The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-02-05, Page 7IIIx ork- IM Iurtht ed Effb�t� New. I, W n tu e ri g IINOTO . ........ . . .. FAR 910 Y AN 'L NA* 0 A A T st ,ndticted,*'ProL air Nju C H,e I'Q 6fchernis Softiening Face Lessogs Fur- y e No—w ThAt e Skibill-Cap is the 1 , ou- 1ph, 4C with". kaerw a t tern th d -A Fashi6n IThe, a lievy 1. ir and face.arq asstim d a.n �rs! f& dlftCZ, all gi.vie, A,.e t Ve r I (lay sO IP; Character lit tile -present- 7 ou pe me the -a h'the 0 tn:�tt dry, 'lie leadit;g d in i�hlle t46'4V-6140 is'ilie.',case, s is'l- .1�0 e 't re- iv.'eiglits,. at t a qraina of f�tslji@ll, sijllc'� ha�s tha. ie� �'eef`llreedls'l, yquCew(ent-joll do6s flot 'I'seelli tor, qf a ti Qt the head leave byWe ds Y' expos6d. to "foril,lds --brims- ito 1N,a% ti4i` tilenti. iiid tils&one- where a� to th of- b4;,o ight., r, ie jil t", -evs1ing "' ., across 'the bo it cast. a gracious shadow, Ie f of 1000 Jys.-, per,.a,cre 01 braw, or to dt' ly The to.. 1doift give. the' to be d e -is'lert. a pp m 0 tasic"of,7softening .,the .ac An.s. a in ent Statgit'and tVary a gret III, . " . 1. .t.he"hair. ' . I Ong )vd9 toques, Tb,.nieet. t ltte�of M.Ow niefi Station. both Ua'ye, he stle- In. Id 6t e qo Ijl'�IkI8, polut an. b d clophos-1he to. Ilt W �,Of hall. si, uld be par an le..or- oil the s4ide-andiitla,, skm.6 ooii�luslon, tll�lt ill) ui*l)(,nter,: �.of the'beef breeds, ye� a6l, Los Angeles, r .�d iii the midd 1,6LiN isgia.ii - I . I . I I in c ose qually. good" made,b� : . . , 0 'fee g tOL � 0 inelies. 141 t (lbwwn�'tq t:116 - P&I's tit Iiia,spare nine. :,eight tAN, A N Ieit 41 4,500 lbs. Tit, tit "Ityply ng aII Ns;l -e (Axtalliell ,. b&6k ad.. T IILe 'go a it -ell (lining, t.he,'SLI1UM0N,;., 116, 'mo�_t theInot it, use Vh ve,� r are to n 9 7 I-1 zer. 4, m '0111, grit it ilixi-ot hers 0 T 44.tei lia tt4c � Ilose ... ., . ' -, '7.. ht With twh Ilio c du u . !,.' -al:ije lit- 'd rrh:, 11) ll�t..three wilell, Ile - look,, at tile' s S, qnei ti . A r, pray for ups I g I,. 0 &hobl. . _ .11 ld, be who� Qy * a d se 'frqiii - tile as, to 11 P their perse6litkrav for� thO$6 Ise tales!.about Go, a re of. 'et, of to 'a ,ound, .6� t. 'lie, f o e- n and tell, f a, ihe for ili�er.-'h :swindle. thoi tile vnagain %V011 't )eople'in'tie' terdtay.,' They'. around e Y68 'That 1A liquilit t1hL AM1.4 rhl-4�e &OU�11.S' thp: 6tatioll. th'answei nof er,. spilit. -in wli�ich Ahey. a '$,kibtler igillt! ge �17' wbu thel is without, pro7, aiinds; the"fouirth till oLpi'fOIIOwmg,1 Fiboruary Lissqn' Vt-�-Jesus r. 29,.,, Ainongst the, Jl� a, c011 the L g 0rt- prl 4q! $at be a avel fined to.'Ll'o";s th-6:6xfect,wift Ijace—because it was re- 0 be-it'ridged &atn. ot . I o 11 I ag Wo,rk Uke 6: 27-42. at on the chftk e -daily' gain 1.5, the fifth Ps' Teachet tefilpfuous Pa fr in the _un�eomp r W that te.ction Hi 1.7 iilve,stiga�tions sho -n gai-ded, as a deadly Insult..' than me dayllgbt�qg orksWith, rat three, months' 'averagI6 Golden Tex ­�Aa' wot4ld f wt -11 O p6tatoiiis- 'I$, tns ..o:" beggars ure. e e lateraf root gro .30. Giving al wac d. to or. ye Ra� the gifts, of