The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-25, Page 7nr; rc7 ' �� a �; 1, 7 tif.l S�Jt9r ,tajns That, Boor Mankind Many: • Famous.. ;Peaks " , the .World- • Over Sere.. as " ' ... to 'I clividuals ' out Ili the B1acck Hills a mountain is *being turned into a memorial by a. sculptor working on .a gigantic scale. But as history, both recent and remote,. bears witness a mountain as nature shaped it may also serve..` Down in the Great Smokies they are talking of` naming a6,000 -foot peak Secafoyah in honor Oran eighteenth- century Indian artist, . a ' Cherokee,; and only a short: time ago a .while range in Antarctica was • named , by Admiral Byrd for one of lie backers, John D., Rockefeller, Jr { • The naming c nlountaina aftei per- goes:hack stn the,iegendar.•,,• : i e not end North' Afi.ic,�a s'highest.' '. m untain named Atles;,aftei 'the giarit:: who hearsupon, his .aiuple sliouiders, therburilen-.otItit earth?'n Ars.ot t11o'.. Pillars of. Hercules -the'. R'o.ck , of Gib - :salter end Mount Ayela on the oppo- site side of the straits -named tor an other -mighty •legendary hero, who shouldered out the hills and let .the broad Atlantie,sweep .into theland? The 'O.ld World has .many mown= tainsnamed for men and In it anEng- lish , name will always be. the highest; for the loftiest .peak in all ggthe world- bears. the. name Of a, rather, •modest' -rglish' surveyor and geographer -Sir George .Everest -who made, a survey ,;ofI many Himalayan peaks .in;1841.and was the prat accurately' to fix; the posi- tion of Mount Everest and to gauge Its height. So Mount, Everest ie his everlasting monument -and. • what' • a ' monumient! "It,reachesup into space • more than Save mile b 1' vel 'toe,has been given to a great national, New Hampshire,,it is .believed, .s11 other ;American. States. in the.; num slier of mountains' named for famous persons.. . Though her • mountains are 'ant such awe-in$.piring ambassadors .to The T®nHp e Nee, e • I• Jim .H .hect,.. , right in the •riiiddle..o1 his .filial examinations at Varsi'iy- when as he' at on was , g t said• himself sornething snapped and he was:just a' bundle of nerves. .,_Ile wept' to a. doctor and told his story. The Medical man, not. so long out of university° himself asked a good y ques- tionsYw, about 'Jims examination and his home'folks.. and Finally he' said '"You sit right down here'at'. my 'telephone "and call' -up your mother au have'. a; real good • .chat..'•'I know you'write every week:and all thatr but just have a geed .chat and don't hurry for it will net cost much• 'anyway." ' • : l' ' Jim did • ore than that', he •called his home every evening fi,om his rooms while the `exams were -oh. The sound of :hiss mother's :voice seemed` to bejust the tonic he needed. -` Mount Tacoma•' or Mount Rainier? Seattle•insis'ts upon honoring the name of Captain :Rainier .rather. than that -of Tacoina, a rival city. Rainier's name, miles .above sea e i leads: park. ; Oregon honors the name of an Eng- lishman v}''ith its loveliest, mountain. Mount Hood raises' its hoary head high, above th.e surrounding : •country, . and ,heaven asare, countless other peaks looks down from the ,hdight'of f1,000 named for Mortals, she makes up in feet upon, the Columbia . River. This numbers 'and. ithe dignity" of her mountain • ryas ''.first . discovered- bY names whatshe lacks in altitude for white men in'; 1792, No one knows New H:ampshire •is: the •possessor just which Member of Vancouver's ex-. ... Proud m of the Presidential Range. "pedition• first saw it and gave it a name. The Pacifie Coast evidently wanted in honor of Admiral, Samuel Hood •of Its own moun train ferubl1al. ;to certain` h'•fa Majesty.'s-Nei y.. '. _ �ioiinder _ai the Re.ublic: Hence it • Although ,an English surveyor: had that in the :cascade Range in Wash- .t5s loftiest mountain • it.rthe orad- ,,. ington 'we find also a' Meant .Adaz1s, named for hini, an American Presi while her southern neighobr„•Oregon,. 