BOY'S BOX CALF SHOE, -On 'Good Pitting Last. Sizes I-4,4., 1 . SPETA40- PRIdg'....,;-.,.:, ..... ...•::. ,.:...'...,. . .':. .. ...$2.50 1..; Y.Pti caa save monerea yet**. fall footwear -,„ - ._,Ex„EdoilrvOtr*-,5-ALE The-„Exectiters_mf_the____Estate• of • • • . : James Johnston,. late .0. the .Tcanship,. �f. KinlOss- in the-, catinty will offer 'fest sale'. ' " by •Public Auction,: on-. _ SATURDAY, ocTeeng 3rd. , 'at .2 O'clock' F.- AL - at ',P. UR. ViS. :.'STORE;71i0LYR001), the folloiking• valuable lands;-- Pared-nurnber-04_40._No.,SIX:10.114,_ • Ninth: Concession • 7. of 'the Toirnship • 'Xinksi, containing one hundred •• acres more Or leSs-.0n the .farm are said. to be situated a good bank' barn.' . 56 ft. 'square, a •fraine house 20' x . 24" with eellar; • artesiarnve and WindinilL'Thi7aaris 'a ;lay all - cleared, With abaut 40 acres ,ciiltiva- ted and the balance in. pasture and }GS • 4 J THX. 1411 VA,* Tatli "If•I 1St, ,•• 0 *ay Mnef: these er tiOnnketS, JAMMERMQPIV-BOTCA •*".' PIA,M) OVERTHROWS 'SUNSHINE COVERLETS BLANKETS0 „ C.k.McK COTTON l'Ill4N4ETS,. , Prices 'RenFe ‘,01P. 241.8 to the Par ire' To, :See "these .:Lovely • :'.Weohest ee.SWater trolieii 6th • $Irocx . .Ecjt:Djgpjay.of • , FAR.M4PRODUCTS BABY, SHOW '.FREAlt CONTEY*11.F,GEOL MORSE -.•RACES, ETC. : CONCERT AND 'DANCE Plan to Meet year, familia it•. '''Teelswitter on Oct. 7th- _avid„.111CDOna1d, Pres. , ,KennethSec ingham FAItt ay & Sattitclar, OBE -R9-& 10 Dr Christie, President ,of Ontario ',Agricultural College, Guelph. officially open the „. Fair at 1.30 Satarday. Special 'Prizes In, All Departments Horeshee-Pitchingr-Band-Comw petitions, and Other Special ' -Attractions- e 0 N 911t T in Town Hall, Saturday Night W. J. Greer, See?y. Peter's A.Y. P ie 4.vst. pogigSrliisinesp meeting ,of, the'lseasom;foi Si. Peter's A.Y.P. ,41,-Ayas ,beld:.;1'..intr Mondayevening, with a goO!VIOen,fi:a4ee of ',members. The meeting biened, with the 4100: #TOO As I Am', Thine 'Own To Be," f„O'llowed by prayer and aPproPriate Sliipture weeding, The minutes Of the Iast meeting lvIce glenreceived, and the roll 'called. 'The officers for 1930- 31 *ho had occupied the chairsup, to thim'spoint,, •were now 'asked vacate, and .the society . joined in the gereniony of 'installation. of the officer!! for 1931-82. Miss D. dobliei• president; Miss V.' Nixon vice-pres.; Miss E. 'Martin, .Johnston,'Tows. -'f0119*.ille this a mini* of -iterna vere. trans- actcd, the Menliberidit.p *ea .divided: into two grOtipic each .1,14(194 )))!: captain for thelpniPOe'of: attendance contest. It was also decided to hold: the,-,Layeaenli;Banonet-theijaat__Yzeek inc-Cletobei-iiii0o-2iend-repiesenta-, ties. to ilie....:Bloc_e_sean Rally at Strnt- ler& On Oct. 23 and 24. '''Presbyteriart Guild' 'The GUila meeting on Moridey ev- ening Was. in charge of the Program doumitteet..After. the 'opening hymn Prayer•,, was repeated' in unison, fellowed by the Scripture reading-by--Wizinifred -Johnston, interesting reading which also ser- ;Yed ..9,8 the topic was. provided by Miss Isabel Chesnut: A:solo by Peggy, McDfinald,_acetimapanied".by Douglas on' tbe,piaq, .readinga byEi efeliCJ-eiv= itt and 'Marian Jiiiniston, and piano instrumental by: Ponalda Mae- Calliim completed the. pregrain,.everY .number beingjgood. After the.closing hymn the meeting. was -brought to a close by repeating the 1Vlizpah benev..