m TI Tills bilys' p6*derk ,�he: ifxth th�e .ve Yq), "rapid a lid qulte­eiensv'e'_ 66u14 yaul in Palestine,'almost the Only illVw4ilable- k5 pounds-,,,' the, �ewlse;'�L,uke 6- 31-� well�gromect, Woma ain age g ryice"' .. bf �y tqo*.k�'�ld -poinj.,t6'the'adv�0lbIli'ty of means ol social se: hi, I 91, id usel, . re6 months' aV;�rage dailv -hat letil' with. ber sk sevetiLh t, lithank" t w6j.d tr,afio ehiry.api)Mntion -of a,t&d fer, ways be ratige. I& i-Ighth banillItit the h V.'32. The tot'aocenftia 6, not gall, 9 and I titst, laeng.: r 9unds. the, c lzer tbe 1�va 31' ydu R6� AL LAW, Luke 6-. lytl`.��4 inlilies Ahat there' iihou d a 11)�yohd, t�xaggerite'; 4he, red' Of galn 1.6'pottnds; d. tile' hing I!extra �? soinethi his' allit, ouga soniet. -ee ayerage dall�. I w E Luke )ftien& ips. tl,. - ithith'thi II. G,0.1).s�.jXAMPLI Lhe worla ekpects in the. nzer ovev ­6hey�ilcal, what I --cosmetic an 1 d the tell ili;re� ;a ARAs; L 'ke q- 4 6f Chri-stlans. - . .0 . . I 'I Sl`i�D tell', u gain 1.6 )�Oun( S; -a-11. ;d' Ipound. cre"Ing -at.entiOA is 'being Pat 10 �4. flTo -receive again, 'otiler,'6gredlent' Ili 'ba-�k. Jews' li�tcemenf of -'M6 eye's or. an Of (khs6r�,d by J I, imed. to. .meana t6'get-.t other -interest &s of eye. ­p�ien-. e -genera, 5 c, a. J ...... LAW, Like 6: 27-34. E ROYAL 'U ht.nqt charge one,'pn niore'sha often,,e hado,��§ over IPhysic , ontj�as'ts.'2 �;, , : I nial. effet upon Mig n o an - loan ciis''that pia'd6'tenuoils-5 d w-ftli J;W.D.—'' ij),Would yon: advise apply-- Soil. That �is to say they"tate C:hiistianitY in this'-wayi,11 V 35. We , must $ihow ki�dn&ss fo�.,tli '..lid'. tbe�y 'M"ust' be: use e s -a voitaiI6 crop bqtto -eligioll -of aW,- 6vard; but Ing fdritif.lZer..011 . . ..re., ed Idi. aZt. like liumlij. �plajji 'Judaism:; be saye, is a r. 16ve s not � to gkit -a' re, tq�te'.,,and - discrefton - to bar. detection,. u lbs-.'pey, acre 'He:regArded 111' Miig ing In'tie Q -istlanity -of freedom. li .!�L good 11' Oi add Li '1' is rewarded a b suited tIfe COIC es -s -and improvulg'.1 s reiat­Ubefttor,� 38.1 A, mu9t ..O wdl�ld lt,not-ba advi able, to apply s Wlttreat ssoil Efihei, I9. VeA -7 - powd.,er is. in dontrast with 1� I` . 4�� 41 1 4 �Ile. eye�r %as ,oilefullY k broadcast, thrRa 0, faille gio,wih:- 1f,the loses;th �SrGlill -as you �'triiiat tbem, OY said; :)ndition for ba'c ( - lle','complexioi. - It, is 'even g aildthe re Ass'ages, wo - 'in niatt-61., in' wid" in other, p 'you, as yoti: treat others. A sg before �! a nt, I n 1" Iliq of pj�g, treat ortive 'model that 11 tal�i the fePr- -royal I that� the eye sha o can,be. �taa�de I 'learn before 'With because" eliave what is called �,'the lbs.:Vfg� tho planti r,, coii6jqq�Able, ill adi.� Vs. .39, 40,.;- lots of ),1easure' I-$ maieutton bf,Chi you - iiar6, -tile C . -lit.- TI 4s, n'6 real c6n'tr teach- even when to lia.rinolli4e'with ihe'sli&4, of.' ight-,yeig W n. " And - just aq -le welgh't.­M4 sees'soug:*i t,u can dast, the in, o0016, it y fll,ha,ve, sc" tion. Th� scribes aXi&Phaj�i Y, ib, etirriers teachers, you,, like yo�r�Master,.