The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-01, Page 311 •
' KRAFTo]d-Fashioned Boiled Salad Dress -
;lug offers everything anyone
ress-ingofferscverythinganyone could ask for
in exquisite, rcfreshing"flavour, yet it's sold
et a price so low it's within the reach of
• cvc gone.
A large 12-ouncejar costs only 25 cents, .
one-half the cost you're used to paying.• ,
Get some to -day. Try it and you'll in -
:shandy know why itis the favourite every-
where: in .Canada.
Vid,, ixJ>�runlcd
Boiled Salad
e' in, Ca,iada, by the Ivlaalcers, of'iCt•afe
C1 eese.and Vclxceta, ` •
To 'Europe; with:.
• hotels an, sight
seeiln.g, back
Prices sire down. Totem! see London,'Paris, Brussels,
etc an inclusive tour -from Montreal -lasting
:24i11iye and back "Mil l' i folder' on how 'to travel so
amazingly, widely, arid'well, from $174.-a11 expenses'
For $129. you cavi ea'il front' Montreal to Belfast, Glee.
gow, Liverpool, Plymouth' :or London' and back. See' ..
your relatives'and:friends, or travel at •will : '
• Good going till Oct., 15th Third
Claes-A unique opportunity'
4. P
with' ell .companions.
�Q�' .i v ttt
The Outstanding . Inventions
Of~t`-�?ass •i- _ Petr
' (The N.Y.. Times)'
1852-Elisha Gray ,Otis invents the'
-',elevator 'with antoinattc-graldpg-me -
chanism, later developed for office and
building use. .. ,
1:853-=Gintl;an:Austria-n technician,
shows. how two messages 'can be sent
offer•, a single telegraph . wire (duplex
'telegraphy). '
• • 185.4-Henry:D. Stone and Frederick
yr Howe perfect the turret., lathe so
that a number df. tools may cut metal
mechanically. The general idea of the,
turret lathe goes back to 'Stephen
Fitch (1845),.
1865 --Robert „Wilhelm• von Bunsen
•1876 -Alexander ;Graham' Bell• and
Elisha Gray independently invent the
telephone. ,.DrN:-?�..:O.tto,:.of-Cologne,
Germany, invents: the four-cycle inter-.,
nal -combustion engine now generally,
used in; automobiles.
1877 -Thomas A. Edison demon-
strates his phonograph. .
1879 -Tho'ma's A.` Edison produces.
the first practical incandescent elec-
tric lamp. '
1884 -Sir, Charles A. , Parsons re;;
ceives the first .patent for his steam
turbine. 'The modern trolley car yap'-'
pears. - Van D.epoele invents • the trol-
ley wheel and Frank L. Sprague •the
Invents the burner now -used-lar every multiple-unitsystem of_contiro1:.-Got
gas stove. [Web- Daimler brings out the light com-
18iS6=Sir henry 'Bessemer devises -I pact gasoline engine .os te-day and in• .
1885. drives a hielele with I. Thus
the automobile begins. Carl ,Benz' of
Karlsruhe is simultaneously working
on' the automobile' problem and turns
out his first gasoline vehicle.
the process for making Bessemer
1860 -Dr. Antonio Paeinotti con-
ceive- •the first continuous -current dY-
same principle. The -induction"motor
of Nikola Tesla, appears:
• 1:888 -John Floyd •Dunlop reinvents
the doubl.etube pneumatic tire,•• the
original inventien'of Robe: W. Thorne, .
son(I845.)'ha•vingbeen forgotten,
1890-Dr..Carl .Luer von. Weisbach'
produces his mantle burner. • - I
1.893=Rudelf biese'i publishes. a des-
criptio.n of his •proposed ep.gine.. The How .low is low down?
first spe.cititens are. exhibited ins 1.898 How fair is oyer, yonder?•
at Munich. , ! ' is, pretty good'? .
1890-Guglielino . M'arcoui patents' .How :high is LP? -
the first high •,frequency system of Wlien ,I say•,,I. don't want any how
w.ireiess telegraphy: • • many' dq 1 want? •
1839 -Francis Elmore• first actually --
uses the oil -floatation process for"see- Gasper- Have you sever had a les-
arating ores'fro.nt waste, The germs: on by ,correspondence?
of ore flotatio.t> are also found 'Ina ' Lennon Yes -I never write to war.