- dietiOn.• Edwin Smith Was in the egii• - The Literary :Conimittee will have charge-, of next Monday nights rneet-; drignd__---we,...arel:assiir,ed of a goO-4._ program. Everybody we1come-2-and- everybody come. You caMiot, spend •a night more Profitable. '1J .• • :4th C.ON.,' KINLOSS IMMIM.P.M1man.M.O. -Selitember meeting: Of, . the • Kairshea Club Was held at the home • of Mrs. Wm. Robb, Ripley, on Thurs• day; Sept. 17th, with a good atten- ...darree. Mrs. R. Martin presided, and the meeting opened by Singing the' "Opening Ode", 'and repeating the : Lord's - prayer in. unison,' Mid. G. ' • Lockhart read the minutes of last meeting, also a letter from ' Miss• Sarah Wirer from Powassan, tell- ing how ,she _distributed the qtililts v. which were pent up North; and the • need of , clothing for the winter. Af- ter community singing, the usual business was dispensed with, and the • program followed- with an instru- mental by Miss Leona White. A solo by Miss Elizabeth Robinson accom- panied by Miss 'Martha Sutherland. • Mr. Jas.. Little gave Some splendid • :violin -selections. tillimi-Garruthers pz-asll R • , . Rev .• .41.004•L v _0404 VA0a' Leinlini-Anos Former•a . pine Rwet, Aportlit'.40. Bev. jimefa it. me,,_1400., the:' Aged People's ROMP, /Neit11,I*14:91th; died on Ontartla.Y. in St- 4rOsePli".0 Hos- pital, London, as •a result of Aev.x.7e. head injurieshe'.recetVefl last Thurs- day ,wbou he wns•throWn,to the pave- ment at the Cernei, of Bielimendend St. James, when str110, by a London.. motorist._ • •. .• ' jtey.. Mr. McLeod,. who, was .$3 years of age vas horn in Manclies,•:. 1,ter,; England in ,..1849; rcceivin. his education at wyeiiire:,,:colltne,,' Toren: to., His fiat ,Parkli was at ...Lion's . • (oak of Handsome . .orttAn, 0, 444Fes§ oppv04., .Foc..000044tt ' the re- spect which W. ji..•-•eci.k1414.79!) ki 'nliiim-104 .fe1l9w-o:ruPloxeatO ; Pi 07. rerViciairs Dairies Linatedli4.i;" 'OPE- jpresied last Saturday by everyinein- 'bet, Of the staff at Stratford. Mr. Scebie., whose 'position was that Of ac-V!u!'ta,x4 IA the' office had been pro_ rooted to manager of the Cargill, Ont., branch. • , - , ' Before leaving the office last ' Satc• urday be Wes taken' coniulete.13.7- by "prise ,when,a-•,beautittil presenta- tion was given ; hini.-as Well as the . • - . ' following address: ' - Mr, ,,Seobie: , ., . , , . ' WS'iliOre.,;gatheltOd here todartomex:v 044 our regrets •upon :hearing that You are leaving us in 'the" near- f.,O-• bleak Where he 'recnitined for three' tare. The harmony that bas existed . . . . years Other Chaiges*. which.;•lie.lhelir between YOurself and, the :eimilsiy'ees, included; pine".ittrer end .''ArnbeileY: '01...e:•ii.i1;(iv'terkilt.olttst..,d5vt:illt.4i41:-..'11.,.:Djuii.:7„.3;1:th:(.1:', RiPleY,..-tiiiiii,':::"MOOket-OWit;'6-eurt;-- . While We regret that-yo,u ate to -leave - rig ,, .v.on,. andinsa esidei• lipp- we are glad•-thattthe powers that -be ' lit Al .*: t '' L k ' ." ' sall,::-Slatton and4tWobil..