The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-29, Page 4irtig LucKno* sENraIRLi
0 pea K.
e Poultry Free fromW ORma
‘Itilr. Wm.: iarrati. of 'Other:O. wrote ea it year ago ataiiag that Ols poultrY had
lfaultry A:IMO* 'in each :106.1*. pc Loins Ideals for two. wee* and Centime
throughout the Wiatet,witli 1 lb. Met it het** weeks he:stiote iis ataiing
destin'-iliiee deis,he.noticed blood. . in the droppings, eu# that hie egg Pro -
060:190 bad lenne.uP 100%. During iall, Winter and Spring Months lie 'Pei-
ehaere1600,1be. of 'WI Poulin! Mieelfte. We received i letter from him the latter
mut of,4irgust.'eteting that he was aniseed at the Malts he obtained, that hit poultry
wari-of.40ir free ,from'iionns, end that during Augest of this year bis production •
Weal?* even! iirdisYsnart.seth Illitlittribai, feed he hi *ins. or if be rabies
mot, hitidd one Pound Or RayalYterfile PoOtter SPeclfic to each huridred POWIiie dialog the...Whole Meson the vault:6T are shot in. While this great tallie de' '
'91FP1‘,1i' the worn* it. at the satae *to t0007 up the birds, keeping their digestive .
. !raffia "lethal** seeM 'me, if they weishamtage. compelling theiii`th*& '-f-,rom 15%
'.,!,,st. , , . .,,,:'. .., ' . t.:- • • ' - ! .
' Worc*-14-itr,a!hf);-ria-oft?n,niroi**:*-411711#3e00c4i. 'irhe. 04.4 'btc°14:iAlO7
MO ihrgo-gyameasiarof. diarrhoea. When .badly *tested- th-C;*g*-e:', ';', t•• • .• .-i•
:alto': 004 -,ir-tight bage-•$14.00. Fcilf . Sale bY 4,660 '
, looloaw infected with worm's. We advised hint to use 1 lbs; 9f Royal Purple
• .40.Acos:itooit fiOm'i,no'leal.nws, Oat. Thlijoioninsilir Asiteetad ietteased•
Put- iirtraffe. and 60a:paakfigeS, $1.75 ad
.dellera *Canad4. If your dealer -aatuatitesuriply yoti,
*rite direat. ,
Olral Purple.Laying VIeaI
P4311411'fillifte t'gr• Matheson. lanerk16.:Onteria., us that
•'We can supply' you viith Royal Purple Laying Meet' With elis without the
fed .Royal Purgille tavisia, Masi to 600 pulls* Mst year. with the /Wel Pimple
,Preiltty,SpecIlle„and go#Siti average of 74% production from the le Of Decern-
. IteiutiO, -the taiddie .of Match; Be 'also'itates that he lira received largest pro-
duetiass'f, of eggs be hie ever had Ijkaiiits the• twelve months he has using Royal '•
If yOur,disler ceanot supply rex We'willibe pleased to quote you prie9,1 freight
1421010.404ORMOAl. and that keePti•bis Priulttlf, healthy during entire season.
VIIVILITE (formerly known as Vitalit ) We are
fat this semdettid WAiled pi -mina ist*I for ivied:rive hinssi•bardsZ
• not peas through ordinary ;gime. !rite for descriptive'circular.; .
• • em. It leit, **ugh the. idtralriolet;.groivth• rays ham the sant that
4.11fs ke,Very plesised sen4 yOu °et 3Vpage hooks •
' with Must:414ms in celoar, descnbaiiirthrcommor-diseasee--:-
of Stork and Poultry with:particularis Orthe Reyial -Pimple •
:remeclies'Ior amis. and details of all the different lines' Of feed'
• we menefacters: It deals with:166 sultjects of vital hitereet
• to every; fattier and zioultrYnom 10
TRIJAS10444 -iTATIVARVOth, *93
lotorag$, AND OFFICES MAY pip
So saye.:,a Dominion •GoVernin. ent
. '
:ft. may. not be long 'before the hope'
of recent generations' for heating
homes by electricity through cen-.