'patent granted to Carry. 3, Everson of men now.'t.
Denver, -Col.: (180). - m •
Owl Lags
Foolish QU.eitions
How near is. soon?
f•Iow elos'e is pearly?
What 'Is most likely?
How many is'a few? •
When is by azid by?
oo' Irk i 247
COKE 16._trS34.14 —.1P4taidaNtel Mint b.
19bO-Heroult devises his farmed' ' 7•ie .sent ;his' pzceious' poem' to ;the Just. flits '"Your' bath n suit dearfe.
tor9:rooduoing steel eleetrtca11y ~,, e,ditor . e l .now at;once wheth t °g '„ • ' • Classified Advertising
I hrfnk4n t
5901. k,'rederlek ',:Taylor•. and , :: , .. ; s s g . o beat .tie Band • '
�a er, you' use it, he wrote, as 1• "-I UF�I::it TO'"�>;VI:YIt'P}`dNVE�T7sU
iVlaunael;�Vhite' der h]o •'the naoderti ,,. �' • �'
•• „iI• have• ,o,4her irons un the fire° Lint of wanted in} e•n ,liens and ful
high speed'^'arioy : steels.' wh cjl : have Golf•, was invented by somebody•• wbo ini'o,3.niatioii serit. free,. the R'at ea co
i.. •In a.fe:. da•)'s the bask •, , s Ask, was ]ooltin .for son tithing else • to:'cu,ir i?,aree } O ti:d _X aten:t •Attohneys, .2.7.3 s3auii
made "the cheap"piioductiou',of..auteu(o-..ftopl.the..editor.:,. Reriiove 4,0•11s; itiseit•, • 8treet,ycattawa. Ca,tada
biles and other machines 'possibde 'i' Y • j• r1'• tibout.'
. •
poem. '
1902 -Professor Arthur ;Korn .of Ger- • ii'OT•L'Tny A D EGGS• WANTED
many makes'th first •long.=dfstan.ce; -
ex, • • Gladys -"Dick's. clever .L wish dad • llllt sss \'d„UIt.' isotitaRY
tr nsltiit:ting ,photographs would;give.him' a sta'rt in life."
Modern Farm' Has ' egs. Highest market wises pais;
'• - d Le-•'seti-lancet t b- ta€iefi ot+e uta
by wife. Brother The next time year fath- ` -•
> mntycratrs returned,', crates loved
er-s..pre',dliee. �� __�_ .. ;Csi_xe_us..a._ttieil.._:.ltosenEeld-Poiiltey._a:nd• .
1903. -The. Wrdght-.b'roth, er finds him staying- later -•than .mid qv 1 e Il�terest`'
cessfully 'at Kitty -Hawk, N:C. , Valde-.
mar Pouisen and Reginald Fessenden
independently devise. ' successful ex- of Jones."
pe'rimental radiotelephones..' Sam' -"But I'nl'not a bit like Jones"
1906 -Dr. Lee :)e.Fores:.invents the Harry -"Yes, you are. .. You both
vacuum tube now ..indispensable in • all owe ;me $10:00, ' '
electrical communication. _
1926=J. L„ Baird'sends recognizable Windy Wolfe, says, "One pf-the big for 1930, Dr. John Dollard offers per
tmages -over a wire. - •. , eel tages to -show"-that` al'niest, : every
gest kicks I ever got' was when the
night, he'll- need a head start." • ' ,
'Hairy --:"Whenever I' see you I think
. Egg' Co., Limited, Mon'treai.,
a motor -driven airplane and fly it suc•
Chicago. -.It ,'fa not only 'the' 'laun- OSTRICH FEATHERS COM' BACK
dry that the , modern family sends
_out -01.0a si home, in its:,_.trend ._away_
from self-sufficiency; a University of
Chicago statistican has found, ac-
cording to' a recent report. ' • 'less' titan half that np.m.ber in 1923.