-BUring....his_hayeseert fit to annoint._,yOu to. .0 higher • est...M. this organizairoi. - '- lrears--)-•orieryiecin-tliese--sereial,' •We would ask ; you to‘ accent-thii- pariShes. he....beearne„, w.eil4no_wii_thru alltpresgrit-as,a•-tokefi-ef-oar_,es- eeni arid oddwi1I and wish „yon; urther success.in ,your new position., ' Signed' on ;behalf Of the: eniploYees •of•Silervuogd's Stratford Dairy, Lim- ited; • ' - . W. B. Martin,. • --After -gratefully:acknowledging IiiP ePereciatiOn of the gift, Mr: 'Scebie satd he regretted leaving the local well as le.tatei4,i-lvSetr*ret6f.tdrdilaaititi:'71atliI: 'MRS. HARVEY .1i740 many fine citizens he had met. since Having: been in failing health forcoming here over a year ago. :the lnket tvilo r'eari, \the death of .Mrs.. • Mr. Powell, .the •manager of the • Western Ontario, generally. Since his SuperanUatien in-1.921The had made his home in London. Two 'brothers, A, B. of Stratford and Arthur of. Kingston, survive. Burial , took place %at Bayfield. THE .bEATIt. OF . :•-, --flar---v—ey-Reiwest=walvan-___brang_h not 'only s oke, •United Church Y. P. bL • eo :ozh, occuired at her 116111e:6st •day, evening;: Mrs. Reid iirai active in church ,Work and wag •beloved ,by everyone in tlie. ,eommunity .where she has .spent.' her married life. She was well known by a 'large- number' in -this Which was held on Monday afternoon, to. Maitland Cerrietery,, Goderich: The. service was ' tist church. The Citizenship Committee pre- pared thi.program for Monday -even- ing • Alter the opening ' exercises, Dorothy BetrY read. the Scripture !cam. The:i0day was very ortun- Th iiaving Miss Evelyn ; Craw ?resent. She spoke on Peace, urging • individuals and societies to become more interested in the League of Nations in the hope of attaining World 'Peace. -Other features of the TiOglani-Viere-a -reading-by-Margar- st Ritchie and an listrumental, bolo by iuiiie 'Teuton. A hyunr -and prayer :brought the meeting to "A close. ' Harvest' Festial , The annual Harvest Horne' Festival' '3f. Peter's church will be held, ;Sunday, Oct. 4. Thif.reetOr will preach at the *ming service and the Rev. EL J. Bowen of London, at the Seven Mock ierviceiv-A011,- thatt we --would raise the Lord. for His wonderful goodness to the children of mea." • RAPID CITY '• • Mrs. C. Thompson visiting her ;ister in Detroit at -present. Mr. II. Chanipion and 'Mr. Hiram Bloom Were down to Hamilton on a -insiness trip last _week. The Smith Kinloss- W. M. S. will iold their annual meeting at the °mine. of Mrs. •Alliater Ilitothes on lilondaY, Oct. 5th. at 2 o'clock. P.M. All membert requested' t� be present, visitors cordially invited. Mi. Mac 'Inglis finished' threshing ni• our line latt Saturday. Mac says ie has four weeks threshing yet to lo. Mr. Fred Blunden is visiting ore) he week -end with_friends in Wind - ;or. sang yery sweetly, "The Lord's My • Shepherd" aqcompanied hi?. Mts. Car- ruthers at ,the piano. • Mrs.. Howard Robinson gave a reading, "The In- • ventor's Wife."' kiss Annie. Hughes • read a paper. on "The Market Value of it Homemaker." Mrs. Carruthers .read a paper on "Cititenship" all of •• • which Was greatly appreciated: After singing, a vote of' thanks was given to the hostess, and the -meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Litrich was served and a., Soeiril ,half hour spent. The -nett meeting which is the annual meeting is to, be' held at. the home Mri. ,Dan McKinnon, 6th eon. 