-J�nust 144t. i%:�' h beAn its snih Is ca*i 49 nl,�rogen s0pplie'd iff-lorgallki &.rille.foi"Very. oc dllcitte�of- reflec.to s ovei"Ilie lid. s,,nIptppy_as ca s i.! Io n re a, (11 .eiasio . .11 to� lay dow_ l...t 're ',Iab'o,,,, )t judge and eornj P lei Y., wait f r bacteria Ee- their coae lit .1 attion,botit " 61abb,,, 4-11 o of Izers has to 0 Of human III A- --TOW ft'is liberated, -he'uc( "tion oUpe the -ac e n aiiplied to. poiato,L.c�o poiOM Mr,"r4a.13 e S, On the'�thek h'and, laid- he ,you must cast th 'at' se�ms to ogg4inic corriei s pl-olbnged. beyon -to O' hen: Nci',W6nd it b,�dice*,. 41,qeve� And' the -skirt gives it,' dc%tion s.6 x ur eye, b0fore- iti., - ". ... sometimes jii� iber ut of -'V0 n. gaieat great' tili Was., the stroul d-ouble'�,h,ii a�d tailored finish. A -(I t � ' �, mau's. tiji-fi. ie t rier Jt n e me, as,, y u 'a of the ptirely zqlnerat 'carribrs. 101 e 'i pushed' lby`the',wayi� this "is, al .dls is th, $6 ileeliiai rule-, --(%uch Can gee to, tAke,Ah, Spli I 'the rini it ZY&A t I . I 'the hill pQt . a� �es .�iv'es best T e. nittitogenl4n.each, case _gO111*1i.tjj11es in thd' of too, ailid'witti a pe�ici :;.' n - t Oift tile n, -belt may be. of :selt-fabric h eedi. T he qigs n- i .'He then s 'form ot, particular 6 n'L-iie4i . _g . olldncte�d loug''en: dilq - qoj�gailfc� carrrers, eiico,, the t on- �n tli�. y .-but: ba�Ing love, in your juice. Guili), to . I -.6beying s, "if y6ur,.enemy smi e y e x Iap I&a e -1—w h-mr-it hL4 -in size, Gne' CRE61Z. t rfswer under va the, 140 f Ii.�ieterniille the saltab Y 4f Whereas, then,,. Ihe seri el ess,. itse e Mullis poutt! tell . 0 i n - Fly zers. I't ijees.,sought t give me n n to,�get.inother .,inches bust.'L in he' fel't, Pbav - , y_onei �veathe� that was likely t( very. diAMI of th s 'er, W .1 u be on. whicli theN are to b46 map, indicating e d ro 0'Ut,or it.,- It's o simple to;',m e III- spite..O.f 'O' d"'thi,North p 0, Id sii.iiii wav men a: compass,',am The. mee mall c,, me 'forwaild,- IIf you Ike -a tiny'.ed-ging Of bias Wet s Jes." gave Usk. by 7.. ts, gio6d. lobk�� I]Zk46 them, gul$e thit, �teps I When onc,6,� you have lived.' Ili: te, the lemon a grip of "in Land,. f 'driops u -t -o -f -It iquelt cqml& be slj�'ped H44 the� ridelt &OWstaris. , � - . " 'I! I �.. , conipas..,, North, -a. e) ucge I squeezq ss, We. :Are ,nbt 'to' apply thete-'66ii away, Vou'maY I'Dam' - .1 ' ' ;AIn�!, - said the' sirOng niah; and the sleeve c­ffg. The, larther Lig "You inheq�efoe,_ 0 ef Wool Jerse lit. Within ands; A work at" tweed'- 'flat creo,a .1 believe,,su, -�b.; ,.but what.do, You -�nd 'by'�iule ( )f tf.ui is s ca. liug yOu iot e. De- wM crepe approftiate. o set lieforeAlient t Caressingly -k ajl-��; iiiieOM0 T. Xx al,I :wh. in a, c.fe I I., I I .. . n�vhlch is bin cillre :'y Size* iO're'4. 8 2%- ar4s* 54 -in Id an. ambitloa that 14'h6t ial -66& I'a it aim, af iin.dE modera s, '111tv which In tb'6 ost of allurements, 'HOW TO ORDE)RATTERNS. ; and'-aiy tions is -my 'not be �Chr nildst 6f a beyond ih4 talents istian to I,%, JOT� the laiiU W 'do'o 1�6ti. vistfll I I -nL y y0a;:irii be s Jo �r e it, upon the In': e s to.our (16 IDo;,Butro;wi14$r`B,6no6 - h-ai i and addrtess plal to every beggar who 9 you.. 