The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 1•
t t�l�"R IOW''•' p rWN IO.t iS1 v' %MUM
:�. a d >rn•4i.t$�,:u4 .r�,,.xier
$2A.0 PER B AR I. N ADVANCE; $2.50 OTI E;$W ISE •
" DENTIST f • • . •�.
Dr. R. L. •'frelea isen, Lucknow
Hours: ' 9,-+12 A. M. 1$0-S P.111.
' WALL .PAPER ---A full Buie_ - of 1931
1'ya11 Paper on hand.• Prices con ar-
a y. doxy , for 1931. I am also,. ,agent
f ;le
, adi'nR job houses. - ON
M�It• -
Decorator, Painter- and Grainer
Box 1743, Luckimw'
Apartment or . Rooms to let above
the "Market"-L•ucknow.aDept. Store
FOR :_SA'LE-Baby :Carriage,_: very -
reasonable. Apply . Sentinel 'office.
.STORE POE RENT -The' store:
until recently .:occupied ;bv Walker
-+Store-A: good .'business location.
- ' • Apply to. R. J. Moor,Lucknow.
d. .. • (30-4-tf.) °
-R 1 e t or
the road'.,aboutmiles, •south. o -
.'Lueknow.. Finder please report to W.
G: Andrew,,' Lucknow.
We will n
rent t for ,four months • a
• good used, " car for use by small fam-
;,ily'. The carwill be insured 'arid' in,
care•.• of a mechanic, -or may buy if
priced, right. Write stating' ''make,
year and condition to "Motors.". '
c o Sentinel, Lucknow..
Teii ers : i -. e
Il be cel
.w r ved
b' .the.
undersigned- -up to -.-the `25th 'at `July
for the painting of 'Scheel House No..
Ashfield. Work to be completed
by -Sept `1st -Lowest-or 'Tank '. '_other-
James Larnby, . 'Sec'y.-Treas.,
R. No.. 3,. Lucknow:
•NOTICE is hereby given, to all `,tier-
-•-soshai 1'
n having c aims against the estate
of George-• 9,'wainley, ;late of` ;thy
Township of Asli'field, in the County`
• of Huron, who, • died ..on..or 'ab'out tree
14th .day ,,Of June A.D., •1931, to send
:the same duly proven to the under-
•'signed'•on • or before the 4th day of
• -July•A.D. 1931, as on and 'after that
date the Ex 'c
e utors. will proceed to
make' istribution of the •ass
the• said ets of
• s 9d este '
te, having regard. only'
to the claims 'they •then shall, have'
notice of. ' .
` 17th, day of June A:D.- 193'1.- °
'Hays and `Hays • .
•-=Goderieh--W ----:Ontario-- - ' _
Solicitors. for the Executors ',Wein.
(9•-7-=c.) • •
• • Of Valuable Farm Property in _the_
Township of Kinloss
Under and by' virtue of'the powers
of 'sale 'contained' in a certain mort-
gage; ' which will be produced, at. the
time of sale, there will be offers for
sale by public auction at the o " of`
Joseph .Agnew,- ,-in'- the. ; -Village - of
Lucknow,' on. Saturday the eighteenth
dam► of July,, A.D.,, 1031, at 2. o'clock
in • the afternoon,' by Matt. Gaynor,
Auctioneer, the following property,
-All and .singular that .certain' par-
cel or tract. of , land • and premise's,
situate, lying and. being in •the .Town-
_„_,_ship, of Kinloss iri _ther'Coun'ty of
Bruce . and being composed of Lot
number' Sixteen in' the Fifth Con-
cession of the' said Township of
Kinloss,, containing. one hundred
acres more 'or less. . - - -�
This;, is,, an excellent farnt and is
situate Ave miles from the Village
of Lucknow, two and one-half' miles..
from a church,' and one and one-
quarter miles from a school.
' There is_ said t_o.-be ori this_prop
erty a good two=storey brick house,
a good barn about 36 feet' by 42 ft.,
and a henhouse.