0%1 .heating ;plant may be realized in
several cities in Canada where electric
•ower is cheaper than elsewhere in
the world. Advocates Of the central
heating scheme ate already..vistallz-
ing Winnipeg OA field five,' Years
as n city without the, individual
ing systems with their .snieke,-.athe.s
and heavy •',Oefal, conantinglo'n, , The
milnisipally-owned„'Wipnipeg. Hydro -
Electric power ,Plant neWl heating:
200 buildings and .nurneroni suburban
bomes-"by ji Central , steam -heating
the vision that sorne day
the mid -West City will be'linicerf,tfrciiir
ing by "iindergroinid pipes deriving,
their. warmth 'froin •a. plant in a dis-
tant Pert of the '
The principle'. of heating IS not a
ne* thing in Winnipeg, where it, was
hrOt established in 1924. Thie•ninnicip-
al.steam-plectric plant which was, re-
quired °as a stand by forelectric;.power
was 11, „e0 '•:provide heat' Which.
Was piped' through A certain' area of
the &wit -town „part• :of. the city. It
vvas the first plant of its kind in
Canada. Electric ..boilers‘wnte instal-.
led and power developed ' on, the Win-
nipeg Bitter was ,utga the:prochic7;
don' of heat When not required :for,
Other purposes. The Scheme prniked: a
success and has. since been extended..
A piTtrate . company has'Tenterecr thez
field with a. 0,0oopc• steam liesiting
plant in another' eeetion. of the citY.,
Recently. the citizens of , Winnipeg
voted in favor of a, by-law to spend -
8450;000 for an exteneionTof the !civic
centralheating .system: An additional
milhion dollars is to. be spent On
tending the systeni.,]to the Suburbs.
The :present' plant is valued at .over
*1,185,000 exelusiv0-4-the-arranged-
for extenSiOna, „
When. the new Units7n-f-lben---plant7
are 'Operating it IS • estimated . that
the ;mean n saving of '81.00 000 year-
ly. Surplus. electricity not required for:
light or power from,. the: $7,0(10,000
power development at Slave Fall's, on
the, Winnipeg river,. Will bei used to
heat the huge boilers in the centwil
heating plant by eljttricitY instead -of
coal generally Used. .This will *crease
the coal cost and reetilt in no .eXtra
expenditure. . •
, is claimed th,st each householder.
aceepting. the system ' willtsave : from
12 to -40 per cent. of his present ex-
penditure for heat. It will eliminate
coal, buying and-. no longer will the
man •of the house worry ,about lend-
ing the furnaceFildingi7ean be built
without - chimneys and furnaces; as
the underground pipes carry the heat
• • .
from the plant to the structilre: -,In-
addition to. electricity,' western lignite
coal is used to ,produce heat. .
The fire hazard, ever present when
furnace and stove pipes become over-
heated, lies already experts declare,
been reduced 1;5,12,000,000 in the past.
five years. The heat in every building
and home can be regulated and keit
at a proper temperature
by thermoh-
atic control. ' • 1.
Private concerns are 'entering this
newfieldand the Winnipeg city churl-.
01 has several requests : for peirris.:
sion to erect plants in varinut'yarts
of •the city. Central "heating zones
are being planned to link the °whole
. .
•.. . . .
'A • "A• '
- .
14. "'••••• sm•-•;,•:•1•••••••••••7!.,.... •
ThorSclaYt Ine141!eg
at Lucknow, Ontario.
• A. P. *aclCenzie, Proprietor
.-and Editor.'
Those who listened to the program
of 'the Notional, Broadcasting Corn -
any, ,ThursditY night , of last .week,,
f0111 nine to ten. o'clock, heard scone,
hing Of an unuinial character, 14,Was
'Cross Society of itheilloitea‘Stites
tat' 4,PP4,1 ,iyade.fin,b4fig.t. the Red,
distress".44'irant in the Middle Stet':
'The Red 'Cross SoCiety. had Mike' .
for:'tenniilliOn dellar.s,It-had_already,
exPended., ,* .infilion dollars, and it
needed, 10 'Mill -lin 'More; : - -7-• -.' "
' •
To aecivaint the public -with the eir-, „
said, seine :Plain things about the
.eumstances :and the need it had isted':.
COunell-ebOnt., the Waste. Of
the nation-wide radio beek-UP of 'the "*.Ci4len.tLd
'Money, and what. we., pub-.