'tit txskiti� any.�uestions. M�here tile people - ar at f re kn_ and size - of e lovers ID tit �Ijould all - begin life IvithO, 0 patterns. as you nelo we caref ul Uncovers Whak :Fossih ly, giv ml not t natlion t � do: well. �Vhixtever 0 we must be want. se 00b iii I&Tnptg Of *ater '&-wn, th- stallips or coin'.(coin 'Prefer.�red; - wrap - thei f '36SI . . San Diego, commands 0 And tlie:beart is 1�s free. as the !And. Calit�'The att f a lc6 'in li�L-nd, and,it that deieriiiiija I,' for till they. b6Eorhe',easy a,ild'ins1P'1d-,'- I it ttie . - . . . . . 4 small dog t& , dig up 'a bon it carefully) for- epch number, a rid tion. Is adbered,to, willi the pluc �ng, our. 'ta-sk 1 R1.1 I 8 Enell studyiing his -,teachl IU aft'sands hav led natu'ra-1 shmep �rhet,(F�the v�llstftesls so grandly uiifo- I� daress your: order. to* Wilson Pattepi try to unde threefold, .frl,st, we mr.9 bt. 1ti n tit 1, -ce e dliji the: nat"re, iinA ed; S onw i 7,33 W st -ds rilknt t6, or d -'I Ir the,fossirIze r raill what here to lincove t (if out princ,ole und�q4rll ..In a ble�lldlttlg Of v.alleY all then NA -hat, eIt of a whale tliey..,i�. �,tllby bell deth the mind, thafbeholds v c6ttgl�lp first st6P Oil their ap Expan ev.e ty thirrl,. whAt i, :gt.!, to he 2aclf1.c �00,0100 years ago. der that leal(i�s, to' �qcc*'ess is ditiolis �nd duti6. And im'art6th ffisi'. the la.(r tidn t&.our qwn con p eslablislied a caulp (tit to. The sl�je_nthits 1 the ettiliffiation (let li.: GOD'S 1�XAWIPLE, Ltil, 6 "Ind it , t at iiext, ..is. file oce, I fro! the of. tit t ndaj��ntai principle imde'rl loc, kk began j, The fu 't whon duty'decrees the- 9,tion couif)let,od, -excavation, 'wo' -volilragp 'to be! express. Bti 'of tlte' iii.ioral and,. physical bey iny'the teaching seems nothinj to,do.but ot Ito You. have ellitiAe one It C041neq to this: We a, erse U)TY-, voice. Of vlDcatiOu% -Uilg, U, In T let peremp after I 1.)t.il tile to treat oth6,r-% as God has.ttoated. 6 t wisbing,may' Ord' IV W I .1 I -of 0 ittil yo . it reall.4 ­God'.':and' *f duki Guards' Rens! Iare intinisite4y.associixted. God is �bp Paraffin L ihott; 11-elen's Jesus' thdiig-hs ------------- Iof m,, all a a , 7 the y Who ends hj,� sun and ri n t& NN lien You, AMY MAT a' 3 I'l I see et r of Cu'riosit IQ* She was; lell.-to be- Father . .1, .1 , t, . Feet' in W' . Weather !Dahgei bless tlie;�wt �nd the urijuqt; he is ub mai drtli'Land; . B� - goo(at to e In ci-lary w, 1,6h -is iperelY had a iis chi-ldre-ti, 111:0ol111cr E6 the feet pf I Whelli I'f.ul ­ he� t�redats I then. n1t, air; clilekenti, 'lear tid, pra rding a man brings ai 1p'' 6ir reed. We thet',f- n tl eE,,g deater ller6JIR�S' .c co to th Vit]T 1 is On. hi, ieighbors�, (i am p nio, ii - a ga I a A I)L)Itltry , f O.rc, re xvil.0 five'liappily ii ry (,ues by. the A GOOD LEGACY. to treat our T them ill1ii1illie ta' intellee7 to., t And the folks d eccri-ding to their deslotts, but th6hr answer b,w)116h he not Meall. to thy6o 'ji1lig., L c6ininen 7--fte'le. C. 0:'MacKetlizi. obilged