�.-..�i'he land is a •good clay loam and.
there is.,ten acres' of hardwood bush.
There is a 'good supply of , water by
windmill. '
• TERMS OF SAIsE:-7, Ten per cent.
of the purchase money on the day
of sale and balance.within thirty
days thereafter,
l+uftlier particulars and condition%
of. sale will be made known on the
day of sale. or, may be had on -appli-
cation to the undersigned.
•' DATED at ,WINGHAM, Ontario,
the. thirtieth day of, June, A.D. 1931.
MATT. ` • GAYNOR, Luckii, .w, Ont-
ario, Auctioneer,
.i.I•I. C1-AWFORD, Wingham,'Ont-
- Silo; Vendor's Solicitor.
r s rvices of the 's -
Anniversary e �!, h
field P�resbyte'rian`•',Church . will --
n. Jury12th;. Rev.
held. ori Sunday, Ju y The
Kenneth, McLean :of . Wing'ham will
morning and even-'
et b
of the i r n
.conduct g
trig service, Morning service at 11 A.
. evening service, at' 7.30 P.M.
Miss Hazel Webster is visiting this
week with friends in Rochester,
The navies, sof honer • candidates
appear.; in the order ' of merit, thong.:
• -' Miss 'Ph• llis Bainbri' - �e.� :.'of ' GaJtt'
3' a .. d� of" :ass:_candidates, ..,;alphabetically:
MaIks .eceSsary for:'Pass 450; for
honors :562; maximum. number; 750
Candid'ate's disatisfied wi'th;ither e>t,;
minatio • •niy a peal O. the Erie
W bst e � are :;spending. their, hold s .a , r•. a
at home' , m Irene* 4tpard Seeretar ►, Mr " W
Wa�Tsehw': oil s, . Priv s T Gmghhms aid Por.E1. n, on -r befo:a B'c Ac Ou
Vit�� Each -aPPeal•must beGoods.. iMor etn so
Lucknow anted with a fee of two ,dollars,-
will be returned in case appeal
LU iNO' , ONT. THURSDAY,: JULY 9th, 1951.. .
Entrance Exiamination•
Results- •
visited with Miss :1Vlary Douglas last
•Ms es
,..'i s Myrtle' and Winn'ifred
Dept., Store. . whit
-__Master : Dick Treleaven; :is _holiday,-. is su
ing with: Miss Gertrude Treleaven
and her mother. .
Mr.! Alvin. Percy and his 'mother
from 'Detroit called on friends in town
over the week -end.
Miss:May. Wharton of London, is
visiting in the village •with her sister, ...
,._ ... _ _. _._. _.... _... hiamalton' ___Ruth• --:Parker: - William-
E'unice Newton, . (Gold Medal) :.
Jean MacMillan Marion ,Johnston:
Lillian Horne (equal in honors): Au-
drey Horne: Isobel Douglas Evelyn.
Pinnell: Barbara Solomon: :• Isabel
Mrs. Edward Johnston. Peter MacKenzie: Frances• • Arm-
' Mrs. Weston . and children of Tor-
onto, are visiting with Mrs. Weston's
brother, Mr. R. J. Moore.
Mr. Ira Campbell, who as forenfan
of a° lumber camp ' at Kap iskasing,
':s at• his :home here, fora short
Muss Wflleria' 'Chesnut; 'nurse -in-
training. •at : St Joseph's • Hosp'tal,.
London, is home, on a' ':. two=
• •
,vacation. .
and Mrs. - .George: Huston.-a'nd
_.. -_ ghter of Toronto a_rg.,,yrsitirig`:.rvitli
.Phe • former's: parents; • Mr. and Mrs:
I?Q avid Huston:
1VIr -an .. ha.. '. _.: a .- •
d Mrs.:G` ar ie •Post r and
.c;hlldrEn--Of,-JohnStoi1=lilt a er.
guests during the 'past •week with Mr.
and . Mrs. Alex McCarrol. • •
Mr William' McClure and his son
Bill, Jr.,- from Alberta are visiting'
for a few weeks .with' the.former's
father' e
, �Mr;.• Ben. 1VIcClure.'.