'dent: was; honor ed by. having- the peak Lae dedicated two ••great':peaks ,to that -rises. highest'•above-the-surround-, Washington and: Jefferson. • Ing country named in his honor,;i Iver - People hi; . Washington have, had a est. has' many lesser='brothers . hem- , • long: disputh over one of their most ming it, in. Mount McKinley, in` Alas=. !ameba' peaks: Is. it' proper: to ;say ka, named in 1896 1 honor'•,of William. • McKinley, .rises`'to- .a :greater, "height above the surrounding' country, than any 'other, mountain. in the world: It ierces the sky ata height of more • • than 20,000 feet. In the Andel • ivho peaks seemed content almost"'tp in for gardening.. Most folks .want' Mortals alone. Many •are• named" things to be different, no matter how 4 THOUSANDS of mothers i have found. that Eagle Brand is ideal for infantfeed- Ing, where they ate unable' OD nuns their own chiidtera:. ' Eagle.:Brand --- ,, •der:for the' Sunday schoolepicni'c and • •for the'base- ' � d itches eff=hands „ a cod 1 p ' 1- a g 0 w • ball. ten 7 • ' Wife -"You don't love 'me any more." • . ,t�' • Husband•="Why, • dear; i certainly. •Coiiiiuc...--"She seemed li.ke�a.good sensible girl." Brakeman-"•Yeh,• she nvoifildn't pay: any attention..to • me either." Seasonable .:Poem' • , Mar`. • had a bathing suit, purse, :She. carried in her • And every time she wore the'' thing • It stir gik up worse and worse. . •Wife'—"You, couldn't.love a. w,omr:n with such dild clothes as I'have." lifter .vacation comes recuperation. Nothing tones down a trouble 'maker kl to run 'into someone he isn't sure • he can; lick'. The success of dress; one might say her happiness hangs by a- thread. Death .and 'taxes' are no surer than- .siimmer:visitors. - an•, q:uic y as • There wilt b e, .ti rease RED • • ,� on account of the. New Duty and .. increased Sales. Tax ;. . Short -Temper O a Way T •..., of Reducing That. Surplus '.;N.ever -lose your 'temper" is a maxim. that • has - been 'i'mpressed 'on 'countless it of young pie'. But it. you are too fat; and want to• reduce, „it'd a, good • prinelple :to adopt: . • • For . it has' new • been proved'- . by science that • the• emotions. off' anger and fear burn ug: fat` "8o -,every time, you lose your temper. You: are helping to combat•that middle-aged spread. And if you inspire stifcient, terror; in the object of ,your wrath, ,you are helping him to,,retain a.,slim and shapely figure. as well. • • • So lasing year temper, may be good for you -and just as good for other •people. 'Tire short -ten pered•'rvife who. flares up on the. slightest provocation, •and'•whose' husband trembles at her word's, is, all unconsciously, the guard- ian of the • family health.• Even a wet holiday, • if it:frays, tem:=• Peri sufilci'ently, May- thus- le.a.�'hialthy holiday, And the small boy *hose tricks make 'grown-ups'' stutter •, and a woman's evening depends` . pon her- - 01I d'' e e (enc . One way'to .know is to"obs.... Even shake.withrage may be a public bene? o' moral factor. But -he careful! ' . •- Temper primary conceptions Mir p y 'does sometimes get•people interawk- - th ' -vigor' and Rte. Why the Farmer Needs the Rain The farmer needs ;the rain,'you know; • It•helps him- quite-a•rot, It saves his fruit, and grain and. crops And other things he.'s got. • The rain 'saves farms from damages. It does, and that's. a. fact; . . Itkeeps the picnicers away,' And leaves the place intact.• • ' ' • • •' Shopping o spore women is 'so -try - ever, named t inn. No'w is the time, to go out and he let for saints -bute--find- •.a fine ' 17,0.00; fo _different they .are -already.. When you mountain named in honor of a Spanish are ,promised 50 per cent. return en an poet who was bor-.n-.200-years._liefore in. estment tire- entire 100 per;cent. Gahmbo -began his_llrai_Yovage: The often fails to return. poet Ruiz nay be..otherwise ,forgotten,' .6., but Mount Ruiz .will'keep his mine A Vacation Thought• duty depend for sir ..v g .,uthe plea that you're Fleetness upon our practtcarattitude` Ir ...A duty. ' Nothing so .'clears .reducing, or_ helping -.others 'to. reduce, them as doing what we know to be may not always be accepted; • right know right and eschewing what we � . to be wrong: Coal Better. Than Sand That brings us `to : a solidity, and As Filter For" Water simplicity • of conviction which We . can reach' neither by observing• men's Scientists: . have . found recently , experience nor. by lc gica1 reasonings. e It keeps'us in touch' with reality, and dissipates the vapors' which •other- wise liecloud. the mind, • Other processes m:ay bring us to conclusions which,'we cannot de�py, hut:w"h'ich, have" no power Over our lives; this. .gives ,• us • 'conclusions that anthracite Goal is .an. 