'when all members are asked to be •preSent. • -Mrs. b. cdninbeil, who has been in the hospital in Kineardine for the past ferV' weeks, is able t� be at her oine gain,. • - Mr. Clair McDougal was up from Toronto for s, feri days: ' Mr., and Mrs; R. Martin -Attended „ the TOnden -- ' A ituniber from here 4i6ndeci tht Agog!, of tite lu[r. itohil Brea. MAFEKING • Mrs. Wm, ,Blake, accompanied me and Mrs. John -Blake and Miss 'Ber- nice of -Wingham to Duhville; Friday t� -isitfrscesaughter,Mrs Wilfred Hoffman.. Mrs. Blakewil- remainr. or a few weeks. o. Twamley received word the death of her little 6-1 Pair "Ibex" Flannellette Blank- ets, Extra Large. Best Quality; a $L98. "MARKET" LicknoW Dept, ,StOre. 'POPULATION..OF LUCKNONI1 SHOWS INCREASE ' • According to Census figures re- cently published, Lucknow showst an: increase in population since 1921. The population at that time •. was 905, whik.the recent census shows there are 974 'rebidents in the village. *7 Other figures of nearby towns are: Exeter, 1921, 1442; 1931, 1662. Blyth 1921, .650; 1931, 620. Brussels, 1921, 310; 1931, 782. Hensel!, 19214 '756; 1931 ,720. • • • entidge of Ripley, ,Who 'sofne Years Ago lived onAhe Fourth don. of Rut- ...on....ite_haLlideitin-06.0_x_biealth for some tnne. . The SYmlintily of tile :oininunity goes out to the bereaved °nee, Mr..W. L. McKenzie Of town. Was a -Ciller -Oil week'. Mr. George Middtiton spent a few dile: in London at Ow Fair. Mrs.; Sunday o granddaugh er, Audrey, elder daugh- • ter of Mr. Eldom TwasileY of 'Chat:' ham. The little: girls who wan. ii her foUrth- year,was, knoelceirdoWit St- rday by a car 'cirlven by an Italian; Causing concusicoii Of -the brain. She was rushed to the hospital but did not regain :conaciOusfiessi passing away ,Sunday morning.,Mrs. "rwanlleY and MeSsrs. Waflace and `Geo. Twam- tey :attended the funeral at Chatham, Tuesday. Much sYmpathY is, felt in this, community for the bereaved fam- • ily and grandmother..• . - Mr. Dan Blake of Winnipeg made - sit k t -- a s o wit re a iv here: Elmer. 'Johnston went t� Toronto; Tuesday to enter his second year course study in Electrical engineer- ing. in Toronto 'University.'We wist him auceess. Richard Kilpatrick Was home from Stratford over the Week -end. MO. Olive. Treleaven Of Montreal was the guest of Mr. and Mis. S. 3. - Kilpatrick for a few days recently., Quite a number from heti atteri4 ded the Amaral of the litte 'Virg; Ilarvey Reid of Auburn, Monday. Mrs. Henry Reed Of Goderich was :he guest of her niece, Mrs. Thos. Anderson; over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. • Anderson spent a day this week at the home of Mr,,,and .Mrs. Bert Reed, Whitechnrehi, -S. S. No1.9 are to he col-will-Inlet- eci:-on-.-their success -at the 'Ailifield school fair.,---Gardon Anderson was sweepstake winner for Most paints • which *on for him- the Eaton Silver trophy, and Harvey Kilpatrick won the Parrish shield for the befit °realm on "4 plea for more support for our School Fair." Opite a nun - bet 'entered lire .stock and carried off many prizes in.that line also. :Mr. Palmer and Miss Olive ICil- patrick were among the successful candidate Who 'Wrote extuninations on University short coursed this sum - > „ -Farmers - Ditchers... • Builders HIGH-GRADE' BRICK and TILE • ,for BALE at REDUCED PRICES We wilrcompete in Price, Quality ! and' Delivery. -A• trial will con- . vince you. • •• OVER 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! BANNERMAN & SMITH • - BRICK:and TILE 'WORKS, • Kincardine$ R. L5. 