' • Mr. Howard Yates, who ' until re- second. Congratulations are' to be•'ex=
c.ently was in:,charge• of baggage /and, •tend'ed.. to these'clever students and
,freight at' the• local station, is this •their, proficient instructors. -
strong: Fraser . MacKinnon: Donalda
Thompson: Mary White; Johnston.
MacLeod': Mary MacConnell:. Elliott
Webster Christine Finlayson:.Edna
Ptak McK nzie:•".Jack McCall:
Eileen Johnston: Charlie Jewitt.
Elliott ',Ca'rrathers: • .Clifford teen -
gram: • Jean • G'raham:. Wellington
Harvey: Vera Johnston: George
Joynt: Mear..le Middleton Fred. Milne
Gordon.' Morrison:. Alex• MacIntosh:
Bi11Y Ma
le Billy
.Sherrit.. _ Vern -a7 -,-Steward. • .
'' Miss Eunice. Newton. of. Lucknow
Public School, a pupil of Miss Kate
-MacDohald,- r •won`: the=hi.g hest -stand--
_:ng, -in ionttur _of a1L hnnoui .eandj.
dates: in West Bruce "Inspectorate,:
and thus is -to be awarded the gold
medal donated by Public' School In
spector, W F: Bald of West"`B-ruee,
Inspectorate,. Miss Marion MacLaryn
of Pert Elgin, Public ,School, a_pupil-
e � . Mr. Archie Cam b
e el is c _
a Tose
r 1
week' relieving 'at • Wingham.
Mrs. Shirley, }her . two daughters,
Miss Winnifred W aril red's and Mis Edith dith and'
Mr. Harvey Webster of Toronto are:
spending a week's, vacation at Point
;Clark.: 3tear..
The list as given here. is not direct
from t'the `Board of Examiners, and
there may be ommi
y s. For some
,reason the regularrreport for the in-
spectorate was not sent .to. us this'
Messrs., 'Andrew ' Thompson, Edwin.
Smith.' and 1Malcolrn-•:•-Wat-uon�'--eom-=
menced Slimmer. 'courses this week
at Toronto,, 'Kingston and Guelph,
respectively. . -
The regular : Meeting: and; picnic'
of the WOinen's Institute .will be 'held
at the . home of Mrs. Chas, Steward,
Friday,- July 10th; at '2.30 o'clock.
--Members please- bring lunch ---
Mr. Me,,&�.•in Hackett of the Bank
irf Commerce staff .is at present re-
lieving at : -the • branch in -Plattsyille.
Mr. George•Crozier" of Walkerton' is
assisting. in' the local'branch. . !
.SScreen Doors and • Windows' are
riecessary=-keep--keep-out ithe--flles. We`
have thein' to • fit any door or window,
also. screen wire by the yard, all
widths. . Wm.':Murdie & Son.
-Miss . Jean Chesnut; -R.N.;-of'Roch-_
ester, N.Y., is.home on account of
the. illness • of her •mother who recent=
ly suffered • a' `severe heart attack.
Mfrs. Chesnut though, still confined to
bed: is improving. ” • .
Dr. G. W. MacGregor, This wife and
daughter, Dr. W. C: 'McGregor and
John D. Mt'Gregor, all of 'Chicago,
and. Mrs. Catherine Cainpboll of
-Philadephia" have been visiting in
-town during -the -week -with Miss -Kate -
and Mr. Dan McGregor. . . ,
• Miller iPiurvea '
A pretty wedding' was solemnized
-at the' home of • Mr. and':: Mrs. Alex
Purves; Cosi. 1, Kinloss, oh Wednes-.
day, July" 1st, It' 4 ,o'clock,' in the
'afternoon, when' their daughter, Jes-
sie' Catherine, was united in marriage
to Mr.. John Alvin 1,1Miller.,Con..12,.W.