By comparing figures for' 1900 and. "
Fashions is reviving' •'the ostrich •;''
-feather; -but ;Abe'. -supplies- -are--very„-• -
restricted_ ' There . were 760,0.0.0,
ostriches:iii South Africa in 191.3, but
e' ( doctor''s 'assistant teed' me tolook economic a'ctivity of the family, from,
A. diddle of the Thames o pleasant as he, proceeded to take an tending the furnace to , planning, the•
At, windows that 'from Westminster
Look.' southwards tO the Lol-l'ard''s
She sat, my lovely friend: 'A blur -'
Of ,gilded . mist,- ('twas. morn's . first
hour,) - •
Made vague the world: and in the
gleam -
Shivered the • half -awakened ' stream. .
Through tinted vapor ---.looming large,
•Ainbiguous shapes obscurely, rode. • • --
'She gazed where many a laden barge
Like some dim -moving saurian 'show-.
ed. -
X-ray o' my liver." interior decoration,• is gradually .be -
ink put into .the hands of specialists
They}tell of a Scot's wife ' whose outside the,; home, as well as educes
doctor religious training and, recrea-
doctor told her`.that; she needed salt':
Woke air. Sh
n 1
o and other functions. His' con
Tier husband was
She oke . fanning
' morning hasg her with a elusion, however,, is that this trend
� .
herring does not •necessarily mean; the decline
of the family; but results in an ex=
observe O f tension' of its interests': • "
You the methods of. ' •
parents and, see how well the kids turn Souse of the .contrasts sketched rby
out, how' can you lse:ep; from belle Ing Dr. Dollard thh university reports' as
follows -.
in Providen'ce7-'"There are open; '
minds so confoundedly- open:'tha't they where 'formerly . women r'emain'ed
at home, doing `r house .and family
can't even hold a single :conviction. work, with only 'one 'woman 'oiit of
And then there was the.timid -fresh- ev en -e•
mpdnyed outs, 'out of
-- '... _ . .man' -w •o -1 reterrotr155ondes.:._ ecaus_
And•- .xndst---then:; lo•!•-�-t�*o--swans -- --. t' . - home--one'-svom'aii-•in-every-,dour-was
appeared, ` be was. afraid • .of the dark: The mo•re. a• breadwinner i i 1920, and.out's of
And proudly upthe river steer some young couples try to .get ahead,
p g ed. every . three working women in. 1929
the farther they get behind in their, }
• '' ' one. was married. ••
Two--stately-swans-'---What :did -"they' pa3'-meg-ts 'Nath-iirg--v�ill-r-ui- an :inl--.. e -en -1 00"and-1923 :t^he--a'verr
there? • teresting intellectual argument quick ageof chi drew in. public
Whence came, they? Whither would "er than the arrival of a pretty girl.. schools increased x li per Dent.' and
'they go,? , • When your own' plans go wrong, ,it's 'expenditures for' public schools .in
Think. of• them, things, so •faultless tough luck; when •anbther:man's plans'.. Greased 4.1 times as fart as did the
'fair,- go wrong; he ougbta• knowed •better, number of -families. Teachers are
---Pler-aon•s•.r-e•pettteed-missing las•.t'-;yearn
,New York City• ,numbered 25;009 •
including '3;5.00 boys and 2',450•; girls.-
Don t suffer.. a In .er from t es
n h •:
Y �
unsightly' blemishes. Overcome, them at
home rGe�t-2•oz. Peroxine Powder, Prone
you druggist. Sprinkle a little on fila.
face cloth, ' aplily with a circular:,nrbtior
and. the blackheads wIi•1' be all WASHED
AWAY. Satisfaction or money-eftinded- •
•Pour Minard'e into. a warm.