'Phone 107 r 4 work but of his exemplary character; whose Milner* . will reinain.. with those. With whom he has been asso- ciated:Mr. Scobie :who has been With the• firtrijor over nine year is held in the highest esteem by the SilVer- wood .company. • - • Messrs; Robinson and Lorne Woods and-Miss-kjohnston and ! • Mr. WM. Woodi--attWerllie-titfierathe_ lite Mrs. Harvey Reid to Goderich ;wintery on Monday. ,' is -away this week •judging horses at the Forest -and-Florence-Pall Fairs: •, Miss" Vera Todd *as home from Kitchener -flit the: Weelr=end. Mr.: :Jas. Reid,..'Misses'. Adits;and Mary :Reid of •Bayfield were 'recent visitorii with' iheir cousins, tlie Mea - ire. Woods., •• , ' Mr. Gordon • 1VItIntyra ,spent • .the week -end at; his home at Paisley: Mrs: Arthur Whetham and little son of -Paisley are visitors with her mother,- :Misr --R.--J---Woods. Mr. Lorne Webb left on Saturday - 4o -resume his-studies-aLthe-O.A. C. Ghe1ih. M. Wilson Woods also re- turns- to the O.A.C. this week. Antiivereary services will he held in the :United chdrch next Sanday., Oct. 4; with -Services. at II A -M. and 1.39 P.M. Rev,. W. P. Lane Of Sea - forth, will be the speaker. Mrs. Chas, :ash-, and daughter Bernice of Grindstone City, Mich., _Who are visiting,. their aunt, Mrs. John Redmond 'and. visited. in the neighborhood of ,St. Helens on - Tuesday. New Flannelettee.Flaiineli. Prints, Gingham, Etc. -New Lew Prices. "MARKET?? Lticlinow• Dent. Store. • ASIIFIELD NOTES I4ANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'McInnes ,of near Teesivater spent Sunday With M. and Mrs.: Orville' Tiffin. - • , Mr. Whitfield Scott, :is laid, up.At -predent,---with-am-attack.:_ofLappendi..., cilia. • •Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie spent Sunday with Mr.1.and Mrs. James Ititchie-i-.01,tucknOW, . and-Mil:1.-Taluiston an ' three little girls of near Wingbain, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy ' MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL W. The sera -annual meeting of Matt" - land, • PreshYterial of the W.M.S. "Cof Ale• Presbyterian Church in` Canada, will be held AndteW's PreS1*- teriaa. church, Wingham, Thursday, COntiriellOing 'at 2.30. Leaders •if young Woirien'S .and Girie Nations, And of Mission Bands Will 'ake part in the 0 -Ogren -I. Mrs. Link- i:iter Will cenduet the ouestion drawer • 411 inenibers of W.M.S. and leaders Y.W.:+arkt dirte organizations nd 'Mission Bands' in the, Presbyterial sre eordially invited to be present.- - Si/hp-son. . Miss Daisy . _Kennedy, 2nd 'con., spent the. week -end with Mrs.'Win, . ildeIntoSh of- _tucknew: Mr. •Tom., Morrison of Toronto is - spending - • • Mr. and Mvs. Hiram Moffatt visit: id Miss Ada Helm on ,Simday. • - Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mecowan, Mr. And :Mrs. Gen. 'Charters and 'babe, Mildred were visitors With Mr. and Mrs. JIM. Helm of ZiOn. Mr. Geo. Tenn and mother of Toronto are visiting at Mr. Chas. McDonagh. Mr. and- Mrs.