NII.C.., and What an, weir'. Of speek.::.
llelled,-:along that line Was 'reproduced
erg': Never before, we think was :thir,hre: 411..0414y .0 oioopapeis in 3ttice
.Cotinty and. likely, i o ' ' ' '
°that counties. ''• ',..
such a line-up of.: , celebritieS:.
sPeechea were from five-te,ten pita.- iti 6.7 ;rpe.r.o: in
utesin length. They were to the point : ,,i__,,, ,,i,,: ..., .,
And . well delivered.. 'F011oWing each that everybody
117 bl.sieeklii: something
ci..r.,,,.ti.... : . .•:.:... - - ..„--,-..: ..., . , and 'waiting Or,' That's what made'. it
there was a selection by :a. good' Or,'
".4 . interesting. The •county councils, had
: t, give' the order in Which
We ong been ;tinder .SusniciOn as iiieffici,
the 'OritOrs 'Spike, but here are the -Iii
' outstanding---fiames. on-:the,:listi. _Presi-.
.:ci.ent -.Hoover. ; 'EX-FreniilePt. c °°1140''. They
heads jii71„,he;-'; •Briiceemingil•-appear-* -tkiii-has2beetireduted.:to ven The .
take the bad condition .. for granted...: . Population'. of :The Whole Orkney, group
.aad, wasteful Wiwi. The ...oh*:
Ex-qoiernei . of New York .State, -Al. '
regard ..the ..sitikatiOn. as hopSr''• ", 0 ',steadily dinfinithing:,.. . "-* • . ' .' '
less and let it go....Either.that or. Some 'eighty ,miles noilik:, Of 'Ten' e:
(leader in New York Society), "Athos"
Smith, 'Mary' Pickford, Mr*. Behn-Oht,
are :.pleased ' with the eitrarigtahnee!' riffe, :the iiiietiiieignely.f Owned: Sal-
:.., ;:lin..wit)1 the.exCeptionut !.`13ehnunt"
and Andy'!,,', and Will Rogers. , '
..60me of um:1_40141°w .acchge.:RAA,...of '
and the easy, . goOd, time.. No doubt .4geS 'lie, in the blue 'Atlantic: Steep,' ' •
...latels_precipiees surround them, and
. .
"ipilling, the beatie.' • . . • .. -• ,: -- -:their- -..suMmiti.:„...:itteronnded..„
are namee familiar to the 'radio, audit,
: Anything that ,exposes .' 'waste of. hills • Covered with .4tais and breals.:. '
•'ence-and each is or. has been, at the
for* ecenSa13' .The Sea round theta is Sevin.' with per-'.
ton of bis or her Own sphere of action,'
ilous reefs. '
public *money 'or • makes.
.A :greater ' appeal 'Scarcely Could he .
made, and, the likelihood , is that '
e 'thie yeair Times are hard and. taxes,
ate` Iiigh,.,ao its 'Oiling 4O-4e-'74,..,..hall: Smile 'time ago ' favasute-seekert •.
'10,oking4or'-aLfortune ..ottwe, r milliciii
- - , , I • .. . . . . . ._
will:4-et-4--hectringLiindz_silt_t approval .
'teirniillion -dollars.- aeked- .' for, .14/413 ' .
• ' . R: ',silver -chillers' Said to have been.
time for public ..servants -especially ••
hurled On .4 beech of One of these is...: .
those of the winclY, wasteful tort,
.1804,,..inade a. strange, dis-,,
LABOR 'PARTY ASKS FOR BEER _•eV ' : Giesit .$alvage, the largest
Wa :read. that the Labor Patty of isla d ..lif the ' -three, which ,is now
Canada has requested the • Ontario c,ofitPletely deserted, • except Ter. the:'
aceasional *its. :of Portugese'':fisher.•••
Government to allow the sale of
strong: beet by the glass in hotels., '. 3100i . 41 criO4-4000ed , with old' Atone .
:calls, showing ' the:. Whole of it :•'
also interviewed reenlist', Bennett with (Ace cut 1;07 into ssnalf 'enacts -
The 'Trades and Labor'. Congress has.
A view to Unemployment insurance and or
These Wallis are itinfiensely Old, and
"improvement" of the Old Age Pen. -
;here is absqrsitelY :no, reedfd sat: their•
sion , law._ .
Well the Laborites areat-least con-- 'soil/lett. The itlansria. so sinall, and
barren, it aeons :impossible that . it
sittent It they get the beer they Will
.z.,o_uld ever • have Arited:any• etuntider-
need hitter pensions in old age:s
able poPilliticin,Mt,_cetfainly- it -was
weli as liberal unemployment ins t -
ante ,all •cultiVatiedf, _, ' ,..• , '
ance. :'' '. ' . • .