Wawanosh. The bride who yeas giv-
en away'by' her lather, wore a pretty
dress , of bine georgette and carried
a bouquet , of roses ' and maiden -hair
fern. Miss Muried Miller Sister 'of
the groom, played the Wedding -march
Following the ceremony a ' supper
.was n'o ed the , i
e 7 y by assembled gt�,ests,
and on Thursday •evening t - recep-
tion was held: when quite a °inumber
of fri'endss .'anrd` "ndighbors were file
spend the • evening zn dariciiig. The
young ... co..1.' ret i. -e. a..
Y g . u1? a e e ved.,.m ny-„beauti-.
ful ulnae' s.' They 'Went :for a' short
Hone po trip • •. , •
y by f» r to London
and Doteheetei':
--PreSelt ign�'o T-eaehe�r-
Tlio, 'school children of Paramount
School met at" the 'school 'on Friday,
June 26th, and took occasion to show
their appreciation -oft' their teacher,'
Misssabeh Chesnut,'. who had . re-
signed after being with them for
four : years.,- Mr s--'Chesnut-will_?- be-
greatly Missed. by the neighborhood,
rbesides-doing. her duties 'very 'ef-
ficiently iib the pupils, she was active
in all social affairs of the community
At the • meeting Friday, the' • schol-
ars presented her • . with a pretty
handbag, the presentation being made
-by-Isabel - iami-esoit, while the address
'as below; was :read by Jean Mac'AU-
leY.., • • ••
Miss' Chesnut was. ,also 'presented
with 'a cabinet of• • silverware' from
Edna, 'Rhoda and Eliza Cook. •
The :address read as follows:
Dear Teacher - We the pupils ' of
Paramount school are gathered - to-
day to regretfully say "Good-bye".
to one who `has been ,our faithful in-.
structor' for `four years:' For 'all of. Us
they ..have been years of pleasure
which --we will remember, and as tim.a
rolls on we will look backward and
appreciate more and more the les-
-sena you have taught lis: In' wishing':
yoh every success in - your future
work,'we ask you to accept. this hind. -
bag as a shall token of remeiirh lice
from your pupils. -
To the,address Miss 'Chesnut made,,
a srita�ble reply, 'acknowledging the
.nice giftlie good, wishes. .
The • sacrement of• the Lord's Sup-
p -e .''vnll -be observed- •lir Lucknow
Ufited Church, next Sunday at the
morning. service: Preparatory •service
Will ' 'be, held oh the Friday evening
trevious at 'eight o'clock.
Bargains in. • Men's Shirts •. and
Work Clothing. • "`Market” 'Lucknow.
Dept. Store. •
• • '
Attention-, is direef;adi to tlii=' fact
that a special• fee .of 6d..,is collected.,
Tri; the tinted U States, from the parties
to ,whom parcels, are addressed as. a
delivery` charge on all parcels . from
Canada' d that, i`
andn addition n a fee
of 10c is ' c011'ected . on dutiable parcels
fel etlstoil'id. elostAnoe and aceoul ti la'
• Miss -Beth. 'Alton is to • be highly
congratulated' on the standing which;
sire obfained oft"the Huron r County
Household Science 'Judging' Conipe-"
•tition, held- on July 2nd, at 'Clinton.
There: were 45 girls taking
.a :iss• Alt ,
0� tE'I, , A ton„ was Irish girl lin ',Om
County; "having .-woii:''480 points out of
a possible 500. She received Ya • beau
tifnl silver • entree dish donated lid
{Mr Thos. McMilla in'M.P., : South
Huron. She also came first in House -
furnishings, -.-Was.:only=pos
:sible• :to , receive one prize, it :was
passed • on 'to. the: next highest •idr1•
`' Miss Alton will receive' a free trip
to the .Canadian National Exhibition
at Toronto, vrdher.e ' she twill' represent
Huron County as one .of -the • three
girls on the County Team, and 'will
receive_the _ free trip.. -to.',the.--Royal-
Winter, Fair,. as guest of: the Depart-
=rent ,of Agriculture, as well Tbe
Mise r
kisses s Winnif ed .arida'M' �. le Web-
ster' who' are holidaying I at 'their
home . here, also attended the Com-
Peti io.