I o Tkv God hs treated 'Its. Thi.4 -ijilill not inarvel elf ill the ft-IIJ "IR of IAph. Ne*t Nvere he w rule his. conduct, let y,ollt-Keep ipf� of',Christilil jd4- College- ie -goes On, a..saftse. the it h glyce KI lie L7110tigh I reed N eW i W,� 1, �dnd it i the feet to ell- of deqolatioi e1v ;t,plice �rhat we of llle� oil remaiii.ett.'ot I. . ("� I, ' A willielts ot'16 ,day mx�t be all ifircorta" _�o, .1' 0 weeks. A it, is, the qW LOYALTY u're (11,N .1� 1PI Ile our love, and We I Ioe-( -b .%viliefi! Ifliids 11; 'for f�i them wl1-a,evcr liie-denian I. - A 1 11 g lininfl, jj'fitlif It fi a li�,vk oil, tile after,fee otill6a of IOYIlty. is. worth fill, c know tile ',defendant, Parsou?" trift-111". is Qie heart'. the, Do ii0i':1)c' 90 I'll hl- as t& T..I)ve implies .,that'. -whatl&er .1,,(I inliddy fields -showed-,4-401'e V 0 11 -or or si-n-, of, 0, r polind or Ali b q a. logical 'Allaillt- the the necds, J -froi the,waxed pre- hiteflO.et .& more ri brothot nhmthe- replied ex pC - is cipable oi- 1160bor,. we treat"th(, not to, be allet, wftf life Ill tile world. Ilanitioll. Tht�y i: 0 �;10 e c A.G�EAT rKOUHT, !,I( fo I' 1,11 gouthqrn Rhode,,41jj a 6 it In 'n' by 1ogical --oil !�t4L) I(Jilk- IMTI�tyt. ier -6es4- -NiTI—VII-of -1 Ior Ale 42.,. Il0liell, is �ralled- dwell ill l'bill- iiiii-lib Aluinftl.k it at. . I 27. "'Yotir to Se tv kilo,xlvilge 6f tht, Wirld be foxincl I.j I I v . da -i Iv Would. )p 11, I I illol.(, to Tnal<e meii (tlking. to laillli.10 i.ean "th6 Mulis; Ills.1011- lillich - 6n fhl-61kh I tbougll pri�-,qto� ollellij,ps might, bo. iAr- AA - A PP�IZE. alter "111 Ito glll to give yoti j he .- . . . ' ve 'Ile'd lehv4 his clude-J.' 'One rcasol�t_ -.vhy-Jest 41,01a. n it I Ill. I belie ag IYou've beel. voice fri'61 ''111P Tit e' 11 I$' il pt.lw-of life, the &wNlling' I "I I .. I - to 'rejocted and repuaited by his'. peogit, lie.d, it' it,.wero loose." NN,illle: help, r!jig minds Illoll fol -11111A (if biln Let' -.110t I It IIt:- til -It Ile ,woul� have nothing to -60 you, Il`v I re al collililoll,' olljoy tIII eip . tht I Ilo d 011-Stlit, Vv ', hatred, of theRomails; alltl Atly 6nly yesterday 11(.) w -as, going. to I tie' �- - Av I'lill the, 111,11ildy —wheil r it. .111d "It 0 1 1 !),I t h ll,ill'o vr.( Ift 0011" I7erland f6t' his h; be at their-eri-Tille IS w I t T.Awlilp our �eneiiriies rinust, to Make 1), thr6ats. 'bettPr 1*0011 ol' oi- song. cluklp loving our is -Deep 'In J -he Hi6art I,Qf,. A Hose. AND EVE BUD, 'R FISHE itI U� '�� I M r4i AT The. �UAGCI,t, x DONIT K, N 0.W , As. ID 11 L, I'll, I OwNt, T�J& GAS 0 N 1A, �V� C�esi,A.1�3 or To VC 6 c6m -C AV,S, 4� TRM 'Herse- C 0 tU4. !O A 01, WIL.L, tiAvez- Is 1AoS4Z- - 13 e I , N INT ' lic. 60SE- wc Bbw-�Sk�'t TIEN 6At;.LOtiS A.N-b 'ST L07 < -M;1[Ze_-JFiLL rr�e Roge, wtlg�'L, 0 (51 N 6 S. JA 6.g 4t �, $tz L 0 -rb llti a COM 4U OA.� C- t4' T IT L r-- 1) 'm Thrz -D '44 G S I M . GASMANG AND SThRIk - .'I- 1. " A Nb -G ks-0 L W C' k S 'IiAbSd A0 IiT'S'., -01 C- JOLL4' OUD L' .. . 11, , ... - It i ? T V G. ANb ttC- CASE ALL 0 A,GAIN'. 6TVkCkW1Se' ATT� %CA - VON PUY lit lit I4no I00 L= I