' One explanatiantiS that the Sa1.7
. A. few years ago an employer ad -
for • help closed ‘,/itlx: "No , vages are merely ;the, remits*, of a
'aisich larger islancVtIse-Tett7nt:which- -
'bolsters need apply". ', The ' Old 'Age
'arat been. washed;oa V4t.y; by • the sea.
Pension law and the Unemployment
There it. 14 ' (*hi whatever that
insurance law ought to conclude with
his is. what haSi..•actually happened -
that same sentence: . . •
•vith'reasird to that PaciffenlySterY: .
i Taster Tsland; with its rows of huge
images • carved eut of stone, each
weighing Many ;tont; and its enor-
nous stone platforms, 500 .feet long'
and ma -de of 1-6Tal6ffollyr`ctit---slabsuf----,- ---::-
rock. , ..
Some...of-the,,atatties are „seventy.,
'feet high, .but Many 'Ai* incomplete. .,
,rhee is ever* evidence that. the Men -
who, made them .were forced suddenly .,
to .abandon.,,theirivisrle. :The.. truth:
seems to.: the . that Easter. Island was
-..ple-.1ivedeln.-.a.-ring-Lot islands -which
;he centre of an • Mutate :4080 peo-
were Overwheimed, by WeIne tremen- •
Ions eataelysiii;„ •, ,. . ,
. Of 411 dead' islandit the strangest
lies in Pnget. Sound. Formerly it VMS'
..hickly wooded With firs, Cedars, and
ather trees. About •twelve yearit ago ,
these, trees *. began :to die, and now
The -once sbeautiful island' ill covered
-irlpialc fade -toil. forest of dead , trees.
And no one has ever discovered the
reason for this strangest denudation.
..sonc:stwients.,. vt, kitietithrToiiine.,, : 4.pc7 lanation of tronbLO between
-,,s entiPle Of Eldersile Township farrn-:•
itienretthein veteran police Officersi
ers and the tax-esallector, the Paisley,
believe that treinendous help in - the
Advocate had t 'e following
effort to put down gangsters.and gun- '
The facts lee .tei be that Collector
,inten 'WOuld be 'st federal 'lair p' rOhibit- -
fag end. of. the takes for 1930, and to
: good reason Thi they shonhi: cartY. a
speed on matters ,the COuntil autlt0-
weapon.. • Several 'states' IniVe sisCh.
ized him :t0, proceed te collect by legal
laws now. New York has the Sulli-
process and he is ,doing to:
van liti, which on occasion hat teeth
A case duets" unusual Cir'91Mstan..
.1t, and whieh has led New: To*
ces wet. brought'. to, a head on this
:gunm'en to adopt novel Means Of' ,
side of the muoicipality list' week-
' ,nihrdering. their ' eneMies. The SOUL'
Mr. 'George Manta, 'wile occupies ' the
van law declares that it. man? who '
home -farm on the Elora Road,
carries aweepon, unietilieensed to do: !.)1.4
just south of PaiSley; is the individual
so, conintits- a misdeineanot.:., If the.'
ratepayer concerned Since the death
man had been previously =meted of .
of his father the property has been
felony, the tarrying of the weapon ,
assessed to the estate Of, 'deceased,'
38 deemed a felony, too.. For awhile
hut this Year it , was .entered On the
. thia. las:sum:at_ : a. _powerful Weapon in ,a_ .,
• 00' hands of the police. They, could 4.-'"".-""ideTname77.1Te--, gstat0...1108. not
been settled up., George did not. meet
arrest a 1010W11 gangster whom they
the tax-gatVerer's .dennand for pay-
, feund it difficult to prove •guilty of
ment by it 'Certain date, so the stipu:
any crime, and .,if he had a wespini
lated extra percentage was added to '
in his pOcket they 'could get :a con -
the bill, and .he demurred at being
.viction: This-ied one noted killer 'to
;paddled with this personally, it seems,.
walk the street's' with his ,packets
and his. further 'delay eventuated. in
, turned inside out and sewn together.