n 'arid Winnifred, ' tie
d with
Miss MargaretDurbin,
for second 'place. These girls •also :re-
ceive the free trip to the C.N.E. and
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. •
Miss Myrtle Webster won second.
prize in Nutrition.
did situation wvith"-ami
'Dawson; 2nd Con., .1;i adequate-: facilities for reier�
wo d on Monday that her
t �
The 'Bread
of Health
ouR mon
. ;x dHE:S:. • BU
The Bread
of Health
cool'&:ips T • RicH ,FEUIt "CAKE'
Phone 36 ..
LncknO :
I•I.. MacDonald; . convene ;ro:
the: second annual Swum r School ' o
the Presbyterian Church •iri Cana, a
to be held at • Kintail on Lake Iiurljorl
has 'been , quite busy . tl
weeks in preparation for
of the chool oniMonde
The School• is sponsored
mittee of . Sabbath.Schools a
Peoples' Societies of the
Hamilton :and London, and
for •one week,until July '2
The'property, consistin
teen acres is. owned by
People, the .Synod -_is_
past ; levv
the openn
duly 1' th
the Ctm
rid ; Youn
ynod o
0th: .I
f • sev n-
He Yo' g
a-sp1 n.
soin ' 'nd'
ation'.' d.
stndy. The chief purpose o suchan
brother, J:C. Mirehause, had died Assembly .being to develep devotions'
at Langdon, N Dakota,. }where he, tat ' life and .to provide ..tramin or,
had 'been in business for quite, a'. num- warkers''in. Young Peoples ,orga
ber of years.. He had not been well ation, W. M; S. and Mission's Ban
ughout the e est Winter. Mr. Mire- with which is combined theopport
house was a son •o'f the „late Mr. 'and ity for healthy, and pleasantSport:
Mrs:' John• Mirehouse, • and Was born entertainment. ' I.'
at Langside. When quite a young The day 'comznences..with morni g
man he went and soon 'entered worship, at 7.30', A.M., conducted b
business in Langdon. A. brother, Alexn ,of .
-lives at Melita, Man.,' and there. are"1 reakf. St
two sisters,Mrs. MacDonald of Fer- I he
til, Sask., and `Mrs.: Dawson.. The Mis- ed
ses MacKenzie of town, are' aunts of he
the. deceased. • c-
C;h�ldr ns $pecia
f Prin iVoile' and Bastiste .
Ag `s 1 -42 --Years.
ys Ro •pers & Wadi Suite.
• %
Judging Competition
In Huron' Count '
t p Y
The.. fifth . n ' a. l - Livestock
Household s'e
u hole •'
d Seien ''
c .'u' .
.�� e judging' eompetit-.. '. .
dons were het at Clinton, on • Thurs-'
la July
2n rid
Y under r th
direction -of
• e �Iluro .. C .
,h n unty'-. Branch -of -- the'-
-Jntari'� •D P ° rtment -of -Agr cu'itiui' '
z- Thirty-thr e ' oys ' took part in the
zi Livestock • ju gig competition - and ,
forty-five •gir in •the Household
_Si�lez�ce�judgi g. This -pis •-by-#ar--the-- - •
•largest numb r' of entries we ' have
had • in the H. usehold Science judging
aom;petitionl ' exulting:. 'in. •the -:largest
- --
conipetition' a er• held, in. the County.
Theresults of the girl's competition .. .
are: as folio s.
Trophy. •fo highest score -Miss
Elizabeth Al on. „
p I, a •'or, Melo •
list . ze Nutrition -Miss
M' •
re :Hain
,F'ordwich: First Prize
=.House. • Punishing - Miss Elva
Brown,.. Fordwvicli First -Clothing
M' s Hilda Baechler;' Fordwich.
Gr up , mor ; Gills, , :•
irst-Nutrition-Miss A. : Strau- ,
gh n, Auburn. First --House Furnish-
ing -Miss Grace Young, Dungannon.
•First•-Clothing=Miss Isabel: Foster,' -
• Fore wick.' I:-
The results of the competition in
Livestock Judging are as follows; • °
Highest Score -Howard Hunter,
Exeter.:.__. Seocond-Alfred Patterson,-,-
Lucknow: : d
The high. man in each -class of live-
stock was as, follows:
Heavy :Horses -Horace '•Dellbridge,
Woodham:.: Beef Cattle -George Mun-
dell, Glenannan: Dairy Cattle -Rob-
ert Yuill; Brussels: '• Sheep -Alfred"'
Patterson, Lucknow: Swine -John
Fotheringham, Brucefield.' -
The judges' , •for the . Household •
Science Competition were Miss Florr
ence P: Eadie, Institutes Branch, Tor-
onto and Mrs. • W. P. Shorey, Dundas.
$' The judges for the Livestock corn-
Lecture. .•
On Sunda July 19t
petition were as, follows: Messrs. F.
Sunday,. u y h, morning
Forsyth and J. Ramsbottom, Bruce
worship worship , is to be held at'Ashfield .
Rev. C !i.. MacDonald • De
school,• -this 'is 'fo.1 owed by
and'' a' period for Bible stu y.
remainder. of the morning is -occup
in studyylectures and -disco Mons,"
ecia .s speakers for -o n
sp al lie the m ing• 1
tures. being: R. F.W. Gi moat
A., London; Re , N. D. M cDon
ACA., Ph.D., Port Colborne; Rev.'
A:... Hunter., B• A.; B D, .of , Brit}sh:
Guiana; • Rev. A. T. . Barr, Ph.D.,
sult-of=losrng•-both-games--f-the.semi= -Brantford:-•'-„Following----the---di'nner-
finals: to Malcolm: The first game hour,'the aftern' on is spent .in'' rest'
which was played in Walkerton.. last and.recreation: ex. ••J: L. ; Burgess,
week was a : closely contested affair • of South Kinloss • is' in•''charge of the
With Malcolm nosing the Lucknowites field sports' . and Mr, Art. Jackson, an .
out, by one run -the score being 8 experienced supervisor, 'is in charge -
to 7. ' of the beach activities.. ' •,
1 4:
Lucknow Junior =Farmer•eu't-
of Softball for this season as. Pre -
Naturally the, fans were., expecting Supper is served from 6. 6.45. 'he �,
a brilliant struggle- . on ':Tuesday ev- program for:the evenings, eonsisti g
ening when Malcolm played the re- of'lectures' and entertainments'' co
menus at 8 .M. aiid
rn Lazne 3n,the loco park.. However en Y is as7.folla .s«;
Lucknow had d' an . off -night -and - a ' Monday -Opening iof, , ithe Sih of
bad one' at that. They certainly did •by Moderator of the Synod;
not look like championship contend- Peter' - Reith' of Tara.'
ers. Malcolm started -oft by crashing Tuesday -Lecture, - Rev. , J. MacB.
.hits- to every corner of the diamond Miller, Palmerston'. "A •roor Man's:
and combined with --several errors :Journey`-Thru-1fariy Lands.".
succeeded in 'tallying 9 runs in the Wednesday -Rev.: Wm. Barclay,, B.
first .frame -enough to'win an or- D, Central Church, Hamilton. "Mar-
dinary game. The locals tried' hard vets ' of the Insect Kingdom."