'effectiv filter for water, ' being muck ;better than sand and .gravel. ` 'Tests have that certain grades of an acite, properly+;, prepared, filter out as'\injch as ninety-nine. per .cent. of bacteria- in polluted 'waters, and' in addition . 'remove colors'and odors. ar -Classified.° . Advertising u71 !$AEY,:fr'HEC,B'S•- .a 1 13'•A B Y 0111 OE $.AEiRED, cks, Anconas, White and Brown •' Leghorns, 10e each. Assorted; 9e. 'PUL LETS six :weeksk. old '55c:,• Catalogues.. K Ii. Switzer.'Granton Ont. PERSOT,�AL . , ' ' 111 ARR.Y. RELIABLE' Mt�TR1MON. , IAL paper nailed free. Address ,Friendship Magazine, Medjna, New York.'. -• IQ A'F E COUNSEL” -X•612. - PAGE! 1� book, filusttrated. %Discusses'prob- .. :1 -ems: of love, marriage. etc., io.. plain language.' Full' particulars about our Special Get -Acquainted Offer" sent'f1ee to anyone over 18. years of: age. '.trite International . Distributors, P.O. • Box 202::, Toronto:: helps to fe.rther• right action. for, , . • - : cil'iwisdem-iL=Benitcr. Mussolini staial right is the power to ' go forward to right actton Si-vIiic fresh.. . . • .• • . , The bee; though it'llnda every re„e more diffic_iilti,_ .7.. ____ The naming o( niountains .after peo- ..,hai a thorn, coulee; back loaded with • . by Ceremony. Such a -ceremony' took rambles; and' whY T. ' L'ae- , should net Other tourists do,the sear? Life's hut a meen unto' an eact, that place tot Very long ago io the heart of • SALESMEN,' . • D' O. YOU WANT_ TO .GET .OUT 07 the rut? Are You • ambitious • to . get ahead, and unable to see' how to', do it? have you ever thought of••salesnian- ship=the ,highest • paid ' profession, lo 'the.. world?' . An established Torontq' firm oft. s to supply, absolutely free of cost,, -. a complete Specialty Course in the art. of salesmanship.,' Two or, three weeks .. gspare • time - study:' will complete the. course, and' you. ea,n start earning as soon as .you are proficient. Booklet etc. 7. this ,offer will. be mailed if you write Imniediately.to, The:British••,Cana- -- Alan. School of Salesmanship 1103 Fed-. -eras" Building; -Toronto.. • . ., _ ,• The .hardest duty bravely perform ed• soon becomes a habit,. 'and tends • in due •time .to transform itself into • a pleasure.- Oliver Wendell Holmes: • A MILLION fAi FOLKS CANT BE WRONG . 'And that's a, 10W-estimate:of the .. number taking Kruschento keep. down Salts for a few days thatfeld indolent 'aria chair feeling. 'deserts, yen - it ' ,doesn't raatter 'how fat , you ,arethe ; -urge for activity has got you-74fid• And best of all. you like tliis aetiYitY • :--Lyou Walk.a couple Of miles and enjoy apry as ever=thld-rtiiigliag, active • feeling reaches even your feet. , your body to keep you -alive -0 it were not.'.fcir. these vital aalts you • .. not live. • • . One. bottle. is enough to prove te yob that Kruschen make taiu feel • younger -.spryer - more energetic you'll enjoy life ---every nnoute of it • hot water eVery moroing is all. you need.. to... keep bealehy-keep 'your . .steniaeli. liver, bowels end kidneys in ' splendid cendition-frel your- System ..• from harniful toxins. and acids. the Canadian Rockies, *hen it was de- A kind-hearted gentleman saw alit- Beginning, Mean. god end to all cided to do loam: tO the memory of tie boy. trying to reach the. doorbell. things -God: P. Edith Cavell, the English turse , wile He rang•the -bell for him, then said -7' c°14°E"sED , Ivailli AIL C.Ws1111 Ives executed_by.a.German firing squad 1 Geritteman.=,"What noW, my little. tional Park a tremendous peak was ; .tittJe Boy ----"Run like,the mischief. cheSen-4, peak that loeked down 'aeon That's ;what I'm- gob* to do." the Glacier of the Angels and was a _ Throne Monntain-and with candles the doctbr says I've *got about a month • - and choir and clergy, representatives tO live. I want to -make my will.- - the ldorden di:, Ltd. 116 George St., Toronto. Send me freneoOles of your authori. tatie literature on Infant reeding. •A anti IMPROVE YOUR of the/State anil other ,dignitirieS, p.., great mountain was. christened Moont • Feelingiudiffereettefeodir Out include 'several peaks named for Pion- ' "MY eltrity_fii my autrobile I wain . ' of,ports? Depressed? Stimulate - eers or other mea of distinction, Mount I .,,ryce,. mount 'Lye% Meant Coleman . to *work to Pay riie bills. ,. ; Carter's. Ode Liver Pale. An . i HIGHEST PP.ICES PAID The Canadian Wool CO. Ltd. 2 CHURCH. ST., TORONTO They'll get rid of body poisons. • Few. woMen, hay'e been honored .by .`ion, compa•ily. Tbey took , softie awful ''''. that eitige. Indigestion, Gas. haviag mountains named 'for theni, al- I. " etc:,,ahd giim you a hew ino though, there' are in the Antarctic' the -something. • ?•:leirest in food. . .. . Queen ,Maud Hange and twin peaks I, '"rhat •new-fringled, machine . on the , ''' 25c &75c red packages : . named Mount Ruth Gede .and ,Moant..joh, I want the engineer to have: He : , Ask yOur dfuggist For Alice Gade, 'all diseoVered by Arnand-'1 made Me buy it; maybe he ban frake TIE— RS LY.1a.'"' PILLS sen.' For an American woman moun- ' •• great, peak In the Andes _bat 71.tr Man. He has had hil,eye. on it for In Bu diet The quality kroimot insectielat tInguithabte by Ili thief's -told pro- Peftlets., Sure iSeath Insecticide, Plant Blight and Disease...ey,our selection er king Bug Killer for your Insectleide Will insure you the gueatest results supply You. Demand Xing Bug Killer. Ko qubstl- tute... Write us far particulars. KING CALCIUM. PRODUCTS it's Good les Even Betier 'Mined MOunt Peck. ' ° Wherever -explore the names, bt men7-some proniinent; .do, but I want these six Material Men. others obseure-perpetuated in snonn7 for pallbearers. ?They 'have' carried tairt peaks and areas of land: Ross, , me so long, they might as well finish Scott Shackleton,. Maween and Wil- the job." • • . porters 'and „sometimes their ships.. , ,, ,. • have penetrated Bralvm-- Do you think the dead can". . • Century 'Old Turtle Ffund Illack-"I know they can't. Once I are sure . Franklin, Pa., -A turtle which has managed to borrow a .gollar from a . 10 get in lived mere. then .e centUrY7if the Scotehman. A Week later he (lied, end ‘ • • • .' ' was eight inches in diameter. • • . Obe commodity in the World hot yet i manize the cotaluet of Modern war,. 'people won't thfult you have aiiy---ari.d •e. . that's Werth a good deal. "I forgot" is " yoii offer it youraelf. What we can't understand le how tbe ant eVerearned. its reputation for industriotisness, con - See your dealer • siderlag the &umber of picnics it at - This pew. patented,: FlOproof Melt, rnent Box in, small Safe). will/supply .1.0,0--Lneed-of.,-11.r.e_protection for all .518,75. Send for circular. ' Agents wanted. ' your raw -Mire 'Overt. Lino costs onlV Fireproof Cabinets $c Safes Ltd. 353 Gre,e:‘nievirnotoindn .CUTS .1c SORES Apply. M nerd's freelY. It 'washes out poison end cleanses. Any. wound heals quickly •after its use. Thore'phothIng Wier! SU:turner psets Warm weather. and changes of food and water. bring frequent summer upsets unless healthy elimination is assured, You will find reen.a-mint effective in milder doses and egpe. cially convenient and pleasant for mien with the house icreened.. Hang. up Abroxorithe -fly. • etcher with the push' pin and • tiger Inc! ewicler ribbon. ' eroxon is irresistible to flies because the glue is fragrant and sweetond will not dry -L good for 3 Weeks' 6.21"Vie. At drug, grocery & hardware stores. tends. There's domethIng funny 'about EROX Get: our prjees arithmetic problems -you earn -under- • , • Stand them when you'ro,stodying then! IT'S THE BEST You carft understand hoar a child at school, but when• Yea're grown • 31 be•So nye things 'Most •nee ed I he. Knight Mfg. & Lbr. • Ltd.1 ea o lit this tinie cif tbeoyear are a, Clear • • INSIST ON TDB GENUINE • COLIC handy. This ptire vegetable prepare... 'don brings quick ..cortifort, and can never harm, It is the sensible thing` • when children are ailing. Whether it's the ' stomach. or the little bowels; eptic or Constipation: or diarrhea., When tiny tongueS are goated, or the • 'breath ia bad. Whenever there's aced of gentle regelation. Children tove the taste of Castoria, and its mildnesa makes it safe for frequent tiSe. is alWayS better for groping children than strong Medicine 'meant .onlv CASTORIA •