seizure of a list of his ;live. stock by
This not Only proved that ho hakno
160TIOirble--Leite/i-,--vAl4k; -had-the-theani-
Weapon,'but it Made it diffieult for the
malls ' brought to town for sale under
police to attest hiM and report that
distress ' warrant. - • The- sale '' did not ,
open being '' searched a revolver had •
been , found, . . take.,place, ,bowever, as Mr. 51,0to
• So this apparently unarmed killer give : his cheque :* for the amount in
full on certain terms, and the cattle
would. -Walk the streets in search of'
his prey. When he sighted hint an ac.; were driven back, to his farm by the
to bis ,constable. There were some fine points
complice *mild move swiftly
. of-lavit-involved,in-tiseizerer 011e. of
side,* accomplice in many cases be -
which is the.separation of a, ,milch
bag a smartly 'attired woman, a 'te-
cow from her young calf; which, riat-
Volyet would be passed Over and the
Metes a setback to the Milk
murder would take place The weapon; tirell3"
production of the cow and the growth
• would titert 'be retkned, and the as, -
of the' calf. "Whether such Points will
• Bassin if arrested would be found :WI-
N be threshed out depends; of course,
armed: But there are so many ArMeti
whether there will be any
• men going oboist the streets of. New. , upon
further litigation With, making the
York .that the task, of the police is.
almost -impossible -They atenot Wile "IWO.
to arrest and Olivia one percent. a.
0, the armed men, and an armed man-
' according to a New York district At-
- torney, is a killer or potential killer,
making exception of course, for those
whOse legal occupation makes it nec-
essary that they should be arined; It
; is legal to buy revolvers in 'New Jei•-
• no. It is legal, to, buy machine guns
anyirberi and carry them through
Arch. L.- -McKinnon ii, experiencing
,*Ing the 'sale of *firearins -except , to
, designate4_.iersons •whocsin. a unusual difficulty it gathering in'the
the holding of. meetings, but all the
police had done was- to Warn the own-
ers of halls. that if they permitted
meetings at, which 'sedition >and the
overthrow of goveraMents, was advt.,.
qtted the hall license would be Can-
celled. The owners of pubic balls fear -
`ng .,that the Communists would not
keen” Within the refused them use.
of their halls. ‘.The communists and
their sympathizers readily twisted
this into the suppresidon of :free.
speech by .the • „.
The Communist organization in
Toronto is quite likely an offshoot of
the organization winch at present op-.'
presses Russia, Where free speech is !
'Permitted 01117 to- the rulers, who wiL
permit no -criticisin. at •all. ,of 'their
goVernment,1 to SO' nothing of the
promotion of siddition.
Number of Islands, Fotmerly
° buhsb-
ited, areNow Without
People talk of, St. Kilda Saff.,.if it ,
were all one island, but in reality it
Is_a group of several islets, Of, which
Hirta is the princip . Forty acres of
Hirta were ..caltivOe sod t.h,e.: rest
was Sheet rum. Butow 1:Kirke is de- '
orted,J..° ils* people and all the
sheep have been removed to the
Forteirilleis northeast of St. Kilda
T.4 the Seven Hunters, • aenatimett
-,•Salled the, -Mennen Islands, rocky •
pickets against ;the vast suhes of the-
.4tlantic. Land: there 'to -day and you
, nothing but 'a. Jew ,
property of: people , on the big is -land ,•
.7:• totnirr-Pouwegi of Lewis, iiirtite-A;fitileit
•;• : ' ,„,
-----When„followhig the annual Nowlin- 'ward: •, , • `-`•
ittion meeting; held on the last *ow. For centuries no One heit eii
day ;in 'December we gave a sum-• these wind-swept rocks, yet in the '
•Marl �f Reeve "Rae's speed', we:little centre of: the largest island, you. may
_thosight that we were stirring up a see a chapel Or cell; built of inthewn
sort of hornet's. nest. 1417.• Rae had stones, with A roof of flat stones.
Legend says that this was the
home Of pt. Kaman, who lived in the,:
seventh .century. There are. two
er buildings, Old it„orll of Stone runs ,..,14.‘,N
right across the island. Obviously.tar:
some former time Oen. these petrel*
islets held people.