--Ino-McDonald at tended, the funeral of 1VIrs. Harvey -heed at Aubnin.cin_ 1VrendaY. -- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook spent a few days' in Beyfield last WeOk• Mr, and Mrs. B. Gibson and family returned to Windsor after spending their vacation with Ashfield friends.- • Miss Della Gilmore of Goderich spent Sunday at her home here. Rev. Fr. Jno. Hogan New York wfici wad suddenly dalled to the fun- eral ofhia. brother, Rev. Jai. Hbgan of Lucan, Ont., is at present visiting his 'hroti4rs Ashfield before re- turning home: • The Ashfield School. F'air lield it Ciirrie's Corners last Tneiday 'was largely attended. The °Weather was all that cotild be desired and the ex- hibits were remarkablygood: Miss Grant,' Hemlock City school, cartied away the shield for 1931 ." • ' Mr. 'and- Mts. Gordon Ritchie tind•, family spent Sunday at 'rhos. Robbs'. • The 'Stratfford - „Beacon -Herald claims that "just before boys turn into. men they are• apt to 'do foolish Things." Afterwards, of cburie,ilie-Y don't. it is jUst a notion thefr. wives roavipont Freao-See3r..isive, • WHITEC!HPIRCH • Misses Olive and' Daisy Kennedy spent ,a few days last' week ' with their cousin, Mrs; Win, McIntosh of Lticknow. • „ Parcel numbee-.(2). The North half - • of :the South half. of lot_ number. Eleven . (11) in the Eleventh Conces- sion of the said Twp. of Kinlosa,:cep.- laining- 25 acrek_mre or less..On the • ViroValty are 7saicrIa-b-e7sitnated*--at-- bank barn 20 ft. x 30 ft. with gement, stabling, a franie house' about 18 ft. 2 ftith_i_i_t_ehen 16 'ft x 20 ft.; ov. acre of' sugar buah, a good or- chard iiiiegiirdeiref-dimalrarifit-lind- skink well. • . • TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. • of the Purchase Price to be paid on the date -of bilie---mul-baliiiiee-in-80-7-daya. rhe • parcels will be offered for sale separately, subject to a reserve bid. W. J. Johnston, Kincaiduie, Ont. John'Johniton,.,Holyrood,• Ont.' ,. ' • EX eutors' Maitt,-gaYnor,L-Auctioneeri• - ••• BANKRUPTCY ACT - IN -THE ESTATE OF ALPREB uARow. gawrzti, Aurruoutzto ASSIGNOR George •McQuoid and Miss Ida NOTtCr-r$-HEREBY—GIVEN McQuoid and Mr. and , Mrs. John Craig spent Sunday iviih—Asfaild friends. Mrs. Harry Tiehborne of Gederich •Spent the. Week -end with het'. parents Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy. Mr. 1.3eter.' Kennedy, Misa. Annie Kennedy, Mrs. Duncan Kennedy •and Mrs. James Laidlaw attended the funeral of ,Mrs:11larrey Reid of near Auburn on _Monday, which 'was very largely, titter-Mel:7 Mrs. Barker, Mr. Nelson McCart- ney and Misses .Ellin and Christeriis ,Henderson of PoVvassan motored down and ,are visiting Mr. McC,art- ney's aunt, Mise Christena Laidlaw and other relatives 'arbinid.tere. Mr. PritCliard of Ethel preached here Sunday in the Posbyterian church in the absence ef Rev. Mr. Pollock. ' • • • Rey: Mt. Brown is to preach here In the Preibiterian church next Slin- ky in the intereats 'of the Bible Society Work. Mr. and Mrs., Lon Cody of Dutton, visited -recently at the ° 1V/itnie, with the Rev. .I. Pollock. 1-1O,L142.0.013 _ _ Keating-, whtr-spent-the--laSt. few weeks with Miss Purves has returned to her hope in 'Walkerton. .Me. -- Mrs. James Baker - and Miss Lizzie Pierce called on friends at Rapid City on Sunday. • .Rev. Fulton Irwin and Mrs. 