•• dish. Rub liniment genity. in;
then apply' it ' according' to
directions •and 'noon
'Mid the ,black' shipping: down belpwl, ''° taking children ,away. irotn: their par- -
In through the'rose' and gold they 'So large that even I • ants for longer periodsen
passed,• So la
suffer me to catch a fishs and. at' t YE'R4
And melted in the morn 'at :last, , In talking of it afterward '
- - , 'Shall have no need to iie.
kb,. cad it be, :that .they. bad' come, Mother -"Now, Johnnie, I knows
Where Thanes in sullied glory flows, I thousands of little' boys ie,nd'girls'Iknow
Fugitiv: rebels,'tired of some ' ( would be glad' to eat that spinach:'
I ' Secluded_lake's_,rate: repose, ' 7 --
Eager to taste the life that pours Johan;e--1` ume, three .of them!"
Its muddier wave 'twixt_ mightier
'CatTlertile-4-"T 6111 -believe shat.gos-
• 's•ip about Doris. 'ti'.or ,what little •I've
Wti ne'er' shall .know:. our wonder- heard.•
•inert , Margaret -"Oh, :.Gee, 1' hoped you
• might have heard -more .about it "
nano but does nothing with it. It is No barren certitude shall .mar.
independently re -invented by the Bel-
gian, Z. T. Gramme (1870-1872).
1861 -Coleman Sellers of Philadel-
phia patents •acid 'd•emonstrates the
fast motion -picture machine of the
modern type.. Edison, brings out the
:comma -dal -in -1893.- _Nil-
hSiemens.invents the re caeca win patents the ceTCuloid film. George` nasi a rs now the second largtest
elm g .Eastman inde pendent' works' out the oldproducin : in the world.
five• furnace:. This, in the hands of 1 Yg g country
two Frenchmen, Pierre and Emile -
1886-Ottmar Mergenthaler perfects They :'eft behind them, as they went, •
s li.notype machine. Hall 'prdd'uC
aluminum ,by an electrical' process
which 'eventually becomes commer-
cial. '
18S7 -Tolbert Lanston patents the
A dream than'knowledge ampler far; Able -"Papa, 'vat is science?f
,And from our world they sailed away Papa-', �Iy, how could you be so
Into sense visionary day. , stupid? Science is.- 'dose tfngs.'•• vat
-William Watson, in "Collected says "no smokiug."
• Poems."
monotype. The Rev, •Hannibal Good- r, . •- The Answer. • ,
What are the wild waves saying
As tbey.l-ap the shore, of our land.?
Martin, ' is applied in making open-
hearth steel (1864). i Homesickness•' Cured
1865 -William Bullock of Philadel-1
phia ' binds the first • press lo print'
from a'continuous roll or web of paper. I.
1867 -Christopher T. Shotes invents ' .
the modern typewriter. Perfected • in
1868 -George Westinghouse demon-
strates his airbrakei
1869-3. 11. dreathead designs the'
Modern shield used in tunneling under
Water. f
1870 -Sir William Siemens invents.
the electric furnace for melting iron
and steel.
' 1871 -Charles Ooddyear Jr. invents
'the welt -shoemaking machine.
1874 -Thomas A. Edison devises the
quadruplex telegraph, which Sends
fedi '•.m'egsages'over 'a single wire. Sir
William Thompson (afterward Lord
Kelvin) devises the syphon recorder,
which becomes'indIepensable in writ.
fag, down cable . messages.
Creamed Soups
Cieemed Cetery, onion
Tamato Aiperagasan.d .
Malty other Creamed
• ,tone.: together• with
lyse too other deltgtt-
self reaves are de cribed in oar new
cook book "The Good Provides•." It dde-
albeit how flavor is improved and for
• obiuitleas dinhet ran be Divide witty'
�orrayrsn4 ,
Tdo sen Co.. ramited --Lt. C. i 1
115' tie** St.. Toronto
oBBald me a free copy' of Year nt '
ct batik.
... s'«
r..-.� M1.._•;
There's a long.grind between entering college and the kraduation exercises The
f ;plane helps bridge many dif;<iculties• asthe following incident shows:
., �,','However-do you get along without Horace asked Mrs. Sparkles who had call-
ee tconsole Mrs. Rathburn following the departure of her young son to boarding
school'. .•
Johli and T were certainly very anxious and would have just worried our lives
out.had we not arranged' for Horace to call us on the • telephone twice a week. In
-fact Principal Chapman explained to ul3 what an advantdge it WAS to 'have' students ,
•-t-'leir-parent-s at regular -intervals. '.•
"Th most cases he said the charges of these calfs are ,, reversed to be paid •at the
Tome leldphcsi e
' "He saki, too, th ;t it made • the students more contented and homesickness has
".—pract Gaily, disappeared."