Other far . northern 'islands are los-
ing their people. At the last coitus;
Bolin, vihich in the -imouth • Of
Stieniriesit Harbor, had but two rest- .
dents left, }Lunde south of Kiikviste
only three; and Copinslvsy's pew's.;
AnOther irate property .owner orthe
•thwrishiP, : we understand, undertook
to settle partially, at least, with the
'c011ector by using physical force -upon
thelatter,„ and is likely to be eaIled
upon to answer for this indiscretion
in :court this eek: - • '
, • Times are . hard, taxes high, and
money tight. it roust,be admitted, but
neither pf these instance's' Can be Int
forkard as ihowing the peope Plel-
the stteets,. and of late ,yeArg the
Machine gun has become the 'favorite ers-he be on the verge 4
iropoveriSkirment, as both aros.4. ,;Ot.
of the murderers who are in business
. czcstanc*i Whith
in a big way. •
merit show, t.ou Ards j'Atf4X1.4 le-grA)
proeo.itire, wbt•la Loriz..dereci
hsirsh tly thosei..wbo art: the, st-..1,jeets
but, could hove been ow/0*A
• Mrs.' , Gem ge Sell is spendrog a few tention to ttit m..lit'i'Aef ng their
days at Kincardine and Lucknow. • tax bills er SKI fan -
'Nisi: Wm. Whytock Who is sick in • 48 ,tha rat."fl'44, " con‘ei.-ned. it
• :bed, -we hone wilt s000 be Up ltd t•r".A.y said', -that ther* it
tit. r vryt fQ/ test*. o either
Mr. Wm. Thompson was taken. to at "'MR': to,ipartY involved, can't I:*
-7-1xiirdorron-konday, aftermele en- moved out' of its pOundiir.i.ek, the
be k
dergo` A alight operation. -"He 'Wig -V- -4-P-zest way's he 64,41-ef..-1A0 against
conspanied, lay Pe 4 ,
. • •
. ' •
Thomlisen. „.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pithier( ate
spending a few days at Eldon E.eken-
evyeiller'S., '
41,611/11gth,,,kAftli spent, Sunda, y
elf foie 40thero Mr, ;10.))0 Rooth
' rht trAn W114 ill always thinitihit:
'thAt he it, kering to 14.A..„1.1 up some
triCerning • and find ."tilmself fainoun in •
,eTS-, the annoAtieet ttated that before
forthcoming..In introdue:ng. ..1 g:
leaving Washington by aeroplane -for
his home in Oklahoma that evening,
he (Rogets) had 'contributed ' five
thcffssand dollars to the Red- ,..drOss
fund. We may add, here that Rogers
. didn't Make .a very good speech. He,
is a great humorist of the droll sort,
and an appeal for funds to relieve
distress is not in his line. However he
is -such a celebrity that it was well
to have. him theprogram. '
How does it collie about that all
this is necessary? : Well, judging by
virtat!was said,,,if..thetonditions which
prevail..* the Middle States -in a
wide belt across the, centre of rthe
country from. the Atlantic to the
Rocky Mountains -existed in India or
-Mina-, the .*-Ord ;1-sainine. ftwouleappir
On this continent vie do nothave fa1i-
ines-741st *seasons Of distress due to
• Wight. That is what afflicts the
Middle. States. So Uncle Sam has
plenty to do With . his Millions; re-
lieving the,anemployed in the cities
and the. fa..inine-stricken in the dry
NV-e-luidt along dry period -here i
Canada last summer, but it came after
the growth of :crops was assured and -
there were occasional showers, In the
Midd)e States it was different There
the drought :Set in early, and continued
throughout the suminer. Some states
had no spring rains. The result was
War there -were no--ctops-a11'1
very little grass , for farm stock,- So
REV. J. E. HOGG TO LEAVE it has conie Omit,. that -many ftmilies
CLINTON are ,..nOW without food. 'Were it net
for the Means of transportation,: the
wealth of the cOlintry as a whole and -
the well organized relief work, this
would be a great famine, which wisuId
almost depopulate the region° affected,
,as famines have depopulated areas of
India and China.
Last 'Lek's Clinton ,Record
had the following: .
It 'came as A surprise to most pod-.
pie When -it became known on FridaY
lest that kelt. JE. Hogg, ,pastor of
the Wea1ey4Willis LInitbd. ChurcV'had.
-at- a -meeting ofthe elitirch boardthe
previous ;evening , declared 'that 'he
vyoull at the ind of the., present con7
fetente year .' seek A Change ot.past:.