'Irwin of Chatham, 'Essex, called on grs. Almer Ackert recently. • 'Mr. fend Mrs. Howard Robinson Visited with, the latter's sister, MO.. Ensign for the week -end. Mrs, -Thos., H. Harris ealled Dfl Miss Lizzie Pierce and Mrs, Miner Ackert on Mcnidlay. kr: Eldon EckeneValler ,thresh- ing on the 88th Con. ,this week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eadie called on MO. *Abigail on Monday even- ing • Mrs. Rebt. Webster of Lueknow, 15 spending a few ;days with Mri. Me. ,Pherson. , • . nioAdEnityr ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Frank rienry, _ White- churci1 Ontario, annotineef, the ett-. gagetnent of their daughter, J. Ro- bina to iVir„._111141c9_11it 10. _Green. son Of Mr. And 1VIrs, J. W. Green of ikon, Ontaritqr the marriage to take Ogee qtlietlY, utuiy hi ,oetober.. that Alfred 'Harold Fowler; of the TOWnship- ' County. of Huron and Province of Ontario, •Yoenian, did on the 18th , day of September, 1931, Make an Authorized Assignoneiit of all: his property for The benefit of his Cred- itors and that Edmund Weld,. Esquire 'Cede' Receiver; has appointed us Lo be Ctistodian of the Estate Of the Debtor until the Creditors at their , first meeting shall elect a Trustee' to administer the . Estate -of thel Debtor. 'iveirtliatacthe"--- -- first meeting. a Creditors in the above Estate will be held at the office of Mr. L. E. Dancey; •'Barrister, Goderich, Ontario, on the 8th day of October.. 1931,. at 3.30 P.M. East- ern 'Standard Time. • . 'TO ENTITLE you to vote thereat proof, of, your claim must be lodged with Us before the meeting is held. , PROXIES to be used at the meet- ing inust be fired with us prior there-' to. . . •• AND FURTHER; TAKE NOTICE that if you have any claim against the .above debtor, for which you are entitled to rank, Proof of y6ur claim must be filed with us within thirty days- from the 'date of this, notice, for, from and after the expiration of the time- fixed by the skid Act, we shall distribute the . proceeds of the debtor's estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only " tothe-elahns-of which- we have their - nOtiCe. 41 --DATED at Brantford, this 23rd clay of September, 1931. ' THE TRUSTS , AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED, 114 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, Ontario. Mr. L. E. Dancey,-GodeCriuesht,odoiannt: -;Solicitor ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES 'I . hereby give ,notice that the Adjourned Sale of Lands that are :table to be sold.for Arrearetif Taxes ' viU be held 'as follows. •• .; For the Walkerton District, at tha" :lour of ten o'Cloeg., A.M. in the 'ofilce 3f the County Treasurer, in the Town 31 Walkerton, • on • Friday, October Jth. A.D. 1931. When I shall' offer for sale by nubile auction Stich lands as reinain unsold. from itho Tar. Sale- held - the afereitild glade on' the twenty- fifth day of September preceeding: for such sums as can be reali miless-the-TAxeir--Siel eharge r sooner paid,„ In compliance With the directions af the Asiessinent Act, R.S.O. 1927, •the municipalities cont, cernecl Will4e entitled to bid. TOwnsidpiKinloss_Whitechutello Let 10 Plan 225. A. Nelson, Treas. -.o. Mile% (1,--1004) 'N