Just another example of the important part played by the long distance telephone
in family life.
derer ages.
"Between 1922. and 1927 ' the num-
ber of trained workers' in urban re-
creation ' programs increased from.
11,000 to 20,000. • The weekly attend-
ance at moving peture • theatres
tripled between 1922 and 1930.
"The. number. Of Sunday school
scholars • increased 45 per e'en! rl•ir-
ing the last 30 years and the ave:: age ; r PPmciation of your IFrusehea •Salts.
contributions'. of 'church members in- , I have• suffered for :10 years front
dicated that at least S0 per .cent. in. chronic acidity of the stomach. I'tried, .
crease was- made in pure' asisg pow- nearly everything, until I wasadvised
er, while such practices as •saying Sy. a friend• to try Kruschen, wli!,11 I
grace.. at meals. declined. • 1::tve taken for the last two amv:,ths,
"The «.tss of certain functtans 'by "gid I am pleased to sayI have had
the ramify ' need not mean its de- i'4 return of: the acidity. ' W. 13-
i I{rsehen Salts swiftly neutralises
Cline, however. It •'will lather, offer ; acid,' utakes all'the torment on! 'of it.•
'lie opportunity for a more effective acid,
gently expels it from the system.
integration," Dr. bollard declares:` 'And" by stitnulating• your organs of
"The disintegration of family funs, eliminations to perfect regular actions
_ -.,Kruscheri.-wilLspietent this-. barred,-
e ts
• s:" Lhs�ervi#s,--"is undoitbtedly-
accompanled by -widened` int'±resta." acid from ever aceumulatir.; again.
.. After that :you'll experience no there
misery- after. meals. Kruschen' 'ti-ilI
3efere'he Found the Remedy
Many, people endure suffering un-
necessarily. This man did. If he had
known ten' years ago'what be knows - •
toT1y_;Tie, avould have been spared -
�reat deal,,of suffering. •
"I feel I'niiti'st"wiite a few lines in •
'Food For Thought '
The profelssor. w -as .lecturing,oi na-
tural history. •
"Yes;" ha said,•"when I get close to
Nature it makes mg °eel like a little
grub," •
Smart Aleck shook his head.
"What, only a little, sir?" he spoke
up. "It makes me feel like a •lot.
Anyway, when I'm in the country' I
eat 'like a horse
keep your inside. clean •and serene.
Pure and invisorated • blood will . be .
sent coursing to every part of your
-body. You'll feel wonderfully ewer-\
.getic and weil. As healthy and hearty,
as it" is -humanly possible to foci.
Send, for our' •
Special Circular
covering this
Interesting Speculation
F. W. 1YIac2onald & Co.
Standafd• Stock & Mining Exehr nge
Montreal Curb Market
38 King - St. W. 159 Cratg St. W.
-ELgin 6255-6. MMA.' 7785-4121'
Wire een•iretions to all
I •" i,;l markets
Children Healthy
When they're "ofl colour" give
them Dr. Carter's a i vegetable
Little' Liver Pilin. Safe, acting
gently on the bowels and liver,
they sooibring'backsni leeand'
It1IIh e`pptitrthlithealttity yoUns•
stern .should oho*. .. •
;SC & 75c red pacltages
Ask your-druggist4o,
04 oileT'
"`'r 1HEN I was ftrc1 married 1
VV bad a taiacarri::ste and fele
;perfectly miserable
"i took three bottle's of Lydia
L Pinkhann's Vegetable tont:
• pound and later gave 'birth to a '
fine baby boy.
• ''1 now hia've five children.'I
always take the Vegetable front. '
y Vegetable
pound during pregnancy and IS
helps me. It benefits my sisters.
in-law too." Mts. W J. Zinston;
R. R. No. 2, Lakefiel'd. Ontaridj- ,
ISSUE No. 39—'31