Thursday, -Program by one of•
to get back some of, these rung • in ,
their -half -of -the 'Int, 'but tw,o uns`Young People's: -Societies:
were 'the extent of their efforts; Mal- - Friday -Stunt • Night. •
colm', eontinliell to slowly `'increase Saturday-Rev.A T. Bar',. Ph.D.,
their' lead. •Neilly Todd relieved `Jack-
•Bxabson on the mound 'and during
the 3rd, 4th; • and 'lith innings the
play was not so- ibose. Lucknovq; boys Church at 11 A.M. In • the evening at
'never quit trying but they had an- 7.00 P.M. a great Covenanter's Con -
uphill climb and` were not -equal to venticle is to be: held Yat the Camp.
the task on this occasion. The 'game At the time of writing the number
finally ended with the one sided .score enrolled, for this ye'ar's camp exceeds
-of "420 to..6: .-- • ` ` they `number enrolled at a correspon-
The line up: • ' . ding .date last year. At . least 75 or
Lucknow-Lavis, cf.; Erabson and 80 members are expected to be. pres-
Todd;•,p.; Campbell, 3rd.; Trowbridge ent, representing the various organ=
ss.; Woods, 1st; Andrew, 2nd;, Mc- 'izations of the Synod and a profitable
Quillin, c.; Hunter, rf.a Fisher, If. and happy week is being looked for-
• Malcolm -Monk, Berworth,• Willken ..ward to. ,
Mortimer, Engel; G.: Mortimer, Leifso
W.' Engel; Brodhagens
Junior Institute Wins Group - '
Softball interest will- now be chief-
ly centred on the Junior 'Institute
team. They journeyed to. Ripley on
Saturday ,.evening and 'swamped the
Ripley girls in a deluge -0 runs,- the
final tally being 22 •to 7. This victory
made the •local girls the winner •r'of
Group Nor 1, -and they will Meet the
winner .pf -Group 2 in 'the 'finals. We
understand that the final game .is -a
sudden: death fixture to be .playe in
Kincardine , the day of the •Brace
County Young People's picnic;, which
:ice Frills,, :Tiny '24th. 'G'&itt biek girls`
Lucknow line up: Kincardine ant_Lucknow will play.
FlorenceMc.; tsobel Miller, a league genie in Caledonia..
n Park
p.; Lila Richards, 1st; Dorothy Mil- Friday evening of this week, to start:
ler, 2nd, Frances ThornP oss.,;• at o'cloek. Teams are
ei.le: xmhai.�t.,
Ethel Martin', 3rd• Out e1d-Vera and should ..t �go0d
Todd, Florence. Hodgins and Margaret Admission,: Men 25o: Lad'iee and
11da Yhtyro, e'hildre 1.5e,
`We are ."agents for Beatty' Bros.
goods. We ' have in stock Hay, Cars,
Forks, Slings and' Rope.
• ' • Wm: Murdie 8i Son.
County; V. Langton, Grey •County;,
N. Hogg, Live Stock. Branch,Toronto
Geo.. McCague, Clinton.„ , •
The teams to `represent the County •
at the . Inter -County competitions
be selected from' the high contestants
and judging from the results of this.
coi�iipetition, Huron County should be} ,
represented by outstanding teams' at
Toronto arid Guelphthis" fall. ,
The sacred band concert scheduled
for last 'Sunday evening was not givs'
en owing, to a downpour of rain: at
the -time: Weather permitting \tyle• -
program *ill be presented' Sunday
evening next at about 8.SO . o'cicick.
Mr. Will MacLeod is this week able
to- reports 175 contract ,for village ' R: J. Moore is not particularly
water, and he says there 'are a few I ter'ested .in hogs, only when they come
prospects' yet This is getting on
about 'double the number :he at . first
expected. •Ife certainly put it over
on the table in the form ofjuicy,
pork chops, but he had todo with
one in , another • way recently, which
hi thitfks ' W rtny of mention. This
giant -among .its kind,` stood 3 ft..
8 ills., at the shoulder and.weighed
9 b r
li s and nd M : Moore had the„ jolt
of trucking it front . the • farm of Mr.
Dain; MacKinnon, , "13th Con., 'Kinloss; -
.to , the Lucknow station. Mr. Maelliit- •
non had. Sold the anital 'to Mr." W.
E . Henderson, der n, who saga that it wa#
the heaviest hog eves • shipped flan
t$a athtQlt :sisr:M.;ri - �....+
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