bi.ate,' Mr. llogg_lied ..been. in Clinton
.tor fourteen years; 'eorning here from-
.outharoptent4 take charge of Willie
Presbyt:erjen church. Iriti'e autumn
the ,of• the Piesbytetion;
Miethodiet an41..-0OgregAtiOlVil ehtirch-
hal.'rog. take:',o place :Rine; the
-..4'f'gsezations of Willis' and Wesley
-.larches de.;:ided
to unite ..'and • Mr,
Hogg and. Mi.aohngs, :then .past,or.rif
.09;nv,evAii0n, iteted as joint
pastors tigetit the following .lune,.*hen
hlolthes retired . and. Mr. Hogg
rernairied' as pastor of the yaited Con:
• " Caderstand 'Weasels .`•
- a qourt cOonf the other. day a
judge' Was reProviog 'a colored man
40r. desetti*:;ievirife dnd &mitt
.great 16ngth bn the injustice:he. WAS
doi,or.., "Wife desertion is a triing,
11.a.14tts, that I rrAist deal with severe:
4, I'm afraid, and I feel very stgongly
91; subje• „, ct,".:
"But, jedge, yo' don't , know that
• The war of words and newspapers
etranUe prenSieZ. aSPI; One Of the Most .precious things! in
as free.taoo. p on canebsttepe:Qfetv oehm: andaftkoher e
out, the Clitittes.. the world is the good will of others.
"red" cominan7 And just how are We to . obtain and
. . . ,
...;;;;.skT°11e trouble appears to have end. hold. this. It is not by being' 2V/de
its Was largely due to misunderstand- and e ctooidfianloo7hgrenoomtienegtiniviirt-heiteith Ivotithremt
wthewtottrthe announced hodavate . toid i ,kiss,
:theil 1016n
ed when
tpefhrterneenits.te'Mpd'eaini:d the pelice confirds- backs are turned deliver the "ttah"
sioners not only agreed to this but, nthoatt ifnoretriar lLayvesa!itil inaga:k.,liWreet.,letin;
terferred with those who kept their
pialritained that the police never in -
the ovgrthrow of
speech,withiri the 'law.
The, public adVocliCY of sedition stud
governments bY veotori of those* who. have been and
have. to good All understanding of
than once qoguictee birsay poostisrliblse0-ta.i.tittetefrainent
oilman nature to be 'deceiVed DIM%
friendship, at , the nusjority_ :of , us
late it hegiriS. ,ApparentlythrTerorito • Ihe sato atiowiinairfor oielictifficor
4vonetiaetynerotietnatoustop. r000moortehis: thciovtilis*baerl it:e all make
thistatna and mut
physical 'force is evitiymnowtittnelirtu'ewnreei;dt:rwh;ihtdh•e•.:
den FiY law, and tightly' so, Such ,ed-
t -
for ns, but we do eXpect loyalty When
dot expect too much of Mir friends,
friends as we expect . them' to Make:
are loyal to us. Of costrie, - We mutt
:tipnroiffiiiie coo noblnryokth:ehuesilL,tethhettesy,c
speakers' indulged kin sedition: s presie.h- ioteter tolidsetniaamt thoeurrefotrt•et'ionoftitehriadv;
. . . . . .
persons who at timea work Agatha
the defernrort of ,"free toted's" main -
our undertakings and then, like holes
forotiu4 to t
. , . ............ . . ' @W.. !I.P. vl,t4
Two stores at'Goderich were brnken
stolen recently. During Friday night
January 16th, a thief broke two panes
Of glass in the tear of Horace Pisiv:
of's harness Atop and took a quantity
of silver whiCh had been left it the
• till: the amount' taken was -mall;
On Tuesday night of • last . week
Skies_ _bookstore :Was:entered theeffl.,
a ..laisck_doo„r__ and_. some, ,cash _ taken_
from the till: The thief removed a
board which covered a broken glass
in the door, reached in and released
the lock. It is thought that some
youth about town Was the culprit in
:both cases and that he or his associ-
ates are responsible for a number of
'other thefts,. where Ofily cash was
--taken,--The Tend's:in-the- StOiefi -were-
not disturbed. • • •
TIUN1'711, gyzit.
'destined -t� haVe a good many relit. *Oritalt. I Afill 116 It :tili'hed Oat the polled had refused the
leas nightt:• . ." '
Ite itoe Of ..pablic for
The office girl Stamped the suoiel7
opet. "There's a, girl Who holds het
ficket well," titutd • the, zolng nian
as he watChed het. '
Itonumental Works
, Lsicknow, Ont.
His the hairgest and most complete
stock in the .most beautiful designs
;ihoose from;
- . • .
make a 'Specialty ' of
F11111ily monuments and Invite
your Inspeetiou.
litions TNaiih1IIid
- PrOinttilY Dane. .
Seettg before pliietag fo,
„Mathis Brosa: , IL A., Sptidli
Phone 74: